Showing posts with label answer to tragedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label answer to tragedy. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Father is Always Good!

For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation. 
Psalm 100:5 TLB 

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:8 MSG

O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good; How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him.  Psalm 34:8 AMP

 God our Father is a Good Father. God Almighty is Good and only Good. He is Good and only does good! We have a Father who loves us and a Father we can trust.

 It seemed good to speak more about the goodness of God. Someone may say, haven't you already talked about His goodness? Is another study on His goodness necessary? My response would be, seeing the predominant thinking of the world, and the Church, it is still a vital message that needs to be taught more and more.

 So many still cling to the idea that God is a not-so-good God and that He tests, and tries with tragedy, troubles, torment, and tribulation. Many believe He inflicts and ordains hard times,  just to humble, and teach us. Or punish us if we fail too often.

 God is always Good! He has revealed Himself in the person of the Son. Jesus when He came to earth showed a loving and compassionate Father. A Father who longed for a family. A Father who was not afflicting but rather a Father who was bringing life and healing all.  

 God also revealed Himself, His character, by the Hebrew names He revealed to His people. He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer. He is Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. He is Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace. These names tell us more about our Father and His real work among men. 

 God is Jehovah the Good. Yet religion and tradition have added their own names of God. To them, He is Jehovah calamity, the bringer of destructive events, fires, accidents, crashes, and crises. To them, He is Jehovah disaster, the bringer of tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and storms. To them, He is Jehovah pestilence, the bringer of plagues, pandemics, affliction, sickness, and disease. To them, He is Jehovah indignant, the angry, the furious, the frenzied, rage-filled, looking to strike and punish man when he fails.

 Religion and tradition also have created a stronghold in the minds of so many with their teaching on the Sovereignty of God. They define sovereignty as God ordains, determines, and causes every event on earth. That He is in total control of every facet of life. 

 That bank robbery that occurred? God must have had a mysterious purpose for this event. That tsunami? God caused it to punish the sinners, and to prove to all He is God. That pandemic? God must have ordained it.

 These are the misconceptions of the religious traditional-minded scholars, theologians, and ministers. These concepts of sovereignty trickle down to the congregations of these leaders, thus instilling these ideas in their thinking. Sovereignty defined as God controlling all things, leads to the other erroneous manifestation of this belief.

 The idea that God controls all things, also means our Faith is impotent and powerless and subject to the whims of sovereignty. Religious sovereignty also means God doesn't have to keep His Word and promises. Sure He said He promises healing and wholeness, but He, in His sovereignty can say no to your believing prayer of Faith. 

 This doesn't translate to God being the Supreme authority in the universe. All this does is make God out to be a liar and one who cannot be taken at His Word. His Word means nothing, and one must wait on a personal revelation that God will meet your specific need or fulfill your request.

 Religion thinks sovereignty concepts honor God. In reality, it dishonors God because it proclaims God can lie and there is nothing you can do about it now be silent and serve Him! The Goodness of God is contrary to religion and tradition. 

 If you want to know God, you must relinquish the traditions of men and stay with the Bible, God's Word. God has revealed Himself through His Word. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see God's goodness all the time. 

Jesus, the Word made flesh, went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He went about doing good, not doing bad. He went about healing, bringing provision, and forgiving people. 

 Jesus when He encountered the woman at the well, offered her new life to come. He didn't send affliction, plague, or famine to her or her household because she was living with an unmarried man. In fact, He never condemned her, He just loved her, and His goodness led her to change her thinking.

 God is a Good Father. He is a faithful Father. In Him is light and not darkness. He is not the author of your trial or trouble. He is not the source of hard times, but amid trouble, we can run to Him and trust Him cast our burdens on Him, and see Him sustain us.

  We have a Good Father! Let's embrace this truth completely. No matter what we face, know God is not the one orchestrating it. We can trust Him and rest in His love. He is only Good and always Good. 


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Sunday, August 4, 2024

God is Good all the time!

For the Lord is always good. He is always loving and kind, and his faithfulness goes on and on to each succeeding generation. Psalm 100:5 TLB

The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Psalm 145:8-9   

  One of the most profound truths that will change a person's life is the reality of knowing and understanding the Goodness of God. When the believer is not just aware of His Goodness but has his heart established in this truth, he will see greater Faith, greater joy, and greater trust in the Father. The Goodness of God seems so elementary but it is the foundation of all other Gospel and Redemption realities.

 Faith is having a good opinion of God. Knowing just how Good God our Father is enables a trust in whatever He has promised and declared will come to pass. In fact, Faith declares whatever God has done in the Finished Work is already mine. Faith comes into agreement with what The Father has spoken and declared over our lives. 

 Only a Good God can make promises that will come to pass. If an earthly father told their child get ready we are going to get ice cream, but never took the child, and did this repeatedly, what would be the end result? If the father said again to get ready we are going for ice cream, the child would not trust what he said and more than likely wouldn't even get ready. Why? He couldn't trust those words, because those words weren't coming from a place of goodness.

 God's Goodness at all times is the single greatest foundation all other truths are built upon. Faith builds on the foundation of Goodness because it's the character of the one promising that produces trust. Goodness is the foundation Grace builds on, His character reveals He is merciful, and will give us unearned and undeserved and unmerited favor. 

