Showing posts with label Redemption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Redemption. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Living the Victorious Christian Life: Words

But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 corinthians 15:57 AMPC

But thanks be to God, who is always leading us in triumph in · Christ, and through us is making known the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14 MOUNCE

 Who doesn't like winning? We wouldn't follow a sports team very long if all they did was lose every single game they played. It's the same in the spiritual arena. In Christ, we have reason to celebrate. We who have received the free gift of Grace are now victors in this life. We are winners, champions, and triumphant, all because of Jesus.

 Living a life of victory is what Christ provided for us in this life as well as the one to come. He has given us the provision, tools, and keys, if you will, to be victorious in life. Delving into this victorious life, we have seen wisdom, hope, and Faith as important factors in living victorious lives. 

 Today, I want to go further into these areas by looking at the words we speak daily;

For the word of a king is authoritative and powerful, And who will say to him, “What are you doing?” Ecclesiastes 8:4 AMP

 Words are powerful and creative. Words are containers. They either contain life, goodness, Grace, and Faith or death, cursing, unbelief, and condemnation. In desiring to live victoriously, we must ask ourselves what are we speaking? What are we saying?

 Most believers are familiar with the passage in Proverbs that says death and life are in the power of the tongue. What is more powerful is reading it in the context of the previous verse. 

From the fruit of a man's mouth is his belly satisfied, From the increase of his lips he is satisfied. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those loving it eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:20-21 YLT

 Words continually spoken reveal where we are in our thinking and what we have been feeding on consistently. Words of doubt, fear, worry, and anxiety show that we are feeding on and giving attention to the symptoms, the problem, the lack, and the current circumstances we face. 

 It's not that we should ignore what we are going through. It's not that we should pretend nothing is wrong or deny what is happening or what we face. Walking in victory means we shift our focus, thinking, and belief onto God's provision and promise. 

 Look at an athletic event for example of what I am speaking of. Say it's the 4th quarter with 5 minutes left to play and the team is down 14 points. Does this mean it's over? No hope of winning the game? 

 That depends on what the players and coaches are giving attention to. If they only see the deficit on the scoreboard, the abilities of the opposing defense, and their own deficiencies, they will not overcome the odds. Champions look not at the circumstances but at the possibilities of victory. 

 In other words, they have hope, they don't quit. They have positive expectations to overcome the deficit. They exercise wisdom in calling and executing plays. They believe they can and they act on their belief and go for it. 

 So what are we feeding on? What are we giving attention to? If we feed on the Word of Christ, what He has done, what He has provided, and what the Father promises, our beliefs and thinking begin to align with what is written and what He accomplished. Our words then begin to agree with God and not disagree with Him.

 We can talk ourselves out of the promises and provisions of God. I know that cuts cross grain the hyper-sovereignty view so many preach about God. This is not God withholding from us. This is not God saying no I won't bless you now because of poor performance. 

 This is us disagreeing with God and unwittingly telling Him no. He will not override our will. Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 

 Words are a powerful force in the universe. God created the whole universe by speaking to it. Faith and confession, or agreement, are inseparable truths. Faith is released by words. We got saved by words spoken. Now we didn't cause the salvation but words made it real in our lives. 

 By faith [that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God] we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:3 AMP

 Our words are framing our own world. If we agree or disagree with God, we will see our lives framed by that which we speak. If we believe He holds our sins against us and speak that out, our lives will be framed with guilt, shame, inferiority, and condemnation. On the other hand, if we agree with God that we are forever forgiven and made Righteous, our lives will be framed with peace, confidence, and freedom.

 Faith's confession agrees with the reality that Grace already made. Faith's confession creates that reality in our own life. Speaking in alignment with Christ and the promises of the Father frames our world with Faith, hope, victory, and wholeness in every area of life.

 Abram spoke in agreement with God and manifested the promise. God changed his name to Abraham. That means father of a multitude. He called him the father of a multitude when he currently wasn't. Abraham kept agreeing with God, calling himself the father of a multitude, and soon after Isaac was born. 

 So let me ask what are you saying? The Word doesn't let the weak say I am weak. it says to let the weak say I am strong. What are you saying? 

 "God can't forgive me, I have sinned so terribly."

 "God won't forgive me this time, I have committed this sin once too often!"

 "There is no way God can help me. This situation is impossible."

  "I can't receive healing, this is incurable."

 "God can't provide for me, this is too big for even God."

 In summation, words are one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Let's add our agreement with the Grace of God, the Finished Work of Christ, and God's Word. Let's speak out in agreement with God and not the situation. Let's consider Jesus and the Father's great Love for us and not the problem. Let's embrace the victorious Christian life with the words we speak. 

 I declare victory, hope, healing, power, and blessing over every area of your life in Jesus' name. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Living the Victorious Christian Life: Faith


But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 corinthians 15:57 AMPC

But thanks be to God, who is always leading us in triumph in · Christ, and through us is making known the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14 MOUNCE 

 What comes to mind when you hear the word "victory"? Maybe it’s when your favorite sports team wins or a long-standing problem finally gets resolved. Victory brings a sense of relief, joy, and fulfillment when challenges are overcome.

 The Good News of Jesus Christ is that in Him, we have victory—not just occasionally, but as an ongoing part of our lives. Through His work on the cross, He has equipped us with everything we need to live victoriously. As we delve into living the victorious Christian life, we’ve seen how wisdom and hope empower us. Today, we’ll explore another vital key: Faith.

 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith. 1 John 5:4 NKJV

 Faith is the foundation for walking triumphantly. Now, Faith is not merely what denomination you belong to or the religious belief system you hold to. Let's define Faith so we are on the same page.

 A simple definition and understanding of faith is being fully persuaded. Persuaded of what? That God is a Good Father and is for us, not against us. In essence, it's having a good opinion of God. 

