Showing posts with label Grace Vs Law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace Vs Law. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Abundance of Grace: Abundantly pardoned

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV

 For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY

 How much Grace is too much? Is there a specific point where we can confidently declare we have over-emphasized Grace? Is there such a thing as hyper-Grace? That is an out-of-balance overfocus on Grace?

 Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is the tangible embodiment of the Grace of God. Grace is the Gospel, the good news of permanent salvation and reconciliation, restoration, eternal life, and complete forgiveness of sins. We can never overemphasize all Christ has done for us in the Finished Work of Redemption.

 Grace is the truth revealed in Christ that apart from His work, we are incapable of pleasing God and being found acceptable and approved of Him. If we could attain and achieve a level of favor, acceptance, and good standing with God by some kind of good work or charitable deed, why would we even need Jesus? 

 One of the most amazing and powerful truths of the Gospel of Jesus is the complete and total forgiveness of all our sins. We are forgiven of all our sins not by our good works but by Jesus' shed blood. This blood was more than enough.

 God through Christ has revealed a plenteous Redemption! He has more than enough love. He has more than enough mercy. He has more than enough goodness. He has more than enough forgiveness and pardon for all our sins and transgressions. 

 Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy. Micah 7:18 NKJV

 He is the God who pardons our sins and iniquities. Look at this same passage in the Aramaic;

There is no God like you who forgives evil and passes over the sin of the remainder of his inheritance, and you do not hold a grudge to eternity because you have chosen grace Micah 7:18 HPBT

 God prefers mercy over judgment. He has chosen Grace as the way to purchase our salvation, redeem us from the enemy, and save us from spiritual death. Yet to so many this concept seems to be foreign to their thinking. They are quick to say His ways are not our ways, meaning He is high and lofty and looks down upon us with disdain, disgust, and disappointment. 

 Yet if we were look to the Word where the words are found my ways are not your ways, we would see a radical shift towards mercy and Grace and not wrath and judgment.

Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts Isaiah 55:7-9 NKJV

 In context, it is clear what the higher ways are and what the thoughts are. He is saying man's ways are to hold on to grudges. Man's ways are to not forgive and not pardon. But the Father says, my ways are the ways of Grace. God's ways and God's thoughts are on the complete forgiveness of sins. God's ways are forgiveness and full remission of all sins. 

 Some of our Christian brothers and sisters who have a more religious traditional understanding would concur that God forgives. Yet traditional religious Christianity limits God's forgiveness to the believer's past sins only. 

 They will celebrate the total forgiveness of the sinner's past transgressions and evil deeds. They will readily proclaim that the sinner is a new creation with a "clean slate." After initial saving Faith, though, the "slate" is easily stained, blemished, and needs a new cleansing whenever it falters, fails, and fouls up. As a result of this teaching, a sense of shame, guilt, and condemnation weighs heavy on believers

 The Good news is that this is not the truth of the Gospel. When Jesus laid His life down for us, becoming the once for all sacrifice for our sins, His sacrifice was more than enough. We must not allow religious tradition to weaken the work of the Savior and limit the scope of this plenteous Redemption.

 Jesus Didn’t Die in Installments!

Jesus did not die one sacrifice at a time every time you sin! He died once for all sins—past, present, and future! If your future sins weren’t forgiven, Jesus would have to keep going back to the cross every time you messed up. But Hebrews 10:10 says He made us holy ONCE FOR ALL!

Religion wants you stuck in a cycle of guilt, confession, and fear. But Jesus came to set you free!

🔥 Hebrews 8:12 (NKJV) – “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember NO MORE.”

No more means NO MORE! God is not keeping a record of your sins. The only one who wants you focused on sin is the enemy. Why? Because if you’re constantly focused on sin, you won’t be focused on Jesus! 

 Stop Trying to Earn What’s Already Yours!

Let me be blunt: If you think you have to confess every sin to be forgiven, you’re saying Jesus’ sacrifice wasn’t enough. You’re saying His work is incomplete. That’s not faith—that’s religion.

🔥 Ephesians 1:7 (NKJV) – “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.”

You don’t lose fellowship with God when you sin. You don’t go in and out of salvation. You are sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). If future sins were not forgiven, Jesus would have to die again and again. But Hebrews 10:14 settles it:

"For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.."

 Jesus did not purchase a partial salvation, a temporary redemption, or a forgiveness that expires with our next mistake. His work on the cross was final, complete, and eternal. The blood of bulls and goats in the Old Covenant could only cover sins temporarily, requiring repeated sacrifices—but Jesus, our perfect High Priest, offered one sacrifice for sins forever. If all our sins were in the future when He died, then all were fully dealt with by His blood.

 To say that future sins are not forgiven is to say that Jesus’ work was incomplete, that His sacrifice was insufficient, and that we must somehow finish what only He could do. But the Gospel is good news precisely because He finished it all! This is the abundance of grace!

Let religious tradition say what it will, but God’s Word is clearBlessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin (Romans 4:8). Our sins are not only forgiven; they are removed, forgotten,, and never counted against us again! This is the extravagant grace of God, the abundant pardon He freely gives. Stand firm in it. Declare it boldly. Walk in it fully—because you are forever forgiven!

Here is more Scriptural proof of complete and total forgiveness of all sins to ponder and meditate on.

14 who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins Colossians 1:14 TLB

13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. Colossians 2:13 NLT

32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 NLT

13 bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive. Colossians 3:13 AMP

Image by Joshua Lindsey from Pixabay

Monday, January 13, 2025

Abundance of Grace: True Repentance


For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV

For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY

 The Gospel is the Grace of God revealed in Christ. It is the Grace pledged in and through Jesus' once for all redemptive work. Paul tells us in order to reign in life we must receive His abundant Grace. 

 Grace is the Gospel, and we are admonished to receive an abundance of this Grace. Therefore, continually hearing and feeding on the Word of Christ is an essential element of victorious Christian living. We joyfully receive His abundance of Grace in our lives. We can never do enough to earn or achieve any favor from God.

 Since Grace is the Gospel, it is essential that we understand it and contend for its truth to be preserved. Paul warns us about polluting or corrupting the Gospel message with works and mixtures. Today, I want to expose and examine one such perversion of the Gospel: the man-made definition and concept of repentance.

 Repentance has been a source of controversy and debate for many years. Religious tradition defines it as turning away from sin, changing directions, ceasing from sin, and some go so far as to say that if you sin the same sin, you never really repented, and thus, your sin has not actually been forgiven.

 Religious tradition defines God as an impatient, harsh, and demanding despot who is daily displeased with us. He isn't long-suffering but rather easily provoked. He makes a list and checks it continually to see how often we sin and whether or not we repeat the same sin so He can ascertain whether we should be forgiven of our sins. 

 Let's define repentance and begin to dismantle this religious tradition. Repentance is from the Greek word metanoia. It simply means to change one's mind. Now, tradition has engrained and indoctrinated the masses to believe that repentance is all about sin, claiming that the object of repentance is sin. They claim we are commanded to repent of our sins throughout Scripture. 

Brace yourself for this truth bomb: the phrase “repent of your sins” is nowhere to be found in the Bible. That’s right—religious tradition has been preaching a concept that Scripture itself never explicitly teaches. Repentance is not about sin. It’s about changing your mind—specifically about who God is and what He has done for you.

    Now, many religious, traditional-minded ones will scream heresy! Let's rip the mask off religious tradition: the Bible never says, “Repent of your sins.” That phrase so often hurled from pulpits to heap guilt on believers, doesn’t exist in God’s Word. Repentance is not about groveling over your sins or proving your worth through changed behavior. It’s about changing your mind—specifically about God—and turning to Him in faith.

 Acts 3:19 makes it clear: “Repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out.” It’s not “fix yourself,” but “fix your eyes on Him.  When Peter preached, he didn’t say, “Repent of your sins.” He said, “Repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out.

 Let’s be clear: the object of repentance is not your behavior or your failures—it’s God. Repentance is about seeing God as He truly is—loving, good, and full of grace—and placing your trust in Him. Sin is dealt with not through your efforts, but through the finished work of Jesus Christ. If we keep teaching repentance as behavior modification, we’re reducing the Gospel to a self-help program. 

This false idea that repentance focuses on sin has warped the Gospel into a man-made effort instead of God’s divine gift. The religious message of “clean up your life to be accepted by God” is not the Gospel—it’s bondage. The real Gospel proclaims that Jesus has already dealt with sin, once and for all. Repentance isn’t about your works; it’s about receiving His. It’s about abandoning the lie that God’s acceptance is tied to your performance and embracing the unshakable truth that His love and grace are more than enough.

If you’re clinging to the idea that repentance means fixing your sins before you come to God, it’s time to let that lie die. It’s not just wrong—it’s a perversion of the Good News. True repentance is turning from unbelief to belief, from trusting in yourself to trusting in Jesus. Anything less is religion; anything more is Grace.

 Religious tradition have created so many confusing doctrines and concepts in the Church by not actually reading the texts in their context. They also read into certain texts their preconceived notions and ideas about God and then go around proclaiming them as the Gospel message. If it's "the gospel," and you don't concur and accept what they say, well, then you're just some heretic preaching a false gospel. No, we are just staying with what God actually said, we stay with truth not tradition. 

In summation, remember The phrase “repent of your sins” is NOT in the Bible. Search the Scriptures from cover to cover, and you won’t find it. What you will find is a religious system that has hijacked repentance, twisting it into a works-based effort to grovel, weep, and self-punish over sins, as if that could ever earn forgiveness. The religious notion that repentance requires groveling over every failure or performing penance is nothing more than human tradition, and it’s a slap in the face of God’s grace. Jesus bore the full penalty for sin. He said, “It is finished.”

 Let’s stop preaching repentance as an obsession with sin and start preaching it as an invitation to life, freedom, and intimacy with God. Repentance isn’t about you cleaning yourself up—it’s about seeing the One who already made you clean. It’s not about guilt—it’s about grace. It’s not about your works—it’s about His.

Image by patricia nahat from Pixabay

Monday, January 6, 2025

Abundance of Grace: More than enough or too much?

