Showing posts with label The Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Blood. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2021

Receiving Righteousness: Divine Healing and Wholeness

 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

We've been in an extended study of Righteousness. We've seen what Righteousness is, right standing with God. We've seen who the Righteous are, those who trust in Him alone, and now we are focusing on the necessity to receive of this gift of Righteousness in every area of our lives and our walk with God.

 We have seen how Righteousness received positively affects and influences our relationships. We have seen how Righteousness received is the cure for guilt and shame when we fail. Today, we want to examine the healing power received in the gift of Righteousness. 

 When it comes to healing and wholeness, the Body of Christ as a whole seems to struggle knowing if healing is God's will. Let's look at Jesus' attitude about sickness and disease for a Bible response. Look at Mark 1. Here we see Jesus' willingness to cleanse and make whole. Why would He withhold from you if the motivation to heal was because of His great compassion?

 Look at Matthew's gospel to see Jesus' idea of ministry. There is not a single person Jesus turned away. There is not a single person we ever see Jesus telling that "this disease or virus or sickness is there to build your character, to evangelize, for others will see how happy you suffer and die, or this is for God's glory." He simply healed all who came to Him.

Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, And our pains -- he hath carried them, And we -- we have esteemed him plagued, Smitten of God, and afflicted. And he is pierced for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace [is] on him, And by his bruise there is healing to us. Isaiah 53:4-5 YLT 

 God sent His Son on our behalf. It was Jesus' perfect work on the Cross that perfectly procured and purchased our healing and wholeness. However when it comes to receiving we muddy the waters so to speak, trying to earn or deserve a touch of healing. We feel we must earn or be worthy enough to receive His healing. 
We look within ourselves to deem whether or not we qualify for wholeness. We look at our diet, our exercise, or lack thereof as a plus or a minus. Instead of looking to the Word, the Cross, and Jesus' perfect work we look inwardly to ensure we've completed enough spiritual disciplines. Or we look outwardly onto our actions, behavior or choices. 

So often our focus is not on what Jesus has already done but on what we are doing. Or we look at what we aren't doing, and not what Jesus has done for us. Our perspective shifts from the finality of the Cross, Jesus' once for all perfect sacrifice onto our own performance, our achievements, or onto actions we feel we aren't doing enough of. Jesus' Finished Work was enough, we can't add to it or take away from it by our doing or lack of doing. 

 We can't undo what only Christ, God's Grace, and His shed blood could attain. Look at the perfect beautiful work of that Cross. Jesus poured out all He has for all that we were not, never could attain to, and never could achieve. He became something He never was so we could become something we've never been.

 This is the beauty of this simple Good News Gospel of Grace. God created man for the purpose of family and fellowship but man chose rebellion and self. All mankind since have been born separated spiritually, in need of a Savior. God became a man, paid the price, shedding His sinless spotless perfect blood paying the debt of all mankind. Now whosoever receives this free gift of eternal life, trusting in Christ alone receives total forgiveness of all their sins and the gift of perfect righteousness; right standing, acceptance, and approval with God permanently.

 When we receive of the gift of Righteousness, we move away from trying to earn or qualify for what Christ has accomplished and provided. We don't look at our achievements we look upon the Finished Work and trust in, cling to and receive what Jesus bled and died and rose again for us to possess. Righteousness says I receive because of what Jesus did not what I do or don't do. 

 In Genesis 20 we see the first mention of divine healing. Traditionally some people equate healing with sin or wrongdoing, as if sickness is mostly the byproduct of personal sin. Certainly, when sin entered the World, sickness, disease and death followed. 

 But is that what we are to understand about healing in it’s first mention? No! Abraham offered prayers for healing and he is the one who had lied, failed to trust God, and put his needs above his wife's by giving her away. Yet, God answered Abraham’s prayer for healing for Abimelech. The first mention of healing is revealing the goodness and faithfulness of God. That is it was His goodness that provided the healing not Abraham’s. God answered the prayer for healing because of Covenant, because of His mercy and loving kindness. He brought forth healing because He is good not because Abraham was.

 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

 God is a Good Father. God anointed Jesus, the Son with the Spirit and He went about Israel healing all. This passage doesn't state that Jesus healed only the deserving. Only those who had their spiritual disciplines perfected. Only those whose good outweighed their bad. 

 This passage doesn't state but Jesus refused to heal all those whose sin caused the affliction in the first place. Or He refused to heal those who had not walked in love and forgiveness. It didn't state Jesus reserved healing for only the most deserving. 

 Because of the gift of Righteousness we can receive healing and wholeness apart from our performance or behavior. We can walk in His healing power apart from our ability to always forgive others quickly. We can freely receive because the price was freely paid by our perfect Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Certainly, walking in love and being quick to forgive is a wonderful fruit of our new nature. Of course, not living in sin is a great witness to those around us and brings a joy to our heart because we are living out of our new nature. Yet these fruits aren't the root of how and why we receive healing or any promise. We receive because the gift of Righteousness has made us accepted and approved of God and the shed blood made us worthy to receive.

 In summation, we can receive healing and wholeness because of Jesus' perfect work and never our own attempts to merit or earn anything from God. Let me also say, living in a fractured and fallen world, no one has all the answers as to why some didn't receive their healing. Why some died prematurely. Why some prayed and their loved one passed.

 Knowing God through Jesus and His perfect Word though we can trust and know that God is always good and never the author or "sender" of sickness, disease or disaster. That there is nothing that can ever disqualify us from receiving all God has purchased for us at Calvary. That God is no respecter of persons, that Faith moves mountain and all believers have Faith, and we can speak to that mountain of sickness and disease and command it to move. Jesus' perfect work of redemption, His shed blood and God's gift of Righteousness made us worthy to receive all He has purchased and provided. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Receiving Righteousness: what about our failures?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

We have begun a new series studying Righteousness. We have seen what Righteousness is, right standing with God. We have seen who the Righteous are, those who have trusted in Christ alone. Now we are examining the importance of actually receiving of the gift of Righteousness.

 We have seen the great importance and benefit of receiving of the gift of Righteousness. For instance, receiving a brand new car is great, but profits you little if you never actually drive it. So it is with Righteousness. 

 We have seen how Righteousness received positively affects our relationships. We will continue looking at the various aspects of the Christian life that are more successful when we receive of this great gift. Today, though it seemed good to pause and address a question that many have concerning Grace and Righteousness. 

 Maybe this is new to you, this concept of Grace and Righteousness. Maybe you have heard of Righteousness but only in a religious traditional setting. Or maybe you heard of Grace but it wasn't taught well and left you with more questions than answers.

 We are the Righteousness of God in Christ. We have received the gift of perfect and complete right standing with God. We have received the gift that enables us to come before God always welcomed, always approved, and always accepted. We have received the gift that allows us to stand before God without any sense of guilt, shame, condemnation, insecurity, or inferiority. 

 Righteousness and all it encompasses is a gift. It is not a work we achieved. It is not a result of measuring up based on our good deeds outweighing our bad. It is not acquired by our performance or behavior or conduct. There are no levels of Righteousness. Either you're Righteous or you're not. Righteousness is a gift we receive not anything achieved.

 Knowing who you are, Righteous, how it is received, it is a gift and can't ever be earned, will completely answer the big question. Am I still Righteous even when I sin or fail? What about sin? What about when we fail? 

 Let me state this loud and clear. Your sin, your failures, your unrighteous deeds cannot ever undo your Righteousness in Christ. Your behavior, your conduct, your actions never made you Righteous, therefore, your behavior, conduct, or actions can never make you unrighteous.

 This is the plain truth of the Gospel. We could never achieve right standing with God by any action or work on our part. Why then do we think after we have received Righteousness we can somehow undo it now by our actions or behavior? 

 Answered plainly. Are we still Righteous when we sin or fail? The answer is yes. Righteousness is a gift. God isn't in the business of giving gifts and then taking them back. Righteousness is an irrevocable gift. 

For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:28 MEV

 Some may claim I am promoting a "license to sin." I get somewhat tired of that phrase. What even is a license to sin? All sin has consequences. Now I am not speaking of God punishing us or the do good and get good or do bad and get bad Law mentality. 

 All sin has some form of consequence. For something to be a license it would mean there is no harm, no-fault, no consequence to that action. A commercial driver's license or a pilot's license means one has demonstrated the necessary skills and know how to operate those vehicles or aircraft without any adverse reaction. 

 All sin has consequences, so to claim anyone can preach in such a way giving someone else the "license" to sin is absurd. Sin is birthed from unrenewed desire, often coupled with the temptation of the enemy. In some instances, sin is birthed by believing the lie that there is something better outside of Christ.

 Sin's consequences can be greatly measured or only seen and experienced by the offender. The one stealing may find themselves in a jail cell. The adulterer potentially loses their family through divorce, but certainly loses respect and trust in those around them. Still, most consequences seen from sin are the lack of confidence before God, and corrupting thoughts it produces.

Because there are always consequences for sin, the concept of a license to sin then is absurd. When speaking of sin, most Christians really are only speaking of certain kinds of sin. Only certain kinds of behavior.

 Holiness is basically defined then by one who isn't committing adultery, having sex outside of marriage, watching pornography, isn't drinking alcohol, isn't using tobacco, doesn't watch R-rated movies, and never listens to secular music, and doesn't use profanity. These are basically the biggies. These are the real obvious sins.

 Truth is, I have seen believers who meet these criteria. Yet they are unkind to others. They are impatient in public. They are envious of others. They gossip. They hold grudges. These are sinful deeds as well, just the ones not preached about much.

 When we look at God's definition of sin and not man's we all realize we need a Savior. We all realize we need someone who could mediate between us and God. We realize we don't always have it all together. 

 It's humbling, and that's where Grace comes in. We acknowledge we can't overcome in our own strength or willpower. We need a perfect gift that keeps us in right standing even when we fail. That gift has been given, it is the gift of Righteousness. 
 In the great exchange, we received this great gift. Because of the triumphant work of the Cross, no believer needs to bear their sins and guilt and shame. Think of it, if all the guilt of our sins was on Christ it has no place on us. He was condemn in our place, therefore we never need feel condemned. He took our shame, therefore shame is has no place on us or in our thinking. Christ took all the punishment for our sins, so therefore we need never fear reprisal or retribution coming to us for our sins.

 In summation, we are the Righteousness of God in Christ. It is who we are right now. Jesus won a complete victory. He arose triumphant defeating death, hell, the grave and the enemy. We who believe are forever forgiven, forever saved, and forever Righteous. Righteousness is an irrevocable gift. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Monday, April 12, 2021

Got Righteousness: Who you are in Him

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

We have begun a new series studying the Righteousness of God. Yes, it's true when we do a study on this site it tends to go long but there is a simple reason. My heart's desire above all else is that all would see clearly without obstruction the absolute goodness of God. That all would know and experience the amazing Love of Almighty God, and that all would know He isn't mad at anyone and that He isn't a harsh taskmaster, but a Good Father.

 In our last study, we saw that we who believe are Righteous. So today it seems good to go further in revealing our identity in Christ. Instead of asking who you are, I want to reveal who YOU are in Christ. 

 Many people go through life struggling not really knowing who they are. They look for their identity in career, in education, in achievements and some sadly seek for their identity in the bottom of a bottle or in something they are smoking or injecting into their veins. Some go through relationship after relationship hoping to find fulfillment and identity in another person.

Nothing is wrong with you

Who we are, what are our gifts, talents, and personality, our peace is only found in Christ. Through tradition, a fallen world, and the achievement syndrome, we tend to not always have a good opinion of ourselves. What's really the root cause of this sense of not measuring up is sin consciousness. 
 Sin consciousness is a never waning awareness of our shortcomings, flaws, and failures. This is why we look at Christ as one who is so perfect and holy (and He absolutely is) and ourselves as lowly worms in the dust who never get it right. We see ourselves and our imperfections and begin to use those outward actions as our source of identity. 

 That's not the Gospel way. That's not God's way. your identity doesn't come from what you do. It doesn't come from how much you sin. It doesn't come from any charitable deeds done either. Your identity is only found in Christ alone. So there is nothing wrong with you. 

 The Cross was a success. The Finished Work worked. Jesus' work of redemption was a triumph. Christ not only gives us eternal life and forgiveness of all our sins, but this perfect work also includes the great exchange. He took our old sin nature, our dead spirit, and recreated our spirit and gave us His very life. We are Righteous, New Creations with the very life and nature of God our Father within. 

 You may say no way. Did you know what I did last week? Did you know I was drunk last weekend? Did you know I slept with someone a month ago? Did you know I masturbated to porn last night? Did you know I lied to my boss last Friday just to go home early? Did you know I lost my temper and cursed someone? I used "F-bombs" in abundance when I did. How can you say there is nothing wrong with me?

 Our sins and shortcomings no matter how dark, dirty, and downright despicable cannot revoke or remove the permanent work of the Cross from our hearts. Christ bore all our sins, even the worst and most wicked, paying the full payment for the cleansing, removal, and total forgiveness of them all. In the Finished Work, He exchanged our old and imperfect with His New and perfect. We have been made the very Righteousness of God in Christ. He gave us His Righteousness. That's who we are now!

 Truthfully, we've all blown it. We have all been guilty of walking out of love. All guilty of sexual immorality in some form or fashion (Christ declared even looking at someone with lust was adultery). All guilty of being selfish and self-focused. Here's the truth, feeling bad, experiencing shame, being guilt-ridden over our sins will never cause us to stop these habits and actions. The Law is merely a mirror to reveal our failures. It will never empower or enable us to overcome our failures.

 Living from our true identity is where we will find true peace and victory. Sin's appeal begins to wane when we know who we and whose we are apart from our performance. When we try to use discipline or avoidance to stop sin we are merely using willpower and that's the flesh and the flesh will burn out and give up. 

 Become Righteousness conscious not sin conscious. Become accepted and approve conscious not failure and shrink back conscious. Become Right standing conscious not imperfection and failure to measure up conscious. 

 In summation, who are you? You are the Righteousness of God in Christ. You have the very life and nature of God within. You are a New Creation in Him, the old is gone behold the New is here now. You are accepted and approved perpetually with the Father. You are complete in Him. 

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Got Righteousness?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

I'd like to ask you a question if I may. Are you Righteous? Do you have a Righteous heart? If you've never put your trust in Christ the answer would be no. The good news is you can be Righteous, simply put your trust in Him. 

 If you are a Christian what is your response? Would you respond with one of these statements or a variation of it?
 "Well, I hope so."
 "I am trying to be."
"With the way I behave sometimes I am not so sure."
"I'm working on it."

 If so I have some Good Gospel news for you. You can know if you're Righteous. You can have absolute certainty of your standing before the Father. You can have full assurance knowing how God truly sees you. 

 First, we must know and understand what Righteousness actually is. Righteousness means to be in right standing with God. Righteousness is that state where we stand perfectly accepted and approved by Father God apart from our performance or behavior. Righteousness means we stand complete in Christ. Righteousness means we have the right and privilege to boldly stand in God Almighty's presence without any sense of shame, fear, guilt, condemnation, or inferiority. 

 Righteousness is not a work we achieve. Righteousness is not attained by continued abstinence from wrongdoing. Righteousness is not acquired by deeds done no matter how good they may be. Righteousness is not gained by following certain religious rituals such as observing the feast days or "honoring" the Sabbath day. Again Righteousness is a gift we receive not a work we achieve.

 In some circles, women won't wear makeup, cut their hair, and only wear long dresses. I am not criticizing them, but I am asking why do they do these things? To attain and maintain a place of right standing before God by their appearance. 

 If Righteousness could be achieved by our work or merit why then would Christ waste His time suffering and dying on that tree becoming a curse for you and me? If right standing with God is a work we could attain to then Christ's death was in vain. That is if we could help in any way form or fashion in achieving right standing with God, then the Cross was useless and ineffective.

I do not nullify the grace of God. For if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ died in vain. Galatians 2:21 MEV

 Righteousness is not a work achieved. It is not a position that we strive enough for to finally obtain. Righteousness is not a mistake-free life. Righteousness is not a place in God that is lost and gained based upon our goodness or faithfulness. Righteousness is a permanent gift we receive when we first trust in Christ alone. Righteousness is an irrevocable gift that is rooted in Christ's work and performance and goodness never our own. 

 In summation, let's ask again, are you Righteous? If you have trusted in Christ alone you are Righteous. You are accepted and approved of God Almighty. You have received Christ's very own Righteousness and therefore are just as Righteous as Jesus. You are the Righteousness of God in Christ. 

Image by rsand24 from Pixabay 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Our inheritance in Christ: Made Equal with God

to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ Acts 26:18 MEV

In recent weeks we've been studying the inheritance we have in Christ. Many are unaware we even have an inheritance in Christ. They regulate any victory or fulfilled promise till the saints finally make it to Heaven. As for the here and now, let's hope we have good insurance, a good job, and a good doctor because we are in essence stranded here in this fallen world without aid or support from Heaven. 

 When we examine our inheritance closer we see that we are not alone. We are more than equipped to live this life on Earth in triumphant victory. We have seen in this inheritance we have the gift of no condemnation, no separation, and complete acceptance with God. We have received the blessing of the Lord. 

 Today, it seems good to share a rather controversial aspect of our inheritance in Christ. That is our sonship with God. The truth that those who believe are the children of God. Paul revealed it was God's design that we become the children of God

 What could be controversial about the truth that we are the children of God? The religious leaders of Jesus' day knew the full implications of sonship. See their words in John 5.

 The religious leaders knew sonship implied more than just having a Father in Heaven;

Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God John 5:18 NKJV (emphasis mine)

Sonship brings with it equality. This is understandable when we think of earthly fathers and their children. When we attribute this towards our Heavenly Father it rattles so many minds of Christians everywhere.

 Wait brother John are you dare to suggest we are equal with God? Before you stone me allow me to elaborate further.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:5-7 NKJV

 Jesus when He came to earth, manifested as God in the flesh, but didn't take His equality with God, humbled Himself and came in the form of a man and served. This same mind should be in us. We have dominion and authority based on our sonship and we should serve one another in love.

 When it comes to mankind, we are all created by God, saved and unsaved. There is no one superior and no one inferior. No one based on their ethnicity or national origin is "better" than or "more equal" than anyone.

 Yet even among us humans, there are those who excel in things others do not. There are those who exceed many others' abilities in athletics, science, mathematics, creativity, and talent. Does that make the star athlete better than say minor league talent? It makes them superior in skill level but not in identity. 

 What am I saying? I am declaring in this inheritance we are made the children of God. This sonship gives us certain rights and privileges in Christ. None of this is based on our performance or doing. It's all based on the redemptive work of Christ.

 In Christ, we have been made partakers of the divine nature. God has given us His Spirit to dwell within. We are the children of God by Faith. We are not just mere sinners who have been given mercy from a Holy God. We are now the very children of God, with God Himself indwelling us in the person of the Spirit. We are not inferior, worthless beings, we are the children of God.

 Let this mind be in you. It is not robbing God of His eternal glory and truth that He alone is God Almighty, the only One worthy of all praise and adoration and worship, to take our place as sons and daughters. We are not inferior worms in the dust. Because of sonship, we can come into the presence of God freely, without shame, guilt, or any sense of inferiority or worthlessness. 

 As a son, we have the privilege and right to feast at the King's table. We have freely been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. It's not that we are bringing God down to man's level. No, God has brought us up to sit with Him in the heavenly places. 

 In summation, we are made in the image of God. We are recreated as born-again children of God, made alive in Christ. This loving Father accepts us as His own. He made us partakers of the divine nature. He made our hearts his home. He has made us new. His Spirit is within. 

 He now accepts us as His kids and we have been made joint-heirs with Christ. 

16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Romans 8:16-17 NKJV

 We are joint-heirs with Christ. This means how God sees Jesus is how He sees us. How He loves Jesus is how He loves us. How much Jesus is in right standing with the Father is how much we are. We are not inferior but in equal standing with Jesus. We have equality with God because of Jesus, celebrate it. 

Image by Ryan Morrison from Pixabay

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Our Inheritance in Christ: No Separation

to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ Acts 26:18 MEV

We began a new study looking at our inheritance in Christ. In this New Covenant, child of God you have an inheritance in Christ. Some believers really don't know what belongs to them because of Christ. 

 In the Old Covenant, God cut a covenant with man. Mankind was consistent in only one aspect of this covenant. They could never uphold their part. In the New, Jesus represented mankind and cut the covenant with the Father on our behalf. So in essence this New Covenant was made between the Father and the Son and we who believe are the beneficiaries. 

 We have seen that our inheritance includes the gift of no condemnation. Today, I want to reveal another aspect of our inheritance. There is no more separation for the child of God. 

 Sisters and brothers, there is nothing you can do to be separated from the Father. You're eternally sealed with the Holy Spirit. You been given the Spirit as an earnest down payment on your complete redemption and once for all salvation. Good news for those who have been taught we can lose or forfeit our salvation. This makes it clear it is eternally secure.

 Our society, due to the fall, is conditioned on separation. What do we do with children who misbehave? We put them in a corner for a "time out". What about when they get older? We suspend them from school for a short duration. What about when they are adults? If it's really bad we separate them by placing them in Jail or prison. Even in prison if they can't behave with the rest of the inmates they are separated further by placing them in a disciplinary segregation unit. 

 My point is not to rail against these institutions. It's not to tell parents don't put their kids in time out. In a fallen fractured creation, we need some methods to control unruly behavior to instruct and even to protect others. That said let's stay focused on the main point I want to make. That separation is conditioned in our minds. 

 When we see actions or performance that isn't up to the standard of perfect righteousness and holiness, we default to separation. Let me explain further by illustration.

When Jesus used Peter's boat and blessed him with a boat sinking harvest, here, what was Peter's reaction to the blessing?

When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” Luke 5:8 NKJV

 Peter saw the power of God, the Goodness of God which revealed to himself his own insufficiency. That is his own imperfections and shortcomings. His first response? Separation. He wanted to be separated from Jesus. He felt so unworthy. 

 When we sin or blow it, what do we do? We run from God. We run from the local church. We stay away from ministry friends and those we see as committed believers.

 Why? Because we are going back to the default. Separate. I am wrong so I must separate. Or the idea comes from the religious. Oh brother or sister you've sinned your sins have separated you from God.

 Many ministers teach that our sins stop God's hands from healing or providing or delivering or protecting us. Yet when Jesus encountered the sinner lost in their sin His response was to go towards that person. Jesus said He must needs pass through Samaria, where He ministered to one woman who was living in adultery. Jesus is what qualifies us to receive from God not ourselves. Our behavior isn't our savior, or provider or healer or protector, Jesus is!

 Child of God there is nothing you've done, are doing, or will do that will cause you to be separated from God. Paul declared that there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God. No action from the enemy or from ourselves can separate us from God. 

 Christ's perfect shed Blood perfectly purchased and procured complete and total redemption. New life and peace have been made available to whosoever will accept this free love gift. Upon reception, perfect redemption, total peace, complete acceptance approval, and right standing are theirs forever. Never to be disconnected, separated, or out of fellowship with the Father. All of this because of Jesus and His great Love.

 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:13 NKJV

 There is no more separation. There is no putting the leper out of the camp. God is not breaking away or disconnecting from you. 

 You may be thinking, brother this sounds too good to be true. What about 1 Corinthians 5 brother? It does appear on the surface I am contradicting Paul or that Paul is even contradicting himself. 

 Let's use context to understand what Paul is saying here. Paul is addressing a specific issue. Paul is speaking Apostolicaly and Pastorally concerning a brother whose behavior is hindering the work and testimony of the ministry. The reason for strong words is because the brother was unrepentant and rebellious. In other words, he knew his actions were wrong and he was apathetic to the results.  

 For a short season, Paul instructed the brethren to not go down the same path he was on. In truth, God was never separated from him, but he was separating himself from God and His ways. What were the results when people refused to go down the same path he was on? He had a sudden change of mind. What people seem to overlook in this event is that not one place did Paul suggest he had lost his salvation or was in "time out" and God wanted nothing to do with him. 

 Let's rejoice in our inheritance. In Christ, we have no separation or disconnection from the Father no matter what. God is never going to leave us or forsake us. God is always with us, even at our worst. God sees all of our faults and flaws and failures and still He embraces us as His own. God is a Good Father and will never separate us from Himself. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Sin, Grace, and our Liberty in Christ Jesus


For freedom Christ freed us. Stand fast therefore and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 MEV

 We've concluded a series answering the question, what are the laws God has written on our hearts. In the last post of that series, I touched on a controversial topic. Freedom and sin. 

 Today, I sense the impression to continue examining this subject more closely. With a topic so sensitive and controversial it is important to give it the proper attention so as not to lead anyone astray. So is it ok to sin, knowing we are forever forgiven? are we free to sin? Is it even possible to sin under this New Covenant? We will fully answer these questions in depth. 

 First, is it possible to sin under this New Covenant? Some reason that since sin can be defined as transgression of the Law, and the Law having been fulfilled in Christ, therefore there can be no sin. That is a foolish and ignorant assumption. This is the result of a lack of understanding and study of all the New Covenant Scripture. 

 Paul defines sin this way in Romans. James defines sin this way in James 4. John defines it this way in 1 John. So we see, wrongdoing, knowing to do good but refusing to, and doing something apart from Faith are all defined as sin. The Greek word for sin is hamartia. It simply means to miss the mark. What is the mark? God's perfect standard. Since He is Love it may be defined as missing that mark of perfect love, love toward ourselves or others. 

 So can we sin under the New? What does Paul say in Romans 6? How can Paul admonish us not to let sin reign in our bodies if it is impossible to sin under the New? Don't follow foolishness, we can sin under the New.

 Having then established the truth that we can in fact sin under the New, let's dig deeper and answer these hard questions, is it ok to sin, and are we free to sin? Is it ok to sin? To answer this, we must really ask what do you mean by ok? 

 Having it be ok to sin would mean that there would be zero consequences or repercussions for sinning. We only have to read a newspaper or watch television news to know that is not true. People robbing a bank go to jail. 

 Yet when you answer the question are we free to sin it seems there is a contradiction. If I answer we are free to sin, then it appears as if I am saying it is ok to sin. Nothing can be further from the truth. Why?

 Having the freedom to do something doesn't necessarily mean it is an encouragement to do so. In America, we have the freedom of speech. Does that mean the founders were encouraging me years and years ago to go curse my neighbor with my words? That's absurd, of course not. 

 So it is with the liberty and freedom we have in Christ. 

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things edify. 1 Corinthians 10:23 MEV

 Are we free to sin? Does Grace give us the freedom to sin? The hard answer is yes. Don't stop there though. Though you are free to sin, you are also free to reap the full consequences of that sin. 

 I liken this freedom to a flame. It's like a lighter, a match, or a torch in our hands. With this flame, we can provide warmth to someone by lighting a fire. We can cook someone's food to bring nourishment to them. We can use this flame to light the path so that others won't stumble. It's up to us.

 We can also use this same flame, to burn their house down, of course injuring ourselves in the process. We could take this flame and lead someone down the wrong path, getting lost ourselves. We could take this flame and start a forest fire thus hurting many others including ourselves. The freedom of choice is ours, in essence, we are dangerously free. 

 Why does Grace give us this dangerous freedom? Because God looks upon our hearts and our thinking. He desires above all else sincerity. Look at Paul's prayer here.

 God looks for sincere hearts. Not mere rule-keeping hearts. A heart motivated only to keep the rules, observe the regulations, and obey the laws, is not a heart moved by love. It is a heart moved only by the rules. If the rules change, then one's actions will surely change. A heart motivated by love is only moved by love. No matter the rules or laws, love will always be the guide, and that is the heart of Grace and Righteousness.

 So can we sin under Grace? Yes. Is it ok to sin? It is if you are ok with negative consequences, harming yourself and hurting others. Obviously then it isn't ok to sin. Are we free to sin? Yes, God looks for sincerity. 

 Why do we sin? Because we want to. We have allowed an unrighteous desire to reside in our thoughts and we look for ways to act on this desire. The enemy can't make us sin.

 Now if we do sin, is that it? Are we out? Are we done for? Are we going to experience eternal damnation? 

 I've heard preachers declare if they were sinning the moment Christ returns they'd be going to hell for all eternity. They truly make light of Grace and magnify sin's power over God's Love.

 When speaking of sin we must always be reminded of the eternal security of the Believer in Christ. Why? Because we have all sinned and missed the mark. Secondly, as soon as we sin or are reminded of our faults, flaws, and failures, the enemy is quick to move in with accusation and condemnation. Why? So you will draw back from God's Love and Grace and stay in the place of shame.

 Let the Words of Jesus be a refreshing stream to your soul.

“Truly, truly I say to you, whoever hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has eternal life and shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24 MEV

No matter your sin, no matter how often you've sinned, no matter when you sinned, you will never come into condemnation. Jesus bore all the pain, the shame, and punishment for all our sins once for all time. Jesus' Blood was enough, God isn't going to hold you accountable for the same sins Jesus paid for. We are eternally secure in Him.

 Again, this freedom isn't an encouragement to sin. Sin will cost more than you want to pay. Sin will take you further than you want to go. Sin will keep you longer than you want to stay. Thank God under Grace we aren't under the dominion of sin.

 In summation, rejoice in the freedom we have in Christ. Rest in the eternal security His Finished Work procured for all those who believe. Enjoy the power and dominion we have in Christ over sin and the works of the enemy. We are free in Him, forever free. 

Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay 

Monday, January 18, 2021

What are the Laws written on our hearts: The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Hebrews 8:10 NKJV

 We've begun a new series of study, answering the question of what are the Laws God has written on our hearts. So far we've seen that the Mosaic Law is the ministry of condemnation and death. That God has not engraved death on our hearts.

 In our last study, we saw the God has written the Law of Faith on our hearts. Paul declared in Romans 10 that Faith is of the heart, not the head or mental faculties of man. He confirms that Faith is on our hearts again here

 Today we are going to look at another Law God has written on our hearts. God declared that He would write His Laws on our hearts. Laws plural not singular. 

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus

 Paul outlines for us yet another Law of God under the New Covenant.
1. Therefore there is now no condemnation at all for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Romans 8:1-2 NASB

 Remember the Law is the ministry of condemnation and death. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ sets us free from sin and death. In Christ, we have God's Spirit and New Life. 
 The powerful truth of the Cross is when Christ said it is Finished, it was finished once for all time. We who believed now have the very life and new nature of Christ Jesus within. Jesus became something He never was so we could become something we've never been. 

 In the great exchange, Christ became separated, forsaken, and made sin. He took all the pain and punishment for all transgression of all humanity. He took all our punishment so we would never be punished again for our sins. He became separated and forsaken so we would never be separated or forsaken by the Father. He took our unworthiness, unrighteousness, unacceptance, and insecurity and exchanged them with His perfect Righteousness, acceptance, worthiness, and security. 

 We who believe now have His Spirit within our hearts. Our hearts are the temple of the Living God. We are the habitation of God through the Spirit. We are never alone, isolated, or apart from God, He resides within us forever and all eternity. 

 His Spirit within leads us and guides us to all truth. He guides us into the right choices and the right path to take. He doesn't lead us into sin and wickedness. His Grace teaches us, not any rule or regulation religion can conceive of. 

 We also have His life within. His life is eternal. So are we. We are eternal for we are hidden in Christ. We are therefore eternally secure in Christ. 

 As long as Christ lives is as long as we have complete salvation, and Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. He is the ever-living God. God will never fade away nor His power and might decrease. 

 We have the Spirit and Life of God written on our hearts. We are accepted and approved and eternally secure for all time. Under the Old, the Spirit would merely rest upon God's people temporarily to complete works of service. Under the New, His Spirit resides within forever. 

 In summation, we do not have the Old Covenant engraved on our hearts. God hasn't written death and condemnation within. No, He has put His Life and Spirit upon our hearts. His Life is now our life. His Spirit leads us into all truth and paths of Righteousness. He is a Good Father.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Monday, December 14, 2020

The Gospel Paul preached: Radical Grace

 24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 25 Now to Him who has power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret for long ages past, Romans 16:24-25 MEV

 We've been in an extended study examining the Gospel Paul preached. We've stated with all the voices in the wind speaking of the Gospel, claiming to know what it is and what it isn't, wouldn't it be great if we could find an Mp3 or CD of one of the original Apostles sermons? The good news is we don't have to wonder what Paul preached, God's Word records one of Paul's messages, and we can see clearly what the Gospel message is.

 Acts 13 details the Gospel Paul preached. We've seen that Paul proclaimed the faithfulness of God, that Jesus is alive and salvation is found in Him alone. Paul proclaimed Good News. He declared the forgiveness of all our sins in Christ. In our last study, we saw that Paul revealed only Grace redeems and makes us Righteous not the Law, or human efforts, performance, or good deeds. 

 Today, we want to conclude the series with the final word Paul gave his listeners. 

42 So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. 43 Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. 44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. Acts 13:42-44 NKJV

 Paul proclaimed the Good News. He proclaimed Newness of life can be found in Christ apart from works. Conspicuously absent are any words of condemnation. Condemnation kills. Condemnation doesn't draw the masses. It turns away the masses. Preaching the Goodness of God is what draws men toward God. Proclaiming His great Love and Grace is what changes men's minds and hearts.

 Take note of the reaction to Paul's words. The people begged to hear this message. People's hearts were hungry to hear more of God's Word. The people's hearts were glad. Their thinking was changed. They heard the Good News. They wanted to hear more of this Loving Savior. 

