Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Understanding Grace: What are God's thoughts toward us when we...

`18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We have been in a series of study concerning understanding Grace. Recently, we began dispelling the many myths often associated with the message of Radical Grace. More recently, we've endeavored to bring clarity and truth to the myth concerning Grace and God's correction. 

 We've allayed the myth that Grace equates an ideology that God never corrects or instructs His Church. That God isn't grieved when we sin or make poor choices. In reinforcing the Biblical truth of correction we've also revealed from the Scriptures exactly how our Father instructs and corrects us. 

 In summation, God's correction is always about our true nature and identification. Having laid these myths to rest, I had planned on continuing to quell even more myths associated with Grace. But God wasn't finished completely dispelling this myth. I sensed strongly to also eradicate the religious concepts associated with God's correction.

 God's correction has never been about rejection. His instruction has never been about destruction. 

 Sometimes when we answer the myths critics hurl upon us, we also need to take the time to remove the traditional concepts that many try to assign to God in an attempt to place Him in a box of their own design. When we say God is always pleased with us, religious tradition begins to cringe and accuse us of false teaching. The root of this contention between Radical Grace and tradition is a misunderstanding of our identity in Him.

 Religious and insecure minded believers, (whom usually mean well, and yes God loves them the same as us Radical Grace believers), define identity as not just who we are, but what we do. Is our identity centered around what are actions are? Are we the sum total of what we say and do? 

 Religious tradition would unequivocally say yes. Radical Grace soundly rejects this concept. Radical Grace stands firm in agreement with who God says we are. We understand we are the very righteousness of God. We understand He has made us holy and set us apart. He has cleansed us and forgave us once for all time.

 Religious traditional minded believers would offer some passages to supposedly contradict our claims, such as;
I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, Ephesians 4:1 NKJV
10 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; Colossians 1: NKJV
 You see Grace preachers? Paul is saying we need to walk worthy and pleasing to God. This is proof we can be unpleasing and unworthy before our God. Are these the concepts the Spirit wants us to draw from the passages?

 Taken at face value and out of its setting it would appear that way. Thank God though He gave us His Word in context. In the context of each of these passages, Paul was again reminding the believers of who they already are in Christ. He is urging them to mature into who they already are. 

 When our thinking and understanding is rooted in performance and insecurity all we will see when we read Scriptures is threatening concepts such as perform well enough or your salvation will be removed. We will read into God's Word, intimidation tactics such as blessings with be withheld or removed if you misbehave or don't engage in religious practices properly. Relating to God becomes more of a math equation that is one miscalculation away from failure and having to begin again. 

 These concepts must be removed from our thinking if we are to have a fruitful and fulfilling relationship with God. If your image of God is a stern and austere taskmaster with arms crossed in constant disapproval, then you will never know lasting peace and comfort. Allow His Grace to wash over you and your thinking. Let His love and mercy overwhelm you and remove this idea of our Father from you. 

What are God's thoughts toward us when we...

 Let's answer these religious falsehoods and concepts without intimidation or shrinking back from the truth of His Grace. What are God's thoughts towards us when we stumble, fall, fail, or just plain willfully sin? His thoughts toward us don't fade or falter just because we blow it or walk out of love.

 In the Old Covenant, He told His people He rejoiced over them with joy (Zephaniah 3). If He rejoiced over His servants how much more His sons? We have a better Covenant, God is always pleased with us, in our identity in Christ. Our identity then is not what we do but what we've been made in Him. 

 When we miss it, we need to be reminded of who we already are. We are the righteousness of God in Christ, (2 Corinthians 5). We are made holy once for all time, (Hebrews 10). As He is so are we in this World, (1 John 4). We are forgiven of all our sins (Colossians 2). Eternally secure in His salvation for us, (Hebrews 7, 9). He reminds us in this New Covenant our sins and iniquities He will remember no more. God isn't our accuser. 

 Because of the Blood of Jesus and the Finished Work He remembers our sins no longer. He isn't holding them against us because that would mean we are responsible for paying for them. Jesus made the once for all time payment for all sin. Understanding who we are in Him what then are God's thoughts toward us?

 His thoughts toward us are that of love, encouragement, and hope. When our salvation or sonship is threatened in the name of instruction or correction, know that it isn't from God. Again, God isn't always pleased by the actions of His people. But this doesn't mean He is disappointed and let down. 

 God is a good and merciful Father. He is tender and kind. He is also just and perfectly Holy. He leads us and guides us into all truth. He already made us perfect inwardly. The growth process is us maturing into who we already are. This is where correction is utilized. It is not a tool to hold our sin against us. 

 Maturing into who we already are in Him brings Him pleasure. This isn't striving, or toiling or trying to be made worthy. It is us drawing upon His Grace and allowing it to bring maturity.  There is also no place for boasting in this. Because growth only comes when we draw upon His Grace, His divine influence upon our heart. Just as any natural father is pleased to see his children mature so it is with our Heavenly Father. 

 In summation, what is God's thoughts toward us? His thoughts are always those of approval, acceptance and everlasting love and eternal security. Regardless if we have sinned or walked out of love, His thoughts toward us haven't changed. Tradition wants to label us by our actions. It wishes to continually remind us of our faults and failures. Religion reminds us of our sins, Grace reminds us of God's Son.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace dismiss obedience and living holy?

`18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We have been in a series of study concerning His over the top, too good to be true but true, Radical Grace. Recently we began to dismantle the myths often associated with Radical Grace. True Grace isn't advocating pursuing sin, fashioning a lazy, purposeless way of living or disregarding God's Word. 

 Over the last couple of posts, we have been addressing the misnomer that there is no more correction or instruction under Grace. Certainly, God is grieved when we miss it or act contrary to our true righteous nature. Scripture makes it blatantly clear that God our Father will correct us if we stray off the righteous path. The key principle for understanding Grace is the how He corrects.

 Whenever a minister threatens loss of sonship or salvation in order to alter behavior, know this isn't Godly correction. We have established from Scripture that God corrects us by reminding us who we already are. God's correction leaves us hopeful and restored not dejected and distraught. This leads us to answer yet another myth.

What about obedience and holiness?

 We are often accused of dismissing the need for obedience and living holy. Radical Grace has received much criticism and accusations. This is one of the major accusations hurled upon those who ascribe to God's Radical Grace. Are we, in fact, dismissing the need for obedience and upright living? 

Get the Root right and the Fruit will be right.

 The point of contention stems from a wrong perception of God and salvation. Our detractors have the proverbial cart before the horse. The underlying perception is we must love God, obey God, live right before Him and then He will save you, or bless you or love you. 
  Many hold to a concept of God that He waits for us to do this or that and then He will respond. The problem with this mindset is, it is rooted in Old Covenant principles. God under the Old commanded the Israelites to do this or that and then He would respond with blessings, deliverance or protection. The Old Covenant was a covenant cut between God and man. The weak link in this covenant was mankind. 

 Under the New, God cut a covenant with Jesus and we are the benefactors of this New Covenant. This is why our conduct has no bearing on our receiving or not receiving His love and mercy and blessing. Now as I have already established if we step out of our identity and make poor choices we are susceptible to the consequences of those decisions. But, receiving mercy and love and blessing comes because we are sons and not because we are perfect.

 Think of this. If we are only blessed because we were good enough then what type of relationship do we have with God? It is not father and son, but rather employee and employer. I don't pray and beg to receive a paycheck after forty hours of work. I earned that pay, it belongs to me. Look at the dynamic of a relating to God as an employer and not Father. 

 It is not a relationship of Him leading and us following but rather us striving and achieving. This is why under Law and performance there is so much competition among believers and ministries. Local churches won't support a traveling evangelist because he may take some members out of some of their regular services and they wouldn't be able to give. I know of one minister who went to New York years ago. Some of the local pastors protested and boycotted him. This is because they felt threatened and were in competition with each other. I thought the Church was about reaching the World? This is not the gospel, this is performance and legalism at its "finest".
 Does Radical Grace then dismiss obedience? Certainly not. The truth is we understand that obedience and holiness are the Fruit not the Root of our relationship with Father God.  

 through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, Romans 1:5 ESV
 Grace produces obedience and upright living. Grace understands and rests in the Finished Work. Jesus was already obedient on our behalf. We have a secure and eternal loving relationship with God because of it. We received the free gift purchased by that Finished Work and through it, we now have a new heart and the mind of Christ. 

 Paul references obedience in other portions of Scripture;
26 but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith Romans 16:26 NKJV

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report? Romans 10:16 NKJV

 Interestingly how Paul mentions obedience to the gospel and to the faith. In John's epistles, he lists the commands under the New Covenant. They are to believe and to walk in love. Paul, by the Spirit, is conveying the same message essentially. Obeying the gospel and faith also means to add nothing to our salvation.

