A Hyper Grace, based, encouraging, never discouraging, blog proclaiming His all the time goodness, and Faithulness. Come discover The Father's lavish love for you today! This site is dedicated to proclaiming the Hyper Grace Gospel of Jesus Christ, His unconditional love and everlasting mercy! Caution, this blog may make you rethink your traditional religious understanding of the Bible. It will help you fall more radically in love with a loving and gracious Father!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Our advocate for eternal security
24 But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. 25 Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:24-25 NKJV
We've been in a series concerning our eternal secure salvation in Christ. I titled it"Loving it, leaving it or losing it". Right now I'm teaching about loving our eternal salvation. I am revealing 7 proofs from the Word of God of our eternally secure salvation.
Last article I posted about how by the Spirit indwelling God's people is the guarantee of our eternally secure position in Him. If you have the Spirit of God dwelling in you then you are guaranteed secure in Him. In the Old Covenant the prayer was don't take away your Spirit upon if I fail. In the New Covenant we don't just have the Spirit come upon us for ministry but we actually have Him abiding within us. He also said He will never leave us or forsake us.
Today, I want to reveal the 5th proof of our eternal security. That is found in my opening text.
24 But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. 25 Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:24-25 NKJV
He lives to make intercession for us. Jesus is always praying for our faith and our sustained victory. It is a beautiful thought to know we are always on His mind. Think about that for a moment. How comforting is it to know when your friends and family tell you that they have been praying for you? Now, how much more comforting is it to know Jesus is praying for you? What a joy knowing that He is in agreement with you to have manifested victory and success in life, both spiritually and physically.
This is key to help understand the Old Covenant. Before Jesus paid the price there was no one to take away the judgment of sin and wrongdoings. When Israel failed to keep the Covenant God longed for mercy but this covenant didn't allow for the mercy that we see in the New Covenant. Why? Did God have a sudden change of heart in the New? Of course not. He is always good. It was just in this time period the penalty of sin had to be carried out by temporal sacrifices. So when we see wrath and judgments being poured out in the Old Testament realize God wasn't a hateful, I am gonna get you, type God. He had no intercessor, no one to stand in the gap.
This is why God raised up prophets and those to lead Israel. He had them intercede to avert judgment. Now in this New Covenant Jesus paid the price for all sin. He now intercedes for mercy and not judgment. Now I am not saying God is angry and wants to wipe out a nation or a people and Jesus looks at the Father and "calms" Him down. No, Jesus and the Father are in unity. They are in agreement. Jesus intercession is a remembrance of the finished work. When the enemy wants to accuse you of your sin Jesus intercedes on your behalf for you to put into remembrance the finished work. That you are the very righteousness of God in Him.
So Jesus intercedes for us that our faith in the finished work fails not. That we don't fall from grace and return to dead works and trying to earn our salvation. That we rely on His grace and reality of our New Creation in Him.
His intercession also helps us in times of temptation. When fleshly passions (policies of the Old man) rise up He is interceding that we recall we are dead to that junk. That we are a New Creature. That sin and bad habits aren't who we are. We don't enjoy sin or wicked pursuits. That is not our nature any longer. So when you feel the lies pulling you to go the other direction rest in His intercession for you. His faith never fails.
So our fifth proof of our eternally secure position is He intercedes for us continually. What an exciting revelation to know! Rejoice in what He has done. He is good.
I trust this post has blessed you and encouraged your walk with the Lord. I pray you are blessed more and more this week. Grow in grace.
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