Showing posts with label tradition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tradition. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Acts of Grace

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be proficient, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 MOUNCE

 God's Word is truth. It is our supreme source for discerning truth from error, lies, falsehoods, and untruths born from the spirit of deception, and the religious tradition of men. God's Word is our source of truth, doctrine, and instruction. 

 It is not a rule book to follow dogmatically. It is a divine love letter revealing the heart of a loving Father and a gracious Savior who gave all, laying down His life to redeem lost and rebellious souls from sin, and satan's hold and spiritual death. It's called the "good book" for good reason. 

 This "good book" reveals to us the Grace of Almighty God. Grace is spelled out to us from Genesis to Revelation. Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation, newness of life, life eternal, and total and complete forgiveness and Righteousness are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

 Now traditional religion and the deception of the enemy rob believers of all the Goodness God offers them. Jesus spoke of this. Look at His words here in Mark;

making void the word of God by your traditional teaching which ye have delivered; and many such like things ye do. Mark 7:13 Darby

 Tradition and religion make the Word of no effect. It renders the Word useless, invalidating it, thus negating it in the life of the hearer of religion. Religion is the enemy of growth and Christian victory.

 In sharing the Good News of the Spirit's power made available as a gift to all, religious tradition objected and based this objection on an absurd claim. The justification they gave for this objection was that the entire book of Acts was not a book of the Bible one could teach from. The claim is that Acts is not a book of doctrine. 

 I discovered a religious tradition that should be allayed and dismissed as utter foolishness. Religion claims Acts is a mere descriptive book and not a "prescriptive" book. They claim there is no doctrinal truth in Acts.

 Religion if followed would make the Word of Grace missing and lacking in the life of the believer. The cessationists, those clinging to religious tradition are so against the power of the Spirit for today that they are willing to disregard an entire book of the Bible. They are leaving behind some amazing truths of the Gospel in doing so.

 Some Christians have such a Religious bias and prejudice against Tongues, the active Gifts of the Spirit, the infilling of the Spirit, and Charismatic (supernatural) ministry that they can only see Acts as a Charismatic/Pentecostal book. I want to show that Acts is so much more than that. The Gospel of Grace is introduced in Acts and it is for us today!

 The Acts of Grace are seen throughout this wonderful book. This book describes the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of early believers in the Church. It is also prescribed because it reveals a ministry that turned the world upside down.  

 The world was transformed not just through signs and wonders, but also through preaching the radical message of God's Grace. All of the faiths, (religions) in the world were based on the actions, performances, and behavior of their followers up until this point. Here is a message being preached, that the God being proclaimed through preaching, being revealed through teaching, is the same God that already did all the work required. All one needs to do is simply believe.

 Throughout this book, we see Grace demonstrated and see Grace proclaimed to all. We have a full sermon of the Apostle Paul, the Apostle of Grace, given in this book. Acts not prescriptive? Not a book of doctrine? Foolishness! 

  The Word declared that great power was on the Church, the Spirit's power yes. We also see that great Grace was upon the Church. Grace is on the Church, Grace is the Gospel message we preach. Lost, rebellious, dead in sin, humanity can freely come to a Holy God and receive forgiveness of all sins, Righteousness, and eternal life. Not because they deserve it, not because they worked hard enough, but simply because of His Love and Goodness.

 This is the message that turned the world upside down.  

Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43 NKJV

 Grace is proclaimed throughout the entire book of Acts. We see it first here that we as the Church are no longer under Law but His Grace. We see that we have been freed from the Old Covenant and the new has come. We see the opposition from religion and tradition to the message of Jesus and His Grace.  

 We can't allow religious bias to rob us of the fullness of God. Religious bias formed, creating further wrong thinking, and producing unbelief in the hearts and minds of some Christians is what's behind ideas like these. The book of Acts is a book about the power of the Spirit yes but even more about it's a book proclaiming the word of His Grace.

 Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:3 NKJV

This passage says it all. Grace and the Spirit's power are inseparable. They are the effective ministry that turned the world upside down then and it's still the same today. Proclaim Grace with power and demonstration and see God confirm His Grace with signs following. 

 In summation, Acts is a book of doctrine. It reveals the availability of the Spirit today. It reveals the supernatural ministry the Church should be walking in. It also reveals the message we should still be proclaiming. The Grace of God! 

Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Baptism in the Holy Ghost

And I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’ John 1:33 NASB

 One of the greatest blessings God has given humanity is the Holy Spirit released upon the earth. His Spirit works in many ways. He convicts unbelievers of their sin of unbelief. He reminds the believers of who they are, the children of God, and how much they are loved by Him. He is our comforter and peace no matter the circumstance.

 The Holy Ghost is also power from on high. He empowers believers in so many ways. He empowers us to witness to others about the love of the Father. He leads us and guides us through His still small voice, and His peace within. If there is no real peace about a decision, it's best to wait before acting. There is another aspect of His power available to believers.

 The Baptism in the Spirit releases God's tangible, supernatural, power in our life. This is an active power, not a passive power. It is the doorway into the supernatural ministry and supernatural life in Christ. 

 Brother, don't you know you are complete in Christ? Didn't you know you already have all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ when you believed? There are no second blessings, you are not incomplete. You have all you need the moment you believe.

 As a person who has received Jesus, freely, by Grace through Faith, that knows the Gospel is the Grace of God, that Jesus is the person of Grace, I am not ignorant of my completeness in Christ. In Him, we are complete, not lacking, fully supplied, and connected to our Father forever. We are complete in Christ, yes I agree.

 What we must remember though is our completeness concerns our identity. In our identity, we are complete and full lacking nothing. In our development spiritually speaking we are growing and learning and increasing. It is in this area where the fullness of the Spirit is needed and benefits us greatly. 