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV

For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY

 How much Grace is enough? Is there such a thing as too much Grace? Is it possible to get "out of balance" with Grace? Is there too much focus on Grace and not enough on Christians "doing"?

 My instant response to these questions is to remember that Jesus is the person of Grace. Jesus is God's will in action. Jesus is the Father's expressed perfect will. We know God is always God and wants our good because we see Jesus demonstrate this during His earthly ministry.

 My initial response is too much, Grace? How can we have too much of Jesus? The religious-minded say they don't think we can have too much of Jesus but that Grace people only focus on a part of Jesus' life and ministry. Critics, in essence, say the "Grace message" focuses only on Jesus as Savior, not on Him being Lord!

 Religious tradition's concept of Jesus' Lordship is that of an austere taskmaster. He will subjugate and demand obedience or unleash trouble and turmoil in one's life. Religion's concept of Lordship means He places burdensome rules, regulations, and requirements on our lives. 

 Jesus' Lordship is not about our performance or behavior. Jesus' Lordship is about who He is and what His triumphant work of Redemption accomplished. Because of His Finished Work, He is Lord of all creation, all the powers of darkness, and over the curse. 

 Jesus is Lord over healing and wholeness. Jesus is Lord over prosperity and provision and blessing. Jesus is Lord over deliverance and freedom. He is Lord of all! Jesus' Lordship recognizes who He is, what He accomplished, and what He is doing today through the power of the Word and the Holy Ghost. 

 Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and live upright lives (Titus 2:11-12). It transforms us from the inside out, making true holiness possible—not through rules or fear, but through a relationship with the One who has already made us holy. To embrace grace is to embrace the fullness of Jesus, and to suggest it’s ‘too much’ is to misunderstand the Gospel entirely. Grace isn’t just enough—it’s more than enough because it’s the unending, all-sufficient gift of Jesus Himself.

 Again this Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and the desires the world seeks after. These are not the Lord creating rules, but maximizing our life here. Adultery, addictions, and abusing our bodies with chemical substances have lingering consequences that dishonor the Lord and impact our personal lives negatively. 

Remember God isn't punishing us for our sins. Jesus paid the price in full with His precious shed blood. We have been forgiven of all our sins past and present and future. Our sins are already forgiven. God isn't imputing sins to the Righteous ever again. To claim God is punishing a believer for sin is to disregard and make nothing of Jesus' Finished Work.

 I can understand staying centered and not wrongly teaching truths from the Scriptures. For instance, teaching healing is good, but is wrongly applied if we tell people to never go to a doctor. That said, we can never over-emphasize Grace or have too much Grace.

 We can never over-emphasize Faith. Faith is how the believer lives. Faith is how we please God. Grace can never be over-emphasized. Grace is the person of Jesus. Grace is the Gospel of Christ. We are saved by Grace through Faith. These truths of God can never be over-emphasized.

 I liken this whole over-emphasis argument to the human anatomy. Can you imagine a physician saying you are focusing too much on your heart? The body needs the brain, the lungs, the kidneys, the heart, etc to live healthy and sustain life. So it is in Christ. We need Faith, we need Grace, we need Love, we need hope in order to live, spiritually speaking. 

 When religious tradition claims we focus too much on grace, it reveals a fundamental misunderstanding: Grace isn’t a doctrine to balance—it’s the person of Jesus Christ. Grace is the Gospel itself. Can we ever have too much of Jesus, the One who embodies grace and truth? To say there’s 'too much grace' is to undermine the very essence of the Good News and the life-transforming power it carries. Grace isn’t just sufficient—it’s everything.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Abundance of Grace: Not of Yourselves

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV

For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY

Grace is God's unearned and undeserved favor. In essence, it is God's free gift, something that cannot be earned. Grace is God stooping down to our level because of His Goodness, not our goodness or merit.

 The cross of Christ demonstrated the majestic mercy and grand goodness of the Father. It revealed a love that is matchless and unparalleled. It also showed us that grace is a gift that must be received and something that can't be achieved. 

 Paul was granted the privilege to receive the revelation of God's Grace. He dedicated many chapters and verses in his Epistles to the Grace of God. Look at a key statement he made under the direction of the Spirit concerning Grace; 

 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV

 Look at this in Weymouth Translation;

For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is God's gift, and is not on the ground of meritEphesians 2:8 WEY

 This passage plainly defines the true nature of God's Grace, it is unearned, unmerited, and undeserved. It is free of any boasting or claims of earned favor. It is all about Him and has nothing to do with us.

 Yet even with passages like this given by the inspiration of God, we still find ourselves clinging to works and performance-rooted traditions. We think and feel we must contribute something. It can't really be that free, that sounds irresponsible.

Why is this? Because we are conditioned to the natural realm more than the spiritual realm. Paul tells us this natural realm is temporal and subject to change.

Yes, in the practical, natural world, merit can be a good thing. 

 All things being equal, we award the promotion to the one who is the best-suited and qualified candidate. In the athletic realm, we award the trophy to the one who endured and scored the most points. This is okay in the natural, it is a way to be fair and equal. 

 Guess what, though, the athlete who scored the most scored their best that day. That doesn't mean they will score that well tomorrow or the next day. Merit has a place in the natural, but even then, it is fallible and rooted in personal strength alone. 

