Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Graceful Tongues: Examining the Objections to Praying in other Tongues

17 Any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight. Proverbs 18:17 TLB

 We've been in an extended study of the precious Holy Spirit. 
 Today, I wish to examine closely the objections to speaking with tongues. With wisdom allow these strongholds to be uprooted and pulled down from the thoughts of God's people. With love, bringing understanding to better equip the saints to walk in the victory and triumph of the Finished Work. 

 We've already addressed the objection to the Baptism in the Spirit that we get it all at salvation. However, I'd like to revisit this objection to lay the groundwork for answering the objection to speaking with other tongues. Look with me at Acts 8.
14 Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, 15 who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16 For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17 NKJV
This passages poses a conundrum for those opposed to the Baptism in the Spirit and praying in tongues. If this passage isn't referencing the Baptism in the Spirit, then why did these believers not receive the Spirit at the moment of salvation? Oh, they weren't born again yet? Oh, I see, then in order for one to be truly saved an Apostle must lay their hands upon us. I thought there were no more Apostles today? 
 It's obvious that Luke recorded this event to help us see the distinction of the Spirit within and the Spirit upon. Notice, though, that the laying on of hands didn't complete these believers identity. They had received the Word of God. That means they received the new birth and all the Word says about them. They received the knowledge of who they already were in Him. The Spirit upon only empowered them to take what's inside and spread it outwardly to others.

Pulling Down the Strongholds of Opposition

 Now that we can see clearly that there is a distinction of receiving the new birth and receiving the Baptism in the Spirit we can see the validity of the Baptism in the Spirit. This validates the prayer in other tongues as well because tongues accompany the Baptism in the Spirit. Because of this validation we can now answer these objections.

1.) Tongues are invalid because this gift ceased after the completion of Scripture and the last Apostle died. Tongues spoken today are mere gibberish and emotional babble. It's over emotionalism and not a valid practice, 1 Corinthians 13:8 says tongues will cease. 
 This is the biggest objection. The cessationists say that all the gifts have ceased. That God no longer does miracles. That the sign gifts we saw demonstrated in Acts were only to confirm the message of the Apostles. That once we receive the completion of Scripture we no longer need to confirm the message. 
 there is much that is wrong with this view. First, we must cite sola scriptura. In other words, the Word is the final authority. There exists no passage that specifically states these gifts ceased. Paul even says these gifts will be here until Christ returns. The fact that Scripture clearly teaches the use of the gifts, then it stands to reason if they were to cease that God would ensure a specific clear passage would confirm this.
 The idea that tongues ceased is the foundation for the claim that tongues today in Charismatic circles are mere gibberish. The Apostle Paul declared he spoke in tongues. He wouldn't encourage believers to speak in emotional babble. It is a valid practice and spiritual prayer language.
 What about 1 Corinthians 13:8? You can't take a passage out of its setting and try to create a doctrine. In the passage, it does say tongues will cease but it also says knowledge will vanish. Has knowledge vanished? Think about what the prophet Daniel said. Knowledge in the last days will increase not vanish. So what is Paul referencing? In context, Paul is saying if love isn't the motive of what you're doing you won't see the power and demonstration of God's power.  When the perfect has come is when believers are living out of the love of God within. This isn't about miracles ceasing. In context, Paul in chapters 12 through 14 is referencing public ministry. If one is about merchandising the anointing or attempting to take advantage of God's people, God won't validate that ministry. Understand prophecy and tongues in the context of public ministry is God supernaturally speaking to people. I have noticed places where spiritual abuse occurs, real valid miracles are not the norm. 
 In summation, the cessationists don't understand the love of God. They only see miracles and tongues as a confirmation. They eliminate the love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus towards all people. God moves in these gifts to reveal His great love and mercy. Love is truly the real motive to operate in the supernatural. 