 Let's look at the Apostle Paul's words in Acts 19 to further examine this concern and gain better insight. This is the Apostle of Grace. This is the very Apostle who gave us the good news revelation that we are complete in Christ. Was he confused about our completion at this time? Look at the question he asks;

1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the upper regions and came to Ephesus. He found some disciples and said to them, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?” Acts 19:1-2 MEV

 If we are complete at salvation in identity and development and "have it all" at salvation, why even ask this question? Some may respond he just wanted to make sure they were actually saved. Okay, maybe, but why did he continue in his actions demonstrating a belief that there is a subsequent infilling of the Holy Spirit?

  When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:5-6 MEV

 Why did Paul lay hands on them? Laying on of hands is not a requirement or prerequisite for receiving salvation. When we receive Christ, the Spirit makes His abode within us. This is the Spirit indwelling us, this is the Spirit within. 

Paul laid hands on these believers so that the Spirit would come upon them empowering them for supernatural power, enabling, and anointed acts of service. There is the Spirit within, identity, and completeness in Christ. There is also the Spirit upon, empowerment for development. This Spirit upon is the Baptism in the Holy Ghost.

 I baptized you in water, but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.” Mark 1:8 WEB

 In 1993 as a young immature man, serving in the United States Military I was ignorant and unlearned about the person of the Holy Spirit. I had a minister and even another friend pray for me to receive the Spirit upon. In my ignorance, I was looking for a feeling or something tangible to release my Faith to reach out and receive. 

 Needless to say, I didn't receive Him, I was not in Faith. Then one night I received prayer from this same minister, and when he prayed for me the power of God overtook me, overshadowed me, and enveloped me. I again, trying to use my head, didn't fully accept, what I had received. 

 After the service, I went to the minister and told him my desire to be filled and pray in the Spirit. What I didn't realize was that I had just received but my ignorant mind was blocking the Spirit from fully manifesting Himself through me. The minister looked at me and just said lift your hands and speak! As soon as I did I just started speaking forth this beautiful heavenly tongue giving praise to my Father.

 The result of the Spirit upon has been dynamic. I began to witness in power and demonstration. I saw sick bodies healed, I saw people set free and lives changed through prayer. This happened because the Spirit's empowerment was given to me and I received it freely. 

 The good news is that this same power is available to all who believe. When you receive Jesus you are complete in Him. There is no lack or deficiency in your identity in Christ. You are complete, accepted, and approved. Now that you are new, we all begin the development journey in Christ. In this understanding, freely receive the Spirit upon you and see your life transformed supernaturally. 

 It is freely given we just need to freely receive it. How? It is simple, by Faith believing. You receive Jesus, you rest in your completeness in Him. Second, simply desire this divine empowerment. Finally, just ask and receive it. Dear Jesus, because you love me, baptize me in the Holy Spirit, amen thank you. Begin to thank God, and open your mouth and speak forth the language the Spirit gives. It is not based on your performance but on Jesus' love for you. 

Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Complete in Christ!

And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all authority and power. Colossians 2:10 MEV

So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. Colossians 2:10 NLT

 Have you ever felt incomplete? That you are lacking or deficient in some area of your life? Ever saw yourself as not fully measuring up? Ever thought you were lagging behind and watching others bypass you? Should this be the norm in our Christian walk?

 Did the redemptive work of Christ Jesus not cover some area of our life? Did Jesus not fully provide for us? Is His Finished Work Not Enough?

 We may feel like we are incomplete sometimes in our Christian journey. We feel like we are lagging behind. Certainly, religious tradition declares and proclaims how incomplete we are, how we are losing ground and always failing to measure up. Is this the Gospel message?

 Is this the truth of our identity in Christ? The Good News is Jesus' work of Redemption is complete. Jesus won. He has fully provided for us and made us new creations in Him. No matter how we see ourselves, or what wrong idea or concept we think and believe, we are complete in Him.

 We are connected to Christ. We are one with Him. We aren't far from our Father. We are in perfect union because of Jesus. This is based on the perfect work of our Savior. It is not based on how we feel or if we get it all right from day to day. We are always connected to Christ.

 We are clean, not filthy sinners any longer. We are cleansed from all our sins. Jesus' blood was shed for the full remission of all our sins. His blood is enough. This spotless blood covered and cleansed all sin. We are not guilty in the eyes of our Father. He doesn't look upon us as dirty and unholy. He sees us as cleansed and spotless, fully Righteous.

 We are close to God. We became close when we accepted Jesus' free gift of Righteousness and the forgiveness of sins. We are one with Him. We don't have to work our way to closeness to Him. 

 I can hear religious tradition "freaking out" if you will at this thought. If religious tradition had a motto it would be "working my way to you Lord." Traditional religion likens our spiritual disciplines and works as a mean to become closer to God. They are working for what they already have.

 We are complete in Christ. We don't have to try to be complete. We are complete in Him. We need to rest in our identity. We need to accept we are who He says we are.

 Now religion says we are complete until we are incomplete. How does this happen? When we don't follow all their rules, when we aren't as "spiritual" as them, or when we sin too much. 

 Clean, close and connected? Only if we haven't sinned. If we sin, we are far off. We are unclean and disconnected. We then need to get right, we need to get back to God, we need to "rededicate" or reconnect. This concept is foreign to the Gospel spelled out in the Epistles. The vocabulary of distance, disconnection and uncleanness is not found in the Epistles concerning the believer. 

 The Good News of the Gospel is we are fully complete and close to God forever because of Jesus. Our sins or level of spiritual disciplines have nothing to do with it. It's by Faith in Christ that we have this new life, Righteousness and perfect union with Christ. 

 In summation, don't allow tradition to rob you of your true identity in Christ. You are clean, you are close, and you are forever connected to the Father. You are complete in Christ and nothing can change that. It is all because of Jesus. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Holy Communion:truth vs. tradition

 24 When He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take and eat. This is My body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same manner He took the cup after He had supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 26 As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 MEV

 Holy Communion, this is the one sacrament or ordinance all Christians observe and regularly practice. With any common practice, some traditions and differences may arise. Some differ on whether actual wine is used or if it's just grape juice. Some like wafers others prefer actual bread. 

 These are more preferences and minor differences if we stay with Scripture alone as our source. What we must address however is not preferences surrounding the Lord's Supper, but the traditions of men that arise concerning it. We need to discern truth from tradition.

 Paul the Apostle of Grace addresses the issue of Holy Communion in the Epistle to the Corinthians. The first issue we must focus on is discussing the Holy Communion in the full context of Paul's words. Within these passages, we see words and concepts like self-examination, and judgment and even see some who got sick and some who died prematurely. 

 Traditions arise when we isolate statements and words and then take these words and concepts out of their complete setting and context. This gives place for new concepts and attitudes about God and His character how He sees us and how He corrects us. This gives birth to new ideas about how the Christian life must be lived.

 What helps in understanding passages in the New Covenant is to remember the three basic facts of the New Covenant. God alone saves. Salvation is found in God alone. He saves us we don't save ourselves. We didn't earn it therefore it is a gift we receive by Grace through Faith. Secondly, eternal life is just that eternal. Eternal life cannot be lost if so it wouldn't be eternal. Lastly, when we receive salvation, eternal life, we receive the free Gift of Righteousness and the complete forgiveness of our sins.

 Let's look at the passages that taken out of their full and complete context tend to form this idea that God is judging believers for their sins and other troublesome ideas;

 27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 29 For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died. 31 But if we would examine ourselves, we would not be judged by God in this way. 32 Yet when we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned along with the world. 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 NLT

 These are some heavy-handed and harsh-sounding passages. It seems to convey the idea that if we partake of communion wrong God is going to kill us. It seems to teach believers that they need to examine their lives before they receive communion. That if there are sins in their life they will be judged for their sins if they partake of the bread and wine. It creates a sin consciousness rather than a Christ and Righteousness consciousness.

 Some translations even render this passage that if your heart isn't right with God, if you are in sin, that you are taking judgment on yourself. The phrase examine yourself tends to make people think God is saying to examine your life and see how you measure up. Tradition therefore says to examine yourself and see how wicked and sinful you are. Acknowledge how much you have failed, who you have offended, who you need to forgive, and how far you've fallen from God's standards.

 Is this what God was really speaking through Paul? Recall the three basic facts of the New Covenant? They still apply here. Using our Bible facts we can see this interpretation of Paul's words doesn't agree with those facts. Therefore, we can know confidently that Paul was not teaching what tradition claims. 

  Stay within the context. Look at what was going on. The one word that can summarize the Corinthian church at this time is excess. They were excessive in finding division among themselves. They sinned excessively. They utilized the gifts in excess, that is, they would disrupt the meeting, and they would shout in other tongues to each other to show off. They also observed communion in the excess.

 They were actually having a full feast meal with the elements. Some would eat so much and leave nothing for others. Some would even get intoxicated on the wine. Paul addressed this because they weren't observing the Lord's Supper properly by this behavior. The gluttony and drunkenness are what prompted Paul to give us New Covenant instruction on Holy Communion.

 Whenever the words correction and instruction are brought up people immediately conjure up images of God's anger, wrath, and fiery indignation and punishment. Brethren this isn't what the New Covenant is about. Jesus paid the price in full, therefore God is not punishing His children. 

 Let's address this first misunderstood verse and the subsequent tradition of man. This idea of examining ourselves has created much confusion and brought about much condemnation surrounding the Lord's Supper. What then did Paul mean when he said to let a man examine himself?

 Looking again at the full context we can clearly see what Paul is saying. The Corinthians were receiving the Holy Communion as a mere meal. They were not looking at the price Jesus paid. They were not honoring the Finished Work. In fact, they were taking it for granted and only focusing on filling their bellies. 

 This is why Paul said don't partake of Communion in an unworthy manner. He was instructing us to honor Grace, the work of the Cross, and redemption. He was telling us to put Christ and His Grace in remembrance. 

 Yet people take Paul's words to mean we need to examine ourselves and our flaws and sins. If we partake of communion with sin in our lives, we are partaking of the cup and the bread in an unworthy state and manner. So before we receive the elements we must examine our life and see if we qualify to partake.

 Concerning Holy Communion, Jesus said as often as you partake of communion do this in remembrance of Me. Jesus said do this in remembrance of Me, not thee! We are not to put into remembrance our sins or shortcomings. We are to remember Jesus and all He did for us in His perfect redemptive work of Grace. Communion is a time to reflect on Grace, not on our failures or flaws.

 What did Paul mean when he said examine ourselves? He was saying to examine yourself and ensure you are receiving the elements and partaking worthily. Again how do we partake worthily? We do it by remembering all Jesus did for us and adding our agreement to His perfect work of redemption in our lives. 

 Examining ourselves isn't the act of introspection and acknowledging how flawed and fallen we are. I heard a mixture preacher once say examining ourselves would reveal to ourselves how flawed we were and where we were actively disobeying God. This concept completely disagrees and dishonors the Gift of Righteousness and total forgiveness that Christ's shed blood and great exchange procured for us. 

There are several of these traditions surrounding communion. We will examine them in light of the New Covenant and full context. In summation, we need to come in agreement with Grace. We need to put Jesus and His Finished Work in remembrance whenever we are taking communion. The focus is on the Finished Work, not our sins. 

Image by Vesa Leppänen from Pixabay

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Answering Objections to the Gospel of Grace: Once you're saved are you always saved?

 For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP

  The Gospel of Grace is the Good News of the Grace of God pledged in Christ Jesus. Jesus is our perfect Redeemer. The entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation is a divine love story. God desired a family. He created mankind and then mankind through deception fell and lost his place. Still, God turned it around by becoming a man, paying the sin debt, and offering eternal life and relationship with the Father to whosoever will freely receive. 

  This is the Good News, the too-good-to-be-true but true Good News. God did this because of His great Love and Grace. He didn't redeem and pay this high price because we warranted it by our goodness or performance. Nothing we could do enough of or abstain from would cause us to receive this eternal life from God. 

 Yet in light of these clear truths spelled out in Scripture, we still find people objecting to Grace and claiming we still play a part in our salvation or the maintaining of it. That is aside from simply trusting in Christ alone, there are other requirements to be saved or to stay saved. I recently came across a concise list of objections to the Gospel of Grace. With such a concise list it seemed good to give a concise rebuttal. 

 So far I have answered the issue of who 1 John 1 was addressed to, and must we confess each sin after we are saved to receive forgiveness for that sin. I have addressed the objection that Grace relies too much on Paul's Epistles as if the rest of the Bible contradicts Paul. I addressed the concept that God punishes us for our sins and will judge cities or nations for their collective sin.

 In our last study, I addressed the Graceless notion that we still need the Law today to live upright and successful and be pleasing to God. Today I want to address this final objection that a believer in Jesus can actually lose or forfeit their salvation. This is an age-old argument. The problem is people get into the what-ifs and try to use obscure passages to deny clear passages that show salvation is forever.

 The objection listed familiar passages to argue against eternal security. Of course, they listed Hebrews 6 and Hebrews 10 and 2 Peter 2:20. I have detailed responses to them as well as other passages on this blog site which can be accessed by looking at either the topical reference or the year date reference. 

 There are some truths we need to establish in our hearts and thinking that bring clarity wisdom and understanding to this much-debated belief. First, it is God alone who saves. Salvation is found in none other than Christ Jesus. 

 God alone is the one doing the saving. Human efforts, good deeds, kindness, and sustained abstinence from sinful deeds will never merit salvation. If they don't merit salvation, why do we hold fast to the concept that though they don't earn salvation somehow after salvation is received these are what is needed and necessary to maintain it? 

The second fact we must know is that salvation is eternal. Salvation is receiving and possessing eternal life. Eternal life is just that eternal. Salvation is not a probationary period here on earth. Salvation is not eternal as long as you maintain it. Eternal is eternal, just as God is eternal and not temporal so it is with His salvation.

 Finally, the third fact we must know and understand is that when we trust in Christ alone, we receive the Gift of Righteousness and the complete forgiveness of all our sins. All our sins are forgiven forever. All our past, present, and future sins are forgiven completely. Our sins will never be imputed to us again, and because of Jesus' Blood, He remembers them no more forever.

 Now whenever you encounter an obscure passage that seems to contradict eternal security look to see if that passage seems to contradict the facts of the New Covenant and Finished Work of Christ. If it seems to disagree with these facts, then we know we aren't understanding it completely. 

 The author of the list of objections to Hyper-Grace also cited a passage in James as perfect proof that we can lose our salvation. He noted James 5 as clear evidence that the Grace message was wrong and that salvation was not unconditionally secure. 

 Using our facts, we can clearly see this passage is not talking about losing salvation. Who saves? God does, not any man. We can't save anyone. We can help someone struggling with sinful habits and lead them back on a more beneficial and profitable path. 

 Remember that salvation is eternal, so the person is not in danger of dying spiritually. The word soul there speaks not of the spirit man, but rather the mind,  the will, and emotions, the soul. James is showing we can save a person from much pain and suffering from the physical mental and emotional consequences of their sins. He was not speaking of the loss of salvation.

 So once we are saved are we always saved? Yes, a resounding yes! Look at Peter's words through his Epistles. He says we have an inheritance that is preserved for us. It is preserved for us, not by us or our efforts, spiritual disciplines, or abstinence from sin but by Him alone. 

We are born again of incorruptible seed. Incorruptible means the seed is eternal and incorruptible. Incorruptible doesn't mean future deeds or actions or wrong beliefs can somehow cause the seed to become corrupted. Incorruptible means just that incorruptible;

having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever1 Peter 1:23 NKJV

For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 NLT

 We are believers in Christ. Think of it, we are Christians, and the Faith is referred to as Christianity. Christ is meant to be the central focus of our Faith. Through man's religious tradition, we have turned Christianity into "human-anity". Let's return to making Jesus central and our works, efforts, performance, and abstinence from sins as secondary or fruit of all Christ already performed and bestowed upon us. 

 In summation, there may be objections raised but the Gospel is the Grace of God. The message of Grace is the message of Jesus. It's not by our performance or anything we do or don't do that we have found love, acceptance, and approval from God. We have fully answered and responded to all these objections to Radical Grace. Grace is the truth and it is the Gospel of Christ Jesus. 

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Answering Objections to the Gospel of Grace: We still need the Moral Law, the Ten Commandments?

 For the Law was given through Moses, but grace (God's unearned, undeserved favor) and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP

 Scripture shows that when the Gospel was presented, religious-minded ones objected. They would demand that the Old Covenant and the Law still be observed. Even Peter the Apostle got carried away with this insomuch Paul publicly rebuked him.

 Recently I came across a concise list of objections to the Gospel of Grace, the "Grace message." With such a detailed list of objections, it seemed good to give a detailed rebuttal. So I have been taking the time to respond to these objections thoroughly.

 So far, I have addressed the issue of 1 John 1 and who it was addressed to. I have responded to the claim that Christians must confess to God every time they sin so they will receive forgiveness for that sin. I have addressed the concern that Grace only focuses on Paul's Epistles as if the rest of the Bible contradicts Paul. 

 In our last studies, I dealt with this issue concerning God either punishing us for our sins or judging nations or cities because of their collective sin. Today, I want to address an objection to Grace that is not new. This idea is that we need both Grace and the Law to live victorious in Christ today. 

 In Acts 15, the Church dealt with and settled this issue, we are under Grace, not Law. The enemy wants to keep the Church in mixture so the believers in Christ will be confused about their identity. They will become hesitant to take their place at the King's table and freely receive all their Father has prepared and provided for them and all Jesus has procured and purchased for them. 