 This is why God cut the New Covenant with Jesus and not with fallible man. Jesus is perfect and flawless, but we aren't. 

 We may score the best one day but could also score the worst a few days later. This is why personal merit, performance, and performance are faulty grounds to base our relationship with God. 

 God, in His wisdom, knew this. 

 Consider three words that can revolutionize your relationship with God: not of yourselves. Paul, under the Spirit’s inspiration, captured the heart of grace in these simple yet profound words. They sum up the Gospel: it’s all about Jesus, not us.

On the Cross, we saw the great exchange. Jesus took and bore all our sins and the death sentence and exchanged it with His forgiveness, Righteousness, and new life.  This exchange was not of ourselves, but only through Jesus and His perfection. He was the spotless Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

 Grace is completely about Jesus alone. Grace is not of ourselves; it is of God, not any achievements, deeds, or abstinence from sinning we could accomplish. 

 If it is not of ourselves, then on whose shoulders does it bear to get it perfectly right? Is it us or Jesus? If it is not of ourselves then it can only be Christ alone. Isn't that the Gospel message summed up? Christ alone bore the penalty and paid the price in full.

 If it is not of ourselves, then what are we doing attempting to enter God's presence based on our merits? 

 If it is not of ourselves, why are we petitioning God for answered prayers based on our behavior, our good deeds, or our performance? 

 If it's not of ourselves, We come to the Father based on Jesus, and nothing we have done or could do.

 It is not of ourselves, it is totally and completely based on Jesus alone. We pray in Jesus' name. That means we are coming to the Father based on Jesus' goodness, Jesus' Righteousness, and His acceptance. 

 In summation, Abundance of Grace means embracing the truth that it’s entirely about Jesus, not us. To receive Grace is to receive more of Him—His righteousness, His goodness, His sufficiency. Jesus is more than enough, covering every shortcoming and meeting every need.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Monday, December 9, 2024

Abundance of Grace

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV

For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY

 Grace, what is Grace? Is Grace just a doctrine or a topic we study? Is Grace merely an abstract or fleeting concept we don't consider much? Grace is not a doctrine or a topic. Grace is the unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor of God lavished upon us.

 Grace is the very heartbeat of God’s love, expressed through Jesus Christ.  Grace is the heartbeat of divine Love demonstrated in and through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's Jesus' victorious work of redemption, a free gift fully and freely received into our lives, never earned. 

 Paul tells us through the direct inspiration of the Spirit that when we receive the abundance of Grace, we will reign in this life. We reign in life, not fear, inferiority, shame, guilt, condemnation, or sin. We will not be timid but bold. All of this is based on Jesus' work and not our own.

 Grace is an inexhaustible truth. Biblical truths such as Faith, Love, hope, and Grace are truths we continue studying and growing in deeper understanding. God dedicated whole Epistles to teach us Faith and Grace and reveal His Love. 

 Grace is also something we must continually feed on because the default setting of humanity is earning and achieving. No matter how often we hear about the Cross, some still come away believing there is a part they must play in redemption and eternal salvation. The Cross reveals the Grace of God.

 The Cross of Christ stands as the ultimate revelation of God’s grace. It declares that no human effort could pay the price. It was the only work that could bring right standing with God and redeem us from the curse of the Law. 

 Yet, with the witness of the Cross, we still have ministries and churches proclaiming that it is the work of the Cross, plus our own works. Apparently, the Cross alone is insufficient to bring about healing, deliverance, receiving provision, and answered prayer. Their teaching is if we want to receive, we must live completely upright and engage in much spiritual discipline. This undermines the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice, supplementing Christ's work with our own.

  I have actually heard ministers teach that our behavior is the measure God used to bless us. That if our act isn't just right, God won't heal us. If healing, blessings, provision, and answered prayer are contingent upon the believer's behavior then what is the purpose of the Cross?

 The Old Covenant functioned in this way. The children of Israel did offer sacrifice for their sins annually, but they had to obey the Law to be blessed and healed. They had their work to do and Moses told them if they weren't following the Law then they wouldn't be healed and blessed. 

 The Cross of Jesus reveals the new and living way to receive from God. The Old Covenant was following Moses, sacrificial offerings, and our behavior as the means to receive from God. The New Covenant is Jesus plus nothing. 

I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain Galatians 2:21 NKJV

 Do we really believe it's Jesus plus nothing? When I pray for healing, in whose name am I asking to receive healing? Jesus' name or my own?

 Most would say well, Jesus, of course. Yet, when religious mixture of Law and Grace lists rules and precepts we must do so we can receive, we are not actually asking in Jesus' name any longer. We may be verbally saying in Jesus' name, but in reality, we are actually asking in our own name. 

 We are, in essence, saying to the Father, see God, I have done this and that and kept these rules here, now can I be healed? When we do this, we are unwittingly demanding the Father to base our answers to prayer, receiving healing and provision on our personal achievements, work, performance, and behavior. This is perhaps why some fail to receive.

 We want to reign in life not live defeated and not receiving from God. To reign in life means walking in Christ's victory for us—victory over sin, sickness, lack, and every form of bondage. It is living boldly, knowing we are deeply loved, fully forgiven, and richly provided for through Jesus. We can only reign when we receive the abundant Grace of God. 

