Showing posts with label the Tithe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Tithe. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Truth about giving under Grace

 Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 AMPC

 Over our last few articles, we've been looking at the practices of tithing and giving in the New Covenant. This study somewhat responds to the uproar and outrage of traditional churches and ministries because an international megachurch pastor spoke the truth concerning tithing under Grace. It seemed good to continue examining our giving in light of Grace. 

 Over the many years that the Church has thrived in America, and throughout the earth, one constant is always prevalent. That is the act of giving financial donations. Just as with any practice, man has perverted it, corrupted it, misused and abused it. This is why God allows men of God with international platforms to address controversial issues to help us get back to the center, to the basics once again, in essence, to bring Jesus back into the focus. 

 When we see Jesus again as the focus, as the center of it all, our motives and our actions become Christ-centered. We are engaging in Christian practices because we are honoring our risen Savior. We pray, we read and study the Word, and we volunteer our time and talents to help others, we are a blessing to our local church, and yes we give financial donations. All these are sincere responses to Jesus and His Grace and Goodness in our life.

 We aren't acting under compulsion, pressure, or spiritual obligation. We aren't bowing to the crippling commands of the religious taskmaster. We aren't dutiful to the demands of traditional religion. We are responding to the Love of a loving Savior who took our place, bore our shame, and received our due punishment gladly.  

 This is what God intended. This is Grace in action. This is how life in Christ flows so freely. No demands, no obligations, and zero pressure. Just simply abiding in Him. Just basking in His Goodness and Grace. 

 My times in prayer, devotion, and detailed study of the Word are not "forced" or chores I must finish before I can enjoy my day. Religion turns relationship into tasks that must be completed. Instead of I get to spend time with my Father, I get to invest in His work, and I get to help that work come to pass through my talents, religion twists it into, I better spend time with God or He won't hear or help me later. I better give or I am cursed, or won't prosper in life, I better volunteer or I will never be rewarded. 

 The truth is God so loved this world and sent His Son so He could offer life everlasting to whosoever will freely receive it. He gave His Son, so He could have more sons and daughters. His Grace and Goodness are what motivated God our Father to do this. That's the point of it all. His Love. His Grace. His Goodness. 

 This is what draws the love response from His people, His family, His kids. God's Love for you, God's Love for me, that's what strengthens and encourages us to follow this Savior, to lay our plans down and embrace His. This is what moves us to know Him more and more. This is what moves us to invest our time and talents and our finances so others can see and know this beautiful Savior!

 What is not of God, what is the works of tradition, of man, is this obligatory concept concerning our walk with God. Use all the mental gymnastics you want to convince yourself and others, but when one says we must give a certain percentage, and/or teaches our giving or our doing is the source of blessings and prosperity then it's no longer about Grace but the works and performance of man.

 Want to be blessed and protected financially? Then you better give ten percent! Well, what about the people who've tithed faithfully for years and went bankrupt? Must have been in sin, is the only response they have.

 Want to be blessed and prospered? Give and keep giving above ten percent. Give right and you'll receive the hundredfold return! I have given above the ten percent consistently for years and never even saw thirty times, or sixty times. Let alone one hundred times my giving returned to me. Their response? You didn't give in Faith!

 Wait, let's analyze that comment. Faith is of the heart. Real Faith, Bible Faith is a persuasion, a fully persuaded heart that moves one to act on what is heard from God. Those of us who heard the teaching about giving to receive were persuaded in our hearts and minds. We, therefore, gave our finances. The fact we gave means we gave in Faith. 

 The disconnect is God never promised any believer if you give money you're going to get more money. So in reality, we were giving in "faith" to man's misuse and misinterpretation, and manipulation of the Father's Words. Keeping it about Jesus, and being transparent, giving and then getting more money in return, is not about giving to increase the work of God, but giving to increase the bank account, and fatten the wallet or purses of men and women. There is no Grace in this!

 Look at Jesus alone! Look to Jesus alone! Jesus is our Savior. Jesus is the source of life, healing, hope, protection, and prosperity. Our behavior isn't our Savior, Jesus alone is! 

 In summation, look again at Jesus Christ. The Author and Finisher of our Faith. The only One who can satisfy. The Lord of all, who died for all, so that whosoever will may come and abide with Him forever. 

 Look at this Savior, The Lord of Heaven and earth. This loving Savior, who gave all so He could be with me and you. Put Him back in the center of it all. When Christ is the focus, when He is the exalted One, our performance, our doings, our works, and disciplines, fade away in comparison. Live your life loved by this Savior. Live life with Him as the center of it all, the exalted One, and see how dead works fall by the wayside, and genuine worship and responses to the Love of God flow from you without strenuous effort. 

Image courtesy of anankkml at

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Merchandising, manipulation, or ministry?


Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith. Galatians 6:10 NLT

 The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Good News of new life and total salvation for anyone who will simply believe. The Gospel is the Grace revealed in all Christ did for us. This love message must be proclaimed so people can hear it. In order to proclaim this Grace message through all means available, it takes time, talent, and funding. 

 In my last post, we discussed the great misunderstanding about giving. We looked at this issue of tithing for the New Covenant Christian. We want to continue this study examining our giving, and going deeper into this issue of tithing.

 When addressing this topic, some will be quick to accuse others that they don't want to tithe because they don't want to give. Those who say tithing isn't a New Covenant practice are just stingy Christians who are rebellious. Is this a fair assessment? 

 In truth, no matter what is taught about tithing, people who don't want to give will not give. In fact, for all this tithe talk, only 5% of Christians in America actually claim to tithe in the first place. So the issue is not that some teach tithing isn't for today but rather teaching the "why" we give in the first place. 

 We give because we want this Gospel proclaimed. We give because we love the family of God. We give because we want the kingdom to advance. We give because we want to be a blessing to those who minister the Word to us. 

 However, this tithing burden being put on believers actually hinders gifts being given. What I mean is, if the "tenth" is the only offering God accepts or demands as some proclaim, then people who can't afford this amount just won't give. When we proclaim the New Covenant truth that Grace is the giving standard then saints will give that 1%, 2 %, that 7% with joy and be a blessing, and this Gospel will be funded!

Merchandising and manipulation

 If we stay with the New Covenant we will see gifts given and the Gospel proclaimed and the Kingdom advancing. However, when we stick with the works of men, tradition, and demands put on people all we see are negative fruits. We open the door to all these manipulative gimmick offerings. 

 Many proclaim that if we give ten percent we will be financially blessed. This sounds appealing but this sentiment is manipulative and merchandising the Gospel. It also places fear, pressure, and condemnation on believers. 

 Fear concerning finances comes because the believer begins to look at their own situation and sees where it could be better. They begin to worry if their lack of giving 10% is causing their finances to not be blessed. They fear if they don't give how much worse could it get? 

 Pressure comes because believers now must do all they can to ensure they can give ten percent. Giving is not from a heart of love but from an obligation that must be met. They are giving not to bless but to meet a requirement, no matter how palatable you make the appeal to tithe sound.

 Condemnation abounds with tithe teachings. What about these believers who suffer loss, or go through major attacks by the enemy? How can they be expected to give a full ten percent when they have medical bills amassing? What about the sudden widow who was a stay-at-home mom? All they've heard is how they can't afford not to tithe.

 The concept that God blesses those who tithe means God has exclusive blessing reserved for only a segment of His children. What about the single mom who had a terrible past who just got saved? Does God look upon her in disgust because she hasn't given Him ten percent?

 I recently witnessed a minister who in response to the teaching that we aren't under the tithe command today, attempt to prove how we are cursed if we don't tithe. He tried to make it seem as if he was preaching good news by saying this. He also rebuked ministers who say the tithe isn't for today. 

 What I also noted was this same minister had no issue with the financial manipulation of his followers. He had no issue with the gimmick offerings claiming "God said there are ten people who are supposed to give $10,000 tonight."  Sadly, some only teach tithing so that their own bank accounts will be overflowing. 

 Many want to point to Abraham as the reason tithing is still for today. Look again at Abraham's tithe again. Abraham didn't tithe in order to be blessed financially or materially. He was already blessed before he gave anything away. His giving didn't create his wealth. Abraham didn't tithe from his income or his possessions, he only tithed the spoil of war, and only did it once.