 God's Goodness is revealed in His blessings. He blesses us because He is Good, not because we are good. He blesses us because He is Good, His Goodness takes pleasure in blessing and providing and prospering His people. 

 God's Goodness is revealed in His Grace and great Love for us. His Grace is greater than our worst sins. No matter how far we have fallen or fouled up, His Grace is far-reaching and will always find us. His Grace covers, cleanses, and completely forgives all our sins. Nothing we can do can be so terrible that Grace can't overcome it and bring redemption, mercy, and transformation. 

 God's Goodness is revealed in the Word of Faith. We can come in agreement with God and receive all He has purchased, procured, and provided in the Finished Work of Redemption. We can make bold declarations of Faith because we know the character of the One who promised. We can rest in what He said in His Word because He is a Good Father and He can't lie. We can take Him at His Word and freely receive. 

 God's Goodness is revealed in His healing power and the wholeness He procured for us at Calvary. He was healer when He walked the sandy shores of Galilee and He has not changed. Look again at the Gospels. Many times when Jesus healed, it states He was moved with compassion. Is He any less compassionate today? He is our healer and He is Good. 

 One area we all need to develop in is seeing God's Goodness in the face of catastrophe. In a fallen world, there exist calamities, crises, and cataclysmic events. We must gain greater insight and understanding of God's Goodness in these times. We too often assign blame in some way to God for these events. 

 We say God is sovereign. Therefore this must mean He caused the event, He ordained the event, or He allowed it for some mysterious purpose. Look again at the character of Jesus. He said if you have seen Him you have seen the Father. 

 Jesus never crippled anyone to teach them empathy for others who were infirm. He didn't bankrupt anyone to teach them humility and to ensure they didn't get too high-minded. He didn't send a storm or disaster to punish, afflict, or chastise. He didn't crush and destroy lives claiming a mysterious purpose. No, He came to save men's lives not destroy and wreak havoc in their lives. 

 When we see disaster, calamities, or tragedy, our response should be to render help, to be there for those afflicted. Our response should be us being the hands, feet, and mouth of God and His Love and Goodness. We shouldn't be claiming that disaster is God's judgment on people. We shouldn't be saying this trauma was ordained of God because He is in control and He allowed it for His purposes. 

 When we are in a trial, when we are experiencing hardship and going through a challenge, we should be running to our Good Father. We shouldn't be accusing Him of causing the affliction or allowing it for some purpose. We shouldn't be asking God why are YOU doing this to me? 

 The enemy likes to bring accusations against you for all your failings, your faults, and foul-ups. He likes to bring condemnation for the sins you commit, the very sins he tempted you with. However, when you become established in Grace these accusations lose their effectiveness. 

 The enemy has another tactic and scheme. If he can't accuse you when you fail, he will try to get you to accept accusations about God. The enemy accuses God to you. He will claim God isn't always Good. If God was Good then this thing wouldn't have happened. If God was so Good why are you still struggling? If God is Good why are your prayers going unanswered? The enemy wants you to question and doubt His Goodness and faithfulness to you. Take those thoughts captive and instead begin to praise your Good Father! Your praises still and silence the enemy. 

 We have to establish our hearts and renew our minds to this truth, that God is Good all the time! Look at Psalm 34. We see a powerful truth and establishment of His all the time Goodness.

I sought the Lord, and He heard me And delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 NKJV

This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him And saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6 NKJV

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears And delivers them out of all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 NKJV

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 NKJV

 Psalm 34 reveals Man has fears, troubles, and afflictions. However, what other pattern do you see? What is God's role in this? God is the one bringing deliverance and salvation. He is not the One bringing what's causing the fear. He isn't sending the trouble. He isn't the author of the affliction and He never will be. 

 In summation, embrace the Good News. God is always a Good Father. God is always for us and never against us. He is our advocate, He is our comforter, He is our deliverer, He is our Father. He loves us with everlasting unconditional Love. God wants an intimate relationship with His children, and knowing just how Good He is, is the foundation for that relationship. All the time God our Father is Good! 

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Holy Communion: Even more truth vs traditions

 24 When He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take and eat. This is My body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same manner He took the cup after He had supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 26 As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 MEV

 The Church was given two "ordinances" that we as believers observe. Now we understand these have nothing to do with our salvation or earning something from God our Father. Man on the other hand has tried their hardest to turn these into traditions that they can war over.

 These two ordinances are water baptism and Holy Communion. People have engaged in small wars over how one is baptized and how they receive Communion. Brothers and Sisters this should never be. 

 Water baptism is simply an outward demonstration of what has already occurred inwardly. We were dead in our sins, but when we first trusted in Christ alone, we were made alive forever. Going under simply demonstrates that the old is gone, "Buried" and the New has arisen. Take note this is only done once, why? Because eternal life is eternal, once and for all. Baptism is a one-time act and has nothing to do with our standing with God or our salvation.

 Holy Communion is observed as Jesus instructed. As often as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me. He didn't say how often to do it. He didn't say this has anything to do with receiving salvation or losing it. He simply gave us a meal that brings Christ's Finished Work to our remembrance. 

  Jesus' work of Redemption is illustrated in the Communion elements. The wine and bread illustrate His blood shed for us and His body broken on our behalf. He said to partake in remembrance of Him. Yet religious tradition has told us not to put Him in remembrance but rather our flaws and failures and many sinful shortcomings in remembrance. Jesus said to reflect on Him, and what He accomplished, but man says no, reflect, consider, remember your sins, and search for any you may have missed.

 Paul gives instructions concerning Holy Communion in the Epistle to the Corinthians. Again understand the context of the first Epistle to the Corinthians. The one-word summation for the Church at Corinth is excess. 

To them, Holy Communion was just an opportunity to have a feast. They would have a full spread of food and drink. They would indulge themselves in the food and wine. Some would eat and not leave some for the poorer saints among them. Still others would get drunk on Communion wine. This is the reason for Paul's instructions.

 We have already seen that examining ourselves and partaking unworthily has nothing to do with searching our hearts and lives for some areas in which we are failing. We are examining if we are partaking worthily and not unworthily. Partaking unworthily doesn't mean partaking with some unconfessed sin in our life.  

We partake unworthily when we receive communion as just some common meal or take it for granted and dishonor and disregard the Finished Work. This is what the Corinthians were doing. They simply served a regular meal and called it having the Lord's supper, 

 This is where Paul used the word judgment in connection to partaking of Communion. These two phrases "examine yourself" and "judge yourself" are the phrases that are lifted from their context and used to condemn and scare God's people concerning Holy Communion. To allay the traditions of men we must remember the words of Jesus. 

I tell you the solemn truth, the one who hears · my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not come into judgment, but has passed from · death to · life. John 5:24 MOUNCE

26 As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He offered a blessing over the bread, and then He broke it and gave it to His disciples. Jesus: Take this and eat; it is My body. 27 And then He took the cup of wine, He made a blessing over it, and He passed it around the table. Jesus: Take this and drink, all of you: 28 this is My blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:26-28 VOICE

 Jesus has already told us that the Holy Communion represents the forgiveness of our sins. He already said we will never be judged again when we believe in Him. So this begs the question what is Paul speaking of then? Judge yourself and you won't be judged?

 We see in context what Paul is saying. If you simply have a church "potluck" or "cookout" or a "dinner" and because there is wine or juice, and bread present you can't claim you have partaken of the Lord's Supper. Having a meal only fills your belly and makes you reflect on how tasty those breadsticks were and how flavorful that juice was.

 Having a meal at their gatherings wasn't causing them to think of Jesus. The bread served didn't make them trust in Christ's body broken for their healing and wholeness and provision. The wine didn't cause them to be thankful for Christ's blood shed for their eternal forgiveness and for making them Righteous.

 What does it mean to judge yourself then? The word judge means to make a separation, a distinction. We are making a distinction that this meal is a divine illustration of the Finished Work and not simply bread and wine. If we see it as a simple meal like any other, we are not discerning or seeing Jesus' redemptive work. The taking judgment on oneself then is receiving the "judgment" of the fallen creation. It's not seeing Jesus as the way of escape from this fallen creation and simply accepting the fall as part of normal life. 

 This is what Paul was speaking of. We live in a fallen and fractured creation. Disasters, disease, and premature death abound in a fallen world. This is the judgment of sin seen in creation. When Jesus returns total redemption will fully manifest. This is what Paul was speaking about when he said if we partake unworthily we are taking judgment upon ourselves. 

 Holy Communion is the meal that heals. It is the perfect illustration of Jesus' Redemptive work. When we partake of Communion we are reminding ourselves of Jesus' body that was broken on our behalf procuring healing, wholeness, provision, and deliverance. We are putting into remembrance His shed blood cleansed us once and for all time and we are now forgiven forever. Condemnation, guilt, and shame will not oppress our thinking and self-image because we know we are forgiven and accepted and approved and Righteous because of the Blood. 

 Judging ourselves then has nothing to do with self-introspection to see how far we have fallen. We judge ourselves to be partaken of Holy Communion worthily. We judge ourselves to not be enjoying a natural meal. We are partaking of Holy Communion.

 Now Paul does say if we judge ourselves or are discerning the Lord's body we won't be judged. This statement is not a warning concerning a loss of salvation or God punishing us. The New Covenant is clear about that. Paul said the judgment comes to correct us. Instruction and correction are not punishment and not a loss of salvation.

 In summation, we need to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Holy Communion is a time to reflect on Jesus. It's a time to ponder Grace. It's a time to honor the Finished Work. It's not a time to be sad but to be thankful and joyous. We must relinquish the traditions of man and embrace the truth of the Word. We must embrace the truth about Communion and allay tradition and give it no place in our lives. Reflect on Grace. Remember Jesus.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Answering Objections to the Gospel of Grace: God still judges nations and cities for their sins.

 For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP

 God has poured out His Goodness and His Grace to a lost and hurting world. He did this through the once for all sacrifice of Christ Jesus. His immeasurable Love and Grace are seen in the person of Jesus. 

 With all of this mercy, Goodness, Love, and Grace revealed in and through Christ, we still have religious people who object to a message of Grace and forgiveness. They fight for the right to tribulate and suffer in this life. They oppose Grace, in favor of a mixture message of Grace, works, Law, and the ability to abstain from sin.

 This opposition to the Gospel of Grace is nothing new. Paul had to address it so much that the Spirit inspired him to pen the Epistle to the Galatians. Recently, I came across a concise list of objections to the message of Grace. 

 With such a detailed list of objections, I felt a detailed response was deserving. So far I have answered the objection concerning 1 John 1 being written to believers, and the need for believers to confess sins so they will be forgiven. I have answered the objection that Grace focuses solely on Paul as if the rest of the Word disagrees with Paul.

 I just responded to the objection that God punishes us when we sin. Today, I want to respond to another objection that coincides with this view. This objection to Grace that says God is still judging nations for their sins. This view is such a stronghold in so many people's minds. Even the lost believe in a god who may punish them or people who get too puffed up in arrogance or sinful ways.

 I have seen mainline religious leaders express this view. I have even seen some who claim the title of free grace, agree that God still judges people and nations for their sins. The issue is people still can't grasp that Jesus' once-for-all sacrifice was enough! 

 Some cite Jesus' words in Matthew 24 concerning the destruction of the temple as proof God is judging nations for their sins. See, they claim, God judged Israel for rejecting their Messiah. Historians tell us many were killed when Roman soldiers destroyed the temple. 

 So destruction, death, and desolation are the handiwork of God? There are issues with this kind of thinking. For one, how do we as humans ascertain that God in fact has judged a nation for their wickedness? 

 We look at a disaster or economic downturn or a plague of sickness occurring in a city or nation and then what? Conclude that must be God? How primitive and ignorant! So are we to conclude that whenever an earthquake hits or tornado strikes it means wherever it strikes it was a judgment of God on their wickedness?

 So if disasters strike why are we sending relief? Why are we preventing the lessons from being learned by God's wrath? Religious tradition creates such double-mindedness and inconsistent thinking. 

 Again let's ask, how do we know God is judging a nation or city? We wait until after a disaster or downturn occurs, then we decide just how "sinful" that nation is and make the final determination if it was God's judgment. We are operating out of what is seen and not out of faith. 

 In the Old Testament, before the final sacrifice of Christ, there were times when judgment came. What pattern though can we see? God telling someone first, in essence, a warning given and then judgment falling afterward. Today we simply judge what has already occurred and label it as God's wrath. It is mere religious speculation.

 The biggest issue with this mindset is that it is contrary to who Jesus is. It is not a true reflection of the Father. God is a Good God, not a death-dealing destroyer! I look at Jesus and see the Father. 

 54 When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, even as Elijah did?” 55 But He turned and rebuked them and said, “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of. 56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village. Luke 9:54-56 MEV

 Jesus' attitude and thinking are clearly revealed to us. This village literally rejected the Savior! Yet, we don't see the Son telling the Father to send destruction. 

  Years ago an Asian nation experienced an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. On the radio, Christian leaders were calling this the wrath and judgment of God on a nation that had rejected Jesus as Lord. Think for a moment. What was the purpose, if God did this?

 God wants them to accept Him and His Son. So, He destroys their cities? He wipes out their homes? He kills their children? He destroys their livelihood? He then sends in preachers who proclaim see how much God loves you? He brings death, and destruction and demolishes your city, your home, and your family. Now won't you come give your life to Him?

 Religious tradition is so opposed to who God actually is. They present a God who destroys and demands devotion or else He will dismantle every aspect of your life. Jesus on the other hand presented and proclaimed a Good Father who loves us. He went about doing Good, healing, providing and loving the lost and forgotten and abandoned, and providing hope and new life to whosoever would receive!

 Jesus paid for all the sins of mankind forever. God is not angry with the world, He is sent us to be ministers of reconciliation. The message isn't get saved or else God will kill your kids, destroy your city, and bankrupt your business. We are called to reflect Jesus, not religious tradition. Jesus has come to save men's lives not destroy them!

  One last thing concerning this God sending judgment on nations. What makes Him send this supposed judgment? Is it sin and wickedness? Today, as of this writing, there are nations on earth, that oppress their own people. Some nations are brutal dictatorships and others oppose Christianity being preached in their land. Yet they are prosperous, they are not seeing continued plagues or pestilences. When we walk by sight and not Faith we embrace traditional views that are inconsistent with reality.

 In summation, God is a Good Father. The Father is satisfied with Jesus' once for all sacrifice for man's sins. This point is consistently missed or not considered among religious-minded Christians. Either God hasn't fully accepted Jesus' sacrifice or Jesus only paid for some sins and not all sins. 

 We can't have it two different ways. That Jesus paid for sins but God also wants to punish people for the same sins Jesus died for. We can't say Jesus paid for sins but only some of them. He paid for them all or He paid for none. Thank God He paid for it all and the Father has accepted His sacrifice. No brothers and sisters, God isn't judging nations for their sins. He is sending His Love to nations to tell them how much He loves them and Jesus is the only way for life and peace and eternal life. He is a Good God!

