Showing posts with label The Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Blood. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2021

Don't take the Amazing out of Grace: Everybody is already saved?

So you, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:1 MEV 

 In our last study, we detailed how even though God's Word and His Grace are powerful and amazing we can cause them to be diminished and ineffective in our own personal life. Grace is made effective when we fully receive it and aren't mixing it with Law. We want to experience all God has for us in its fullness.

 Again mixing Law and Grace takes the amazing out of Grace. The religious tradition that says we are only forgiven of our past sins removes the full impact of Grace in our life. It diminishes the full revelation that Grace forgave us of all our sins. It creates a sin conscienceness instead of a Righteousness conscienceness.

 Just as detrimental as religious tradition is to Grace, so also are additives to Grace. That is Grace alone is amazing and too good to be true but true. Grace doesn't need help from man to make it seem more palatable to the rebellious and bitter. Grace is great all by itself, it's the too good to be true but true Good News of Jesus Christ.

 Yet some insist on adding their own philosophies and reasonings and surmisings to "help" the Gospel or to simply "deconstruct" and tear down parts of the Gospel they don't like. Many conclude the Biblical concept of receiving by Faith is a work and therefore must be rejected. In doing so they are taking the amazing out of Grace.

How so? If no one needs to believe, if it's automatic, no response required on anyone's part then it's not love it's force. Grace isn't an overriding or invasion of the will of any individual. 

 Think of it, if one paid your way fully to a college, that is tuition, books, housing, food, and even recreational money for weekend trips home or to any destination of your choice, that would be gracious. All of this blessing apart from you doing anything to earn it or pay it back is Grace in action. It isn't a wage earned or some reward it's simply a gift.

 That's good news. However, what if the one who was willing to pay for all this, demanded you only go to a specific college? What if they made you major in business and economics instead of the major of your choice? How Gracious is it now?

 Imagine a 30-day vacation package with all expenses paid offered to you. The person offering says they will pay for all your personal expenses as well. They will pay all your debt and even give you a "better" job than you have now. Sounds great, but you can only go when they say and can only go where they say. What if you say you're not interested in this vacation for your own personal reasons, but then the one offering uses force to get you in their limo and on the plane there? Is it still good? Is it still Gracious?

 Yet some claim this is what Grace is. That God who paid the price at Calvary, placed all humanity in Christ, apart from their own knowledge and permission. That God placed His Spirit within them without their knowledge or consent. That all are saved whether they believed or not, whether they received His Grace or not, whether they trusted in Christ or never trusted in Him. This is Grace? Nonconsensual relationship with all? 

 That's not Grace. Universalism and inclusion use the enticing words of man's wisdom to sell a cheap copy of Grace. They hijack the love language of redemption to sell a false and fake philosophy that has zero power to produce hope or healing in the lives of mankind. Grace is inclusive and universal in its procuring redemption and making it available to whosoever will, but universalism and inclusionism are not Grace.

 Some have misapplied a passage in Colossians 1 declaring no one was ever really lost. They misunderstand and misapply the passage because they lift it out of its setting in Colossians as well as the overall message of the Scripture. let's see the passage in another translation that makes it clearer.

This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Colossians 1:21 NLT

If no one was really lost why did Christ even come? Think of it, if no one was really lost, no one was really spiritually separated, if no one was apart from God, then what's so amazing about Christ? What is so great about Jesus dying? 

 Teaching people that no one was really lost or separated takes the amazing out of Grace. For Christ to die on a tree for people that were just fine the way they were would be a colossal waste of time. If no one was lost, Christ never needed to come as a man. No need to die on a tree bearing a curse that apparently never even existed. Jesus could have just wandered the earth telling people you are all fine, don't worry about how you live or treat others, everyone is ok.

 The truth is so much greater. Grace is amazing. All humanity was lost, apart from God, spiritually dead or separated from a loving Father because of sin. God in His Goodness and Love stooped down to rescue us from ourselves. God became a man. Jesus took all our just deserved punishment and wrath for our many sins and paid the full price. Grace has now appeared offering Salvation, Righteousness, acceptance, forgiveness, healing, and wholeness once for all time to whosoever will freely receive.

 Another way man tries to add to Grace, thus taking the amazing out of Grace is by denying the reality of a literal hell. If there is no hell, what exactly did Christ save us from? If hell is "restorative", "temporal" or nonexistent then why did Christ die for us?

 Some would argue that sin needs no punishment. How foolish. Look at what Paul the Apostle of Grace declared via the inspiration of the Spirit.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 MEV

 Clearly, the just recompense for sin is death. This is clearly punishment for our sins. Here we clearly see Grace defined and illustrated. God's gift was Jesus dying for us and purchasing eternal life offering new life as a gift. 

 Now, understand, a gift no matter how free must be received. The concept of receiving a gift is not works or self-effort. All are offered a free gift. It's not forced upon anyone. Jesus made a way for all to simply receive. That's the Gospel. That's the amazing Grace of God.

 I sense some are still fuming and agitated because I mentioned hell. Hell was never made for any man. It was made for the devil and his angels. God never sends anyone there. Men choose hell over a loving God.

 Listen, for one to go to hell, they must bypass the Cross, dismiss His great Grace, reject His everlasting and unconditional eternal Love, and refuse the gift of eternal life. They jump feet first into eternity without God fully understanding the consequences. It's not His will that any perish but He will not override anyone's will or choice.

 People claim hell is a construct of men to scare people into giving money. Hell is real. Hell is the dark place of eternal separation for all those who want to gain acceptance and approval by their own sense of goodness and works. The Cross shows us we can't earn anything. 

 There is no bad news in the Good News. We share His Love and Amazing Grace to a lost and dying world. We let the world know it's only in Christ will you find true rest and peace and fullness of life and joy. We proclaim God isn't angry at anyone. God is a Good Father who Loves all unconditionally. 

 In summation, let's keep the amazing in Grace. Jesus came to die for the unworthy. He came to find the lost and offer them new life. Though hell is real and there awaits final judgment for all who reject the free gift, our message is the same, God is Good, He isn't mad at you, and He longs for a personal relationship with whosoever will. Grace is Amazing. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Taking the Amazing out of Grace: Religious traditions of man

So you, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:1 MEV 

 Grace, the Grace of Almighty God by nature is amazing. It is over the top, too good to be true but true Good News. Grace did for us what no personal achievement, action, or accomplishment could ever do. If it's Grace plus our work, then it ceases to be Grace, but a wage earned. 

 Grace is undeserved, unearned, and unmerited favor. It's God Himself stooping down to lost humanity and becoming one of us and taking our place on the Cross of judgment. Jesus is Grace. Grace is amazing.

 As wonderful as Grace is, did you know it's possible to take the amazing out of Grace? You may be thinking I am out of my mind to dare suggest something like this. Let me show you how it's possible.

 making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.” Mark 7:13 NKJV

Here we see Jesus speaking clearly of God's Word. How can mere man make the Word of God of no effect? When we understand what Jesus is saying in context it becomes clearer. God's Word is established forever. However, it can become ineffectual in the personal lives of men when we exalt tradition over truth when we accept man's ways and reject God's ways.

 The same way man can make of no effect His Word, we can make His Grace of no effect in our life by adopting and embracing the traditions of men, and false teachings of deceived and misguided "ministers". We are in essence taking the amazing out of Grace. How do we know we are taking the amazing out of Grace?

 We are taking the amazing out of Grace when we exalt the Law over Grace. Jesus preached the sermon on the mount to bring clarity back to the Law. Matthew's Gospel records it beginning in Matthew 5

 The Pharisees and Sadducees had preached the Mosaic Law only as an outward display of righteousness. Jesus masterfully brought the Law back to its intended glory and purpose. He brought it back as an inward matter of the heart, not merely an outward display.

 Tradition declares that Grace brought a higher standard. That Jesus was ministering Grace as He taught the Sermon on the Mount. No, Jesus was revealing the full force and weight of the Law. Why? To reveal to all that we all need a Savior. 

 When we dilute Grace into something we do or something we need to achieve we've just cheapened Grace. When we create a view that Grace is a list of rules, regulations, and rituals to follow to the letter, we have taken the amazing out of Grace and reverted back to works.

 We take the amazing out of Grace when we mix Law and Grace. When we preach that we are made Righteous by Faith the moment we are saved but if we sin afterward we have lost that Righteousness and must do something to achieve that Righteousness again we have made Grace ineffective. Never forget, we are made Righteous once for all time apart from performance or our behavior the moment we believed, that's Grace!

 We take the amazing out of Grace when we preach insecurity and partial forgiveness. Messages saying we are only forgiven up to the point of salvation but for any sins committed afterward we must apologize and confess in order to be forgiven means we are taking the amazing out of Grace. Remember we are forgiven once for all time the moment we believed, that's Grace!

 Any message that suggests we can undo the Finished Work of Christ by our actions, our sins or unfaithfulness, or unbelief is taking the amazing out of Grace. There were no achievements or amount of good works that would merit our salvation, therefore there is no amount of bad works or unfaithfulness that could undo what only Christ could do. Once we believed, we were made forever secure in the Father's hands, that's Grace!

 In summation, let's allow His Grace to have the final say. We could never earn or achieve His Goodness or favor. Let's exalt His Grace and not our works. Let's look to Jesus and not ourselves. In Heaven, the worship song will not be worthy is the Lamb...and me. It's Grace alone from beginning to end. 

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Still another mistaken idea: You will reap what you sow

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:7-8 NKJV

In our last study, we examined our view of God. Asking the question if we have a positive expectation of mercy and goodness or a fearful expectation of God's anger and wrath and judgment. If we have a fearful expectation then we have to ask why that is?

 The negative traditions of man corrupt our view of God. Religion skews our image of our Good Father, into that of the harsh taskmaster. The despot on the throne poised to strike the moment, the exact instant we foul up or miss it. At the precise moment of sin, judgment falls and we suffer the due punishment for our actions. 

 Of course, this image conjured up by traditional religious-minded men is false. Does this even come close to describing Jesus? Of course not. These traditions of men rooted in our thinking are why we have a fearful expectation of judgment and wrath.

 We have already begun allaying these wrong thoughts in our previous study. Today, we need to see the last two religious concepts that bring fear and torment. The first is this idea of generational curses. 

 There is an entire study disproving this myth here. This mistaken idea uprooted brings us peace and a positive expectation of good. Recall, Jesus took the sour wine on the cross. He took the sour grapes if you will so there are no more generational curses.

 Finally, let's uproot this idea of reaping what we sow. You may be thinking, how is this a mistaken idea when it clearly states in the Word that we will reap what we sow? It is a mistaken idea because, as with many truths, man has distorted it and added to it and created a burdensome belief that brings bondage and not freedom.

 This passage must be seen and understood in its full context. What Paul is teaching is the support of ministry that has fed someone the Word of truth. The seed Paul refers to here is financial. 

Those who are taught the Word of God should help their teachers by paying them. Galatians 6:6 TLB

 Though the truth of giving money to support the work of God has been widely misused and abused and taken to extremes doesn't negate the foundational truth. The work of ministering the Gospel does require funding. In essence, that is all Paul is speaking of.

 That may be so, but why does Paul say he who sows to the flesh will reap corruption? That's not speaking of money or supporting ministry. Glad you asked, I also used to think this. The problem is we are taking the thought out of its context and setting.

 Paul was speaking of supporting ministry. He didn't stop and preach a whole new thought. He was saying if you don't support the ministry you are sowing your own works and performance and will reap corruption, the corrupting influence of man-made religion. 

 Think of it, if there are no ministers teaching the truth, then all you rely on is your own views, and that is how tradition is created. If we support the ministry we are sowing into the kingdom. We are reaping growth. To be clear, Paul isn't teaching if you give money you will get even more money. The harvest reaped is more lives transformed, and God's blessing on you to grant you the favor to be able to keep supporting God's work. 

 I said all that because what tradition has taught is that this passage is sharing with us what happens whenever we mess up or sin. That we will reap the negative consequences of our negative actions. In essence, do good get good, do bad and get bad.

 That mindset produces a fearful expectation of judgment and not a loving expectation of His mercy and goodness. We are under the New Covenant, not the Law. We who believed are now Righteous and redeemed. 

 The New Covenant doesn't teach a "Christian" form of karma. We aren't doing good simply so good things will come our way. We aren't avoiding wrongdoing just so we won't receive bad things coming our way. Because of Christ within us, we do good because we desire to be a blessing because Christ has loved us and blessed us already. We shun the bad simply because Christ is within us and leads us into all truth. We avoid the bad because He shows us its wrong. 

 This idea of reaping what we sow brings us to a place of expectancy of judgment and condemnation. This concept negates God's Love. It ignores His great mercy. It diminishes His Grace. In the Finished Work Christ reaped everything we've ever sowed negatively. He became a curse for us to redeem us from the curse.

 In summation, we who believe should have a positive expecation of goodness and mercy. Certainly, there are consequences in this life for choices. However, that is not reaping what you sow. That is not God punishing us for our sins, Jesus already paid for all our sins.

 Kicking over sacred cows, bringing religious thoughts captive to Christ, casting down the strongholds of man mad tradition in our thinking will cause us to have a positive expectation of mercy. Understanding God's blessings aren't a reward for good works, knowing we are forgiven of all our sins and isn't counting them against us, rejecting the concepts of generational curses, and the contrary view of Christian "karma" reaping what we sowed, will shatter the wrong images of God and bring with it the expectation of goodness from God not cursing or calamity. God is Good and loving and merciful.  

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Two kinds of Righteousness: Understanding self righteousness

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:3-4 NKJV

 Did you know there are two kinds of Righteousness? There is the Gift of Righteousness that I have spoken of continually throughout many studies on this blog site. There is, however, another kind of righteousness and I want to define it and detail it so you can be sure what kind of righteousness you're walking in.

 The Gift of Righteousness is what the prophets of old and even the Patriarchs and saints of the Old Testament longed for. Receiving the Gift of God's Righteousness sets one apart and brings favor and blessing in all areas of life. How do we define this Righteousness?

 Righteousness is that Gift that gives the believer permanent right standing before God. It's that gift whereby one has everlasting acceptance and approval with God. It's that gift where we are always welcomed in God's presence. It's that gift where we can stand before our Father without any sense of guilt, shame, condemnation, insecurity, or inferiority. It's that gift that causes one's sins never again to be imputed to their account. 

 This is such good news. Knowing we are accepted and approved and walk without condemnation because of Christ causes us to rejoice in the Father's Love and kindness. We don't shrink back from God, and when we sin we run to our Father not away from Him. Because of our permanent acceptance and favor, we can sing of our Father's Love forever!

 That is the Gift of Righteousness, now what is the other kind of righteousness? The other kind of righteousness is self-righteousness. The righteousness of self and personal sacrifice.

 Self-righteousness is that righteousness inspired by human zeal and effort. It's actively pursued to receive the accolades and applause of men. Its boast is in its work, its doing, its discipline, and sacrifices made.

 How can one tell then whether they are in self-righteousness or walking in the Gift of Righteousness? Glad you asked. To find the answer a simple examination of your words, and what your boasting in is all that's needed. 

 When one speaks of all their personal disciplines and personal achievements as a result, without honoring God's ability in them and His hand moving on their behalf, be aware that is self-righteousness talking. It's Grace and His goodness that enabled any believer to walk in victory in any area.

 When one continually looks to their own sacrifices and all they have given and done for God to ascertain their worth and value in the kingdom, know that is self-righteousness motivating them. It is self-righteousness driving them to keep performing. To keep trying to earn what is only freely given.

 How can we contrast the Gift of Righteousness and self-righteousness? Here is the most simplistic way possible:

 The Gift of Righteousness says: Look at what the Lord has done!
 Self-righteousness says: Look at what I've done for you, Lord!

 Relinquish all self-righteousness. All the achievements any personal performance, or spiritual disciplines, or principles of Faith acted on have attained are all rooted in His Finished Work of redemption first and foremost. It was His procuring our salvation, and giving us His life and nature within that caused the desire for any principle or discipline to be acted on. Where is boasting then?

 In summation, walk in God's Gift of Righteousness, and remain thankful and humble because it was all of Christ and none of us that brought success in any area of our walk with God. Never boast of your work, your doing, or your success in walking out principles of Faith, Healing, and Holy Spirit power. Boast in Christ's once for all sacrifice and His great Love for you and nothing else and walk in peace. 

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Another Mistaken idea: Generational curses

keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:7 NKJV

Are you struggling with sin? Are you not walking in victory in some area of your life? Are you experiencing setbacks and discouragement over and over? Are you suffering through a tragic loss? Then you may have a generational curse that needs to be broken. 

 What exactly is a generational curse? I am not really 100% sure myself but apparently if your great grandparents sinned, then you are also suffering for their deeds. Also apparently receiving the free gift of Grace, trusting in Christ alone, is not enough to be free.

 Although I am being a little tongue in cheek, this idea of curses is a serious one that has held many Christians in bondage. Is the reason they are experiencing hard times because of a generational curse? Sadly, some teach this and some believe it. 

 Some Christian ministries are teaching the concept of generational curses. Teaching things like, the reason you haven't received healing is because of a generational curse. Unanswered prayer? That's a generational curse. Preachers are peddling this notion of generational curses to sell books and are profiting off the misery of the saints. It's not right and it's not edifying the Body of Christ.

 Several years ago, my family experienced a tragic loss, my child was lost in the womb. When I went to church, a sincere and well-meaning but highly misinformed woman came to me and said perhaps the baby was lost because there was a generational curse involved. Not the most encouraging thing to hear, but I responded with Grace and walked away. This is the fruit of this teaching.

 Let me be clear, the concept of generational curses is a mistaken idea that has no basis in the New Covenant. Our text reveals what people call a generational curse. Yet they fail to keep it in context and to who the audience addressed was. 

 This concept was introduced during the exodus from Egypt to the promised land. This was to be the punishment for the sin of idolatry. This of course was before Christ came and paid the price for mankind. What is most interesting is the proponents of this mistaken idea also exclude God's clear words to the nation of Israel by the Prophet Ezekial

 God already ceased from the generational cursing business before the cross. He clearly says God holds the person accountable for their sins, not their children. God is a personal God, not a distant deity. He is not unjust.

 The real issue with the notion of "generational curses" is that it diminishes the work of Christ on the Cross. This concept says Jesus' Finished Work is insufficient. That Christ's shed blood is weak and not powerful enough to cleanse us from all sin and its effects. That Jesus' redemptive work at Calvary was unable to completely redeem us from any and all curses. That the New Creation is an incomplete work and we need something additional to be completely free.

 Some would say, ok maybe for Christians but come on, sinners, those without Christ surely have curses in their life. Have you not read where John says Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world? Even the lost are not punished with curses. Of course, the lost experience consequences for sins and don't have peace in their life until they receive Jesus' free gift but these aren't curses from God.

 The reason Christians can accept notions like "generational curses" is because they are uninformed and misinformed about the cross. They really don't understand what transpired on that tree. At the cross, Christ exchanged our old sinful nature with His perfect nature, we are partakers of His divine nature. Christ exchanged our unrighteousness for His perfect Righteousness. Christ perfectly redeemed us from the curse. He became something He never was, so we could become something we've never been. 

 He cleansed us, healed us, redeemed us, forgave us, and made it possible for whosoever will to become a child of God. The reality of the New Creation destroys the concept of generational curses. In Christ, all things are made new and all of the old is passed. Not just a part but all.

 In summation, reject any teaching or doctrine that tries to diminish the work of Jesus. That teaches there are additional steps you must take after accepting Jesus in order to find freedom and victory. The Cross was enough!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Goodness of God: correction and instruction

 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV

11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, Titus 2:11-13 NKJV

 In our last post, we looked at the chastening of the Lord. We saw that God isn't using trauma, terror, tragedy, or turmoil to chasten or instruct and correct His children. That God is a Good Father who would never harm or hurt His own. It is absolutely vital to know and understand who God is and what He is like.

 Understanding who God is, what His character is, and how He treats us is a vital truth. At the same time, seeing passages that reveal that God corrects leads us to a question. A rather valid question I might add. 

 Does the concept that God corrects His people, run contrary to Grace? Is it counter to Righteousness and the Gospel that God instructs and leads us into truth and away from the wrong, the error, the false? Does it bring to mind the question that God who said He wouldn't remember our sins, has to remember our sins if He is correcting and instructing us?

These are important questions that need to be answered. The first thing we must establish is our Righteousness in Christ and the truth that Jesus has completely paid for our sins and failures. Because Jesus paid for our sins we never have to.

 Jesus completely paid the price at the Cross. His once for all time sacrifice met and fulfilled all the claims of divine justice. Jesus shed blood, death and burial was a more than enough payment. Even though we still miss it, blow it, just plain sin, we are not required to make up for it. We aren't required to make additional payments on account of our sins and failures. Jesus' blood was more than enough.

 Because of Jesus' Finished Work, God is satisfied. There is no longer any demand for additional payments. There is no demand for further punishment for sins, iniquities, and transgressions. See how Isaiah reveals this powerful and complete sacrifice and once for all payment for sins

God is not punishing us when we sin. He punished sins in the body of Jesus on the Cross. The amazing blessedness of God's great gift of Righteousness is that God no longer imputes our sins to our account. He remembers our sins no more. He has forgiven us once for all time. This is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus.

 What we must renew our minds to is that correction and instruction are not punishment. Now if you sin, there can be natural consequences. This doesn't mean God brought those upon you. Your own choices and actions did that. Also, understand God isn't punishing you or angry at you.

 Understanding correction and instruction aren't punishment, we must grow to understand that because God loves us He corrects us. If He corrects us doesn't that mean He is remembering our sins? No that doesn't mean that.

 What we must understand is that spiritual growth and development and maturity have no bearing on our salvation. What I mean is this. Salvation, redemption, being made Righteous, freely forgiven once for all time are what Christ gave us the moment we believed. Salvation and redemption have nothing to do with spiritual growth. Spiritual growth and maturity are not automatic.

 We have believers who have been saved for decades, and they still hold onto grudges, harbor resentment, gossip, look down on others, and are not joyful. Does this mean they aren't really saved? Of course not. Fruit is developed, fruit is grown. If you plant a fruit tree, but never tend to it, never give it water and such it won't produce. It doesn't change the fact that it is still a fruit tree.

 Because of Jesus God isn't imputing sin to our account. That is, God isn't holding our faults over our heads, demanding we do better, withholding His goodness and love and blessing until we do. The blessings, answered prayer, favor, and goodness are already ours because of Jesus. He blesses us because He is Good not because we are.

 Therefore our sins and shortcomings are not remembered. We aren't out of fellowship, out of intimacy with God because we fail. That said because of God's great love for us He wants us to grow up. God sees us. He sees our motives and actions and words. 

 God sees us, He first sees us Righteous, and rejoices because we carry the fragrance of Jesus. As our Father, He sees us when we aren't our best. Because He wants our best, He comes to us in love and brings correction.

 Our two text reveals how He corrects. He corrects us with the Word. He corrects us with His Grace. His great Grace upon us shows us a better way. Correction is a good thing because it helps us grow up, helps mature us, and leads us to be a bigger blessing to ourselves and others. 

 Correction and instruction are never contrary to Grace. His Grace teaches us and instructs us. Not man-made tradition, but His Grace leads us into all truth. Is this progressive sanctification? No! We were already sanctified when we believed. This is progressive maturity. God's Word and Grace, correct, lead, guide, and instructs us, and we progressively mature outwardly into what Christ already made us inwardly. 

 In summation, a Good God, a loving Father instructs and corrects us because He loves us. He doesn't punish us. He doesn't use evil to teach or train us. His Word and His Grace bring instruction and correction when needed. None of this is condemnation or the idea that the Spirit "convicts" us. Conviction is what the Spirit does for the World because they have rejected Jesus. 

 The Spirit reminds us of our Righteousness. God reminds us of our identity. God shows us who we are and whose we are. The Word shows us the better way. Grace received empowers us to grow up in Him. As children of God, the Spirit leads us into all truth and guides us into the way we should go in our day-to-day life. God loves us unconditionally and eternally. He desires we grow in Grace and in the knowledge of Jesus. 

Image by bpcraddock from Pixabay 

Monday, September 6, 2021

What is the Chastening of the Lord?

 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village. Luke 9:56 MEV

 God is a Good Father. This is a truth I never get weary from proclaiming. It's the very foundation of our Faith. It's the motivation of why God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to be the substitutionary sacrifice for all our sins and afflictions, sickness and disease, and spiritual death. While most Christians fully acknowledge God is Good, there is one area that seems to cause many to stumble. 

 The idea that God chastens His children has been a source of confusion for so many. That is, they believe God is Good but if you foul up, fail, falter or fall into sin your proverbial goose is cooked. God is really angry and disappointed in your failure to measure up, and He will punish you greatly for it.

 First, let's see what the New Covenant states about this subject.

“My son, do not despise the chastening of the LordNor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” Hebrews 12:5b-6 NKJV

 This passage establishes that God does in fact chasten His children. That is never been questioned or contested. What I do contest and disagree with is the idea of how He chastens us. Specifically, what does chastening actually mean? 

 Examine this passage in light of the New Covenant. In light of Jesus' revealed will and character. In the light of God's all the time goodness. What words pop out of this passage? 

 Do not despise or be discouraged when you are being chastened. God chastens those whom He loves. Did you catch that? Those whom He loves!

 The fact that the Word declared God chastens those whom He loves should give us better insight as to what chastening means. The fact that in the same passage as the word chastening appears so does the words for whom God loves, should bring clarity as to what chastening means and what it can't mean.

 The word chasten simply means instruction and nurturing. It carries the implication of correction. Correction is a good thing, not a bad thing. If I get the answer wrong, I want to know the right answer so I can grow and be better equipped. 

 I dare say we've all known parents who never corrected their children, always gave in to their demands, and never disciplined them when they did wrong. What kind of behavior did these children exhibit as a result? Rebellious, selfish, and sadly sometimes destructive.

 What God wants His people to know is, who He really is. He is a Good Father. He is not the harsh taskmaster who is ready to send destruction your way the moment you mess up. He is not the impatient king who is burdensome with His demands and will quickly strike you with affliction when you miss the mark in meeting all the harsh requirements. He is a loving Father who cares for His own.

 If chastening simply means instruction and nurturing and carries the connotation of correction, how then does He instruct, or correct? God does not instruct us by killing our loved one. He doesn't correct us by afflicting us with painful sickness or disease. God's nurturing or the development of His children's growth, doesn't mean He bankrupts our business, causes our car to be wrecked, or takes away our possessions. A Good Father would never do these things, and God is always Good.

 God loves us unconditionally. His arms are never folded in disapproval or disappointment over our failures or foul-ups. He isn't pointing His finger at us in disgust when we blow it, falling into sin and wrongdoing. Understand, God is Good and just, He isn't pleased with the sin or wrong, but He is still pleased with us because we are His beloved children made Righteous by the Blood. He still rejoices over us, the redeemed, because He loves us and will never turn His back on us or cast us out. He is a loving Father.

 Knowing that God isn't pleased with the sin, the poor choice, the wrong thinking, the wrong believing, the wrong speaking, leads us to the why He corrects. He corrects us because He loves us. He corrects us because these actions, deeds, thoughts, words, and beliefs are detrimental to our growth. They hurt others and even ourselves. They are also contrary to our new nature. They are counter to who Christ already made us in the Finished Work. 

 Knowing why He corrects, because He loves us and wants us to grow up in Him, we must answer how He corrects. Let's see what His Word declares.

Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? Hebrews 12:9 NKJV

 This passage gives the key to "the how" He corrects. The confusion about chastening would fade away if we just read and understood this passage. Hebrews reveals we had human fathers who corrected us. How? in the flesh, that is by natural means. The Word goes on to describe God as the Father of spirits. So how does He correct? In the spirit. By spiritual means not natural. That removes the idea of catastrophes, cataclysmic destruction, and calamities being the method of His correction. 

 His correction method is completed in the spiritual realm. 

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV

 How does He correct? He uses His Word. The Corinthian church had many issues in their midst. How did the Spirit through Paul correct? Did God through Paul say;

"you better straighten up or you're gonna get it?" 
"I have had just about enough of this behavior!"
"God is so fed up, disgusted, and done with you!"

No, God spoke to them about their identity. God used a letter, His Word through Paul to bring the correction. God didn't send a mega-tsunami to wipe them out. He didn't send an earthquake to get them.

 How does God correct us? How does He bring about growth? How does He train us up? God uses His Word to bring us to maturity. He reminds us of whose we are, who we belong to. He reminds us of who we are in Him, He reminds us of our identity. He reminds us that we are the Righteousness of God in Him. He makes us aware again that we are the redeemed and these thoughts, words or actions are not who we are. He reveals His steadfast, and unconditional Love for us in greater and greater measure.

 In summation, we have a Good Father who always wants our best. We have a Good Father who longs for His people to know who He is. That He is always Good. That He loves us unconditionally and for all time and eternity. 

 He is so Good and loving that He takes the time to help us grow, mature, and walk out who He has already made us inwardly through the Finished Work. Chastening is a good thing, it is not the traditional religious idea of God's punishment. God punished Jesus for our sins, He isn't ever going to punish the believer's sin because the price has already been paid. We have a Good Father, amen. 

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Healed of Covid-19

 Dear Friend, I pray that in every way you may prosper and be in good health,  just as your soul is prospering. 3 John 2 Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament 

 He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness. “By His wounds you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 MEV

 God is a Good Father. I have been consistent and steadfast and faithful to continually proclaim that God is always Good. That He is the healer. That He is never the author of evil, of sickness and disease, or any form of tragedy or destruction. What do you do though, when tough times come? 

 What about after you agree that God is always Good and He is the healer and suddenly your own body is attacked with a major sickness? What do you do in the midst of this difficult time? Do you change your theology or thinking? Or do you hold fast to your profession of Faith that God is always Good? I had the opportunity to discover just what I would do in this same situation.

 After sharing a series examining the theology of sickness and disease I went on a vacation. While on vacation, I began experiencing a myriad of symptoms. Fever and some slight congestion. Yet I never lost taste or smell. I said to myself no way is this the coronavirus I don't have all the symptoms. However, when I returned home the symptoms continued and grew more intense. So I decided to go to my physician.

 She examined me, told me I need to get tested. Once tested the results confirmed the covid-19 virus had struck my body. The coronavirus gave me pneumonia, fever, and general fatigue. I was basically bedridden for about four or five days, and I had no appetite. This was the problem, now what was the solution? What do I do in the midst of an obvious attack from the enemy and the results of a fallen world?

 I would like to show you what I did in the midst of this trial. Why? so as to perhaps help you whenever tough times come your way. Let's begin looking at the steps I took to overcome.

Reject condemnation

 The first thing I did was to reject the condemnation of the enemy. When tough times come, the enemy loves to bring accusations that all your sins are the cause of it. Reject his lies. Remember, we are in the New Covenant. Jesus has completely forgiven us of all our sins, past and present and future. He has made us who believe the Righteousness of God in Christ. Don't accept the enemy's condemnation. 

 Even if your sins caused the problem, that's still none of the devil's business. God has already forgiven you. You are Righteous. God gave us Jesus' Righteousness, therefore we are just as Righteous as God. Standfast in your Righteousness.

Join the natural and supernatural

 Of course, I believe in divine health and healing. Of course, I believe Jesus bore all my sickness and disease at the Cross. Of course, I believe I am already healed because of Jesus' finished work of redemption. That said, there is nothing contrary to this by following natural and practical wisdom. Yes, I did stay in bed. Yes, I did get plenty of rest. Yes, even though I couldn't really eat, I did ensure I took in an abundance of fluids. Especially water. 

 Let me also say, I did take medication as well. I took the medication in Faith that it would do what it was supposed to do with no negative side effects. Faith and medicine are not at odds. I followed the doctor's orders. Yet in all this, my trust wasn't so much in medicine but in Christ. Take the prescribed medication. Follow the doctor's advice but keep your full trust in God.

Faith's Confession works

In the midst of this terrible sickness, I didn't spend much time awake. My body was fighting this viral infection. My body was resting and sleeping a lot. So I couldn't spend hours listening to the Word or reading the Word. However, when I was awake, my words were in continued agreement with God. I spoke His healing promises, I spoke to my body, I spoke against the virus, cursing it at its root. 

 Words are powerful. Words are containers. They contain either life and health or death and destruction. 

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21 MEV

 Words are powerful. I kept agreeing with the Finished Work. I kept agreeing with Jesus' work of redemption. I never used my words to blame God for this illness. I never said He allowed it. I never said He sent it. I never said He is testing me or punishing me. I only agreed with God's all the time Goodness, His Love for me, and Jesus' healing power. 

God's Word is truth

  Though I could not spend as much time as I could in the Word, doesn't mean I never looked at the Word. Even if it was only three minutes I knew feeding on God's Word is essential in feeding my spirit. 

The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity Proverbs 18:14a MEV

 It is vital to feed your spirit as much as possible. Even though it was a very short time there was a verse I repeatedly stood on throughout this ordeal. 

The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to health. Psalm 41:3 NASB

 This passage brought hope and peace and enabled me to stand in Faith against this attack. The Word is also a comfort. It reveals the Loving heart of Father God. 

The Prayer of Faith

The Prayer of Faith is powerful and effective. Yes, I prayed in Faith for my healing. Yes, I stood on the Word. Yes, I fed my spirit man the Word. Yes, I confessed or agreed with God. I also knew the power of this prayer. So I went to a video of my Pastor, Pastor Joseph Prince ministering healing. I couldn't watch all of it, but I could forward it to the portion where he prayed this Prayer of Faith over sick people. I received his prayer and agreed with it. I was acting on His Word, agreeing with Him and trusting in Him, and using wisdom by following doctor's orders. 

Healing manifested

 On a Monday, I went back to the doctor. My symptoms at the time seemed alarming. My lungs were dealing with pneumonia, and all the symptoms that come with it. She was concerned that I might need to be admitted to the hospital to get on oxygen. This is not something I wanted. I kept speaking against these symptoms as much as I could. I kept standing, I kept believing. She said she wanted me to come back on Wednesday morning to see how my lungs were doing, she gave me an inhaler in the meantime. Again, I was standing and believing and confessing.

 On Wednesday I awoke out of bed around 10 AM. I took a shower. While doing this I sensed power from on High. I sensed strongly the Word of the Lord speak over my situation. I heard Him say "that's enough!" I heard Him proclaim inwardly that after this day this virus was no more. I felt strength inwardly. There was no more fever. Then I went to the doctor.

 When I got there my temp was normal. The doctor saw me and she was so elated. She said I looked so much better. She could tell an extreme difference from Monday to Wednesday. My lungs were clearer and I didn't need oxygen. I didn't have to go to the hospital. Praise God for His healing love and power.

 Over the next few days, using wisdom I stayed home and rested and allowed my body to fully recover and walk in the healing He provided. To this day, my body is getting stronger and stronger. I am a testimony of His all the time Goodness.

 In summation, God IS always Good. My confession never changed or altered. My theology has remained the same. God is always Good. He is always willing to heal. He is the healer and never the One who brings evil or sickness or disease. You can fully trust in Him. He is always Good! 

Image by Frank Becker from Pixabay 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Receiving Righteousness: Walking by sight? What are you looking at?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

Receiving of the Gift of Righteousness. We've been in an extended study of God's great Gift of Righteousness. We are examining the vital importance of not just knowing once you believe you are the Righteous, but also of actually receiving of this Gift of Righteousness in all areas of your life. 

 Righteousness received coupled with God's abundant Grace causes us to reign as kings in this life. When we receive of the Gift of Righteousness relationships are empowered to prosper and succeed. Healing and wholeness become more and more real to us and it frees us to receive apart from our works and performance.

 Today, I want to continue examining this great Gift of Righteousness and the benefits of actively receiving of it. We know who the Righteous are. Those who have trusted in Christ alone, receiving His new life and forever forgiveness. Let's look again at what Righteousness means.

 Righteousness is God's gift of no condemnation. Righteousness is that gift whereby we can stand before God without any sense of condemnation, guilt, shame, insecurity, or inferiority. Righteousness is that gift where we who believed are in perpetual right standing with God. Righteousness is that gift that grants us perfect acceptance and approval with our Heavenly Father. Righteousness is that blessing David spoke of, the person who God no longer imputes sin or uncleanness. This is the Gift of Righteousness.

 In our last two studies, we focused on the truth that when we need healing or any answer from God we need not look at ourselves. That is focusing on how many good deeds we have done. How much we prayed or gave or volunteered. No, we don't look to our goodness to receive from God but rather we focus on His Goodness alone and freely receive.

 That is amazingly good news to the weary ones who have tried to earn the blessing and Goodness of God. This frees us from trying to deserve anything from God's hands. All that the Finished Work procured and paid for is only received by Grace through Faith, not any works on our part. That said, what about the times when we sin and walk out of love?

 Some ministers may even agree that we can't "do" anything to deserve the blessing and Goodness and favor of God. However, even fewer would dare suggest that our sins would not hinder us from receiving answered prayers or blessings. Most ministries and churches agree and affirm that sins will hinder your prayer life. They will cite passages like this.

Your wickedness has deprived you of these wonderful blessings. Your sin has robbed you of all these good things. Jeremiah 5:25 NLT

So the question I simply want to ask is when it comes to answered prayer or receiving anything from God what are you looking at? Are you looking at your sins and shortcomings? Are you looking at your foul-ups? Or are you beholding Him? Are you seeing who He has made you now? Focusing on your failure or His forgiveness?

 Remember this vital truth, the wages of sin is not unanswered prayer or God withholding from you. The wages of sin is death. It was just one sin that plunged mankind into the fall and brought the curse upon this Earth. That one sin caused God to send His only Son for us all. 

 When we use Old Covenant formats for prayer requests and trying to receive anything from God we are walking by sight and not Faith. We are Righteous by Faith, not our doing. We can't undo what only Christ could do. 

We can have bold Faith even when we fail

 As Paul was accused of saying do evil that good may come, I am of course not saying let's sin even more knowing God will still answer our prayers. Sin has consequences in this life. Sin can also hurt others besides the one committing the act. Think how shattered and emotionally wounded the man or woman whose spouse committed adultery is. We aren't encouraging sin, but are magnifying this great Gift of God's Righteousness.

 Here is the too good to be true but true Good News of the Gospel. The wages of sin is death. God's gift is eternal life through Jesus. Christ paid the price for all sin. Jesus is the once for all sacrifice for sins. Jesus has forgiven our sins, past present, and future. All of our sins, even the ones we have yet to commit are already forgiven. 

14 who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins Colossians 1:14 TLB

13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. Colossians 2:13 NLT

1 John 2:12 is just as clear. As the literal Greek renders, we are forgiven of all our sins on account of His name. If God's Word says we are forgiven of all our sins, and Jesus shed blood was the price paid for our forgiveness, then we are forgiven of all of our sins forever.

 Here is another truth to look at concerning sin.

then He adds, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Hebrews 10:17 NKJV

 Not only are we forgiven of all our sins, but here, the writer of Hebrews (who I believe was Paul), referencing the Finished Work of the Cross declares that God will never remember our sins again. He will never remember our sins? What about when we sin continually? He said I will remember your sins no more. What about if I sin the same sin repeatedly? He said I will remember your sins no more.

 God said He will remember our sins no more. He didn't add an addendum or a clause that states I won't remember your sins except for the times in which you pray. If He has declared that our sins will not be remembered by Him, then how can our sins hinder our receiving from God? The Father answers prayer, blesses us, bestows favor upon us because He is Good not because we are. We can freely receive because we have been made the Righteousness of God in Christ. 

 Now we can't ignore all these passages just because they remove the harsh taskmaster image of God that so many believers have when it comes to their sin. We are seeing a pattern here in the New Covenant. He has forgiven us of all our sins. He has declared He will remember our sins no more. I think God is trying to tell us something.

 Let me add one more passage to finalize what we should be focusing on when we pray or have a need that must be supplied. Look at the amazing Good News Paul proclaimed in Romans 4. This is the happiness of those who are declared Righteous without working for it. This is the benefit of receiving of this Gift of Righteousness.

just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven And whose sins are covered;  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin. Romans 4:6-8 NKJV

 Here is the complete New Covenant view of Righteousness and our sins. God has forgiven us of all our sins, past and present and future. God because of the Cross declared He will remember our sins and iniquities no more. The Holy Spirit through Paul reveals a powerful benefit of Righteousness. That God is no longer imputing our sins to us. God has already imputed our sins on the body of Jesus on that cursed tree. God is not requiring us to also pay for our sins when Jesus paid the final price. 

