Showing posts with label The Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Gifts of Grace

12 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. 1 Corinthians 12:1 NRSV
 I sense the leading to conclude our study of the Holy Spirit by briefly examining His Grace Gifts of the Spirit. In doing so I hope to answer questions some may have. I also hope to bring clarity and good news that brings joy, freedom and refreshing in our walk with our good Father.

What Does It Really Matter?

 What is so important about studying the Holy Spirit? What is the big deal about studying speaking in tongues? Why take the time to look at the Gifts of the Spirit? The answer to these questions is really quite simple. God gave us His Spirit as the seal and guarantee of our salvation. His Spirit is within us, and it would behoove us to get to know Him. He thought it best to bestow upon the Church the Gifts and ministry of the Spirit, so we should understand how to operate in the Spirit. Finally, He declared in His Word that He doesn't want us ignorant or uninformed concerning the Gifts of the Spirit.

 Now some may say these Gifts of the Spirit are not for today. I am sorry but you can't substantiate this claim with Scripture. There exists no passage that proclaims this to be true. I have addressed this issue more deeply in a previous post. As sincere believers, we adhere to sola scriptura. That is the Word is the sole basis for doctrine and truth. 

  I stay with God's Word as the final authority. Not traditions, nor denominational creeds or spiritual movements. I stay with God's Word no matter if it cuts cross grain to the way I was raised. If the Word substantiates it I believe it. For instance, many "Charismatic" or Pentecostal Christians, (those proclaiming that signs and wonders and the Gifts of the Spirit are active and available for all Christians today), won't accept the truth of eternal security. I don't agree with Pentecostals on this issue because the Word is the final authority, it proves beyond doubt believers are eternally secure. They reject once saved always saved theology. I can't because I stay with God's Word.

The Gifts of the Spirit

 Let's briefly examine the gifts of the Spirit. In doing so we will also allay some myths about these gifts. Paul lays out these Gifts of Grace in 1 Corinthians 12. The Gifts of the Spirit can be divided into three categories. The revelation gifts, the power gifts, and the inspirational gifts. More simply, 3 that see or reveal something, 3 that do something, and 3 that say something.

The revelation gifts are the Word of Wisdom, the Word of knowledge and the Discerning of spirits. Let me say first what these gifts are not. It is not the gift of wisdom. Any believer can ask in faith and receive His wisdom. It is not the gift of knowledge or the gift of a special ability to study well.

 The Word of Wisdom is a revelation by the Spirit concerning a purpose or plan in God's will. With this gift, God reveals the future. The Word of Knowledge is a revelation of facts concerning people, places or things in the past or present. When praying for the sick many times this gift manifests. I recall being on a crowded bus in southern California. I saw a passenger and the Lord by the Word of Knowledge revealed he had Aids. A different passenger who was a Christian spoke to him and he revealed verbally he had Aids. She tried to pray with him and he didn't seem to desire prayer. How could I possibly have known this fact before he verbally confirmed it? This is the Word of Knowledge in action.

 The third gift is the Discerning of spirits. This is not the gift of suspicion, which is how this "gift" usually manifests. Judgmental and envious Christians will "discern" the "spirit" motivating another believer. They are quick to accuse and condemn and justify it with this gift. God is good and not the accuser. This simple gift is the Discerning of spirits. It is actually seeing into the spiritual realm. It is rare but sometimes believers may see an Angel. In 2 Kings, Elisha's servant was given the momentary ability to see the angels protecting them. Some have had visions and visitations of Jesus. That is this gift in operation. We should never ask or seek a vision or some experience. We have His indwelling Spirit and Word to comfort and guide us.

 The power gifts are the Gift of Faith, the Working of Miracles and the Gifts of Healing. It is better described as wonder-working faith. All believers have faith. We grow our faith by feeding on His Word. This special faith is a gift imparted as the Spirit wills. Supernatural provision or deliverance occurs with this gift. Jesus feeding the multitudes or Daniel being delivered from the lion's den is an example of this gift.

 The Working of Miracles is a gift whereby the natural course of events ceases for the glory of God. Jesus stilling a storm is a perfect example of this. Believers united have prayed against destructive hurricanes or tornadoes and they've dissipated or turned away. 

 The Gifts of Healing is not the gift of dispensing medicine or scientific medical breakthroughs. It is God's supernatural healing power manifested in the bodies of the afflicted. Truly any Christian can lay hands on the sick and see healing. This gift is more often evangelistic and on a mass scale. It demonstrates God's goodness and love to the masses.

 The inspirational gifts are the Gift of Prophecy, Divers kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of tongues. Prophecy isn't the gift of preaching or teaching. It is merely an inspired utterance in a known language. Paul laid out the specific purpose of prophecy. It is to build up, to stir up and cheer up. It is not to proclaim doom and gloom. It is never a believer proclaiming disaster and destruction to sinful cities or nations. Jesus bore all the punishment for sins.

 Divers kinds of Tongues is an inspired utterance in an unknown language. It is God speaking to man. The Interpretation of Tongues is the ability to interpret what was uttered in another tongue.

 These Gifts of Grace were given to the Church to equip us to win the World for Christ. It was bestowed upon us to build us up and encourage us in our relationship with God. God in His goodness wanted a divine means to inspire and bring joy to the Church. 

 Who can operate or flow in these Gifts of Grace? Any Christian. If you're a Spirit-filled born again child of God you're qualified. He qualifies us. Don't we need to be sin free and perfect to operate in the miraculous? 

 Tradition teaches us that we need to be almost perfect before we can pray for someone. Many times we see someone in a store or a street corner that could really use our prayers. Yet, we allow intimidation and fear to rob us of the opportunity. We don't think our prayers will work. We know we haven't been living the best. Maybe we can get our Pastor to pray for them. 

 Reject that mindset. These Gifts are the Gifts of Grace. Jesus completes us. His Finished Work qualifies us. It's Him and Him alone doing the work, not ourselves. We are righteous and He always hears our prayers. 

 What about the stuff on Television? I'd have to visibly see a specific broadcast to know if something was fabricated or real. In honesty, just because something is spectacular doesn't nullify it. Also, just because something appears real doesn't mean it is. Trust the leading of the Spirit and look to the fruit of a ministry to validate it. 

 In summation, the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Grace. He has our best at heart. We can have a fruitful and joyous relationship with the third person of the Godhead. Our good God desires intimacy and relationship with each of His children. He qualifies us, He accepts us and rejoices over us. You're accepted into the beloved, enter into a deeper intimate relationship with your Father. He welcomes you and loves you deeply and eternally.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Graceful Tongues: Praying Powerful Prayers in the Spirit

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready and never give up. Always pray for all God’s people. Ephesians 6:18 NCV

  In the recent weeks, we've been engaged in a study of the precious Holy Spirit. We have seen the true meaning of spiritual hunger. We've seen the importance of His active ministry in our heart and lives. We've extensively studied the Baptism in the Spirit and the accompanying prayer language available to all believers activated by Grace through faith.

 I sense strongly to continue studying the Spirit and His Gifts of Grace to the Church, Christ's Body. Some of the tradition-minded have sought to "bring me down from the wall" to engage in debate or to justify the time and attention given to this subject. I simply rest in Him and His truth and follow His leading. He thought expedient and of much importance to bestow upon His Church these gifts and manifestations. Any complaints should be directed to Father God, His Son the head of the Church, and the Spirit of God who manifests these Gifts to encourage and inspire and energize the Church.

 Today, I sense the leading to reveal some more aspects of this Grace gift of praying in the Spirit. We can pray powerful prayers that change events and turn things around for good and the glory of God. First, though, we need to remove the common excesses associated with praying in the Spirit that unfortunately at times arise. 

 Well-meaning and sincere believers can fall into excess or even error when it comes to flowing with God's Spirit. The Spirit isn't leading anyone to error, it is simply human intellect and emotions that lead us astray in this area. Let's examine these excesses so we can ensure they aren't operating in our lives. 
1. Warring tongues or Warfare tongues. This is the mistaken idea that when we pray in the Spirit we are engaging in some kind of hand to hand combat with satan or some demon. The problem is the Scriptures don't support this erroneous practice. Paul declared that when we pray in tongues we are speaking to God. If we are speaking to God, we aren't speaking to demons or any other entity.
2. Shouting or screaming in tongues. This is similar to the warring tongues excess. God isn't hard of hearing. We aren't exercising more authority or power by the volume of our praying.
3. Exercising foolishness in the presence of the unlearned. This is unprofitable behavior. Being over emotional and interrupting service or others praying brings confusion. People running around a building randomly placing their hands on people and screaming in tongues isn't God moving, it is emotions on display. If people are unlearned in the Charismata or Gifts of the Spirit it is best to pray quietly to oneself if the need arises to pray in the Spirit.
4. Drawing unnecessary attention to oneself. This goes hand in hand with number 3. Being disruptive, seeking the "spotlight", looking to prove your superior spirituality isn't edifying. The attention should always be on Jesus not on us.

 Now that we have addressed the excesses let's examine the genuine. We've already seen the many benefits of praying in the Spirit. Now I want to share how Spirit-directed prayer allows us to flow with God and exercise His will in circumstances for His glory and for the best. We can cooperate with God in our prayer life.

 Paul declared in Romans 8 that we don't always know what to pray but the Spirit helps us. Intercessory prayer, that is interceding on behalf of others, is one of the primary roles of Spirit-directed prayer in the Spirit. I have heard countless testimonies of believers who's lives were spared or rescued because someone was suddenly urged by the Spirit to pray. We don't always know what we are praying for in the Spirit. Sometimes we are praying for favor, deliverance, provision or healing for God's people somewhere on this planet.

 I will share a wonderful testimony of God's love and goodness in this arena. Many, many years ago, I was serving in the military. I was out to sea and they were conducting flight operations. Often times some fellow believers and I would gather and spend what time we could in prayer and fellowship. This day a brother of mine in Christ and me were spending some time praying in other tongues. Straightaway an urgent sense to pray and intercede for healing overshadowed me. I relayed this to my friend and he sensed this in his spirit as well. 

 We began to quickly pray in tongues. We had no idea who we were praying for or who needed healing. We just followed God's leading. Suddenly, it came across the ship's intercom that a helicopter carrying three people had crashed and fallen into the ocean. A helicopter crash out at sea is no small matter. Thanks be to God, though, we had already prayed and interceded in the Spirit and they conducted an immediate recovery operation. All three people were discovered safe and unharmed. 

 This is why I stand so strongly for this beautiful Grace gift God has bestowed upon His church. Lives are spared and God's goodness can be clearly seen. I want to share another operation of prayer in the Spirit. I have already shared that there is no such thing as warring tongues or battling satan in tongues. Why is this?

 Well, the enemy has been totally defeated by the Finished Work of Christ. The only spiritual warfare we engage in is the enforcement of the enemy's defeat. God has given us the armor of God to accomplish this. 

 If you look at the armor of God, we only see one apparent offensive weapon. Why is this? Well because we aren't warring to defeat the enemy. Jesus sufficiently accomplished this in the Finished Work. 

 One thing I never noticed for years is the number of pieces of the armor. We have noted only 6 pieces of armor. The problem with this view is number one, it is not true in the actual context and secondly, 6 is the number of "man". This is why "spiritual warfare" seems so tiring and effort based. Tradition has us using our efforts and abilities in enforcing the enemy's defeat.

 In reality, there are actually 7 pieces of the armor of God. Seven is the number of God. It is His power and ability and authority we exercise in prayer and enforce the enemy's defeat. What is the 7th piece? 
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— Ephesians 6:18 NKJV
Yes, praying in the Spirit, praying in tongues is the 7th piece of the armor of God. When we enforce satan's defeat we are exercising our authority in Christ and receiving divine deliverance and protection and provision.

 I have another testimony of this. I am not going to share some spectacular miracle, just something so simple to reveal just how loving and concerned Jesus is with our everyday life. We receive His protection and provision in all areas of our life.

 Many years ago, I had some vacation time scheduled. One was in the early part of the month of August and another in the latter part of September. I was planning on visiting my folks back home. I had decided and made plans to travel in September. One day while praying in the Spirit the Lord revealed to me that I should travel in August and not September. 

 Now I could have easily argued and tried to debate the Lord. "But, God, I already made plans for September." I didn't do it, though. I trusted Him and His peace confirmed this. I took my vacation and was able to see my grandmother who was in her 80s. I had a good time. Before September came, my grandmother passed. Had I waited until September I wouldn't have been able to see my grandmother one last time. This is how good He is. He protected me from any regret or grief. 

 Prayers in the Spirit can really turn things around for our good. This is why we should embrace this Gift of Grace. We aren't struggling or striving in prayer. Instead, we are entering into the rest and receiving refreshing. In our upcoming posts, we will examine the nine Gifts of the Spirit Paul spoke of in 1 Corinthians 12. We will answer questions like is that stuff on TV false or real?
You don't want to miss them.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Graceful Tongues: The Benefits of Praying in Other Tongues


46 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Acts 10:46a NKJV

 We've been in an extended study of the Precious Holy Spirit, the third Person of the triune Godhead. As we've previously stated, no study of the Holy Ghost is complete without examining the Gifts and ministry of the Spirit. 

 In our last post, we addressed the many objections to praying in tongues, some hold fast to in their hearts and minds. Only by receiving wisdom and revelation from God's Word will these strongholds be removed. Today, I sense the strong leading to share with you the benefits of praying in the Spirit.

 Some have said, "I see no benefit in praying in a language I can't understand." I take notice that all of those making this statement have never actually spoken in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. There is no difference in this logic, then those in years gone by saying they see no benefit in traveling by airplane or by motor vehicles. Usually, those making these statements had only traveled by ship or by horse and carriage. 

 If you've never spoken in tongues, of course, you're not going to understand it nor intellectually see a benefit in the practice. The Word of God is clear, you can't see or understand the things of God intellectually or by the natural mind. I trust you're not natural minded and will readily receive the truth that will bless and strengthen your relationship with our good Father.

Graceful benefits of praying in the Spirit

 1. Tongues serve as evidence of one having received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 
Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:1-6  all clearly reveal tongues as the evidence one has received this Baptism in the Spirit. Peter used this experience of the Baptism in the Spirit evidenced by speaking in other tongues as proof that God was granting salvation to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. 
2. Tongues act as a doorway to the supernatural, flowing in the gifts of the Spirit and operating in signs and wonders. 
 Mark 16 reveals Jesus' plan for the ministry of the Church to operate in signs and wonders. He includes speaking in tongues as one of these signs. Throughout the book of Acts, we see many miracles and mighty signs and wonders manifested by the Church. None of these began to happen until the believers had received the Baptism in the Spirit and spoken in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. 
3. Tongues serve as a reminder of the indwelling presence of God. It helps us be more God inside minded. 
 Jesus declared the Spirit will be upon us and shall be in us. Becoming God inside minded makes us more aware of His presence within. We won't be overcome by feelings of loss, abandonment or loneliness when we realize that He is always with us.
4. When we pray in tongues we are praying divine secrets or praying mysteries.
 Paul revealed this wonderful benefit in his Epistle to the Corinthians. This word translated mysteries in the Greek reveals some powerful truths. In the Greek, it means a hidden thing or secret thing not obvious to the understanding. It's hidden counsel or purpose. It's hidden counsels concealed to the ungodly and World but made plain to the righteous. We tap into these hidden counsels by praying in the Spirit. 
5. When we pray in the Spirit we are praying the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is revealed to us when we pray in the Spirit. We receive wisdom, revelation, and guidance from the Holy Spirit. 
 Paul reveals this wonderful benefit in 1 Corinthians 2. Speaking words the Spirit gives is praying in the Spirit. When we spend time praying in the Spirit we are tapping into God's wisdom. We are able to receive insight, direction, and guidance from the Spirit when we pray in the Spirit. 
6. Praying in the Spirit enables us to bypass our natural mind and our own thoughts and agendas or ideas and pray God's plan.
 It is clear from Paul's Epistle when we pray in the Spirit our understanding is unfruitful. In other words, tongues eliminate the potential selfish or self-seeking motives in prayer.
7. When we pray in the Spirit we are praying God's best and perfect will. We don't always know what to pray or how to pray in a given situation but He does.
 Romans 8 reminds us we don't always know what to pray in some situations. Thank the Lord we can rely on His Spirit praying through us.
8. When we pray in the Spirit we are receiving spiritual refreshing.
 Isaiah prophesied of the refreshing that praying in the Spirit brings. Feeling "burned out"? Pray in the Spirit.
9. When we pray in the Spirit we enter into the rest.
 Again Isaiah prophesied of the rest and refreshing brought forth by praying in the Spirit. Feeling weary? Pray in the Spirit and enter into God's rest.
10.When we pray in the Spirit we are stimulating our faith or trust in God.
 Jude reveals by praying in the Spirit we stimulate our faith in God. This intimate prayer reminds us we can rest in His all the time goodness. We can put our full confidence and trust in Him.
11. When we pray in the Spirit we are recharging our whole spirit soul and body. 
 Paul teaches when we pray in tongues we edify ourselves. This word "edifies" in the original Greek means to build up, to repair, to restore. It also connotes the idea of promoting growth in wisdom, Grace, and blessedness. It is equivalent to recharging a battery. We are energized, recharged in our total being by praying in the Spirit.
12. Praying in the Spirit offers us a powerful way to offer praise and worship to the Lord.
 Paul's instruction reveals we can pray in the Spirit as well as sing in the Spirit. Praise and worship in the Spirit bring our devotion to a much higher level. Tradition mistakenly assigns the definition of singing in the Spirit as singing with just a little more energy, gusto, and vigor. The Scripture is clear singing in the Spirit is to sing in tongues. Paul references singing spiritual songs and hymns and making melody in our heart towards the Lord.
13. Praying in the Spirit enables us to give thanks well. 
 As Paul teaches about proper exercise of praying in tongues amongst the unlearned, he reveals a great truth. Prayer in the Spirit enables us to give thanks well. Our worship is taken to a higher dimension with tongues. 
14. Praying in the Spirit magnifies God. 
 The book of Acts reveals to us when we pray in tongues we magnify God. We know God doesn't actually become physically larger. It just means He becomes bigger to us. His love, His wisdom and guidance and Word become bigger within us than whatever we are facing. In our worship and devotion, we magnify Him. We're able to offer our good Father praise and worship and thanksgiving in the Spirit.
15. Tongues are God's plan and will for all believers. Mark's Gospel reveal the words of Jesus. This is His best and will for all His Church. Tongues? Blame Jesus! Paul's Epistle echoes the same sentiment. It's always been the Father's highest and best for His Church to operate in the power of God. When we receive this free gift we are fulfilling His plan and desire for the Church. This is not to say God is disappointed or looks down on those who have yet to receive. The Finished Work is what completes our identity, not any Spiritual gift.

 Here we have fifteen Scriptural benefits of praying in tongues. This Grace gift is made available to all who will simply respond. Praying in the Spirit will build you up, and stir you up and cheer you up. Freely receive this wonderful gift in Jesus name. 
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Graceful Tongues: Examining the Objections to Praying in other Tongues

17 Any story sounds true until someone tells the other side and sets the record straight. Proverbs 18:17 TLB

 We've been in an extended study of the precious Holy Spirit. 
 Today, I wish to examine closely the objections to speaking with tongues. With wisdom allow these strongholds to be uprooted and pulled down from the thoughts of God's people. With love, bringing understanding to better equip the saints to walk in the victory and triumph of the Finished Work. 

 We've already addressed the objection to the Baptism in the Spirit that we get it all at salvation. However, I'd like to revisit this objection to lay the groundwork for answering the objection to speaking with other tongues. Look with me at Acts 8.
14 Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, 15 who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16 For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17 NKJV
This passages poses a conundrum for those opposed to the Baptism in the Spirit and praying in tongues. If this passage isn't referencing the Baptism in the Spirit, then why did these believers not receive the Spirit at the moment of salvation? Oh, they weren't born again yet? Oh, I see, then in order for one to be truly saved an Apostle must lay their hands upon us. I thought there were no more Apostles today? 
 It's obvious that Luke recorded this event to help us see the distinction of the Spirit within and the Spirit upon. Notice, though, that the laying on of hands didn't complete these believers identity. They had received the Word of God. That means they received the new birth and all the Word says about them. They received the knowledge of who they already were in Him. The Spirit upon only empowered them to take what's inside and spread it outwardly to others.

Pulling Down the Strongholds of Opposition

 Now that we can see clearly that there is a distinction of receiving the new birth and receiving the Baptism in the Spirit we can see the validity of the Baptism in the Spirit. This validates the prayer in other tongues as well because tongues accompany the Baptism in the Spirit. Because of this validation we can now answer these objections.

1.) Tongues are invalid because this gift ceased after the completion of Scripture and the last Apostle died. Tongues spoken today are mere gibberish and emotional babble. It's over emotionalism and not a valid practice, 1 Corinthians 13:8 says tongues will cease. 
 This is the biggest objection. The cessationists say that all the gifts have ceased. That God no longer does miracles. That the sign gifts we saw demonstrated in Acts were only to confirm the message of the Apostles. That once we receive the completion of Scripture we no longer need to confirm the message. 
 there is much that is wrong with this view. First, we must cite sola scriptura. In other words, the Word is the final authority. There exists no passage that specifically states these gifts ceased. Paul even says these gifts will be here until Christ returns. The fact that Scripture clearly teaches the use of the gifts, then it stands to reason if they were to cease that God would ensure a specific clear passage would confirm this.
 The idea that tongues ceased is the foundation for the claim that tongues today in Charismatic circles are mere gibberish. The Apostle Paul declared he spoke in tongues. He wouldn't encourage believers to speak in emotional babble. It is a valid practice and spiritual prayer language.
 What about 1 Corinthians 13:8? You can't take a passage out of its setting and try to create a doctrine. In the passage, it does say tongues will cease but it also says knowledge will vanish. Has knowledge vanished? Think about what the prophet Daniel said. Knowledge in the last days will increase not vanish. So what is Paul referencing? In context, Paul is saying if love isn't the motive of what you're doing you won't see the power and demonstration of God's power.  When the perfect has come is when believers are living out of the love of God within. This isn't about miracles ceasing. In context, Paul in chapters 12 through 14 is referencing public ministry. If one is about merchandising the anointing or attempting to take advantage of God's people, God won't validate that ministry. Understand prophecy and tongues in the context of public ministry is God supernaturally speaking to people. I have noticed places where spiritual abuse occurs, real valid miracles are not the norm. 
 In summation, the cessationists don't understand the love of God. They only see miracles and tongues as a confirmation. They eliminate the love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus towards all people. God moves in these gifts to reveal His great love and mercy. Love is truly the real motive to operate in the supernatural. 

2.) Tongues are of no value or benefit for believers today. There is no benefit in speaking or praying in a language you can't understand 
 I will share the benefits of prayer in the Spirit in an upcoming post. Suffice it to say, this objection regulates Christianity to mere intellectualism. It is strikingly hypocritical for these opposing tongues and signs and wonders to say we can't use an experience to validate anything. Yet, this is the exact reason they oppose tongues and other gifts. Well, we don't see any miracles or signs and tongues so they must be ceased and therefore no value for us today.
 Christianity isn't merely a mental exercise. We have a valid spiritual relationship that defies reason and man's logic. There is a benefit to praying in tongues. As a highlight to these benefits, let me just say sometimes we don't always know what to pray. Tongues bypass our natural mind and allow the Spirit to pray through us.  

3.) Tongues exalt and magnify the person speaking and not the Church or local assembly. 
 This is a common objection and it really shows ignorance and misunderstanding of the Scripture. Paul said that the believer edifies himself when we pray in tongues. Some then say this means that believers get egotistical because they pray in the Spirit. This is one of the most absurd objections I can think of. If one simply looks at the definition of "edify" in the Greek, it is clearly seen what this is talking about. It is not about ego but about building ourselves up. Again, I will go into further details about the benefits of tongues, but let me just point out, if we aren't built up how can we then build up others? Acts 10 really answers this objection clearly. Speaking with tongues magnifies God, not a man!

4.) Tongues are not available for all believers. Only some believers receive this gift. 
 This is a common misunderstanding. There exists two forms or expressions of tongues in the New Covenant. One is the prayer language and the other is the gift of tongues. One is prayer or devotional. This is when a man is talking to God. The gift of tongues is when God is talking to men in an utterance in a different language which requires an interpretation to build up those listening.
 "No, I can't see a distinction of tongues." Ok, Paul teaches us that in public use tongues should be interpreted. Look at Acts 10 and Acts 19. Where do we see recorded that there was an interpretation given? Did God contradict Himself? Certainly not. These tongues were men talking to God. It was their prayer language in operation. With that in mind what about Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 12? The problem is people take one passage out of its setting and try to prove something. 
30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 1 Corinthians 12:30 NKJV
 Taken alone out of context it does appear that tongues aren't for all. The problem is it is out of context. In context we see Paul addressing ministry gifts. Not everyone will flow in the ministry of tongues where they speak in tongues in front of others, delivering a message. I've prayed in tongues for over 20 years and have never given a public tongue. 
 The simple answer is God is no respecter of persons. He loves us equally. His gifts of Grace are for all. Jesus isn't excluding you from the benefit of praying in the Spirit. It's yours for the receiving. 

5.) Tongues are never meant for public use. Paul said he'd rather speak five words in a known language than a thousand words in tongues. That's why tongues are the least of the gifts. 
 It is true Paul said this, but all one need do is simply study the whole book of Corinthians. It is clear that they did everything to the excess. They didn't just pray in tongues they were also speaking in tongues instead of preaching a sermon. They weren't giving instruction but in reality showing off their gifts.
 There is no passage that suggests the tongues or any gifts are lesser than another. The best gift is the one needed at the right moment. Tongues are a blessing and not a burden. God gave us this Grace gift to enhance our lives. It should be welcomed in all our meetings. 

6.) Tongues are of the devil! 
 This is the most absurd objection. The Bible is clear the Spirit is the source of tongues, not any other spirit. This objection was a tactic to sow fear into the minds of believers by religious tradition-bound men to keep others from receiving the Baptism in the Spirit. It has no basis in the Word of God.

 In summation, tongues are a Grace gift from God. We should gladly receive it. In public assembly, devotional tongues give believers a wonderful opportunity to magnify God. Yet, this should be exercised decently and in order. What's that mean? It means you should not draw attention to yourself. If I am drawing the attention of people then I become the center of attention and not Jesus. 

 The Grace gifts of God are a blessing when exercised properly. The gifts are not designed to prove our maturity. They are not designed to be shown off to prove to others our superiority. The gifts are given for us to express the love of God in demonstration and power. The gifts testify to Jesus' Finished Work and His great Grace made available to whosoever will receive.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Graceful Tongues: God's Grace gift of Praying in the Spirit.

For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. Isaiah 28:11-12 NKJV

 In the recent weeks, we've been engaged in a brief study of the Person of the Holy Spirit. We've seen that He is our comforter and counselor. We established He isn't convicting believers of their sins.  To convict is to invoke shame and find fault. 

 The Scripture actually stated that the Spirit convicts of only one sin, the sin of unbelief and rejection of Jesus. We see this in action clearly after Peter received the Baptism in the Spirit and began preaching the Gospel. Three thousand received this conviction of unbelief and repented (change of mind) and received the Lord Jesus. 

 We established the true understanding of spiritual hunger and our fullness and wholeness in Christ. We saw the ministry of the Holy Ghost in the Baptism of the Spirit where new believers are baptized into the Body of Christ. Last time we went in depth into the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 

 As we studied the Spirit with the objective of gaining a greater understanding of His ministry and growing in intimacy in our relationship with Him. We can't do a complete study of the work of the Spirit without studying His Gifts and the beautiful prayer language He utters in our spirits that we speak out in prayer. 

 I sensed the impression strongly to delve into this beautiful gift of Grace, the wonderful prayer language Grace has provided. Some may say Grace provided the speaking in tongues that is so controversial? Absolutely. 

 Our opening text is from Isaiah 28:11-12. 
 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear.

  Paul the Apostle of Grace writing under the unction and direction of the Holy Spirit confirmed that this passage is prophetically revealing this speaking with other tongues. Whenever we see something that brings rest and causes refreshing we can readily see this is the Grace of God in operation. Grace brings rest. Works and efforts and performance driven Christianity is synonymous with the striving and achieving that is associated with Old Covenant Law and works. We know Law and performance based faith are not of Grace and could never bring a rest or offer that which refreshes. 

 Tongues is a rest and a refreshing. It's a rest because it's the Spirit praying through you. It's a refreshing because we know the Spirit will always be praying the perfect will of God. If something brings a rest and a refreshing then why would God not provide this wonderful gift for all His kids? If something brings rest and refreshing then only the enemy and religious traditions would be opposed to it. 

 I can testify how much of a rest and refreshing praying in the Spirit has been in my life. I received the Baptism in the Spirit and accompanying prayer language twenty-three years ago this month. I had spoken with a missionary to Japan who was eager, to say the least, to share this wonderful Baptism in the Spirit with anyone who hadn't yet received it. 

 I was a young and immature believer and didn't understand how to receive freely from my Good Father. I first spoke privately with this minister and he gladly prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit. To be honest, I didn't feel a thing and was basing my receiving on some kind of feeling anyway. 

 Some time later he was ministering in the chapel service I was attending on a Sunday night. He began praying and ministering to the people. I went up for prayer not expecting to receive the Baptism in the Spirit, and when he laid his hands upon me something powerful happened. I sensed in my heart and in my physical body felt that a power from on high had enveloped me. I knew something had transpired. 

 I spoke with him after the meeting and he prayed again for me for the release of the Spirit simply saying just lift your hands and speak forth. Trusting God, I lifted my hands and bubbling out of my belly this beautiful melody of praise in other tongues released from my lips. It wasn't scary or flaky or weird. 

 I know that there are those who would act like the Pharisee, saying you can't do that in the church. There are the Sadducee types who simply deny the supernatural has any validity in the Church, who will reject my testimony as foolishness. Then there remains the stubborn offspring of the Pharisee and Sadducee, the "couldn't-sees" and the "wouldn't-sees" who oppose the idea of the operation of the Gifts in the lives of believers. 

There is much more to share on this Grace gift of tongues. There are the benefits of praying in the Spirit. Then there is the power of praying in the Spirit. Yet, in my heart, I know there exists, in some, strongholds of opposition to Tongues that must first be addressed.

Strongholds of objections concerning Tongues:

1.) Tongues are invalid because this gift ceased after the completion of Scripture and the last Apostle died. Tongues spoken today are mere gibberish and emotional babble. It's over emotionalism and not a valid practice, 1 Corinthians 13:8 says tongues will cease. 

2.) Tongues are of no value or benefit for believers today. There is no benefit in speaking or praying in a language you can't understand 

3.) Tongues exalt and magnify the person speaking and not the Church or local assembly. 

4.) Tongues are not available for all believers. Only some believers receive this gift. 

5.) Tongues are never meant for public use. Paul said he'd rather speak five words in a known language than a thousand words in tongues. That's why tongues are the least of the gifts. 

6.) Tongues are of the devil! 

 In our next post, I will answer these objections with the Word. Uprooting these traditional strongholds will help us all receive the wonderful Grace gifting and benefit of praying in the Spirit. I pray that you would be open and receptive to the work of the Spirit and to relinquish traditions of men. Read and study these next few post with an open and ready heart. It will bless you and enhance your relationship with our Good Father God. Stay tuned...
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