Image by Htc Erl from Pixabay

Monday, April 3, 2023

Does God crush His children? (How Good is God?)

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8 NKJV 

 This website is dedicated to proclaiming the unabridged Gospel of Grace and the uncompromising truth of God's Goodness at all times. That in all times and in all situations God is Good.

  When we speak of God's Grace, the understood premise is the knowledge of the true nature and character of God. God had to first make clear His true nature and character before revealing the Gospel is the Grace of God revealed in Christ. That's why Jesus went about doing Good and healing all when He walked upon the earth, perfectly demonstrating the Father's all the time Goodness to all.

 With this understanding, it seems good to tackle yet another religious tradition of man. Now before we go further, let me answer why it is so important to dismantle and destroy these religious traditions. We live in a fallen world and people are lost without Christ. How can fallen men reach out a trusting hand to God if they are told God is in fact the one responsible for their misery? 

 If God is ordaining their destruction how then can they trust Him for salvation? If God is so angry at them, how could they even dare approach Him? The proclamation of the Gospel suffers when religion paints a portrait of God on the canvas of men's minds as that of an angry tyrant sending plagues and pestilences and punishments upon them.

Is God crushing His children?

I recently came across a video that made my heart "sink." In this video clip, a "minister",  a rather well-known "minister" made the stunning statement;

"oh by the way if God would crush and kill His perfect, spotless, sinless Son, who do you think you are?" 

 Now of all the things we can say about God, is this something Jesus would have spoken concerning His Father? With such a shocking charge lodged against my Father in Heaven, I did a little search concerning this insidious religious concept and found other ministers also making these same accusations about the Father;

 "Sometimes He crushes you because He’s going to bless you so much he doesn’t want you to get arrogant. He wants to humble you."

"God knows exactly where to crush you to bring you to the place you need to be."

 Some even teach the notion just like a rose is crushed to make perfume God will also crush us to create a sweet-smelling aroma. These are the strongholds in the mind of the religious Christian. We must topple these sacred cows with the Scriptures so we can set the captives free.

  The only time we see the Father "crushing" someone is in the substitutionary aspect of the redemptive work of Christ. Isaiah 53 speaks of this. This was God's love in action. That is God the Father put the judgment for all the sin of mankind upon the body of His Son so that you and I would never experience judgment. 

 We must boldly declare that God is a Good Father. That He is not the one "crushing" people. He isn't the author of anguish, affliction, agony, misery, and heartbreak. The Father is the author of life, wholeness, and peace. The Father takes pleasure in the prosperity of His people. God is for you and not against you. This is all because He loves you eternally and unconditionally.

 What does the Word declare about our Father?

 The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Psalm 145:8-9 KJV


1 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, 4  who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Psalm 103:1-5 MEV

  (for the Lord your God is a merciful God), He will not abandon you or destroy you or forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them. Deuteronomy 4:31 MEV

13 No one who is tempted should ever be confused and say that God is testing him. The One who created us is free from evil and can’t be tempted, so He doesn’t tempt anyone James 1:13 Voice

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17 NLT
 The Word is clear. God is a Good God and not the author of evil. God is not crushing you, no matter what circumstances you may be facing. You can come to God trusting Him to help you through the tough times because you know He isn't the author of it. 

 God is for you not against you. The Father isn't orchestrating evil situations, calamities, catastrophes, or cataclysmic events to crush you to better you. He gave us His Spirit within to lead us and guide us. He gave us His Word to lighten our path and to instruct us. 

 In summation, lose the religious traditions and embrace Grace. Cling fast to the truth of the Word and not man's traditions. God loves you and is for you. Hold fast to His Goodness.

Images courtesy of iosphere at

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Dare to take your place


I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and authority over all the power of the enemy; nothing may hurt you at all. Luke 10:19 Mounce 

 We've been in a brief study taking a closer look at the believer's authority. This is a deep, yet simple, study of who we are, what we have, and what we can do in and through Jesus and His triumphant Finished Work. Everything we are is all because of Jesus.

 When it comes to identity, so often believers only identify as  Christians. That is, simply one who has put their trust in Christ alone. While this is vital, there is so much more to the Christian experience.

 I am not referring to any new demands or prerequisites to being saved or staying saved or in right standing with God. I am speaking of our life once we are in Christ. Our identity is not just Christian, but also the beloved, a child of God, the Righteous, the victorious overcoming blood-bought redeemed. 

 We are also made kings and priests. It's time we dared to take our place and reign in this life. It's time we take our place identifying with the victory Christ won and walk in the position of dominion and authority that's been bestowed upon us by virtue of the new creation, and the Gift of Righteousness.

 Let's look again at how we can reign in this life because of His love;

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans 5:5 NLT

 Our hearts are filled with His love. We can rule and reign over loneliness, depression, and feelings of isolation. We can rest in this overwhelming love for us that is cascading from the Father's heart into ours. 

 The Word declared Faith works by love. For so long many taught that this passage meant your Faith only worked successfully when you loved others and weren't in strife and division with them. Is this right?

 While it is good and right to walk in love with others that's not the lesson Paul is conveying here. He is giving us a secret to reigning. Faith works when we know how much God loves us. Faith is a Law and it always works regardless if we are walking in love or not. This passage is revealing just how powerful knowing our Father's love for us is. Faith is having a good opinion of God, so Faith works by knowing His love.

 We can rule and reign because of the Love of God that has filled our hearts to overflow. Whenever challenges arise, we can face them boldly knowing because our Father loves us He will see us through them and deliver us and bring us a complete victory.

 We can rule and reign in this life because we are the children of God. We can dare to take our place as sons and daughters of God. The king's son is always welcome at his table. He doesn't need permission to sit with his father. So it is with you and me child of God. We need to take our place at our Father's table and freely receive all He has purchased and provided for us through Jesus.

 Because we are the children of God by Faith, we are also partakers of the divine nature. As new creations, we have the very life and nature of God Almighty within us in the person of the Holy Spirit. We are His kids, and this answers the mystery as to what Jesus meant in John 10

34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”’? 35 If He called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came, and the Scripture cannot be broken, 36 do you say of Him, whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? John 10:34-36 MEV 

 Did Jesus just endorse strange new age philosophies/messageless Mormonism here by saying you are gods? No, He was quoting Psalm 82. There is where we find the answer to this comment.

 I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High. Psalm 82:6 NKJV

 The principle found in this passage is not that humans are somehow going to become God. What it reveals is that as children of God, we have been given a position of dominion and authority. This position is not a position of deity, but a position of authority.  God is telling us to take our place and exercise this dominion in a corrupted, fallen world.

 When God made man, He gave him a vertical and horizontal relationship. Man first had a trust relationship with God (vertical) and then man had a dominion relationship with the earth (horizontal). Man turned this dominion over to the enemy, but Jesus took the authority back and turned it over to His Church when He defeated death, Hell, and the grave. It's time we took our place.

 The word gods here is referring to a magistrate's position. As the children of God we are now "gods", that is we as God's children have a position of dominion and authority. We can judge righteously concerning who we are and we can take a stand against the lies of the enemy. Don't just blame God's sovereignty as to why things are the way they are, take your place as a magistrate and judge righteously.

 Take your place and judge God's Word to always be true. Judge righteously that you are forgiven and not condemned. Judge righteously that Jesus bore your sickness and disease and command your healing to manifest. Judge righteously that the enemy is defeated, God is the Almighty and Jesus is Lord in your life. 

 The Church has a position of dominion and authority on earth. We can speak against the curse and take authority over the work of the enemy, and the fallen creation. We can pray for lost minds to be opened to see the light of the Gospel. We can even pray and take authority over weather conditions, crisis situations, and afflictions and intercede for the safety and protection, and preservation of people and places, and things. 

 As for John 10, Jesus was simply telling religious ones because the children of God were called gods, why is he blaspheming for claiming His true identity as the Son of God. In this passage, Jesus affirmed our authority as sons and daughters. We have all of heaven's backing, let's dare to take our place.

  When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority—the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. 9 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Psalm 8:3-9 NLT  

   In summation, we have authority in Christ. We have restored dominion. It's time we walked in it and stop believing we are victims of circumstances, pawns in God's sovereignty (the twisted religious idea of sovereignty), helpless and defenseless in a fallen world, easy prey for the curse, or the work of the enemy. Dare to take your place!


Image by TitusStaunton from Pixabay 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Christ our Healer

 for I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26b KJV

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV 

 We are continuing our study of divine healing and wholeness. We are examining five proofs that it is always God's will to heal. When a loved one or we have a need for healing we can have boldness and confident assurance it's God's will to heal every time.

 When we speak of praying for another's healing, and that healing isn't instantaneous, then spiritual-sounding religious tradition attempts to provide a reason. They say things like God is more interested in building that person's character through this illness. Or God has a purpose in the delay so as to build endurance, or to use the person as an example of how to suffer joyfully. 

 That is all religious hogwash based on the powerless, Faithless tradition of men. Jesus never withheld healing from anyone. He never used the Curse to perfect, instruct, mold, produce patience, teach or train anyone. Look at Luke 22. Jesus healed a man who came to incarcerate Him. I'm confident that this fellow probably needed some character development.

 Looking at Jesus brings us to the fourth proof of God's will to Heal. Jesus' actions in His ministry reveal God's heart for healing. Peter sums up what Jesus did in His earthly ministry;

38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

 This passage unveils much of Jesus' work of ministry. This passage reveals what Jesus went about doing, good. How many it's God's will to heal, all, and who the oppressor is, that is, the one bringing sickness and disease, which is the enemy, the devil. 

 Jesus only went about doing good. He declared He only does what He sees His Father doing. Since Jesus only went about doing good and healing and delivering and providing for all, then we can rejoice to know this is who our Father is. God is therefore not the author of evil or torment, poverty or disease, or disaster. God is a Good Father and only does good!

 For I came down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. John 6:38 MEV

 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you such a long time, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father. So how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? John 14:9 MEV

 Jesus is the express image of Father God. Jesus is the will of God in action. Jesus is perfect theology. Jesus is our clear perfect picture of God's will. He never brought poverty but provision to all who came to Him. He never made anyone sick. He only healed whosoever came to Him. Looking at Jesus how then can anyone conclude healing isn't always God's will?