 More precisely defined Faith is the assurance, the conviction, the "title deed" of the things we hope for (positively expect for), being the proof of things we do not see, the conviction of their reality, Faith perceiving, fully assured, as real fact what is not yet revealed to the senses. This is a detailed definition and understanding of Faith.

  I believe this definition beautifully captures the essence of Faith as described in Hebrews 11:1—Faith is "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The perspective that Faith is a "title deed" is powerful because it emphasizes that Faith is our legal, spiritual claim to what grace has already provided. When we have Faith, we’re holding the title deed to promises and realities that may not yet be visible in the physical realm but are assured in the spiritual realm.

Building on this, Faith is our confident trust in God’s character, promises, and His Finished Work through Jesus. Faith is a fully persuaded heart that embraces what God has already done by grace, even when our senses or circumstances don’t yet align with it. It’s a stance of inner certainty, holding onto God’s truth as more real than any other reality.

 In practice, Faith operates from a place of rest and expectation, not striving or uncertainty. It is the active assurance that what God has promised is not just possible but certain, and we live in accordance with that conviction. When we "speak in Faith," we're not trying to manifest something new; we're simply releasing into our lives what has already been accomplished in the spiritual realm through grace.

 Faith is not about earning or striving. Yes, there is an effort in Faith, but the effort is not about earning or attempting to gain something from God as payment for our doing, our performing, or our works. The fight of Faith is to rest in what He has already accomplished.

 Walking by Faith is key to living victoriously in this life. We have a positive expectation of good because of Jesus' Finished Work. His triumphant work of redemption brings us hope. Faith is what gives substance to that which we hope for. Without hope there is nothing for Faith to give substance to. Without Faith, what we hope for is merely wishful thinking because we have nothing to give substance to our expectations. 

 Faith is not moved by time, by circumstance, or how we feel. Faith declares God's Word is true. God's Word isn't true because I feel it or experience it. God's Word is true because God said it. Faith having a good opinion of God, is fully persuaded that His Word is true regardless of experience, and because it is true, we will experience it in our personal lives. 

 Faith is not "blind faith." Faith is not a fantasy or fairy tale. Faith is rooted in what Jesus has done, what He has procured, purchased, and provided for in the Finished Work of redemption. 

 Faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ Jesus. The more we hear about Jesus, the more Faith comes. The more we continue to hear and act like what He said and has done for us is true and actively believe for His provision to manifest, the more our Faith grows and develops.    

 Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. That is whatever is contrary to Grace, to redemption, to the Finished Work, to His Love, His Goodness, Faith is what overcomes that. Faith is the victory! 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Monday, October 7, 2024

Thinking God's Thoughts on tradition

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

 In the modern Church, many believers find themselves grappling with the difference between tradition and truth—and the stakes are high. Jesus warned about the danger of holding on to traditions that make the Word of God “of no effect.”  Many believers cling to comfortable traditions, yet these traditions are often void of the supernatural power of God, reducing Faith to nothing more than ritualistic intellectualism and salvation and right standing and acceptance with God based on performance or good works and behavior. 

 Jesus Himself warned us of this danger, saying, “You nullify the Word of God by your tradition” (Mark 7:13). But what exactly is this tradition doing? It’s stripping the gospel of its power and shifting the focus from the miraculous life Jesus promised to a powerless religion of human effort and man-inspired intellectualism. 

 This study will challenge traditional beliefs that dismiss the supernatural, reduce the Holy Spirit's power to an ancient event, and make believers settle for mediocrity rather than the abundant life of Faith, healing, prosperity, and grace that God’s Word clearly offers.

Tradition: Faith in Human Experience, Not the Holy Spirit

  Religious tradition thrives on the comfort of predictability. It dismisses the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit as either an ancient phenomenon or something only for “certain times” or “special people.” In this mindset, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit—healing, prophecy, miracles—are not for the average believer but are neatly packaged away as part of church history. This intellectualized version of Christianity tells believers that God works more through natural means than by supernatural power today.

 However, this directly contradicts the New Testament. The early Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, turned the world upside down through miracles, healings, and signs. Why would these manifestations cease if the Holy Spirit hasn’t changed (Hebrews 13:8)? The truth is, the Holy Spirit’s power is just as available now as it was then.

 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NLT

 The traditional mindset, however, is rooted in unbelief, not Scripture. Rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to move, many prefer a religion they can control and explain. It’s easier to intellectualize the faith, relying on tradition and human effort, rather than yielding to the supernatural power of God.

Religious tradition often presents a comfortable version of Christianity. It’s familiar, non-confrontational, and safe. But this safety comes at a cost. Tradition frequently dismisses or explains away the supernatural aspects of God’s Word—healing, prosperity, and miraculous provision—as “outdated” or no longer relevant.

One reason for this is intellectualism: the tendency to rationalize everything through human understanding and experience. For instance, many Christians look at sickness, poverty, or suffering in their own lives (or the lives of others) and assume that these experiences reflect God’s will. After all, if God is sovereign, He must be allowing these hardships, right? But that’s a dangerous leap, one that directly conflicts with the character of God as revealed in Jesus Christ.

Healing and Prosperity: Not Fringe but Foundational Truths

 One of the most contested topics in traditional Christianity is the concept of healing and prosperity. Traditional Christians argue, “If healing and prosperity are part of God’s promises, why are there sick Christians? Why are there poor Christians around the world?”

 The issue isn’t whether believers experience sickness or poverty, but whether these conditions align with God’s will. The Bible is clear—healing and prosperity are part of the promises given to us through Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the One who brings those promises into reality.

 Healing: Always God’s Will

The traditional argument that "sometimes God wills sickness" or "God is using this for His glory" directly opposes the truth of Scripture. Sickness is part of the curse, and Jesus redeemed us from the curse (Galatians 3:13). Healing is not something God occasionally doles out—Jesus already paid for it.

- Isaiah 53:5: "By His stripes, we are healed."

- Psalm 103:2-3: "Praise the Lord, O my soul... who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."

Sickness never came from God—it was never part of His original design for humanity. Jesus healed all who came to Him, not a selective few. Why would His will change today? Healing is a Bible truth, not a fringe doctrine.

 A core issue with tradition is that it allows experience to override Scripture. When believers don’t see the promises of healing, prosperity, or the Gifts of the Spirit manifesting in their lives or in church gatherings, tradition is quick to offer an explanation: “Maybe it’s not God’s will for you.” However, this perspective puts the focus on human experience rather than what God’s Word declares.

 Jesus never taught that sickness was from God, or that poverty was a sign of spiritual growth. In fact, He healed all who came to Him, provided miraculously, and demonstrated God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.

  • John 10:10: Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
  • Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” If Jesus healed, provided, and performed miracles in the past, He still does today.

 Tradition says, “We don’t see these things happening, so they must have ceased.” Truth says, “God’s Word declares these things; our experience needs to rise to the level of His promises.”

 Prosperity: More Than Enough to Fulfill God's Purpose

 Tradition often scoffs at the concept of prosperity, dismissing it as a doctrine of excess.They say If God promises health and provision, why are believers around the world still struggling? Yet, Biblical prosperity is not about becoming a millionaire; it’s about having more than enough to fulfill God’s purpose in your life. God’s promise of prosperity is about sufficiency in all things. The focus is on abundant provision for every good work, not luxury for selfish gain. 

- 2 Corinthians 9:8: "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

- Philippians 4:19: "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

 Traditionalists point to impoverished nations or struggling Christians and claim, “Prosperity isn’t for everyone.” Again, prosperity isn’t about a specific lifestyle; it’s about having the resources you need to carry out God’s will in your life. Whether you live in a wealthy nation or a poor one, God’s provision is real, and it is supernatural. God is God over all the Earth not just first world nations. 

 Tradition Prefers Works Over Grace

 A key marker of tradition is the constant emphasis on works over grace. Despite the overwhelming evidence in Scripture that we are saved and blessed by grace through faith, tradition insists on adding works-based requirements to maintain favor with God. The Holy Spirit, however, is a Spirit of grace, leading believers into the rest of God (Hebrews 4:3). Jesus has finished the work—our job is to believe it.

- Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."

- Galatians 3:3: "Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?"

Many traditional teachings place heavy burdens on believers to perform certain acts to gain God’s approval. Yet the truth of the gospel is this: Jesus has already accomplished it all. Our part is to believe and receive by faith.

Challenging Tradition: The Need for a Renewed Mind

  Breaking free from tradition requires a renewed mind. Many believers are trapped in tradition because they have never experienced the truth of the Word in its fullness. Romans 12:2 urges believers to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind." This transformation is key to moving from intellectual Christianity—rooted in traditions of men—into the dynamic, supernatural life of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit.

 Tradition keeps believers in a safe but spiritually stagnant place. It resists the supernatural, explains away the promises of God, and denies the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s work today. But the truth is clear—God’s power is still available, His promises are still “Yes and Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20), and the Holy Spirit is the very life-force of the Church.

 The Word of God and the Holy Spirit are the final authority—not tradition, not human intellect, and not our experiences. As believers, we must be willing to challenge the traditions that have held us back from experiencing the fullness of the supernatural, Holy Spirit-empowered life Jesus promised.Truth will always triumph over tradition, and the Holy Spirit is ready to demonstrate God’s power in your life—if you’re willing to believe.

Image by BAO YI WONG from Pixabay

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Goodness: Now and Later!

For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. 1 Timothy 4:8-9 NKJV 

 Our God is a Good Father. Christians serve a Good God. Serve doesn't mean earning, or striving for, but in service of the King, we are ambassadors for Christ. God is such a Good God, He always has our best in mind.

 When we think of prosperity, healing, and goodness in this life, many conjure images and examples of excess and abuse in their thinking. When we mention wholeness and goodness for the here and now, many say no, the good life is for the future, in Heaven. Yet the Father made these promises and provided for them in Redemption. He did this to demonstrate His Goodness and lovingkindness to a lost and hurting world.

 Prosperity, healing, and wholeness are God's ideas. It is His way to visibly demonstrate His all the time Goodness. God wants to show His people off and let all the world know He is a good God. 

 Paul spoke of this idea of blessing in this life and the one to come. He wrote under the inspiration of the Spirit the text for this study. He states truly Godliness is profitable for this life and the one to come. He also wrote about this in 1 Corinthians 15;

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 1 Corinthians 15:19 NKJV

 In context Paul was preaching the Gospel of Jesus and addressing those who claim there is no future fulfillment, the resurrection has passed, and those claiming there is no resurrection. Therefore claiming Jesus didn't rise from the dead. Paul was not saying there is no promise for this life but only the next.

 Paul was not contradicting himself. The Spirit doesn't lead to contradictions. The problem with relegating everything to the afterlife and discounting healing and prosperity as excess and abuse is twofold. 

 The first problem is we take away from God's Goodness. We make God out to be a terrible Father. What would someone think if they saw a wealthy father have a child who had holes in his shoes, malnourished, and dirty, old tattered clothes? They would say that is a terrible unkind and neglectful father. 

 Secondly, we diminish what Christ suffered and died for. We take away from the fullness of what He procured and purchased and provided for in His work of Redemption. This limits God and causes people not to awaken to the fullness of their inheritance in Christ. 

Now in a fallen world suffering is a reality. While suffering exists, it doesn’t negate God’s compassionate desire for His children to experience blessings now. Misinterpreting suffering as God’s will can prevent believers from standing in faith for healing, prosperity, and breakthrough It's of vital importance to differentiate between the trials of living in a fallen world and God's will. God is always for us, never against us, and wants His children to walk in His promises.

