Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Opponents of Grace: Pride

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

In the recent weeks, we've been in a study of the many opponents of Grace. It bears repeating, Paul instructs us to stand fast in our liberty in Christ. If there exists nothing opposing us then there is no need to stand fast. 

 Therefore, we are exposing these varied opponents of Grace. Before I began writing this study, the Lord had already shown me a few of these adversaries. Since beginning this study, the Lord has revealed even more enemies of Grace. Today, I want to explore and expose one of the most deceptive and dangerous opponents of Grace, pride.

The original, original sin

 When I was in Bible College it was interesting to see as we studied the fall of man, that Adam's transgression wasn't actually the first sin ever committed. The first real sin is the pride lucifer expressed. The enemy's biggest sin is his pride. Which is why he continually tempts all of us to indulge in this sin.

 Not to get sidetracked by a theological debate, but I would like to highlight a truth about our enemy satan. If you study the Book of Job, you see the initial calamity and the ensuing theological debate. From that debate, we see all five men blame God for Job's calamities in one way or another. When God reveals Himself, after careful study and following in context, I believe in Chapter 41 God reveals to Job the person of the enemy. That it was the enemy behind his attack, not God. What I want you to see is how God describes satan;
He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 NKJV

The enemy is the king of pride. This revelation also quells another dumb tradition found in 2 Corinthians 12, about Paul's thorn, see here. Some erroneously have concluded that Paul was becoming conceited so God put some devil on him to ensure he wouldn't become too proud and would remain humble.  Think for a moment, if the enemy is the king of pride, why would God in His infinite wisdom, utilize the king of pride to ensure Paul wouldn't be prideful? That's like the rodent guarding the cheese. Truth is Paul wasn't being conceited, the revelation of righteousness was exalting the Church over the lies of the enemy. 

 This incident highlights the stark difference between God's hand upon us and the self-exaltation the enemy tempts us with. 
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,  1 Peter 5:6 NKJV
When we rest in Christ, exalting His Finished Work and not our own He will lift us up in honor. He will cause us to be a success in all areas. However, if we are seeking personal honor, personal exaltation,  to make our name renown and not His, then we are figuratively on our own. In other words, our work and efforts are completed in our own strength. 

 We can see this in God's revealed attitude about pride;
“God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5b NKJV
Strong words from the God of mercy and loving-kindness. God resists or stands opposed to the proud. Why is this? Because pride is humanism. It is man's efforts. It is performance, works, efforts done apart from God. It's man telling God back off, I got this, I don't need you. I can do this myself.

Definition and Characterizations of Pride

 We've seen pride spoke of in the Scripture. Let's define it. Let's examine how it expresses itself in our lives if we allow it. 

 Pride defined in the Greek connotes the idea of appearing above others. We can see this in our lives when we want the accolades. When we crave the praise. When we want the prize, if you will. 

 It is clear why God resists the proud. If we are appearing above others, then where is the Savior? Where is Jesus and the Finished Work? Where is Grace? Oh, it is overshadowed by our fame. It is sitting in the background while we take center stage. 

 How does this manifest in our lives? When we believe it was our Faith that did it. When we prayed that person received healing. When we took charge of the project, it all worked out. If we don't do it, it won't be done right. Again, where is Jesus at? Oh wait, He is in our shadow as we boast in our greatness.

 We must relinquish this mindset. How do we accomplish this? By sincerely desiring to see Jesus name made known and not our own. By always acknowledging the source. It may sound like I am preaching against New Creation realities or our Righteousness in Him, but we must be more aware of our inabilities, our sinfulness, and unworthiness. Wait before you throw the stones, allow me to explain.

 I am not saying go back to self-debasement. I am not talking about adopting a sin conscious. I am not advocating embracing an unworthy mindset. I am not saying unlearn all you have about our perfect right standing and acceptance with God. What I am saying is to become more self-aware of who we are apart from Him and His Grace and Finished Work. 

 Without Christ, the Finished Work, His Grace active in my life, I know I can do nothing. Even the breath I breathe is because He created my lungs. The ability to do anything all originates from Him. So I am saying remember your source. Our abilities, be they mechanical, technological, oratory, or any skill you can name all have their source in His gifting us when we were born. A perfect illustration of this is a shoe. That shoe may be shiny, pleasing to the eye and very expensive. But until someone puts their foot into it, it can do nothing. 

 The other aspect of Pride revealed in the original Greek, is this idea of an overestimation of our works. This is the subtle way pride creeps into our lives. I have seen this in Grace circles.

 This subtle attack entices us to reveal how important and vital above all things our "ministries", works and efforts are. This manifests in various ways. Telling others how our ministry work is more important than all others. The person who feeds the homeless will proclaim how vital this work is. At the same time, the person volunteering in domestic abuse shelters will disagree, no this is what is most important. 

 We begin to compete with one another in the Church. We begin to have an over-inflated view of how vital and important our work is. The harsh reality is we live in a fallen World. The poor, the hurting, the downtrodden, the abused we will have with us always until Jesus returns. The most vital ministry is to simply proclaim Jesus. Proclaim Jesus wherever you are and in whatever you're doing.

 Sometimes we can get prideful in our revelations. "I know healing, or Spiritual Gifts, or Faith, or end time prophecy, or the Grace Gospel." "I have something you don't, therefore I have a spiritual superiority to you and therefore there is nothing you can teach me or show me. "

 We must also guard against allowing pride to make us judge and jury of the Brethren. "You don't feed the homeless? You have no compassion!" "You don't participate in this outreach or that ministry? You need to better walk in love!""You hold a political opinion? You have viewpoints about how a nation should be governed? Grace means we accept anything and any view, you can't know Grace!"

 We must resist strongly this enemy pride. Pride seeks to exalt us and our achievements and effort and not Christ and the Finished Work. Pride says Grace is insignificant. It is effort and our performance that really matter. Pride reassures us that our efforts should never go unnoticed. If they do, then you are justified to leave that church, quit the job, move away or divorce that spouse.

 Pride is self-occupied. Grace is Christ occupied. Let's be Christ focused and not self-focused. Why do we do what we do? Do you assist in ministry to the poor and downtrodden because love motivates you or because you secretly wish others to see your piety? Only you and God know your true motives.

In summation, reject pride and embrace Grace. Pride brings destruction and disappointment. When you believe the hype about yourself failure all too often is the end result. Trust in Christ alone. Rest in Him. Realize all gifts, talents, and abilities originate with Him alone. Thank and praise Him for His goodness continually. Make Jesus your central focus and see that His name is renown and not yours and pride will be defeated and lose its hold in all areas of your life. 
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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Opponents of Grace: Condemnation

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

 We've been in an extended study exposing the opponents of Grace. Paul instructed believers to stand fast in our liberty in Christ. To stand fast means there exist something to resist. In Christ, you have triumphant victory, so you need not fear or succumb to defeat by these schemes of the enemy.

 The enemy always seeks to remove you from Grace ground. He steadily uses every means at his disposal to see that you relinquish Grace and fall back into works, efforts, and performance. Why is this?

 Because if he can get you back into a works or efforts and performance rooted relationship with God, he can utilize his greatest weapon against you. That is the deepest root of all, the root of condemnation. The enemy first brings condemnation though, in the most obvious way, through temptation. 

 The enemy tempts or allures you with the sin that is based upon your own unrenewed desire. The enemy brings the temptation, sometimes you fall for it and give in. This gives him the opportunity to bring accusations, which also gives place for him to bring condemnation to you. That is his vicious cycle. Tempt, accuse and condemn. 

 Clearly, we can see the condemnation he brings when we miss it. This is one of his major schemes, but this is seemingly the only one the Church as a whole is aware of. But are you aware of his most subtle scheme? The enemy's most subtle attack is through efforts based Christianity. 

 When I say effort based I am not saying Christianity is an inactive, passive, lazy existence. I am speaking of a relationship rooted in our doing, our abilities, our performance, our faithfulness and not rooted in His faithfulness. If you base your relationship with Christ upon how well you perform, you are setting yourself up for failures and disappointments. 

 This is what the enemy wants though. He wants believers to come to God based upon their goodness, their ability to resist sin and their abilities to remain strong and steadfast in faith. Because when you come to God based upon your own track record the enemy now has means to accuse you. 

 He says "You call yourself a Christian." "How could you do that?" "Look how little you gave, brother so and so gave way more than you." "You haven't been so faithful in your prayer and devotion times, you really think God will answer your prayers?" 

 When we are basing our relationship with God upon our doing these words will pierce our thinking. They will bring hesitancy to our prayer life and in our worship and approach to Father God. When we hear accusations it gives place for condemnation to take root. 

 This is his most subtle attack. You believe you are working harder to become more Christ-like and in reality, you're trapped on a performance wheel. We allow condemnation to drive us to do good things or devote more to Christ. When we do this, we eventually burn out because it isn't Spirit led or directed activity. I've seen people getting up earlier and earlier in the morning to spend time with God, but God didn't lead them to do this. Religious condemnation rooted tradition motivated them. Sure enough, they cease this action over time and then feel condemned when they do.

 We've identified the attack, now how do we combat it? How do we resist it? How do we drive it out or uproot this evil root of condemnation? 

 The answer is to be in Christ. 
Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 NASB
In Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation. I like this passage in another translation because it highlights what the Greek word for condemnation means.
So now, those who are in Christ Jesus are not judged guilty. Romans 8:1 NCV

In the original Greek, this word condemnation means to pass a damnatory sentence. It means to pass judgment of condemnation on one. In Christ, there is no longer any condemnation. There is no more sentence of guilt hanging over you. Now I know there is some controversy surrounding this passage.

 The original King James and some other translations add a clause, if you will, bringing a condition to this promise of no condemnation. I want you to rest assured that highly respected scholars have proven the older Greek manuscripts do not have that clause added. Some have even speculated that the scribes added this clause because Paul's Gospel smelled too much of Grace. Some have a disdain for the truth of eternal security so they push for this added clause. (Here is a great source exposing this truth about the proper translation.)

Too Much Grace is Dangerous

 This is the motto of religion but in reality, it is the theme of the enemy satan. When you know there is no condemnation in Christ, period, no clause, no conditions the enemy loses his stronghold in your mind. When you know you are in Christ Jesus and fully secure in Him the enemy's assault of accusation accompanied by condemnation loses its power over you.  When the enemy brings the accusation so he can get condemnation to once again take root you can respond with the truth of the Finished Work. 

When he says "You didn't make time for your devotion today. You didn't pray today, and you call yourself a believer." You can respond, "Shut up devil! I am in Christ, I don't ever have to read or pray. I am in Him. My relationship with my Father is none of your business!" 

 Don't allow him to be the spiritual motivator in your life. When you do you allow condemnation to take root. Because then you're engaging in spiritual activity not out of relationship but fear and the accusation of the enemy. The thought floods your mind that God will be displeased with you for not engaging in a spiritual activity. You begin to see God as the difficult to please harsh taskmaster and not as your Father who rejoices over you with joy. 

 Sadly, a majority of Church leadership utilizes this exact motivator to get the people to pray, engage in devotional times and to give. Saying such things as "God has done so much for you. Can't you do something as simple as come to church or give?" The people hear these accusations and again condemnation takes a deeper root. The people begin to work harder or they just give up and quit the church.

 Allow Christ and His love and life-transforming Grace to be the only spiritual motivator in your life. Lean into Christ and not religion. Jesus has an everlasting love for you. He isn't keeping score. He isn't tallying up your good points to see how they measure up to the negative in your life. We are in a relationship, not a ritualistic religion. We are in Christ.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Opponents of Grace: Fear

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

 We've been in an extended study as of late on the various opponents of Grace. Paul instructs us to stand fast in our liberty in Christ. Again I say if there is nothing opposing us there is no need to stand fast. 

 Today, I want to eradicate another opponent of Grace that afflicts so many's minds. Fear is a debilitating force that brings torment or the idea of punishment coming from God. Fear disables our walk with God, making us shrink back from trusting Him alone. Fear brings dread to our thinking. Dreading what tomorrow may bring. Fear is one of the greatest opponents of Grace. 

 Fear is those subtle thoughts of worry and anxiety. Did you know that worry is simply meditating on the thoughts, plans, and schemes of the wicked one? Instead of thinking long and hard about what could happen or entertaining the worst case scenario in your mind, turn to Jesus and His sure-fire weapon against fear.

The Opposite of Fear

 Coming from a Faith background I was always taught that fear is the opposite of Faith. However, as I studied this New Covenant I have seen that this is an inaccurate concept. This concept is an incorrect conclusion drawn by some because of the similarities of Faith and fear. Both Faith and fear meditate on words. Both Faith and fear act on what it believes. Both Faith and fear grow by hearing. 

 Faith meditates on God's Word. Faith comes and is developed by hearing God's Word. Faith will act upon what it believes, which is God's Word. Fear meditates or ponders over and over the lies of the enemy. Fear grows stronger by continually hearing the negative that this World reports, the doom, and gloom some "ministers" keep proclaiming, and the lies the enemy continually speaks. In one sense fear is Faith in reverse.

 Though Faith and fear have these similarities they are not the opposite of each other. If you study Paul's Epistles, you will clearly see the opposite of Faith is performance and works. We have a righteousness by Faith, not by works. 

 The opposite of fear is love, God's love. The Love of God drives out fear, see here. If we are in fear or dreading our tomorrow it's because we haven't believed in, accepted, and received the Love of God, that is His great love for us. 

 Fear tries to contaminate our Faith. Fear's subtle work is to attempt to get you to offer prayers in fear, riddled with anxiety, not in Faith. Think of this, we don't pray because the enemy is pressuring us. That's religion. We pray and commune with our Father because of relationship. We fellowship because of His perfect love for us not because despair is trying to overtake us. 

 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 2 Thessalonians 2:2 KJV
 Fear comes to us these three ways. In the spiritual arena, the enemy whispering his lies. Through words that are spoken, either spoken over you or to you. Through the letter, meaning something written, books proclaiming doom and gloom, negative news reports, an unexpected bill. 

 What do we do in these instances? We cast down those lying words of the enemy and believe God's love for us is greater. When negative words are spoken, we don't receive them. We stand fast in our righteousness. When the letter comes, we don't embrace fear we believe what God says not the enemy or man's traditions. 

 This is why the enemy seeks to discredit the message of Grace, our righteousness in Him and the depth of His great love for us. Fear seeks to diminish your understanding of just how much God loves you. Fear questions, it brings doubt. Fear is saying "hath God really said?" Fear puts a question mark where God placed a period. 

 The Cross and Finished Work of Christ said those who believe are righteous and accepted and redeemed and eternally secure. Fear comes along and tries to transpose that period with a question mark.

 Fear: "Are you really righteous?" "What if this is a temporal righteousness?"  "If you sin the same sin continually you may no longer be righteous." "What if God is mad at you now?"

 Don't allow these thoughts to take root in you. Recognize fear. Fear tries to bring you to a place of despair. It says there is no hope. What does God say?
‘Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you;
I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].’ Isaiah 41:10 AMP
When fear rears its ugly head daring to question what God has declared about you and what His Finished Work accomplished in you, rest in His perfect love for you and resist those thoughts. Understand your righteousness and stand strong in it. Fear will flee, here.

“You will be firmly established in righteousness: You will be far from [even the thought of] oppression, for you will not fear, And from terror, for it will not come near you. Isaiah 54:14 AMP

This is the good news. Being established in your righteousness in Christ and resting in God's love removes all fear. When you know you're irrevocably righteous, and that God always loves you what can fear convince you of? If God loves you why wouldn't He provide and care for you? If He loves you with an everlasting love, how could He hold your sins against you after Jesus already paid for them?

 In summation, fear is a deceptive root cause of many people's problems. The way to uproot this evil, lying force is to recognize your eternal righteousness and embrace His unconditional, everlasting love. Perfect love casts out all fear. Fear is a deep root but the deepest root of all is another opponent of Grace, which is Condemnation. We'll address this opponent in our next study, you don't want to miss it. 
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Opponents of Grace: Shame

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

 We've begun a study exploring the many opponents of God's over the top, too good to be true but true, amazing Grace. Paul admonished us to stand fast in this liberty we have in Christ. No need to stand fast if there existed no opposition.

 Today, I want to expose yet another opponent of Grace. The vile, painful, humiliating feeling called shame. That wretched notion that plagues your mind accusing you always of being a failure and declares to you that you are filthy, dirty, just plain trash. Whenever we blow it or miss the mark these feelings attack our thinking. This is shame opposing your right standing before God.

11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:11 NKJV

 God isn't in the shame giving business. He is the one bestowing righteousness and forgiveness not dispersing shame. Sadly many see shame as the way correction comes.

 God is a good Father. He isn't shaming you to better you or to instruct you. Jesus is the shame remover. Grace makes us shame-free in Christ. 

 Today, in our modern secular society, many have turned shame into a mere buzz word. If one disagrees publicly with someone else beware you're now accused of shaming them. If your doctor tells you to lose weight because of health concerns such as diabetes or high blood pressure or heart disease beware that physician just shamed you. Don't allow hypersensitivity in a secular culture to mold your mind and adopt their definition of shame. 

 The challenge is if we accept this definition of shame we dilute the real definition of shame. Shame is a spiritual enemy. It isn't based on mere emotion. It is a destructive force from the enemy designed to hinder your growth in Grace. 

 Shame has a three pronged attack. First shame seeks to attach itself to you and your life so as to disqualify you. It says you're too far gone. You can't be used of God. You can't receive your healing or God's blessings. You are too far in sin for God to save you. 

 Secondly, shame attempts to hinder your influence. When you try to pray for someone else you sense your own limitations and failures. Shame says who do you think you are trying to lead someone to Jesus? You're a hypocrite, look at your life. Shame hinders us from ministering in the Gifts of the Spirit to the Church or bring healing to the infirmed. It says God won't answer your prayers. It puts up road blocks to your ministry. Write a book? Preach a sermon? You're unworthy! Shame is a cruel opponent.

 Lastly, shame targets our thought life and thinking. It replays our failures in our mind over and over. Think of the victims of sexual assault or any assault for that matter. The victim feels like it was their fault. It is especially cruel to men who are raped in prison settings or physically assaulted by another person. The thoughts plague their mind, you should have resisted more. Why did you not fight back? Why are you so weak? The number of actual male sexual assault victims are astronomical but because of shame, many won't say a thing. They just bottle up their pain.

 Shame seeks to stifle growth. Shame tries to cripple your walk in Christ. It doesn't just say that sin you committed was wrong but you are wrong and bad and just a worthless sinner. Tragic how religion feels shame is the best way to instruct God's Church. Religion points out your flaws, faults, and failures and figuratively rubs your nose in them. Grace reminds you of Jesus once for all sacrifice and Finished Work. Tradition says look at your sin, Grace shouts look at my Savior!

 We defeat shame by resting in our right standing in Christ. 
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 NKJV

 Jesus bore our shame. He exchanged our failures with His triumph. He made us totally acceptable to our Father God. God is not looking upon your failures and shouting shame on you! Jesus bore all our sin and shame, God is satisfied with the once for all sacrifice of Christ Jesus. He isn't ashamed of us, our Father rejoices over us with exceeding gladness and joy. 

 In summation, shame is a cruel, cunning spiritual enemy and opponent of Grace. We steadfastly resist shame by looking to the triumphant Cross of Christ. Rest in the Finished Work. Knowing and understanding how the Finished Work of Christ applies to you and receiving the truth of our perfect right standing, complete redemption, total forgiveness, and full acceptance by our Father disarms shame in our lives and renders it harmless and ineffective in our growth in Grace. 
image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Opponents of Grace:Tradition

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

7 min 

We've begun a series examining the insidious opponents of the Grace of Almighty God. Paul the Apostle of Grace instructs us to stand fast in the liberty we have in Christ. If there exists no opposition or opponent why the need to stand fast?

 Today I want to expose yet another opponent of Grace. The slithering enemy of tradition. Tradition rears its ugly head when we aren't walking fully in the light of the Gospel. It seeks to fill the void. It attempts to fill in the blanks of areas we are unsure of. Sure we are righteous by faith, but tradition will add but righteousness under the New Covenant still has some behavioral aspect to it. 

 Now to clarify, tradition in and of itself is not always an enemy. For instance, family traditions around holiday times aren't detrimental. Tradition that is birthed by experience and exalts itself over truth is our opponent. The Gospel reveals Jesus heals, tradition looking at experience says nope, healing has been done away with today. 

Sinner saved by Grace?

 As an example when it comes to Grace, religious tradition says Christians are merely sinners saved by Grace. This is a classic case of tradition exalting itself over truth. Yes, they will say but didn't Paul say he was a chief sinner? That is lifting a comment Paul made out of its context and setting. Read that passage in a different translation other than King James and see it more clearly explained, here

 Paul was revealing the greatness of God's Grace in saving the worst of us. If He can save me, Paul says, then He can surely deliver and save you. What a glorious Gospel truth. Yet tradition seeks to rob us of identity. 

 The truth is we were a sinner. We got saved by His great Grace and are now the righteousness of God in Christ. Tradition responds, well only sinners need a Savior. True, and what happens after the Savior saves us? Does He leave us in the same state? Righteousness and unrighteousness can't co-exist in the same spirit. So the lie that believers have still have a sin nature is ludicrous and turns God's redemptive work into some partial, shoddy, half complete work. 

Of No Effect

 The Person of Grace, the Lord Jesus Christ had something to say about tradition.
13 making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.” Mark 7:13 NKJV

 Tradition makes the Word, the truth of no effect in our lives. Let's see what Paul the Apostle of Grace says about tradition.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8 KJV

 Tradition makes void, brings to no effect God's truth in our lives. Sadly too many believers filter the truth through their traditions.  Yet, because of His mercy and goodness, God still responds to His people as much as they will allow. So how does God interact with those bound by tradition?

 I heard a great testimony of healing. Now, this event transpired many many years ago. A fellow had some severe pain abdominally. Well, this man of God prayed for his healing. The fellow had belonged to a Pentecostal church. As he ministered the Lord revealed that the brother hadn't been paying his tithes. As soon as he started paying them He supernaturally recovered. As I heard this, I was deeply disturbed. 

 Only God could've revealed that the brother wasn't paying tithes. The man of God who prayed was a traveling minister and didn't know the man. Had no knowledge of who he was or anything about his finances. So this healing occurred only after he paid tithes. I pondered this event. 

 I said, "Lord, there is no curse for not tithing." I said, "under the New tithing is not a requirement." Yet, God seemed to respond to this particular believer as if tithing was a requirement and he wasn't healed because of his lack of tithing. Then the Lord spoke to my heart a truth I have suspected to be true based on the experiences I've heard others share.

 He shared with me that He is loving and good and will interact, relate and address His people the way they come to Him. If you see God as a harsh taskmaster and come to Him as a timid servant, who is unworthy to even be in the same room, God will relate to you that way. The key is to understand God actually isn't this way. But that is the only way some people will relate to their Father. In a nutshell, God meets people where they are. He will send truth their way until one day they will embrace Him as the true Abba Father He really is. 

 I saw this, it bore witness with my spirit but I needed some scripture to back this up. The Lord immediately responded and told me to look at Matthew 15. See the account in Matthew here.

 What we see is a woman who is a Gentile. Jesus appearing under Law and ministering under the Old Covenant, was only sent to the children of Israel. She was living in the days before the New Covenant would be established that would grant access to all of God's blessings for Jew and Gentile alike. Yet, she wasn't content with waiting for that day to come. She had the faith that takes. She used her faith to reach beyond the current Covenant and into the New and take her child's deliverance and healing. Jesus commended her saying great is her faith.

 The Canaanite woman, while currently abiding under the Old, chose to relate to God as if she was abiding under the New and Jesus honored that. Thus proving beyond doubt God will relate to you as you come to Him. This is why we must defeat this opponent of tradition. Tradition will rob us of the full benefits of a rich fulfilling relationship with God.

 So many mix Law and Grace, blend the Old and New Covenant together and drink this confusing cocktail. They then see God in His mercy relating to them by this standard and sadly try to promote that this is the way to relate to God. In reality, all God is trying to do is to bring them to an end of themselves. An end to their works, efforts and performance and to just receive His Grace and goodness in its fullness. 

 Examine your own heart and thinking. Are you holding fast to the truth or merely embracing tradition? Is God relating to you as a harsh taskmaster? Is God holding you to some standard you created? The children of Israel at Mt. Sinai told God we can keep whatever command you give. God met them where they were and the result was 613 commands that no one can keep perfectly. 

 The answer to tradition is to embrace the will of God clearly revealed in the Scriptures. Look past your experience and with an open heart and mind and just accept what He said. He said you're righteous and not a sinner, just accept it. He said none of His will ever perish but be eternally secure forever, don't fight it, don't protest just agree and accept it. He declared you're forgiven once for all-time. Don't debate it just receive it. Readily receiving God's Word and not debating and arguing against it is how tradition is defeated in your life.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Opponents of Grace: Blending the Old and New Covenant

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

 We've begun a study on the opponents of God's Grace. Paul instructed us to stand fast. To stand fast is to remain. If there was no opposition to our freedom in Christ then there would be no reason to stand.

 In our modern vernacular, we often use the phrase "2.0" to describe an updated system. A new and improved software design or update. The Oxford Dictionary defines it this way;
  Used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.

 Does this accurately describe the New Covenant? Is the New Covenant a superior or more advanced version of an original system or service? Is the New Covenant just an updated version of the Old? More importantly, does this definition of "2.0"appeal to you?

New or "Renewed"?

 The "2.0" definition appeals to many of the "Hebrew roots" minded believers. It is alluring for the Judaizers among us. Why is this? Because they don't see the Old Covenant as done away with in Christ. 

 The reason this definition shouldn't appeal to any Christian is that it leaves the Old Covenant, with its strict demand for works and efforts and performance intact. The New Covenant isn't a superior or advanced version of the Old Covenant. The New Covenant is an entirely different system. The Spirit says in Hebrews this New Covenant is a new and living way. It isn't a renewal of the Old.

 Those who wish to cherry pick the Old Covenant for the portions that appeal to their sensibilities deny that the Old has been fulfilled and done away in Christ. They can't accept that it is an obsolete Covenant. The Old was rooted in our obedience and faithfulness to follow the Law perfectly. If you did good you received the good He promised if you failed you didn't receive the good and abide under the curse. 

 The New Covenant is a Covenant established by Grace and appropriated by Faith. It is not some "renewed" Covenant. That is absolute heresy. Hebrews declared this Old is done, see here. If He made the New than the Old is done away with.
Then he said, “Look, I have come to do your will.” He cancels the first covenant in order to put the second into effect. Hebrews 10:9 NLT
 Does this verbiage sound like the Old is partially in effect? That The New is merely a renewed Covenant? Again, cherry picking Judaizers, the ones the Spirit was answering when He had Paul pen the Epistle to the Galatians, teach that the New is merely a renewal of the Old. This is because they walk by sight and seek to establish a duel righteousness. A righteousness by faith and the keeping of cherry picked portions of the Old Covenant.

 Understanding the New vs Old is essential to the core of Christianity. We are in a New Covenant ratified in the death burial resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ and fully manifested at the coming of the Holy Spirit. A Covenant established in the very Grace of God, received by Faith. People who teach about false religions and philosophies of men often share the similarities they all share and the distinction between them and Christianity.

 Ministers will share how false messages, religions, and philosophies usually have a central figure. His/her words are above all. His/her writings are considered sacred and essential for their promised heaven or nirvana or next life. That is partially true and good information to recognize error but they miss the major distinction between Christianity and every single religion or philosophy on Earth. That distinction is Grace!

 Every Ideology of man says that participants must adhere to the codes, the rules, the laws. That they must do certain works or engage in activities to receive eternal life. Mormons men must go on missions, Jehovah Witnesses' must go door to door to prove their worthiness, Muslims must pray five times a day and adhere to a strict diet and other stringent guidelines. Jesus, on the other hand, established a New Covenant. He did it ALL! We just have to believe it and receive it. Grace is THE difference between Christianity and all other religions.

 This is why we must stand fast lest the Gospel is corrupted. So many Christians blend a little Old with the New. We don't just live by Faith but by Faith and our performance or obedience to some portion of Law. 

 I love my Word of Faith Charismatic brethren. But as an example look at what so many do. They blend the Old and New Covenant in order to receive from God. They will teach about financial blessings and will immediately turn to Deuteronomy and see what Moses commanded the Children of Isreal to do in order to receive the Blessing and then teach Christians we must do the same in order to receive. 

 This is an error. That attacks the core of Christianity. Think of it. Would we turn to Isaiah or Numbers or Leviticus to see what we need to do to receive righteousness? Would we turn to Jeremiah or Exodus to see how to pray to God? Would we turn to Nahum or Nehemiah to see how to receive the Baptism in the Spirit? 

 Under the New, Paul tells how to receive the free gift of righteousness, by Faith in Christ. Jeremiah can't show us prayer principles because he didn't have the Name of Jesus. Under the New we pray in Jesus name and the Father hears and responds to us as if Jesus Himself is asking.  If we wouldn't look to the Old for prayer principles or righteousness why are we looking for there for principles to receive from God?

 Grace is the major component of the New Covenant and the core of Christianity. It is not a side issue. It isn't just some doctrine of the Church. It is the driving force behind our redemption. God in His great love stooped down to lost and sinful humanity and offered Himself as an offering for all our sins. Grace provided us an unconditionally loving relationship with the very creator of the Universe, the Almighty, high and exalted Lord God, the everlasting One.

 Renewed Covenant? Old Covenant 2.0? No! A new and living way has been established by Grace. We are in a New Covenant established on better promises. The New supersedes the Old in every way. The Old was rooted in our performance. The New is rooted in Christ's perfect performance. All we have and all we are is based on Christ and His perfect submission, obedience and faithfulness and goodness and not our own. He makes all things new.
Image courtesy of bluebay at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Opponents of Grace: Mixture (Law and Grace)

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

 Following the guidance of the Lord, I sensed the Spirit direct me to begin exploring another aspect of Grace. Or better stated, examining God's Radical Grace from a different perspective. That is the perspective of fighting the good fight. To stand fast against the opponents of His amazing Grace.

 Throughout the Epistles, Paul the Apostle of Grace spoke of spiritual warfare. He spoke of fighting the good fight of faith. There would be no fight of faith if there were no enemies to our faith. He admonished the Ephesian church to be strong in the Lord. He instructed them concerning the warfare of the believer. James mentions resisting the enemy. These passages prove to us that the enemy seeks to undermine and disrupt God's plans and purposes for our lives. The good news is we know the enemy is a defeated foe.

 In Galatians, Paul is teaching the freedom and liberty we have in Christ. He reveals the Gospel is the Grace of God. He then states that we are to stand fast in this liberty. Why stand fast if there is nothing resisting us? Why stand fast if there is nothing seeking to remove us from our place of freedom and victory in this Grace? 

 This passage proves to us that there are opponents of Grace. There are opponents that religion, tradition, and the enemy will try to use to subvert our understanding of Grace and weaken our stand on the Grace of God. The enemy and dead works religion are always attempting to get the Church to accept a substitute for Grace. With this understanding let's look at the first of these opponents of Grace.

The Confusing Cocktail of Mixture.

 This issue of mixture is the central issue Paul was addressing in his Epistle to the Galatians. The central claim made by those opposing Paul was that Grace and Faith alone weren't sufficient. We needed to add portions of the Mosaic Law to totally achieve salvation. 

 This is nothing new, we see it still today. In order to receive provision and the prosperity, God has for His Church many will turn back to the Old Covenant and declare Grace and Faith alone aren't enough to receive provision and blessing. They will direct people to the stipulations, the conditional prerequisites, the commandments the Children of Israel had to meet before they were qualified to receive. When it comes to healing, many will turn to Old Testament passages and tell the Church to look to their performance in order to receive healing.

 It is especially true in the area of receiving Jesus Christ for our salvation. Many declare Grace alone, by Faith alone is insufficient to receive salvation. Not if you want to be "really" saved. Some today, may not say we need circumcision but they will instruct the lost to make pledges and promises to clean up their act, and cease and desist from any wrong they are presently engaged in and then God will save them. 

It's by Grace alone through Faith alone that we are saved and receive all that He has purchased for us in the Finished Work. Sadly, this truth is offensive to many. They will say we still need the Law. They teach that Grace is for salvation but we need the Law to grow and mature. We need the Law for sanctification. Their favorite Scripture is Matthew 5, I came not to destroy the Law. 

 Many take just the first portion of Jesus' words and focus solely on that. He didn't come to destroy the Law, therefore they reason there are still portions of the Mosaic Law that are in effect. What they omit is the fact that Jesus declared He came to fulfill the Law. If it's fulfilled then it is complete and the Church is no longer under the Law.
 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:4 NASB
the Living Bible paints a clearer image of Christ ending the Law and the futility of mixture.
They don’t understand that Christ gives to those who trust in him everything they are trying to get by keeping his laws. He ends all of that. Romans 10:4 TLB

Many will resist the plain truth declaring we must keep the moral aspect of the Law. What they fail to understand is the Law is an all or nothing system. It isn't a set of commandments that were divided into ceremonial, sacrificial and moral subsections. If we failed in keeping a ceremonial commandment it was as if we committed adultery, because it is an all or nothing system.

 Let me say this. The Law is good and perfect. The issue is no one is good and perfect enough to keep it. Also, the Law could never make you good or perfect. Though we know the Law is never divided into subsections distinguishing sacrificial and moral there is one thing we can see that is eternal. The moral components found in the Law do reveal God's nature and character. Never has it been Godly to steal or lie or deceive or commit fornication (sex outside of marriage) or adultery. In this New Covenant, we see the Royal Law of Love also never leads us into lying or deception or sexual immorality.

 That stated we still can't look to the Law for righteousness and holiness. People pushing mixture fail to understand just what is actually considered moral Law. Under Law, Gentiles or non-Jews were considered unclean, here. This is because they didn't practice Mosaic Law and didn't observe the clean or unclean standards of Law. If we are still under Law how can Jew and Gentile fellowship?

 In fact, this is why Paul so strongly rebuked Peter. He refused to sit with Gentile believers. Christians need to relinquish tradition and accept the truth of the Gospel. The Law is fulfilled and finished in Christ. Look at Paul's words in Ephesians, here.
 Paul declared the Cross ended the Law.
15 He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations. He made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new people from the two groups. Ephesians 2:15 NLT

It is done! It is Finished! The Law with all its crippling commandments that no one could keep has been fulfilled in Christ. There is no place in the life of the believer for Law. We have been remade new in Christ. Renewing our minds to His Word our thinking changes. Grace changed our hearts and gave us new desires. Because we are completely made new, righteous and perfectly accepted in Christ and no longer under Law sin no longer exercises dominion over us and we walk in complete liberty and freedom. 

 In summation, stand fast against this opponent of Grace. Don't allow mixture to contaminate your walk in Grace. Embrace Grace alone through Faith alone and steadfastly resist the confusing cocktail of mixture. 
Image courtesy of JanPietruszka at FreeDigitalPhotos.net 