 For sin will not have mastery over you, since you are not under law but under grace. Romans 6:14 MOUNCE 

 Yes, that's true we aren't under Law but Grace, but this must be only referencing the ceremonial laws, the dietary laws, and the sacrificial system. By following the Ten Commandments sin won't have mastery over us. Yes, we must keep the moral Law today. So says the religious-minded ones. Does the Bible teach it's the observance of the "Moral Law" and keeping the Ten Commandments that makes us free from sin's dominion?

 The · sting of death is · sin, and the power of sin is the law. 1 Corinthians 15:56 MOUNCE

 Clearly, it's the Law that gives sin its strength. The Law stirs up sinful desires and passions. The Law reveals mankind's true heart. Its motives desires and cravings. Grace is the answer to sin not Law. 

 The Law also is not divided into 3 or more parts allowing mankind to prop up what is ended and fulfilled. The Law isn't separated into 3 parts so man can therefore "keep the Law" now. Man likes to dilute God's standards into something man with enough "discipline" "willpower" and sustained abstinence from everything physical and natural can actually keep. 

 Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount put this concept away. Religious Grace claims the Sermon on the Mount proves that Grace has a higher standard than Law. No, religion has blinded minds so they can't discern Grace. Jesus was giving man the full weight of the Law. He was showing the Law is impossible to keep no matter how much you "discipline" yourself. This message wasn't about Grace, but God revealed to mankind their only hope is found in a Savior apart from their works and performance. 

 For Christ is the end of the law, so now there is righteousness for everyone who believes. Romans 10:4 MOUNCE

They don’t understand that Christ gives to those who trust in him everything they are trying to get by keeping his laws. He ends all of that. Romans 10:4 TLB

Christ is the fulfillment of Moses’ Teachings so that everyone who has faith may receive God’s approval. Romans 10:4 NOG

Christ has made an end to the law as a way of getting right with God. Everyone who believes in him is put right with God. Romans 10:4 WE

 One passage, this one passage has so much depth. Sharing this one passage in various translations brings out the richness of God's Grace. Christ is the end of the Law. Paul doesn't divide the Law like man tries to. Christ is the end of the Law for acceptance, approval, and right standing with God forever. 

 The Word is clear the Law is fulfilled in Christ. The Law is no longer how God relates to us. We have a new and living way to God and to enter into relationship with Him. This new way is the way of Grace. This new way is Jesus, the Person of Grace.

 The Law is the Ministry of Condemnation. The Law is the ministry of death. The Law is fading away and is now obsolete. Paul declared this in his Epistle to the Corinthians

 The ministry of Righteousness is the ministry that should be the focus of the Church today. Yet, it seems some want to keep mixing Moses' way of righteousness with Jesus' gift of Righteousness. Jesus' Righteousness is received freely by Faith. 

 When Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appeared beside Him. Peter declared let's build a tabernacle for all three. Peter in essence was saying let's keep all three as permanent fixtures. Peter said we should always have Moses and Elijah, the Law and the Prophets mixed with Jesus!

 This is exactly what religious tradition is doing now. They are saying we need Jesus, we need the Law and the Prophets too. The Father spoke out from Heaven, revealing it's not Grace (Jesus) and Law (Moses), it's all Jesus (Grace). The Father declared this is my Beloved Son hear Him, not hear them! 

 In summation, we have the person of Grace, Jesus Christ revealed to us and He is who we should listen to and follow now. The Law brought us to Christ. The Prophets foretold of Christ coming. Now that He is here we can hear from Him ourselves and don't need stone tablets to tell us how to live, we have the living Savior indwelling us. Jesus is enough.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Answering Objections to the Gospel of Grace: Too much of what Paul preached?

  For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP

  Whenever God restores truth to the Church oftentimes it is met with critical skepticism. Certainly, it is not wrong to confirm what is brought forth to ensure it aligns with God's Word. This is seeking to confirm the truth, not resist the truth. That said, when truth is being restored sometimes objections are raised.

 Sometimes these objections come about because it cuts cross-grain to how things have been done for so long. Sometimes these objections come about because religious leaders feel like they are losing the control they have over their congregants. Sometimes these objections come about because of misunderstandings and minds rooted in the tradition of men. 

 In light of this, this is why it is good in a spirit of love to answer such objections. Recently I came across a concise list of objections concerning the Radical Grace of God. It seemed good to me that with such a concise list of objections, a detailed response was warranted.

 So far in addressing this list of objections I have addressed in detail this issue of 1 John 1:9 and confessions of sins to be forgiven. Today, I want to address this objection that the Gospel of Grace only focuses on Paul's Epistles. That Grace teaching disregards the Gospels and the Old Testament and ignores the other Epistles. 

 This may seem like nothing concerning to some believers, but to our mainline, denominational brethren it is a serious issue. It seems as if we are saying only Paul is inspired by God and everything else is false. Is it Paul's Gospel or is it THE Gospel?

 The answer to this objection is very simple. Look at what Paul himself said about the Gospel he preaches. Paul said it was Jesus Himself who taught him the Gospel. Jesus taught Paul. Paul's teachings are Jesus' teachings. 

 The true issue is that believers are not rightly dividing the Word. When we present the Gospel are we to teach the Old Testament? When we minister the Word do we need to present all the teachings of Jesus as what is required of New Covenant believers?

 If so what portions are active for believers today? Not eating our steaks medium rare or wearing clothing with mix fabrics? Are we to present ourselves to the priest when we are cleansed? 

 I am not being critical or "snarky." The issue is these objections are raised by angry believers who have simply taken the Bible and never rightly divided it and therefore don't even understand it all and presume it all pertains to all people forever. They can't distinguish between Jesus' preaching of the Old Covenant requirements and Jesus' teaching of the coming New Covenant. 

 Those who object to Grace preaching claim we have dismissed Jesus' teachings. They argue that we are to follow all of what Jesus taught. What do we do then with this word from Jesus?