 Our salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. When we add to it with stipulations like doing this more or abstaining from that, we are adding to our salvation. Salvation is simply placing our trust and all hope in Jesus alone and what He did on our behalf. Is obedience then defined as following the tenants and dictates of a denomination or a minister? 

 Certainly not, obedience is complying with and following the leading of the Lord. In essence, obedience is really just simple trust in a loving Father. Oh if I had known this years ago! In my mind, based upon the teachings I had sat under, I saw God as the harsh taskmaster and obedience as a servant and master relationship. God wasn't a loving Father. He was a stern and austere master who always kept score when I blew it or didn't perform just perfect enough.  

 God is a good, good Father. This image of God and this concept of obedience needs to be eradicated out of the minds of His Children. Obedience or rather, simply trusting in His love will produce the right fruit. Certainly, there are rewards for following His leading and living from our new creation. We aren't earning or achieving anything, we are following His leading and guidance to a place of abundance and rest that is available to all His kids. There is no preferential treatment, therefore there is no need for competition. 

 Trusting in Him brings about great rewards. It leads us away from temptations and out of the realm of poor choices. It leads us to a place of rest and peace. Does Radical Grace discount obedience? No, we properly define it and strip away the wrong concept so many have clung onto in the past. Grace brings freedom and a more fruitful relating to God. We have the right root (the Finished Work) and thus the right fruit is produced. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace teach that God isn't grieved by our sins?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We've been in a series of study concerning God's Radical Grace. This too good to be true, but true good news. We have seen how we are forgiven, loved and free from all shame and fear because of what Jesus has purchased for us in the Finished Work. 

 Currently, we have been dispelling the myths often associated with Radical Grace. Radical Grace isn't a message that promotes laziness or advocates living in sin. In our last study, we allayed the myth that Radical Grace promotes the idea that there is no longer any correction. 

 With that foundation laid, I felt impressed to build upon the truths of how God corrects and in doing so, dispel yet another myth that our detractors accuse us of. Does Radical Grace convey the idea that God is no longer grieved by our sin? When a truth is presented people will always draw conclusions from it. We want to ensure we draw the right conclusions.

 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God...Ephesians 4:30a NKJV
30 And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30 NLT
 The Scripture is quite clear. Yes God can be grieved by our actions and choices. The key to truly understand this concept though is to rightly divide the Word. It also comes when we rightly define what grieving Father God actually means.
 In Our last study, we saw from God's Word that our loving Father in Heaven does correct us when we stray or miss it. We saw the how He corrects. He reminds us of who we are in Him. He brings to our remembrance whose we are and our value and worth to Him. 
 Couple this understanding with the truth that He can be grieved by our actions and we see a clearer image of a good Father. Why is He grieved? He is grieved for a few reasons. 
 Firstly, He is grieved because sin is destructive. Sin hurts His kids. He loves us with an everlasting love. He doesn't want to see us hurt or damaged or jeopardizing our family, career or other relationships by foolish choices. 
 When temptation arises rest in who you are, and whose you are. Remind yourself you are the righteousness of God in Him. If you are loved and secure in Him then what would He not freely provide for you that is consistent with Godliness and love? 
 Married and feeling tempted by another person in your community or on the job? Then, begin to ask God to begin to send the rain of refreshing and passion upon your marriage. We are tempted when we believe God has forgotten us or we fail to recognize and understand He is a good, good Father who always loves us and has our best in mind. 
 Secondly, He is grieved by our poor choices and actions because we are stepping out of our identity. We are succumbing to the lies of the enemy and accepting a false identity. The enemy loves to present a false identity to us so we will accept it and walk in it.
 For example, Our Father declared we have peace and joy in Him. The enemy comes to our minds with lies that depression and despair and anxiety is part of who we are and to just accept it. We should reject these lies. When we rest in our new identity in Him we will walk in victory. 
 Lastly, He is grieved by our actions because this is a poor witness and example for others to see. Granted, we don't live to please people. We don't exist to make sure we have the approval of all around us. We are, however, created to be beacons or lights upon a hill for all to see. Our life can be a great witness to the lost that there is a good God in Heaven who desires a relationship with them.

 Grieved, but not disappointed

 With this truth presented I feel compelled to uproot an error often associated with any teachings along this line. When Ephesians stated God can be grieved by our actions it never said He was disappointed.
 It is important to distinguish this truth. When we miss it or foul up the enemy and religion seem to revel in this concept that God is now disappointed in you. The enemy comes with his accusations.
 "You call yourself a Christian. Look at this sin and mess up. God is so disappointed in you."
 Religious tradition also begins to point fingers with condemning and accusative words. They begin using words like,
"You let God down."
"You are such a disappointment to God."
"You sinned so much, there is no way God's plans or calling is that important to you. If it was you wouldn't have been sinning."
"You need to get right with God."
 With such accusations, we may feel we can't go on. Why even pursue a relationship with God? We will just let Him down again. We might as well just go back to our old life. 
 Well, I have some good news. God is not disappointed in us. The price Jesus paid in the Finished Work was more than enough for God. He is always pleased with us. When we miss it, He is always there rooting us on. He reminds us we are better than this sin or poor choice. Jesus never leaves us hopeless.

 As believers in Christ, we rest in the Finished Work and our new identity in Him. We are already "right with God", even when we miss it. He has made us the very righteousness of God in Christ. We are just as righteous as God is. Knowing and trusting in this right standing we can rejoice knowing He isn't ever disappointed in us. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace teach there is no longer any place for correction?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

  We have been in a series of study as of late concerning God's amazing Grace. Recently we began dismantling the myths often associated with Radical Grace. Up to now we have allayed the myths that Radical Grace advocates sin, makes folk lazy and purposeless. That Radical Grace is merely Universalism in disguise. 

 This week I want to quell yet another myth associated with Radical Grace. The myth that Radical Grace doesn't believe in correction. That hearing and receiving the message of Radical Grace means all choices and actions should be celebrated and acceptable. 

Grace brings correction when first received

 The first area of correction Grace brings is to get us to the place where we are resting and trusting in Christ alone. Grace will bring instruction to us in our times of study and hearing the Word and times alone with Him in prayer. It gently reminds us of who we are.  It will help us lay aside the weights of religion and tradition and bring to our awareness our true identity in Christ.

 This may come as a surprise, but many who are performance minded who claim they love correction in reality only love adherence to their traditions. Correction to them is simply a reminder to keep all their traditions. Radical Grace, on the other hand, understands correction as instruction or a reminder for the Believer in Christ to understand their perfect righteousness in Him. This Grace will bring instruction that the performance path is not the right way. Grace brings this correction so we will rest in His right standing and Finished Work.

 Does Radical Grace mean then we can never miss it or be rebellious to our Father's plans or purposes?

 Any time information is presented to us we will inevitably draw conclusions. Drawing the right conclusions from the right information is how we steer clear from error. Unfortunately, we are all capable of missing it and sometimes we can draw the wrong conclusions. 

 The foolish are those who merely heard a concept of Radical Grace. They heard some information and drew the wrong conclusions. The Word of God in various places continually admonishes us to avoid foolishness. Now God still loves the foolish minded with an eternal love. He just desires them to come the knowledge of the truth.

 In reality, foolishness is simply ignorance or immaturity in action. Some then have heard a partial message of Radical Grace and concluded that they can never miss God. That it is an impossibility to rebel against His plan for their life. Is this accurate? Is this the message of Radical Grace?

 Certainly not. The first "commandment" or "tenet" of the "satanic bible" is to do whatever thou wilt. Does that even remotely sound like Grace or love? Of course not. Grace is gracious and loving. Grace is not the message that we are free to enjoy sin and poor choices. 

 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; 1 Thessalonians 4:1 NKJV
Here is some difficult but honest news. If you as a believer are living with your significant other without being married, that is not God's will or best for you. It is unloving because in reality it is rooted in selfishness or self-gratification. If you regularly lie or cheat or find shortcuts to get out of assigned duties at your job that is wrong behavior. Where is the love for others being displayed in this behavior? These behaviors are the "fruits" of wrong thinking.

 Does God simply ignore our poor choices or sins? Newsflash we will reap the natural consequences of our poor choices. Let me elaborate. God still loves us. He is still pleased with us, just not our actions or choices. Jesus took the full punishment for our sins and failures. However, we still live in this Earth. Poor choices have poor consequences. If you commit adultery be aware you are in danger of losing your marriage, the trust and respect of your  children and depending where you work, possibly your job. 

 With poor consequences still attached to poor choices certainly God will correct us when we are on the wrong path. So don't draw the wrong conclusion that correction doesn't exist under Grace. The  truth we must know and understand is the how He corrects us.

How does He correct us?

