Showing posts with label Trinitarian Theology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trinitarian Theology. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What Gospel Are You Hearing? The Hyper-Grace Gospel

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1:6-7 NKJV

16 I refuse to be ashamed of sharing the wonderful message of God’s liberating power unleashed in us through Christ! For I am thrilled to preach that everyone who believes is saved— the Jew first, and then people everywhere! Romans 1:16 Passion Translation

  In the recent weeks, we've been studying the Gospel of Christ. We've asked the pertinent question, what gospel are you hearing? So many are hearing a message that leaves them hopeless, discouraged and sometimes downright deceived. As ministers of the New Covenant, we all should have a passion for preserving the integrity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 Since we've exposed the many false gospel narratives, I sensed the impression to look at the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is not bad news. It is not sad tidings. It is not a message revealing just how angry and disappointed God is with the World. The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Hyper-Grace Gospel

  Many detractors of the truth of Grace have coined this phrase "hyper-grace" as a form of insult. It is designed to show how extreme and off base the message of Grace supposedly is. I suppose according to these critics we can actually teach too much Grace. Too much Grace is dangerous and unbalanced in their view.

 What is the Gospel of Christ? The English word that is translated Gospel in the New Testament is the Greek word "Euaggelion". It is defined as the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. The proclamation of the Grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ. The Gospel is the proclamation of God's amazing Grace. 

 Why embrace the label hyper-grace? Because this is exactly how Paul the Apostle described this over the top, too good to be true but true Grace of Almighty God. 
...But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, Romans 5:20 NKJVb
The word in the Greek for abound is huperperisseuo. It is defined as super abounding, exceeding, to overflow, to enjoy abundantly, to abound beyond measure. The Gospel of Grace reveals we can never deplete the supply of Grace. Let's briefly look at the characteristics of the Grace Gospel and even answer a few myths along the way.

1. The Hyper-Grace Gospel reveals we are forever forgiven.
When we receive the Lord Jesus all of our sins are forever forgiven. God is not holding a record of our sins against us. He isn't tallying up just how often you blow it. He isn't going to use a demerit and merit system to determine just how much He will bless you. We've been forgiven of all our trespasses, past and present and future, Colossians 2:13.

2. The Hyper-Grace Gospel reveals we've been made the righteousness of God in Christ.
 When we receive the Lord, we exchange our old dead and unrighteous nature with Christ's living and righteous new nature. We receive His righteousness not some cheap knock off! We are just as righteous as Jesus, 2 Corinthians 5:21

3. The Hyper-Grace Gospel reveals God isn't angry with us, nor ever disappointed in us.
 This concept really irritates the tradition ruled mindset. Isaiah 54 prophesied that in this New Covenant God will never be angry with us nor rebuke us. Yet, some point to Revelation and Jesus' rebukes of the seven churches. Is there a contradiction? No, He rebuked their actions and revealed their errors. In our position as the righteous, born again, children of God, He is always pleased. In our thinking patterns, in our choices, and actions He may not always be pleased and will correct us to keep us on the right track of blessing and peace.

4. The Hyper-Grace Gospel reveals we've been sanctified, made holy, by the Finished Work, once for all time.
 Hebrews 10:8-14 reveal we've been made perfect in Him. We've been sanctified once for all time. What about progressive sanctification? This passage in Hebrews doesn't reveal a progressive sanctification. It's once for all time. This doesn't mean instant perfection in thoughts and words and deeds. What the Scriptures reveal is a progressive maturity into who we've already are.

5. The Hyper-Grace Gospel reveals we are eternally secure in Christ Jesus.
 John 10:27-29 reveals we are forever in our Father's hands and nothing can snatch us out. Once we are saved we are always saved. When we were lost and dead in trespasses and sins, no amount of good deeds could remove our old nature. We couldn't use our free will to simply renounce satan and no longer be lost. It was only when we received the Lord and through the new birth receive new life and exchange our old nature with Christ's nature. Once born again we can't be "unborn again". This is the good news of Grace.

 Some may be thinking, "yeah this sounds all good, but you hyper-gracers, are soft on sin and accept wicked living as ok." Actually, we aren't soft on sin but rather we magnify the solution to sin. 
20 When the law came into the picture, sin grew and grew; but wherever sin grew and spread, God’s grace was there in fuller, greater measure. No matter how much sin crept in, there was always more grace. Romans 5:20 Voice
God's superabounding Grace changes us from the inside out. Grace isn't about behavior modification but true heart transformation. Grace doesn't look to alter us from the outside in. He changes our desires, which will produce right living.