24 But He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:24 MEV

 For those who object to Grace teaching, and claim we should follow Jesus' words to the letter where does this statement leave us? If we are not literal Jews then we are lost without God and still in our sins. Jesus was only sent to Israel, His own words. Unless of course we are to rightly divide Jesus' words and apply what is New Covenant to our lives and leave the rest in the Covenant they pertained to. 

 When we rightly divide the Word, we get a clear picture of God's great love and all the time Goodness. Though we see wrath and judgment under the Old, we still see a Father longing for the day of Redemption. We see a Father who said He delights in mercy and not judgment. We see a Savior, God incarnate who revealed the full weight of the Law, revealing the need for a Savior. We see a Savior who said it is Finished ending the Old and ushering in a New Covenant based on His Grace, not our works. 

 Jesus' words are not disregarded just rightly divided under Grace. The Old Covenant is not thrown out. It is clearly seen as fulfilled and now obsolete. The other Epistles are not ignored. Peter and James did not disagree with Paul. In Acts 15, James and Peter agreed with Paul that the Old Covenant and Law are fulfilled and no longer in effect. 

 Look at Peter's own words;

10 Now then, why are you testing God by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to endure? 11 But we believe that we are saved through the [precious, undeserved] grace of the Lord Jesus [which makes us free of the guilt of sin and grants us eternal life], in just the same way as they are.” Acts 15:10-11 AMP

 This objection is simply a result of tradition-ruled men not rightly dividing the Word. This objection is a result of those who still desire to mix Law and Grace. This objection is a result of those who simply want to blend the Old Covenant with the New Covenant. 

 The Gospel of Grace is the Gospel Paul preached. This Gospel is the Gospel that Jesus taught Paul directly. Jesus purchased the free gift of Righteousness apart from man's work, performance, and behavior. He purposefully entrusted Paul with the task of proclaiming this Good News to all. The Lord also thought it best to have Paul pen 2/3rds of the New Covenant.  

 In summation, there is not too much Paul preaching. Paul's message is the Gospel. Jesus taught it to him. Jesus called and appointed him to proclaim it. When we rightly divide the Word we see Paul and Jesus and the other writers of the New are in harmony, not disagreement. 

Image by Benjamin Nelan from Pixabay

Monday, February 19, 2024

Objection?! Answering objections to the Gospel of Grace

For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP

 Grace and truth came through Christ. Take note that Grace and Truth are listed together. They are on the same side if you will. Some religious minded say preach Grace but we also need truth. As if Grace isn't speaking the truth. As if Grace opposes truth. 

 If Grace and truth are together, which John 1 clearly demonstrates, then Grace and truth are not opposites. It means that Grace is the truth. That truth is also Grace. They go hand in hand. With this understanding, I want to look at some serious objections some Christian leaders have concerning Grace.

 There may be many objections you have heard previously. On this site, I have spent considerable time answering concerns about the Gospel of Grace. That said I recently came across a concise list of objections to the message of Radical Grace. It was so detailed I felt a detailed response to each objection was warranted. With that let's begin.

 The biggest objection to Radical Grace is the concept of confession of our sins and 1 John 1:9 being written to believers. The Gospel of Grace has revealed that 1 John 1:9 is not to believers but rather to unbelievers. This is a strongly controversial point to some. 

 This objection must be responded to by tackling two questions.  Is 1 John 1 written to Christians or sinners? Is confession of sins (in order to be forgiven of sins) for the believer? Let's answer objection one part one, who is 1 John chapter 1 addressing? 

 Let's look at the first chapter in full context here. Take note of how John the Apostle begins the Epistle. Look how there is no greeting. Every Epistle in the New Covenant begins with a greeting. Even in the Epistle to the Hebrews though it begins with a statement, this statement is clearly addressing those in the Faith. 

 In John's other two Epistles, he specifically addresses the believer with a greeting. Looking at 1 John 2:1, we can see the standard greeting begins here. So why no greeting in the first verse or two of this Epistle? This should make us pause, and ask why there is a deviation from every Epistle in the New Testament. 

 Next, let's look at some of the passages in the first chapter. 

 3. we declare to you that which we have seen and heard, that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. We are writing these things to you so that our joy may be complete. 1 John 1:3-4 MEV

 Now let me take this passage and highlight some words that indicate who John is addressing. 

 3. we declare to you that which we have seen and heard, that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. We are writing these things to you so that our joy may be complete. 1 John 1:3-4 (emphasis mine).

  Have you noted the pronouns being used? We (those in Christ) are addressing you (those not in Christ yet), and telling you (those without Christ) about Jesus. If this first chapter is to believers why is John distinguishing himself from the audience? Who are the "we" and who is the "you?"

 I trust you are tracking with me. Tradition is such a powerful force. It creates a stronghold in the minds of believers that can be a struggle to pull down. This stronghold of tradition is so strong it makes the Word of no effect. 

 The Word being of no effect means that even when reading and seeing clear passages presented from God's Word, the clouded mind of tradition cannot see the light of it. Tradition won't allow the person to grasp the truth of the Word. In fact often times it causes them not only to reject it but to aggressively fight against it. 

 If not written to believers who is John addressing? John is addressing the Gnostics who have infiltrated the Church. Understand the Church is in its infancy growth stage when the Scriptures were given. The Scripture must address certain mindsets attitudes and issues that pose a threat and hindrance to the development of the Church. 

 This is exactly what John was doing in writing the Epistle of 1 John. The Gnostics believed flesh was evil and therefore rejected Jesus being a flesh and blood man. This is why John went to great lengths to describe Jesus in the first two verses of this Epistle. John describes perfectly both the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ.

 When we understand that this first chapter is written to the Gnostic lost, the rest of the chapter makes more sense. Verses 5-10 have been a source of condemnation and shame to the Church for generations. Look at them again. The passages seem to suggest we can walk in and out of fellowship with God when we sin.

