Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Healing Grace: Our Faithful Father

For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple. You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazing. Ephesians 2:8-9 Voice

 We've begun a study detailing the healing Grace of our good Father. We've seen He is good and He is not the author of evil. We saw how even in the hard times and challenges that He is there with us. I sense the impression to continue to bring forth the truth concerning our Father.

 Oftentimes those who know not God are perplexed at how those who know the Lord,  can have bold confidence and hope, especially in the tough times. How can we have bold confidence in God? When all seems lost, and the diagnosis gets worse, the Bank is threatening foreclosure, and loved ones seem to be lost in rebellion, how can we have hope, and confidence and trust? Perhaps you're a believer and you're asking this same question. The answer is found in the Word.

The Faithfulness of God

 When we search the Scriptures and see our Father's heart and unconditional love, this is where our trust is found complete. Our faith is not a "blind" faith. We have something tangible we can cling to and place our complete trust in. Our trust is in His goodness. His character is witnessed by His actions. 

 Think of this. If you had dealings with an individual that would oftentimes say one thing yet do another, would you say you could trust that one? Certainly not. When we look at our good Father we see a loving, good Father who is always faithful to His word. This is why studying the Word is so paramount. It is not about achieving or earning some "points" for the afterlife or for God to do something for us. It is about getting to know our Father on an intimate level.

 Under Grace, we don't "strive to arrive" or "fake it till we make it". We abide in a relationship with our Father. Part of any good relationship is getting to know one another. Reading and studying the Scriptures has opened my eyes and heart to just how wonderful and kind and loving our Father is. It is quite rewarding, profitable and fulfilling knowing and understanding the goodness of our Father.

 In the Scriptures, we see how Hannah, who was barren cried out to the Lord. She couldn't have children. What seemed a lost cause turned around for her good when she put her trust in God, (see here). What seemed like an impossibility turned to a miracle for her. Sarah who was also barren knew the secret to her deliverance. What was her strength to believe God?
11 By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. Hebrews 11:11 NKJV

Sarah was able to believe because she saw how good our Father is. This is the source of our confidence and hope and trust. Whenever we are going through difficult and challenging times we can hope until the end because God is so faithful. His goodness stirs up hope within us and we can rest in His goodness.
23 Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word]; Hebrews 10:23 AMP

God is a good Father, He is a faithful God. What He said will come to pass without fail.  His overwhelming love and great mercy have never forsaken or abandoned us. He has never given up on us, no matter how far we have fallen. His love pursues us even when we falter, fail or flee. He has always been for us and never against us.

 How enduring is God’s loyal love; the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion. Here they are, every morning, new! Your faithfulness, God, is as broad as the day. Have courage, for the Eternal is all that I will need. My soul boasts, “Hope in God; just wait.” Lamentations 3:21-24 Voice

 God is so faithful. He will never leave or forsake us. Whenever we are going through hard times or facing a crisis look to the Savior and not the situation. In Him, you will find peace and hope. In Him, we find the solution for our problems and answers to our questions. 

 You may be saying, but I haven't seen God's goodness in my life. I realize in this fallen and fractured creation there exists terrible injustices and tragic circumstances. There are times when we are the hands or instruments God will use to bring the relief and comfort and hope to others.

 When we were lost, certainly we saw situations that seemed hopeless. We saw how hard life is on our own. In Christ, we know we have hope. When facing difficulty look back at your life and recall how God saw you through. This will produce joy and spring forth bold confidence in our Father. 

 God is a Faithful God. No matter what it seems like there is no time where God wasn't by you. He will never let us fail. He is a good Father. I have seen God's hand many times in my own life. In His goodness, I can boast not in anything I have done. Our trust should not be in our own plans or efforts or our own influence. Trust in Christ alone, He is good and faithful and He will never let us down.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Healing Grace: Hard Times

For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple. You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazing. Ephesians 2:8-9 Voice

 We've been studying about the gracious healing power of God. We've seen in our past studies that God is a good God. We've seen that God isn't ordaining our despair or destruction. As I write today I sensed impressed to focus on God's goodness when we are experiencing hard times and difficult situations and even tragic circumstances.

 Often when one mentions the goodness of God and His healing mercies inevitably questions arise. Fellow believers and even unbelievers beg the question if God is so good why am I experiencing such difficult and trying circumstances? Because so many have seen catastrophes played out on a global scale and some have even experienced cataclysmic events in their life, often there is serious objections and apprehension in proclaiming God's all the time goodness and healing Grace.

God Hasn't Forgotten or Abandoned You

 God is good and He hasn't forgotten you. First, when dealing with adversity we must understand we can find hope and comfort and encouragement in the Word of God. In His Word, we can see God's attitude and answer to our situation.
33 I have told you these things so that you will be whole and at peace. In this world, you will be plagued with times of trouble, but you need not fear; I have triumphed over this corrupt world order. John 16:33 Voice

 In Christ, we have peace and wholeness. Note He distinguishes Himself from the perils and calamities in the World. This proves once again, God isn't the author of these events. His Word comforts because it reveals He isn't the author of our circumstance.
God is our shelter and our strength When troubles seem near, God is nearer, and He’s ready to help. So why run and hide?No fear, no pacing, no biting fingernails. When the earth spins out of control, we are sure and fearless. When mountains crumble and the waters run wild, we are sure and fearless. Even in heavy winds and huge waves, or as mountains shake, we are sure and fearless. Psalm 46:1-3 Voice

 His Word comforts and exhorts because it reveals just how big our God is and by trusting in Him we have nothing to fear. The Word comforts because it reveals that God is our help. He can turn our situations around. He can turn a trial into a triumph! That may sound cliche but it is true nonetheless. 

 When dealing with adversity, the second thing we must understand is that we can always run to God. Often, when difficulty arises so many run away from God. This is due, more times than not, to the wrong image religious tradition has created about our Father God. God is a strong tower. He is our refuge, (here). He is who we can always find help in times of difficulty. 

 Yes, but what if I caused my own difficulty, you may ask. What if this sickness or disease was brought about through neglect, or poor choices or blatant sin? What if this financial strain is of my own doing? Obviously, we all foul up, or miss it, or blow it. Making poor decisions can have adverse and negative consequences in the natural. Does this mean God is so displeased with me that He won't hear or answer my cry for help or healing or deliverance? 
 Religious tradition would argue, you made your own bed so lie in it. Though poor choices can bring about negative circumstances, they don't negate God's love and tender mercies. 
If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13 AMP
 Even when we are faithless He remains faithful. When adversity strikes, run to God. Even if you are the cause, God can change things around and turn it to your good and bring glory to His name. 

 Finally, when dealing with adversity rest in who God is. Rest in His faithfulness and goodness. In these tough times, God is our peace. He brings a peace that surpasses natural understanding. His loving mercy brings peace and comfort to troubled souls. His peace is supernatural, it will bring strength and boldness and carry us through the difficulties we face.

 God is our hope. Hebrews says God's hope is the anchor for our soul. When confusion abounds and despair and turmoil tries to flood our minds and it all seems lost His hope is the anchor. His hope brings clarity for confusion, encouragement for despair and calmness for turmoil. 

 God is our comfort. He is our ever present help. He never promised a challenge-free life on Earth but He did promise that He would never leave or forsake us. This is one of the most powerful promises that bring triumphant victory in all circumstances. No matter what we are going through He is right there with us. 

 In summation, whenever adversity strikes, no matter the root cause, we can find our help and hope and comfort in God. He is a faithful God. He is the restorer of broken down lives and circumstances. 

 In difficulty, recall just how good and faithful He has already been. Even in times when we know we didn't earn or deserve it, He showed up with love and mercy and restoration. In this goodness and mercy we can place our faith and we can trust that He will turn it to good whatever we are going through. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Healing Grace: Father knows best?

 For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple. You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazing. Ephesians 2:8-9 Voice

 We've begun a new series of study on God's healing Grace. For by His Grace we've been saved, not our efforts. This word saved from the original Greek is the word Sozo. This word is defined as to save, to deliver, to protect, to heal and make whole. It is His Grace that brings us healing, not our striving or efforts.

 Whenever we mention the healing power of Jesus inevitably so many are quick to point out that God is sovereign and in control of all situations. I suppose this is some form of objection to believing that God is able and willing to heal His people. Apparently we are supposed to derive some comfort in suffering or loss knowing that somehow God was designing the circumstances.

Father God knows best?

 The narrative we are supposed to follow in dealing with tragedy is that God knows best. He has a plan and a purpose for your life. When one experiences being laid off from work, being involved in an automobile accident, a debilitating disease, or suffering the loss of a loved one,  many persevere to understand the circumstances or search for a cause as to why they had to experience it. 

 Traditional Christianity teaches that God is sovereign, and in charge and He knows what He is doing by taking away your loved one, or bringing this illness to you. God knows what's best so just trust Him. For me, this narrative offers little comfort and exacerbates the feelings of hopelessness. 

 The truth that is established from God's Word is that Father God does know what is best. That is why He sent His only Son to be the propitiation for all our sins, and transgressions. He took our place and paid the ultimate price. Christ secured our eternal salvation. He made a new and living way for us to be in a relationship with the Father. He took all the curse upon Himself in the Finished Work and exchanged our death sentence with His eternal life. We were made fully alive in the Finished Work.

 In this Finished Work, He exchanged our unrighteousness, our sinful nature, our pains, our sicknesses, infirmities, our lack and insufficiency for His very righteousness and new life and wholeness and abundance. There is nothing that the fall and subsequent curse polluted and corrupted that wasn't made new in His redemptive work on our behalf. In Him, we find the full expression of abundant living.

 Yes, brother God did a great work for us, but what about Paul's thorn or Trophimus being left because he was sick (here)? Well, I'd have to respond what about Jesus and what He accomplished in the Finished Work?
38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 NKJV

 Here we see clearly recorded by the Apostle Peter under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, what exactly Jesus went about doing under the influence, leading, and direction of Father God. Take note that Jesus wasn't sending tragic circumstances, or plagues or famine or "natural" disasters. If God is the source of our tragedy or pain or suffering, how can one come to Him and find comfort?

 How can we take rest from our weariness, or find peace in the midst of adversity if our Father God is the one causing the distresses or ordaining the destruction of our lives? No God is never the source of our suffering or tribulation, He is the source of our salvation and deliverance. 
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 NKJV
Receive even more comfort reading this same passage from another translation
Hard times may well be the plight of the righteous— they may often seem overwhelmed— but the Eternal rescues the righteous from what oppresses them. Psalm 34:19 Voice

 Am I teaching that if we have enough faith we will never experience adversity? Of course not. I am just revealing that the source of our affliction is never God. That God has made a way for us to receive deliverance and help in time of distress. As I have stated in the past, we live in a broken, fallen and fractured creation. This is the reason we there is so much anguish and destruction and disaster and disease. 

 Truly, God does know best. He brought to us this amazing plan of redemption. His Grace provided a way of escape, a way for us to receive new life and complete peace. God is sovereign. This simply means He is the only One. He is the supreme judge and ruler over all creation. He certainly has the capability to send death and famine and destruction. He is God and He can do what He wills. However, death, destruction, despair are not in His nature. God can't send or ordain what He doesn't have. 

 We can run to our Father God when the adversity and evils of this World system seem to overwhelm us. We can always find healing, peace, freedom and deliverance in His hands. Even when we are experiencing the collapse of all we know due to our own failures or misdeeds we can still find shelter in His arms of Grace. In Christ is are our healing, our deliverance, and wholeness.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Healing Grace: God is a Good God

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works. Psalm 145:8-9 NKJV

 We are beginning a new series of study on the healing power of God. This study will focus on His healing Grace. So often when healing is mentioned it conveys a burdensome, you must do this or that, and there is something wrong with you mindset. Relinquish, any performance mindsets when it comes to His healing Grace.

 This amazing Grace of God ambushed my heart and mind. Grace captured me with His overwhelming love and goodness. Surrounded by perfect love and acceptance I fully submitted to receiving all of Him in all of me. When I realized how much He was for me and was not against me, I realized I can trust Him with every area of my life. 

 If the same God of Grace, could redeem you, forever forgive you, cleanse you, make you perfectly acceptable, no longer count your sins against you, make you alive with His life, give you His righteousness and seal you with His Spirit and eternally save you, how much more would He do for you in every other area of your life? This Grace has no limits. This overwhelming goodness works in all matters that pertain to life.

Just how good is He?

God is a good God. He is a good Father to all. His love is eternal and everlasting. God isn't fickle. He doesn't love you today but tomorrow He's not so sure about you. His loving kindness is better than anything this life can offer. 

 Here is some good news, God is not the author of your difficulty or despair. Whenever disaster or difficulty or despair is discovered usually many attribute the circumstances to God. If God was so good or loving why did this happen or why didn't He stop it?

 God is God in Heaven. He is everlasting and Lord over all creation. This in no way means He is the source and creator of all the evil we see in the Earth. Even under Law look at how God looked out for those under the Covenant, (here). 

 God gave the first man, Adam a beautiful creation. Under temptation from satan, he rebelled against God and chose his own path. This allowed the enemy access to this Earth. This sin caused this creation to become fractured. This fallen, fractured creation is truly the source of the evils and destruction we see around us. 

 This week for example, we saw two horrific reminders of how far fallen creation is. First, a young celebrity was murdered after performing before a crowd. The second event we saw a deranged individual ascribing to an ideology of hate and anger and violence unleash carnage on unsuspecting nightclub patrons. We look for answers in the political arena. We ask why. The true answer is clear. Sin and its fallen aspect harden the hearts of those it still holds captive. 

 Where was God? He was on the throne. His love would never ordain such despicable acts of violence. Some tradition ruled minded believers suggested that the nightclub rampage was God's judgment against the lifestyle of those nightclub patrons. This is the basic response from religion. Either God ordained tragedy for some purpose or it must be God punishing folk.

 Jesus took all the wrath and judgment for all humanity in the Finished Work. If God didn't ordain it, or it isn't His judgment, then what is left to conclude? We live in a fallen World that is awaiting final redemption. Where is God's hands in this or any other tragedy? When we see people responding in love to protect others, to aid others and those bringing relief you have seen God's hands in action.

God is a good Father who doesn't ordain destruction. He isn't looking to punish or "get" you when you fail. His love is looking for you to reveal His great Grace and mercy towards you. We can fully trust our Father in all situations. Even in the midst of darkness when life doesn't make sense He has promised to be with us and He will never forsake us. He freely gives us His peace, His comfort, and His joy. His healing Grace will mend each and every hurt, wound, and disappointment. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Scandal of Grace: Eternally Saved and Secure

God has already saved us and called us to this holy calling—not because of any good works we may have done, but because of His own intention and because eons and eons ago (before time itself existed), He gave us this grace in Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. 2 Timothy 1:9 VOICE

 Grace, Grace, scandalous Grace. What have you done? You've given New Life to spiritually dead ones. You have pardoned and forgiven once for all time and eternity all those who simply respond. Scandalous Grace what else have you done? This scandalous Grace of Almighty God has given eternal security to all those who are in Christ. 

 Wouldn't it seem fair enough if all Christ did was purchase our forgiveness of sins and impute His righteousness to us? Wouldn't it seem reasonable that Christ would then demand of us that we  maintain our own salvation? That it was left up to us to strive to do our best and put forth much effort to make it to the end? It would seem within reason, but His Grace is exceeding, and far above all expectations.

 His scandalous Grace has not only ensured our total forgiveness, perfect acceptance and given us His very righteousness, it also has gone a step further. He has completely solidified this work in the believer by sealing them with His Spirit until the day of complete redemption. By giving us an eternal salvation, not a temporal position we have perfect assurance and security in our relationship with our Father.

 I am aware that this concept of an eternally secure salvation makes many glad, and many others mad. I know because I used to be one of those who opposed this glorious truth. Once I came into contact with this scandalous Grace, it ambushed me, it transformed me and now I herald from the rooftops how secure we are in Christ.

 In reality, some of those who oppose this are viewing their Christian walk through the lens of self-righteousness or personal achievements. Because they have given up profanity, abstain from tobacco, tattoos, and alcohol and don't view R-rated films they feel they have it all together. They forget God's standards are absolute perfection. That is why it is so vital for the foundation of our salvation to be in Christ and His Finished Work and not our performance.

 Yea but what about that passage in Matthew 7? Jesus is clearly talking to believers and revealing they lost their salvation. Does it teach this? Many years ago, I was on a security detail in a courtroom. I recall witnessing two attorneys citing the exact same statute before the Judge. Each had a different interpretation. The Judge looked at the statute and made a judgment call on what was the right view. That's what we must do when it comes to the Scripture. Let's allow the Spirit to give us the correct understanding and not traditions of men.

21 “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. 22 On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matthew 7:21-23 NLT

See? It's right there. They did great works and look they aren't eternally secure. To fully understand this passage, let's begin by answering what is doing the will of the Father referencing? Is it about performance or behavior? No, Jesus reveals to us what the will of the Father is in John's gospel. It is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, (here). Another major issue with rightly dividing this passage is because it references people doing mighty works for God. How could this not be talking about believers? 

To best understand this passage we must first address this issue. Read the passage again. Jesus is saying what will happen. Note that He never said that these folk actually did any mighty works. He said they will say to Him that they've done mighty works in His name. They are claiming to do great works but Christ isn't agreeing with them. Therefore, this is not proof that these are Christians. 

 The biggest key to understanding this passage is the phrase, "I never knew you." This word never in the original Greek means: not even at any time, that is never at all. To help illustrate this further, I can recall receiving a visit many years ago as a child from a distant cousin. I haven't had any personal contact with this person since that visit. Can I now say I never knew him? 

 Of course not. I once knew him as a child, so I have known him. Jesus said of these, He never knew them. He didn't say I once knew you but now I don't. He stated clearly I never knew you. Because people don't see this plain truth, this passage has struck fear in the minds of many sincere believers. If these guys who worked miracles have no assurance, how then can I have a secure salvation? When we know that Jesus wasn't talking to Christians here, this concern is settled. With the truth revealed about this passage, we can rest in our assurance in Christ without fear. 

  His scandalous Grace wouldn't rescue you, just to leave you to your own merits and abilities to finish what He started in you. Religious tradition teaches He who began a work in you expects you to complete it. That is not good news. That is not the gospel.

 This amazing Grace of God sought you, found you and rescued you. He deposited His great love within and gave you new life and exchanged your sins for His righteousness. He began a work in you and will be faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6). He is completing the work in you. It is not by your efforts or performance. This is the scandal of Grace. Undeserving, spiritually dead, lost souls, made alive with His life within, forever forgiven, made perfectly righteous, and eternally secure in Him. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Scandal of Grace: Jesus our Righteousness

God has already saved us and called us to this holy calling—not because of any good works we may have done, but because of His own intention and because eons and eons ago (before time itself existed), He gave us this grace in Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. 2 Timothy 1:9 VOICE

 We now resume our regularly scheduled study of the scandalous Grace of God. Grace, Grace. Scandalous Grace, what have you done now? You've have taken undeserving, spiritually dead unrighteous ones and given them the free gift of right standing with an Almighty, holy God. 

 When His amazing Grace melted our hardened hearts and we stop resisting His love and received the Lord Jesus Christ into our lives He exchanged our old nature with His new nature. He gave us the free gift of righteousness. He placed us into perfect right standing with our Father in Heaven. We were justified or placed into a position of just-as-if-I'd never sinned. It is imperative that we understand how to live victoriously in this righteousness. 

17 For if because of one man’s trespass (lapse, offense) death reigned through that one, much more surely will those who receive [God’s] overflowing grace (unmerited favor) and the free gift of righteousness [putting them into right standing with Himself] reign as kings in life through the one Man Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). Romans 5:17 AMP
 We can reign as kings in this life when we understand our righteousness in Christ. One translation says we will reign in life when we "receive of the gift of righteousness", (see here). We need to not just receive the gift but actually open it! It is one thing to possess a gift it is quite another to open it and enjoy it. We must not just receive the free gift of righteousness but apply it for daily use.
 When we understand our righteousness in Christ we will no longer lack confidence when we pray. When we read the Scriptures our eyes will be open to seeing how much our God is for us and not against us. This righteousness produces boldness in the heart of the believer. When you seek to pray for someone with a need you won't be looking for brother holier than you to pray the prayer of faith because you know God hears and answers your prayers too. 
 This righteousness produces peace, (see here). By placing us in right standing with God, Jesus has ensured we will never experience His wrath or anger or disappointment. Jesus took all our judgment and wrath and disappointments on that Cross. God isn't angry at us at all, He is in a great mood when He thinks of you!
 When you miss it or blow it, you've no need to fear that God is scheming for ways to "get back" at you. God isn't plotting your downfall because you didn't measure up one day. God is not the author of bad days. Certainly, if we make poor choices we can see natural consequences but understand God isn't trying to punish you.
You can still have bold confidence with God even when you fail because of His free gift of righteousness He has given. His love and mercy are immeasurable. Your imperfections aren't going to stop Him from moving on your behalf. While you were yet enemies, He freely gave His own Son. How much more now that you're His sons will He move on your behalf?
This is the scandalous Grace of God. He gave us an unearnable gift. He gave us an undeserved gift. We receive this free gift by simply trusting in Christ alone. Before Christ came into our lives our righteousness was as filthy rags as Isaiah said (see here). Once received this gift is irrevocable and unceasing.
We who have received His free gift of righteousness have exchanged our sins for His right standing with the Father. We are declared righteous and by virtue of the New Creation made the very righteousness of God in Christ. If we, therefore, have exchanged our old worthless, perpetually failing, "filthy rags" righteousness for His perfect righteousness, then the righteousness we've received is His and not our own. Therefore, we are just as righteous as the Lord Jesus Christ! This is the scandalous Grace of God and we rejoice amen.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Must we Tithe our way to blessings?

6 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6 NKJV

Send it down. Send the rain of blessings. A shower of financial blessings. Intrigued? Are you desiring this to manifest in your life? If you heartily agree, then there is just one step you must take. You need to take a tenth of all you earn and give it to a local church or donate to a television ministry. 

 You may say well I've been doing this since my youth. Great! Now continue in this practice. Well, you may say I've been giving this much and more and don't seem to have these showers of blessings you speak of. You just need to keep on Tithing faithfully. No matter what it appears like, just keep giving.

 Does any of this discourse sound familiar to you? Has this scenario ever occurred in your Christian experience? What are some characteristics of this dialogue? Promised, unforetold wealth and abundance. A life living above circumstance. All of this contingent upon your willing financial exchange. 

 This is the proverbial fine print. Your blessing resting upon all you can do. My earlier words may convey a flippant tone to some. I may come across in a facetious manner but this is not the intent. I say all these things to bring wisdom and truth to an often mistaught and distorted subject.

 Many believers are on the receiving end of this endless performance rooted financial program. Christian giving is being redirected toward this giving in order to get or receive mindset. This type of giving is a compulsory, pressure induced, fear based standard.

 Take note on how the Apostle Paul received an offering, (here). One can note, no pull or pressure. No promises that if you are consistently giving God will pay off your mortgage. The motive of the heart is clear as well as the amount.

 Paul's standard of giving is to give as the Lord has increased you. This standard isn't a one size fits all. This is yet another proof that the practice of Tithing isn't a New Covenant standard for giving. Certainly this does away with the erroneous gimmicks concerning Tithing. Leaders offer the challenge, give to God ten percent regularly and in three months see how blessed you are. This is an obvious gimmick. Who is going to actually confront the leadership of a church and say this didn't work for me? They'd respond by saying either it did work but you just haven't seen it yet, or your "heart motive" was wrong.

Faith in a formula or Faith in the Finished Work?

 I've stated in the past if you're trusting the Lord for healing or any other need to be met, don't look at circumstance but look to the Finished Work. Have faith in His Faith and Finished Work. Certainly, no one has the answer this side of Heaven as to why some don't always see the answer to their prayers. We should not accuse and find fault with other believers regarding this issue.

 That stated if we are given a formula we then can certainly judge its validity by its "fruit" and success. Preachers of tradition are teaching that if people give ten percent of their income all these blessings will overtake them. Their possessions will be protected from damage. Their challenges will be overcome.

 We can look at the lives of those who have acted upon this appeal. They're not abiding in realms of untold riches. There are single moms who can't make ends meet yet their church elders are still demanding she continues giving at least ten percent. I viewed a TV minister during a Q&A respond to a tithe question. 

 In this interaction, it was revealed that the son was now responsible for his ailing elderly parent's finances. They had Tithed much of their lifetime. They had to cease from Tithing due to the medical bills. Their son, now in the custodial care of his parents, was in charge over their finances. He wanted to know if he should Tithe off this money now. The preacher was adamant. Of course, he should Tithe on their money. By Tithing, their healing and wholeness could come to pass. 

 My question to the minister would be, what about all those years they Tithed? Did God not count that? Why did they get so ill in the first place? They Tithed didn't they? The reality is we live in a fallen and fractured creation. Promises made by men that if you donate a certain amount that you will never have trouble, are just that the promises of a mere man!

 Salvation comes from the Finished Work. Our part is simply to respond in simple trust. Healing and blessings and redemption originate from the Cross. Yet when it comes to receiving wisdom, insight, favor, blessings or healing tradition teaches your performance, your faithfulness, your level of faith, your commitment, and how much you give or whether or not you Tithe is the added requirement to receive.

 Man made traditions exalt performance and formulas over the Finished Work of Christ. If the foretold promises of abundant return on your giving don't seem to manifest these teachers are quick to point at your performance as to why you fail to receive what they promised. It's time to be free from this bondage.

 All favor and blessing are found in His Finished Work. Paul declared we are already blessed in Him. 
How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ. Ephesians 1:3 TLB
 We are the blessed because we are in Christ, not because we give some set amount of money. 

 Pause and reflect on your salvation in Christ. What did you do to receive it? You simply placed your trust in Christ to do what you couldn't do. You trusted enough in His once for all sacrifice to allow Him into your life. He then made all things new and gave you perfect acceptance and His righteousness. You didn't do anything to merit this or achieve it. Yet when it comes to blessings or any other promise from God we have added stipulations.

 Imagine if we did this when it came to salvation? Can you picture the words of men used in the context of your salvation?

"You asked Jesus into your life, but you worry too much, so He didn't save you."
"You sought the Lord for the forgiveness of all your sins, but you haven't been giving ten percent of your income, so when you begin giving ten percent faithfully, then He will forgive you."
"You asked to receive His righteousness but you haven't maintained proper speech, this and your lack of faithfulness makes your request void."

 In this New Covenant, we rest in His Finished Work and work of redemption. Once in Christ, you are redeemed from the curse. No matter how much you give or how faithful you are. You are redeemed, period. God our Father isn't the great extortioner. He isn't demanding a certain amount of money from you before He answers your prayers.

 New Covenant Tithing? No! New Covenant giving, directed by the Spirit and from a heart of gratitude for His generosity towards us. Don't be attached to a pressure filled standard of giving. Don't give based on necessity. Don't give out of fear or superstition, the delusion that if you don't give some catastrophe awaits. Give from a heart transformed by His amazing Grace.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New Testament Tithing or New Covenant Giving?

6 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6 NKJV

 This New Covenant is a much better Covenant with better promises. Many mistakenly believe this New Covenant began with the birth of Christ. This one error causes many to wrongly divide the Word of God. 

 This is one reason this issue of Tithing is so controversial. When we rightly divide the Word we can clearly see that Tithing is an Old Covenant practice. This truth angers the religious traditionists with legalism clouding their understanding. How else can they manipulate and control the people if they know the truth about giving? 

 This truth also excites the foolish who have rebellion driving their motives. They hear the wonderful truth that this obligatory ten percent giving standard is done away in Christ and they take it to mean we should withhold all finances and be stingy and not generous. Is this the motive of spreading the truth about the Tithe?

 A heart that has been captured by His amazing Grace isn't a heart of rebellion. It isn't a heart burdened with dutiful performance seeking to appease an austere master. It is a heart that has been infused with His very life and love and goodness. It is a heart that has all of Him in all of it. 

 Even after a pure heart of His Grace conveys the truth that the Tithe is an Old Covenant practice, some may still cling tightly to this tradition. Allow Paul himself to reveal the standard for giving in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ (here). Note verse 7 in the NASB:
Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NASB

 Here is Paul's standard of giving. Give from your heart. Don't give under compulsion or grudgingly. To give grudgingly is to give with reluctance or resentful manner. What would it mean to give this way?

 There could be several reasons for giving resentfully. Giving grudgingly may happen because one has not understood generosity and they fear giving anything away. To that Paul is saying don't give. It would be better for folk to not give like this because it will only produce bitterness.

 Understanding God's great love and generosity towards us will help us grow in this area of generosity. Secondly, Paul says not to give under compulsion. Other translations say don't give under pressure, or obligation or under necessity. This proves Tithing isn't the standard.

 How so, you may ask? Paul says we should give as we purpose in our hearts. Paul says we aren't to give under necessity. How can God expect us to give as we purpose in our hearts if the standard to give is ten percent? Why tell us to give as we purpose if God already has a set standard? Also, if we are to give ten percent this would be obligatory giving and Paul said we aren't to give under these circumstances. 

 In fact, the word Paul used for necessity is a word that means necessity imposed by circumstance or by Law of duty. This is a powerful truth. The Tithing standard requires people to give out of commanded duty and not out of a heart of loving devotion and generosity. 

When the love and amazing Grace of God flood our hearts and minds we are changed. We are remade righteous and perfectly holy and acceptable and pleasing to our Father. Our hearts begin to reflect the Father's love. In this loving interaction between our Father, we are able to freely give to meet the needs of others, to promote this beautiful life changing message, and alleviate suffering in this fallen World. 

 Tradition places a burden upon the people seeking their compliance and blind obedience. They reject these plain truths revealed from the Word. Some have said when you Tithe there will be meat in God's house. They define this meat as "revelation" from the Word. The point is to drive some fear into the hearers that if they fail to Tithe then they won't be able to receive the truths from the Word of God. 

 This is the detestable control tactics of religion. This clearly violates plain Scripture. We are not to give under obligation or pressure. God loves you and He isn't hiding Himself from you. He was made an open shame for you in the Finished Work. Religion tries to veil this beautiful Grace of our Lord Jesus. His love and Grace won't be contained. He is revealing Himself more and more.

 In summation, we should freely give under the leading and guiding of a loving Savior. If you've been giving ten percent and it is not a burden to you should you immediately stop? Don't allow any man to dictate what you should give or not give. Let God be God in your life. Allow Him to lead you in how much to give. People are fearful if there is no Tithe then how will ministry be accomplished?

 People would give if they knew there 2% or 8% was just as holy and acceptable as 10%. Let's let the Spirit teach and direct His children. If you study the Scriptures, from Acts to the Epistles you will see God's heart for giving. People gave to meet the needs of others. They gave for disaster relief. They gave to support the ministry of the gospel. They even supported those preaching the gospel.

 One last note. Yes, it is Scriptural to support a local church. It is Biblical that a minister receives a salary for their duties if they are a full-time minister. However, if you see ministers flaunt wealth, and seem to be all about the cash, I would flee a place like that. Don't support lavish lifestyles with promises made by them if you give then God will make you rich. This is a religious sham designed to relinquish your money from you. 

 Don't allow religious tradition to bind you. Don't give into rebellion and cling tightly to what is yours and end up being greedy. Don't fall for the scams of religious trickery. Give out of a heart of love to promote the beautiful gospel of Jesus and see the captives set free by His Grace.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Is Tithing in the New Covenant?

6 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6 NKJV

 A careful study of God's Word will reveal exactly when the New Covenant was instituted. It is clear from Scripture that in order for the Testament or Covenant to begin a death must occur (Hebrews 9). Jesus' birth, therefore, didn't institute the beginning of the New Covenant. Rather it was His death and victorious resurrection. 

 Therefore, when you search the end of the Gospels and the record of Acts and the Epistles and the Prophetic book of Revelation what is conspicuously missing is the instruction to continue the practice of Tithing. Before one cites Jesus own words about the Tithe, understand He was speaking of matters concerning the Law. Still, others will quickly cite Hebrews 7. 

What About Hebrews 7? That's New Covenant!

 This is the most common objection raised when one begins to actually study the New Covenant and dares question the tradition of Tithing. Yes, Hebrews 7 mentions the Tithe. See it in context here. What tradition has done is take verse 8 out of its setting and tried to teach a New Covenant practice of Tithing.
Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives. Hebrews 7:8 NKJV
 Tradition interprets this passage this way: Here mortal men receive tithes, "here" means here on Earth. That was before the Cross. Then when it says "But there he receives them," they say this is Jesus in Heaven receiving your money. Therefore, keep giving us 10% of your income. Is tradition correct in their interpretation of this passage?

 Again, go back to context. The context is first the purpose of the Epistle to the Hebrews. In context, it reveals the superiority of Jesus to all else. Jesus is better than the Old Covenant prophets. Better than the Angels, Better than the sacrifices of Old. Hebrews 7 in context reveals the superiority of Christ' Priesthood over the Old Covenant priests. 
Furthermore, here [in the Levitical priesthood] tithes are received by men who are subject to death; but in that case [concerning Melchizedek], they are received by one of whom it is testified that he lives on [perpetually]. Hebrews 7:8 AMP
The Amplified properly translates this misunderstood passage. The writer of Hebrews is conveying the truth that Jesus Priestly ministry supersedes the former Aaronic priesthood. This understanding is instrumental in convincing the Hebrews of their need for the Savior.

 As for Tithing, this is the only New Covenant passage. It is clearly not giving an instruction to continue in this practice. Tradition is quick to proclaim, "We know we are to continue in Tithing because He never told us to stop!" This argument appears strong but in actuality it is really weak. 

 Acts 15 reveals the first official meeting of the Body of Christ to discuss vital doctrinal truths. The need arose because in the beginning only the Jews were given the gospel. After the Apostle Peter had a vision from the Lord the message was beginning to spread to the Gentiles. The Apostle of Grace Paul was there sharing the good news of his ministry to the Gentiles. 

 Take note of this meeting and the results here. Notice how some wished the Gentiles to keep the Old Covenant Law. Tithing would be included in this desire. What was the outcome? James gave some instructions for these Gentile believers. Note what was missing. He gave no instruction for them to give a tenth of their income.

 The reason there is no command to stop Tithing in the New Covenant is because there was never a command to start! These Gentiles would have never read anything from the Old Covenant. They were never given the Law. 

 Some will concur that they may not be a command to Tithe in the New Covenant but we should at least give a tenth because that was the standard in the Old. In this New and better Covenant how much more should we give? This idea sounds real spiritual. However, it is deceptive because it eliminates the Spirit's work in the individual heart of a believer. It makes man the decider on what the individual gives and not the leading of the Spirit.

 The Holy Spirit is the one abiding in the heart of the believer. He will lead and guide His people on where to give and how much to give. He is not a hard taskmaster. He is not an extortioner. He doesn't apply pressure or resorts to fear tactics to produce a giving heart.  

 Is Tithing in the New Covenant? If Tithing was of such importance God sure missed many opportunities to instruct His people concerning the Tithe. In the Law the Tithe allowed the people to set apart certain things as being devoted to God. In the New Covenant we, the Body of Christ are set apart and devoted to God. In the New Covenant, it isn't none of me and all of you Lord. It is all of me in all of You Lord. 

 All of me, includes my finances, my dreams, and my destiny. Tradition fails to understand this New Covenant. In the New, Christ is in us. We must not allow tradition to rob us of the truth. Tradition keeps us working and performing, trying to get closer to God or to "surrender" to Him. What is to surrender when He already has me? 

 He is in me, and I abide in Him. In the New our Father has access to our wallet and checkbook and we freely give what He puts on our hearts. We can trust His leading and guidance because He loves us unconditionally and will never lead us astray or leave us lacking and broken.