 Why do so many claim tithing makes them blessed? They cite the Old Covenant passage Malachi 10. Malachi is speaking of food for the Levitical priests, not money. Also, some who give become more frugal with their money and their budget, still others have high-paying jobs due to their experience and/or education. 

 Yet for most, the experience isn't that positive. I know of countless others who have tithed faithfully for years and they've suffered bankruptcy, loss of business, and some have even been laid off from work. Contrary to how it's marketed, tithing is not a rabbit's foot, Linus' blanket, or lucky charm that ensures you're never going to have a problem.

 As New Covenant believers reject these gimmick-giving pressure tactics. Don't succumb to pressure-induced giving ploys. Don't look to your own works, your own doings, including your own giving, as a source of blessing. Look only to Jesus. Jesus became a curse on the Cross to redeem us from the curse. He exchanged our poverty and lack with His abundance and provision. 

 In summation, give in response to His Love. Give to further the kingdom. Giving is an expression of love. Give to support the proclamation of the Gospel of Grace. Trust in His Love to provide for you and give as He supplies and how He leads you.

Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 AMPC

Image courtesy of phasinphoto at

Monday, July 4, 2022

The Great Misunderstanding

10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting a yoke on the necks of the disciples, such as neither our forefathers nor we [ourselves] were able to endure? 11 But we believe that we are saved through the grace (the undeserved favor and mercy) of the Lord Jesus, just as they [are]. Acts 15:10-11 AMPC  

 The Gospel has been revealed more and more to this generation than ever before. It has become more apparent and more evident that this Gospel is truly about the Lord Jesus Christ. A true move of God has filled all the earth.

 Believers from all quarters of the Body of Christ are receiving this move of God. Believers from traditional, mainline denominational backgrounds to believers from Pentecostal, and Charismatic Word of Faith camps are all embracing this powerful move of God. This move is the restoration of the truth of what the Gospel is. The Gospel is the Grace of God proclaimed and manifested in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

 Grace has turned the world upside down again. People are seeing it's about Jesus, not our pledges, promises, or performance. It's not about our promises to do better, to behave better, to do more for Him. It's not about our pledges of loyalties, or how well we perform in our daily lives. It's about Grace. It's about what Jesus has done, fully accomplished, and how the Father has received and accepted this Finished Work once for all time.

 Grace has overturned the proverbial tables of tradition and man-made works and idols of man. Believers are seeing things that have been taught for generations through the lens of Grace. Ministers and believers alike are seeing things from a new perspective, a Grace perspective. In this process, let's not throw away truth but examine truth with Grace, and let's not get into strife with other believers who may not see it the way we do.

 I am not speaking of end-time teachings, for there is no set end-time teaching that is hand stamped as the Grace view. Even among the differing views of end times, I see Grace being shared with those who disagree and all coming to common ground. Jesus is coming again we can all rejoice with that. 

 I am speaking of the truths of the Gospel that many are now seeing being opened up. The eternal security of the believer, the truth that it is Jesus who started the work and Jesus alone who will complete it. The other is concerning this issue of our giving. The subject of the tithe.

 A Word of Faith minister with a major platform has come forth with the Gospel light of Grace concerning our giving. This minister from the Atlanta, GA area, whom this site links to, has made headlines concerning the teaching of tithing. I believe along with this minister that tithing and giving have been a source of great misunderstanding in the Body of Christ.

 This Grace resource site has written extensively on the subject of tithing wherein all the Scriptures concerning tithing and the objections for and against it are expounded on in depth. You can see them and study them for yourself, New Covenant tithing, redeemed, under Grace, tithing for today, giving or tithing, Tithe to be blessed, all these will help you go deeper in the Word concerning our giving.

 I affirm and agree with this Pastor that tithing is not a command for the New Covenant believer in Christ. I agree with what Paul declared in 2 Corinthians 9. 

 each one, according as he doth purpose in heart, not out of sorrow or out of necessity, for a cheerful giver doth God love, 2 Corinthians 9:7 YLT

 The word necessity is crucial in discussing this topic. Look at the Greek definition here;

ἀνάγκη (anankē)

Strong: G318

GK: G340

necessity, Mt. 18:7; constraint, compulsion, 2 Cor. 9:7; obligation of duty, moral or spiritual necessity, 

See that the definition of the word is constraint or compulsion. That's addressing the manipulative gimmick tactics employed sadly by some ministries in order to get one to give. For purpose of this study, we want to focus on the latter definition. 

 Obligation and spiritual necessity are the antithesis of Grace. A gift is not obligatory. Those are two counter concepts. Some warn against preaching against the tithe, why? 

 If tithing is under Grace, that is ten percent of all you earn, then that means you are under obligation to bring this amount of financial resource to a ministry. If tithing is under Grace then that means something is required of you. That means your giving is of necessity. 

 You can't do enough mental gymnastics to make 2 Corinthians 9 equate tithing as grace giving. Secondly, before we continue let's make a really vital point. Those who preach Grace and claim tithing is still required, don't fully define what it means to tithe. 

 To tithe means you bring ten percent of your increase. That means you are required to tithe on gross, not net income. Some would argue no that's tithing under Law. Abraham tithed before Law. True, but he only did that one time. He didn't tithe from his income either, he tithed from the spoils of war. He didn't keep anything for himself. How is this a model for us to give then? He didn't give anything from his own income. Read it again in Genesis 14

 Some would say what about Jacob? That's great you mentioned him. His giving meets Paul's words. Jacob on his own, without compulsion or necessity, chose to offer God a tenth of what He gave him. 

 Back to the word necessity. If as it's taught that tithing causes a financial blessing, then in order to be blessed it would therefore be necessary to give ten percent. Hence, that would be the definition of spiritual necessity. So in essence the Cross forgives, makes new, and heals our bodies, but our ten percent, not Christ Finished Work, is the source of our blessing materially.

 What about the widows, and single mothers in the inner cities in America? What about the destitute and downtrodden in third-world nations? They literally do not have enough income to give away ten percent. What? Is God beholding them with arms folded in stern disappointment speaking over them, stop being poor, give me ten percent and I'll help you? 

 How is this the Gospel of Grace?! Fear of bucking tradition, fear of disagreeing with a leader, and ignorance of what the Bible actually says is why people fight this revelation. 

  I love and highly honor the Grace pastors who have brought forth Gospel truths that have changed my life. I love them and again honor them, however, they're not my Savior, Jesus is. It's ok to disagree with the particular light they have on a topic. 

 Is tithing the source of blessing? I say no it is not. Jesus and the Finished Work is our source. Abraham gave a tenth not to get blessed, he was already blessed. We don't give to get blessed. We give because we are already blessed. We give in response to how we've been blessed already.

 There is no condemnation or judgment for not giving ten percent. God only asks we give in response to His Love and Goodness poured out upon us. Give cheerfully, not out of some spiritual necessity. Give not in fear, or concern that you won't be blessed if you don't. 

Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 

 In summation, let's be clear and faithful to actual Scripture. Tithing isn't a command for believers, isn't an expected practice today, isn't an expression of Grace giving. Tithing is an Old Covenant requirement. Christ is our source of blessing, not our donations. God's not mad at you! Give knowing that.   

Image courtesy of jannoon028 at

Monday, March 22, 2021

Our Inheritance in Christ: The Blessing


to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ Acts 26:18 MEV

 We're continuing in our study of our inheritance in Christ. Did you know child of God that you have an inheritance? When Christ died and rose again He procured perfect redemption and gave us an inheritance that can't be done away with. The enemy cannot contest this will. It's ours because of Jesus!

 We've seen through this inheritance we have received the gift of no condemnation, in this inheritance we receive the benefit of no separation, there is nothing that can separate the believer from God. We saw last time how we are accepted, highly favored, and honored because of Jesus' work. 

 Today, it seemed good to focus on one major aspect of our inheritance in Christ. In Christ, we have received the blessing of the Lord. So often, we struggle and strive to receive what God has already provided. We listen to ministries who put clauses and conditions on what God has already provided. We work hard trying to earn what can only be freely received.

 Hear the Good News, in Christ you are already blessed.

How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ. Ephesians 1:3 TLB

 Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. Ephesians 1:3 GNT

 Some of the religious traditional detractors will suggest because Paul said spiritual blessings then he must only mean spiritual things like forgiveness of sins but never provision or healing or deliverance. Not so, what Paul is saying is that all the blessings we ever need are first in the spiritual realm. We lay hold on our inheritance by putting a demand on the supply by believing with our heart, our spiritual man. 

 We know this because we don't always feel forgiven or Righteous. We don't always even look Righteous. Yet we know inwardly we are the very Righteousness of God in Christ. That blessing is spiritual then manifests in the natural as we mature in Christ. Our life begins to match who we are already inwardly. So these blessings begin in the spiritual realm and later manifest in the natural as we believe.

 So are you suggesting we don't do anything to receive the blessing? That there isn't anything we can do to increase the blessing in our life? No, I didn't suggest it I just agree with God who said it through His Apostles.

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: 2 Peter 1:3 KJV

Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 TPT

We see here we already have all we need for life and godliness. For life is everything we will ever need in this natural world and godliness means we are already equipped for victorious living spiritually. Note we don't have to do anything but believe for them to manifest. 

 Now Peter did mention knowledge. That is the knowledge of what is ours through our inheritance in Christ. Traditional religion keeps us ignorant of all that's ours in Christ. Legalistic, law, and Grace mixing ministries either knowingly or unknowingly keeps us striving, struggling, and attempting to earn what we already have in Christ by our doing, our behavior, or our giving.

 Remember law and Grace mixture is any attempt to earn or achieve or merit what only Grace gives. It's trying to gain what is only freely received. What Christ procured and purchased on the Cross in the Finished Work is only received by Grace through Faith never on any actions on our part.

 Many fall into the error of mixture because they don't grasp what it truly means to be Righteous. Righteousness is divine acceptance, approval, and perfect right standing before the Father. We who believed received His perfect Righteousness in the great exchange. We are now as Righteous as Jesus. Righteousness is a gift we receive by Faith alone. It is not a work we achieve. 

 When it comes to material blessings many want to link provision with our giving and even with the practice of tithing. I have written extensively on tithing in the past you can find those links in the archive section of this blog. Let me briefly address this issue.

 If we look at Acts 15, we can clearly see this issue addressed and settled. Some misguided believers wanted to mix the Old with the New. They wanted to mix Law and Grace. They desired that believers keep the Law of Moses. This would include tithing. The Gentiles were never given the Law, so how could they have known anything about tithing?

 What did the Apostles conclude? They declared in a letter, some are requiring you to keep the Mosaic Law, but we gave no such command. There we have it. We as believers are not commanded to keep the Law. That would include tithing. Some would say but tithing was before the Law, well so was circumcision as a sign of following Jehovah and we aren't commanding that today.

 Apart from the tithe, still, others want to focus on our giving. They teach that Paul taught in 2 Corinthians that our giving is our seed and we sow it to become more blessed. Is this true? 

 This idea is rooted in the seed-faith message. This teaching infiltrated many charismatic and word of faith ministries. Instead of simply believing God's Word and speaking it (this truth I still strongly affirm), the focus became what you gave and how much you gave and how often you gave. 

 Placing stipulations on the blessing such as giving and doing turns the Goodness of God into a works and performance-rooted system of earning and achieving. The blessing then becomes a wage earned and not a gift of Grace. 

 Teaching that all our actions and our giving are seeds sown gets us reverting to some form of karma like existence. Where the Love of God doesn't guide our actions but the desire for a better future and for more and more good to come our way. It also produces fear and gets us back to Law, "do good get good do bad get bad."

 Paul likened giving as a seed in 2 Corinthians 9 only in the sense that as the whole body of believers give (he was addressing a specific church), the gift would multiply to those who received it. In other words, my gift of $50 given with the right motive to be a blessing is good but adding that to the amount the body will give is multiplication. In essence that one gift is like planting a single apple tree, but that gift coupled with others is like planting many apple trees.

 We are blessed because of what Jesus did. We look to Jesus' work never our own. Our blessings come from Christ alone never us. If the blessing comes from us and our doing then we have a place to boast, "look at what my giving, doing, and behavior produced."This replaces Grace and inheritance to a wage earned.