2.) Tongues are of no value or benefit for believers today. There is no benefit in speaking or praying in a language you can't understand 
 I will share the benefits of prayer in the Spirit in an upcoming post. Suffice it to say, this objection regulates Christianity to mere intellectualism. It is strikingly hypocritical for these opposing tongues and signs and wonders to say we can't use an experience to validate anything. Yet, this is the exact reason they oppose tongues and other gifts. Well, we don't see any miracles or signs and tongues so they must be ceased and therefore no value for us today.
 Christianity isn't merely a mental exercise. We have a valid spiritual relationship that defies reason and man's logic. There is a benefit to praying in tongues. As a highlight to these benefits, let me just say sometimes we don't always know what to pray. Tongues bypass our natural mind and allow the Spirit to pray through us.  

3.) Tongues exalt and magnify the person speaking and not the Church or local assembly. 
 This is a common objection and it really shows ignorance and misunderstanding of the Scripture. Paul said that the believer edifies himself when we pray in tongues. Some then say this means that believers get egotistical because they pray in the Spirit. This is one of the most absurd objections I can think of. If one simply looks at the definition of "edify" in the Greek, it is clearly seen what this is talking about. It is not about ego but about building ourselves up. Again, I will go into further details about the benefits of tongues, but let me just point out, if we aren't built up how can we then build up others? Acts 10 really answers this objection clearly. Speaking with tongues magnifies God, not a man!

4.) Tongues are not available for all believers. Only some believers receive this gift. 
 This is a common misunderstanding. There exists two forms or expressions of tongues in the New Covenant. One is the prayer language and the other is the gift of tongues. One is prayer or devotional. This is when a man is talking to God. The gift of tongues is when God is talking to men in an utterance in a different language which requires an interpretation to build up those listening.
 "No, I can't see a distinction of tongues." Ok, Paul teaches us that in public use tongues should be interpreted. Look at Acts 10 and Acts 19. Where do we see recorded that there was an interpretation given? Did God contradict Himself? Certainly not. These tongues were men talking to God. It was their prayer language in operation. With that in mind what about Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 12? The problem is people take one passage out of its setting and try to prove something. 
30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 1 Corinthians 12:30 NKJV
 Taken alone out of context it does appear that tongues aren't for all. The problem is it is out of context. In context we see Paul addressing ministry gifts. Not everyone will flow in the ministry of tongues where they speak in tongues in front of others, delivering a message. I've prayed in tongues for over 20 years and have never given a public tongue. 
 The simple answer is God is no respecter of persons. He loves us equally. His gifts of Grace are for all. Jesus isn't excluding you from the benefit of praying in the Spirit. It's yours for the receiving. 

5.) Tongues are never meant for public use. Paul said he'd rather speak five words in a known language than a thousand words in tongues. That's why tongues are the least of the gifts. 
 It is true Paul said this, but all one need do is simply study the whole book of Corinthians. It is clear that they did everything to the excess. They didn't just pray in tongues they were also speaking in tongues instead of preaching a sermon. They weren't giving instruction but in reality showing off their gifts.
 There is no passage that suggests the tongues or any gifts are lesser than another. The best gift is the one needed at the right moment. Tongues are a blessing and not a burden. God gave us this Grace gift to enhance our lives. It should be welcomed in all our meetings. 

6.) Tongues are of the devil! 
 This is the most absurd objection. The Bible is clear the Spirit is the source of tongues, not any other spirit. This objection was a tactic to sow fear into the minds of believers by religious tradition-bound men to keep others from receiving the Baptism in the Spirit. It has no basis in the Word of God.

 In summation, tongues are a Grace gift from God. We should gladly receive it. In public assembly, devotional tongues give believers a wonderful opportunity to magnify God. Yet, this should be exercised decently and in order. What's that mean? It means you should not draw attention to yourself. If I am drawing the attention of people then I become the center of attention and not Jesus. 

 The Grace gifts of God are a blessing when exercised properly. The gifts are not designed to prove our maturity. They are not designed to be shown off to prove to others our superiority. The gifts are given for us to express the love of God in demonstration and power. The gifts testify to Jesus' Finished Work and His great Grace made available to whosoever will receive.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Graceful Tongues: God's Grace gift of Praying in the Spirit.

For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. Isaiah 28:11-12 NKJV

 In the recent weeks, we've been engaged in a brief study of the Person of the Holy Spirit. We've seen that He is our comforter and counselor. We established He isn't convicting believers of their sins.  To convict is to invoke shame and find fault. 