So, let us stop striving and start receiving. Let us boldly lay hold of the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, knowing that Jesus has already accomplished everything for us. His victory is our victory; His life is our life. We don’t reign by earning or achieving—we reign by believing and receiving. 

 Grace invites us to step out of fear and failure into the fullness of God’s favor, provision, healing, and love. The Cross is proof that it’s never about what we do but about what Jesus has already done. Through Him, we reign—not as slaves burdened by the weight of performance, but as kings walking in the light of His finished work. Grace is the key to reigning in life—receive it, walk in it, and reign boldly today!

Image by Helena Chyprina from Pixabay

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thinking God's thoughts on Righteousness

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

 Renewing the mind—this powerful concept stirs up a whirlwind of ideas across the Body of Christ. But is it really the daunting, complex task many make it out to be? Is it some deep, unreachable principle reserved for only the spiritual elite?

 The beauty of our walk with God lies in its simplicity. Like every other aspect of our salvation and relationship with our Good Father, renewing the mind is far from complicated. It’s about aligning our thoughts with God's thoughts. It’s about agreeing with His Word, and letting His truth reshape how we see ourselves and the world around us.

 We do this by feasting on God’s Word, learning to rightly divide between the Old and New Covenants, and gaining a deeper revelation of all that Jesus accomplished for us through His victorious redemption. The key to living a life of victory is to come into agreement with God! When we start thinking God's thoughts—rather than those shaped by the world, culture, or tradition—we step into the fullness of the abundant life He’s always intended for us.

 Let’s hit the reset button on how we see Righteousness. It’s time to see it the way God does—as a pure gift, not something we can earn or work hard enough to achieve. Righteousness isn’t some spiritual trophy we get for being "good enough." It’s a lavish gift straight from God’s heart!

 Here’s where traditional religion misses the mark: it teaches that Righteousness must be earned as if we can somehow measure up on our own. But the truth is so much better! Righteousness is a Gift we receive not a work we achieve. Righteousness is not a reward for good behavior—it’s a divine exchange. Jesus took on our sinfulness, and in return, He gave us His perfect Righteousness. 

And since we now have His Righteousness, it means that as believers, our righteousness isn’t even our own—it’s fully Christ’s! Think about it: if it's Christ’s Righteousness that we have been given, then we stand as Righteous as Jesus Himself! That’s the astonishing reality of this incredible gift, and it’s time we live with the confidence that comes from knowing we are just as Righteous as our Savior!

 Imagine this: every single benefit, every blessing, and all the access that Jesus Himself has with the Father—we have that same access in Him! We are not half-loved, half-approved, or half-accepted. No, the Father loves us just as much as He loves Jesus! We are fully accepted, completely approved, and unconditionally loved—just like Jesus!

 Now, if we really grabbed hold of this truth, it would completely change how we approach our relationship with God. We wouldn't dive into spiritual disciplines hoping to be found worthy, accepted, or approved by Him. Let’s be clear—effort in our relationship with God is valuable, but it’s not about earning His favor or love. God is all for effort (in relationship), but He’s absolutely against striving to earn what’s already ours. There’s a big difference between pursuing Him out of love and performing to earn something that was freely given.

 Here’s where our minds need serious renewal: when it comes to the Gift of Righteousness, this is the very thing that makes us fully accepted and approved by the Father. Righteousness isn’t just a label—it’s a life-altering truth! It means we are forever free from condemnation. No more guilt, no more shame hanging over us like a dark cloud.

 Condemnation is the voice of the enemy, a relentless lie that tries to suffocate believers with guilt, shame, and feelings of unworthiness. Condemnation whispers, "You’ve messed up too many times. God is done with you." It says, "You deserve to be punished for all your failures, your sins, and your mistakes." But that’s nothing but a soul-crushing lie from the pit of hell!

When condemnation tries to creep in, we need to stand firm and declare the truth: we are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! No more condemnation. No more expecting punishment. Why? Because in Christ, we have been set free from condemnation forever. We are accepted and approved, not because of our own actions or efforts, but because of what Jesus has done for us.

 This Righteousness is a divine gift—a gift that allows us to stand in the presence of God without the slightest hint of guilt, shame, or inferiority. It’s the gift of absolute freedom from condemnation, the gift of perfect acceptance with the Father. Let this sink in: you are as accepted, loved, and approved as Jesus Himself. Now that’s a truth worth celebrating!

 Walking in victory is closely tied to thinking the same way God thinks. We walk in a greater measure of peace, a sense of wholeness, and joy when our thinking comes into alignment with God's. When it comes to Righteousness we must remember it is a gift, not something we can achieve. Embrace this radical truth, we are just as accepted, approved, loved, and Righteous as Jesus our Lord. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Acts of Grace

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be proficient, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 MOUNCE

 God's Word is truth. It is our supreme source for discerning truth from error, lies, falsehoods, and untruths born from the spirit of deception, and the religious tradition of men. God's Word is our source of truth, doctrine, and instruction. 

 It is not a rule book to follow dogmatically. It is a divine love letter revealing the heart of a loving Father and a gracious Savior who gave all, laying down His life to redeem lost and rebellious souls from sin, and satan's hold and spiritual death. It's called the "good book" for good reason. 

 This "good book" reveals to us the Grace of Almighty God. Grace is spelled out to us from Genesis to Revelation. Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation, newness of life, life eternal, and total and complete forgiveness and Righteousness are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

 Now traditional religion and the deception of the enemy rob believers of all the Goodness God offers them. Jesus spoke of this. Look at His words here in Mark;

making void the word of God by your traditional teaching which ye have delivered; and many such like things ye do. Mark 7:13 Darby

 Tradition and religion make the Word of no effect. It renders the Word useless, invalidating it, thus negating it in the life of the hearer of religion. Religion is the enemy of growth and Christian victory.

 In sharing the Good News of the Spirit's power made available as a gift to all, religious tradition objected and based this objection on an absurd claim. The justification they gave for this objection was that the entire book of Acts was not a book of the Bible one could teach from. The claim is that Acts is not a book of doctrine. 

 I discovered a religious tradition that should be allayed and dismissed as utter foolishness. Religion claims Acts is a mere descriptive book and not a "prescriptive" book. They claim there is no doctrinal truth in Acts.

 Religion if followed would make the Word of Grace missing and lacking in the life of the believer. The cessationists, those clinging to religious tradition are so against the power of the Spirit for today that they are willing to disregard an entire book of the Bible. They are leaving behind some amazing truths of the Gospel in doing so.

 Some Christians have such a Religious bias and prejudice against Tongues, the active Gifts of the Spirit, the infilling of the Spirit, and Charismatic (supernatural) ministry that they can only see Acts as a Charismatic/Pentecostal book. I want to show that Acts is so much more than that. The Gospel of Grace is introduced in Acts and it is for us today!

 The Acts of Grace are seen throughout this wonderful book. This book describes the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of early believers in the Church. It is also prescribed because it reveals a ministry that turned the world upside down.  

 The world was transformed not just through signs and wonders, but also through preaching the radical message of God's Grace. All of the faiths, (religions) in the world were based on the actions, performances, and behavior of their followers up until this point. Here is a message being preached, that the God being proclaimed through preaching, being revealed through teaching, is the same God that already did all the work required. All one needs to do is simply believe.

 Throughout this book, we see Grace demonstrated and see Grace proclaimed to all. We have a full sermon of the Apostle Paul, the Apostle of Grace, given in this book. Acts not prescriptive? Not a book of doctrine? Foolishness! 

  The Word declared that great power was on the Church, the Spirit's power yes. We also see that great Grace was upon the Church. Grace is on the Church, Grace is the Gospel message we preach. Lost, rebellious, dead in sin, humanity can freely come to a Holy God and receive forgiveness of all sins, Righteousness, and eternal life. Not because they deserve it, not because they worked hard enough, but simply because of His Love and Goodness.

 This is the message that turned the world upside down.  

Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43 NKJV

 Grace is proclaimed throughout the entire book of Acts. We see it first here that we as the Church are no longer under Law but His Grace. We see that we have been freed from the Old Covenant and the new has come. We see the opposition from religion and tradition to the message of Jesus and His Grace.  

 We can't allow religious bias to rob us of the fullness of God. Religious bias formed, creating further wrong thinking, and producing unbelief in the hearts and minds of some Christians is what's behind ideas like these. The book of Acts is a book about the power of the Spirit yes but even more about it's a book proclaiming the word of His Grace.

 Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:3 NKJV

This passage says it all. Grace and the Spirit's power are inseparable. They are the effective ministry that turned the world upside down then and it's still the same today. Proclaim Grace with power and demonstration and see God confirm His Grace with signs following. 

 In summation, Acts is a book of doctrine. It reveals the availability of the Spirit today. It reveals the supernatural ministry the Church should be walking in. It also reveals the message we should still be proclaiming. The Grace of God! 

Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Complete in Christ!

And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all authority and power. Colossians 2:10 MEV

So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. Colossians 2:10 NLT

 Have you ever felt incomplete? That you are lacking or deficient in some area of your life? Ever saw yourself as not fully measuring up? Ever thought you were lagging behind and watching others bypass you? Should this be the norm in our Christian walk?

 Did the redemptive work of Christ Jesus not cover some area of our life? Did Jesus not fully provide for us? Is His Finished Work Not Enough?

 We may feel like we are incomplete sometimes in our Christian journey. We feel like we are lagging behind. Certainly, religious tradition declares and proclaims how incomplete we are, how we are losing ground and always failing to measure up. Is this the Gospel message?

 Is this the truth of our identity in Christ? The Good News is Jesus' work of Redemption is complete. Jesus won. He has fully provided for us and made us new creations in Him. No matter how we see ourselves, or what wrong idea or concept we think and believe, we are complete in Him.

 We are connected to Christ. We are one with Him. We aren't far from our Father. We are in perfect union because of Jesus. This is based on the perfect work of our Savior. It is not based on how we feel or if we get it all right from day to day. We are always connected to Christ.