 This is not what this passage is saying. Think of it this way. Replace the word light with the word morality. If we walk in morality as He is morality we have fellowship with God and the blood cleanses us from sin. Wait, if we are walking morally then why would we need cleansing from sin? We would only need cleansing when we are immoral.

 Yet tradition creates a doctrine from this one passage that says if we sin we have no fellowship with God until we say I am sorry. Is this right? Again, who is this addressing? It is talking to lost Gnostics who think they are in the light because of knowledge. 

 If we think we are in the light because of our doing, and our thinking, then we are deceiving ourselves and actually walking in darkness. This passage is an invitation to accept Christ, to walk in true fellowship with Him, and to receive continual cleansing from the blood. This is not addressing the saints who have sinned.

  In Christ, we are forgiven once for all time. He declared we will never be forsaken or abandoned. He didn't say oh wait, let me add a clause here. You're only unforsaken if you don't commit sin. 

 No, we don't lose fellowship with our Father when we sin. Whenever we do sin, our Good Father draws us closer. He doesn't run from us. He doesn't distance Himself from us. He doesn't disown us. He runs to us and reminds us of who we are in Him. We are the Righteousness of God in Christ. We are forgiven of all our sins. 

 With this truth established of who the audience is, we can know that 1 John 1:9 does not address Christians but unbelievers. If we rightly divide the Word apart from tradition we can clearly see it. If we allow the Scriptures themselves to establish precedence, we can see how this Epistle is distinct. 1 John 1 is not addressing believers it is speaking to the Gnostic lost. 

 In summation, relinquish tradition and embrace truth. If we embrace Grace we embrace truth. Let's not man's understanding lead us astray from this Gospel of Grace. Next time we will address part two of this objection. Must we confess our sins? 

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Radical Grace or Radical works?

 We have all received from His fullness grace upon grace. John 1:16 MEV

For from · his fulness we have all received · one gracious gift after another. John 1:16 MOUNCE

 The announcement of salvation found in Christ alone is glad tidings. The proclamation of the Good News of the Gospel of Christ brings fullness of Joy. The Gospel is the Good News of the Grace of God pledged through Jesus Christ. In short, it's supposed to be the most amazing news you've ever heard.

 As of this writing, we just came out of the Christmas season. This is the season of glad tidings, peace, and goodwill toward men. This is the season of giving gifts freely to the ones we love and care for. It's gift-giving season, did you then have to earn the gift you received?

 If you did, then you really didn't receive a gift but wages earned by your doing. When you go to a job and put in a work week, you aren't receiving a gift from the employer when you get your paycheck. It is a culmination of the wages earned by your efforts, your performance, and your doing. It is therefore not a gift.

 God our Father is not an employer. He is not a taskmaster. He is not a manager. He is not the chief executive. He is not assigning tasks to complete and then rewarding us based on the success or failure of our assigned tasks. If He is then He is not a God of Grace but of performance. 

 If God is not a God of Grace, then His standard is performance. If it's all about performance with God, then that means He is focused on our performance. If He is focused on our performance, then Jesus' performance isn't paramount. Jesus' performance wouldn't be enough and it would mean we are dependent on Jesus plus our works. This would also mean in one sense, Jesus' performance in the Finished Work, is pointless and meaningless because God still requires our good performance.

 Now to the one who works, his wages are not credited as a gift, but as an obligation. But to the one who does not work, but entrusts himself to the one who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited · as righteousness Romans 4:4-5 MOUNCE

This is so clear it is by Grace, a gift, not of works. Look at this same passage in another translation;

When people work, their pay is not regarded as a gift but something they have earned. However, when people don’t work but believe God, the one who approves ungodly people, their faith is regarded as the basis of God’s approval. Romans 4:4-5 NOG

 The Word of God, the will of God clearly revealed to us, is quite clear on this matter. It is either all work or it is all Grace. There is no mixture or middle ground. This is the essential Gospel message. Paul declared anyone preaching another message than this is not of God and said let them be accursed.

 Now to be merciful, some well-meaning ministries and churches do not preach the message of Grace but a mixture of works and Grace. Am I declaring these are all cursed and going to hell when they die? No of course not. It's just that there is no blessing or goodness associated with this "mixture messaging."

 I said all of this, affirming and reaffirming the Gospel, to kick over a sacred cow if you will. I said all this to establish the true Gospel and to expose the perversion of man. We can't contaminate, corrupt, or cast aside the pure message of the Grace Gospel to make way for man's performance or make way for a place for good works.

 This week, I came across a message from an internationally known mega-church. The speaker there was quoting and thus also affirming, the words of a very well-known minister and missionary who has long since passed away. This quote was so astounding to me. It was the words of a man, and even good men can miss it.

 In essence, this is what the minister quoted;

"If you want to go to Heaven then just do these three things. Read your Bible daily, pray every day, and go to church."

 The speaker of course affirmed this same message to the people present and those watching online. In fairness, this was done as an appeal for people to come to church. That said, the words are still problematic. The reason is they cut cross-grain to the Gospel. 

 What happens if we don't go to church one Sunday? What happens if we forget to pray? How much of the Bible are we to read daily? One verse? Three verses? A chapter? This is the problem with the works and performance-centered gospel of man. How much is enough? How do we know if we've done enough?

 The most concerning point about this quote is it diminishes the Cross and Finished Work in favor of man's performance. It says it's not by Grace alone through Faith alone we are saved and eternally secure it's our doing that saves us. Jesus once for all sacrifice and trusting in that alone isn't enough. We must add to it by our spiritual disciplines. 

 Now is reading the Word daily, praying every day, and consistent church attendance bad? No, it is highly beneficial and will result in spiritual growth and a better understanding of who God is and is part of a fruitful relationship with our Father. It is a fruit, not a root of our salvation and relationship with our Father above.

 Radical Grace or radical works? I believe the Gospel message is simple. I believe the Word is clear. It is all by Grace and never of our works. If anything from God is received by works, then it is not actually received it is achieved! If it's achieved it's not a gift received it's wages earned. That's not Grace.