 In summation, in Christ, because of Christ alone and our trust in Him, we are blessed. The blessing is not determined or stipulated upon us by our doings but by Jesus Christ alone. Trust in Him and not your doing, your giving, or your behavior. Christ determined the blessing, He earned it and gave it to us, freely receive it. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Good News vs. Fake News: You're under a curse for not tithing

15 Now let me remind you, brothers, of what the Gospel really is, for it has not changed—it is the same Good News I preached to you before. You welcomed it then and still do now, for your faith is squarely built upon this wonderful message; 1 Corinthians 15:1 TLB

13 making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do. Mark 7:13 NKJV

 We've begun a series of study that is highlighting the differences between the good news and the bad news of religion. We are distinguishing between truth and tradition. What we are not doing is attacking and accusing our fellow Christian brethren. Even though some see Radical Grace believers and teachers as their enemy we don't have to count them as ours. 

 Ever sat in a local church and heard them take up the offering? Vast numbers of churches and ministries will mention the ten percent, or tithe, Christians are "supposed" to be paying. As you hear these words, how often have you grasped your purse or wallet a little tighter? Suddenly, you're reminded of the utility bills or mortgage. What about food for the week? Then the guilt may overtake you for not giving a full ten percent. What if you don't give?

 This is right where so many Christians live and this is where many ministers quickly reference this supposed "curse" for not giving a full ten percent of your income on a consistent basis. So fear, guilt, and condemnation are the true motivation for many believers giving. Is this the right motive in our giving? Paul apparently didn't think so.
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV

 This passage shows how we should give. One translation says we shouldn't give under compulsion. Compulsory giving or giving of necessity shouldn't ever be a motive in giving. Note the phrase of necessity. If we were under a curse for not tithing,  if we were under some Law commanding us to give ten percent then our giving would, in fact, be giving under compulsion and out of necessity. 

 Brother, doesn't God's Word, in fact, say we are cursed for not tithing? Glad you asked.
“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say,
‘In what way have we robbed You?’ 
In tithes and offerings.You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation. Malachi 3 8-9 NKJV
 See it says so right there, brother? It does say there is a curse for not tithing, but who is God talking to and what is He referencing? 

 The key to understanding and rightly dividing this passage is the phrase, this whole nation. What nation? Is the Church of Jesus Christ an actual nation? If so where is it so I can move there? 

 No this is obviously referencing the nation of Israel. God is speaking of a specific issue that is occurring in the nation of Israel. The people were forsaking the tithe, which meant the tribe of Levi would go without their needs being met. One main objective of the tithe was to provide for the tribe of Levi because they didn't receive any inheritance. 

 As for a curse, God was only revealing the consequence of blatant disobedience. Now, what Covenant is this taking place in? This is under the Old Covenant and dealing with a specific issue affecting Israel. This is not the New Covenant. Under the New, Christ already bore every curse there is. There is no more curse in effect for not giving a specific amount. Galatians 3 reveals Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law. 

 Tradition will still argue that as Christians we are still under the command to tithe. They will say things like, "the tithe filtered through the Cross". "We know we still tithe because nowhere in the New does He say stop." A simple study of the early Church should put these traditions to rest.

In Acts 15, a historical event occurred. The Church held a meeting to preserve the Gospel free from error and works based tradition. This was the opposing argument,
But then some of the believers who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees stood up and insisted, “The Gentile converts must be circumcised and required to follow the law of Moses.” Acts 15:5 NLT

We must understand that this being ancient times people couldn't just go to the local library and check out the Law and read up on it. People couldn't fire up their Mac and look up the Mosaic Law. So these Gentiles would have no learning in matters of the Law. When did they hear the teaching of Malachi and Leviticus commanding the tithe? Where would they read about the command to be circumcised? 

 Keep that in mind as you read and study Acts 15 in context. The legalists wished that the Church specifically keep the Law of circumcision. Note however what gets lost in the debate. They strongly desire that the Church be required to follow the Law of Moses. In this Law, there is the command to tithe. So they wanted to ensure the Church continues in the tithe.

 What is the conclusion the Apostles reach? 
24 Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, “You must be circumcised and keep the law”—to whom we gave no such commandment Acts 15:24 NKJV 

 The Apostles say in one accord that we never gave a command to continue in the Law. This would include tithing. The reason there is no command to stop tithing is that there was never a command to start in the New. 

 Did the tithe filter through the Cross? No! That is the thinking of legalists who wish to merge the Old and New Covenant together. Fair-minded believers will acknowledge that there are a few similarities in the New and the Old. What I mean is there are universal truths that reveal the Character of God.

 Adultery was wrong before the Law, during the Law, and under the New. It is obvious because God is love. He isn't about breaking Covenant and betraying those He loves. So there are some moral similarities between the Old and the New. However, when you look to the Old to see principles of receiving blessing, favor, and goodness you've missed it.

 So are we cursed for not giving ten percent of our income away? Absolutely not. We give to be a blessing and to advance God's influence in this World. There is no curse awaiting those who choose not to give. 

 Some would say the tithe is the way God blesses us. My response to that is what about the believer in war-ravaged lands? What about the Christian in drought-ridden lands? What about the single mom struggling to put clothes on her children's back and food in their mouths?

 Is God looking at that single mom who struggles to get by with arms folded in disappointment and displeasure? Is He saying, "I wanted to pour my favor out upon you but you haven't given me exactly ten percent of your gross income?" I know tradition says yes. They say "you can't afford not to tithe." To say something like this means you believe there is an attached curse for not tithing.

 Relinquish the lies of tradition. Cast down the fears tradition brings. Stand fast in the Finished Work. Follow God's giving plan for your own life. God may, in fact, tell you to give ten percent. He may tell you to give two percent. He may even tell someone else to give 90 percent. The point I am making is, don't allow any man or ministry to dictate to you how much or how often you should give. We also shouldn't try to put God in a box concerning a specific amount and no one should put guilt, shame, fear or condemnation on others for their giving amount. Just follow God's guidance for your life when it comes to giving.

 Father God is a big God. He is a good Father. His divine hand of favor rests on the lives of His children. If we trust Him, if we lean on Him and follow His guidance He will lead us into paths of wisdom, favor, and blessings. This also means as we follow Him, He will use as instruments of blessing. He may lead us to pay for someone's gas. Buy their groceries. Help them with their rent. What an impact we can make when we flow with His Spirit. We are blessed to be a blessing and in Christ, we are never under a curse. 
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What Gospel Are You Hearing? The Holiness Gospel

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1:6-7 NKJV

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile Romans 1:16 NLT

 In the recent weeks, we've been looking at the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What it is and what it isn't. We've been asking what gospel are you hearing. I've received much positive feedback from people as they acknowledge having heard other messages claiming to be the Gospel, at some point in their life. This is super encouraging because this reveals the shackles of dead works and the lies of  religious tradition are being exposed. Today, I sense the impression to explore another "gospel" message that I'm certain many have heard in their lifetime. 

What is the Gospel?

 The English word that is translated Gospel in the New Testament is the Greek word "Euaggelion". It is defined as the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. The proclamation of the Grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ. This is the Gospel. Glad tidings of total salvation in and through Christ. Proclaiming God's Grace is the Gospel. It is not a movement or a fad, or the new buzz word. Grace is the Gospel.  With the understanding of what the true Gospel is let's look at another message masquerading as the Gospel.

The Holiness Gospel.

 The holiness gospel is not a message of glad tidings but rather sad tidings of how we often fail to measure up to God's standards. I can hear some saying to themselves, wait, didn't Jesus say if we love Him we will keep His commandments? What about without holiness no one will see God? Well, Jesus did say that. The book of Hebrews accurately stated that without holiness no man will see God. 

 We will explore all of these passages, but first, let's look at this "gospel" message. I am going to reveal eight characteristics of the holiness gospel. My prayer is the stronghold of tradition would be uprooted and removed from believers. That they would see and embrace the Grace and goodness of God.
1. The holiness gospel exalts our performance over Christ's 
Finished Work. 
Christ's work wasn't sufficient enough to warrant God's love and Favor. God still needs your performance to complete what God started in you. Salvation is started in you but you need to complete it.

2. The holiness gospel's main focus is on people's sins, shortcomings, and failures.
Why no revival in the land? Your sins. Why no breakthrough? You just can't seem to shake those bad habits. Why is your harvest of blessing being delayed? Your failure to maintain faith and remain sin free. You must be reminded often about your sinfulness and weakness.

3. The holiness gospel constantly calls for "repentance".
Every meeting is filled with continual calls for people to repent. People fill altars and if they're not shedding tears then they're not sincere. Even if you can't think of anything else to repent from, you still need to be crying and sad over your sins and shortcomings.

4. The holiness gospel creates a list of "unforgivable" sins.
Getting a divorce? That's a sin, God can't use you in ministry any longer. Been divorced and now you're going to remarry? Wow, you've really sinned. God can never grant His favor to you. You've not been tithing? Now you've done it. You will never be blessed and God's Heaven is closed to you.

5. In the holiness gospel, Christ's Finished Work is unfinished.
Jesus said the work is finished but this traditional gospel says otherwise. Under the holiness gospel preaching, your sins aren't completely forgiven. You only possess partial forgiveness. Your sins are forgiven up to the point of conversion. Your salvation isn't eternal or secure. It is temporal based upon your faithfulness.

6. The holiness gospel spreads the continual fear of loss of sonship or salvation.
Missing too many church services? Skipped a few months of tithe payments? Struggling with a particular sin? Having doubts about God? Better watch it! Your eternal salvation is at stake. Better get things straightened out.

7. The holiness gospel establishes traditional rules. Focuses on the outward appearance and performance.
Women can't cut their hair or wear makeup. Speaking of women, they are to be seen not heard, they can't preach or be ministers. Men should be wearing a suit and tie to church. They best not have long hair. Tattoos are evil so don't get one. 

8. Under the holiness gospel, believer's righteousness is temporal, not eternal.
Being in right standing begins at salvation, but how you conduct yourself afterward proves whether you remain in right standing with God. If you get into some of the "big sins", you've lost your right standing. You need to stop everything else, separate yourself and get yourself right with God. Messed up? Oh, you can't go witness to others, you need to remain silent and spend much time getting right with God.

The holiness gospel isn't the good news

 I trust you see how the holiness gospel isn't the good news. Where are the glad tidings of salvation in Christ? Where is the Grace manifest in Christ in their teachings? It is lacking God's love and Grace and leaves its followers wanting and broken. 

 Yea but didn't Jesus say if we love Him we will keep His commands? 
15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15 NKJV
This passage isn't some warning. Further in this chapter in John, it says if you love me you will keep my words. It is a promise that we will follow Christ when we receive Him. What are these commandments? Are they that thou shalt not be divorced? Is it thou shalt keep the Sabbath?  No. It is not about keeping the Mosaic Law or other rules. It is being obedient to the commands in the New Covenant. These commands aren't burdensome, but simple, believe in Jesus Christ and walk in the love of God, (the commandments revealed here).
 What about Hebrews chapter 12 you Hyper-Grace preacher? 
14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14 NKJV
 This is a beautiful passage. It is not some stern and harsh warning, threatening the loss of salvation as some wish. It is a promise. When we received the Lord we received all of Him in all of us. He made us holy, once for all time. So surely if we don't receive Him we can't see Him in all His goodness and mercy and love. Also, when we walk out who we've already been made others will see Christ by our actions of love and kindness.

 The holiness gospel then is not the message of the Cross. It is not glad tidings. It is not good news but a bad news message. This message makes one continually aware of their own faults and failures. The focus isn't upon God and His great love for us but rather an inward reflection on how one fails to measure up. 

 We need to uproot this "holiness"message from our thinking. In Christ, we have received of the fullness of God. Look at what Hebrews reveals.
10 By this will of God, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.  14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:10,14 HCSB
 This is the glad tidings of what salvation in Christ has purchased for us. This reveals the Grace of Christ. In Christ, there is no striving, no achieving, no earning anything. This is who He has made us by virtue of the Blood of Jesus. 
 Regardless of what tradition teaches, we can't earn or work for a free gift. We aren't called to pursue holiness. We aren't called to perform our way to a place of right standing. Holiness is what He made us in the New Creation. 
 Let the riches of Christ's goodness and immeasurable love cascade over your heart and mind renewing it to the image Christ has of you. When you readily receive and understand who you are in Him, any striving to please Him or working to earn a position of favor will cease for good. You could never do enough to earn God's love or affection or to keep His attention on you. When God called upon us to receive Him it wasn't a job offer. It wasn't an agreement that we will work so much for Him in exchange for the wages of love, favor, and acceptance. The  Gospel is the good news of God's eternal love for you, and His welcome invitation to New life and wholeness.