 The Scripture actually stated that the Spirit convicts of only one sin, the sin of unbelief and rejection of Jesus. We see this in action clearly after Peter received the Baptism in the Spirit and began preaching the Gospel. Three thousand received this conviction of unbelief and repented (change of mind) and received the Lord Jesus. 

 We established the true understanding of spiritual hunger and our fullness and wholeness in Christ. We saw the ministry of the Holy Ghost in the Baptism of the Spirit where new believers are baptized into the Body of Christ. Last time we went in depth into the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 

 As we studied the Spirit with the objective of gaining a greater understanding of His ministry and growing in intimacy in our relationship with Him. We can't do a complete study of the work of the Spirit without studying His Gifts and the beautiful prayer language He utters in our spirits that we speak out in prayer. 

 I sensed the impression strongly to delve into this beautiful gift of Grace, the wonderful prayer language Grace has provided. Some may say Grace provided the speaking in tongues that is so controversial? Absolutely. 

 Our opening text is from Isaiah 28:11-12. 
 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear.

  Paul the Apostle of Grace writing under the unction and direction of the Holy Spirit confirmed that this passage is prophetically revealing this speaking with other tongues. Whenever we see something that brings rest and causes refreshing we can readily see this is the Grace of God in operation. Grace brings rest. Works and efforts and performance driven Christianity is synonymous with the striving and achieving that is associated with Old Covenant Law and works. We know Law and performance based faith are not of Grace and could never bring a rest or offer that which refreshes. 

 Tongues is a rest and a refreshing. It's a rest because it's the Spirit praying through you. It's a refreshing because we know the Spirit will always be praying the perfect will of God. If something brings a rest and a refreshing then why would God not provide this wonderful gift for all His kids? If something brings rest and refreshing then only the enemy and religious traditions would be opposed to it. 

 I can testify how much of a rest and refreshing praying in the Spirit has been in my life. I received the Baptism in the Spirit and accompanying prayer language twenty-three years ago this month. I had spoken with a missionary to Japan who was eager, to say the least, to share this wonderful Baptism in the Spirit with anyone who hadn't yet received it. 

 I was a young and immature believer and didn't understand how to receive freely from my Good Father. I first spoke privately with this minister and he gladly prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit. To be honest, I didn't feel a thing and was basing my receiving on some kind of feeling anyway. 

 Some time later he was ministering in the chapel service I was attending on a Sunday night. He began praying and ministering to the people. I went up for prayer not expecting to receive the Baptism in the Spirit, and when he laid his hands upon me something powerful happened. I sensed in my heart and in my physical body felt that a power from on high had enveloped me. I knew something had transpired. 

 I spoke with him after the meeting and he prayed again for me for the release of the Spirit simply saying just lift your hands and speak forth. Trusting God, I lifted my hands and bubbling out of my belly this beautiful melody of praise in other tongues released from my lips. It wasn't scary or flaky or weird. 

 I know that there are those who would act like the Pharisee, saying you can't do that in the church. There are the Sadducee types who simply deny the supernatural has any validity in the Church, who will reject my testimony as foolishness. Then there remains the stubborn offspring of the Pharisee and Sadducee, the "couldn't-sees" and the "wouldn't-sees" who oppose the idea of the operation of the Gifts in the lives of believers. 

There is much more to share on this Grace gift of tongues. There are the benefits of praying in the Spirit. Then there is the power of praying in the Spirit. Yet, in my heart, I know there exists, in some, strongholds of opposition to Tongues that must first be addressed.

Strongholds of objections concerning Tongues:

1.) Tongues are invalid because this gift ceased after the completion of Scripture and the last Apostle died. Tongues spoken today are mere gibberish and emotional babble. It's over emotionalism and not a valid practice, 1 Corinthians 13:8 says tongues will cease. 

2.) Tongues are of no value or benefit for believers today. There is no benefit in speaking or praying in a language you can't understand 

3.) Tongues exalt and magnify the person speaking and not the Church or local assembly. 

4.) Tongues are not available for all believers. Only some believers receive this gift. 

5.) Tongues are never meant for public use. Paul said he'd rather speak five words in a known language than a thousand words in tongues. That's why tongues are the least of the gifts. 