 This is paramount for us to understand how God corrects us. Does He correct us by casting guilt and condemnation onto us? Does He shame us publicly? Does He make you have a flat tire because you are just no good? I used to think this is how He corrects. These and, of course, the threats of loss of salvation. This is why the Word is so vital to our growth in Grace. Let's allow the Word to reveal how He corrects.
For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. 1 Thessalonians 4:7 NKJV

1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? 1 Corinthians 6:1-2 NKJV

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 1 Corinthians 6:5 NKJV

But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, Colossians 3:8-10 NKJV

 To the performance and insecure minded all they see here is Paul chiding believers. Is this an accurate description of what we just read? Certainly not. Paul the Apostle of Grace by the Spirit is bringing correction and instruction. How so? He is simply reminding the people of who they already are in Him.
 This is how God corrects. He reminds us of who we are and whose we are. When we awaken to the truth that we are the very righteousness of God in Him, we will begin to act accordingly. When we understand He already sanctified us and made us holy by the Finished Work we will begin to identify with that. This is what brings about true change in our thinking and our actions toward one another. 

what Grace isn't saying

 A word of caution here. As I stated earlier we must draw the right conclusions from the information that is presented to us. Even if you find yourself in a state of living in sin and poor choices, don't react by adopting the performance based, self-help mentality. Meaning don't say to yourself and God, "I'm sorry, I will do better now let me do..." That is not correction that is humanistic self-improvement. 

18 And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices. Hebrews 10:18 NLT

 Many of the performance minded and insecure wish to "balance" Grace. What they mean is they want Radical Grace mixed with all the "commandments" they deem vital. In other words, "God loves you yea but get busy doing more and if you miss it you're a sinner and need to confess or God's gonna get you.."

 Grace is saying there is no more sacrifice for sins. You can't pay for your sins or poor choices. You can't try to outweigh your "bad" by doing better stuff like feeding the homeless or giving donations.  If you've failed and are seeing some consequences still trust Him to get you through it. Allow wisdom and instruction to come so you don't repeat the same behavior patterns. Be who you already are in Him.
 In summation, yes there is still correction under Radical Grace. It isn't condemnation or guilt. It is the process of us understanding who we already are in Him. Radical Grace isn't saying let's do evil that good may come. Yes God has a great plan for each of His kids. Yes, we can rebel and get off the path. But His amazing Grace is there to help us get back up again and get back on the path. Correction is good for us. It may seem grievous at first, but it is for our best and growth in Grace.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace Ignore or dismiss the Scripture as invalid or errant?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We've been in a series on understanding God's amazing Grace. Up to now we have seen that by His Grace we always have free access to fellowship with our Father. That we are forgiven eternally. We have seen how we are forever secure in His hands. 

 I sensed strongly to continue dispelling the myths often associated with Radical Grace. Today I am impressed to topple yet another myth linked with those who minister God's extravagant Grace. Too often we are accused of disregarding God's Word when we proclaim the good news. 

Is this a honest assessment of Radical Grace ministers? In order to answer this allow me to elaborate what makes up a Radical Grace preacher. There are many "voices in the wind" so to speak. Many are vying for our ears, for our attention, some even for our devotion. We must first discern these "voices" and their source. 

The "voice" of legalism and performance

 In the Body of Christ we have many proclaiming what they sense is good news. They begin with God's Grace but progress into works and performance. Their love for what they see as truth overrides any mercy or grace. Sadly, these "truths" that many cling to is nothing more than the traditions of men. 

 Their source is the traditions they have embraced. They use the Scripture as a weapon. They beat the sheep into submission. There is no freedom and liberty in Christ. The Word of God is wielded to strike fear and anxiety in the minds of God's people. 

On a side note...

  I have also seen those who utilize Scripture to seek gain. I categorize these with performance driven preachers for a reason. These are the ministers who promise that, by opening your wallet or check book to them, you will receive untold riches and everlasting abundance. These alleged promises are nothing more than "lottery ticket" messages that are beyond the truth of Scripture.

 I absolutely believe we have a good, good Daddy God. He wants to pour His abundant love and mercy and goodness out upon us. Certainly He blesses His Church, His children. That said, He never promised or guaranteed we would be millionaires or live in mansions. 

 Now what are these "ministers" to do when the people aren't walking in the foretold wealth? This is when Law and performance is there to "rescue" these ministers. They are quick to revert to preaching a performance driven faith so as to explain why people aren't receiving what they promised. 

The "voice"of the foolish

 The other voice we must discern is those of the foolish. These are the "ministers" or bloggers or "Facebook theologians" who mainly desire a following to validate them. The Scripture is useless to them unless they can distort it to promote some erroneous views. 

 These are those who don't tear down religious traditional strongholds. They don't build up either, because again, their following is what is paramount. What they actually do is simply tear up. They tear up other ministries. They tear up the authority of Scriptures if it disagrees with their latest philosophy. They tear up relationships. Error always shipwrecks people's joy and hope and peace. Thank the Lord His Word spoken in truth always brings restoration.

 The voice of the Radical Grace minister

 Now that we have discerned the wrong voices lets hear the true voices. Radical Grace embraces God's Word as the final authority. It is God's Word that reveals to us who God is to us. It is the Word that reveals we have a good Father who always loves us. It is the Word of God that reveals the Finished Work. The Word is what anchors our soul when contrary thoughts come to us.

 Radical Grace doesn't dismiss the Scriptures. The legalist doesn't rightly divide the Word. The foolish disregard the Word. Radical Grace embraces the Word. The Word is what reveals to us this majestic Radical Grace. Jesus is Grace. Jesus is the Word made flesh. The Word and Grace are one!

 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV

 The Word equips us because it assures and anchors us in the truth of our redemption in Christ. It reminds us the work is accomplished. Jesus finished it at the Cross. We cannot add to our salvation. The Word reveals we are completely forgiven. The Word reveals we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. 

 It is simply false accusation to say Radical Grace dismisses the Word. We hold the Word in high esteem for in its pages reveal to us our complete redemption and acceptance with our Father. Be refreshed as you search the Scriptures and discover rich truths about our redemption. 


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace deny the teachings of Jesus?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We've been in a series studying the amazing, radical Grace of Almighty God. In this series, we've seen that we have a good, good Father. That He purchased our complete redemption in the Finished Work. Currently, we have been dispelling the myths associated with Radical Grace.  

 Up to now we have quelled the myths that Radical Grace advocates sinful living and licentiousness. That Radical Grace makes believers lazy and purposeless. In our last study, we allayed the fallacious concept that God's amazing Grace espouses a belief in or substantiation of the concepts of Universalism/Inclusionism.

 Today I sense impressed to continue to dispel yet another myth critics cast upon Radical Grace. The idea that Radical Grace denies the teachings and words of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is an astounding claim of our detractors. Jesus is the person of Grace. Why would we deny Him or His words? 

 The stumbling block for those who oppose Radical Grace is an improper understanding of the New Covenant. Far too many believers have the misinformed idea that the New Covenant begins with Matthew Chapter one. How did this concept take hold in people's mind? 

 It starts when believers open their Bible and after the book of Malachi they see a title page dividing Malachi from Matthew. This page contains the words the New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Folk make the assumption, as even I did, that Matthew chapter one begins the New Covenant. Therefore, some believe all the words that Jesus is speaking are New Covenant based teachings. Is this true?

 First we must rightly divide the Word of God between the Old and the New Covenant. The New Covenant according to Hebrews Chapter ten pinpoints precisely when the New Covenant began. 
 Then he said, “Look, I have come to do your will.” He cancels the first covenant in order to put the second into effect. Hebrews 10:9 NLT
 This is proof enough that when the New is in effect the Old is obsolete, so when did the New begin? Was it when Jesus was born? Was it when Jesus taught the Scribes in the Temple when He was merely 12 years old? No, Hebrews ten is clear, it is when He took away our sin, purchased our redemption, was resurrected and seated at God's right hand. Therefore, Matthew and the other gospels aren't in the New Covenant timeline until the latter portions of those books where the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus were recorded. 

 With this important foundation laid we can now dispel the myth that Radical Grace denies the teachings of Jesus. When one reads the gospels we must rightly divide the Word, (as Paul taught in 2 Timothy 2:15), according to the Covenants. To better understand Jesus' Words, we must consider His audience and the context. 

 With the religious leaders, He spoke strong words and frequently rebuked them. Why is this? It is a two-fold motivation. What had the scribes and Pharisees and Sadducees and "doctors" of the Law done? First, they had diluted the Law to make it a "doable" by human effort and achievement system. Secondly, in some instances they disregarded the Law and Commands of God, bypassing them altogether by the exalting of their man-made traditions.

 A word of caution here, understanding the truth that the religious leaders had, in fact, exalted traditions over the Law don't buy into a concept that the Law was merely the "big ten". The Mosaic Law recorded in the Old Covenant consisted of some 613 commands given to Israel by God. Some have made the erroneous statement "that when God gave the Law it was merely ten Commandments and when Jesus got on the scene it was now 613 commandments." This is a false notion by the religious minded who still believe the Church should abide under the Ten Commandments. 

 Many times when Jesus taught He was bringing the Law back into focus for all of Israel. He was showing to the self-righteous and those trusting in their efforts just how impossible it is to meet God's standard.
 48 But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48 NLT
 Jesus words were clear. In summation, He was basically showing Israel "the end of the rope". He was using the Law for what it was intended. To bring you to an end of yourself and your striving and efforts to meet God's standards. To reveal to all their need for a Savior. 

 Here are a couple examples of Jesus preaching the perfect standard and contrasted with the New Covenant standard.
17 As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’ 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions. Mark 10:17-22 NLT
When asked what must one do to inherit eternal life or receive salvation what was Jesus answer? Do this and that, and oh think you got this? Then do this too! Jesus standard under the Old was strive and achieve. 
Now let's see this same question asked and answered after the Cross.
29 The jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household. Acts 16:29-31 NLT
A major difference in response here. What must we do to be saved under the New Covenant? Just believe. It is that simple. No striving, no actions or doings upon the part of those looking to receive. Simply respond by simply believing. Here is another example.
25 But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.” Mark 11:25 NLT
 Jesus taught forgive in order to be forgiven before the Cross. What is the message after the Cross under the New Covenant?

13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Colossians 3:13 NLT

 Did Jesus and Paul contradict each other? No, because they were teaching the precepts of two separate and distinct Covenants. We have been forgiven of all of our sins. All our past and present and future sins have been cleansed by the Blood of Christ. The same grace that has been extended to us in forgiveness we now extend to others.

 Jesus taught a standard of perfection that was over the top, impossible to achieve. He also taught a beautiful message of a loving and compassionate Father who longed for a relationship with humanity. If you were striving and attempting to prove your worth to God then, Jesus words cut you to the heart. He said all your efforts aren't enough. If you were at the end of yourself and came to Jesus His words offered hope, compassion, grace and restoration.

 In summation, Radical Grace doesn't discount Jesus words. Radical Grace rightly divides Jesus words based upon a right understanding of the Covenants. Jesus words revealed the demands of the Law. The New Covenant reveals how Grace and the Finished Work supplies. When we study the teachings and words of Jesus in light of the New Covenant we find the message He has to us His Church, His Bride, His Children. It's a message of His acceptance, of peace, of compassion, of comfort, of victory and abundant life in Him. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace encourage a belief in Universalism or Inclusionism?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
  We've been in a series studying God's amazing, over the top, Radical Grace. This is too good to be true but true good news. I am always enthusiastic when it comes to studying Grace and the Finished Work. 

 So far, we have seen how it is the Blood of Christ, not our confession that brought our total forgiveness. We explored the truth that our relationship with God is rooted in the Finished Work and not our performance. We saw how shame, guilt and condemnation are removed from us through Grace, (If you missed any of these informative studies, and you would be interested in reading them, you can easily locate them through the archives section of this Blog). 

 Now we are dispelling some of the myths associated with Radical Grace. We have already seen that Radical Grace isn't advocating sinful living. We also discovered that through His Finished Work we can be fruitful, overcoming victorious believers. That This message isn't promoting laziness or unfruitful pursuits.  

 Today, I felt impressed to dispel yet another myth associated with Radical Grace. Many of our critics have lumped together what great ministers like Pastor Joseph Prince teach, and what those proclaiming a message of Universal Salvation teach. Thus, creating a straw man argument in which to criticize the message of Radical Grace even further. Is this critique fair? Does Radical Grace encourage a belief in Universalism or the various forms of Inclusion? 

 Allow me to be crystal clear. Radical Grace does NOT encourage or promote a belief in or following of the ideologies of Universalism or Inclusion.  Just because some misguided or deceived individuals have taken a portion of the message of Radical Grace and applied it to the concept of Inclusion or Universalism, doesn't mean it's become the authentic message of Radical Grace. Truth mixed with error is still an error. 

Is Jesus really narrow-minded?

 One of the major principles of Universalism is that all humanity no matter their belief, are on the right path. That in the end, all roads lead to God. If you are an Atheist, or a follower of some other religion it isn't a factor. All will eventually be saved. Is this what Jesus said? Is Universalism the gospel of Grace?

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 NLT

11 For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says,‘The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’ 12 There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:11-12 NLT
 Jesus, who is the person of Grace, obviously doesn't believe in Universalism. He seems pretty narrow when He unequivocally states there is only one way to God. He says He is the only means by which salvation is received. 
 Salvation is not found in Paganism. Salvation is not found in Mysticism. It is not found in other religions or ideologies. All the World's religious, or spiritual philosophies have something in common. They are all humanistic in nature. "Paradise", or "enlightenment" or "Nirvana" or even their understanding of salvation is all rooted in achievement and works. 
 This is why we reject legalism and Law for Believers in Christ. "Strive to arrive." "Fake it 'till you make it", or "achieve to receive"mindsets are pure humanism. Salvation is only found in Christ and His Finished Work. Righteousness, healing and peace and answered prayer is all found in the Finished Work, not our performance. 
 Salvation then is only found in Jesus Christ. He purchased redemption through His vicarious death on Calvary. All one need do is freely receive by placing all their hope and trust in Jesus alone. Salvation, eternal life, is Jesus plus nothing. 

Who is included in the Finished Work?

 When discussing a subject we should always draw the right conclusions. In light of the Finished Work, many come to the conclusion that all of Humanity are included in the death and burial and resurrection of Christ. Is the concept of inclusionism the right conclusion we draw from the Finished Work? 

When were we included?

  This is where the controversy begins. This is where so many draw the wrong conclusions. In light of the Finished Work, some have drawn a conclusion all were included the moment Christ actually rose from the dead. Is this accurate?

 Let's review the main tenets of inclusionism (with thanks to Paul Ellis)

1. Humanity has been raised, has ascended, and is now seated with Christ
“When Jesus rose, all humanity rose to new life with him; when Jesus ascended, all humanity ascended and became seated with him at the Father’s side.”
2. Humanity is righteous/justified
“Through Jesus, all humans are justified through the faith of Christ… Objectively, all people, past, present and future, are justified already …”
3. Humanity is sanctified
“All are sanctified.”
4. Humanity is reconciled/in union with Christ
“All humans—believers and non-believers—are united to God in and through Jesus… Through union with Jesus, all humanity is… reconciled to the Father…
5. Humanity is not lost but saved
“Through Jesus, all humans are… at peace with God, standing in his grace… (and) saved through Jesus’ life.”
 One last concept that has been gaining traction among the inclusion followers
6. All Humanity has been adopted into the Family of God

 Are these concepts accurate? Is this the message of Radical Grace? Absolutely not! If you are adhering to these views I urge you, I beseech you, by grace to examine your heart. I challenge you to relinquish acceptance of these ideas. Understand the Believer's heart can never again be corrupted but it can be deceived. 

 When are we included? Let's see what Paul says
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, Ephesians 1:1,12-13,15 NIV
 Paul, the Apostle of Grace says here we were included when we put our faith and trust in Christ. This is the message of Radical Grace. Undeserving man, when he places faith and trust in God alone, he finds new life. He becomes a partaker of Grace.

 When were we included in His death and burial and resurrection?
Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,  Romans 6:3-5 NKJV
 When we get born again, we are baptized in the Body of Christ. This is when we were included into the death and resurrection of Christ. 
27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians 3:27 NKJV
The Word is clear about when we were included.
Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was. Romans 16:7 NIV
How could Paul the Apostle of Grace state some were in Christ before he was if ALL are already in Christ? Remember when we take a text out of its context all that is left is a con. Inclusionism is a preconceived concept that looks to extrapolate portions of Scripture, out of context, to promote this philosophy. 
 Inclusion seeks to become God's "PR" man. It attempts to prove the success of the Finished Work. To the inclusionist the Finished Work isn't successful unless all humanity is saved. Again, this is drawing the wrong conclusion about the Finished Work.
 The message of Radical Grace is over the top glad news. The good news is not diminished because some choose to reject Jesus. The message of Grace doesn't dim in light of the choices of mankind. 
 We need not add to or take away from the Scripture to promote erroneous views. Grace is good news without additives and mixture. Religious tradition likes to mix grace with Law. Foolishness likes to mix the gospel truth with error. The message of Radical Grace stands alone and apart from human ideas, concepts and philosophies. It is simply the good news that sets the captives free, brings the spiritually dead to life and ushers in hope, joy and fullness of life in Him.  