Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Unfailing Love?

The grace that comes through our Lord Jesus Christ, the love that is of God the Father, and the fellowship that is ours in the Holy Spirit be with you all! 2 Corinthians 13:14 PHILLIPS

But God, with the unfathomable richness of His love and mercy focused on us, united us with the Anointed One and infused our lifeless souls with life—even though we were buried under mountains of sin—and saved us by His grace. Ephesians 2:4-5 VOICE 

How great is the Love of God? How wonderful is His great Love? If you've been a Christian for any length of time it's more than likely you've heard that God loves you. 
Hearing how much God loves us is wonderful and good. Singing worship songs proclaiming His great Love is amazing. All this emphasis on His Love leads me to ask some questions in light of what most churches teach and proclaim after they tell us God loves us.
Most ministries will readily affirm God's Love. They even declare His Love is unfailing. Yet shortly after proclaiming His great Love, the message begins to shift, and the focus becomes about our faithfulness, our obedience, and our performance, and less and less about the unfailing love of God.
The questions I have concern the apparent disconnect between a Love that never fails and a teaching that says mercy runs out. That God's forgiveness has limits. That we can sin away Grace. That in spite of unfailing Love, we as Christians can lose our salvation. 

Let's ask some questions in light of this disconnect, this contrast, this possible contradiction;

 Will God ever come to a place where He is done with us?

 Will God ever say to us enough I am through with you?

 Will God ever say to us concerning our salvation, His relationship with us, it's over, we're done? 

 Is this Love really unfailing and unceasing? Can a Christian deplete God's Love and mercy and Grace? Will God's Love diminish the more a Christian fails and falters? 

 Traditional religion will declare His Love is unfailing. Yet they also say a believer can fail God so much that they can forfeit or suffer the loss of their salvation. In essence, a believer's failure can cause unfailing love to actually fail and result in forever losing the object of the unfailing love. 

 The Love that never fails means that it will never fail no matter what someone else does or doesn't do. There is nothing we can do to cause God to Love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God cease loving us. 

 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never turn away. For I have come down from · heaven, not to do · my own will · but to do the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of the one who sent me: that of all that he has given me I should lose none but raise them up on the last day. John 6:37-39 MOUNCE

 God's Love is everlasting and eternal. God's Love is unceasing and unfailing. God's opinion of you has never changed and it will never will change. God's Love will never falter or fade from day to day based on our actions or words. In fact, His unconditional Love received within is the power of God that renews our thoughts and thinking which produces the change in attitude and behavior effortlessly. 

 So let's answer those questions. Will God ever say it's over? Will God ever tell you I'm through with you? Will God ever inform you that you're done? In light of the unfailing Love of God, a thousand times no! A trillion times never, no way, not ever. 

 God's Love is unfailing and unending. When the voice of the condemnation preaching of legalism speaks, God's Love speaks louder. When the voice of the accusation of the enemy speaks, God's Love speaks louder and silences these lies! God's Love is for us! 

 God's unfailing Love proves our relationship with our Father is unshakeable and completely secure. In Christ, we have the hope and reassurance that we are eternally secure and rest firmly, safely, in His hands forever. His Love surrounds us and shields us from the lies of condemnation, accusation, and a performance-driven relationship. 

 In summation, we are forever His. His unfailing cascades over us bringing hope, healing, and wholeness in every area of our life and relationship with God. Is His Love unfailing? Yes, we can boldly declare in light of Redemption, the Cross, the Resurrection, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and Grace, that God's Love never fails! 


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Vitalness of continually feeding on the Gospel of Grace and the Word of Faith!

 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.” This is the word of faith that we preach: that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, Romans 10:8-9 MEV

because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, of which you have already heard in the word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you, as it has in all the world, and brings forth fruit, as it has also in you, since the day you heard it and knew the grace of God in truth. Colossians 1:5-6 MEV

 As New Covenant believers in Jesus Christ, two of the most vital truths we must know and understand are Faith and Grace. The truth of Grace and Faith are two primary factors in living victoriously in this world. We will never grow up into maturity, walk successfully, and overcome if we lack understanding of these two vital truths.

 Someone may say, I think you may be overstating it just a little. I am only agreeing with Paul and John;

  For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 NASB

 because everyone who has been born of · God conquers the world. And this is the victorious power that has conquered the world—· our faith. 1 John 5:4 MOUNCE

 Okay, there be something to Grace and Faith, you may be saying. Glad to have your attention. The Word is not a list of rituals and rules to follow. It's a love letter from Heaven to us. The Word lets us in on the blueprint for an overcoming life in this fallen world.

 God is our Good Father. He is for us and never against us. He is not withholding anything from His children. He wants us to walk in blessing and victory even more than we desire. He has given us all the things needed to do just that. He is Love, and love gives. We could sum it up, Grace makes, Love gives and Faith takes!

 What is the Gospel of Grace? It is the Good news of God's Grace pledged through Jesus and His complete work of Redemption. It is God Almighty Himself stooping down to become one of us, living among us, and laying upon Himself the sins and iniquities of us all. 

