Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Undone: Can a Finished Work be undone?


When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished.” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. John 19:30 MEV

 One of the extraordinary revelations of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the truth of the once for all sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. When He hung on the tree for all mankind that meant no other sacrifice for sin will ever be needed. Jesus' substitutionary work was enough.

 The basic foundation of Christianity is that Jesus' work of redemption is a Finished Work. The total price of redemption was paid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is done. Finished.

 This should ring loud from the rooftops. From every mountaintop, this great truth should be heralded. The work is finished. The price was paid in full. 

   With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. Hebrews 9:12 NLT

 The Word confirms it. Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection proved it. The Work is finished. Redemption is a done deal!  

 In spite of this overwhelming evidence, why does it seem when hearing the sermons of many preachers, reading their books, and attending their services, that somehow this finished work can become undone? The work seems to be complete yet so many in their communication of the gospel make it seem salvation and fellowship with God are on an unstable, and unsteady foundation. That what's been done once for all time can become undone for us personally.

 I've listened to messages where the pastor has told the whole congregation that 3/4ths of them needed to come to the altar and make sure they were even saved! This wasn't a small church, this service had thousands in attendance. This is the work of religion and not Grace. 

Religion vs Redemption

Religion wants to strip the full assurance of redemption from the believer. Religion points out the flaws, foul-ups, and failures of the believer to attempt to prove they've somehow undone the Finished Work. Religion says Redemption is a flimsy work, not a finished work. Religion says Redemption is not a once for all work but a downpayment. That the remainder of the price is to be paid by the currency of the believers' performance, good deeds, faithfulness, and abstinence from sinful thoughts, words, and actions. 

 Religion says our works can undo a finished work. Jesus has a proverbial rescue line tied firmly to us. Religion says our doings, our actions, and our unfaithfulness can undo and untie that line. 

 Redemption reveals that He who began the work will complete it in you. Jesus is the author and finisher of our Faith. If He is the author and finisher how then can we undo it? 

 Redemption is a completed work. It is finished. It is done. There is no more sacrifice for sin. There is nothing we can do to complete the work. We can't add to "finished." If a building has been completed there is no brick, no cement, no nail, no wood, that you could add to the building. It's finished. It's done. 

 If we can't add to our redemption, then we can't undo it. How can we undo what we had no part in its beginning, no part in its working, and no part in its completion? It's Jesus from start to finish. 

 This is Good News! This means we can't add to or undo our salvation. We can't undo or add to our Redemption. We were redeemed from the curse. Therefore we can't undo our redemption from poverty and lack. We can't undo our redemption from sickness and disease. We can't undo our redemption from spiritual death.

 In summation, we who have believed are redeemed. It's a Finished Work. It is a completed work. It cannot be undone. Rejoice in His Faithfulness. We are redeemed eternally. It is forever settled. We are His forever, we can't undo it, it's all because of Jesus. 


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Judgment and Wrath: Is God presently sending disasters and plagues and destruction upon earth to punish mankind's sins?


For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 5:9 MEV

We live in a fallen and fractured creation. When Adam bowed the knee to the enemy's deception, committing high treason against God, he turned over creation to the knowledge of cursing and calamity. That is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or blessing and calamity. Man has chosen to operate out of this tree and the enemy is more than happy to accommodate him.

 Jesus is the tree of life. We in Christ should desire to operate from this tree, not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life brings fullness of joy, Righteousness, and peace. Feed on this tree and not on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life is resurrection power, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil only supplies fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, and condemnation. 

 When addressing this issue of judgment and wrath and the Goodness and Love of God it is essential to understand what tree you're feeding on. The tree of life offers hope and a solution, the Lord Jesus Christ. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil only reveals problems and gives one the knowledge of the good and the bad. It only sees the wickedness and evil of man and how far they have fallen. It causes one to go on "crusades" to "right wrongs and injustices."    

 The truth is the only hope for true justice is found in receiving eternal life in Christ Jesus. To partake of the tree of life, to partake of Jesus and the Love and life and hope only He can supply. Christian leaders, ministers, and believers feeding primarily on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil can only see the evil conditions upon the earth. They see the sin and wickedness of man. They see the rampant immorality and the hearts sold out to satan and fleshly pleasures. 

 As a result, they look for "good." That is the opposite of evil. That is judgment and wrath upon the perpetrators of darkness, depravity, deviance, and degradation. They rejoice at the destruction of wickedness. 

 Now understand, that evil is still evil and God doesn't delight in wickedness. He is against sin. He is against depravity and immorality. Not because He is a joyless grump who doesn't like people having "fun". Sin and wickedness aren't fun. He is against these things because He knows the heavy toll they take and the heavy burden they bring. Sin is not really fun because it corrupts, robs, it steals, and it keeps people in depressing darkness. 

 Our Father hates sin so much that He actually did something about it. He sent His Son to die as the substitutionary sacrifice for sin and the sins of all mankind. God has dealt with the sin problem once and for all. Jesus became the Lamb of God. He bore all the judgment, the penalty, the punishment, and wrath in His body on that tree. The amazingly Good News is that the Work is Finished and God has fully accepted this work once and for all time.

 With this foundation laid, let's ask the question, is God presently, sending wrathful judgment upon earth to punish the rebellious, the wicked, the depraved, the disobedient? Is God sending disasters to punish man's sins? Is God executing harsh judgment on mankind? The answer is clear in the Word;

  And their sins and their Lawless deeds I will no longer remember. Now where there is forgiveness of these things, an offering for sin is no longer required. Hebrews 10:17-18 NASB

 The clear and uncompromised answer is no, God is not sending disasters on mankind to punish them. If God sends any plague or pestilence on earth to punish sins then that means God is not pleased with the sacrifice of Christ. For God to send tsunamis, tragedy and turbulent times on man as a result of their present sins then that is a statement that Jesus' work was incomplete, insufficient and inadequate in paying the complete price for all mankind's sin and wrongdoing. 

 We know from the Word, the victorious and triumphant resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His present moving among the Body of Christ in signs wonders and manifestations that Jesus is Lord. That He has won. That He perfectly procured our salvation and paid the price in full.

 Look, in a fallen and fractured creation, sadly catastrophes, cataclysm and calamity occur. Famine, floods, and fire can ravage lands and destroy homes and businesses. Don't become despaired or depressed at this realization. Jesus has not forgotten us. He can intervene, He can help restore, and He comforts in loss. Now He didn't ordain or cause the destruction but He can turn it for our good.

 In summation, God is a Good Father. He is satisfied with Jesus' once for all sacrifice. He is not sending doom and despair on man for their sins. He is also not speaking forth from the mouth of self proclaimed prophets that He is sending disasters because of sins in a particular country. 

 God is pleased with Jesus and He is pleased with you His Church. God is also reconciled the world through Christ. In other words, He isn't mad at them. He wants them to know the price has been paid and wants them to freely receive new life, a new nature, and eternity with Him. Let's share the Good News with a lost and dying world. 

Image by from Pixabay 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Truth about giving under Grace

 Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 AMPC

 Over our last few articles, we've been looking at the practices of tithing and giving in the New Covenant. This study somewhat responds to the uproar and outrage of traditional churches and ministries because an international megachurch pastor spoke the truth concerning tithing under Grace. It seemed good to continue examining our giving in light of Grace. 

 Over the many years that the Church has thrived in America, and throughout the earth, one constant is always prevalent. That is the act of giving financial donations. Just as with any practice, man has perverted it, corrupted it, misused and abused it. This is why God allows men of God with international platforms to address controversial issues to help us get back to the center, to the basics once again, in essence, to bring Jesus back into the focus. 

 When we see Jesus again as the focus, as the center of it all, our motives and our actions become Christ-centered. We are engaging in Christian practices because we are honoring our risen Savior. We pray, we read and study the Word, and we volunteer our time and talents to help others, we are a blessing to our local church, and yes we give financial donations. All these are sincere responses to Jesus and His Grace and Goodness in our life.

 We aren't acting under compulsion, pressure, or spiritual obligation. We aren't bowing to the crippling commands of the religious taskmaster. We aren't dutiful to the demands of traditional religion. We are responding to the Love of a loving Savior who took our place, bore our shame, and received our due punishment gladly.  

 This is what God intended. This is Grace in action. This is how life in Christ flows so freely. No demands, no obligations, and zero pressure. Just simply abiding in Him. Just basking in His Goodness and Grace. 

 My times in prayer, devotion, and detailed study of the Word are not "forced" or chores I must finish before I can enjoy my day. Religion turns relationship into tasks that must be completed. Instead of I get to spend time with my Father, I get to invest in His work, and I get to help that work come to pass through my talents, religion twists it into, I better spend time with God or He won't hear or help me later. I better give or I am cursed, or won't prosper in life, I better volunteer or I will never be rewarded. 

 The truth is God so loved this world and sent His Son so He could offer life everlasting to whosoever will freely receive it. He gave His Son, so He could have more sons and daughters. His Grace and Goodness are what motivated God our Father to do this. That's the point of it all. His Love. His Grace. His Goodness. 

 This is what draws the love response from His people, His family, His kids. God's Love for you, God's Love for me, that's what strengthens and encourages us to follow this Savior, to lay our plans down and embrace His. This is what moves us to know Him more and more. This is what moves us to invest our time and talents and our finances so others can see and know this beautiful Savior!

 What is not of God, what is the works of tradition, of man, is this obligatory concept concerning our walk with God. Use all the mental gymnastics you want to convince yourself and others, but when one says we must give a certain percentage, and/or teaches our giving or our doing is the source of blessings and prosperity then it's no longer about Grace but the works and performance of man.

 Want to be blessed and protected financially? Then you better give ten percent! Well, what about the people who've tithed faithfully for years and went bankrupt? Must have been in sin, is the only response they have.

 Want to be blessed and prospered? Give and keep giving above ten percent. Give right and you'll receive the hundredfold return! I have given above the ten percent consistently for years and never even saw thirty times, or sixty times. Let alone one hundred times my giving returned to me. Their response? You didn't give in Faith!

 Wait, let's analyze that comment. Faith is of the heart. Real Faith, Bible Faith is a persuasion, a fully persuaded heart that moves one to act on what is heard from God. Those of us who heard the teaching about giving to receive were persuaded in our hearts and minds. We, therefore, gave our finances. The fact we gave means we gave in Faith. 

 The disconnect is God never promised any believer if you give money you're going to get more money. So in reality, we were giving in "faith" to man's misuse and misinterpretation, and manipulation of the Father's Words. Keeping it about Jesus, and being transparent, giving and then getting more money in return, is not about giving to increase the work of God, but giving to increase the bank account, and fatten the wallet or purses of men and women. There is no Grace in this!

 Look at Jesus alone! Look to Jesus alone! Jesus is our Savior. Jesus is the source of life, healing, hope, protection, and prosperity. Our behavior isn't our Savior, Jesus alone is! 

 In summation, look again at Jesus Christ. The Author and Finisher of our Faith. The only One who can satisfy. The Lord of all, who died for all, so that whosoever will may come and abide with Him forever. 

 Look at this Savior, The Lord of Heaven and earth. This loving Savior, who gave all so He could be with me and you. Put Him back in the center of it all. When Christ is the focus, when He is the exalted One, our performance, our doings, our works, and disciplines, fade away in comparison. Live your life loved by this Savior. Live life with Him as the center of it all, the exalted One, and see how dead works fall by the wayside, and genuine worship and responses to the Love of God flow from you without strenuous effort. 

Image courtesy of anankkml at

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Merchandising, manipulation, or ministry?


Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith. Galatians 6:10 NLT

 The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Good News of new life and total salvation for anyone who will simply believe. The Gospel is the Grace revealed in all Christ did for us. This love message must be proclaimed so people can hear it. In order to proclaim this Grace message through all means available, it takes time, talent, and funding. 

 In my last post, we discussed the great misunderstanding about giving. We looked at this issue of tithing for the New Covenant Christian. We want to continue this study examining our giving, and going deeper into this issue of tithing.

 When addressing this topic, some will be quick to accuse others that they don't want to tithe because they don't want to give. Those who say tithing isn't a New Covenant practice are just stingy Christians who are rebellious. Is this a fair assessment? 

 In truth, no matter what is taught about tithing, people who don't want to give will not give. In fact, for all this tithe talk, only 5% of Christians in America actually claim to tithe in the first place. So the issue is not that some teach tithing isn't for today but rather teaching the "why" we give in the first place. 

 We give because we want this Gospel proclaimed. We give because we love the family of God. We give because we want the kingdom to advance. We give because we want to be a blessing to those who minister the Word to us. 

 However, this tithing burden being put on believers actually hinders gifts being given. What I mean is, if the "tenth" is the only offering God accepts or demands as some proclaim, then people who can't afford this amount just won't give. When we proclaim the New Covenant truth that Grace is the giving standard then saints will give that 1%, 2 %, that 7% with joy and be a blessing, and this Gospel will be funded!

Merchandising and manipulation

 If we stay with the New Covenant we will see gifts given and the Gospel proclaimed and the Kingdom advancing. However, when we stick with the works of men, tradition, and demands put on people all we see are negative fruits. We open the door to all these manipulative gimmick offerings. 

 Many proclaim that if we give ten percent we will be financially blessed. This sounds appealing but this sentiment is manipulative and merchandising the Gospel. It also places fear, pressure, and condemnation on believers. 

 Fear concerning finances comes because the believer begins to look at their own situation and sees where it could be better. They begin to worry if their lack of giving 10% is causing their finances to not be blessed. They fear if they don't give how much worse could it get? 

 Pressure comes because believers now must do all they can to ensure they can give ten percent. Giving is not from a heart of love but from an obligation that must be met. They are giving not to bless but to meet a requirement, no matter how palatable you make the appeal to tithe sound.

 Condemnation abounds with tithe teachings. What about these believers who suffer loss, or go through major attacks by the enemy? How can they be expected to give a full ten percent when they have medical bills amassing? What about the sudden widow who was a stay-at-home mom? All they've heard is how they can't afford not to tithe.

 The concept that God blesses those who tithe means God has exclusive blessing reserved for only a segment of His children. What about the single mom who had a terrible past who just got saved? Does God look upon her in disgust because she hasn't given Him ten percent?

 I recently witnessed a minister who in response to the teaching that we aren't under the tithe command today, attempt to prove how we are cursed if we don't tithe. He tried to make it seem as if he was preaching good news by saying this. He also rebuked ministers who say the tithe isn't for today. 

 What I also noted was this same minister had no issue with the financial manipulation of his followers. He had no issue with the gimmick offerings claiming "God said there are ten people who are supposed to give $10,000 tonight."  Sadly, some only teach tithing so that their own bank accounts will be overflowing. 

 Many want to point to Abraham as the reason tithing is still for today. Look again at Abraham's tithe again. Abraham didn't tithe in order to be blessed financially or materially. He was already blessed before he gave anything away. His giving didn't create his wealth. Abraham didn't tithe from his income or his possessions, he only tithed the spoil of war, and only did it once.

 Why do so many claim tithing makes them blessed? They cite the Old Covenant passage Malachi 10. Malachi is speaking of food for the Levitical priests, not money. Also, some who give become more frugal with their money and their budget, still others have high-paying jobs due to their experience and/or education. 

 Yet for most, the experience isn't that positive. I know of countless others who have tithed faithfully for years and they've suffered bankruptcy, loss of business, and some have even been laid off from work. Contrary to how it's marketed, tithing is not a rabbit's foot, Linus' blanket, or lucky charm that ensures you're never going to have a problem.

 As New Covenant believers reject these gimmick-giving pressure tactics. Don't succumb to pressure-induced giving ploys. Don't look to your own works, your own doings, including your own giving, as a source of blessing. Look only to Jesus. Jesus became a curse on the Cross to redeem us from the curse. He exchanged our poverty and lack with His abundance and provision. 

 In summation, give in response to His Love. Give to further the kingdom. Giving is an expression of love. Give to support the proclamation of the Gospel of Grace. Trust in His Love to provide for you and give as He supplies and how He leads you.

Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 AMPC

Image courtesy of phasinphoto at

Monday, July 4, 2022

The Great Misunderstanding

10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting a yoke on the necks of the disciples, such as neither our forefathers nor we [ourselves] were able to endure? 11 But we believe that we are saved through the grace (the undeserved favor and mercy) of the Lord Jesus, just as they [are]. Acts 15:10-11 AMPC  

 The Gospel has been revealed more and more to this generation than ever before. It has become more apparent and more evident that this Gospel is truly about the Lord Jesus Christ. A true move of God has filled all the earth.

 Believers from all quarters of the Body of Christ are receiving this move of God. Believers from traditional, mainline denominational backgrounds to believers from Pentecostal, and Charismatic Word of Faith camps are all embracing this powerful move of God. This move is the restoration of the truth of what the Gospel is. The Gospel is the Grace of God proclaimed and manifested in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

 Grace has turned the world upside down again. People are seeing it's about Jesus, not our pledges, promises, or performance. It's not about our promises to do better, to behave better, to do more for Him. It's not about our pledges of loyalties, or how well we perform in our daily lives. It's about Grace. It's about what Jesus has done, fully accomplished, and how the Father has received and accepted this Finished Work once for all time.

 Grace has overturned the proverbial tables of tradition and man-made works and idols of man. Believers are seeing things that have been taught for generations through the lens of Grace. Ministers and believers alike are seeing things from a new perspective, a Grace perspective. In this process, let's not throw away truth but examine truth with Grace, and let's not get into strife with other believers who may not see it the way we do.

 I am not speaking of end-time teachings, for there is no set end-time teaching that is hand stamped as the Grace view. Even among the differing views of end times, I see Grace being shared with those who disagree and all coming to common ground. Jesus is coming again we can all rejoice with that. 

 I am speaking of the truths of the Gospel that many are now seeing being opened up. The eternal security of the believer, the truth that it is Jesus who started the work and Jesus alone who will complete it. The other is concerning this issue of our giving. The subject of the tithe.

 A Word of Faith minister with a major platform has come forth with the Gospel light of Grace concerning our giving. This minister from the Atlanta, GA area, whom this site links to, has made headlines concerning the teaching of tithing. I believe along with this minister that tithing and giving have been a source of great misunderstanding in the Body of Christ.

 This Grace resource site has written extensively on the subject of tithing wherein all the Scriptures concerning tithing and the objections for and against it are expounded on in depth. You can see them and study them for yourself, New Covenant tithing, redeemed, under Grace, tithing for today, giving or tithing, Tithe to be blessed, all these will help you go deeper in the Word concerning our giving.

 I affirm and agree with this Pastor that tithing is not a command for the New Covenant believer in Christ. I agree with what Paul declared in 2 Corinthians 9. 

 each one, according as he doth purpose in heart, not out of sorrow or out of necessity, for a cheerful giver doth God love, 2 Corinthians 9:7 YLT

 The word necessity is crucial in discussing this topic. Look at the Greek definition here;

ἀνάγκη (anankē)

Strong: G318

GK: G340

necessity, Mt. 18:7; constraint, compulsion, 2 Cor. 9:7; obligation of duty, moral or spiritual necessity, 

See that the definition of the word is constraint or compulsion. That's addressing the manipulative gimmick tactics employed sadly by some ministries in order to get one to give. For purpose of this study, we want to focus on the latter definition. 

 Obligation and spiritual necessity are the antithesis of Grace. A gift is not obligatory. Those are two counter concepts. Some warn against preaching against the tithe, why? 

 If tithing is under Grace, that is ten percent of all you earn, then that means you are under obligation to bring this amount of financial resource to a ministry. If tithing is under Grace then that means something is required of you. That means your giving is of necessity. 

 You can't do enough mental gymnastics to make 2 Corinthians 9 equate tithing as grace giving. Secondly, before we continue let's make a really vital point. Those who preach Grace and claim tithing is still required, don't fully define what it means to tithe. 

 To tithe means you bring ten percent of your increase. That means you are required to tithe on gross, not net income. Some would argue no that's tithing under Law. Abraham tithed before Law. True, but he only did that one time. He didn't tithe from his income either, he tithed from the spoils of war. He didn't keep anything for himself. How is this a model for us to give then? He didn't give anything from his own income. Read it again in Genesis 14

 Some would say what about Jacob? That's great you mentioned him. His giving meets Paul's words. Jacob on his own, without compulsion or necessity, chose to offer God a tenth of what He gave him. 

 Back to the word necessity. If as it's taught that tithing causes a financial blessing, then in order to be blessed it would therefore be necessary to give ten percent. Hence, that would be the definition of spiritual necessity. So in essence the Cross forgives, makes new, and heals our bodies, but our ten percent, not Christ Finished Work, is the source of our blessing materially.

 What about the widows, and single mothers in the inner cities in America? What about the destitute and downtrodden in third-world nations? They literally do not have enough income to give away ten percent. What? Is God beholding them with arms folded in stern disappointment speaking over them, stop being poor, give me ten percent and I'll help you? 

 How is this the Gospel of Grace?! Fear of bucking tradition, fear of disagreeing with a leader, and ignorance of what the Bible actually says is why people fight this revelation. 

  I love and highly honor the Grace pastors who have brought forth Gospel truths that have changed my life. I love them and again honor them, however, they're not my Savior, Jesus is. It's ok to disagree with the particular light they have on a topic. 

 Is tithing the source of blessing? I say no it is not. Jesus and the Finished Work is our source. Abraham gave a tenth not to get blessed, he was already blessed. We don't give to get blessed. We give because we are already blessed. We give in response to how we've been blessed already.

 There is no condemnation or judgment for not giving ten percent. God only asks we give in response to His Love and Goodness poured out upon us. Give cheerfully, not out of some spiritual necessity. Give not in fear, or concern that you won't be blessed if you don't. 

Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 

 In summation, let's be clear and faithful to actual Scripture. Tithing isn't a command for believers, isn't an expected practice today, isn't an expression of Grace giving. Tithing is an Old Covenant requirement. Christ is our source of blessing, not our donations. God's not mad at you! Give knowing that.   

Image courtesy of jannoon028 at

Monday, June 20, 2022

Grace vs Law: the Woman caught in adultery

 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 MEV

 We've been in a series contrasting Grace and Law. We've been seeing how the Gospels have hidden gems found in the parables, miracles, and even the temptation of Christ, confirming how the Law is finished and fulfilled and Grace has come. The Gospels confirm Jesus is the person of Grace.

 Jesus is the King of Kings! He is the Lord of all! Jesus is the Savior, He paid the price for all mankind. What a Savior! He's strong to deliver! He is worthy of every crown for the way He saved us and for the way He Loves us so unconditionally! This Grace is what's worthy of all praise and adoration and accolades. Grace leaves no place for our works, our achievements, our performance, our doing, our disciplines taking center stage, or seeking recognition. 

 We exalt Jesus and His Grace. We look at what He's done and stand amazed and in awe of what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ. When Grace becomes more real than anything we can do we will lift Jesus higher and begin to truly see just how great He is. 

 When we look at the woman caught in adultery we see Grace overshadowing Law. John's Gospel records this powerful event. The woman was caught committing sin, sexual sin. She couldn't deny it. She was guilty as accused. Shame and indecency and ruined reputation were glaring bright in her mind and emotions. 

 She was brought out into public for all to see. She, by Law, was facing possible death by stoning. These accusers had stones in their hands. The stones were representative of the Law, which is the ministry of death and condemnation. The Law was poised to execute severe judgment. But Jesus, who is God in the flesh, the very one who wrote the Law, came to fulfill and reveal a new and living way.

 The Ministry of Righteousness exceeds the ministry of death and condemnation. Where the Law had some ready to stone her, Jesus revealed the true weight of the Law and its true purpose and intent. We see Jesus writing on the ground. Much debate is made as to what He wrote.

 I believe it's simple what Jesus was writing. Jesus is God manifest among us. His writing represents the writing of the commandments on stone by the finger of God Himself. In essence, He's telling the religious, don't quote Law to me, I AM He that wrote it. 

 Jesus then makes the masterful statement He who is without sin cast the first stone. He gave these accusers the full weight of the Law. They saw their own weakness and flaws and their need for mercy and not judgment. One by one they left dropping those stones. 

 Jesus then comes to her and asks where are her accusers? Is there anyone left to condemn you? She responded no one, Lord. Jesus then gives her the full weight of His Grace; 

When Jesus had stood up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are your accusers? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”  John 8:10-11 MEV

Jesus and His Grace give the gift of no condemnation. This is the ministry that exceeds in glory. This is the ministry of Righteousness. The ministry where Jesus is the central figure of our trust, our hope, and all our worship and adoration. 

 The ministry of death and condemnation is the ministry of Law. What's of interest to note is the fact that Paul tells us this ministry of law, though it is condemning and brings death, still has glory. This is something we must understand.

 Churches and ministries that preach mixture may have powerful meetings. They may have wonderful charitable outreaches. They may win the lost and even spread the message of salvation through Christ around the globe. Yet they are ministering death and condemnation and don't even grasp that they are.

 I have seen some spectacular miracles and signs and wonders that would leave you in awe and amazement at our loving Savior's power and might. I have seen God heal bodies that were beyond help medically. I have seen recreative miracles where people have gotten out of wheelchairs and are now walking. These were in ministries that preached mixture strongly.

 Why is this? God is not giving His approval of mixture. It's just that there was a glory to the ministry of condemnation. Knowing what Jesus has done for us in the Finished Work, how much more glory should we be expecting and seeing under the ministry of Righteousness?

 The ministry of Righteousness exceeds in glory. God meets people right where they are. He shows up in the very midst of their sin and problems bringing Grace and restoration. Religious ones who cling to Law only know to grab stones when addressing anyone's failures.

 Going through a divorce? Tradition only knows to grab stones and forbid you to ever marry again. They are stoning you figuratively, killing your chance of ever finding a peaceful Godly marriage.

 Struggling with addiction? The stone throwers will "kill" any chance of finding forgiveness and acceptance as the stigma of addiction will always be present with them. God can't keep forgiving you and other such lies being spoken over you.

 A minister that has failed? The stones come strong and swift. You'll never be allowed to minister again. God could never use you again. 

 The Law becomes stones in the hands of the religious poised to accuse and condemn at a moment's notice. Grace has hands that stoop down to pick up the downtrodden, not stone them. Grace brings with it the gift of no condemnation which empowers us to go and sin no more.

 When Jesus arose victoriously, the stone was rolled away. The stone made way for the new and living way. The Law being fulfilled gave way to the true glorious ministry of life and Righteousness. 

 For one to find lasting peace, wholeness and fulfillment look only to the Cross of Christ. Behold His glorious Resurrection. Set your affections and heart desires only upon Him and see how He is your all and all. There is nothing He won't do for you. There is nothing His Grace can't overcome and bring forth victory. There is nothing you've done or could do that would stop God from working on your behalf. If He died for you while you were His enemy how much more will He do for you now that you're His child? 

 In summation, Grace is greater. Grace outshines Law. Throw away the stones and be a channel of healing and forgiveness and restoration. Our hope is built upon His Righteousness not our own.

Image by Angi Yowell from Pixabay 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Grace vs Law: Lazarus raised from the dead.

 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 MEV

 We've been in a series contrasting Grace versus Law. We've seen how the Gospels have hidden gems revealing just how Jesus came to fulfill the Law, bring an end to the Old, and usher in the New Covenant and Grace. Jesus' life represents God's heart to mankind.

 In John's Gospel, we see the power of God on display for all to see. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. John 11 details this wonderful miracle of God's Love and GoodnessLooking closer we can see once again how Jesus reveals His work of Grace and completion of the Old Covenant and the Law. 

 To begin with many have questioned and come up with traditional answers to explain why Jesus waited four days before He came to Bethany. God wasn't delaying His coming to create some new theology where God delays intervening in His children's lives to teach them patience, or to create catchy phrases like "delayed, not denied", so preachers can elicit an emotional response from their audience. He didn't wait four days to prove some type of sovereignty principle, that He alone is God and can do whatever He wants.

 When we understand that Jesus knew the end from the beginning, that He spoke out His confession of Faith the moment He heard the news of Lazarus' sickness, we can gain better insight as to why He waited. Jesus spoke the end from the beginning. His confession was the sickness wasn't unto death but for the glory of God.

 Now don't get goofy, Jesus wasn't implying that sickness and disease bring God glory. Don't adopt some man-made theology, some ridiculous concept, that leads one to speak out thankfulness that they or a loved one is sick or diagnosed with a disease. Jesus was speaking the end from the beginning, He was speaking Faith. He was speaking forth the end result of the situation. Jesus knew He'd raise Lazarus from the dead.

 With that understanding, we can see that Jesus took an opportunity to not only bring about a miracle to demonstrate God's Goodness, and Love but also to give mankind an illustration of His full redemptive work. He remained for four days as the first picture of redemption. Mankind at this time had been spiritually dead for four thousand years from the time of Adam to this point.

 Peter reveals a thousand years is as a day with the Lord. Mankind had been dead for 4,000 years, but what about what Paul said in Romans 5:13? Paul was speaking of how God dealt with man through these years, but mankind was spiritually dead for 4,000 years but didn't know it. The Law came to reveal to man his sinfulness and separation, and need for a Savior. Jesus waiting four days was a type of His appearing after 4,000 years.

 When Jesus came to Bethany, He declared to Lazarus' sisters that He was the Resurrection and the Life. He went to the tomb and instructed them to roll away the stone. Then He called Lazarus forth from the dead. A miracle of the dead being raised was seen by all.

 Too often we stop there. We aren't seeing what God is revealing. Jesus came after 4,000 years of spiritual death to roll away the stone of the Law. The Law kept man entombed in spiritual death. 

 22 But the Scripture has confined all things under sin, that the promise through faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 23 But before faith came, we were imprisoned under the law, kept for the faith which was later to be revealed. 24 So the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. Galatians 3:22-25 MEV

 The stone being rolled away from Lazarus' tomb was a picture of Jesus removing the Law and bringing forth a new and living way to approach God. Jesus called him out of death unto life. He commanded those old grave clothes to be removed. We who believed must remove the old grave clothes of dead religious works, trying to earn God's Love, trying to gain favor through performance, and seeking to warrant the blessings of God by spiritual disciplines or actions. Jesus wants us to rest in His Righteousness not our works.

 The stone is a perfect representation of the Law. Look at the words Paul used to describe the Ten Commandments and the entire Old Covenant, and all the 613 commands of the Law in general.

who has made us able ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. If the ministry that brought death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, the glory which was to fade away,  how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation is glorious, the ministry of righteousness much more exceeds it in glory. 2 Corinthians 3:6-9 MEV  

 The Law is the ministry of death and condemnation. This ministry entombs people into spiritual death. It can't supply Righteousness. It can't supply forgiveness of sin. It can't provide the power to overcome sin and live in abundance. The ministry of Grace and Righteousness on the other hand supplies us with all we need to reign victoriously in life. 

 The ministry of Law is a ministry of death and condemnation. Yet in so many churches and ministries throughout the world pastors and leaders cite the principles and statutes of the Law as the way to come before God. As the means by which we receive answered prayers, healing, provision, protection, and wholeness.

 They look at Deuteronomy as a guide for New Covenant Christians to receive abundance and blessings. If you diligently hearken to God. If you obey all His statutes you'll be blessed, if not you're cursed. Want healing in your body? They point you to Exodus, heed the voice of God, do what is right in His sight, and keep all His statutes, then you will be healed.

 You can readily see under Law, that receiving from God is all contingent upon your doing, your hearkening, your diligence, your observance, and your obedience. Where is Jesus in all this? Where is the Finished Work of Jesus? Where is His sacrifice? It's not the focus.

 Jesus rolled away the stone of Law. He called us out of the tomb of death and condemnation. Let us not go back to the tomb and roll the stone of Law back and imprison ourselves to our works and performance. 

 In summation, Jesus came to fulfill the Law and complete the Old. The New has come. Jesus' perfect Finished Work has provided a new and living way. Let's embrace the New and no longer cling to the Old. Jesus provided a better way. Let's exalt and honor His Finished Work and New Covenant. Our freedom, our wholeness, and our everlasting joy are found only in the new and living way of Grace and Righteousness. It is glorious! 

Image by Jondolar Schnurr from Pixabay 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Theology of sickness and disease: What does God call evil?

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

Dear Friend, I pray that in every way you may prosper and be in good health,  just as your soul is prospering. 3 John 2 Mounce 

 God is an unchanging God. He is Love. He is Faithful and True! His love for us is unmatched in this universe. God is for us and never against us. 

 Many would quickly and passionately agree. However, when it comes to health, the sad reality of a fallen world, and sickness and disease, many have adopted a different theology. Through tradition, many have embraced a theology of sickness and disease. 

 This theology, this belief system, allows for God to willingly afflict people with sickness and disease. Or this theology says God, for some mysterious purpose, allows sickness and disease to ravish the bodies of His people. This theology of sickness and disease is prevalent throughout the Body of Christ. 

 When we see sickness and disease so common in the bodies of saints and sinners alike it is a challenge not to adopt and accept the theology of sickness and disease. The alternative seems only to stick our heads in the proverbial sand and ignore what is clearly in front of us. However, there is another answer. That is the theology of Jesus.

 Jesus is perfect theology. He perfectly demonstrated the eternal Love of the Father. He perfectly revealed the Goodness of God. He perfectly showed us the power of God. He perfectly made known the will of God concerning sickness and disease. He freely healed whosoever came to Him. Jesus is perfect theology, He perfectly showed us the Father.

 We have to embrace the Father's heart on a matter, not what we see through our natural eyes. We see sin abound in these days we live. Yet God says Grace much more abounds. Though sickness and disease seem prevalent, so also is His healing power!

 What is the Father's heart concerning healing? Through Jesus' actions, and the revealed will of God through Scripture, we can rightly conclude sickness and disease are considered evil by our Good Father. Look at this powerful event recorded in the Old Covenant, 1 Kings 17

 What a powerful demonstration of God's Love and Goodness. In the time of famine, God sustained Elijah and the widow and her son. God provided for His own. When the child became sick and died, God raised up the child.

 and crieth unto Jehovah, and saith, `Jehovah my God, also on the widow with whom I am sojourning hast Thou done evil -- to put her son to death?' 1 Kings 17:20 YLT

 Due to limited understanding and information available under the Old Elijah assumed God brought the sickness. Of course, God healing and raising up the boy from the dead proved that He didn't cause it or "allow" it. The focal point one could miss is the words Elijah used. He called sickness and death evil.

 Even under the Old Covenant, In a Covenant that is not as good as the New, God's prophet knew sickness and death are evil. Elijah, a prophet who only had the Spirit come upon him, not even dwell within him, a man who was not even born again, had enough spiritual discernment to know sickness and death are a curse and not a blessing.

 Today, instead of the man of God commanding death to leave and trusting God for a miracle, religious leaders would just counsel the widow on how it was God's will for her son to die. That God needed a little flower and heaven so God "plucked" her son from the earth. That God had some mysterious purpose, and God is in control, that she should just trust God knows what's best. 

 The fact that God raised the widow's son up from sickness and death, confirms Elijah's words. Sickness and death are evil. The Body of Christ should stand strong against sickness and disease. We should never accept it or welcome it in anyone's life.

 God calls sickness oppression from the enemy. God calls death an enemy, the last enemy to be destroyed is death. Jesus went about doing Good and healing all who were oppressed by the enemy. The theology of Jesus says healing is God's highest and best, and sickness and disease are evil, are a curse, are what Jesus bore on that Cross purchasing our Redemption.

 In summation, let's embrace the theology of Jesus. Let's reject the theology of religious men. Let's reject the theology of sickness and disease. God is always Good, and sickness and death are always evil. Let's look to and embrace the Love of the Father, let's trust Him and receive of all His perfect Redemption. God wants us well, healed, and whole!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Why you can have bold Faith even when you fail.

Praise the Lord, all you nations! Exalt Him, all you peoples! For His merciful kindness is great toward us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord! Psalm 117 MEV    

 Have you ever had a need but were hesitant to pray for it to be met? Have you had a crisis situation arise suddenly but lacked the confidence to call out to God in the midst of it? Has someone ever asked you to pray with them or for them but felt your prayers would be hindered and ineffective?

 In these times, times that I dare say all believers have experienced, what was the cause of the lack of confidence? What was the root of the feelings of inadequacy? Why the hesitancy to pray? Why the sense that our prayers would be hindered and ineffective?

 The reason for all the uncertainty is the thinking that we weren't qualified at that moment to receive from God. We believed that God would not hear us or that our Faith would falter. Why?

 The reason is there is a teaching in many many Christian circles that has caused us to disqualify ourselves from receiving from God. This teaching is pervasive throughout the many quarters of the Body of Christ. The teaching that our sins and shortcomings and failures will cause God to break fellowship with us and not hear or answer our prayers.

 This teaching is rooted in two passages of Scripture.

Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withheld good things from you. Jeremiah 5:25 MEV 

 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me; Psalm 66:18 MEV

 Take note these passages were written during the Old Covenant. A Covenant that was rooted in man's ability to keep the commandments and observe the Mosaic Law. These passages are in direct contrast with the entire premise of the New Covenant.

 The New Covenant is rooted in Christ's performance not our own. The New Covenant is founded upon the Finished Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The New Covenant is based upon the Father fully accepting the substitutionary work of His only Son. God affirmed that to all those who believed He would be God to them and they would be a people to Him. Because of Jesus we are accepted and approved by God our Father.

 He made the New Covenant superior to the Old when He also decreed as a result of the Work of His Son He would not remember our sins any longer. This aspect of the New Covenant is seemingly dismissed or neglected by so many believers. How can I say this? Because the teaching that God will not hear or answer prayer because of our sins is so pervasive throughout the Church.

 This Old Covenant teaching about sin and the corresponding unanswered prayer is why so many struggle in Faith. They look so often at their own works, their own performance, and their own behavior. They see failure, shortcomings, and sinful deeds and conclude surely God would not respond to any request to answer prayer, to bless, to heal, to deliver, or to provide. 

 This is natural reasoning based on Old Covenant thinking. Many Bible teachers use these passages to disqualify God's people from receiving from Him. It's not that they are malicious or trying to harm people. They are just repeating what they were taught. These beliefs are strongholds that can only be pulled down by a fresh understanding of the New Covenant and the Finished Work of Christ.

 David's words recorded reveal something that leads us to the correct understanding concerning this New Covenant. He stated if he regards iniquity in his heart God won't hear him. David reveals that his sin consciousness caused him to shrink back believing that God wouldn't hear him. God didn't tell David this, he just believed this. Many today, are doing the same, disqualifying themselves. 

 The answer to disqualification is to remember who we are now in Christ. Jesus gave us His Righteousness. He made us Righteous in this new creation. What does it mean to be Righteous?

 Righteousness is God's gift of no condemnation. Righteousness is that gift whereby we can stand before God without any sense of condemnation, guilt, shame, insecurity, or inferiority. Righteousness is that gift where we who believed are in perpetual right standing with God. Righteousness is that gift that grants us perfect acceptance and approval from our Heavenly Father. Righteousness is that blessing David spoke of, the person who God no longer imputes sin or uncleanness. This is the Gift of Righteousness.

 Here is the good news, we can have bold Faith even when we fail. Why? Because Jesus has made us Righteous. Because God is no longer imputing sin to us. 

 Faith is having a good opinion of God. That God loves us so much He gave us His Son. If He gave us His best, there is nothing He will withhold from us. Faith is being fully persuaded that what God said He will do, He will do. Faith is unwavering confident trust in His Word. 

  Even David describes the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness without works: “Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.” Romans 4:6-8 MEV

 Why can we have bold Faith even when we fail? We have bold Faith because He remembers our sins and iniquities no more. Because we have been forgiven of all our sins, past present, and future. Because He is not imputing sin to us. We have a good opinion of God because of Jesus!

 In summation, no longer accept anything disqualifying you. No longer accept the concept that your sin is a barrier to your Faith. No longer shrink back seeing yourself as not good enough or worthy to receive. Come boldly before the throne of Grace and freely petition the Father because Jesus made a new and living way for us to come to the Father.

 This New Covenant is rooted in Jesus' work and the Father has accepted that work. You can have confident Faith that God hears and answers your prayers because you're declared Righteous. You can stand before God without any sense of guilt or inferiority or condemnation. You can ask boldly and be fully persuaded you will receive, all because of the Finished Work of Christ, and the Gift of Righteousness.   

 pastor Joseph Prince has a whole message he taught on this, highly encourage you to listen. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at