 We are clean, not filthy sinners any longer. We are cleansed from all our sins. Jesus' blood was shed for the full remission of all our sins. His blood is enough. This spotless blood covered and cleansed all sin. We are not guilty in the eyes of our Father. He doesn't look upon us as dirty and unholy. He sees us as cleansed and spotless, fully Righteous.

 We are close to God. We became close when we accepted Jesus' free gift of Righteousness and the forgiveness of sins. We are one with Him. We don't have to work our way to closeness to Him. 

 I can hear religious tradition "freaking out" if you will at this thought. If religious tradition had a motto it would be "working my way to you Lord." Traditional religion likens our spiritual disciplines and works as a mean to become closer to God. They are working for what they already have.

 We are complete in Christ. We don't have to try to be complete. We are complete in Him. We need to rest in our identity. We need to accept we are who He says we are.

 Now religion says we are complete until we are incomplete. How does this happen? When we don't follow all their rules, when we aren't as "spiritual" as them, or when we sin too much. 

 Clean, close and connected? Only if we haven't sinned. If we sin, we are far off. We are unclean and disconnected. We then need to get right, we need to get back to God, we need to "rededicate" or reconnect. This concept is foreign to the Gospel spelled out in the Epistles. The vocabulary of distance, disconnection and uncleanness is not found in the Epistles concerning the believer. 

 The Good News of the Gospel is we are fully complete and close to God forever because of Jesus. Our sins or level of spiritual disciplines have nothing to do with it. It's by Faith in Christ that we have this new life, Righteousness and perfect union with Christ. 

 In summation, don't allow tradition to rob you of your true identity in Christ. You are clean, you are close, and you are forever connected to the Father. You are complete in Christ and nothing can change that. It is all because of Jesus. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Grace, our never ending Supply!

19 For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, 20 according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. Philippians 1:19-20 NKJV

 Grace is the absolute Good News of God's Love and Goodness, demonstrated and displayed in Jesus Christ. Grace is not a theological topic, it is not simply a new message of Christianity. Grace is the person of Jesus Christ. Grace is an ever-present and abundant supply, always available to meet our needs in every area of our lives.  

 Grace is our supply. Paul during a time of trouble and tribulation and tempest, declared by Faith that the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ would turn the situation around for his deliverance. God's grace is an abundant and never-ending supply in moments of need, uncertainty, or hardship. Whatever the demand Grace supplies.

 Grace is abundant in its supply. Grace is not scarce, or limited. It is never-ending and its reach knows no limits. Grace is limitless, infinite, and overflowing, ready to meet every demand. No matter how great the need is, His grace is always more than sufficient.

 Grace is unearned and unmerited. It is not earned or achieved, it is freely given by our Loving Heavenly Father. It is available and accessible to all who seek and ask for it, regardless of their past actions or current state.

 Grace is our ever-present help no matter what we face.  Grace supplies and sustains believers through all challenges faced in a fallen world. Grace provides strength, hope, and resilience, enabling individuals to persevere and find peace amidst adversity.

 His Grace is ever present. This is a wonderful reminder of His divine presence in our daily life. Because of Grace, we know we are never alone, and He is for us and never against us. God's Grace is with us always. He is our supply.

 Grace is our only hope and trust for victory in this life. Believing in the never-ending supply of God's grace cultivates Faith and trust in God's provision. This mindset encourages reliance on divine support and supply rather than solely on our efforts, performance, and ability to "get it right." 

 No matter the demand He is our ever-present help and full supply. No matter the circumstances or challenges, divine support, supply, and provision are always readily available. Fully embracing and trusting in His Grace transforms our outlook on life, enriching our spiritual journey and deepening our relationship with our Good Father. 

 The demands could be relational trouble, family problems, or dealing with difficult people in our work life, home life, or in our community. God's Grace supplies, patience, wisdom, kindness, and even the right words and responses in challenging or tense situations. His Grace is enough. 

 Oftentimes, the demand comes from Law. That is the stipulations, the burdensome rules, and regulations traditional religion likes to place upon us. Thanks be to God though we are no longer under Law but Grace. We can freely fellowship and commune with our Father without the distractions of man-made rules.

 For Christ is the end of the law, so now there is righteousness for everyone who believes. Romans 10:4 MOUNCE

 2 I know they love God, but they don't understand what makes people acceptable to him. So they refuse to trust God, and they try to be acceptable by obeying the Law. But Christ makes the Law no longer necessary for those who become acceptable to God by faith. Romans 10:2-4 CEV

 Christ is the end of the Law. Righteousness is only found in trusting Jesus alone. We are delivered from the Law.

 But now we are delivered from the law, having died to things in which we were bound, so that we may serve in newness of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter of the law. Romans 7:6 MEV

 We are no longer under the Law. The Law no longer rules over us. We follow Christ by the Spirit, not by burdensome demands of the written Law. 

 No matter what we are dealing with in this life, we can rejoice knowing His Grace supplies and is our ever-present help in trouble. His Grace is enough. He is always for us. Whatever the demand His Grace is the supply and we are never lacking, because His Grace is limitless and overflowing. 

 Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

Monday, May 20, 2024

Will the Real Radical Grace Gospel please stand up!