 Some may be thinking, "Hyper-Grace teaches and aligns itself with false philosophies like universal salvation in all it's forms." It is unfortunate that some who teach the errors of universalism or inclusion make claims that they are teaching Hyper-Grace. Jesus spoke of wheat and tares growing together.

 When the truth is taught, false ideas will subtly try to masquerade as truth. I've seen some take a passage in Colossians to mix truth and error.
21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled Colossians 1:21 NKJV
 Some have taught that this passage proves no one was really lost. People were just separated from God in their thinking. Therefore they weren't really lost and simply need a mental awakening to see life. The problem here is that salvation is a heart transformation, not a mental awakening. What Paul was teaching in context, was that our thinking was contrary to God's ways but when we receive Christ we have the mind of Christ. Right thinking leads to right living.

 What Gospel are you hearing? Hear the good news of God's Grace. Hear the glad tidings that you're righteous and forever forgiven. Hear the truth that God isn't mad at you. Hear the good news that you are eternally secure. Hearing anything else leaves you broken, dejected and deceived. Hear the Good news Gospel and rejoice in His goodness and love for you that never fails.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What Gospel are You Hearing? The gospel of inclusion/universal salvation

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1:6-7 NKJV

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile Romans 1:16 NLT

 In the recent weeks, we've been in a detailed study concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We asked the question what gospel have you been hearing. We've seen that the Gospel isn't a hopeless or discouraging message. The message of the Gospel isn't a sad message of all we must do to earn His love and acceptance. It's not  political pablum or angry tidings of how God is going to get you at the slightest moment you miss it. The Gospel is good news.

Again, what is the Gospel?

 Let's review what we've already established is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The English word that is translated Gospel in the New Testament is the Greek word "Euaggelion". It is defined as the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. The proclamation of the Grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ. This is the good news Gospel. It's glad tidings of total salvation in and through Christ. Any other message or tidings or proclamation are not the Gospel of the Grace of Almighty God.

 The Gospel is a pure, unadulterated, triumphant message of hope, victory, revealing the gracious goodness of our Father in Heaven. The Word of God reveals the great lengths the early Church and Apostles took to preserve the authentic Gospel. Many tried to pollute or tamper with the Gospel for their own agendas. On many occasions, Paul the Apostle brought correction to rid the Gospel from any mixture of Law and works. He also worked in conjunction with the other Apostles to remove additives to the Gospel. 

The Gospel, free from mixture and additives

 What do I mean by additives? Additives are ideas, philosophies, and traditions of men added to the Gospel message. I see many who've received the true Gospel of Grace. They are quick to protect the Gospel from any mixture, and rightly so. They will publicly voice opposition to any mixture, in their pulpits, on their social media status and in their interactions with others. Yet when it comes to additives many are conspicuously silent.

The "gospel" of inclusionism/Universalism

 These philosophies and ideologies of man under the banner of universal salvation are additives to the true Gospel of Grace. These unScriptural ideas have no place in the message of the Cross and Finished Work. Inclusionism and Universalism or similar ideas, that proclaim all humanity is already saved, but unaware, or will eventually be saved, are false teachings, and philosophies birthed by the spirit of error.

Does God's love and Grace mean we accept untruth?

 Are we unloving and ungracious because we don't accept any error in the Gospel message? It seems we are more unloving toward those who've yet to receive the truth when we remain silent on the matter of additives to the Gospel. If we refuse to take a bold stand for the truth of the Gospel of Grace for fear or concern that we will lose popularity or fear that some doors of opportunity to be invited to minister will be closed to us, it only proves our trust is in ourselves and in man and not resting in God.

Isn't universal salvation the truly good news of Grace?

 This is how this deceptive message draws people in. It sounds like good news. It seems reasonable to our own minds so therefore it must be true. Surely, it would be great that all the World would come receive the good news, but that is the key. Receive. God and His goodness aren't wiping out the free will of humanity. Forced marriage or arranged marriage isn't loving it is forced, it's bondage. 

 What about all those passages that seem to say all are saved? First, there exist no passage where it says all humanity is saved. Secondly, poor exegesis and wrongly dividing the Word is how people come up with their view. Here is an example.
10 For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach,because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 NKJV
 See it's right there. It appears to some at first glance that this passage is preaching inclusion or universalism. In full context, it says something entirely different. Paul was encouraging and exhorting Timothy in his ministry. He was encouraging Timothy to persevere in tough times and remember this Gospel is to all mankind, male or female, Jew or Gentile.

 Note that passage didn't say Jesus was Savior but God. Why is this significant? Because it further proves this isn't universal salvation because of the Cross but it reveals that only in God, the one true God, is there salvation and hope. Weren't we all included in the Cross? The Finished Work took away the sin of the World, therefore all humanity is in Christ and saved right?

 Paul says otherwise. 
Greet Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. Romans 16:7 NKJV
Paul says others were in Christ before he was. This smashes this idea of inclusionism. Paul in Ephesians reveals when we were included. 
13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13 NIV
We were included when we believed. The message is good news we don't need additives to make the good news "better".

Inclusionism and Universalism insult the Spirit of Grace!

Look at Hebrews chapter ten. In this chapter, we see the beauty of the Finished Work. Though the warning portions of this chapter aren't teaching a believer can lose or forfeit salvation it does clarify the Gospel and assists in proving that universal salvation false.

 Look closely in full context of the warning portion here. The key warning here is that there is salvation only in the Finished Work of Christ and not in anything else. Imagine if you will, being atop a high cliff. Picture a deep, deep, gulf between the cliff you're on and the one across from you. Imagine Jesus is on the other side. There is no way to cross over. Suddenly you see He has fashioned a wooden bridge for you to cross. 

 You could simply cross. Nothing you did, you didn't deserve it, you didn't earn it or achieve it, He did it all. Your response is simply to cross. What if, however, you say "no Jesus, I'm not worthy. I must build my own bridge", so you go looking for wood to get busy building your bridge. That is the legalistic way to approach God. What if instead, you said, "Jesus there really exists no gulf between us. This separation is only mental and imagined, everyone is ok." This is the Universalists way.

 If we are taking the Gospel and placing additives in it we are going about establishing our own righteousness. 
...and has insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:29b NASB
 Inclusion says all humanity is already saved but they don't know it. What if one doesn't awaken to the truth? Well, then he would be lost at the end. So there is no eternal security? 

 The inclusion folk now have remedied this problem. Hell no longer exists. When this man made idea gains popularity, you see the fruit. The proponents of this message go about establishing their own standard of right and wrong. Anything is acceptable and nothing is wrong. 

 The Gospel is good news. The Gospel is Jesus plus nothing. It is not Jesus plus works or performance. It isn't Jesus plus the additives of error and false teachings. It isn't a message where there exists no morality. The Gospel is good enough without adding to it enticing words of men's wisdom. 

 Don't take the amazing out of Grace. Don't mix the Gospel with Law and works and don't put additives of error into it. Mankind was lost and dead in trespasses and sins. We were destined to spend eternity separated from God. This state wasn't imaginary or a mental misunderstanding or blindness, we were spiritually dead, but God sent His only begotten Son and paid the perfect price for our complete redemption. He forever took away the punishment of sins in His own body on that Cross. All we need to do is respond and put our trust in His once for all sacrifice and receive new life, righteousness, and an eternally secure salvation.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace encourage a belief in Universalism or Inclusionism?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
  We've been in a series studying God's amazing, over the top, Radical Grace. This is too good to be true but true good news. I am always enthusiastic when it comes to studying Grace and the Finished Work. 

 So far, we have seen how it is the Blood of Christ, not our confession that brought our total forgiveness. We explored the truth that our relationship with God is rooted in the Finished Work and not our performance. We saw how shame, guilt and condemnation are removed from us through Grace, (If you missed any of these informative studies, and you would be interested in reading them, you can easily locate them through the archives section of this Blog). 

 Now we are dispelling some of the myths associated with Radical Grace. We have already seen that Radical Grace isn't advocating sinful living. We also discovered that through His Finished Work we can be fruitful, overcoming victorious believers. That This message isn't promoting laziness or unfruitful pursuits.  

 Today, I felt impressed to dispel yet another myth associated with Radical Grace. Many of our critics have lumped together what great ministers like Pastor Joseph Prince teach, and what those proclaiming a message of Universal Salvation teach. Thus, creating a straw man argument in which to criticize the message of Radical Grace even further. Is this critique fair? Does Radical Grace encourage a belief in Universalism or the various forms of Inclusion? 

