We've begun a study detailing the healing Grace of our good Father. We've seen He is good and He is not the author of evil. We saw how even in the hard times and challenges that He is there with us. I sense the impression to continue to bring forth the truth concerning our Father.
Oftentimes those who know not God are perplexed at how those who know the Lord, can have bold confidence and hope, especially in the tough times. How can we have bold confidence in God? When all seems lost, and the diagnosis gets worse, the Bank is threatening foreclosure, and loved ones seem to be lost in rebellion, how can we have hope, and confidence and trust? Perhaps you're a believer and you're asking this same question. The answer is found in the Word.
The Faithfulness of God
When we search the Scriptures and see our Father's heart and unconditional love, this is where our trust is found complete. Our faith is not a "blind" faith. We have something tangible we can cling to and place our complete trust in. Our trust is in His goodness. His character is witnessed by His actions.
Think of this. If you had dealings with an individual that would oftentimes say one thing yet do another, would you say you could trust that one? Certainly not. When we look at our good Father we see a loving, good Father who is always faithful to His word. This is why studying the Word is so paramount. It is not about achieving or earning some "points" for the afterlife or for God to do something for us. It is about getting to know our Father on an intimate level.
Under Grace, we don't "strive to arrive" or "fake it till we make it". We abide in a relationship with our Father. Part of any good relationship is getting to know one another. Reading and studying the Scriptures has opened my eyes and heart to just how wonderful and kind and loving our Father is. It is quite rewarding, profitable and fulfilling knowing and understanding the goodness of our Father.
In the Scriptures, we see how Hannah, who was barren cried out to the Lord. She couldn't have children. What seemed a lost cause turned around for her good when she put her trust in God, (see here). What seemed like an impossibility turned to a miracle for her. Sarah who was also barren knew the secret to her deliverance. What was her strength to believe God?
11 By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. Hebrews 11:11 NKJV
Sarah was able to believe because she saw how good our Father is. This is the source of our confidence and hope and trust. Whenever we are going through difficult and challenging times we can hope until the end because God is so faithful. His goodness stirs up hope within us and we can rest in His goodness.
23 Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word]; Hebrews 10:23 AMP
God is a good Father, He is a faithful God. What He said will come to pass without fail. His overwhelming love and great mercy have never forsaken or abandoned us. He has never given up on us, no matter how far we have fallen. His love pursues us even when we falter, fail or flee. He has always been for us and never against us.
How enduring is God’s loyal love; the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion. Here they are, every morning, new! Your faithfulness, God, is as broad as the day. Have courage, for the Eternal is all that I will need. My soul boasts, “Hope in God; just wait.” Lamentations 3:21-24 Voice
God is so faithful. He will never leave or forsake us. Whenever we are going through hard times or facing a crisis look to the Savior and not the situation. In Him, you will find peace and hope. In Him, we find the solution for our problems and answers to our questions.
You may be saying, but I haven't seen God's goodness in my life. I realize in this fallen and fractured creation there exists terrible injustices and tragic circumstances. There are times when we are the hands or instruments God will use to bring the relief and comfort and hope to others.
When we were lost, certainly we saw situations that seemed hopeless. We saw how hard life is on our own. In Christ, we know we have hope. When facing difficulty look back at your life and recall how God saw you through. This will produce joy and spring forth bold confidence in our Father.
God is a Faithful God. No matter what it seems like there is no time where God wasn't by you. He will never let us fail. He is a good Father. I have seen God's hand many times in my own life. In His goodness, I can boast not in anything I have done. Our trust should not be in our own plans or efforts or our own influence. Trust in Christ alone, He is good and faithful and He will never let us down.
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