  For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP 

 Who doesn't like to hear good news? The Word even declares a good report refreshes and strengthens our bones. What is the Good News? It is the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. The proclamation of the Grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ. This is the good news Gospel. It's glad tidings of total salvation in and through Christ.

 Grace is the Good News. We don't need the enemy's deception or errors distorting Grace. We don't need the traditions and misunderstandings from men to detract from it. Grace is amazing enough just as Paul first proclaimed it. 

 In the previous study, we addressed the enemy's counterfeit to Grace. We detailed the depths of the enemy's hijacking of the Grace message and exposed its full error. Dr. Brown sadly lumped Grace preachers in the same category as those proclaiming the error of inclusion/universalism in his book that attacks the Grace message. 

It is imperative to hear the Good News of the Grace of God. Grace is not just a new message or some fading fad. It is the Gospel of Jesus. Grace and the Gospel are simple. Mankind seems to always make the simple complex and hard to understand. 

We should know and fully understand the message of Grace. When we hear it we grow and have a more fruitful relationship with our Father and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Understanding the importance of hearing, we must also understand what the real Grace message is.

 Too often through our traditions, our various backgrounds, and our denominational experience we add to the message of Grace. Understand that the message of Grace is amazing just as it is. We don't need to help it out.

 What is the real message of Grace? It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the Good News that Jesus has fully completed the Work. It is the happy Gospel that Jesus paid the price in full and the Father has accepted the completed payment and is fully satisfied with Jesus' sacrifice. It is the wonderful realization that if Jesus' sacrifice is enough we can't add to it.

 This is the foundation of the Radical Grace Gospel. How do we know we are hearing the message of Grace unashamedly preached? It is simple, look at the sermon Paul preached. Look at the New Covenant described in Hebrews

For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation]. Ephesians 2:8-9 AMP

  To be more specific, the Grace messages preaches the main clause of the New Covenant. What is the main clause? The complete forgiveness of all sin, past and present and future. This forgiveness is not dependent on our apology or acknowledgment of our sins. It is because of Jesus' sacrifice we are forgiven.

 The Grace messages preaches that the Blood of Jesus alone is what forgives. No other sacrifice is acceptable. We can't apologize enough, or promise God we won't mess up for sin to be forgiven. No amount of abstinence from sin or good works brings forgiveness. Only the Blood of Jesus forgives, cleanses, and removes all sin, all guilt, and all shame.

 The Grace message is not a condemning message to those who fail or those who are continually failing. Condemnation kills and is not what motivates the believer to overcome sin. God our Father is merciful and long-suffering. Jesus has already paid the price in full and our Father will not impute our sins to our account nor does He remember them. 

 The message of Grace magnifies the wonderful work of Jesus. Grace honors God's New Covenant. Grace understands the New Covenant begins with Christ's once for all sacrifice. Jesus' death, not His birth ushered in the New Covenant. The majority of the four Gospels take place under the Old Covenant. 

 The Grace message is not a mixture of Law and Grace. It is not a blend of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The prerequisites to receive from God under the Old are not the same as the New Covenant. Under the Old, the faithful, obedient ones to the Law were blessed. Under the New, Jesus has already procured the blessing. 

 The Grace message understands our standing before God is Christ's standing. We don't come to God based on anything we do or don't do. We come to God based on Jesus' faithfulness and perfect obedience and receive the blessings and Goodness of God.

  The Grace message teaches that the believer is fully secure in Christ. The one who has trusted in Christ is completely forgiven and forever secure in their Father's hands. The Grace of God affirms the unconditional eternal security of the believer. 

 Grace reveals a Good Father who loves us. The Grace message proclaims a loving and merciful Father. God isn't sending judgment or tragedy today. Jesus paid the price and the Father has accepted the payment, He is not punishing us, nations, or cities because of sin.

 This is the beautiful message of Grace. This is what we who have experienced Grace should fellowship around. This is the common ground of Grace. 

 We shouldn't be divided on other doctrines that have nothing to do with Grace. Our fellowship is about Grace, not our views on tithing,  or the type of church services we have.

 We who have received Grace don't have to argue about end-time views. There is not a set "hyper-Grace" view of the end times. Some churches and ministries are Grace-based but don't agree with the charismatic gifts for today. It doesn't matter because we are fellowshipping around the Grace of God not our views about the Holy Spirit moving today.

 I have presented the clear message of Grace. This is something Charismatic, Word of Faith, mainline denominational, cessationist Christians who have had their heart ambushed by Grace can fully celebrate and fellowship with. We have this much in common let's celebrate Grace. Let's come together and advance this Gospel truth.

 In summation, we have already exposed the false, the counterfeit. We have revealed what Grace is not, works or performance. We have also seen what the Grace Gospel is. I would like to share a powerful resource a brother in Christ has put together. This is an excellent minister of the New Covenant and Grace and yes I am practicing my message, we disagree on the end times, but that's not important, and not what we fellowship around. 

 Here is this resource here, locate Grace Ministries. Looking for a Grace church? Looking for Grace teaching online? Looking for Grace resources? This is the place. Let's come together under the banner of Grace, the real Gospel of Grace.


Image by Azeddine Behlouli from Pixabay