6.) Tongues are of the devil! 

 In our next post, I will answer these objections with the Word. Uprooting these traditional strongholds will help us all receive the wonderful Grace gifting and benefit of praying in the Spirit. I pray that you would be open and receptive to the work of the Spirit and to relinquish traditions of men. Read and study these next few post with an open and ready heart. It will bless you and enhance your relationship with our Good Father God. Stay tuned...
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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Spirit of Grace: The Baptism In the Holy Ghost

14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13:14 NKJV

 In the last few weeks, we've been engaged in a study concerning the Holy Spirit. In review, the main thrust of this study has been towards growing in intimacy with the Spirit in our daily lives. We've seen that the Spirit is our comforter and helper. We've shed light on the concept of spiritual hunger while maintaining the understanding that He is ever present within us.

 These truths I am sharing are designed not to create division or raise debate. My prayer is that these truths I share will bring freedom, help you gain greater understanding, and empower you in your relationship with our good Father. Today, we want to explore more deeply the ministry of the Spirit in empowering the believer in Christ.

 Probably few subjects can create as much or greater controversy than what I am about to share. The Baptism in the Spirit and the availability of tongues and the supernatural gifts of the Spirit have divided so many Christians. Before you cast your stones and close your mind think of this. Innumerable Christians from all denominations, Protestants, and Catholics, and believers who are new to the faith have all shared a similar testimony. They've received this Baptism into the Holy Ghost and have spoken in other tongues. Why then the division?

 I personally believe that the enemy fears greatly, Christians who've received power from on high to be a greater witness, and are learning how to walk in their dominion and authority in Christ. Alongside pride, strife and division are the enemy's chief devices he tries to employ against us. The enemy goads Christians into regulating Christianity to mere intellectualism. If Christians from all backgrounds and different races, creeds, and color, all share a wonderful gift they've received and there are many objections raised, I suspect the enemy is trying to weaken and undermine the Church attempting to prevent believers from receiving this great gift.

The Baptism in the Holy Ghost

 What is this Baptism in the Holy Ghost? For me to answer this I ask for your sincerity. I ask that you turn off any religious traditional teaching you've ever heard on this subject. What will greatly assist you is if you actually read what the Word of God actually records. Don't read into any passage. Just let the Word of God speak for itself. 

 The Baptism in the Spirit is a baptism or immersion of the born again believer in Christ into the Holy Spirit. This immersion is subsequent to salvation. Salvation is when we are born again, made a new creature and the Spirit immerses us or baptizes us into the Body of Christ. Jesus likened the work of the Spirit in salvation as a well of water springing up to eternal life. Jesus likened this subsequent work of the Spirit as flowing rivers of living water from deep within.

 Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Ghost. When you desire and simply ask to receive after you're a born again child of God, Jesus immerses you into the Spirit. This empowers you to be a witness and really enhances your total spiritual life in Christ. Look at how all four Gospels testify of this truth. Matthew 3 speaks of this. Mark and Luke and John also testify of this.

 Some may be thinking, well this sounds good but is this still for us today? Peter the Apostle makes it abundantly clear this gift is for all believers in Christ. Some may be thinking, I am interested in this but I've heard so many objections. Let's answer these objections.

 1.) First objection: we get all there is at the point of salvation. 
  Let me see how Paul the Apostle of Grace would respond to this. 
he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.” Acts 19:2 NKJV
 If there is no subsequent empowerment from on high nor any gifts to be received after initial belief in Christ, why did Paul, the writer of over half the New Testament even ask this question? Paul knew and understood these believers needed the full benefits package the Finished Work brings.
2. Second Objection: We are complete in Christ! We need no extra spiritual gift or "2nd work of Grace" to be more complete. 
 While I as a Radical Grace minister am the first to proclaim your completion in Christ, this argument is operating on a misunderstood premise. Paul declared and revealed to us in Colossians that we are complete in Him. I rejoice and celebrate this truth. What did Paul exactly mean? 
 I ask that because though we are complete in Him the moment we believe, Paul in other places infers there are things that we are lacking when it comes to spiritual development. Paul in many places revealed the urgent need for believers to walk in the love of God. He instructed believers to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. He taught in other places for believers to put off the old man and put on the new. Why did Paul teach this? 
 Didn't Paul know we were already complete lacking nothing? Why tell me to be transformed by the renewal of the mind if we were already complete? I trust you can see that there exist no contradiction in his teaching but there is a proper perspective to what he taught.
 The truth is simple. In our identity as born again children of God, those made alive and partakers of the new nature and made the righteousness of God we are complete. We lack nothing in our identity in Christ. 
 However, in our spiritual development and growth and maturity into who He already made us we haven't "arrived" if you will. In light of this understanding, we can see how beneficial a subsequent empowerment from on high is a gift that brings greater fruit and power into our spiritual walk. 