 If it's wages earned it is not a free gift. If it's not a free gift then it's Jesus plus something else. The truth is God deals with us based on Grace not works. He has accepted Jesus' works and not ours. 

 We don't want God to relate to us based on our works or doings. For His standard is absolute perfection. If we come to God trusting in our performance then we are coming to an employer expecting a wage. We aren't coming to our Father to freely receive from His loving hands. It's Grace from beginning to eternity. 

 In summation, let's affirm the true Gospel. Let's receive from God based solely on what Jesus has done, what He has Finished, what He has procured and purchased for us. Remember it's from His fullness we receive one good thing after another after another, endless Grace. 

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Monday, August 28, 2023

Discover Grace: Nothing more to add

God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

 Grace. Grace is not just another doctrine of the Christian Faith. Grace is not just a topical study of God's Word. Grace is not just for the sinner to receive Christ and His free gift. 

 Grace is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace is the person of Jesus manifest on earth demonstrating to us the Father and His great Love, mercy, Goodness, and kindness. Grace is the unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor of Almighty God. Once received, this unearned favor produces a divine influence upon the heart and empowers the believer. 

 There is therefore nothing we can add to Grace. We can't add our works to His Grace. It's a Finished Work. It's not an incomplete work waiting on our good behavior to be added in order to fully complete it. No human effort, spiritual discipline, or spiritual observance can add to His perfect sacrifice and gift of Grace. 

 It's not Grace plus something. It is Grace alone from the beginning to eternity. It's not Grace plus Law keeping. It's not Grace plus observing the Sabbath days. It's not Grace plus celebration and observance of Old Covenant feast days. It's Grace alone, through Faith in Jesus' Finished work alone. 

 With such amazing Good News of the Gospel, we still see leaders and ministers encourage, teach, proclaim, and demand that New Covenant believers keep the Law, observe the Sabbath, and celebrate the feast days. It's as if some have completely ignored Romans, Galatians, Colossians, and the Book Of Acts to proclaim this. It's as if the meeting in Acts 15 never occurred. 

 Some are claiming there is some special spiritual significance for Christians to observe Jewish customs today, post-cross and resurrection. Some claim that Christians, in order to have a better understanding of their Faith, need to get back to the Jewish roots of the Faith. Some teach that the Sabbath and the festivals and feasts are to be celebrated forever, therefore they are required to be observed by both Jews and believers in Christ alike. 

 This is nothing new. We saw this clearly addressed in Acts 15. This issue was settled back there. Why are we still discussing and having to address this today? Understand the New Covenant is rooted in Grace and Faith, whereas the Old is rooted in outward acts of obedience to the Law and observing all its ordinances. 

 Those looking to keep Sabbath days and Celebrate the feast days are walking by sight and not faith. They are saying the shadow is more real and relevant than the substance which is Christ and His Finished Work. That the shadow offers more Revelation and in-depth intimacy than the substance who is Jesus. 


 They say they are just honoring Israel and the Old Covenant words. If they want to show honor then honor God's New Covenant, which is a Covenant of faith, not sight. To embrace shadows and not the substance is to walk in unbelief. 

 Under the Old, you could "see" your righteousness by how you kept the holy days, honored the Sabbath, and abstained from forbidden foods. It is not a light thing to God to try to mix the Covenants and to teach the Saints that keeping or honoring or observing holy days, feasts, manners, and customs is honoring God and His Word when the substance has already appeared and fulfilled all the shadows by His redemptive Work. We are to honor the Finished Work and His New Covenant and keep it free from mixture and error. 

 Now what does the New Covenant declare about keeping the Sabbath and observing and celebrating the holy days and feast days?

10 You are trying to earn favor with God by observing certain days months or seasons or years. Galatians 4:10 NLT

16 So don’t let anyone criticize you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating Jewish holidays and feasts or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.  17 For these were only temporary rules that ended when Christ came. They were only shadows of the real thing—of Christ himself. Colossians 2:16-17 TLB

 Grace is unearned favor. Outward acts such as keeping the Sabbath observing special days, and celebrating the Israeli feasts are a fleshly attempt to earn favor with God. It is telling God we are righteous by our doing and not by Faith alone in Christ's final sacrifice for sin. 

 If we are celebrating the feasts, we have fallen from Grace. The feasts were instituted by the Father to illustrate the perfect work of our Savior Jesus Christ. Those feasts revealed the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those feasts illustrate the life, death, perfect sacrifice, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His triumphant return. 

 If we still celebrate these feasts, then we are still looking for a Jewish Messiah to come. We are saying He has yet to come, we are also saying He has never come. Therefore in actively celebrating the feasts, we are denying Jesus as the Messiah.  If one is observing and celebrating these feasts today, they are denying Jesus and saying they do not believe in Him as being the Anointed One, the Son of God and Son of Man. 

Look clearly at Leviticus 23. We can see Jesus in these feasts. Because Jesus fulfilled these types and shadows why do we need to go backward and celebrate them? These Feasts were but shadows of He who was to come. Now that He has come, we have the substance and no longer need the shadows and types. 

 Again to observe and celebrate the feasts and keep the Sabbath today, we are saying the shadows are greater than the substance, Jesus. We are also saying we are still waiting on divine rest and the completion of the Work. We are saying the Messiah has never come yet and we are still looking for our substitutionary sacrifice to be made. We are denying Jesus and embracing an obsolete ordinance and Covenant. 

Now some of these who push for the Church to go back to Judaism try to misapply some New Covenant passages to justify their error. These Judaizers want to put the Church back under the yoke of the Law and blend the Old and New Covenant. For further study and a detailed response to the objections raised by these Judaizers and legalists see this post here

 In summation, let's celebrate Jesus. Let's give honor to the New Covenant. Let's give high praise and honor to the Finished Work of Christ. Let's not embrace dead works and deny Jesus as Savior and Lord. Let's discover Grace more and more. 

Image by Alessandro Macis from Pixabay