 The fifth and final proof of God's will to heal is Jesus' redemptive work on the Cross. On the Cross, Jesus not only paid the penalty for our sins, not only paid the price for the complete forgiveness of every sin, not only made Righteousness by Faith possible, but He also bore every sickness and every disease. He purchased our healing at Calvary. 

Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, And our pains -- he hath carried them, And we -- we have esteemed him plagued, Smitten of God, and afflicted. And he is pierced for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace [is] on him, And by his bruise there is healing to us. Isaiah 53:4-5 YLT

 Isaiah 53 records Jesus' work of redemption on the Cross. Jesus took your sickness and your disease. Just like salvation is available to whosoever trusts in Christ alone, healing for every sickness and disease is also available for whosoever trusts in Christ alone. In fact, when one places their trust in Christ, all that Christ procured at Calvary is immediately theirs in Him

 Tradition rejects this glorious truth of the Gospel. They claim Jesus' bearing all sickness and disease was fulfilled before the Cross. That this prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus' earthly ministry. That Isaiah was only referencing Jesus healing people in Israel to prove He was the promised Messiah. They cite Matthew 8 as proof.

 There is a major issue with this. It's true that Matthew 8:17 declared that it be fulfilled what Isaiah spoke, as Jesus ministered healing to a multitude. However, this doesn't prove that healing is not in the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. How can I say this? Because I, as a Gentile, a non-Jew, have trusted in Christ and have received new life in Him.

 Matthew goes on to say in the 12th chapter that Jesus healing a multitude, and not wanting it broadcast abroad fulfilled another prophecy of Isaiah. This passage in Matthew 12 destroys this weak argument against healing in redemption. Look closely at this passage;

 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying:...

 And in His name Gentiles will trust.” Matthew 12:17, 21 NKJV

 This passage tells me salvation being made available to non-Jews was fulfilled before the Cross as well as healing the sick. So because of the way tradition interprets Matthew 8, we have to also conclude that saving non-Jews was only for His earthly ministry too, and not for us today. I hope we can see this is not what these passages are teaching.

 Jesus was simply revealing the Father to mankind. Jesus was giving us a sample of His complete work of Redemption soon to come. Jesus is so Good and merciful He couldn't wait till Calvary to minister help and hope and healing.

 Still another tradition is that Jesus only "healed" us from sin. That Isaiah 53 is speaking of spiritual healing. The problem is we weren't sick with sin. We were dead in sins. Not sure about you but I have yet to see any dead people healed. I know of dead people being raised back to life. That's not healing that's a miracle of resurrection life. 

 On the Cross, Jesus not only made us Righteous and forgiven, but He also made us healed and whole. Look at Jesus' complete work of Redemption. From the garden to the grave, Jesus purchased our total and complete redemption. By His stripe, healing was made ours. He took our curse and gave us the blessing, Redemption from the curse, and complete Righteousness. He became something He never was so we who trust in Him could be something we never were.

 In summation, is healing God's will? Absolutely! His compassion and lovingkindness prove it. His Redemptive name reveals it. His Word confirms it. His ministry and Finished Work of Redemption demonstrated it. Healing is always God's will. Now trust Him for wholeness at all times, trust on the basis of His Goodness and not your own. 

Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Bible evidence Healing is always God's will for you.

 for I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26b KJV

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV

 We're continuing in our study of Divine Healing. We've looked at five proofs of God's will to heal all. So often many Christians believe God is able to heal, but they lack confident expectation that He wants to heal them. 

 This study is designed to help bridge that gap from unbelief to positive expectation in the power of a loving Father to supply all their need. So far we've seen two proofs of His willingness to heal. One is His merciful kindness and compassion. Jesus was moved with compassion when He healed. Secondly, we saw He revealed His will to heal in His redemptive name Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals.

 The third proof of His will to heal all is God's Word. The Bible is God's Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh. Grace and the Word are inseparable. Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. Jesus said the Word is the Truth. Faith comes by hearing the Word, therefore Grace and Faith came through Jesus. As believers, we are to be under Grace, not Law, and walk by Faith. 

 God's Word is the Truth. God's Word is the final authority. Sola Scriptura. God and His Word are one. God's Word is speaking to you and to me. This is why the enemy through religious tradition wants to steal the Word sown in the hearts of anyone who hears it.

 Man-made tradition makes the Word of no effect. Man looking at experience, dogmas, and doctrines of religious orders and institutes from centuries past, giving attention to cessationist leaders ruling Christian media and airwaves, will elevate and exalt the traditions of men over God's declared Word every time. God's will revealed in the Word, will always be lowered to meet and match tradition's view of defeat, disappointment, and disbelief in a deity who neither hears nor answers the prayers and petitions of its followers.

 Throughout the Word, God confirms the Father's will and attitude about healing. The Word reveals the Father's view of sickness and disease. God in Christ decreed "I am willing be cleansed."  God tells us sickness and disease are a curse. 

 Let's look at the Word confirming God's will is your healing;

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit that lives in you. Romans 8:11 MEV 

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your spirit, soul, and body be preserved completely whole and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Mounce 

 He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness. “By His wounds you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 MEV

 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV

 This is the decreed will of God for all to see. This is the will of God revealed to all mankind. This is God confirming His ways, will, and attitude concerning sickness disease, healing, and health. 

 God is the unchanging One. He is the existing One. His name is above all names. Yet He declared to us He has magnified His Word even above His own name! God's Word is the final authority, it has the final say over all areas of our life.

 God's Word is true and we can have a confident expectation of its reality and fulfillment in every area of our life. He magnified His Word above His name, and He is always the same. His Word is true whether we experience it or not. His Word isn't true because we sense it or experience something. His Word is truth because He declared it. Because it is the truth we, therefore, should experience it in our own life.

 We can build our life on His Word. We can trust it. Walking by Faith is simply being fully persuaded that what He said is the truth regardless of circumstance or what our senses tell us. God's Word is the sure foundation we can build our life upon. Feed upon it consistently and grow stronger and stronger possessing a confident expectation of good from our Good Father. 


Image by Pam Carter from Pixabay 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

What's in a name? God's will to heal revealed in His name

 for I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26b KJV

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV

 We've been in an ongoing study examining the question of God's willingness to heal. Many Christians believe God is able to heal the sick and afflicted. Many believe He has the power to heal. The real question concerns His willingness to actually heal someone when they ask for healing.

  In answering this question, this study series offers five proofs of God's all-the-time willingness to heal. Recall five is the number of Grace. These are Graceful proofs of His provision of healing. The first proof we saw is the Lord's mercy and compassion.

 God is a merciful Father. Jesus is the express image of Father God. Jesus displayed His Father's Love and compassion throughout His ministry. Wherein cold, dead religious traditions of man declare Jesus only healed to prove He was Messiah Yeshua, Jesus Himself revealed He healed because He was moved with compassion. Jesus demonstrated mercy, lovingkindness, and compassion by relieving the afflicted, healing the sick and raising the dead. 

  Today, we want to examine another proof of His all the time Goodness and willingness to heal. God has proven His will to heal by revealing to man His character, His Love, His Goodness in His redemptive names. He revealed Himself to men of that He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord that heals you.

 In Exodus 15:26 He declared to the children of Israel that He was the God who heals them. This is one of the foundation texts of this study. In revealing who He was in the redemptive name of Jehovah Rapha, He let His people know He was healer. 

 If He is the healer, then He is not the afflictor. Understand, just as Jesus declared, a house divided against itself cannot stand. If God is afflicting people with disease and then also healing them, then His house is divided against itself and will not stand or last. 

 God gave these name to the patriarchs of old to reveals Himself to mankind. In essence, He was providing Abraham, Moses, David, the prophets and children of Israel His "ID card." When a local gov't institution, or business establishment asks for your ID card, it's what proves and confirms who you are. Well God has ID, it's found in His redemptive names.

 Imagine if you will though, if you went to renew your driver's license and you handed the clerk your current ID card and they stated to you, "no that's not you." You surely would show the clerk your ID again, show them the picture and address. You would be confirming that you are who you say you are. Your legal current ID card doesn't lie. The clerk would be mistaken, not you.

 Now with that mental image, think of how religious tradition, the world, the enemy and men's own experience question God's ID. What could I possibly mean? Well, He has revealed His identity through His redemptive name of Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals, but men and the enemy declare no that's not who you are. You may have the ID card of Jehovah Rapha, but that's not who you are. 

 Men say God has ceased His healing miracles today. The enemy accuses God in the minds of men declaring He is not Faithful and true to His Word. Some say I asked God to heal me and He didn't, so He isn't who He says He is.

 In all this maligning of God's character, I notice that men have no problem accepting God's other character traits revealed in His redemptive names. In Jeremiah, the Lord reveals who He is to us, the Lord our Righteousness. So why have we not seen religious leaders question this aspect of God?

 Why no questions asked, and concerns raised when God declares He is our Righteousness? God revealed that He is Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. We readily accept this aspect of God's character and nature and revealing of who He is without objection. Yet when this same Jehovah declared He is Jehovah Rapha, religious tradition and man's experience quickly protest. 

 Somehow, those of us who accepted God at His Word, and revealed identity, and God Himself, are actually mistaken. God isn't the Lord who heals. He is either the God who used to heal, or the God who sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. You can never know for certain.  

 When did God reserve the right to dishoner His own Word? When did God declare it's ok to deny my own nature, character and revealed name? God Himself has revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. He was healer then, when He introduced Himself as healer, and He is healer still today, He is the existing one, the unchanging One, the One who was, and is, and is to come. 

 This name doesn't prove He wants to heal me, some would cry out. That is untrue. He declared He is the Lord who heals. He didn't add a clause or stipulation in this declaration. He said He is healer. If He heals one, He heals all, there is no respect of persons. Again, why is this same objection not lobbed at the revelation of The Lord our Righteousness, and the Lord our Peace? 

 In summation, God has revealed to man who He is through His name. His name is highly exalted. He is who He says He is. Let's take Him at His Word.  

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay