Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Growing Up in Grace: Building Upon The Right Foundation

18 but grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory (honor, majesty, splendor), both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 AMP

We've been in a brief study about how to grow up in God's Grace. We've established from God's Word that knowing and understanding who we are in Christ is where true growth occurs. How do you know and understand who you are in Him? By hearing the true gospel and by feeding on God's Word without the filter of religious tradition. 

Building Upon the Right Foundation

 What is the right foundation? The right foundation is hearing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is good news. The Gospel is Jesus plus nothing. Religious tradition has added to the Gospel. The gospel isn't Jesus plus your efforts and performance. The gospel isn't Jesus plus your "spiritual disciplines". The gospel isn't Jesus plus your promises to do better. 

The Gospel isn't the Mad News

 Religion has done much to mix the gospel message with the concept that God is severely angry with you. That God is often disappointed with you and your inability to pray or fast or read your Bible for extended periods of time. Building upon a foundation like this believers will shudder when they think of God. They won't draw near to Him for fear they are such a disappointment to Him. The results are minuscule growth. 

The Gospel isn't Bad News

 Tradition often mixes the good news with the "bad news". This message leaves the listener without any hope. The bad news says you've blown it once too often, God won't forgive you. The bad news mixed gospel says God won't even hear your prayers until you get "right" with Him. This bad news says believers can lose or forfeit their salvation. Those hearing this message get the impression it's never enough. Burnout and insecurity are often the results of hearing this message.

The Gospel isn't Sad News

 Traditional mindsets mixed sad news with the good news. This message requires you to clean yourself up before you come to God. This message tells the new converts they must give up everything in their life to please God. Leisure, participating in sporting events or spectating these events, and hobbies are frowned upon. Instead of viewing your favorite program you could've spent that time in prayer and fasting.
The sad news mixed gospel says even though you're saved you still have the sin nature. Therefore, it must be all of Him and none of you. This is an unfortunate concept in the Church today. When we received Christ we are thoroughly cleansed by the blood (Rev 1:5-6, 1 John 1:7), We are made a New Creation in Him (2 Cor 5:17). Jesus makes His abode within us. Hearing this message leaves the hearer in condemnation and the sense that they never measure up.

The Gospel is the Good News of Christ's Finished Work

 What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? Let Jesus answer this
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NKJV
 That's it? It is a simple message. A simple gospel. Religious tradition seeks to continually mix the message with performance and self-effort additives. This is why Paul stated this 
But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3 NKJV
 The gospel is the simple message of Jesus Christ and placing complete trust in Him and Him alone. 

 When we begin with the right foundation of Jesus plus nothing true growth begins. We won't need "spiritual disciplines" to make us spend time with God. Ponder this, if I had to make or "discipline" myself to spend time with my wife, how would that make her feel? I would be spending time with her for sure, but wouldn't this reveal that I'd rather be somewhere else engaging in other activities? Who would enjoy "forced" fellowship?

 Yet, this "forced" fellowshipping with God is exactly what the Church as a whole prescribes for spiritual growth. Engaging in daily devotions, prayer, reading your Bible doesn't make God love you more. It isn't about scoring points for the afterlife. The gospel mixture of performance drives people further away from God. 

 When we realize we were the joy set before Him on the Cross, fellowshipping with God no longer becomes works or efforts. When we understand He loves us unconditionally and rejoices over us with joy, prayer, and devotions become a relaxing time of intimacy with our Father. 

 Now, are there times when the outside voices of stress attempt to drown out our sweet communion with God? We all have demands and deadlines weighing upon us in different seasons of our lives. As we progressively mature in Him we learn how to simply set aside those thoughts, and even if it's only for a few seconds, commune with our loving Father. That's why the Psalmist wrote by the inspiration of the Spirit "be still and know I am God." 

 In summation, planting the right seeds of the true gospel of Jesus is how we experience growth in Grace. Knowing God isn't mad at us, that He offers us eternal security, not leaving us hopeless, and makes us a new creation in Him is the only foundation that will produce lasting fruit. Stay with the true gospel, Jesus plus nothing. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Growing Up In Grace: Love and Acceptance

18 but grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory (honor, majesty, splendor), both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 AMP

 Growing up in Grace requires the right roots. We've established in past studies what the right roots are, (see here.) I feel impressed to continue along these lines in today's study. 

that we might learn to praise that glorious generosity of his which has made us welcome in the everlasting love he bears towards the Son. Ephesians 1:6 Phillips 

6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 NKJV

 Understanding we are accepted and loved!

 Do you want to hear some too good to be true but true good and glad news? You are loved by God. Not just loved but accepted in Him. Jesus changed everything. Before Christ, God and man were separated by mankind's sinful, fallen nature. 

The Father who longed for a Family.

The heart of God since the fall of Man in the Garden is that of restoration and reconciliation. Our Father longed for the day when men would no longer be separated by their fallen nature. He longed for the day when Jesus would be the once for all time sacrifice for our sins. For the time when by simple faith anyone could freely receive this gift of new life and adoption into His Family.

 Our sins aren't what kept Jesus on that Cross, it was His love for all humanity. It was because of the joy set before Him, that one day the Father would be reunited with His family, (Hebrews 12:2). You were the joy set before Him when He bled and suffered and died on that Cross. Seeing you forever forgiven, completely cleansed by His Blood, eternally secure, made the very righteousness of God, healed and made whole, motivated Christ to lay down His life and pay that high price. 

 When Jesus' birth was heralded by the angels note what they stated

“Glory to God in the highest [heaven],  And on earth peace among men with whom He is well-pleased.” Luke 2:14 AMP

 When we read this with a performance and Old Covenant mindset we read it as only peace toward certain men. That there is peace only to the men whom God approves of. So if you want peace with God, you best get busy earning it or proving you're worthy of this peace He offers. 

 I used to read this passage this way. Now I see the beauty of this proclamation. This is a divine invitation. This is God speaking the end from the beginning. He saw that Jesus would provide the once for all time sacrifice. This, in essence, IS the Grace Gospel. 

 The proclamation is that God, because of Christ, is accepting and approving of all mankind. This is was not saying God accepts and approves of all the actions and thinking of mankind. This was an open invite made available to all mankind to respond to the free gift of eternal life.

 Once we receive the Lord by faith we must know and understand just how deeply and how thoroughly He loves us and accepts us. This is the right foundation for true growth and spiritual maturity. You see spiritual maturity isn't you improving your performance so that one day God may actually like you. It isn't us working on ourselves so that eventually we may be acceptable to our Father.

 So many have been told by religion that they don't measure up. Some have even been labeled undeserving or not good enough by the standards of religion. The truth is God was in Christ reconciling the World to Himself. He isn't judging this World with calamities and cataclysmic disasters. God isn't mad at anyone. He has approved of all humanity. There is no nation or person who can say they are more or less deserving of the love of God and the reception of the divine invite unto new life in Christ by faith. 

 Once we realize we are deeply loved, highly favored and accepted and approved by our Father because of Jesus' Finished Work, all strivings will cease. We will see the appeal to the things of this World system fall away. When we realize we were the joy set before Him, we can't help but fall madly in love with the love of a loving Savior and Father. This is growing up in God's Grace. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Growing up in Grace: Right Root produces Right Fruit

18 but grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory (honor, majesty, splendor), both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 AMP

 Spiritual growth. This concept sometimes has a negative, performance oriented stigma attached to it. Our detractors often accuse us Radical Grace ministers of promoting "sloppy agape" and "cheap grace". What these accusers fail to recognize is that Our Daddy God loves us with a furious love. As one song states, Heaven meets Earth with a "sloppy wet kiss". I'll take this "sloppy agape" over the performance and conditions based faith they promote. As for cheap grace, the only way to cheapen grace is to dwindle it down to a price where humans can afford to pay for it by their achievements and efforts. 

Spiritual Growth: Right Root equals Right Fruit

 The truth is spiritual growth is not some fast track works rooted plan to gain God's love or acceptance. For the misguided and misinformed ones who are perpetually seeking God's love and approval, spiritual growth becomes a task to complete or duty to perform. However, when one realizes the truth that through the Finished Work they've already been accepted and are thoroughly pleasing to their Father, growth occurs freely and effortlessly as a response to the new creation within.

 In past studies, we've established the right roots in His Grace. These roots will produce growth and right fruit. Once we've placed our trust in Christ's Finished Work, we are in Christ, we have union with God. Let's review briefly these right roots.

 We've been made New Creations in Him ( 2 Cor 5:17). We've been declared righteous (Romans 5:1) and made the Righteousness of God in Christ, as a result, we are just as righteous as Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). We've been forgiven of all our sins, past present and future (Colossians 2:13). We are perfectly accepted and approved by God (Ephesians 1:6). We're completely free from fear and shame and all guilt (1 John 4:17-18). We have freedom from all condemnation (Romans 8:1). We rest knowing our Father will never be angry with us, or be disappointed with us (Isaiah 54:9). Through this Grace and Finished Work, we've been made holy, once for all time (Hebrews 10:10-14). This is the right roots that produce real fruit.

 One last root we must put into remembrance is the truth of our unconditional eternally secure salvation (Hebrews 9:12). I recognize that so many resist this glorious Grace Gospel truth. Traditional mindsets plant hurdles to this truth in believers minds so as to sway folk from receiving this truth. Jesus is the answer to all these objections.

Tradition says "Salvation isn't eternally secure."
Jesus says "My blood purchased eternal redemption, and all those  who come to me are secure in my hand and will never perish."
Tradition says "We can sin away our salvation."
Jesus says "Sin is not greater than my once for all time sacrifice for sin. Where sin abounds Grace much more abounds."
Tradition says "We can walk away from our salvation."
Jesus says "When you are faithless, I remain faithful."

 These are the proper roots for growth in Christ. With these truths established firmly in our hearts and thinking our life in Christ will flourish. Is there any performance or efforts required? This is a great question. Religion looks at the performance and God looks at our heart.

 Does this mean that we lounge around never studying the Word or spending time in prayer or devotion? Does this mean we live any way we choose regardless if it is immoral? Certainly not. A lifestyle of drunkenness or sexual immorality may be acceptable with the World system but it is contrary to our new nature and brings misery and loss. 

 All one need do is read a newspaper and clearly see sinful pursuits are not fulfilling. We see authority figures, such as teachers, who act on feelings of unbridled sexual passion and engage in inappropriate relationships with their students. We see how a wild night of drinking in excess costs much in the long run. Poor judgment is always the result and many regrets are produced from living this way.

 Grace doesn't revel in condemnation or pointing fingers. It always points us to Christ. Christ has so much better for us. Walking in His love within us is much better than harboring prejudices, bitterness or envy in our thinking. Christ is our sufficiency. There is nothing this World can offer that take the place of this furious love and eternal hope and everlasting joy we have in Him. 

 How then do we grow spiritually? We grow by acknowledging continually who we are and what we have in Christ (Philemon 6). This is why we study His Word and spend time with Him in prayer. It is not to fulfill some religious duty or obligation. It is about a vital relationship, not a dull or drab religious exercise. We spend time with God because we are already loved and approved. We relax with Him because we are always pleasing and accepted in Him. 

In summation, growing in Grace is progressively maturing into who you already are in Him. It is not a journey to attain a position, or garner some status with God. We aren't in pursuit of what we already have. We rest in the Finished Work, and receive of all He has purchased for us and what He has made us. It is identifying with the risen Christ. As He is so are we now, He isn't bound by addictions or habits or bitterness. If He isn't bound and we are like Him then neither are we, identify with this and you will see true fruit manifest. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Another Mistaken Idea: If He isn't Lord of All, He isn't Lord at all!

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen Romans 16:24 NKJV

 Some time ago I began a periodic study of some of the mistaken ideas that have infiltrated the Church. Removing wrong thoughts, or ideas brings freedom to our relationship with God. Today, I feel impressed to address a concept in the Body of Christ, that many cling to.
If He isn't the Lord of All, He isn't Lord at all?
 This is a really loaded statement if you will. This phrase is a popular saying among many church groups. Some Christian writers and speakers in the past have had much success by constantly labeling the Church of Jesus Christ as lackluster, uninspiring, and subpar in its scope. For some unknown reason, it seems appealing to some Christians to hear how much the Church is failing and is a great disappointment to God. 

Why is this phrase a mistaken idea? Because it seeks to determine one's salvation and acceptability with God based solely upon one's performance and merits. Ideas such as this uproot the secure position of the believer and rip away the blessed assurance they have in Christ. With ideas such as this, our right standing before God is now based upon our obedience and not Christ's obedience. 
The "C.O.P.S." are coming!

  The performance and Old Covenant-minded ministers and believers, seek to turn the fruits of salvation into the roots of our salvation. They look to find how well one's Consecration or Commitment, Obedience or Observance to the "rules" " performance, and Submission or Subjection to the Lord is to determine if one is "really" saved. Just like the Pharisees of Old, they seek outward evidence only to determine one's value in Christ. 

 These "Pharisaical" style ministers love to point out perceived flaws failures and shortcomings. These have told the divorcee' that they are displeasing to God. That you have failed your marriage so you're a failure to God. These are the ones who label other believers as not measuring up. These ministries preach a works-based gospel that never produces security or assurance in Christ. 

Front-loading the gospel message with requirements other than responding in simple faith is adding to the Grace Gospel. I've heard a mega church pastor actually tell his church that if there is even one area where you're still in charge you will go to hell when you die. If this is so then salvation is dependent upon my continual submission and obedience. What if you fall short one day? See how this idea removes assurance and security in Him? 

 These concepts never produce the true fruit-bearing believers that these ministers hope for. It produces a shallow, surface appearance of having it all together, but inside people are hurting and struggling. People then simply mask their behavior and intents of their hearts. The people still sin and fall short, they just find ways to conceal their actions. This is why there is no freedom from bad habits and addictions in works and performance-based ministries. 
The truth is Jesus IS Lord.

 This concept is erroneous because Jesus is Lord, regardless if you allow Him to be Lord or not. The Word is clear, see it here. Jesus is the Lord of all and because of this, He is the only one who is the Savior. Is our salvation then rooted in our level of consecration, observance, performance, and submission? Absolutely not. These are the fruits of the New Creation, not the roots.

If we could ever merit what Christ paid for then Jesus alone isn't our Savior. Our behavior has become our savior. Whatever we see Jesus paying for in the Finished Work proves only the Cross could appropriate it for us. Thus, no amount of goodness, charitable deeds, or even abstinence from wrong or immorality, could procure it. It is by Grace alone, through faith alone we receive it. 

Our eternal salvation was only made possible by the Finished Work. His blood has what has cleansed us and given us perfect right standing before God. One's level of commitment or submission to  

His Lordship isn't what saved us and isn't what maintains that salvation. His Grace and our faith in His once-for-all-time sacrifice on that Cross are what saved us. After we are saved, the fruit of the New Creation is progressively maturing into who we already are in Him, including submission to His Lordship, which is His leading and guidance and direction for our individual lives. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Another Mistaken Idea: "Get Right with God"?

and become one with him, no longer counting on being saved by being good enough or by obeying God’s laws, but by trusting Christ to save me; for God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith—counting on Christ alone. Philippians 3:9 TLB

 Mistaken ideas are birthed in the minds of men when we take a religious traditional or experiential interpretation of the Word of God. Whenever we study God's Word it helps us to renew our minds to the truth of the New Covenant. Whenever I bring truth to remove a mistaken idea it is not the intent to demean or ridicule those who have not fully grasped the beauty of the gospel and New Covenant. 

 Get right with God?

 This is a popular phrase in religious circles. It really struck me as a mistaken idea in the context it is most often used. In some cases, this phrase is simply defined as one receiving Jesus and trusting Him as Savior. I don't like the phrase when ministering to the lost because it connotes an image of an angry God who is so displeased with them, and hates their very existence until they are "right" with Him. Ministering to the lost is not usually the context of this phrase.

 I've seen this phrase used in Christian movies. It is always in reference to a believer who has sinned. In one particular film, a zealous young believer wants to intellectually defend the existence of God to a couple of rowdy atheists. The problem? Oh my, this young believer hasn't been living a perfect sinless existence on campus. So because of this, he can't present the truth to these atheists because they will expose his sins. He bows out needing to instead spend time "getting right with God."

 Another Christian film has some men who come together to swear and oath to honor and love their family and serve the Lord. Well, one fellow is involved in some felonious activity. Certainly, he ends up behind bars. His friend's advice? You need to "get right with God." 

 The concept behind this phrase is when a believer sins they must make amends with God. They need to get things "right" between themselves and the Lord. The Lord is displeased and disappointed in them, and, therefore, is out of fellowship with them. The sinning believer has "let God down." 

 The reason this is a mistaken idea and concept is that number one it overlooks the truth of the righteousness of the Believer. Secondly, it disregards the truth that God is no longer imputing or counting our sins against us. Let the Word confirm this;
But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners. David also spoke of this when he described the happiness of those who are declared righteous without working for it  
7. “Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven whose sins are put out of sight  
8.  Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.”              Romans 4:5-8 NLT

The Righteousness of God in Christ

 We must not allow religious tradition no matter how well meaning to rob us of the truth of who we are in Him. In Christ, we have perfect righteousness or right standing before God.
21 For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
 In Christ, we are right with God. We are the righteousness of God in Him by faith. According to this mistaken idea each time we sin we are out of right standing and need to take steps to get back right with God. This is an absolute unScriptural ideology.
 Our righteousness in Christ isn't suspended or put on hold whenever we blow it or mess up. Righteousness is a gift we have received by faith. It has nothing to do with works or our performance. We exchanged natures at the Cross. 
 When we received Christ He took our unrighteousness and gave us His perfect righteousness. We are now declared righteous and by virtue of the New Creation we are made righteous. If we, therefore, exchanged our old "filthy rags" righteousness for Jesus perfect righteousness then, right now we are just as righteous as the Lord Jesus Christ.
 Because of this truth of our righteousness we know we don't lose our position of righteousness just because we sin. This righteousness is an irrevocable righteousness. Once we've been made in right standing with God we need not fear or worry us ever being out of right standing with God.

Blessed is he whose sin is not imputed

 In Christ we rest knowing God isn't imputing or holding our sin to our account. Don't believe me? Allow the New Covenant to speak for itself.
12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Hebrews 8:12 NKJV
 19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:19 NLT
12 He has removed our sins as far away from us as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12 TLB
 The Word has settled the issue. Because of the Finished Work and Jesus Blood we are redeemed and eternally cleansed from all our sins. How can we be letting God down and needing to continually get right with God each time we foul up if He says He remembers our sin and Lawless deeds no more? 

 Allow this mistaken concept to be uprooted from your thinking. Now if you have missed it, the Lord will bring correction, but it isn't because you aren't right with Him. Because you are righteous before Him, He will remind you of your true nature. He will guide you to live out of this new nature and not the ways of the World and your old ways of thinking. There we find freedom and experience the peace that is ours already in Him. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Savior that is greater than all our sin!

20 When the law came into the picture, sin grew and grew; but wherever sin grew and spread, God’s grace was there in fuller, greater measure. No matter how much sin crept in, there was always more grace. Romans 5:20 Voice

20 God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. 21 So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:20-21 NLT

  Which is greater? Our sins or God's amazing Grace? Honestly, the way some ministers teach, it appears our sins and misdeeds outweigh the mercy and Radical Grace of God. Yet, God's Word states with clarity and simplicity that where sin abounds Grace much more abounds. His Grace far exceeds our sin and wrongdoing. 

What are the wages of sin?

 This is a simple but pivotal question. The answer we hold to this question shapes the way we relate to God and how we see ourselves before Him. Refining the question may assist in how one answers. Just what exactly occurs the moment when a believer sins? To answer this, we first must distinguish what the wages of sin aren't.

Withdrawn or lost fellowship isn't the wages of sin

 Too many leaders and ministers and believers teach and cling to a concept that the results of our sin are that God withdrawals fellowship from us. This concept is a warped view that is rooted in a misunderstanding of 1 John 1:6-7;
  If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin1 John 1:6-7 NKJV
 Some believers reason in their mind that whenever we sin we are walking in darkness. Therefore, when we don't walk in the light we have no fellowship or forgiveness of sins. This concept is erroneous because as believers we don't walk in darkness. We are children of light. God abides within us. Paul contrasted believers as light and unbelievers as darkness in his writings. 

 John is contrasting the standing of the believer against that of a non-believer. Those walking in the darkness are those who have yet to receive new life in Him. The writer of Hebrews is clear, He said He would never leave us or forsake us. There is never a time when we as believers are out of fellowship with God. He lives within us and is ever present with us.

Unanswered prayer isn't the wages of sin

 Another concept some hold to is that when we miss it, our prayers go unanswered. God seems happy with us and willing to hear and answer our petitions, but suddenly, we have fouled up. We have blown it. We have crossed that line. Now God "closes up the Heavens", He stops sending the "rain", He begins withholding your provision. He waits for you to "get right with Him." 

 Is this concept Scriptural? Sin may weaken a believer's confidence in prayer but God isn't ever withholding any provision from His kids. Look at the Apostle Peter's words after the healing of an invalid from birth. 
 12 Why are you so amazed, my fellow Israelites? Why are you staring at my friend and me as though we did this miracle through our own power or made this fellow walk by our own holiness? Acts 3:12 Voice
 Peter rightly affirmed his personal holiness or lack thereof had nothing whatsoever to do with this work of God. He pointed all the glory to God. He acknowledged his ability or inability to remain sin free was never the source of this miracle. 

 Jesus in His Finished Work freely and perfectly purchased our complete redemption. We don't earn any of redemption's provisions by our actions. If our performance didn't garner the provision to begin with then how can our performance cause the provision to be withdrawn or cease to flow towards us? 

What are the wages of sin?

 I may seem to be making light of sin. I am not. I am rather  exposing the erroneous concepts of man. The wages of sin isn't the loss of fellowship or unanswered prayers, it is death!
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 NLT
 Ministers seem to think after the Cross there is some different spiritual consequence of sin. There is a reason many think this. They can't understand redemption and the Finished Work for one. Secondly, many are fearful of the truth of the New Covenant.

Either it is Finished or it isn't!

 The only consequence or wage for sin is death. Adam fell and died that day he disobeyed the Lord. What happens when we sin? Before the Cross, spiritual death was the only possible result. After the Cross? It may come as a shock but death is still the only wage of sin. Does this mean I am teaching we lose our salvation each time we sin? Absolutely not. I am pointing out the spiritual reality God was faced with when mankind fell.

 If death is always the result of sin, what is the solution? The solution is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Finished Work, the gospel.  Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection are the answer. He came, He died and rose again for you and me. Because He tasted death for us and we received that free gift (Romans 6:23) there is, therefore, no more wages or consequence spiritually for our sins.

 Certainly, poor choices may carry natural consequences, but to attribute any wage or consequence to sin coming from God's hands to you is to say that He isn't satisfied with Jesus once for all time sacrifice for sins. This is why many cling to these concepts like sin breaks fellowship or hinders our prayers. They are afraid to reveal to people the truth that there are no spiritual consequences to their sins. They fear the people would pursue sin freely. 

 When we know the high price Jesus paid for us and truly understand it, this eternal, unconditional love cascading upon us produces a love to follow Him more and lay aside the fruitless and unprofitable lifestyles of sin. Certainly, sin is wrong and brings pain in the World we live in. But we must know God isn't punishing us or withholding His love or blessings. 

 This resurrected King living within proves the vital truth of our eternal redemption. The wages of sin is death. He tasted death for us, He took our place. He died so we could eternally live. Now if we sin we just simply rest in the Finished Work. We confess or agree with God we are the righteousness of God and that we are forever forgiven freely by His Grace. We identify with the risen Christ and not the sin, there we find true and lasting freedom. We can be refreshed, resting knowing that we truly have a Savior greater than all our sins. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What must I do to be Saved?

17 As He was leaving on His journey, a man ran up and knelt before Him and asked Him, “Good Teacher [You who are essentially good and morally perfect], what shall I do to inherit eternal life [that is, eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]?” Mark 10:17 AMP
30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30 NKJV
 What must I do to be saved? This is a question that is often asked by many when they first hear the good news of God's free gift of eternal life. The answer to this seemingly simple question has caused much division and strife in the Body of Christ. 
 The reason for the strife and division is simply because religious minded believers refuse to allow the Scriptures alone to answer this question. Whenever we seek to add to or embellish the Scriptures to fit our own narrative or personal agenda we will always have division and disunity. The Word of God is the supreme authority for doctrine and truth. Just let the Scriptures be the final authority and the areas of disputes will fade away. 

 Two answers to the same question

 The Word of God gives two different answers to this question. The Old Covenant answer is recorded in Mark 10. The New Covenant answer is recorded in Acts 16. It would behoove us to rightly divide the Word of God to get the Scriptural answer to this vital question.

 The rich young ruler asked this question of Jesus. Here is Jesus response;
19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother. 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mark 10:19-21 NLT
 This is a lengthy answer the Lord Jesus gives. Jesus very literally answers the man's question. What must I do to be saved? Do? Do this and keep that and maintain a perfect track record! That was basically Jesus' answer. 
 Paul the Apostle of Grace was asked the same question in the New Covenant. Here is his response;
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” Acts 16:31 NLT
 Paul and Silas gave a concise and to the point answer. What was the difference between Paul and Jesus? The difference was because Paul was speaking after the Cross, the Finished Work. Paul was preaching the gospel. 
 The controversy is because people aren't rightly dividing the Word between the Old and New Covenant. Jesus, when He answered the young man, wasn't preaching the gospel! He was merely showing the impossibility in man's ability to keep God's Law. He was revealing to all the necessity of a Savior. 
 Paul and Silas, on the other hand, were ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. Paul was revealing the plan of salvation purchased for all who will simply receive it. Paul's answer to the question is this. Simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus plus something equals nothing

 When religious minded believers are asked then what must we do to be saved, they point to Jesus' response to the rich young ruler. This is where this heresy of Lordship Salvation finds its roots. In order to be saved, they say, you must first make a lifetime commitment to do more and perform better. They insist the lost one must instantly commit to Christ's Lordship by ceasing from all sin and wrongdoing. In other words, the lost must clean up their act before Christ will save them.  Instead of simply receiving a free gift by faith, salvation becomes a works-based relationship.

 The problem is "performance driven" religion is putting a burden on the lost they can't possibly uphold. How can one who has yet to receive the free gift of Grace make any commitment to the Lord? This is the error of performance and works mentalities. They mistakenly define spiritual maturity, the level of obedience, and commitment as the roots of salvation, not the fruit of new life in Christ. 

 Truly, Jesus plus something always equals nothing. Jesus plus something equals nothing but condemnation. Jesus plus something equals nothing but hierarchy among men. Jesus plus something leaves a wake of broken hearts and worn out believers with their security and assurance in Christ weakened and debilitated. 

Jesus plus nothing equals everything

 Those who are preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ always point to Paul when asked what must we do to be saved. Simply believe in Jesus. That is all one needs to do. The simple act of believing in Christ means we place our confident trust in Jesus alone. We no longer trust in our intellect, or goodness, or our charitable deeds or works. We no longer look at the flaws that seemingly disqualify us. We simply place all of our hope, trust and confidence in Jesus alone to save us.

 Jesus plus nothing is what will produce fruit that is lasting and is not burdensome. Should we as believers in Christ be fruit bearers? Absolutely, we have the very life and nature of God within. We are brand new creations, always loved, and accepted with our Father in Heaven. We have the gift of irrevocable righteousness. 

 It is Jesus plus nothing that completes us. Jesus is always the answer to the equation. When we begin to acknowledge all we have and who we are because of Jesus alone, then maturity and fruit will be flourishing in our lives. We don't need performance driven ministers putting burdens and pressure upon us to try and force growth and productivity. Jesus and His great Grace within produces lasting fruit effortlessly. 

 The Gospel is an invite to receive a free gift. It is an invite to leave the life of burdensome efforts and find rest. The gospel invites us to simply rest in all Jesus did. Resting in Him alone, apart from human effort is all that is needed to produce real fruit. Lay aside works and efforts and performance. Trust in Him. What must we do to be saved? Put all our hope and confident trust in Him alone. Now rest knowing you are perfectly and fiercely loved by Him. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Eternal Life Assurance

13 I am writing all of this to you who have entrusted your lives to the Son of God—so you will realize eternal life already is yours. 1 John 5:13 Voice

 From the beginning stages of our walk with God,  and throughout the rest of our life in Him, the enemy continually attempts to erode our confidence in God. Full assurance of our eternal life in Christ is a major arena the enemy targets. If he can get us to doubt our salvation or believe it isn't eternally secure then he can cause us to weaken our trust in God concerning other areas of life. 

 The enemy works overtime with the aid of religious tradition and a wrong image of God to foster doubts and stir contrary reasoning within our minds and hearts. This is why we contend for the faith. We contend for the gospel of Christ. Look at the grace gospel Paul preached.
For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. 1 Thessalonians 1:5 NKJV
 The gospel is the good news of the Finished Work. Take note of the "order" listed here if you will. Paul proclaimed the gospel message. By the power of the Spirit flowing through him, the gospel message was confirmed with signs following. Paul concluded the gospel message, by ministering the full assurance of the Finished Work.

 Religion withholds assurance. They want to see how well you produce fruit before they can say for certain you are genuinely saved. Religion fights the message of an assured eternally secure salvation. 

Probationary Christianity?

 Religion treats salvation as some probationary status for believers. Religion has portrayed a false image of God who takes on new family members on a trial basis. If they produce just enough fruit then they have earned the right to sit at the Father's table. There is nothing new here, this is simply the enemy working to deceive the Church into believing righteousness can be achieved by works and performance, not by grace through faith.

 The Word is clear in 1 John 5. We may know we possess eternal life. Why? Because we simply put our trust in Christ alone to save us. After having placed your complete trust in Christ, you have full assurance or confidence that Heaven is your home and you will never again taste spiritual death. Grace is the safety net or life preserver in the troubled times.

I heard a story about the construction of a famous bridge. When the workers were at such high heights they feared falling so they weren't focused on the construction but on their own safety. When  safety nets were added, their fears and concerns fell away. Workers were no longer intimidated or fearful of falling. They knew the safety net would catch them. The result of the safety net? Work productivity increased. 

 Religion believes by teaching you have confident assurance in Christ and should rest in His eternally secure salvation you're giving folk a license to sin. What they fail to understand is the power of grace and confident assurance. When the believer knows there is a "safety net", they will naturally be more fruitful. They don't have to fear being cast aside or displaced from the Family of God if they fail or falter or fall. 

 Religion perpetuates an image of an angry God who simply tolerates His Church. The Word of God said of old that He rejoices over us with joy. Religious tradition teaches He broods over us with wrath just waiting to strike when we miss it. When it comes to the issue of forgiveness of sins, religion alludes to a concept that God sometimes withholds forgiveness.

 The image painted on the canvas of the minds of many believers by traditional religion is that God may withhold His mercy and grace from you when you blow it once too often. I have actually heard a minister teach a congregation that if you keep sinning that same sin God doesn't have to forgive you. Of course, they cited some out of context Old Covenant passage. This image perpetuated by religion discourages believers and keeps them wrapped in the arms of insecurity and lack of assurance.

 Am I saying that one should be comfortable or find solace in their sin or mistreatment of others?Absolutely not. Sin hurts us and others. What I am saying though is there is freedom in Christ, by virtue of the Finished Work. I am saying lay down the false image of God religion has established. 

 Religion perpetuates an image of God as someone who doles out love and mercy when we are more deserving. God demands we forgive others regardless if they ask for it or apologize. Yet He withholds forgiveness if we don't "apologize" or confess our sin to Him. He demands we forgive someone regardless of how often they offend us. Yet He has reserved the right to withhold forgiveness if we sin the same sin too much. He demands that we don't keep a record of others faults. Yet He holds our sins over us unless we "repent".

 This is the image the enemy longs to plant in your heart and mind through religion. The truth of God is He has already forgiven us of all sins when we received that free gift of eternal life. We are forgiven of past and present and future sins. God isn't holding our sins against us. God doesn't hold us to a standard He wouldn't honor Himself. He is a merciful Father, no matter how much we miss it, grace abounds toward us, so we can walk free from all bondages to sin. When we rest in perfect love there is no more fear. 

 We have perfect assurance. We rest in perfect unchanging love.
18 We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; his perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what he might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what he might do to us and shows that we are not fully convinced that he really loves us. 1 John 4:18 TLB
 God only has our good in mind. Once you've received this free gift of eternal life, rejoice in confident assurance. You are saved, you are redeemed. You are irrevocably saved. Rejoice in the Father's lavish love for you. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Resisting the enemy's counterfeit of faith.

12 Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12 NLT

 Paul the Apostle of Grace pinned these words by the inspiration of the Spirit. Apparently, there is a fight of faith. If there is a fight of faith we must, therefore, conclude there are enemies to our faith in God. 

What are the enemies to our faith?

  There are many hindrances or obstacles the enemy sets before us. Lack of patience for example. If we are trusting God for our loved ones to come to Christ we can't give up just because time has lapsed and we haven't seen any changes. Other hindrances can be fear, or anxieties or doubting what God says about us. Another subtle hindrance is the enemy attempting to get us to place our focus on circumstances and not the Finished Work. 

How do we fight the good fight of faith?

 This is important. We aren't struggling or striving against the enemy. Jesus completely defeated the devil with all his devices and schemes. We fight or resist the enemy from a place of victory, not from a place of trying to attain victory. 

 How then do we fight the good fight? The Epistle of Hebrews gives us the answer:
11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Hebrews 4:11 KJV
 We fight or resist the enemy by resting in the Finished Work. We resist doubt, worry, fear and anxiety by trusting and resting in what God says about us. Resting in the Finished Work is how we enforce the enemy's defeat.

What is the opposite of faith?

Did you know faith has an opposite? Many are quick to teach that fear is the opposite of faith. I used to believe and teach that. After careful study and a clear understanding of the New Covenant and Radical Grace, I saw how wrong I was. Fear is the opposite or counterfeit of love. Love brings wholeness and comfort and peace. Fear brings torment and discomfort. God's love cast out fear.

 So what then is the opposite or counterfeit of faith? The counterfeit of faith is work and performance. The performance trap is the enemy's attempt to keep us from knowing our identity in Christ. All throughout Paul's Epistles we see him correcting the error that our righteousness is attainable by works and performance.

 Righteousness is a gift we receive not a reward we achieve. The performance trap is what the enemy and religious minded continually seek to ensnare the Church with. The provisions of the Finished Work are regulated to a reward system that only "good" little Christians are allowed to experience. Haven't received an answer to prayer? The religious minded will teach you, you need to get busy earning your Father's favor and blessing. We must resist these lies of the enemy and the spirit of religion and rest in the Finished Work.

 Those who oppose Radical Grace always revert back to proclaiming there is a need for work and performance in the life of the Christian. Sure simple trust in Christ is important they say, but performance and efforts are much more important to prove you're a true Christian and worthy of Heaven. They warn against Grace teaching. What they offer in exchange is the performance wheel. Keep doing, keep up the efforts and works. 

 Is Grace opposed to Christian growth and fruitful living? Absolutely not. In fact living out of who you are in Him is a most rewarding and profitable way to live. The performance-minded though see commitment and obedience as roots not fruits of the new life in Christ. 

 Want to see growth in your life?  
I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective and powerful because of your accurate knowledge of every good thing which is ours in Christ. Philemon 6 AMP
 When we acknowledge everything we have in Christ because of the Finished Work true fruit will be the result. It isn't by working or striving, it is by receiving and resting in all Christ did for us. The New Covenant is about all what Christ has done for us. The Old Covenant of works and performance was about all we did for God. 

 Salvation is simply Jesus plus nothing. It is simply putting our trust in Him and receiving a free gift. Relationship or growth is fruit from acknowledging and resting in all Christ has done for us. Any activity we are involved in, (giving, helping the poor, walking free from sin, etc), is an extension of the love and grace that is cascading within and upon us by virtue of the Finished Work and our New Creation in Him. 