Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:8 MSG
O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good; How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8 AMP
God our Father is a Good Father. God Almighty is Good and only Good. He is Good and only does good! We have a Father who loves us and a Father we can trust.
It seemed good to speak more about the goodness of God. Someone may say, haven't you already talked about His goodness? Is another study on His goodness necessary? My response would be, seeing the predominant thinking of the world, and the Church, it is still a vital message that needs to be taught more and more.
So many still cling to the idea that God is a not-so-good God and that He tests, and tries with tragedy, troubles, torment, and tribulation. Many believe He inflicts and ordains hard times, just to humble, and teach us. Or punish us if we fail too often.
God is always Good! He has revealed Himself in the person of the Son. Jesus when He came to earth showed a loving and compassionate Father. A Father who longed for a family. A Father who was not afflicting but rather a Father who was bringing life and healing all.
God also revealed Himself, His character, by the Hebrew names He revealed to His people. He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer. He is Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. He is Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace. These names tell us more about our Father and His real work among men.
God is Jehovah the Good. Yet religion and tradition have added their own names of God. To them, He is Jehovah calamity, the bringer of destructive events, fires, accidents, crashes, and crises. To them, He is Jehovah disaster, the bringer of tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and storms. To them, He is Jehovah pestilence, the bringer of plagues, pandemics, affliction, sickness, and disease. To them, He is Jehovah indignant, the angry, the furious, the frenzied, rage-filled, looking to strike and punish man when he fails.
Religion and tradition also have created a stronghold in the minds of so many with their teaching on the Sovereignty of God. They define sovereignty as God ordains, determines, and causes every event on earth. That He is in total control of every facet of life.
That bank robbery that occurred? God must have had a mysterious purpose for this event. That tsunami? God caused it to punish the sinners, and to prove to all He is God. That pandemic? God must have ordained it.
These are the misconceptions of the religious traditional-minded scholars, theologians, and ministers. These concepts of sovereignty trickle down to the congregations of these leaders, thus instilling these ideas in their thinking. Sovereignty defined as God controlling all things, leads to the other erroneous manifestation of this belief.
The idea that God controls all things, also means our Faith is impotent and powerless and subject to the whims of sovereignty. Religious sovereignty also means God doesn't have to keep His Word and promises. Sure He said He promises healing and wholeness, but He, in His sovereignty can say no to your believing prayer of Faith.
This doesn't translate to God being the Supreme authority in the universe. All this does is make God out to be a liar and one who cannot be taken at His Word. His Word means nothing, and one must wait on a personal revelation that God will meet your specific need or fulfill your request.
Religion thinks sovereignty concepts honor God. In reality, it dishonors God because it proclaims God can lie and there is nothing you can do about it now be silent and serve Him! The Goodness of God is contrary to religion and tradition.
If you want to know God, you must relinquish the traditions of men and stay with the Bible, God's Word. God has revealed Himself through His Word. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see God's goodness all the time.
Jesus, the Word made flesh, went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He went about doing good, not doing bad. He went about healing, bringing provision, and forgiving people.
Jesus when He encountered the woman at the well, offered her new life to come. He didn't send affliction, plague, or famine to her or her household because she was living with an unmarried man. In fact, He never condemned her, He just loved her, and His goodness led her to change her thinking.
God is a Good Father. He is a faithful Father. In Him is light and not darkness. He is not the author of your trial or trouble. He is not the source of hard times, but amid trouble, we can run to Him and trust Him cast our burdens on Him, and see Him sustain us.
We have a Good Father! Let's embrace this truth completely. No matter what we face, know God is not the one orchestrating it. We can trust Him and rest in His love. He is only Good and always Good.