Showing posts with label Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Baptism in the Holy Ghost

And I did not recognize Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’ John 1:33 NASB

 One of the greatest blessings God has given humanity is the Holy Spirit released upon the earth. His Spirit works in many ways. He convicts unbelievers of their sin of unbelief. He reminds the believers of who they are, the children of God, and how much they are loved by Him. He is our comforter and peace no matter the circumstance.

 The Holy Ghost is also power from on high. He empowers believers in so many ways. He empowers us to witness to others about the love of the Father. He leads us and guides us through His still small voice, and His peace within. If there is no real peace about a decision, it's best to wait before acting. There is another aspect of His power available to believers.

 The Baptism in the Spirit releases God's tangible, supernatural, power in our life. This is an active power, not a passive power. It is the doorway into the supernatural ministry and supernatural life in Christ. 

 Brother, don't you know you are complete in Christ? Didn't you know you already have all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ when you believed? There are no second blessings, you are not incomplete. You have all you need the moment you believe.

 As a person who has received Jesus, freely, by Grace through Faith, that knows the Gospel is the Grace of God, that Jesus is the person of Grace, I am not ignorant of my completeness in Christ. In Him, we are complete, not lacking, fully supplied, and connected to our Father forever. We are complete in Christ, yes I agree.

 What we must remember though is our completeness concerns our identity. In our identity, we are complete and full lacking nothing. In our development spiritually speaking we are growing and learning and increasing. It is in this area where the fullness of the Spirit is needed and benefits us greatly. 

 Let's look at the Apostle Paul's words in Acts 19 to further examine this concern and gain better insight. This is the Apostle of Grace. This is the very Apostle who gave us the good news revelation that we are complete in Christ. Was he confused about our completion at this time? Look at the question he asks;

1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the upper regions and came to Ephesus. He found some disciples and said to them, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?” Acts 19:1-2 MEV

 If we are complete at salvation in identity and development and "have it all" at salvation, why even ask this question? Some may respond he just wanted to make sure they were actually saved. Okay, maybe, but why did he continue in his actions demonstrating a belief that there is a subsequent infilling of the Holy Spirit?

  When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:5-6 MEV

 Why did Paul lay hands on them? Laying on of hands is not a requirement or prerequisite for receiving salvation. When we receive Christ, the Spirit makes His abode within us. This is the Spirit indwelling us, this is the Spirit within. 

Paul laid hands on these believers so that the Spirit would come upon them empowering them for supernatural power, enabling, and anointed acts of service. There is the Spirit within, identity, and completeness in Christ. There is also the Spirit upon, empowerment for development. This Spirit upon is the Baptism in the Holy Ghost.

 I baptized you in water, but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.” Mark 1:8 WEB

 In 1993 as a young immature man, serving in the United States Military I was ignorant and unlearned about the person of the Holy Spirit. I had a minister and even another friend pray for me to receive the Spirit upon. In my ignorance, I was looking for a feeling or something tangible to release my Faith to reach out and receive. 

 Needless to say, I didn't receive Him, I was not in Faith. Then one night I received prayer from this same minister, and when he prayed for me the power of God overtook me, overshadowed me, and enveloped me. I again, trying to use my head, didn't fully accept, what I had received. 

 After the service, I went to the minister and told him my desire to be filled and pray in the Spirit. What I didn't realize was that I had just received but my ignorant mind was blocking the Spirit from fully manifesting Himself through me. The minister looked at me and just said lift your hands and speak! As soon as I did I just started speaking forth this beautiful heavenly tongue giving praise to my Father.

 The result of the Spirit upon has been dynamic. I began to witness in power and demonstration. I saw sick bodies healed, I saw people set free and lives changed through prayer. This happened because the Spirit's empowerment was given to me and I received it freely. 

 The good news is that this same power is available to all who believe. When you receive Jesus you are complete in Him. There is no lack or deficiency in your identity in Christ. You are complete, accepted, and approved. Now that you are new, we all begin the development journey in Christ. In this understanding, freely receive the Spirit upon you and see your life transformed supernaturally. 

 It is freely given we just need to freely receive it. How? It is simple, by Faith believing. You receive Jesus, you rest in your completeness in Him. Second, simply desire this divine empowerment. Finally, just ask and receive it. Dear Jesus, because you love me, baptize me in the Holy Spirit, amen thank you. Begin to thank God, and open your mouth and speak forth the language the Spirit gives. It is not based on your performance but on Jesus' love for you. 

Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Another Mistaken Idea: Tongues were merely for evangelizing in foreign languages

For the one speaking in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; indeed, no one understands him, yet he is speaking mysteries by the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 14:2 Mounce

 Nothing can bring more misunderstanding, misdirection, and misconception in the life of the believer than mistaken ideas concerning God. Nothing can trip up the believer more than mistaken ideas concerning His Word. Therefore, periodically, we address these mistaken ideas and shed the light of the Gospel truth on them.

 When it comes to praying in the Spirit or speaking with tongues, a major mistaken idea has formed in light of the tradition of men. Traditional religion, in a vain effort to conceal their unbelief, has perpetrated an absurd idea concerning evangelism and tongues. This mistaken idea allows and gives credence to a powerless, faithless Christian expression. 

 When the Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, He ushered in a new way of living, a new expression of power and praise, and a more personal intimacy between the Father and His Family. With His coming, Jesus began baptizing believers in the Spirit. The timid become bold. The weak triumphant in Christ.

 The Church was also given Grace gifts to confirm the Word. With all these amazing gifts and benefits, tradition found a way to make the Word of no effect in the lives of believers. Tradition says tongues and the fullness of the Spirit are not for today because they have served their purpose.

 Tradition's mistaken idea is that speaking with tongues was merely for evangelizing in foreign lands. They cite a mere portion of the events of the day of Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out. They've lifted the verses out of full context in Acts 2 to prove this absurdity.

 Looking at the full events of Acts 2 we can see how mistaken this idea is. The idea is that since the Jews gathered from all nations in Jerusalem at this time heard the believers speaking tongues in their own languages, thus eventually getting saved. This means tongues were merely about the Apostles being gifted to preach to foreigners. Actually reading the second chapter of Acts clearly refutes this.

 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4 NKJV

 If tongues were merely about evangelism, who were the 120 preaching to in the upper room? Each other? Was Peter preaching to John to get saved? Was Andrew preaching to Mary to trust in Christ? Also, why would they be speaking in a foreign language when they all spoke the same language? 

 When Peter preached to the multitudes he didn't speak in tongues to share the Gospel. Clearly, he didn't speak some thirty dialects all at once, that's impossible. He spoke in his native Hebrew, remember all those gathered were also Jews, the diaspora Jews so they would know Hebrew, and there would be no need to "speak in tongues to preach the Gospel."

 Let's go further in debunking this absurd claim. Look at Acts 10 and the account of the Baptism in the Spirit and tongues there.

44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. 45 And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. 46 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Acts 10:44-46 NKJV

 Again the mistaken idea is that speaking with tongues was merely for the purpose of evangelizing to foreigners. You can't get more foreign than Cornelius. He was Italian and Peter was Hebrew. 
 So what happened here? Peter was preaching to Cornelius' household in his known tongue. Suddenly, the Spirit falls upon Cornelius' household and they get filled with the Spirit and speak with tongues. 

 So who was Cornelius preaching to? Peter? Peter needed to get saved? I trust you're tracking with me and seeing how absurd this mistaken idea truly is. 

 You can see further proof in Acts 19 when Paul laid hands on the Ephesian disciples. This mistaken idea is clearly debunked when we stay with God's Word and simply read it. Tradition and the Word don't mix.

 Tradition forms and formulates ideas based on man's experience and a mere scanning over the Bible instead of actually reading it. Tradition shields itself within these mistaken ideas. It provides blinders so as not to see its weakness, its lack of power, and its Faithless condition. 

 Tongues are supernatural gifting of Grace to build up the believer. To provide greater intimacy in prayer. Are the number one source for receiving wisdom and clarity in our daily life. Tongues provide the believer with rest and refreshing in a weary world. 

 In summation, stay with God and His Word. His Word debunks the traditions of men. His Word is Truth and the final authority. His Grace supplies all we need to live in victory in this life. Don't neglect so great a gift as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the powerful prayer language the Spirit gives. It's because of Grace, and it's for you!
Image by Trid India from Pixabay 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Beyond the Upper Room

  For he who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to men, but to God. For no one understands him, although in the spirit, he speaks mysteries... I desire that you all speak in tongues... 1 Corinthians 14:2, 5a MEV

 This blog site is designed to be a resource for Christians to grow in Faith and Grace. The entirety of the articles/studies are all rooted and grounded upon the foundation of the Finished Work, The Gospel of Grace. On this site, one will find studies or lessons on a variety of topics pertaining to the victorious Christian life. Topics such as healing, prosperity, Faith, eternal security, our Righteousness in Christ, and tackling religious traditions of men are found on this site. There is another topic of study that is of vital importance in living successfully.

 This is the understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. This is not without much controversy in the Body of Christ. As I have stated previously, it seems the three most controversial topics in Christian circles are the three Ts. Tongues, tithes and end-times. 

 Since I am unafraid of controversy I will follow the leading of the Spirit and begin discussing the wonderful Grace gift of Tongues. When addressing Tongues, it's best sometimes to allow the ignorant and unbelieving to stay ignorant and unbelieving. It's good to present the Good News of this Grace gift and those who desire will respond and receive all God has for them.

 We must first understand Tongues are for more than just the initial evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. This heavenly language is so much more than that. There are many benefits for praying in the Spirit. Great power and great understanding and insight are released within our spirits when we pray in the Spirit.

 The Apostle Paul taught us the most on this beautiful prayer language we have been given through God's Grace. A powerful truth was revealed to us in Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians. He rightly divides a passage from Isaiah. Isaiah prophesied of the power of praying in the Spirit

  For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. Isaiah 28:11-12 NKJV

 Praying in other tongues on a continual and consistent basis brings a refreshing that nothing in this world can produce or duplicate. This spiritual refreshing begins in our inward man and works its way completely toward our outward man. There exists no pill, no drug, no experience this world offers than can compare to the replenishing rest and refreshing realized through praying in the Spirit.

 Praying in other tongues brings to us insight and wisdom. We live in a fractured and fragmented creation. Confusion, chaos, disorder and disaray surround us daily. Therefore it can become a challenge to make right decisions, good decisions, beneficial decisions in an upside down world. This is why it is vital to successful living to incorporate Tongues in our daily prayer life.

 When we pray in tongues we are taking a step back from the world's way of doing and thinking. We are in a sense separating ourselves unto God. We are in divine communication with our Father and awaiting His wisdom, His insight, His truth. 

 Now some under tradition, which is in reality a cover for unbelief, will argue that simply praying in their native tongue will produce the same result. While it is true, we can pray for wisdom, God went out of His way to prove to us that there is a greater way to pray and receive wisdom and insight. And that greater way is to pray in the Spirit. 

 This world system is contrary to God and all His ways. Their idea of truth often runs contrary to what God has declared to be true. As people living in the world, we are continually bombarded with the world's propaganda if you will. They determine what is right and wrong. They determine what is truth and what is false. Again, so often their idea of truth and what is right contradicts what God has declared in His Word.

 With all their voices in media, print, and entertainment we have to proverbially unplug from the noise around us and center our hearts and mind on what our Father has spoken about us and declared over us. Praying in tongues is the most effective way to accomplish this. Because praying in the Spirit is praying not from our head, that is our intellectsor the natural, but praying from our spirit, the inward man of the heart. 

 In summation, receive all God's Grace has brought us. Never mind tradition, the unbelief of man. Take all God has for you to live the victorious overcoming life. Step into the supernatural power of a loving Father who wants your best. Don't let the lies of the enemy and religion impede you saying tongues have ceased or are not for all believers. God is a Good Father and no respecter of persons. His Grace gifts are for all His children. Receive the fullness of His Spirit and the beautiful accompanying divine prayer language. He's made you worthy to receive. Take it it's yours.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay