Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Acts of Grace

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be proficient, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 MOUNCE

 God's Word is truth. It is our supreme source for discerning truth from error, lies, falsehoods, and untruths born from the spirit of deception, and the religious tradition of men. God's Word is our source of truth, doctrine, and instruction. 

 It is not a rule book to follow dogmatically. It is a divine love letter revealing the heart of a loving Father and a gracious Savior who gave all, laying down His life to redeem lost and rebellious souls from sin, and satan's hold and spiritual death. It's called the "good book" for good reason. 

 This "good book" reveals to us the Grace of Almighty God. Grace is spelled out to us from Genesis to Revelation. Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation, newness of life, life eternal, and total and complete forgiveness and Righteousness are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

 Now traditional religion and the deception of the enemy rob believers of all the Goodness God offers them. Jesus spoke of this. Look at His words here in Mark;

making void the word of God by your traditional teaching which ye have delivered; and many such like things ye do. Mark 7:13 Darby

 Tradition and religion make the Word of no effect. It renders the Word useless, invalidating it, thus negating it in the life of the hearer of religion. Religion is the enemy of growth and Christian victory.

 In sharing the Good News of the Spirit's power made available as a gift to all, religious tradition objected and based this objection on an absurd claim. The justification they gave for this objection was that the entire book of Acts was not a book of the Bible one could teach from. The claim is that Acts is not a book of doctrine. 

 I discovered a religious tradition that should be allayed and dismissed as utter foolishness. Religion claims Acts is a mere descriptive book and not a "prescriptive" book. They claim there is no doctrinal truth in Acts.

 Religion if followed would make the Word of Grace missing and lacking in the life of the believer. The cessationists, those clinging to religious tradition are so against the power of the Spirit for today that they are willing to disregard an entire book of the Bible. They are leaving behind some amazing truths of the Gospel in doing so.

 Some Christians have such a Religious bias and prejudice against Tongues, the active Gifts of the Spirit, the infilling of the Spirit, and Charismatic (supernatural) ministry that they can only see Acts as a Charismatic/Pentecostal book. I want to show that Acts is so much more than that. The Gospel of Grace is introduced in Acts and it is for us today!

 The Acts of Grace are seen throughout this wonderful book. This book describes the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of early believers in the Church. It is also prescribed because it reveals a ministry that turned the world upside down.  

 The world was transformed not just through signs and wonders, but also through preaching the radical message of God's Grace. All of the faiths, (religions) in the world were based on the actions, performances, and behavior of their followers up until this point. Here is a message being preached, that the God being proclaimed through preaching, being revealed through teaching, is the same God that already did all the work required. All one needs to do is simply believe.

 Throughout this book, we see Grace demonstrated and see Grace proclaimed to all. We have a full sermon of the Apostle Paul, the Apostle of Grace, given in this book. Acts not prescriptive? Not a book of doctrine? Foolishness! 

  The Word declared that great power was on the Church, the Spirit's power yes. We also see that great Grace was upon the Church. Grace is on the Church, Grace is the Gospel message we preach. Lost, rebellious, dead in sin, humanity can freely come to a Holy God and receive forgiveness of all sins, Righteousness, and eternal life. Not because they deserve it, not because they worked hard enough, but simply because of His Love and Goodness.

 This is the message that turned the world upside down.  

Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43 NKJV

 Grace is proclaimed throughout the entire book of Acts. We see it first here that we as the Church are no longer under Law but His Grace. We see that we have been freed from the Old Covenant and the new has come. We see the opposition from religion and tradition to the message of Jesus and His Grace.  

 We can't allow religious bias to rob us of the fullness of God. Religious bias formed, creating further wrong thinking, and producing unbelief in the hearts and minds of some Christians is what's behind ideas like these. The book of Acts is a book about the power of the Spirit yes but even more about it's a book proclaiming the word of His Grace.

 Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:3 NKJV

This passage says it all. Grace and the Spirit's power are inseparable. They are the effective ministry that turned the world upside down then and it's still the same today. Proclaim Grace with power and demonstration and see God confirm His Grace with signs following. 

 In summation, Acts is a book of doctrine. It reveals the availability of the Spirit today. It reveals the supernatural ministry the Church should be walking in. It also reveals the message we should still be proclaiming. The Grace of God! 

Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Baptism in the Holy Ghost

And I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’ John 1:33 NASB

 One of the greatest blessings God has given humanity is the Holy Spirit released upon the earth. His Spirit works in many ways. He convicts unbelievers of their sin of unbelief. He reminds the believers of who they are, the children of God, and how much they are loved by Him. He is our comforter and peace no matter the circumstance.

 The Holy Ghost is also power from on high. He empowers believers in so many ways. He empowers us to witness to others about the love of the Father. He leads us and guides us through His still small voice, and His peace within. If there is no real peace about a decision, it's best to wait before acting. There is another aspect of His power available to believers.

 The Baptism in the Spirit releases God's tangible, supernatural, power in our life. This is an active power, not a passive power. It is the doorway into the supernatural ministry and supernatural life in Christ. 

 Brother, don't you know you are complete in Christ? Didn't you know you already have all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ when you believed? There are no second blessings, you are not incomplete. You have all you need the moment you believe.

 As a person who has received Jesus, freely, by Grace through Faith, that knows the Gospel is the Grace of God, that Jesus is the person of Grace, I am not ignorant of my completeness in Christ. In Him, we are complete, not lacking, fully supplied, and connected to our Father forever. We are complete in Christ, yes I agree.

 What we must remember though is our completeness concerns our identity. In our identity, we are complete and full lacking nothing. In our development spiritually speaking we are growing and learning and increasing. It is in this area where the fullness of the Spirit is needed and benefits us greatly. 

 Let's look at the Apostle Paul's words in Acts 19 to further examine this concern and gain better insight. This is the Apostle of Grace. This is the very Apostle who gave us the good news revelation that we are complete in Christ. Was he confused about our completion at this time? Look at the question he asks;

1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the upper regions and came to Ephesus. He found some disciples and said to them, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?” Acts 19:1-2 MEV

 If we are complete at salvation in identity and development and "have it all" at salvation, why even ask this question? Some may respond he just wanted to make sure they were actually saved. Okay, maybe, but why did he continue in his actions demonstrating a belief that there is a subsequent infilling of the Holy Spirit?

  When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:5-6 MEV

 Why did Paul lay hands on them? Laying on of hands is not a requirement or prerequisite for receiving salvation. When we receive Christ, the Spirit makes His abode within us. This is the Spirit indwelling us, this is the Spirit within. 

Paul laid hands on these believers so that the Spirit would come upon them empowering them for supernatural power, enabling, and anointed acts of service. There is the Spirit within, identity, and completeness in Christ. There is also the Spirit upon, empowerment for development. This Spirit upon is the Baptism in the Holy Ghost.

 I baptized you in water, but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.” Mark 1:8 WEB

 In 1993 as a young immature man, serving in the United States Military I was ignorant and unlearned about the person of the Holy Spirit. I had a minister and even another friend pray for me to receive the Spirit upon. In my ignorance, I was looking for a feeling or something tangible to release my Faith to reach out and receive. 

 Needless to say, I didn't receive Him, I was not in Faith. Then one night I received prayer from this same minister, and when he prayed for me the power of God overtook me, overshadowed me, and enveloped me. I again, trying to use my head, didn't fully accept, what I had received. 

 After the service, I went to the minister and told him my desire to be filled and pray in the Spirit. What I didn't realize was that I had just received but my ignorant mind was blocking the Spirit from fully manifesting Himself through me. The minister looked at me and just said lift your hands and speak! As soon as I did I just started speaking forth this beautiful heavenly tongue giving praise to my Father.

 The result of the Spirit upon has been dynamic. I began to witness in power and demonstration. I saw sick bodies healed, I saw people set free and lives changed through prayer. This happened because the Spirit's empowerment was given to me and I received it freely. 

 The good news is that this same power is available to all who believe. When you receive Jesus you are complete in Him. There is no lack or deficiency in your identity in Christ. You are complete, accepted, and approved. Now that you are new, we all begin the development journey in Christ. In this understanding, freely receive the Spirit upon you and see your life transformed supernaturally. 

 It is freely given we just need to freely receive it. How? It is simple, by Faith believing. You receive Jesus, you rest in your completeness in Him. Second, simply desire this divine empowerment. Finally, just ask and receive it. Dear Jesus, because you love me, baptize me in the Holy Spirit, amen thank you. Begin to thank God, and open your mouth and speak forth the language the Spirit gives. It is not based on your performance but on Jesus' love for you. 

Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Complete in Christ!

And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all authority and power. Colossians 2:10 MEV

So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. Colossians 2:10 NLT

 Have you ever felt incomplete? That you are lacking or deficient in some area of your life? Ever saw yourself as not fully measuring up? Ever thought you were lagging behind and watching others bypass you? Should this be the norm in our Christian walk?

 Did the redemptive work of Christ Jesus not cover some area of our life? Did Jesus not fully provide for us? Is His Finished Work Not Enough?

 We may feel like we are incomplete sometimes in our Christian journey. We feel like we are lagging behind. Certainly, religious tradition declares and proclaims how incomplete we are, how we are losing ground and always failing to measure up. Is this the Gospel message?

 Is this the truth of our identity in Christ? The Good News is Jesus' work of Redemption is complete. Jesus won. He has fully provided for us and made us new creations in Him. No matter how we see ourselves, or what wrong idea or concept we think and believe, we are complete in Him.

 We are connected to Christ. We are one with Him. We aren't far from our Father. We are in perfect union because of Jesus. This is based on the perfect work of our Savior. It is not based on how we feel or if we get it all right from day to day. We are always connected to Christ.

 We are clean, not filthy sinners any longer. We are cleansed from all our sins. Jesus' blood was shed for the full remission of all our sins. His blood is enough. This spotless blood covered and cleansed all sin. We are not guilty in the eyes of our Father. He doesn't look upon us as dirty and unholy. He sees us as cleansed and spotless, fully Righteous.

 We are close to God. We became close when we accepted Jesus' free gift of Righteousness and the forgiveness of sins. We are one with Him. We don't have to work our way to closeness to Him. 

 I can hear religious tradition "freaking out" if you will at this thought. If religious tradition had a motto it would be "working my way to you Lord." Traditional religion likens our spiritual disciplines and works as a mean to become closer to God. They are working for what they already have.

 We are complete in Christ. We don't have to try to be complete. We are complete in Him. We need to rest in our identity. We need to accept we are who He says we are.

 Now religion says we are complete until we are incomplete. How does this happen? When we don't follow all their rules, when we aren't as "spiritual" as them, or when we sin too much. 

 Clean, close and connected? Only if we haven't sinned. If we sin, we are far off. We are unclean and disconnected. We then need to get right, we need to get back to God, we need to "rededicate" or reconnect. This concept is foreign to the Gospel spelled out in the Epistles. The vocabulary of distance, disconnection and uncleanness is not found in the Epistles concerning the believer. 

 The Good News of the Gospel is we are fully complete and close to God forever because of Jesus. Our sins or level of spiritual disciplines have nothing to do with it. It's by Faith in Christ that we have this new life, Righteousness and perfect union with Christ. 

 In summation, don't allow tradition to rob you of your true identity in Christ. You are clean, you are close, and you are forever connected to the Father. You are complete in Christ and nothing can change that. It is all because of Jesus. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net