Matthew 6:19-21 teaches about storing up treasures in heaven, emphasizing eternal rewards. However, this does not mean earthly blessings are excluded. It’s about prioritizing God’s kingdom while also recognizing that God cares for our needs in this life (Philippians 4:19).

And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us. Philippians 4:19 TLB

 In summation, The belief that all blessings are stored up in heaven often stems from a misunderstanding of God's character and the fullness of His promises. God's goodness includes a desire for us to experience healing, provision, and a blessed life here on earth, as well as eternal life with Him. Godliness is profitable for this life as well as the life to come, we have a Good God we can trust and rely on. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Grace, Faith or fantasy?

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 MEV

The Gospel is the Grace of God revealed and manifest through Christ. Grace is the unearned, undeserved, and unmerited favor of God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the proof of things we can't see, and the conviction of their reality. Faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to our natural senses. 

 Grace and Faith are power twins of victorious Christian living. Grace has provided all things for life and godliness. The Redemptive work of Christ fully and freely paid for and provided all the fullness of blessing, healing, peace, wholeness, forgiveness, and eternal life.

 Grace made this available. Though it is ours freely, we must receive it. Faith receives what belongs to us because of Jesus' Finished Work. In essence, Grace makes and Faith takes.

 This is the Good News of receiving abundant Grace and living by Faith. Grace provided and Faith reaches out and takes it. Jesus' work of redemption gives us hope and peace in this life. This is not fantasy. We can trust in God for help, healing, and hope on this side of heaven.

 Believing Grace has already provided all we need is not chasing a fantasy or "pipe dream." We have hope in this life. This is a tangible hope. This is not living in the realm of make-believe.

 God is actually Good! The Scriptures bear this out. He fed the children of Israel with manna daily. He provided water from the rock. He fed the five thousand. He declared He wills for us to prosper and be in health. We have a Good Father we can actually put our trust in.

 Perhaps, some make the assessment that Faith is fantasy because they claim they don't see the power and presence of God today. Religious tradition, the scheming deception of the enemy makes Faith appear as fantasy. It distorts Faith and trust. Therefore what some people claim Faith is, isn't really Faith. They may call something faith but it isn't the God kind of Faith.

 Some have the faith that waits. This is a passive waiting, not patience. This type of faith is characterized by passivity. It waits for something to happen without taking proactive steps. While waiting on God is sometimes necessary, this type of faith can lead to inaction and missed opportunities because it lacks the component of active trust.

  Some have a faith that merely speculates. It is an uncertain faith.  This type of faith is marked by uncertainty and hesitation. It speculates about what might happen but lacks conviction. Speculative faith often leads to doubt and indecision, preventing believers from stepping out confidently in God's promises. It is not fully trusting our good Father.

 Some even have a faith that merely wishes and hopes. This is a nursery rhyme faith. That is the same as looking into the sky and twiddling our thumbs saying Twinkle twinkle little star. This is a faith that Wishes and Hopes. This faith is more about wishing and hoping rather than being fully persuaded. It lacks the deep conviction needed for confident action. Wishing and hoping without being fully persuaded often result in disappointment and a lack of tangible results.

 When we fully trust in the love of God and rest in His goodness we will walk in the God kind of Faith. We will have a fully Persuaded Faith. Romans 4:21, "And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.This type of faith is characterized by an unwavering belief in God's promises and His ability to fulfill them. It is fully convinced and does not waver regardless of circumstances.

This Faith compels us to speak out. We will have a confident declaration;

 Mark 11:23: "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says."

  We will Speak with Authority. This faith speaks God's promises with authority, believing that what is spoken will come to pass. It declares the end result with confidence.

 At its core, Faith is about having a positive and confident view of God. Faith Believes that He is a good Father who is faithful and just and always acts in our best interest. Faith involves agreeing with God's perspective and declarations, regardless of external situations. It’s an unwavering trust that what God has said is true and will come to pass.

 True faith is in two places. It is in the heart. It’s a deep-seated belief in God’s character, promises, and power. This internal conviction shapes our worldview and our reactions to life’s challenges. It is also in our mouth. 

 Faith is not just about internal belief but also about verbal confession. Speaking in agreement with God’s Word is a powerful act that reinforces our faith and brings it into reality. The words we speak in agreement with God shape our reality. Confession is a powerful tool for believers. When we speak the Word of God over our lives, we align our circumstances with His promises. 

 Faith, trusting in God is not a fantasy we Christians hold fast to. It is not a fairy tale. We can confidently take God at His Word. 

 God has provided all things because of His Goodness and great Love. His Grace has procured and provided all we need in this life. Faith reaches out and takes what Grace has already made. 

  Regardless of our challenges, we can stand firm on the Word of God and trust our Good Father. The Word is not fantasy or make-believe. The Word of God is a powerful force in the life of a believer. By continually confessing and standing on His promises, we invite His transformative power into every area of our lives. Remember, the Word is working mightily in you and for you! Keep speaking it, believing it, and watching it come to pass

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Redeemed from the…Blessing?

  But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises...
In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:6, 13 NKJV

God speaks of these new promises, of this new agreement, as taking the place of the old one; for the old one is out of date now and has been put aside forever. Hebrews 8:13 TLB

 I have good news to share. The New Covenant has come. God has instituted a new and better Covenant. The Old Covenant has been fulfilled and now is done away. We have a new and living way to God.

 The Gospel of Grace is the Good News of Grace pledged in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Work is Finished and the Father has fully accepted the redemptive work of Christ. There is nothing we can add or do to complete the work in our lives. All He asks is that we believe. 

 This is the Good News of Grace. Grace has been revealed with the revelation Paul proclaimed in the Scriptures. Some still can't see the message of Grace. This is why God restores the truth from generation to generation whenever it gets lost through man's tradition. 

 Whenever God restores truth, He raises up teachers to explain the truth. When the truth is proclaimed and explained, it falls upon hearers in different stages of spiritual growth: new, older, and mature believers. Now spiritual immaturity is not necessarily a bad thing, we are still growing.

 Spiritual immaturity can be detrimental however when the immature hear the truth but don't fully understand the truth. Some only hear a portion of the truth and end up in a proverbial ditch. We need to hear the truth but also need to understand it for it to benefit our lives.

 When a spiritually immature person hears just a portion of the truth of Faith or divine healing or Faith's confession, and don't understand it, they make foolish decisions such as quitting their job, refusing medical care, or denying their circumstances mistakenly believing they're acting in Faith. Grace is no different. When the immature hear a portion of Grace they begin to misunderstand Redemption and how to rightly divide the Word of God.

  How does the spiritually immature misunderstand redemption? How do they wrongly divide the Word? They misunderstand what it is we have been redeemed from. They don't understand how to rightly divide the Word, distinguishing between the Old Covenant and New Covenant. 

 We are redeemed from the curse of the Law. We are not under Law but Grace. We are not under the statutes and precepts of the Mosaic Law. We don't approach God the same way they did under the Old. Now religious tradition likes to cite Old Covenant passages about how to receive the blessing of God. The problem is that's the Old Covenant's standard of how to receive. 

 That's not how we receive in the New. Under Grace, we receive from God by Grace through Faith. Under Grace, we rest in Jesus' perfect obedience. We come to the Father based on Christ's perfection, not our own. Our hope and Faith to receive is Faith in His Faith and Finished Work not our own. 

 Understanding Christ met all the requirements on our behalf then we know we are now prequalified for all the blessings and benefits God has promised and provided for us. This begs the question which blessings are we prequalified to receive? Are we only promised what God declared in Acts through Revelation? 

 What about all the promises of provision, peace, protection, and prosperity found in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation? Are we limited to what Peter and Paul and James and John wrote? That is if a promise of provision or blessing is found in the Psalms or Isaiah does that mean it's not for us? Some who misunderstand Grace are teaching that yes they are not for us.

 Has Grace then redeemed us from the curse of the Law and the blessings? Some spiritually immature ones claim that looking at the promises and provisions found in the Old Testament means you are putting yourself back under the Law. This is simply not true. 

 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, not the blessings. Look at David's words in Psalm 35. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. God derives pleasure when His servants experience nothing missing or lacking in their lives. If God takes pleasure in His servant's prosperity how much more in His beloved sons? Christ's Redemptive work didn't "redeem" us from this blessing! In fact, His work purchased it for us!

 Look at Psalm 91. We see promises of protection and long life. Does this passage mean this is only for those under the Law? Of course not. Under Grace, this provision of protection and long life is more sure because it's purchased by Christ. 

 Look at Isaiah 49. If God our Father won't forget His servants and has them engraved in His palm how much more His children? There are many many promises and provisions and blessings found in the Old Testament. They are not solely for "the Jews." 

 The provisions and blessings of the Old are for us in Christ today. We are not redeemed from them. We aren't placing ourselves under the Mosaic Law by claiming these provisions and promises. We are simply receiving the full salvation package.

 All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correcting, for training · in righteousness, so that the man of God may be proficient, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 MOUNCE

  All the blessings, benefits, provisions, and profits from the Old are now ours through Christ. We are in a better Covenant established on better promises. If the New does not include at least the same level of prosperity, peace and provision as the Old how then is it better? 

 The New has better promises than the Old. One of the better aspects of the New versus the Old is how these promises are made available to us. Under the Old, we had to do, we had to obey perfectly, we had to perform to receive. In the New, Christ has already done enough. Christ has already obeyed flawlessly. He has performed perfectly on our behalf. Our basis for receiving all these blessings is Christ never our behavior, our performance, our good deeds, or charity. 

  In summation, when Christ freed us from the Law, He didn't redeem us from the blessings found in every book of the Bible. Provisions of peace, long life, healing, protection, favor, fullness of joy, and strength are ours in Christ. We have the fullness of life, prosperity, and wholeness, in Christ Jesus. We are not just blessed, we are the commanded blessed because of Jesus!

Image by ariesjay castillo from Pixabay

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Holy Communion: Even more truth vs traditions

 24 When He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take and eat. This is My body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same manner He took the cup after He had supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 26 As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 MEV

 The Church was given two "ordinances" that we as believers observe. Now we understand these have nothing to do with our salvation or earning something from God our Father. Man on the other hand has tried their hardest to turn these into traditions that they can war over.

 These two ordinances are water baptism and Holy Communion. People have engaged in small wars over how one is baptized and how they receive Communion. Brothers and Sisters this should never be. 

 Water baptism is simply an outward demonstration of what has already occurred inwardly. We were dead in our sins, but when we first trusted in Christ alone, we were made alive forever. Going under simply demonstrates that the old is gone, "Buried" and the New has arisen. Take note this is only done once, why? Because eternal life is eternal, once and for all. Baptism is a one-time act and has nothing to do with our standing with God or our salvation.

 Holy Communion is observed as Jesus instructed. As often as you do this, do this in remembrance of Me. He didn't say how often to do it. He didn't say this has anything to do with receiving salvation or losing it. He simply gave us a meal that brings Christ's Finished Work to our remembrance. 

  Jesus' work of Redemption is illustrated in the Communion elements. The wine and bread illustrate His blood shed for us and His body broken on our behalf. He said to partake in remembrance of Him. Yet religious tradition has told us not to put Him in remembrance but rather our flaws and failures and many sinful shortcomings in remembrance. Jesus said to reflect on Him, and what He accomplished, but man says no, reflect, consider, remember your sins, and search for any you may have missed.

 Paul gives instructions concerning Holy Communion in the Epistle to the Corinthians. Again understand the context of the first Epistle to the Corinthians. The one-word summation for the Church at Corinth is excess. 

To them, Holy Communion was just an opportunity to have a feast. They would have a full spread of food and drink. They would indulge themselves in the food and wine. Some would eat and not leave some for the poorer saints among them. Still others would get drunk on Communion wine. This is the reason for Paul's instructions.

 We have already seen that examining ourselves and partaking unworthily has nothing to do with searching our hearts and lives for some areas in which we are failing. We are examining if we are partaking worthily and not unworthily. Partaking unworthily doesn't mean partaking with some unconfessed sin in our life.  

We partake unworthily when we receive communion as just some common meal or take it for granted and dishonor and disregard the Finished Work. This is what the Corinthians were doing. They simply served a regular meal and called it having the Lord's supper, 

 This is where Paul used the word judgment in connection to partaking of Communion. These two phrases "examine yourself" and "judge yourself" are the phrases that are lifted from their context and used to condemn and scare God's people concerning Holy Communion. To allay the traditions of men we must remember the words of Jesus. 

I tell you the solemn truth, the one who hears · my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not come into judgment, but has passed from · death to · life. John 5:24 MOUNCE

26 As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He offered a blessing over the bread, and then He broke it and gave it to His disciples. Jesus: Take this and eat; it is My body. 27 And then He took the cup of wine, He made a blessing over it, and He passed it around the table. Jesus: Take this and drink, all of you: 28 this is My blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:26-28 VOICE

 Jesus has already told us that the Holy Communion represents the forgiveness of our sins. He already said we will never be judged again when we believe in Him. So this begs the question what is Paul speaking of then? Judge yourself and you won't be judged?

 We see in context what Paul is saying. If you simply have a church "potluck" or "cookout" or a "dinner" and because there is wine or juice, and bread present you can't claim you have partaken of the Lord's Supper. Having a meal only fills your belly and makes you reflect on how tasty those breadsticks were and how flavorful that juice was.

 Having a meal at their gatherings wasn't causing them to think of Jesus. The bread served didn't make them trust in Christ's body broken for their healing and wholeness and provision. The wine didn't cause them to be thankful for Christ's blood shed for their eternal forgiveness and for making them Righteous.

 What does it mean to judge yourself then? The word judge means to make a separation, a distinction. We are making a distinction that this meal is a divine illustration of the Finished Work and not simply bread and wine. If we see it as a simple meal like any other, we are not discerning or seeing Jesus' redemptive work. The taking judgment on oneself then is receiving the "judgment" of the fallen creation. It's not seeing Jesus as the way of escape from this fallen creation and simply accepting the fall as part of normal life. 

 This is what Paul was speaking of. We live in a fallen and fractured creation. Disasters, disease, and premature death abound in a fallen world. This is the judgment of sin seen in creation. When Jesus returns total redemption will fully manifest. This is what Paul was speaking about when he said if we partake unworthily we are taking judgment upon ourselves. 

 Holy Communion is the meal that heals. It is the perfect illustration of Jesus' Redemptive work. When we partake of Communion we are reminding ourselves of Jesus' body that was broken on our behalf procuring healing, wholeness, provision, and deliverance. We are putting into remembrance His shed blood cleansed us once and for all time and we are now forgiven forever. Condemnation, guilt, and shame will not oppress our thinking and self-image because we know we are forgiven and accepted and approved and Righteous because of the Blood. 

 Judging ourselves then has nothing to do with self-introspection to see how far we have fallen. We judge ourselves to be partaken of Holy Communion worthily. We judge ourselves to not be enjoying a natural meal. We are partaking of Holy Communion.

 Now Paul does say if we judge ourselves or are discerning the Lord's body we won't be judged. This statement is not a warning concerning a loss of salvation or God punishing us. The New Covenant is clear about that. Paul said the judgment comes to correct us. Instruction and correction are not punishment and not a loss of salvation.

 In summation, we need to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Holy Communion is a time to reflect on Jesus. It's a time to ponder Grace. It's a time to honor the Finished Work. It's not a time to be sad but to be thankful and joyous. We must relinquish the traditions of man and embrace the truth of the Word. We must embrace the truth about Communion and allay tradition and give it no place in our lives. Reflect on Grace. Remember Jesus.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Developing the Faith that takes

 23 For most certainly I tell you, whoever may tell this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and doesn’t doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is happening; he shall have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them. Mark 11:23-24 WEB

 God is always for us and never against us. God has purchased and provided all things we as believers in Christ need for life and Godliness. His Grace has made all these things available for all His children to reach out and take them.

 Grace has made and Faith lays hold of it. Said it more plainly, Grace makes and Faith takes. Grace therefore isn't a passive way of living. Living the life of Grace and Faith is not a non-participative, inactive, uninvolved kind of life. 

 Christianity is not for couch potatoes. For instance, if you as a believer are seeking gainful employment, certainly spend some time in God's Word and remind yourself of who you are in Him. Of course take the time to declare His favor over you, but if you spend all your hours in a day playing video games and never actively pursuing work chances are high you will never get a job. 

 Believers, speaking to the brothers and sisters who are single, if you desire a spouse, sitting on your couch eating ice cream all day, or just hanging out with the guys all the time can be a distraction to your goal. Brothers and sisters, you are going to have invest in yourself first. Find ways to improve social skills, develop personal hygiene, and yes ladies, eventually you're going to have to say yes to a Christian man when they ask you out. 

 Simple point is we have a Father who loves us and a Savior that died for us, purchasing and providing all things we need to succeed in the life that now is and the one to come. Grace made it, but Faith reaches out and takes it. In light of this truth, we can learn how to develop this Faith that takes.

 I want to point to two occurrences in the New Testament perfectly illustrating this Faith that takes. Two perfect examples of this Faith that just absolutely will not quit. Let's examine the healing of the paralytic man and the woman with the issue of blood.