 Allow me to be crystal clear. Radical Grace does NOT encourage or promote a belief in or following of the ideologies of Universalism or Inclusion.  Just because some misguided or deceived individuals have taken a portion of the message of Radical Grace and applied it to the concept of Inclusion or Universalism, doesn't mean it's become the authentic message of Radical Grace. Truth mixed with error is still an error. 

Is Jesus really narrow-minded?

 One of the major principles of Universalism is that all humanity no matter their belief, are on the right path. That in the end, all roads lead to God. If you are an Atheist, or a follower of some other religion it isn't a factor. All will eventually be saved. Is this what Jesus said? Is Universalism the gospel of Grace?

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 NLT

11 For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says,‘The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’ 12 There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11-12 NLT
 Jesus, who is the person of Grace, obviously doesn't believe in Universalism. He seems pretty narrow when He unequivocally states there is only one way to God. He says He is the only means by which salvation is received. 
 Salvation is not found in Paganism. Salvation is not found in Mysticism. It is not found in other religions or ideologies. All the World's religious, or spiritual philosophies have something in common. They are all humanistic in nature. "Paradise", or "enlightenment" or "Nirvana" or even their understanding of salvation is all rooted in achievement and works. 
 This is why we reject legalism and Law for Believers in Christ. "Strive to arrive." "Fake it 'till you make it", or "achieve to receive"mindsets are pure humanism. Salvation is only found in Christ and His Finished Work. Righteousness, healing and peace and answered prayer is all found in the Finished Work, not our performance. 
 Salvation then is only found in Jesus Christ. He purchased redemption through His vicarious death on Calvary. All one need do is freely receive by placing all their hope and trust in Jesus alone. Salvation, eternal life, is Jesus plus nothing. 

Who is included in the Finished Work?

 When discussing a subject we should always draw the right conclusions. In light of the Finished Work, many come to the conclusion that all of Humanity are included in the death and burial and resurrection of Christ. Is the concept of inclusionism the right conclusion we draw from the Finished Work? 

When were we included?

  This is where the controversy begins. This is where so many draw the wrong conclusions. In light of the Finished Work, some have drawn a conclusion all were included the moment Christ actually rose from the dead. Is this accurate?

 Let's review the main tenets of inclusionism (with thanks to Paul Ellis)

1. Humanity has been raised, has ascended, and is now seated with Christ
“When Jesus rose, all humanity rose to new life with him; when Jesus ascended, all humanity ascended and became seated with him at the Father’s side.”
2. Humanity is righteous/justified
“Through Jesus, all humans are justified through the faith of Christ… Objectively, all people, past, present and future, are justified already …”
3. Humanity is sanctified
“All are sanctified.”
4. Humanity is reconciled/in union with Christ
“All humans—believers and non-believers—are united to God in and through Jesus… Through union with Jesus, all humanity is… reconciled to the Father…
5. Humanity is not lost but saved
“Through Jesus, all humans are… at peace with God, standing in his grace… (and) saved through Jesus’ life.”
 One last concept that has been gaining traction among the inclusion followers
6. All Humanity has been adopted into the Family of God

 Are these concepts accurate? Is this the message of Radical Grace? Absolutely not! If you are adhering to these views I urge you, I beseech you, by grace to examine your heart. I challenge you to relinquish acceptance of these ideas. Understand the Believer's heart can never again be corrupted but it can be deceived. 

 When are we included? Let's see what Paul says
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, Ephesians 1:1,12-13,15 NIV
 Paul, the Apostle of Grace says here we were included when we put our faith and trust in Christ. This is the message of Radical Grace. Undeserving man, when he places faith and trust in God alone, he finds new life. He becomes a partaker of Grace.

