God's Grace is so amazing and sometimes too wonderful to even put into words. Grace reveals so much about our Father God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Traditional religion teaches that God is harsh and unbending and austere and demanding we get it together or else.
Grace reveals a Father who always loves us. Grace reveals a Savior greater than any and all our sins. Grace reveals a Righteousness by Faith that is ours in Christ. As much as Grace reveals the nature and character of God and His Gift of Righteousness it also reveals our new identity in Christ.
Today, I want to unveil another truth Grace reveals. Grace reveals a Father who is always pleased with His children. Beloved being a child of God is part of our true identity in Christ. We are not just a follower of Jesus. We are not just a believer in Jesus. We are also the children of God. We are sons and daughters of the Living God!
We are children of God only by Faith in Christ Jesus. Trusting in Christ alone is what makes this a reality for any person. We are not made the children of God by any works or performance on our part. If our actions, our performance, our good works, and our promises to God, didn't make us a child of God, then no amount of bad deeds, or works, or actions on our part can cause us to be unadopted or cease being a child of God.
Brethren, our Father loves us with an everlasting Love. Our Savior Jesus is so much greater than all our sins. The Gift of Righteousness is a permanent irrevocable gift. Therefore Grace also reveals that God is always pleased with us. God is never disappointed in us. Father God in Heaven is not up there with arms folded in disappointing disapproval when we err, miss it, blow it, and just plain sin.
Think for a moment. Does God want us to run to Him when we miss it or does He want us to run and hide from Him? Well if He is disappointed with us, or displeased with us, why would we run to Him? Anyone with any sense would steer clear and become scarce from His presence until time passed, He cooled down, and we perhaps brought some kind of peace offering to appease Him.
Yet religious tradition, with its inconsistent thinking patterns, preach the concept that God is in fact displeased with you when you do wrong or miss it. That He desires to rebuke you for your misdeeds and sins. That He is so displeased and disappointed in you that He won't even hear you when you pray unless you're confessing and apologizing for your foul-ups.
It's really no wonder that in the circles where Grace is not given preeminence but our performance is, the people there really don't fully draw near to God for themselves. They usually ask the minister to pray for their “big” needs. They usually won't go to God for themselves in some situations. God might still be displeased with them for something they've done.
Religion shows God as someone who is pleased and happy with us when we are doing good and fulfilling all the spiritual disciplines and obligations. If we do bad we’ve let God down and He is unhappy and displeased with us. He also withholds blessings and healing and miracles and provision until we get it right.
This is not the God Jesus revealed to us. Jesus is the person of Grace. Peter denied Jesus three times. Yet we never see Jesus confront Peter and tell him how displeased He was by his lack of faithfulness. Look at how God used an Angel to reveal His thoughts about Peter at Jesus' resurrection.
God knew Peter didn't much feel like or see himself as one of Jesus' disciples. Yet He specifically named him as one of His own. God wasn't displeased with Peter. The Good News is God is not displeased with us when we screw up and fail either.
Harboring bitterness, being angry with fellow drivers in traffic, not forgiving others, drunkenness, and sexual immorality in all its forms, are all actions that are indeed sinful. Am I saying these are good things? Have some sense, any reasonably minded believer knows these are actions we aren't proud of and know they are wrong. God isn't honored by any sinful actions. Again that's why we have a Savior greater than our sins.
In summation, know and rejoice that God is always pleased with us. Know God takes pleasure in His sons and daughters always. You and I are the son and daughter with whom He is well pleased!
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay