Monday, December 14, 2020

The Gospel Paul preached: Radical Grace

 24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 25 Now to Him who has power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret for long ages past, Romans 16:24-25 MEV

 We've been in an extended study examining the Gospel Paul preached. We've stated with all the voices in the wind speaking of the Gospel, claiming to know what it is and what it isn't, wouldn't it be great if we could find an Mp3 or CD of one of the original Apostles sermons? The good news is we don't have to wonder what Paul preached, God's Word records one of Paul's messages, and we can see clearly what the Gospel message is.

 Acts 13 details the Gospel Paul preached. We've seen that Paul proclaimed the faithfulness of God, that Jesus is alive and salvation is found in Him alone. Paul proclaimed Good News. He declared the forgiveness of all our sins in Christ. In our last study, we saw that Paul revealed only Grace redeems and makes us Righteous not the Law, or human efforts, performance, or good deeds. 

 Today, we want to conclude the series with the final word Paul gave his listeners. 

42 So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. 43 Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. 44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. Acts 13:42-44 NKJV

 Paul proclaimed the Good News. He proclaimed Newness of life can be found in Christ apart from works. Conspicuously absent are any words of condemnation. Condemnation kills. Condemnation doesn't draw the masses. It turns away the masses. Preaching the Goodness of God is what draws men toward God. Proclaiming His great Love and Grace is what changes men's minds and hearts.

 Take note of the reaction to Paul's words. The people begged to hear this message. People's hearts were hungry to hear more of God's Word. The people's hearts were glad. Their thinking was changed. They heard the Good News. They wanted to hear more of this Loving Savior. 

 As for the final word Paul proclaimed let's look again at the passage.

Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43 NKJV

 Paul told the people to continue in the Grace of God. Not that Grace was for the entryway into salvation and the rest of the Christian walk is about earning and striving and achievement. He proclaimed the Radical Grace of God and urged them to continue in Grace, not Law. To continue in Grace, not human works, efforts, or performance. 

 Paul told the people to continue in Grace. If we are to continue in Grace then that means Grace is the Gospel and the center of the Christian life. This means our attempts to merit God's Goodness and favor and acceptance is not continuing in the Grace of God. Paul is essentially proclaiming that we can't earn what is only freely given.

 People have tried to use Paul to declare that works and performance and behavior are the only means by which we obtain the promises of God. They will take his words out of context along with Peter to rearrange the Gospel message. Traditional religion proclaims a gospel of works that is no gospel at all.

 Certainly, our behavior matters, don't misunderstand me. Paul simply showed the way we grow up into good works and good behavior. We continue in the Grace of God. We know because of Grace and the gift of Righteousness we are forever accepted and approved. This removes the shame of our misdeeds and failures and sins. We can get back up when we fall. We can freely admit our flaws without shame or fear of punishment from God. We can freely make amends to those we may have hurt. Why? because shame and fear have been done away with in Christ.

 In closing allow me to address one point Paul made. Paul did declare a warning to these listeners. But this warning was not condemning nor was it spoken in anger. Paul was pleading with the people. Don't reject this Grace in favor of your works and performance. And that has been the case throughout the early days of the birth of the Church. People wanting to mix Law and Grace. To get people to keep striving and attempting to earn God's Love. 

 In summation, Paul preached the Gospel of Grace. He proclaimed the forgiveness of all our sins. That the Law can't redeem or make Righteous. Only His Grace makes us accepted and approved with the Father. Embrace Grace and continue in Grace and don't try to earn or achieve what is only freely given by Grace through Faith, purchased by His precious Blood. 

Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay 

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Gospel Paul preached: Grace vs Law

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 25 Now to Him who has power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret for long ages past, Romans 16:24-25 MEV

We've been in an ongoing series studying the Gospel that Paul preached. We've said with so many denominations and voices out there proclaiming Christ, many of which seem to contradict one another wouldn't it be nice if we had one of the Apostles sermons recorded? Wouldn't it be nice if we had a Mp3 or CD of Paul or Peter preaching to set the record straight?

 The good news is that we actually do have a recording of what Paul preached. In Acts 13 we see a full message Paul actually preached. In examining this Gospel that Paul preached we have seen what Paul believed and spoke. He spoke of Jesus. He spoke of God's Faithfulness. He spoke of the greatness of Jesus and the glorious Good News that complete forgiveness is found in Christ alone. 

 Today, I want to further examine what Paul proclaimed. Did Paul actually preach the Law for the New Covenant believer? Did Paul preach the Law is how we find justification or acceptance with the Father? Let's consult Paul himself for the answer.

38 Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; 39 and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. Acts 13:38-39 NKJV

Paul's words are quite alarming and astounding to this audience of Jews. In the Synagogue, Paul is dare declaring the Law is not what saves you or makes you accepted and approved with God. He states it's through Jesus alone that you find divine acceptance and approval.

 In this one statement, Paul declared the entirety of the New Covenant. That because of Jesus, not works, performance, adherence to rules or regulations will you find perfect redemption. Through Jesus alone you find complete victory. That your efforts and works of the Law are meaningless compared to what Jesus has done.

 Paul is declaring the finality of the work of the Cross. That Christ work alone is all sufficient to meet every need. That the Finished Work satisfied every claim of divine justice to cover, cleanse and remove all sins, shortcomings, faults, flaws, and wicked deeds. That even the unforgivable and unthinkable and unmentionable thoughts, words or deeds find their forgiveness and redemption in Christ's perfect work.

 Paul proclaimed New Covenant Grace and rejected Old Covenant Law living. That is he rejected the ideas, concepts, doctrines, that lead one to think their performance, their adherence to certain rules and regulations, their own doings, will cause God to love them, bless them, and favor them more than another. That God accepts and approves them on a scale weighing all their deeds against someone else's. 

 In this proclamation, Paul is putting Christ alone in the center of it all. That is all because of Jesus we find perfect redemption. Think of it, what action taken, what act of good will, what work achieved, what words spoken would cause your unrighteousness to be cleansed, removed and grant you a full pardon, and a brand new heart?

 These words astonished and stunned his listeners. He was saying all your doings, all your Law observance doesn't make you accepted or approved with God. The Law cannot redeem you. There is nothing you can do to warrant God's Goodness, kindness and favor. 

 Much of modern Christianity presents a message of steps and formulas and duties and works to achieve in order to find perfect acceptance or I should say more acceptance with God. That the more you do for Him, the more favorable and accepted and approved you are. It's as if a parent had two children and made it clear because Jill does the dishes and finishes her schoolwork and performs extra chores that she is more loved, accepted, approved than her brother Jack. 

 Sadly, that is the mindset many see God having with His own kids. This is the message presented by so many churches and ministries. Now they won't state this as bluntly as I just did but they hint at it with their messages and books. 

 In summation, we see the Gospel Paul is preaching. He is preaching the Radical Grace of Almighty God. He is preaching divine acceptance and approval by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone. This is the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Image by Prawny from Pixabay 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Gospel that Paul preached: Forgiveness of sins

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 25 Now to Him who has power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret for long ages past, Romans 16:24-25 MEV

 We've been in a study of the Gospel that Paul preached. In the beginning, we said wouldn't it be great to have an actual recording of one of the Apostles actually preaching? Wouldn't it make it clear for us what the Gospel actually is? The good news is we have a recording of the Gospel Paul preached, it's found in God's Word.

 In Acts 13 we see the full message Paul proclaimed. So far we've seen that the Gospel Paul preached was nothing but Good News. That is the faithfulness of God, Jesus is alive, and that salvation is found in Him. 

 Today let's continue examining this beautiful message Paul preached;

Jesus is greater

As we stated from the beginning of this series, the audience Paul is preaching to is Jews in the Synagogue and based upon the passage apparently Gentiles could somehow hear the words Paul is preaching as well. 
It is possible there was a special section that Gentiles were allowed to enter to hear the words of one speaking. I don't want to speculate further as the passage doesn't tell us how they heard, but it does say they did hear.
So Paul had a diverse audience but he directed his words to the Jews. He pointed out one of the greatest saints in the Old Testament. He points to David. 

36 “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption; 37 but He whom God raised up saw no corruption. Acts 13:36-37 NKJV
 Paul masterfully points out that Jesus is greater. The point Paul makes is Jesus is greater than any natural man. He is greater than any Old Testament hero. He is greater than any of your traditions.

 Jesus is greater. Greater than any achievements of man. Greater than any esteemed man on Earth, be it, king or priest. Jesus is greater and worthy of all our praise.

The Forgiveness of Sins

The most important thing Paul preaches in His Gospel is the main theme. That our sins are forgiven once for all time because of Jesus. Paul proclaimed the forgiveness of sins.

38 Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; Acts 13:38 NKJV

The Gospel Paul preached wasn't a message preaching about sin and darkness. He didn't preach about how sinful and unworthy the masses are. He didn't preach how God is so angry at your sins and sinfulness and shortcomings. No, Paul proclaimed the Good News. He proclaimed the forgiveness of your sins, not the remembrance of your sins.

 I wonder how often the audience Paul is addressing had heard message after message about how often they fell short and messed up? I wonder how often they heard messages designed to remind them of their sin but not giving them hope for their condition? I wonder their hearts reaction upon hearing that there is forgiveness for their sins?

 Paul proclaimed a message of hope and healing. He preached the Good News Gospel of Jesus. He pointed these people to Jesus. He pointed the people to the greater One, not to their sins and failures, and their traditions that kept them where they were without hope. 

 It would do us good if preachers today would preach the message Paul preached. Instead of railing about sin and darkness why not preach the solution? Instead of preaching about how far people have fallen short, why not remind them no matter how far they've fallen, and yes there are real and lasting consequences for sin, but no matter how far they've fallen and what consequence they're experiencing there is still forgiveness in Christ? 

 In summation, let's preach the Gospel that Paul preached. Jesus is greater than all, all positions or riches of men. Greater than any tradition of men. That there is total and complete forgiveness in Jesus. There all your sins are forgiven in Christ. Truly Paul proclaimed glad tidings for all, for whosoever would receive. 

Image by BenteBoe from Pixabay