 When were we included in His death and burial and resurrection?
Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,  Romans 6:3-5 NKJV
 When we get born again, we are baptized in the Body of Christ. This is when we were included into the death and resurrection of Christ. 
27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians 3:27 NKJV
The Word is clear about when we were included.
Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was. Romans 16:7 NIV
How could Paul the Apostle of Grace state some were in Christ before he was if ALL are already in Christ? Remember when we take a text out of its context all that is left is a con. Inclusionism is a preconceived concept that looks to extrapolate portions of Scripture, out of context, to promote this philosophy. 
 Inclusion seeks to become God's "PR" man. It attempts to prove the success of the Finished Work. To the inclusionist the Finished Work isn't successful unless all humanity is saved. Again, this is drawing the wrong conclusion about the Finished Work.
 The message of Radical Grace is over the top glad news. The good news is not diminished because some choose to reject Jesus. The message of Grace doesn't dim in light of the choices of mankind. 
 We need not add to or take away from the Scripture to promote erroneous views. Grace is good news without additives and mixture. Religious tradition likes to mix grace with Law. Foolishness likes to mix the gospel truth with error. The message of Radical Grace stands alone and apart from human ideas, concepts and philosophies. It is simply the good news that sets the captives free, brings the spiritually dead to life and ushers in hope, joy and fullness of life in Him.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Understanding Grace: Is Everyone Ok because of the Finished Work?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

Drawing the right conclusions

 When presented with certain information and facts, inevitably we draw a conclusion from those facts. For example, what if a wife sees her husband continually begin to take calls in another room? She could come to the conclusion that he was secretly having an affair. Or, she could more positively conclude, that her husband is planning a surprise party for her. She would have to have more facts to come to a complete conclusion. 

 When it comes to the Finished Work of Jesus Christ we can draw certain conclusions. One conclusion I draw from the Cross is because it's finished I need no longer to strive to please God. Many who have experienced His grace have come to this same conclusion. Others though have drawn a different conclusion because of the Finished Work.

 Because of the finality of the Cross, some have concluded that all humanity is already saved. Some conclude that because of the Cross, "Love wins" and this means all humanity will be saved in the end. If another believer, who understands grace, doesn't draw these same conclusions then it must mean you're not "deep enough" in grace. That you are preaching "mixture". That you believe in an angry god and have no pity for the World.

 What makes the Finished Work "unfinished," or unsuccessful?

 Religious minded folk, Covenant mixing and Law mixing believers say the Finished Work is only begun in us. They teach a "gospel" where we must complete it by our performance.  Now these Universalist and Inclusionists say the work is unsuccessful if all humanity aren't redeemed and given the gift of righteousness. So, Jesus' work is only successful based upon how many respond?

 I have heard the two Adam debate and all other arguments made by the Inclusion and Universalist camps. They refute others with accusations that we who don't accept their view, are saying Adam's original sin was greater than Jesus' work. I am not here to debate and argue with those who differ with me. My primary goal is to reveal to all that God is always good. That His grace and Finished Work was enough. When received, you become a new creation, accepted, adopted, forgiven and healed. Eternally secure and forever righteous. 

 As I have stated many times before, I do not agree or draw the same conclusions of Inclusion or Universal Salvation. I will list a few reasons why this is. Also, I am going to refer to others excellent points proving why we shouldn't come to the conclusions of Universalism/Inclusion.

 Trinitarian Theology/Inclusionism, (not the doctrine of the Divine Trinity, or Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I believe in the Trinity), is the label inclusionism has taken to describe their philosophy. In a nutshell they teach that all humanity is already a new creation. That all humanity possesses the gift of righteousness, is adopted into the Family of God, is seated in Heavenly places with God, and has the Spirit of God indwelling them. 

This is my issue with this. It overrides freewill. In other words, you are all in, until you are out. It alters the gospel message. It isn't believe and be saved but you're saved, now believe it. So the gospel is no longer about a heart change. It is not an exchange of natures, but rather a mental awakening to a new identity. 

 What Inclusionism/Universalism relies heavily upon is enticing words of men's wisdom to propagate it. Conclusions are based upon reasoning and emotions. It feels like this should be true so therefore it is true. With this mindset the Scriptures are no longer inerrant. 

 Those who embrace these philosophies no longer value the Scripture. They diminish them every opportunity they get. Why? Because the Word of God challenges their reasoning and philosophy.  I have seen countless times, the proponents of this message attack the Word. They express continually that the writers of the Scriptures were mistaken and confused. They didn't hear God accurately. They are expedient however, to reveal how they are accurate though. That they have the "real message" from God. 

 Another aspect I have noted in the Inclusion circles is a slow transformation into pure Universalism. When we abandon the Word and embrace other reasoning error will always abound. With this allow me to point you to other ministers who have answered the arguments of Inclusion/Universalism

"Top Reasons I think “Inclusion” is delusion
4. The many warnings in Scripture about the importance of repentance, belief, calling on the name of the Lord, and the present and eternal consequences of unbelief. This includes the many passages about a place of punishment and some who do end up there.
3. Every passage about those who believed and received the Spirit (didn’t have Him before!) in the early church, and every conversion experience in history since then. One moment they were not new creations; the next moment they were. Clearly, we do not have the Spirit at birth, or the entire book of Acts needs to be re-written!
2. Many verses like 1 John 1:9 and Acts 26:18 and 2 Corinthians 5:20 that say forgiveness from God is received only after admitting one’s sinfulness and turning from unbelief to belief (at salvation) and that reconciliation takes two parties with a response on our part being necessary. Take a minute to look those passages up and ponder them.
1. The doctrine of “Inclusion” either promotes salvation of all for eternity, no matter what, or in more cases, claims that all begin saved but not all end up saved. So either it tosses Scriptural warnings about unbelief to the wind and gives false security to all; or it ignores God’s promises to the believer and teaches loss of salvation for some in the end. Either way, it’s not the new covenant message."Grace minister from Texas

" I don’t see the Good News in the inclusionist theory, nor do I see the advantage that theory supposes when it comes grace. Theologians must ask themselves the question, “is Christ’s work finished because of its success performed in humanity, or is it finished because there is nothing left to be done for man?”  The difference is not so subtle.  I don’t believe my position of grace is less because I believe in the latter.  Namely, that Jesus’ work of redemption is in fact complete, regardless of whether one benefits from it or not.  A gift is still a gift, even though it may not be received.  The same for grace, and the same for Christ’s completed work.  All has been done to settle man’s fallen condition.  Jesus will not die again.  Yet, while the work of redemption is complete, it does not benefit man unless he believes and receives.

When faith joins with truth about Christ, a New Creation is the result, where old things are passed away and new things have come.  I have grave difficulty seeing and believing that the entire human race was in effect born again when Christ was resurrected but they just don’t know it.  I think this diminishes our view of the New Creation.  Where is the change in humanity if all are born again?

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell on believers.  Why didn’t He fall on all the human race if all were born again?  Even the prophet Joel foretold that the Spirit would fall on “all flesh”.  Yet it is obvious in Acts that this did not happen.  What then did Joel see?  He saw the Spirit falling on all believers (Jews and Gentiles), which is clearly evidenced in the documentation presented by Luke in the book of Acts.

The New Creation has the nature of righteousness, holiness, and have become partakers of the divine nature.  All believers have been given a new heart, and have the mind of Christ.  Can we with boldness proclaim to all the human race that these things are true of them whether they believe or not?  I don’t see it, nor do I see that it increases the value of the Good News we preach." Grace minister from florida

Joseph Prince on Universal Salvation here

Paul Ellis on Inclusion here and here and here and here

Ed Elliott on Inclusion here

Dr. Andrew Farley on Inclusion/Universalism here

What is it I am saying in all this? I am not saying I hate the World and those without Christ. I am not advocating we tell people how wrong they are. I am saying the message is never changed. Christ died for all because all were already dead and need a savior. He paid the price all we need do is simply respond with childlike belief.

 Am I now not deep enough in grace? Have I rejected the message of grace? Am I no longer understanding grace? Of course not! The real truth is this, grace is inclusive and universal in its invitation and application. Universalism and Inclusion aren't the message of grace though.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Going deeper into truth or error?

I was so filled with joy to hear stories about your children walking in truth, in the very way the Father called us to live. 2 John 4

Anyone who gets so progressive in his thinking that he walks out on the teaching of Christ, walks out on God. But whoever stays with the teaching, stays faithful to both the Father and the Son. 2 John 9 Message

 In our last post we were examining Ultimate reconciliation and through the Word we refuted it as untruth. We began to examine the ideology of Historic Inclusionism. Is it the pure gospel of grace?

  I believe that Pastor Ryan Rufus made the case so clear about this view. It saddens me to write this but this philosophy is rooted in error. The spirit of error was prevalent in the founder of the particular group this idea stems from. The passing of the leader in the late 80s made this group rethink some of its views. That is the good news. The bad news is they still have roots of error in their doctrines. In the 2000s they changed their name. In the renaming of their group they put the word grace in the title. So today those hearing this beautiful message of God's grace readily receive anyone who say they're proclaiming grace.

  We need to more discerning than this. Here is why. Two different groups have web pages dedicated to "Christian Universalism". I don't want to link them. They are filled with error. On these web pages the moderators link this message of Inclusion to their own message of Universalism. We don't want to poison the gospel of grace with leading men to believe we are promoting Universalism or Inclusionism. 

   What about Historic Inclusionism? What are their main points? That all are righteous. This includes those who are not born again. That all are God's Children, that all men are in the Family of God. That all men have the Holy Spirit indwelling them. That all men have the new nature. The life of God is already within. Being born again is not becoming a new creation and receiving right standing  with God and the Spirit making His abode within, but rather it is an awakening to your true identity. That every man is included in the redemption. So basically you're already in whether you like it or not. 
   Are these Biblical views? If you don't accept these as truth are you not walking in the "deeper" realms of grace? I get so fed up with foolishness in the name of the Lord. These ideas put men in so much bondage. Am I believing the message the way the "elitist" teach it? I saw this in faith teaching years ago. If you didn't believe  ideas like faith means not having a job, or never taking medicine you just had a "faith" problem or a weaker faith. Let me be real truthful. I say it in love. All these Inclusionist views are plain  wrong and a misunderstanding and twisting of the Scripture to fit a presupposed view. Sadly, I shudder to write this, but sadly a few popular grace proclaimers on social media (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) adhere to these views. Many ascribe to their views because it sounds so similar to real pure grace. 

   Do all men have the new nature within? Do they have the life of Christ within? What does the Word teach?
   We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.  1 John 3:14-15 NKJV

   If one possess the new nature and new life within they WILL be walking in this love. I have sad news for the followers of inclusion. Unsaved men do not have the new nature within. The new nature has the love of God shed abroad within it. Love will be evident. 

  In my personal life I worked in the Law enforcement community. I know of many thousands of people incarcerated and personally supervised  many of them inside the prison walls of this nation. I know of one case where a man who with seven others found a random woman on the street and by force brought her back to their apartment and brutally raped her. Did he just have the New Nature (which possess the God kind of love) dormant within? Did the Holy Spirit inside this unsaved man just fall asleep while he assaulted and brutalized his victim? Doesn't seem like the new nature would follow this  type of living. 

   Are all God's children apart from faith? What does the Scripture state?
   Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1
   For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians 3:26-27
    But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: John 1:12

   These passages have the same theme. It is only by faith that we are the children of God. This alone disproves Inclusion as truth. Yet through extremely poor Bible interpretation and presupposed mindsets those in Inclusion will cite these passages as saying it does prove inclusion because the word all is used. 

   So because the word all is found in many Bible passage this give the Inclusionists the entire foundation of their philosophy. What they need to study is context and find the intended audience of the passages where the word all is used. If you study 1 John 3:1 it does use the Word all. Don't stop reading there though. Note it goes on to differentiate between all and the World. Who are the all here? The saved, those who received the Lord. Who are the World then? Those who have not received Him. Even though the word all is used it doesn't imply the unsaved are included. The World according the Apostle John is not included in the Family just because Jesus paid the price. We see there must be a response on the part of the unbeliever. 

   What about the unsaved already having the Holy Ghost within? What does the Word say?
   But you do not live in the flesh. You live in the Spirit, assuming, of course, that the Spirit of God lives inside of you. The truth is that anyone who does not have the Spirit of the Anointed living within does not belong to God.  If the Anointed One lives within you, even though the body is as good as dead because of the effects of sin, the Spirit is infusing you with life now that you are right with God. If the Spirit of the One who resurrected Jesus from the dead lives inside of you, then you can be sure that He who raised Him will cast the light of life into your mortal bodies through the life-giving power of the Spirit residing in you. Romans 8:9-11

    And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?"... Acts 19:1-2a 
 (I suppose Paul didn't consult the Trinitarian Theologians before asking this question. I am so intrigued to know of so many who know more than the Apostle Paul today...excuse the snarky tone)

 How can it get any clearer? In Romans 8 the Apostle Paul keeps using the word if. If you have the Spirit within, you're alive to God. If you don't you don't belong to Him yet. So how could you already have the Spirit within but, then have Paul admonish you with instructions about if you don't? This view is so easily proven unscriptural. It also forces those who adhere to it to dismiss clear scripture that disproves their points of view. 
  What about already being made righteous? What about being reconciled? What about God taking away the sin of the World? I believe 2 Corinthians 5 holds the key to understanding these truths. 

For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.  Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.  For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 NKJV

Do these passages promote inclusion? Again the word all is cited. So the Inclusionist comes to the conclusion that all means all humanity. Note Paul says He died for all. The Original KJV states it more clearer, that because He died for all it is clear that all were already dead. Dead in sin and trespasses. So Paul goes on to state that in order to receive the new creation you must be in Christ. How are we in Christ? It is when we receive Him. It is when we are born again. In John 3 Jesus Himself states we MUST be born again. He stated unless we are born again we will not see or experience the kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom? Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

So, Paul is not teaching inclusion. He is teaching the need for faith in God. What about reconciliation? What about Jesus taking away the sin of the World? What about 1 John 2:1? He is the propitiation for the sins of the whole World. Doesn't this prove historic inclusion? If you want to believe it does you will make these passages say so. Jesus in truth paid the full price at Calvary. He took away the sin. Is that salvation though? No, salvation includes forgiveness and reconciliation but it is not salvation. These are only a small portion of salvation. Salvation is receiving the Lord and Him in turn imparting His righteousness, giving you His Spirit within and you being remade a New Creation in Him, it is receiving adoption into His Family. Again, to be in the Family of God we must believe. What about reconciliation? You see there are two parties involved in any relationship. 

God, has done all there is to do for us to be saved and righteous. He has forgiven sin. He has reconciled with us. He is no longer angry because the price for sin has been paid. This is all on God's side of the relationship. We need to now be reconciled to Him. Say my wife and I had a disagreement. We could both sit at the table to discuss it. She could be over it, hold no resentment, and already be reconciled to me. For me to experience the reconciliation I would have to be reconciled to her. It would be on my end to now receive the reconciliation offered. This is seen clearly in this passage when Paul admonished that we be now reconciled to God. How could we need to be reconciled to God if we already were?

One thing these historic Inclusionist deny is that they are  Universalist. They continually say a decision must be made to go to Heaven. So the inclusion view is you're included and already in until you're out. How does this view adhere to the absolute Biblical truth of Eternal Security? It is therefore contrary to it.

 Think of this. If we all are already in the Family, already righteous and already possess the New Nature within how could anyone saved or unbelievers then ever be lost? The truth of Eternal Security proves beyond doubt when one receives the New Nature within they are sealed with the Spirit. The Spirit is the guarantee of one's Salvation. To be in the Family means to have been adopted by  Abba Father. So the unGodly, unsaved man who never "awakens" to the "truth" of his "true identity" (who remember, already has the new nature, the indwelling Spirit, and been adopted in the Family according to the Trinitarian Inclusionist) will what now be cast away in the end? How can one be unadopted and unsealed? When does the Spirit leave? So one can be included in the Family and partaker of the Divine Nature and then thrown into hell for not receiving Jesus as Lord? Really? The Word is clear only the unrighteous (the unbeliever who rejects the grace and free gift of righteousness) will be lost and suffer eternal damnation. It seems Trinitarian Theology tosses aside certain Bible truths to establish one of their main points, but then uses those same discarded truths to establish the other points of view they hold to. Trinitarian Theology is actually saying, your all in but not really. Because, you're "in" but can still be "out" in the long run. You see how confusing this Trinitarian Inclusionism is?

 Lets not poison the flowing streams of God's pure gospel of grace. These ideas and philosophies are not the pure grace message Jesus has proclaimed to the World. The message to the lost is not wake up to who you already are. The message to the World is God loves you immeasurably. God is not holding your trespass against you. He is not mad at you. He has paid the full price for you. Simply receive Him freely. He will adopt you in His Family. He will make you a new Creation. He will never leave you or forsake you. Once you truly receive Him you will be never lost. Receive Him be reconciled to Him. This is the gospel of grace message we should always be proclaiming. This will set the captive free. Let's proclaim a pure gospel. Let's remove ourselves from a gospel of grace rebellion and be apart of a revolution that will alter lives for Christ. 

I know these words were hard sayings. I pray these words do not make you cease reading my blog. I pray this enlightened you to the pure gospel of His grace. Your feedback is welcomed. Consider sharing if this has blessed you.