 Now that we've allayed some major objections, let's briefly examine this Baptism in the Spirit.
And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts 1:4-5 NKJV

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4 NKJV
 This is the first instance of the Baptism in the Spirit. This event is not the Spirit coming to complete the disciples union in Christ. The disciples were born again and had already received the Spirit in their heart. John's gospel records this event. What we see recorded in Acts are the disciples receiving power from on high. 

 Take a look at Peter. Weeks prior to this event he was too timid and ashamed to acknowledge that he even knew Jesus. After this empowerment from on high, Peter is transformed. He speaks before a multitude and proclaims the name of Christ and reveals the plan of salvation. Three thousand souls got saved because of Peter's transformation. This is the fruit of the Baptism in the Spirit.

 Ok brother, I can see the empowerment but what about the tongues thing? Ok, Paul and Jesus both declared in the mouth of two or three witnesses will something be established. In every instance when we see believers receiving the Baptism in the Spirit in the Word there is a physical manifestation. In Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19, we see a physical manifestation accompanying this wonderful Baptism. 
 In Acts 8 and Acts 9 it doesn't record that a physical manifestation occurred. Well, In Acts 8 Simon the sorcerer evidently saw something because he knew the exact instant one had received this Baptism and requested that Peter would sell him the ability to lay hands on people so they could receive. In Acts 9 it doesn't detail Paul's receiving the Baptism in the Spirit but we do know that he did speak in tongues because he admitted so in 1 Corinthians.

 Tongues or private prayer language is a free gift available to ALL believers that normally accompanies this Baptism. This Baptism and prayer language don't mean that one is a superior Christian. It has nothing to do with maturity, for new believers can receive this gift.  

 Would you like to receive? It is simple, no works or performance or "standard of holiness" required. Being a born again child of God is all that is necessary. Simply desire this gift, if you don't want it or disagree it's for us today God won't force you to receive a free gift. Next simply ask, Luke 11:13.

 "Jesus as a new creation, as your child, whom you love eternally, I ask that you baptize me in the Spirit now and I receive it now in Jesus name. Thank you, Jesus, you always have my best at heart!"

 It's that simple. I recommend spending some devotional time alone with our Father in a quiet time of communion and reflection. In this time trust and wait on Him for the release of the Spirit and the releasing of your prayer language. Understand, He won't speak the words for you, you must speak out that Heavenly language from within out of your own lips. It's not complicated and it's nothing to fear. You'll never be the same again!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Spirit of Grace: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost

14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13:14 NKJV

We've been engaged in a study as of late on the Holy Spirit. We've been focused on building a deeper intimacy with the Spirit in our personal lives and devotion to our good and Gracious Father. We've seen that the Spirit is our comfort and help in times of need. We've seen the proper understanding of what it means to hunger for God and His presence. 

 Today, I sense the leading to examine the ministry and operation of the Spirit in the life of the believer in Christ Jesus. This will be enlightening to some and to others it may step on their denominational toes so to speak. I trust, though if you lay aside the weight and yoke of tradition and just be open you will be blessed.

 As we begin, we must first solve a dilemma Scripture seems to present us. What dilemma? Two passages that appear at face value to contradict each other. If passages in the New Covenant contradict one another, then this whole system may be fraudulent and we can't be expected to place all of our hope and trust in it. Thank God, though, this New Covenant isn't fraudulent and the Word will interpret itself. Here are the two passages:
of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. Hebrews 6:2 NKJV
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; Ephesians 4:4-5 NKJV

 You see the apparent contradiction? Hebrews references baptisms plural, whereas Ephesians specifically state baptism singular. Which is right? The truth? They both are! How can this be so? 

 The Epistle to Hebrews is teaching us of the three specific baptisms taught in the New Covenant. Paul in Ephesians is teaching about the specific baptism that all believers share in. Wait, brother, three baptisms? One baptism? What are you saying? Allow me to elaborate.

 There are three baptisms that have three different elements in them. Let's look at the first.
1. Baptism in water.
 This is the one that is most familiar to believers. Yet, this baptism isn't without much controversy. Christians have fought and argued about the methods utilized in this baptism for centuries. In Jesus name only? Or is it in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost? You won't find a satisfactory answer to some steeped in their traditions. 

 What I will say is this, water baptism isn't what saves us. If you haven't been born again and decide to get dunked in a baptismal, you will come up out of water, wet, clothes soaked and still not saved. That said let's examine this baptism briefly.

Water baptism is merely an outward act symbolizing what actually occurred inwardly when we received Christ. It is also a public identification of your faith in Christ. Romans gives us an illustration of this symbolic act.

Water Baptism: What is the object of baptism? New believers in Christ. What is the element of baptism? Water. Who is the baptizer? A minister of the Gospel, the physical church.

2. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
 This is where the confusion happens. This is where the controversy is seen. The Pentecostal/Charismatic circles wrongly assign this baptism as the one that empowers believers. Mainline denominational Christians wrongly point to this baptism as proof that there exists no baptism apart from initial salvation. 

 What is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? Allow the Word of God to define it for us.
13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:13 NJKV

 Paul is quite clear as to what the Baptism of the Spirit is. This is the one baptism he was referencing in Ephesians 4. Take note at the unity the Spirit of God is emphasizing. Our Father doesn't see class, or status, or ethnicity, national origin or gender. He sees those who are His and those who've yet to receive His free gift. It would do us all a great service to see all humanity this way. Those who've received new life and righteousness and those who've not yet received.

Baptism of the Holy Ghost: What is the object of baptism? The lost, instantly upon receiving Christ's free gift of righteousness. What is the element of baptism? The Body of Christ. Who is the Baptizer? The Holy Ghost.

 This is such a beautiful work and operation of the Holy Spirit. Instantly upon receiving Christ Jesus, He immerses us into the Body of Christ. In other words, God makes us accepted in the Beloved. He gives us a forever home. We belong!  
God places the solitary in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a parched land. Psalm 68:6 AMPC
 This has always been the heart of the Father. With the Baptism of the Spirit, this passage is fulfilled in the life of all God's children, those who've received His new life. 

 Hallelujah! God is so good! When you receive Christ, you're never alone. You're not forgotten or forsaken. He has placed His hand upon you. He will never abandon you or let you down. His healing hand will uphold you. His hand of love and mercy will guide you throughout this life. In Christ, you are never alone, or without hope or help. 

3. The Baptism in the Holy Ghost.
 This Baptism supersedes controversy and just stirs up a religious war of words amongst the Church. Some just flat out deny this Baptism even exists. Others dare teach if you don't partake of this Baptism you're not even saved. This inflammatory rhetoric is contrary to unity in the Family of God. Do the Scriptures acknowledge this Baptism?
And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts 1:4-5 NKJV
 These are Jesus' words, not any man's or denomination. Let's examine the object and elements of this third Baptism Scripture records.
Baptism in/with the Holy Ghost: What is the object of Baptism? The born again believer in Christ Jesus. What is the element of Baptism? The Holy Spirit. Who is the Baptizer? The Lord Jesus Christ.

In summation, these are the three baptisms recorded in Scripture. As we've seen Ephesians and Hebrews aren't contradictory. Paul, in Ephesians 4, was teaching about the one baptism that unites us all. the Baptism of the Spirit, the baptism which places us into the Body of Christ. One faith, one Baptism, one Father in Heaven. 

 In our next study, we will examine more closely the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. Yes, we will address all the controversies, and even look at speaking in tongues. You will be blessed as we explore this Baptism, answering is it for all? Is it for today? It will be an in-depth study sure to challenge some and enlighten others.
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