 As for the final word Paul proclaimed let's look again at the passage.

Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43 NKJV

 Paul told the people to continue in the Grace of God. Not that Grace was for the entryway into salvation and the rest of the Christian walk is about earning and striving and achievement. He proclaimed the Radical Grace of God and urged them to continue in Grace, not Law. To continue in Grace, not human works, efforts, or performance. 

 Paul told the people to continue in Grace. If we are to continue in Grace then that means Grace is the Gospel and the center of the Christian life. This means our attempts to merit God's Goodness and favor and acceptance is not continuing in the Grace of God. Paul is essentially proclaiming that we can't earn what is only freely given.

 People have tried to use Paul to declare that works and performance and behavior are the only means by which we obtain the promises of God. They will take his words out of context along with Peter to rearrange the Gospel message. Traditional religion proclaims a gospel of works that is no gospel at all.

 Certainly, our behavior matters, don't misunderstand me. Paul simply showed the way we grow up into good works and good behavior. We continue in the Grace of God. We know because of Grace and the gift of Righteousness we are forever accepted and approved. This removes the shame of our misdeeds and failures and sins. We can get back up when we fall. We can freely admit our flaws without shame or fear of punishment from God. We can freely make amends to those we may have hurt. Why? because shame and fear have been done away with in Christ.

 In closing allow me to address one point Paul made. Paul did declare a warning to these listeners. But this warning was not condemning nor was it spoken in anger. Paul was pleading with the people. Don't reject this Grace in favor of your works and performance. And that has been the case throughout the early days of the birth of the Church. People wanting to mix Law and Grace. To get people to keep striving and attempting to earn God's Love. 

 In summation, Paul preached the Gospel of Grace. He proclaimed the forgiveness of all our sins. That the Law can't redeem or make Righteous. Only His Grace makes us accepted and approved with the Father. Embrace Grace and continue in Grace and don't try to earn or achieve what is only freely given by Grace through Faith, purchased by His precious Blood. 

Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Gospel that Paul preached: Good News

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 25 Now to Him who has power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret for long ages past, Romans 16:24-25 MEV

 We've begun a new study examining the Gospel that Paul preached. With the various voices speaking about the Lord and what the Gospel is, it would be nice to actually hear one of the Apostles actually preach the Gospel. The good news is that the book of Acts records a sermon, a message Paul proclaimed. In this passage, we can see what Paul really preached. 

 So far, we've seen the first two things Paul proclaimed. The Faithfulness of God and Jesus Himself. He proclaimed Jesus, the most important aspect of the Gospel. Let's continue this journey and see more of what Paul preached.

The word of Salvation, Good News

“Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those of you who fear God, the word of this salvation has been sent to us. Acts 13:26 MEV

Paul goes on to proclaim this word of salvation. That is Good News. Salvation is Good News not bad news! Think about it. Paul right here is letting the people know that salvation has come. Paul is heralding glad tidings.

 Salvation gives the invitation to partake of a new life in Christ. To receive a new heart. To have all your past wiped away and to begin again. To have your present and future forever secured in Him. To be made alive in Him. Salvation is Good News.

Jesus is alive

 30 But God raised Him from the dead, 31 and for many days He appeared to those who came up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now His witnesses to the people. Acts 13:30-31 MEV

Paul then proclaims Jesus is alive! Again this is good news. We aren't speaking of a dead figure. We aren't speaking of a good man who taught to be kind to one another but is rotting in a grave somewhere just as other poets, philosophers, and purported prophets and messiahs are. 

 Jesus is alive! Jesus is the risen victorious King of kings! Jesus is the only One who wrote a will, sealed it with His own blood, and rose again to ensure that all that is written in the will is carried out exactly as He proclaimed. We serve a risen Savior, not a dead poet or philosopher or pretend prophet. 

Good News

“We preach to you good news: The promise which was made to the fathers, Acts 13:32 MEV

 Now we come full circle to the main point of this study. Paul preached the good news, not bad news. This proves beyond doubt, as Paul himself confirms it, the Gospel is Good News! 

 In the Gospel, there is no place for any bad news. There is no place for mad news or sad news. That is, the Gospel isn't a message proclaiming God loves you if, or God loves you but, that is bad news. The Gospel isn't sad news, that is, God loves you now you must live in misery and subjection to all this world and the enemy brings your way. That you are powerless to overcome in this life. The Gospel isn't mad news, that is God loves you but doesn't like you. That He is angry at you when you miss it or blow it. 

 The Gospel is Good News! The Gospel is the hope for this world. It is the light for a darkened world. It water to the thirsty soul. 

 In summation, Paul proclaimed the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ. He proclaimed Christ Jesus is alive. He proclaimed the glad tidings of salvation in Christ. He heralded good news. That is what we should be proclaiming today, good news! God's not mad at anyone. He isn't sending the earthquake but He heals the heartbreaks! Good news.

Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay