Showing posts with label New Birth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Birth. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Eternal Security: What about Judas Iscariot?

30 And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.  Ephesians 4:30 NLT

Whenever the truth of eternal security begins to be explored you will find many objections raised. It's always this way when the Good News is espoused. Tradition can't grasp the concept that God is a Good God. They can't wrap their minds around the truth that God is a loving, and merciful Father, who is always good. 

 When the eternal security of the believer is taught, one objection that many bring up is what about Judas? Judas was a follower of Jesus. Did he not work signs and wonders in Christ's name as the other's had? Wasn't he separated unto ministry as the other disciples? Yet he betrayed Jesus. 

 So the objection goes, Judas was a Christian and minister of the Gospel and yet he fell away, sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver. He surely is proof enough a believer can fall away. A believer can renounce Christ, and be lost. Judas is all the proof we need.

 The first problem with this objection is it is not coming from a place of understanding the New Covenant. When Jesus walked the Earth, He was still abiding in the Old Covenant. Jesus' death and resurrection and ascension and coming Holy Spirit ushered in the New Covenant in its fullness. My point? Judas, nor any of the other disciples and followers of Christ were born again. 

 To understand what I am saying, we need to look again at what it means to be born again. When one receives Jesus, they become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). They are now the Righteousness of God in Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:21). The Spirit of God comes and dwells within them (1 Corinthians 3:16). They are accepted by God (Ephesians 1:6). They are sealed with the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). They are forgiven of all their sins forever (Ephesians 1:7). They are now the children of God (1 John 3:1). All of this occurs at the New Birth.

 So here is the million-dollar question, was all this possible under the Old Covenant? Any reasonable, honest minded person can clearly see no this was not possible under the Old. First, how was forgiveness of sins obtained under the Old? Truth is the sins of the people weren't forgiven once for all time under the Old. They were merely covered or atoned for once a year by the high priest. 

 The once for all forgiveness Christ's death purchased is exclusive to the New Covenant. Secondly, the Spirit never dwelled within those under the Old Covenant. The Spirit would fall on individuals for works of service to God. 

 If there was no Spirit of God given to indwell those under the Old how could they be born again? Scripture affirms that the Holy Spirit would only come after Christ was glorified. 
39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. John 7:39 NKJV

 So it stands clear to the reasonable minded, that before the Cross and resurrection there was no way possible for anyone to be born again. So the concept of saying Judas was a born again believer who then lost his salvation is false. Judas was a Jew abiding under the Old Covenant and not a New Covenant born again child of God. 

 Under the Old, the children of Israel were known as God servants. In the New Covenant, those who've received Jesus are the Children of God. There is a major difference between a servant and a son. This difference is enough to show there is a distinction between Old and New. Yet with all these truths some still try to use Judas as the one person they claim lost his salvation.

 That's just disingenuous and more so coming from a place of Biblical ignorance and not the truth. However, some may concede that Judas wasn't born again in the strictest New Testament sense. However, they cite Judas as proof of how someone who has walked with Jesus can walk away later.

 Again a poor example to try and upend what Jesus fully accomplished on the Cross, that is the eternal security of the believer. Why? Because Judas never had a heart for the ministry of Jesus.

 Judas loved his fellow Israelites, that's not in question. So of course when Jesus commissioned all the disciples to work miracles in His name, it is possible Judas could've been used this way. However, Judas was under pride and not love for the World. 

 What do I mean pride? 
Likewise you younger ones, submit yourselves to the elders. Yes, all of you be submissive one to another and clothe yourselves with humility, because
“God resists the proud,
    but gives grace to the humble.”  1 Peter 5:5 MEV

God declares that He resists the proud but gives Grace to the humble. Why? The prideful want to do things there way and not God's. They don't see their need. They have it all together, it's the rest of us that don't. Judas didn't want the type of kingdom Jesus did. He wanted the yoke of Roman tyranny off the necks of the Israelites. He wanted deliverance for the Nation of Israel not the salvation of the World.

 What always accompanies pride is self-righteousness. After Judas betrayed Jesus what was his response to his sin? Judas went forth and hanged himself. Peter and Judas both sinned greatly that day. Yet we see two distinct and different responses. Peter wept bitterly, and after Jesus arose He sought the Lord. Judas punished his own sin instead of allowing Jesus to deal with the sin. Judas hung for his sins, not accepting the truth that Jesus would hang for all mankind's sins that day. 

 So, back to the objection, is Judas a good objection to the eternal security view? Absolutely not. The truth is we who've received Jesus are secure forever.

 Jesus is for us not against us. Jesus is faithful when we are faithless. When we seem to try and distance ourselves through our actions He is right there with us putting us back on the right path. No matter how many times we fail or falter or fall, Jesus is always there encouraging us, reminding us of who we are, and bringing hope to hopelessness. We are forever secure in His loving hands.

 The eternal security of the believer is part and parcel of the Finished Work of Christ. He forgave us once for all time. He sanctified and set us apart once forever. He sealed us with the Holy Spirit as the guarantee we will be saved forever. His perfect shed blood purchased perfectly our eternal redemption, eternal not temporal, and not conditioned on our conduct or faithfulness. 

 In summation, rejoice in the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You who've received Jesus are forever saved. You who've trusted in Christ are forever secure in His hand. No matter how far you've fallen Jesus is there bringing help, healing, hope, and restoration. Forget the objections tradition ruled Christians form and fashion designed to usher in eternal insecurity and hopelessness to the believer. Embrace His Grace, and rest in this uninterrupted eternally secure salvation. 
Image by falco from Pixabay

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Once You're Saved...

And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace. But if it is by works, then is it no longer by grace; otherwise work would no longer be work. Romans 11:6 MEV

And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved. 

 Have you responded to the Good News Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you heard of His Goodness and eternal, never failing Love for you? Have you've seen His hand of Goodness and Mercy poured out upon your life in some form or fashion? Since you've seen this Jesus in all His fullness have you received Him, that is putting your trust in Him alone for your eternal salvation?

 It's great news when we hear someone has responded to the Good News Gospel. It's a wonderfully glorious moment when one comes to Christ and receives a new life in Him. Jesus says all of Heaven rejoices. We rejoice along with all of Heaven.

 Now that you're saved, what's next? This next phase of Christian growth and development is a crucial time for the new believer. How you see God and yourself and the relationship you will have with Him depends on receiving the truth of the Gospel not just for initial salvation but for your entire Christian life.

 When new converts emerge, something else also is quick to converge. The checklist/rule book led leader/believer.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

 Once you're saved it's time for you to get busy proving your worth. You need to get busy knowing all the rules and straightening up your act. You'll be needing to get it together before next Sunday or there will be repercussions.

Remember the truth is it's about Grace from start to finish. However, the checklist believer has forgotten this truth. They are much focused on other's behavior and conduct, never mind their own love walk. They need to ensure these new converts are really saved.

 Once you're perfectly holy by next week! That is, you need to quit smoking. Stop cussing. Put away those bad habits right now. Don't go to the movies anymore. Get your behavior in line.

 Though it is true that Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and immorality, this process doesn't happen overnight. In my past, I've seen believers go to a church meeting on Sunday but on Monday they were smoking a cigarette. Being this was before Grace renewal, I condemned that person. 

 "Why are they even going to church? They're a sinner. Look at them smoking!" I am certain Jesus did a facepalm. Didn't I ever read where He said the sick need a physician not the well? Truth is none of us have it all together and that's why we always need Grace and our Savior Jesus.

Once you're saved...never miss a meeting or gathering!

 True, it's good to gather together with other believers. It's beneficial to bring our supply of the Spirit and encourage each other. However, it's also true that attendance isn't some legal obligation we need to fulfill to prove our salvation.

 Once you're better be praying and reading your Bible!

 Of course, we should read and study God's Word. The Scriptures are where we see Jesus. They bring us comfort. However, daily devotion and study times, aren't some kind of chore we need to drudge through. 

Once you're saved...learn the rules from our denomination and remember all others are false and wrong and we're the only ones right!

 The rule/checklist believer wants to ensure the new convert lives up to the denominational traditions as soon as possible. They must also be quick to condemn other churches and ministries that are outside their church. Grace, on the other hand, reveals God's Love for all the Body of Christ. 

 God wants us to grow in His Love, not in the rules and traditions of the various denominations. Receiving His Love and sharing it with others is what God desires. God sees one Body, not divisions.

Where's the Grace?

 Years ago there was a fast-food campaign that used a similar slogan about hamburger meat. They were comparing the size of their company's burgers with other rival companies. This is a good question to ask churches and ministries. Where's the Grace? 

 Instead of focusing on getting believers to follow the rules, why not get them focused on Jesus? Focusing on Jesus and His Grace is what brings true transformation. He changes us from the inside out.

 The true purpose of ministry and devotion is to get the focus off ourselves and onto Jesus. On who He is, and what He has accomplished on our behalf. Rule book/checklist minded Christianity takes the focus off Grace and Jesus and makes it about us. It shifts the focus off the Finished Work and focuses on our personal obligation, obedience, commitment, and perseverance.

 What we need to be continually reminded of is that it's about Grace from start to finish. We were unworthy in and of ourselves. We were undeserving of mercy and goodness yet He poured His Love out upon us in abundance. When we focus on Jesus we find true transformation and real sincere growth in Him, and in His Love and Goodness.

 In summation, always keep Grace in the forefront. Rejoice when New Life in Christ has been received by those trusting in Him. Remember to keep giving these new converts Grace. Get their focus on Him and never on themselves. Remind them of how loved and valued they are in Him. True growth will always be the result.
Image courtesy of iosphere at

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

By Grace through Faith: Miracles in your mouth!

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 
Ephesians 2:8 NKJV

16 Therefore it is of faith that it might be by Grace Romans 4:16a KJV

We've been in a study of Faith. What Faith is and how to walk in Faith. We've seen what Faith is, what Faith is not and how Faith comes. So why study Faith? Why teach Faith? What's so important about Faith?

 The answer is found in God's Word. In four places God declares the Just (those made righteous) live by Faith. Paul declared that we walk by Faith. The author of Hebrews (who I believe was Paul) declares without Faith it is impossible to please God. Clearly, Faith is a big deal with our Good Father. 

 Why is it of such importance? Because as our text states, it is of Faith so that it may be by Grace. Faith is the level playing field. That is, all God has promised, provided, and procured for us is available to any and all believers. They only need to believe it and lay hold of it by Faith. This proves there are no special category believers. There isn't one who is more loved than others. It is by Faith so it might be by Grace.

 One might ask well I don't think I have the Faith to receive. Wrong, friend. If you've put your trust in Jesus you have His Faith inside you. To grow and develop this Faith, just feed on who Jesus is. That is to find Him in His Word and see all He's done for you. Whom He has made you. What He can do through you. Your Faith will grow more and more. 

 Another exciting truth of Faith is that of our words. Did you know words are one of the most powerful forces in the universe? Words can bring help, hope, and healing or they can bring hurt, hopelessness, and harm. 

 See what God says about the power of our words;

18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, And restore comforts to him And to his mourners. 19 “I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” Says the Lord“And I will heal him.” Isaiah 57:18-19 NKJV 

 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21 MEV

 I think God was trying to show us something. Words carry weight. Words have power. Words are containers. They can contain Grace, Faith, hope, joy, life, wholeness or they can contain, wrath, anger, disbelief, hurt, judgment and condemnation and death. Your words can agree with what God has said or disagree with Him.

Positive Confession or negative confession?

 So we can have a positive confession or a negative one. We can hold to a good confession or a bad one. We can speak life or speak death, this choice is ours. 

 Confession means to agree with God. When we hold fast to a positive confession we are using our words in agreement with God. We are saying Father, all you did for me in Christ's Finished Work I agree is mine. All Jesus made me in the New Creation I agree with. All redemption provided for I accept and agree with, my words are in agreement. 

What then is a negative confession? A negative confession is a confession that discounts and disregards and disagrees with God. Negative confessions contradict what Jesus has done for us. Negative confessions hold fast to denying all Jesus did for us. Sometimes He forgives our sins. Sometimes He sees believers righteous. Sometimes He heals. Sometimes He provides. Sometimes He's good. Sometimes but not all the time. 

 Faith is released by speaking. Words are the locator of our belief. Look at the Word again on this subject;

...but believes that what he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. Mark 11:23b MEV

13 We have the same spirit of faith. As it is written, “I believed, and therefore I have spoken.” So we also believe and therefore speak, 2 Corinthians 4:13 MEV

But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.” This is the word of faith that we preach Romans 10:8 MEV
10 for with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation Romans 10:10 MEV
 This is Faith's believing and speaking out. We believe and we speak. It is clear over and over in the Word of God, our words have power. Our words carry weight. Words can put us over or cause defeat. If you have experienced constant trouble, do a check of what you have been speaking. Are you agreeing with God or circumstances or the lies of the enemy?

 We know we live in a fallen world. However, in the midst of this world, don't disregard God and what He has done for you. You don't have to agree with and accept the circumstances. 

 In summation, we can use our words to describe our situation or we can use words to change them. We can use words talking about the mountain or we can use words and speak to the mountain. We can use words to curse the darkness or we can use Faith-filled words speaking what God said about our situation. True freedom and lasting hope comes from placing our eternal trust in Jesus and agreeing with God with our words and actions. 
Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay 

Monday, August 12, 2019

By Grace through Faith: Having the God kind of Faith

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8 NKJV

Therefore it is of faith that it might be by Grace; Romans 4:16a KJV

We've begun a new series of study focusing on Faith. We've seen what Faith is and what it is not. We've seen how Faith comes and how it is released.

 Today, I sense the leading to ask what kind of Faith do you have? You see there are two kinds of Faith. The natural, man-centered kind of faith that is moved by the senses. That is a mere trusting in what it can see, hear, or feel kind of faith. The "seeing is believing" faith.  Or you can have the God kind of Faith.

 Jesus had this God kind of Faith. He said of Himself He only did what He saw His Father doing. He only said what His Father told Him to say. Jesus wasn't moved by what it looks like but what the Father said. 

 You too can have this kind of Faith. Jesus gave us insight into this kind of Faith.
22 Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. 23 For truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:22-24 MEV

Jesus tells us to have Faith, that is the Faith of God. The literal Greek says have the Faith of God. Jesus was offering this to us. Other translations or paraphrased versions bring this out.
22 Jesus replied, “Let the faith of God be in you! Mark 11:22 TPT

 It is clear God wants us to have His Faith in us not our own. Look at the texts we are using for this study;
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8 NKJV

 For by Grace we are saved through Faith, and this Faith isn't of ourselves it is the gift of God. We are saved by His Faith given to us when we hear His Word. We all begin with the same measure of Faith, the God kind of Faith. We can choose to grow and develop that Faith or rely on the sensory realm faith that humanity operates on. You trust your employer enough that you work forty hours a week even though you haven't been paid first. They trust that you will work forty hours. 

 We develop and grow this God kind of Faith within us by continually feeding on His Word, and what He says about us. By continually acknowledging what we have in Christ, who we are in Christ, what He accomplished for us in the Finished Work, what Grace made available to us. What redemption purchased for us. 

 Grace makes and Faith takes. The God kind of Faith, deposits the Word within. The God kind of Faith, knowing what Grace provides puts a demand on it. The God kind of Faith speaks to the mountain of impossibility and commands it to be removed. 

 The God kind of Faith believes what God said is true, that what Grace made and purchased for us is indeed ours already. This God kind of Faith doesn't believe it because we've experienced it, this Faith believes it because God said it, because Grace made it and because it is the truth we know we will experience it. 

 Grace makes and Faith takes. The God kind of Faith speaks, calling those things that be not as though they were. Faith's constant confession agrees with the New Covenant, New Creation redemptive realities Grace made. Faith's confession creates the reality of it in your own life so you can walk in the redemption Christ purchased. 

 God's Grace has removed the disqualifiers from God's people. No longer is the promise or the provision contingent upon your performance or faithfulness. Redemption realities are already yours in Christ Jesus. They are based upon Jesus and His faithfulness and obedience and goodness no longer upon our own. All you need do is to reach out with the God kind of Faith and lay hold on them. you just need to simply believe. It is by Faith that it might be by Grace. 

In summation, what kind of Faith do you have? Do you have the sensory knowledge faith? That natural faith that must see it to believe it? That unsteady, wavering, sight focused faith? Are you ignoring the God kind of Faith that was deposited within you when you believed?  

 Simply relinquish trusting in your senses and trust in what God said about you or your situation. Don't feel saved? Don't look righteous? Doesn't seem like you have favor with God? You can trust in those feelings or disregard those feeling and consider Jesus and what He says about you and look at what Grace made and consider not your circumstances or fickle emotions. This God kind of Faith works in every arena of life. Find what Grace made and reach out with the God kind of Faith and take it and experience it in your own life. 
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

By Grace through Faith: Got Faith?

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8 NKJV

Therefore it is of faith that it might be by Grace; Romans 4:16a KJV

We've begun a new study of walking by New Covenant Faith. In our last study, we defined what Faith actually is despite how the traditional religious-minded or the unlearned define it. We've seen that Faith is not "blind". That it's not directionless or somehow not focused on specifics. 

 Faith is being fully persuaded by unseen evidence. That evidence is what the Finished Work procured for us, and what God said to us because of the Finished Work. Faith cannot exist where the will of God is not known. That's why God in His infinite Goodness has let us know what His will is.

What is His will?

When it comes to God's will, so many believers and Christian leaders seem almost bewildered, baffled and bemused. Like God's will is the "holy grail" and so few ever find it. That God's will is some magnificent mystery and oh joy to you if you actually discern it or discover it.

 How so many discern God's will is this. Let's pray to God to do something. Let's ask God for something. Well, if it happens it must have been God's will. If it didn't happen or come to pass? Must not have been His will. Listen, brothers and sisters, God's will is not a shot in the dark. It is not some mystery to be solved. Paul has told us this.
having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, Ephesians 1:9 NKJV

 Here is a perfect illustration of knowing God's will. Suppose you enter a restaurant that you've never been to. Suppose the sign says serving a variety of food. You are seated, with no menu in sight, then the server comes to take you order and you say ok can I have a pizza? What if their response was we don't have pizza, only vegetarian, seafood, steaks, and ribs? More than likely your response would be something like well I didn't see any menu so I wasn't sure what you served. The point is that the establishment must provide you with the pertinent information for you to be able to make your selection. 

 So it is with God. God so much as tells us this in 1 John. For you to know what to order at a restaurant, they give you a menu. They inform you of what's available. God is just and righteous, therefore He must also inform us of His will in order for us to ask in Faith. So what is His will? His will is His Word. If you want to know what God's will is, look at His Word, what He said. What He confirmed with His promises. What we see Jesus accomplished in the Finished Work.

 Having established that His Word is His will and we, therefore, can know His will, how then does Faith come? How do we know we have Faith? God's Word gives us insight into this.
17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 NKJV

Got Faith?

  Faith comes by hearing God's Word. It comes from hearing the Word spoken, the Word of God preached in its fullness. It comes by hearing yourself speak His Word. When we speak God's Word, our minds get renewed to the truth of God instead of the lies of the enemy and this world system. 

 Some may be saying well that's great brother,  but I don't think I have any Faith. Not so, for the Word tells us otherwise. The Word declared all believers have been given the same measure of Faith. We all start with the same amount of Faith. It is up to us to grow in our Faith. There are no special believers or ones God loves more than you. We have Faith and can grow that Faith as we will. We even see Paul speak of exceedingly growing Faith.

God has a simple way to grow in Faith. Simply feeding on His Word will bring growth and stronger Faith. Some may be thinking, ok Faith comes by hearing but what about Hebrews where it says the Word spoke didn't profit them, not being mixed with Faith in them that heard? Glad you brought this up. 

 The Word won't bring Faith if the hearer of the Word denies the Word or seeks to misapply the Word. Hebrews said the Gospel wasn't received by the hearers. Why? Because they couldn't accept the Good News of God's Grace. 

 Misguided men who hear Ephesians 5, about husbands and wives and take that passage as an excuse to dominate and exercise control over their wife are not acting in Faith. They are misapplying God's Word. When religious traditional-minded,  hear the Word on the Gifts of the Spirit, they don't mix Faith with what they hear for they deny that aspect of God's Word for today. 

 When the hearer of the Word looks to outward circumstances or their experiences, they aren't receiving the Word, thus Faith can't come. God's Word is true, not because we experience it. God's Word is true because God said it. Because it is the truth, we, therefore, should experience it. 

 Want to have exceedingly growing Faith? Then feed on God's Word. It's about having more Word in you than World. Want to grow strong in your new identity? Feed more on God's Word about who you are in Christ. Want to be strong in Grace? Than feed on God's Word about Jesus and His Finished Work. Want to be strong in the things of the Holy Spirit? Feed on God's Word concerning the Gifts and moving of the Spirit. Want to be strong in healing? Feed on God's Word about healing and wholeness. 

 In summation, do you have Faith? If you've received Jesus then you absolutely do. Remember there are no special believers. There are no Christians God loves more than others. He hasn't given more Faith in someone than He has given you. Faith is a level playing field. Remember it is by Faith so it can be by Grace. Simply feeding on God's Word causes Faith in your heart to grow and produce victory in all areas of life. God is for us not against us. 
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Gospel of Grace: The Reality of Our Eternal Redemption

I am shocked over how quickly you have deserted the grace gospel and strayed away from Christ who called you to Himself by His loving mercy. I’m frankly astounded that you now embrace a distorted gospel of salvation by works! 7 That is a fake “gospel” that is simply not true! There is only one gospel—the grace gospel! Yet you have allowed those who mingle law with Christ’s grace to confuse you with lies. Galatians 1:6-7 TPT first edition

 We've been in an ongoing study of the Gospel of Grace, the Good News of Jesus Christ and all He has accomplished for us in the Finished Work. We've seen that this Gospel isn't about religion. We've seen the reality of the New Covenant. We've seen the reality of the New Creation, what it means to be New in Him. We've seen the reality of our Righteousness in Christ. 

 To conclude this study of the true Gospel it seems good to focus on one of the greatest aspects of this Finished Work. That is the truth of our eternal redemption. I am certain you're aware there exist some controversial theological points in Christian circles. 

 Of the many issues, I like to refer to the major ones as the three "Ts". That is Tithing, speaking with Tongues, and the End-Times. Want to start a war with words if you will? Bring up these three topics. Though these are controversial points, nothing it seems is more hotly debated than the question of our eternal redemption. That is, is our redemption or our salvation of an eternal duration? To be more clear, can you lose or forfeit your salvation?

 This question elicits many responses. Tradition will respond with "no, but..." or "no, only if..." and the more works centered minded will respond with a resounding yes. Some sincere believers will respond with uncertainty. Instead of opinions let's allow the Word of God to settle the debate.

12 Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. Hebrews 9:12 NKJV

allow another version to make it more clear;

12 And he has entered once and forever into the Holiest Sanctuary of All, not with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the sacred blood of his own sacrifice. And he alone has made our salvation secure forever! Hebrews 9:12 TPT

 Some key points this passage makes clear. Christ shed His perfect Blood once for all time. This is the final sacrifice. There is no other sacrifice. There isn't His plus yours that completes this redemption. When Jesus was hanging on that tree, I note there was not two or three other "good" men who were helping Christ bear the nails or holding Him up on the Cross. Jesus sacrifice was the only one that worked. It was offered once for all time. 

 Another point is inferred. Jesus once for all sacrifice was accepted by the Father. God the eternal judge is satisfied with the once for all sacrifice of His Son. The Finished Work has been accepted and approved. Therefore there is no more work or sacrifice to bring to God to deal with our sins, shortcomings or failures. 

 Another point made based upon the last point made is that this accepted sacrifice means sin has been forgiven. This means we who received Jesus are forever forgiven. 
18 And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices. Hebrews 10:18 NLT
 So this concludes the debate if we are eternally forgiven or we need to confess our sins in order to be forgiven. The shed blood procured our forgiveness. It is done. We are eternally forgiven. Look, Jesus isn't coming back shedding His Blood each time we screw up. We are eternally redeemed and forever forgiven.

 The last point I see made in this passage is that Jesus has obtained eternal redemption for all who receive it. He did it. He obtained it. He purchased us for eternity. We are eternally redeemed. 

 What does the word eternal mean here? Thayer's Greek dictionary says, without end, never to cease, everlasting So our redemption is without end. Salvation is receiving this free gift of redemption. So our salvation then is without end, never to cease, is everlasting!

 Can we then lose our salvation or "walk away" from salvation? If salvation is without end, never to cease, everlasting, then you tell me? If something is without end, then the answer is plainly clear. Salvation is without end, never to cease and everlasting. 

 The reason for the major controversy surrounding this amazing truth is believers want to make the Gospel and salvation and Grace so complicated. The reason being, they must make room for their tradition, for their performance, for their pet doctrines or better stated, their specific theological persuasion or denominational creed. 

 Now the objections are racing through the minds of the religious. They will cry out, we never disagreed that salvation is eternal. What they will say is though salvation itself is eternal, our actions, our unbelief or unfaithfulness disqualifies us from salvation. 

 Think of that reasoning. When a person in competition wins the prize, but through some misdeed or unfaithful action causes a committee to strip the person of the prize. We've seen music awards, Olympic medals, etc stripped away because of the actions of the winner. 

 Here is the truth, though that is how it is on Earth we are dealing with eternal issues. The real truth is we as fellow believers or leaders, or even ministers are not on the committee if you will. We aren't the ones who awarded salvation to a person and we don't get to judge whether that person, due to their unfaithfulness, gets to keep the "prize" or not.

 The Good News is the "committee" members are God our Father, Jesus our Savior, and the precious Holy Ghost. They made it known already. They already judged Jesus' sacrifice as accepted and fulfilling all demands of eternal justice. They already made it clear, simply believe and you are eternally saved. They aren't stripping away salvation from the unfaithful. God is faithful when we are faithless.

 In summation, believer you are eternally secure in Christ. Jesus paid the price in full. God our Father accepted the price, accepted the final sacrifice, the sin debt has been paid in full. We are forgiven and made Righteous and eternally redeemed. No man, no tradition, no denominational creed, no minister gets to decide whether you're saved or can lose your salvation. God's Word declared we are eternally secure and that settles the issue. 
Image by Frank Oschatz from Pixabay