For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV
For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY
There are various religions and spiritual paths that mankind has followed for centuries. Some follow philosophies, creeds, and reasonings. What distinguishes Jesus and Christianity from all of these voices in the wind? What is the distinction between the Gospel of Christ and the other religions?
Grace is the distinction from all the rest! Our Gospel is rooted in what Jesus Christ has done for us. Our Gospel is based on Jesus' work and not any other. The foundation of the Gospel is Jesus' perfect work of Redemption, and nothing we have achieved, nothing we are doing consistently, and nothing we can accomplish with enough consistency.
The Gospel distinction is that Jesus' work was more than enough. The Cross of Christ was more than enough to purchase and procure and provide for Redemption for whosoever receives. The Cross was more than enough to forgive our sins past, present, and future. The Cross was enough to permanently save us, securing our salvation forever. The Cross was more than enough to remove condemnation for all time and eternity.
Traditional religion keeps looking at our sins, shortcomings, and failings. Grace keeps looking at our Savior and His completed work and the more than enough sacrifice that forgave those sins. Grace isn't making light of our sins but standing in awe of the forgiveness purchased by the shed blood of the perfect Savior, Jesus Christ!
If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared. Psalm 130:3-4 NASB
There is complete Redemption and forgiveness in Christ alone. This Grace distinguishes Jesus from all the rest. No other religion, no other philosophy can provide this peace and reconciliation. No amount of charity and good works could merit this Love and mercy. No level of discipline or abstinence from wrongdoing could earn or achieve this forgiveness.
How does this abundance of Grace alter or affect our lives practically? What does the knowledge of the forgiveness of our sins and security in Christ produce? What is the benefit of focusing on this Grace?
To the child of God, the believer, and even those who are outside, lost in their sin and unbelief, it brings hope and brightens our path as a shining light, a beacon of expectation of goodness unparalleled and unmatched by anything. The focus shifts from ourselves and onto this Loving Savior and Good Father. The realization is we can trust in Him completely and know He is for us and will not hold our failures against us.
It opens our eyes, that this Cross and work of Christ was more than enough. It leads us to the truth He paid it all in full. He has more than enough Love, mercy, forgiveness, and new life for us.
Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption Psalm 130:7 KJV
O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption. Psalm 130:7 NASB
When we know there is plenteous Redemption for us we can lay down our own works and performance attempts to be loved and accepted by our Father. When we know there is more than enough Redemption the lost soul can stop running and run to the Father and find forgiveness and a new life. When we know there is abundant Redemption for us we can lay down worry and anxiety and know our Father is there caring for us and providing for our needs.
Grace is the personal realization that Jesus' work was more than enough. This Grace has provided for anything we would ever need in this life. Jesus is our one thing! He is the only thing! He is more than enough!
The Cross was more than enough, and the Father has accepted this once for all sacrifice. That means our sins are forgiven once and for all time, and they will never be accounted to us again. This also means that our Father is not against us but for us. That we are welcomed in the presence of God and celebrated there.
Embrace this abundance of Grace. It's all about Jesus. It is all about knowing and understanding Jesus' work was more than enough. This produces such gratitude and thankfulness for Jesus and His Redemptive work. This is true honor and glory given to the Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives will never be the same the more we focus on Grace and the More than enough Savior Jesus!
image by Grok,X AI