 In His Redemptive work, Jesus became something He never was; sin, separated, and spiritually dead, so we could become something we never were. He exchanged our sins and poverty, and sickness and brokenness, for His forgiveness, His healing, His abundance, and His wholeness. None of this was done because we earned it merited it or worked enough for it. In truth, there is nothing we could ever do to merit this blessing of new life.

 What is the Word of Faith? This is the heart that is fully persuaded in what God has accomplished in and through Christ, and what His Word declared confirming it, is the truth. Faith is being fully persuaded that what God says is the final authority. Faith agrees with God no matter what it looks like, feels like, seems like, or appears like. 

 We could say Faith is having a good opinion of God. Faith is fully persuaded that He is a Good Father. Faith is found in two places. It is in our hearts and in our mouths. The Word of Faith is believing with our hearts and speaking in agreement with God with our mouths.

 Why is it vital then to continually feed on these two important truths? The reason is because one, we live in a fallen and fractured creation and it is not mending itself. Second, in this world, and in the Church there are tradition-rooted mindsets that bombard our minds frequently. They come through messages, conversations with family and fellow Christians, and various media platforms. Lastly, because the enemy is at work still on this planet, and he has not taken a vacation.

 Faith and Grace are not fad messages, or just the in thing in some churches but it's time to move on to the next "thing" or "message." Understanding Faith and Grace are just as vital as it always has been. We still have believers pushing concepts that God looks more at our performance than He is satisfied with Jesus' work. We still have believers wanting the Church to operate from the Old versus living out of the New Covenant exclusively. We still have churches that use condemnation as a tool to guide Christians into "living right."

 We also live in a fallen world where the works of the enemy and the effects of the fall are evident. We see pandemics, plagues, and poverty. We see rising inflation and inept leaders worldwide not making things any easier. Now more than ever our trust needs to be fully in God and nothing else. 

 We will not know how to successfully overcome these obstacles if we are not steadily and consistently feeding on God's Word concerning His Grace and the principles of Faith. In this age of technology, we have more than enough sources to help us in this endeavor. We have media and messages that are still proclaiming Grace and Faith.

 I just don't have time is not a real truth. It is the enemy deceiving. We all take the time to shower. We all take the time to cook. We all take the time to drive to work. In traffic, tune into messages preached on Faith and Grace. Joseph Prince has many of his messages for free on YouTube, as well Bro Kenneth E Hagin's messages are there as well. 

 When you shower, or prepare a meal in your kitchen, pop in a CD or MP3 message and listen while you get ready for work. While you sip on your morning coffee read a devotional or blog post proclaiming Grace and Faith. Bro Hagin has a devotional called Faith Food, and Joseph Prince also has several devotions that will uplift you. 

 In summation don't neglect the hearing and reading the Word. It is not works or performance to feed on God's Word. It is life-giving and life-sustaining not self-effort. Build yourself up on the Word and watch your Faith grow exceedingly as well as your understanding of Grace. 

Image by peachknee from Pixabay

Monday, August 28, 2023

Discover Grace: Nothing more to add

God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

 Grace. Grace is not just another doctrine of the Christian Faith. Grace is not just a topical study of God's Word. Grace is not just for the sinner to receive Christ and His free gift. 

 Grace is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace is the person of Jesus manifest on earth demonstrating to us the Father and His great Love, mercy, Goodness, and kindness. Grace is the unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor of Almighty God. Once received, this unearned favor produces a divine influence upon the heart and empowers the believer. 

 There is therefore nothing we can add to Grace. We can't add our works to His Grace. It's a Finished Work. It's not an incomplete work waiting on our good behavior to be added in order to fully complete it. No human effort, spiritual discipline, or spiritual observance can add to His perfect sacrifice and gift of Grace. 

 It's not Grace plus something. It is Grace alone from the beginning to eternity. It's not Grace plus Law keeping. It's not Grace plus observing the Sabbath days. It's not Grace plus celebration and observance of Old Covenant feast days. It's Grace alone, through Faith in Jesus' Finished work alone. 

 With such amazing Good News of the Gospel, we still see leaders and ministers encourage, teach, proclaim, and demand that New Covenant believers keep the Law, observe the Sabbath, and celebrate the feast days. It's as if some have completely ignored Romans, Galatians, Colossians, and the Book Of Acts to proclaim this. It's as if the meeting in Acts 15 never occurred. 

 Some are claiming there is some special spiritual significance for Christians to observe Jewish customs today, post-cross and resurrection. Some claim that Christians, in order to have a better understanding of their Faith, need to get back to the Jewish roots of the Faith. Some teach that the Sabbath and the festivals and feasts are to be celebrated forever, therefore they are required to be observed by both Jews and believers in Christ alike. 

 This is nothing new. We saw this clearly addressed in Acts 15. This issue was settled back there. Why are we still discussing and having to address this today? Understand the New Covenant is rooted in Grace and Faith, whereas the Old is rooted in outward acts of obedience to the Law and observing all its ordinances. 

 Those looking to keep Sabbath days and Celebrate the feast days are walking by sight and not faith. They are saying the shadow is more real and relevant than the substance which is Christ and His Finished Work. That the shadow offers more Revelation and in-depth intimacy than the substance who is Jesus. 


 They say they are just honoring Israel and the Old Covenant words. If they want to show honor then honor God's New Covenant, which is a Covenant of faith, not sight. To embrace shadows and not the substance is to walk in unbelief. 

 Under the Old, you could "see" your righteousness by how you kept the holy days, honored the Sabbath, and abstained from forbidden foods. It is not a light thing to God to try to mix the Covenants and to teach the Saints that keeping or honoring or observing holy days, feasts, manners, and customs is honoring God and His Word when the substance has already appeared and fulfilled all the shadows by His redemptive Work. We are to honor the Finished Work and His New Covenant and keep it free from mixture and error. 

 Now what does the New Covenant declare about keeping the Sabbath and observing and celebrating the holy days and feast days?

10 You are trying to earn favor with God by observing certain days months or seasons or years. Galatians 4:10 NLT

16 So don’t let anyone criticize you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating Jewish holidays and feasts or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.  17 For these were only temporary rules that ended when Christ came. They were only shadows of the real thing—of Christ himself. Colossians 2:16-17 TLB

 Grace is unearned favor. Outward acts such as keeping the Sabbath observing special days, and celebrating the Israeli feasts are a fleshly attempt to earn favor with God. It is telling God we are righteous by our doing and not by Faith alone in Christ's final sacrifice for sin. 

 If we are celebrating the feasts, we have fallen from Grace. The feasts were instituted by the Father to illustrate the perfect work of our Savior Jesus Christ. Those feasts revealed the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those feasts illustrate the life, death, perfect sacrifice, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His triumphant return. 

 If we still celebrate these feasts, then we are still looking for a Jewish Messiah to come. We are saying He has yet to come, we are also saying He has never come. Therefore in actively celebrating the feasts, we are denying Jesus as the Messiah.  If one is observing and celebrating these feasts today, they are denying Jesus and saying they do not believe in Him as being the Anointed One, the Son of God and Son of Man. 

Look clearly at Leviticus 23. We can see Jesus in these feasts. Because Jesus fulfilled these types and shadows why do we need to go backward and celebrate them? These Feasts were but shadows of He who was to come. Now that He has come, we have the substance and no longer need the shadows and types. 

 Again to observe and celebrate the feasts and keep the Sabbath today, we are saying the shadows are greater than the substance, Jesus. We are also saying we are still waiting on divine rest and the completion of the Work. We are saying the Messiah has never come yet and we are still looking for our substitutionary sacrifice to be made. We are denying Jesus and embracing an obsolete ordinance and Covenant. 

Now some of these who push for the Church to go back to Judaism try to misapply some New Covenant passages to justify their error. These Judaizers want to put the Church back under the yoke of the Law and blend the Old and New Covenant. For further study and a detailed response to the objections raised by these Judaizers and legalists see this post here

 In summation, let's celebrate Jesus. Let's give honor to the New Covenant. Let's give high praise and honor to the Finished Work of Christ. Let's not embrace dead works and deny Jesus as Savior and Lord. Let's discover Grace more and more. 

Image by Alessandro Macis from Pixabay

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Discover Grace: No More Sacrifices Needed

God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

 God is such a Good Father. The more we see the Father and look at the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,  we discover Grace more and more. Grace isn't just a message of hope and healing and happiness. Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 Grace reveals a Savior greater than our sins. Grace reveals forgiveness that is eternal and isn't obtained through apologies or our words, but rather only through the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace reveals how forgiven we are.

 Grace is what our focus should be. Our focus shouldn't be on our flaws and faults and failures. The only way to overcome failure and walk in victory over sins and habits is to realize and understand and comprehend the depth of His Love, His Grace, and how cleansed and forgiven we are through the Blood of Jesus, His death on the Cross and Him bearing all the judgment for our sins forever.

 When we mention sin, apparently in the thinking of believers and ministers it appears to be some majestic mountain that not even God can climb or remove. To many, sins can halt, hinder and hold back our Father's Love for us. That the moment we sin we are dead to God and alive to satan and destined to eternity in hell. 

 Why is this? We can see how the New Covenant speaks of sin. Look at Romans 6 and Ephesians 4 and 5. Sin is not something we celebrate. We don't make light of its effects on our lives and on those around us. We can see where there is a loss of heavenly rewards for perpetuating sinful lifestyles. We can see that sin can put us in bondage to bad habits and such. 

 Yet nowhere did it state a loss of God's Love, mercy, favor, or Grace in and on our lives. One quick point. Much of what people focus on when it comes to "sinning" is the "R-rated" stuff. Sex outside marriage, pornography, adultery, cussing, R-rated movies, and TV shows, and secular music. 

 What I see little of is the way we treat others. The bitterness we hold inwardly toward others. The way we behave in traffic, the way we work at our jobs. Such as coming in late and leaving early, which can be stealing time from the company. My point is, if sins hinder all of God's Goodness in our life, what about the "little things?"

 Grace, the Gospel isn't saying sin all you like it's cool. Grace isn't winking, saying boys will be boys it's not that serious. Grace isn't saying let's pursue sin because there are no lasting consequences. 

 That said, we must not also go to the other side of the road and believe and teach that sin is greater than His Grace and Love. That sin is some great barrier between the believer and Christ. That sin makes God turn away from us. 

 Often we as believers as soon as we sin feel a need or urge to make up for our sins. Why is this? Because we are not fully persuaded and deeply convinced that all our sins are completely forgiven and the price totally paid in full. 

   And after everything is forgiven, there is no more need for a sacrifice to pay for sins. Hebrews 10:18 ERV

 This is a powerful clause of the New Covenant. Everything is already paid for. Therefore since it is paid in full what else is there to pay? What is it you can offer as payment?

 This powerful, awe-inspiring, majestic merciful loving sacrifice of Jesus' shed Blood is enough. Jesus is enough. His Blood is enough. God has accepted this final once for all payment.

 There is nothing we can do to make up for our sins. There is no price we can pay to cover our failures or mistakes. There is no sacrifice we can make that will pay for our sinful habits or deeds. We must fully accept and receive this absolutely free gift of God's Grace.

 As the Body of Christ, we need to fully honor and embrace the perfect sacrifice of Jesus as being enough. We as believers need to cease from our own works trying to make up for our failures and freely accept Jesus' payment for our faults and failures. Jesus is more than enough.

  Honor the Finished Work. Exalt the mighty name of Jesus. Give thanks for His final sacrifice. Be thankful His shed Blood is enough. Uplift the once for all payment for all the sins we have committed or will commit. Stand in awe of this lavish gift of forever forgiveness and complete cleansing from all sins. It's all because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

 In summation, discover His Grace more and more. Discover this Loving Father and amazing Savior. See the work of Jesus as final and finished. See all the sins of all of us cleansed and forgiven forever. Discover Grace, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Image by bohed from Pixabay

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Discover Grace: Focusing on Grace

  God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

Grace, God's Grace, is not just a doctrine or a minor aspect of the Faith. Grace is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace is the person of Christ manifest on earth. Grace is never earned, merited, or deserved. It's all about Jesus.

 Grace reveals Jesus and keeps Him as the central theme and figure for all we do in God's name. Grace reveals that we need not confess our flaws and failures in order to receive forgiveness for our sins. Grace reveals our sins are completely forgiven.

  What are we focusing on in light of this perfect redemption and the price wholly paid for our total forgiveness? Are we still focusing on our failures and flaws and sins? Or are we focusing on the Grace of Christ?

 Do we still have a sin consciousness or a Righteousness consciousness? Do we have a Grace awareness? Or are we more mindful of our sins and misdeeds? 

 In light of the perfectly purchased redemption Christ died and rose again for, and the Grace of God revealed in Jesus, are our sins actually hindering and creating a barrier between us and God? Does our sin cause the blessing of God not to flow in our lives? Does sin stop the rain of God's Goodness and favor and abundance?

 The truthful answer according to the New Covenant is no. We must agree with what Jesus actually accomplished. We must honor His Finished Work. We must align with the revealed Word of God.

 Sin is not a barrier between the believer and the Father. Sin is not blocking the blessing from manifesting in our lives. Sin is not hindering our prayers nor is it stopping the rain of the free favors of God. Why? Because Jesus' offered a perfect sacrifice for our sins. Why? Because Jesus perfectly procured and purchased our eternal redemption and forgiveness through His sinless, spotless Blood.

 Look at the New Covenant in its fullness. In light of all Jesus has done and the Father's acceptance of Jesus' once for all sacrifice for all time, how can we now claim our sins are greater than Jesus' Finished Work? Our sins and shortcoming hinder the flow of what only the Blood could pay for? In essence, Jesus' Blood could provide salvation regardless of our sins, but anything else; joy, peace, answered prayer, healing, provision, and protection all are only procured by our good behavior. This is wrong believing and thinking, the Blood is greater than our sins. 

 But exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 3:13 MEV

  Now this passage seems to indicate everything I just said is incorrect. Let's take a closer look. Look at the context fully.

 This passage is dealing with the hardness that comes from rejecting God which produces even more unbelief. This passage is not instructing us that our personal sins cause the promises of God to be kept from us. This passage is dealing with stubborn, hard-hearted, unbelief in those who hear the Gospel of Grace, the Good News of Jesus but reject it for their own sense of goodness and what's right and wrong. 

 Jesus and His perfect redemptive work have fully procured every promise, every blessing, and every good thing the Father has for us by His Blood. Let's honor the New Covenant. Our sins are forgiven forever. He said He would never remember our sins again. He said our sins are no longer imputed, or charged to our account. Jesus is enough.

 Now we don't rejoice in sin. Sin is not God's best for us. Sin can put us back into bondage, or service to habits or thoughts, or addictions. Like the master ringing a bell, and the servant dutifully reporting, sin can become a "master" if we allow it to dictate our thinking and believing.

 In summation, Jesus is more than enough. His Blood is more than enough. Grace is an ocean and we are overcome with His kindness and free favors. The blessings are ours, always through Jesus alone. Let's focus on Grace and not our works. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Discover Grace: Forgiven of all our sins

 God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

 We are on a continued journey of discovering Grace. Looking at the Grace of God and its effects on our lives. We are examining all aspects of the Father's extravagant Love and Grace. 

 Grace is the person of Jesus manifest on earth. Grace is the unearned, undeserved, and unmerited favor of Father God. Grace reveals our forgiveness in Christ. 

 Today, I want to continue examining further our complete forgiveness in Christ. We had asked some questions concerning sin in our last study. We answered what must we do if we sin. We asked and answered if it was required to confess our sins in order to receive forgiveness. You can find this study here.

 We also asked how much are we forgiven of and do we lose fellowship with our Father if we sin. Let me briefly answer the loss of fellowship question. If we stay with Scripture we will see this notion of lost fellowship is not substantiated by the Word.

 We have already seen how 1 John chapter 1 was addressing the lost gnostics and not believers in Jesus. The notion of confession of sins finds its roots in this chapter. What you won’t find is this confess your sins and be forgiven repeated anywhere else in the New. So it also is with this concept of broken fellowship when we sin.

  Now if we sin we may see natural consequences as a direct response. Tell a lie to someone and the truth may come back and reveal your lie. That's a consequence, that's not God punishing you. Remember Jesus said He is always with us. He didn't add a clause saying the only exception is if you sin. 

 The idea we break fellowship with our Father when we sin is simply a misunderstood and misapplied scripture turning into a tradition and thus into some new doctrine. Grace is greater than our failures. God isn't turning His back on us. Here are some more detailed studies answering this question about broken fellowship, here and here

 Just how forgiven are we in Christ? Maybe you've heard only to the point of conversion. That your sins were forgiven only up to the point of conversion, of accepting Christ as Savior. Is this true?

 The issue this raises is what happens when you sin after receiving Christ? What must you do to receive forgiveness? The same ones saying this would claim you must confess it in order to be forgiven. 

 We have already addressed this issue about confession. Only the shedding of blood forgives sin. Does Jesus need to shed His Blood over and over and over to bring us forgiveness? This is of course an unreasonable idea. Jesus' once for all sacrifice for sins was enough.

 In light of Jesus' perfect work of Redemption, His once for all sacrifice for sin, and the Father's acceptance of this final offering for sin, we are forgiven of all our sins. Not just the sins we have committed up to the point of conversion, but all our sins. We are forgiven of all our sins. We are forgiven past and present and future.

 One may say that can't be possible. That's saying we are forgiven of sins we haven't even committed yet. Let's look at what the Bible actually says;

14 who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins Colossians 1:14 TLB

13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. Colossians 2:13 NLT

12 I am writing to you, little children (believers, dear ones), because your sins have been forgiven for His name’s sake [you have been pardoned and released from spiritual debt through His name because you have confessed His name, believing in Him as Savior]. 1 John 2:12 AMP

He is the one who took God’s wrath against our sins upon himself and brought us into fellowship with God; and he is the forgiveness for our sins, and not only ours but all the world’s. 1 John 2:2 TLB 

32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 NLT

13 bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive. Colossians 3:13 AMP 

  The Scripture is clear. We are forgiven. We are forgiven forever. Take note of how often the word all is used in conjunction with our sins. 

 All means all. All our sins past and present and future are forgiven in Jesus. Rejoice this is the Good News of Grace. 

 What about that passage in 2 Peter that mentions only past sins forgiven? What about James 5 saying sins will be forgiven us? Glad this concern was raised. Let's answer with the Word.

 We can see 2 Peter 1 here. The wording here from the Greek word some translated past is actually better stated as former. This is Peter simply reminding the believer they are a New Creation in Christ. The old has passed away and the New has come. 

 Not considering your new nature is what Peter was warning about. He was not claiming we are only forgiven for our sins up to conversion. Peter wasn't contradicting the Scripture. What about James?

 James 5, deals with an order of gathering and offering prayers one for another. While a surface reading of the passage could give credence that we aren't forgiven of all sins, we know Scripture cannot and does not contradict other Scripture. Whatever God was conveying in this passage we know what it can't mean. 

 The forgiveness of sins is in relation to prayers offered for healing the sick. Based on the context it can be simply seen as a sin that may have the consequence of sickness, (not claiming sickness is the result of sin), such as smoking or some poor choice, because the next passage refers to confessing our faults to other believers to find wholeness. 

 Whatever the purpose the passage isn't offering a doctrinal stance that forgiveness isn't once for all time. We can't take obscure passages and create doctrines all the while ignoring clear, plain Scripture.

 In summation, we have discovered the Good News of Grace. We are forgiven of all our sins in Christ. Christ's perfect redemptive work, the Father's acceptance of the final offering for sin by Jesus, and the Word of God make it clear, we are forgiven of all our sins, past present, and future.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Discover Grace: Forgiveness and Confession

 God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

 God is calling. He is heralding the Good News of Jesus Christ. He is shouting it from the mountaintops and the highways and byways. Jesus has paid it all. He is proclaiming I am satisfied with Jesus' work. It is all paid in full, and the work is complete. God is saying discover Grace!

  The amazing Grace of God is limitless in scope and eternal and unchanging. The Grace of God reveals how loving our Father is and also the entirety of Jesus' redemptive work on our behalf. Grace invites us on a journey to enter and grow up in an eternal relationship with a Good God. 

 One of the most amazing works of Grace is the revelation of the complete and total payment for all sins once and for all time. This means once we receive Jesus as Savior we receive the free gift of the forgiveness of our sins that He paid for. Our sins are forgiven forever.

 So what if we sin after we receive Jesus? Are our sins just forgiven up to the point of conversion? Is our fellowship broken with the Father because of our sins? 

 Grace is so amazing, God has the answer to all these questions and more. Let's answer these questions one at a time to receive a greater understanding of what Jesus' Finished Work accomplished. Let's not be in a hurry and simply skim the surface of all that Jesus has done on our behalf.

 Through Jesus' work of redemption, all our sins were paid for. In other words, there is nothing left for us to do concerning our sins. Think of it, if sins can only be forgiven by the shedding of blood, what else could we possibly do to contribute to ensuring our sins are forgiven? 

Do we need to confess our sins? 

 Perhaps we may still be thinking there must be something we must do whenever we sin in order to receive forgiveness for that sin. That may sound rational and reasonable. We must, however, yield to the final authority of Scripture and see what it says. 

then he says, · “Their sins and · their lawless acts I will never again remember.” Now where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin. Hebrews 10:17-18 MOUNCE 

 God has declared something to be true. He has declared something to be finished. He has stated truly and eternally that forgiveness is a completed work. 

 Take note that He said, not man, not denominational creed, not the "Grace Message", not a Grace preacher, He said that nothing can be added to His completed work. Once there is forgiveness for all these sins and lawless deeds, there is nothing to be added. That means our sacrifices are adding to the work of Jesus.

 We may think when we sin we must therefore offer a confession of our sins in order to receive forgiveness for the sins we have committed. We may feel compelled to offer some form of sacrifice for our unlawful deeds. We may feel the need to apologize or confess, because of a sense of guilt and shame on our part.

 Some of this compulsion stems from a misapplied and misunderstood interpretation of 1 John 1:9. We can see 1 John in context here. Look at the famous verse. 

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 NKJV

 These few isolated passages in 1 John may appear to be teaching that we break fellowship with God whenever we sin. It appears that it is telling believers whenever they sin they must offer a sacrifice of confession in order to be forgiven of all sin. It also may appear to reveal we are forgiven judicially but not familial.  

 Rest assured when seen in the full context of the entire Epistle these concerns are readily cleared up. Again stay with the final authority of the Word

In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22 NLT

 I believe God knows what He was saying. Grace was revealed in and through the work of Jesus. Why do we think we can improve on it? 

 God's Word isn't contradictory. He declared in Hebrews 10, where there is forgiveness of sins, the work is complete and there is no more offering for sin. He then declared that only through the shedding of blood is forgiveness received. So why would we add a separate or private interpretation to 1 John 1:9?

 Believing that we must confess our sins in order to receive forgiveness, would counter what God already declared about our sins. John wrote his Epistle years after Hebrews was written. John would have known what was written in the Word before he penned his Epistle.

 What then is John talking about? John was addressing a segment of unbelievers that were corrupting the Gospel message. They were of a sect called Gnostics. They were a mind science type of religion. They concluded all things natural are evil.

 They, therefore, rejected the notion Jesus came to earth as a physical man. They also thus concluded that sin isn't a reality because life is more realized on the spiritual plane not the natural. Therefore they would say they are without sin. If one is without sin why does he need a Savior?

 With that understanding, look at the passages again. Look at the first chapter and you will see John dismantling the heresy of Gnosticism. When he mention confession of sin, he was telling them by acknowledging their sin they could receive the once for all forgiveness of sins and the gift of Righteousness as the believers had. 

 John is not instructing us to confess or speak out to God each and every time we sin in order to receive forgiveness. How can we get more forgiven? We need to cease finding ways to add to Jesus' work and trust in Christ alone.

 What must we do when we sin? Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for having paid the price in full. Agree with God that our sins are already forgiven because of Jesus' shed blood. Confess our Righteousness in Christ. The price is paid in full.

 In summation, as we discover Grace we see just how amazing God is. We are discovering how forgiven we are. We are discovering we can't add to His work, we can't add to His blood. We need not confess or say we sinned aloud every time we blow it. We can rest in His work that we are forgiven. Keep discovering Grace, and we will find the answers to the other questions soon enough. 

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Discover Grace


God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

  God has always sought a Family. So He sent His only Son to take man's place. His Son took the judgment, wrath, and punishment all sin incurs in His own body. No God wasn't punishing Jesus. Sin and all that it produces was being punished in the body of our Savior. 

 Jesus bore it all. Once He took it all, He cried out "It is Finished! Jesus then died for all humanity's sins. With the price paid in full, He triumphantly arose, defeating sin, satan, and death itself. 

 Finally, the Father could have His Family. Law couldn't create a family. Mankind couldn't keep the standards, we failed too often. Covenant couldn't produce it. Again, the Old Covenant was kept on God's part, but mankind failed once and again and couldn't keep Covenant. 

 God decided then to cut Covenant with Himself. The New Covenant is cut between the Father and the Son. Jesus kept the Covenant. Jesus paid for all mankind's sins. God the Father introduced Grace into this lost world and fallen and fractured creation through His Son Jesus.

Discover Grace

 Now that all the work is finished, God has sent forth a heralding cry to all the earth. Calling whosoever will come and freely receive. The Covenant is kept by Jesus. Sin is no longer a barrier. All one must do is simply accept this free gift. Discover the Grace of God, Jesus has done the work.

 God's Grace is manifest in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the exact image of His Father in Heaven. Jesus is the will of God in action. Jesus is the power to save and make whole. Jesus is the Grace of God. 

 Grace expressed in the person of Jesus and demonstrated in the Finished work is God stooping down to meet us where we are. Grace is God's unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor. When received fully, Grace divinely influences our hearts and produces empowerment.

 Grace is unmerited favor. That is Grace is not merited favor. It is not entitled favor. It is not liable favor. Grace is undeserved favor. It is not warranted favor. It is not due favor. Grace is unearned favor. It is not a favor that one is duly worthy of or suited to. This means it's not something bestowed because of our actions and level of good performance.

 Now God is inviting us to discover His Grace. Notice I stated His Grace. We don't want anything but what God offers. We can accept no substitutes. There are two forms of "grace" that we need to not discover but actively avoid.

 The first is foolish or pseudo-grace. This is a man-centered concept of grace that excuses any and all negative choices. This "grace" promotes erroneous ideas and concepts. 

 This "grace" makes claims that all humanity is already saved and righteous apart from Faith, they just don't know it yet. This "grace" says all creation is God's children apart from Faith. This "grace" says no one was ever separated from God by sin. This "grace" denies the sin nature passed on from Adam to all humanity. This "grace" denies the inerrancy of Scripture, God's Word, and declares there is no place called Hell. That eternal separation in Hell is a false concept. 

 When one simply stays with actual authentic Grace and simply reads the Word of God in context, this pseudo, foolish "grace" is easily debunked. Just as wrong is the man-made works and performance rooted "religious grace". We need to not get caught up in works.

 Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, man cannot do away with their own denominational rules and traditional regulations. They agree we are saved by Grace but we must also keep the rules to be acceptable to the Father. True you couldn't save yourself but afterward you're expected to perform perfectly.

 Religious grace is like the lifeguard coming to the aid of the drowning victim. Upon grabbing hold of the one drowning they then expect them to start swimming now. What's wrong you have the lifeguard there why can't you swim now? This is religion, you have Jesus now keep the Law. Religious grace is easily spotted, just listen to their words.

 "Yes we're righteous, but more importantly we must be living righteously."
"Righteousness is what He did, holiness is what we do."
"We're saved by grace but sanctified by the Law."
"Grace needs balance and boundaries."

 Another way religious grace is spotted is in how they define Grace. I've heard preachers discount and downright deny Grace is the unmerited favor of God. They try to define Grace as an ability gift, as divine enablement. What are they really doing?

 Religious Grace simply alters the definition and impact of Grace in favor of keeping their standards. Religion accepts a watered-down version of Grace. They formulate a grace wherein all the rules, regulations, creeds, and traditions of their particular church group are still intact and in effect. 

 Religion expresses Grace this way; grace is great, we concede, but you need to still be observing this or practicing that. To them, Grace is merely an empowerment to observe and keep all the rules. It's not Grace that produces change and growth. It is your effort, your striving, your determination, and your discipline. 

 Grace is the antithesis of foolishness and religious works and a performance-based faith. Man driven by works sees God as the taskmaster. Man wants to earn what only Jesus' work could provide and procure.

 Grace is unearned. The New Covenant is not about a transactional faith. It is not wages for services rendered or for work performed. We aren't receiving from God a return for our efforts or work completed. Religion is about doing, but Grace reveals it's already done. 

 In summation, let's discover God's real Grace. Let's look to Jesus alone. Let's relinquish works and performance. Let's leave pseudo, foolish grace and embrace the truth. God is a loving and Good Father. His Grace is expressed through Jesus. Let's discover more and more of Jesus.

Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Developing the Faith that takes

 23 For most certainly I tell you, whoever may tell this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and doesn’t doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is happening; he shall have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them. Mark 11:23-24 WEB

 God is always for us and never against us. God has purchased and provided all things we as believers in Christ need for life and Godliness. His Grace has made all these things available for all His children to reach out and take them.

 Grace has made and Faith lays hold of it. Said it more plainly, Grace makes and Faith takes. Grace therefore isn't a passive way of living. Living the life of Grace and Faith is not a non-participative, inactive, uninvolved kind of life. 

 Christianity is not for couch potatoes. For instance, if you as a believer are seeking gainful employment, certainly spend some time in God's Word and remind yourself of who you are in Him. Of course take the time to declare His favor over you, but if you spend all your hours in a day playing video games and never actively pursuing work chances are high you will never get a job. 

 Believers, speaking to the brothers and sisters who are single, if you desire a spouse, sitting on your couch eating ice cream all day, or just hanging out with the guys all the time can be a distraction to your goal. Brothers and sisters, you are going to have invest in yourself first. Find ways to improve social skills, develop personal hygiene, and yes ladies, eventually you're going to have to say yes to a Christian man when they ask you out. 

 Simple point is we have a Father who loves us and a Savior that died for us, purchasing and providing all things we need to succeed in the life that now is and the one to come. Grace made it, but Faith reaches out and takes it. In light of this truth, we can learn how to develop this Faith that takes.

 I want to point to two occurrences in the New Testament perfectly illustrating this Faith that takes. Two perfect examples of this Faith that just absolutely will not quit. Let's examine the healing of the paralytic man and the woman with the issue of blood.

 In the Gospel of Mark chapter 2, we can see the account of the healing of the paralytic. If we flip over to Mark 5 we can see the healing of the woman with the issue of blood. These two events are powerful illustrations of the Faith that doesn't sit around just wishing and hoping, but instead reaches out and takes what belongs to them.

 Religious traditions of man have done such a disservice to the Church. They have mixed Law and Grace so much they have convinced so many that Righteousness is rooted in our performance and doing. They leave the impression that we are working for something. That we are to strive to arrive, achieve to receive, essentially our behavior is our savior.

 So when encouraging believers to not be passive but to lay hold of what Grace has freely provided, some mistakenly think what is being said is the same as the mixture preachers. There is a night and day difference between actively receiving and exerting effort in order to qualify to receive. Avoiding passivity is not an encouragement to a striving, self-efforts rooted, performance based faith.

 If you look at these two events in Scripture you can see a pattern. Looking at this pattern, you can see why these people had the Faith that takes. This is not about a formula or set of steps to follow, it's simply common characteristics of a Faith that reaches out and takes what has been promised and provided.

 The four men who carried their paralytic friend heard about Jesus, and brought him to where Jesus was. They crowd size was so overwhelming there was no room. So they tore off a part of the roof and lowered him down. 

 They heard about Jesus. What did they hear? They had heard about a man of God who healed even so called hopeless cases. They heard about a man of God who turned impossible situations around.

 Another pattern seen here is that they didn't take no for answer. They refused to be refused and denied to be denied. They were so passionate about seeing their friend made well they were willing to do the unconventional to receive an unconventional miracle.

 Lastly, they brought him to Jesus. In other words, they brought their situation to Jesus. They didn't resign this situation as life in a fallen world. They didn't accept the situation as is and try to learn to live with it. They took it to Jesus and He brought about a turn around.

 The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus. What did she hear? She heard about a man of God who touches the unclean and instead of becoming unclean, He actually cleanses and heals the unclean. 

 She pushed through the crowd. She wouldn't be denied. She didn't give up because of the multitude thronging Him. She didn't quit when she saw Him walking away with Jairus. She reached out and touched His garment and received her healing.

 She brought herself to Jesus instead of looking for more of man's resources. She didn't just accept her condition as God's will for her life. She didn't just concede that her best life is in heaven not earth so just accept this condition. She wouldn't be denied, and reached out and took her healing.

 How do you develop the Faith that takes? Hear Jesus. Listen to Him and not tradition, not symptoms and not experience. Jesus is the person of Grace, He is the expressed will of God in action.

 How do you develop the Faith that takes? Don't take no for an answer. Whatever God has clearly promised and provided for in Scripture and the Finished Work take hold of and don't let go until you manifest it.

 How do you develop the Faith that takes? Come to Jesus. Take your concerns, circumstances, and condition to Jesus alone. Don't accept the traditions of man. Come to Jesus and freely receive all He purchased for you. 

 Some have the faith that waits. Some have the faith that speculates. Some have the faith that just wishes and hopes but isn't fully persuaded. To walk in triumphant victory we need to walk in the Faith that takes. 

 In summation, come to Jesus. Jesus is our all and all. He is our source. He is our loving Savior. He imparts His Faith to us as we feed on Jesus. Reach out and receive all God has in, through and because of Jesus. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at