 In the Gospel of Mark chapter 2, we can see the account of the healing of the paralytic. If we flip over to Mark 5 we can see the healing of the woman with the issue of blood. These two events are powerful illustrations of the Faith that doesn't sit around just wishing and hoping, but instead reaches out and takes what belongs to them.

 Religious traditions of man have done such a disservice to the Church. They have mixed Law and Grace so much they have convinced so many that Righteousness is rooted in our performance and doing. They leave the impression that we are working for something. That we are to strive to arrive, achieve to receive, essentially our behavior is our savior.

 So when encouraging believers to not be passive but to lay hold of what Grace has freely provided, some mistakenly think what is being said is the same as the mixture preachers. There is a night and day difference between actively receiving and exerting effort in order to qualify to receive. Avoiding passivity is not an encouragement to a striving, self-efforts rooted, performance based faith.

 If you look at these two events in Scripture you can see a pattern. Looking at this pattern, you can see why these people had the Faith that takes. This is not about a formula or set of steps to follow, it's simply common characteristics of a Faith that reaches out and takes what has been promised and provided.

 The four men who carried their paralytic friend heard about Jesus, and brought him to where Jesus was. They crowd size was so overwhelming there was no room. So they tore off a part of the roof and lowered him down. 

 They heard about Jesus. What did they hear? They had heard about a man of God who healed even so called hopeless cases. They heard about a man of God who turned impossible situations around.

 Another pattern seen here is that they didn't take no for answer. They refused to be refused and denied to be denied. They were so passionate about seeing their friend made well they were willing to do the unconventional to receive an unconventional miracle.

 Lastly, they brought him to Jesus. In other words, they brought their situation to Jesus. They didn't resign this situation as life in a fallen world. They didn't accept the situation as is and try to learn to live with it. They took it to Jesus and He brought about a turn around.

 The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus. What did she hear? She heard about a man of God who touches the unclean and instead of becoming unclean, He actually cleanses and heals the unclean. 

 She pushed through the crowd. She wouldn't be denied. She didn't give up because of the multitude thronging Him. She didn't quit when she saw Him walking away with Jairus. She reached out and touched His garment and received her healing.

 She brought herself to Jesus instead of looking for more of man's resources. She didn't just accept her condition as God's will for her life. She didn't just concede that her best life is in heaven not earth so just accept this condition. She wouldn't be denied, and reached out and took her healing.

 How do you develop the Faith that takes? Hear Jesus. Listen to Him and not tradition, not symptoms and not experience. Jesus is the person of Grace, He is the expressed will of God in action.

 How do you develop the Faith that takes? Don't take no for an answer. Whatever God has clearly promised and provided for in Scripture and the Finished Work take hold of and don't let go until you manifest it.

 How do you develop the Faith that takes? Come to Jesus. Take your concerns, circumstances, and condition to Jesus alone. Don't accept the traditions of man. Come to Jesus and freely receive all He purchased for you. 

 Some have the faith that waits. Some have the faith that speculates. Some have the faith that just wishes and hopes but isn't fully persuaded. To walk in triumphant victory we need to walk in the Faith that takes. 

 In summation, come to Jesus. Jesus is our all and all. He is our source. He is our loving Savior. He imparts His Faith to us as we feed on Jesus. Reach out and receive all God has in, through and because of Jesus. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Pre-qualified and Approved!

12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. 13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossian 1:12-14 NASB 

 How often have you received offers in your mailbox, or other phone informing you that you are pre-qualified for a line of credit or pre-approved for a lower rate? Usually, we throw these letters out with the other junk mail. Did you know God has an even better offer than any "savings and loan" type business can offer? 

 Man's offer of loans and better interest rates are based on achievement, personal assets, and credit ratings. In other words, based on the performance and proven ability to earn on the part of the client the preapproved offers are made. If you have a missed payment, if you have a blemish on your credit rating then no such offers will be made available. 

 When it comes to God He is not looking at man's performance before He offers them anything. If He did, none of us would personally qualify. No matter how disciplined, how self-controlled, or how much one has trained their human spirit, there is no one who can truly qualify to receive what only God can provide. 

 Even if we are seeing manifest blessings in our life, we must know and understand that is God's Love and great mercy being bestowed upon us. Am I saying we can't lay hold of God's promises by Faith? No, of course not. 

 I am saying that none of us in and of ourselves can earn or deserve what God provides. This is why an understanding of Grace is an essential aspect of the successful Christian life. Grace brings us all to an end of ourselves. 

 Grace brings an end to our efforts, our doings, our strivings, our disciplines, and our attempts to earn and achieve what God has promised and provided through Redemption. Grace reminds us that nothing we have achieved or attained is because of ourselves. It was all God's favor, His mercy, and His Love working for us, through us, and sometimes in spite of us. 

 This doesn't mean we live a passive life. This doesn't mean we lead a shiftless, lazy, lethargic, and idle life. This doesn't translate into a "do-nothing" life. What it does mean is we lead a "do-nothing-in order to-to receive-to inherit" all God has provided through Christ kind of life.

 When we accept Christ's free gift of new life and Righteousness we now have free access to all God's stuff. He has made available all things that pertain to life and godliness through Christ. What does through Christ or by Christ or in Christ even mean?

 It means whenever you need something or desire something, or ask for something it's as if Christ is asking. Therefore we are assured we have what we need or desire. We are in Him and When we pray in Jesus' name we are declaring that it is by Jesus we are coming and not in our own strength or performance.

 Greet Apelles, who is approved in Christ.  Romans 16:10a MEV

In Christ, we have been approved. We have free access to all God has provided for us. In fact, because of Christ we are actually pre-qualified and approved.

to the praise of the glory of His grace, in which He did make us accepted in the beloved, Ephesians 1:6 YLT 

To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherewith he hath made us freely accepted in his beloved. Ephesians 1:6 GNV

 to the praise of his glorious grace with which he has highly favored us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 MOUNCE

 We are pre-qualified and approved to receive all God has promised and provided in this New Covenant. Because of the Finished Work of Redemption, all the qualifications to receive have already been met in Christ Jesus. All because of Jesus' work we are fully qualified to receive.

 The tradition of man declares we have to do something to earn or deserve or achieve the blessings and goodness of God. If you do enough good works, then God will bless you. If you abstain from sin and live uprightly at all times then you will qualify. 

If we could attain God's love and blessings through our works why did we need Jesus to die for us? If we can qualify for the blessings of the Lord based on our behavior and actions why do we need to ask in Jesus' name or even pray and believe? 

 When we realize we are already qualified and approved of God then we will lose all sense of the fear of punishment. We will lose all sense of fear and inferiority. We won't allow the enemy or religion to hold our faults and failures over our heads disqualifying ourselves from receiving from our Good Father.

In summation knowing we are prequalified and approved of God means we can come boldly to the throne of Grace and freely receive all God has procured and provided. It means we no longer need to feel like our misdeeds automatically disqualify us from receiving. It means we will be bolder in His presence and rejoice in His Finished work and celebrate perfect redemption. 


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Dare to take your place


I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and authority over all the power of the enemy; nothing may hurt you at all. Luke 10:19 Mounce 

 We've been in a brief study taking a closer look at the believer's authority. This is a deep, yet simple, study of who we are, what we have, and what we can do in and through Jesus and His triumphant Finished Work. Everything we are is all because of Jesus.

 When it comes to identity, so often believers only identify as  Christians. That is, simply one who has put their trust in Christ alone. While this is vital, there is so much more to the Christian experience.

 I am not referring to any new demands or prerequisites to being saved or staying saved or in right standing with God. I am speaking of our life once we are in Christ. Our identity is not just Christian, but also the beloved, a child of God, the Righteous, the victorious overcoming blood-bought redeemed. 

 We are also made kings and priests. It's time we dared to take our place and reign in this life. It's time we take our place identifying with the victory Christ won and walk in the position of dominion and authority that's been bestowed upon us by virtue of the new creation, and the Gift of Righteousness.

 Let's look again at how we can reign in this life because of His love;

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans 5:5 NLT

 Our hearts are filled with His love. We can rule and reign over loneliness, depression, and feelings of isolation. We can rest in this overwhelming love for us that is cascading from the Father's heart into ours. 

 The Word declared Faith works by love. For so long many taught that this passage meant your Faith only worked successfully when you loved others and weren't in strife and division with them. Is this right?

 While it is good and right to walk in love with others that's not the lesson Paul is conveying here. He is giving us a secret to reigning. Faith works when we know how much God loves us. Faith is a Law and it always works regardless if we are walking in love or not. This passage is revealing just how powerful knowing our Father's love for us is. Faith is having a good opinion of God, so Faith works by knowing His love.

 We can rule and reign because of the Love of God that has filled our hearts to overflow. Whenever challenges arise, we can face them boldly knowing because our Father loves us He will see us through them and deliver us and bring us a complete victory.

 We can rule and reign in this life because we are the children of God. We can dare to take our place as sons and daughters of God. The king's son is always welcome at his table. He doesn't need permission to sit with his father. So it is with you and me child of God. We need to take our place at our Father's table and freely receive all He has purchased and provided for us through Jesus.

 Because we are the children of God by Faith, we are also partakers of the divine nature. As new creations, we have the very life and nature of God Almighty within us in the person of the Holy Spirit. We are His kids, and this answers the mystery as to what Jesus meant in John 10

34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”’? 35 If He called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came, and the Scripture cannot be broken, 36 do you say of Him, whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? John 10:34-36 MEV 

 Did Jesus just endorse strange new age philosophies/messageless Mormonism here by saying you are gods? No, He was quoting Psalm 82. There is where we find the answer to this comment.

 I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High. Psalm 82:6 NKJV

 The principle found in this passage is not that humans are somehow going to become God. What it reveals is that as children of God, we have been given a position of dominion and authority. This position is not a position of deity, but a position of authority.  God is telling us to take our place and exercise this dominion in a corrupted, fallen world.

 When God made man, He gave him a vertical and horizontal relationship. Man first had a trust relationship with God (vertical) and then man had a dominion relationship with the earth (horizontal). Man turned this dominion over to the enemy, but Jesus took the authority back and turned it over to His Church when He defeated death, Hell, and the grave. It's time we took our place.

 The word gods here is referring to a magistrate's position. As the children of God we are now "gods", that is we as God's children have a position of dominion and authority. We can judge righteously concerning who we are and we can take a stand against the lies of the enemy. Don't just blame God's sovereignty as to why things are the way they are, take your place as a magistrate and judge righteously.

 Take your place and judge God's Word to always be true. Judge righteously that you are forgiven and not condemned. Judge righteously that Jesus bore your sickness and disease and command your healing to manifest. Judge righteously that the enemy is defeated, God is the Almighty and Jesus is Lord in your life. 

 The Church has a position of dominion and authority on earth. We can speak against the curse and take authority over the work of the enemy, and the fallen creation. We can pray for lost minds to be opened to see the light of the Gospel. We can even pray and take authority over weather conditions, crisis situations, and afflictions and intercede for the safety and protection, and preservation of people and places, and things. 

 As for John 10, Jesus was simply telling religious ones because the children of God were called gods, why is he blaspheming for claiming His true identity as the Son of God. In this passage, Jesus affirmed our authority as sons and daughters. We have all of heaven's backing, let's dare to take our place.

  When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority—the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. 9 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Psalm 8:3-9 NLT  

   In summation, we have authority in Christ. We have restored dominion. It's time we walked in it and stop believing we are victims of circumstances, pawns in God's sovereignty (the twisted religious idea of sovereignty), helpless and defenseless in a fallen world, easy prey for the curse, or the work of the enemy. Dare to take your place!


Image by TitusStaunton from Pixabay