What is the conclusion then? God has forgiven us forever. He has declared He will no longer remember our sins. This great Gift of Righteousness includes the too good to be true, but true great benefit of God no longer imputing our sins to our account. 

With this understanding how can anyone now declare that our sins can hinder us from receiving anything from God? Again God said He would no longer remember our sins. He didn't say I will only recall them when you pray and ask me for a blessing and you will receive that blessing in correlation to how much sin is active in your life at that moment. Thanks be to God, we are Righteous, forgiven, our sins never to be recalled and never to be imputed to our accounts again. 

 So what are you looking at in prayer? Your sins and shortcomings? Your mistakes? Your foul-ups and failures? Or are you walking by Faith and seeing your Righteousness alone? 

 In summation, when you believe you are the Righteousness of God in Christ. Your sins are forever forgiven. Your sins will never be remembered by God. Because of the Finished Work, your sins will never again be inventoryied and counted to your account. With this over-the-top goodness, you can have absolute boldness in prayer. You can come to God without shame or guilt and stand in Faith believing for whatever God has promised and provided in the Word and the Finished Work. Dare to take your place as a Righteous, accepted child of the King.  

.Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Receiving Righteousness: Freely received or Earned and Achieved?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

We have been in an extended study of Righteousness. We are focusing extensively on receiving of the Gift of Righteousness. It is not enough to know you have been made Righteous we must also receive of that gift in every area of our lives to see the full benefits.

 We have seen how Righteousness blesses and strengthens relationships, how Righteousness covers our faults and failures. We have seen the healing power in God's gift of Righteousness.

 Today, it seems good to examine a major truth we touched on in our last study. When it comes to healing or any other promise, often people tend to focus on their works, their doings and not on Jesus' perfect work and once-for-all-time sacrifice. They aren't seeing the finality of the Cross, but merely the beginning of the work. They see the Cross as the downpayment and their actions, performance, and efforts as the continued payments needed to appropriate all God has for them.
 The Cross is a Finished Work. It is final, once for all time. Jesus said it is finished, not, to be continued. The finality of the Cross is what the writer of Hebrews rejoiced over. With Christ's once for all sacrifice there can be no other sacrifice offered. Therefore our works, our performance, our attempts to earn or achieve the blessing, are unaccepted currency.

  So to understand the finality of the Cross, we must first ask the most important question in the universe next to the question of who do you say Jesus is. What must I do to be saved? This seems so basic, so elementary yet it is the foundation of our entire relationship with God. 

 Let's allow Paul to answer this question.

He then led them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your household will be saved.” Acts 16:30-31 MEV

 What must we do to be saved? Believe. We simply must believe. Any response other than only believe is in serious error and opens the door to all types of burdensome toil in relating to God. 

 There are those who hold to the idea that only believing makes the Gospel too easy. That believing is not enough. You have to promise God you will quit being bad and will start being good. You have to promise God you will give up all your bad habits right away. If you don't then you really aren't saved.

 If salvation must be earned in some way shape or form then all the promises of God must be received in the same manner. What must we do to be saved? Believe. Paul said to believe. Paul didn't say believe but also stop smoking, stop gambling, stop your cussing. Behavior change happens from the inside out, not by our outward efforts and works.

 Still, some acknowledge salvation is by Faith alone but put stipulations and clauses on receiving all the other promises of God. They will quickly agree we are saved by believing in Jesus but healing or provision? Better earn it, better get busy achieving it, activate the promise by your actions, your doing, your efforts.

 They will use phrases like you need to position yourself to receive it. Answered prayer, God's provision, healing, favor, blessing? You have to live exemplary lives, free from all sin, no strife or unforgiveness allowed, and then and only then will you possibly receive. Salvation is freely received by believing but everything else is on a wage and earning system?

 If salvation is only received by Grace through Faith then so are all the other promises and provision of God. We aren't Righteous by works or any other thing we have done. We are Righteous by what Christ has done. In the same manner, we are only healed, prospered, blessed, favored, and protected by what Christ has done not by what we have done.

 Look at provision. Paul declared a powerful truth in 2 Corinthians 8. he revealed the Grace of Jesus who through His poverty we might be increased. Christ bore the curse of poverty on the Cross. So what brings the increase? Our doing or was it Jesus' Grace and His becoming poor so we could be blessed?

 Listen, I am not suggesting all believers are promised that they will be millionaires but I am sharing what Jesus provided on the Cross. How could imperfect humanity dare ask a thrice Holy God to provide for their needs? It's because of Jesus' work. The Cross made it possible to receive provision and blessing in this life.

 The Cross provided the wholeness we all need. The Finished Work provided salvation, Righteousness, healing, provision, deliverance, protection, and direct access to the Father. It is Jesus' work that has achieved this not our works. It's by His stripes we are healed, not our efforts. It's by His becoming poor that we have divine provision, not any action on our part. 

 On that Cross, Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the Law. Christ's perfect work of redemption perfectly purchased our complete wholeness. We are redeemed through His work. So if the work of the Cross is only appropriated by simply believing then why add stipulations to receive the other aspects of redemption, that is, healing, protection, or provision? 

 In summation, the work of the Cross is only realized and received by Grace through Faith. Therefore, your healing, your provision, your protection, your favor, your wholeness is received by simply believing. 

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 8:10 MEV

 Freely we have received. That word freely Jesus uses here is the Greek word meaning undeserved. We have received because of Jesus' goodness not our own. So in times of need, look not at your performance, your efforts or achievements, or even your giving. Look only at Jesus' perfect work, put your whole trust and Faith in that alone and freely receive all He has freely provided. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at