Monday, December 9, 2024

Abundance of Grace

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) Romans 5:17 NKJV

For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 WEY

 Grace, what is Grace? Is Grace just a doctrine or a topic we study? Is Grace merely an abstract or fleeting concept we don't consider much? Grace is not a doctrine or a topic. Grace is the unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor of God lavished upon us.

 Grace is the very heartbeat of God’s love, expressed through Jesus Christ.  Grace is the heartbeat of divine Love demonstrated in and through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's Jesus' victorious work of redemption, a free gift fully and freely received into our lives, never earned. 

 Paul tells us through the direct inspiration of the Spirit that when we receive the abundance of Grace, we will reign in this life. We reign in life, not fear, inferiority, shame, guilt, condemnation, or sin. We will not be timid but bold. All of this is based on Jesus' work and not our own.

 Grace is an inexhaustible truth. Biblical truths such as Faith, Love, hope, and Grace are truths we continue studying and growing in deeper understanding. God dedicated whole Epistles to teach us Faith and Grace and reveal His Love. 

 Grace is also something we must continually feed on because the default setting of humanity is earning and achieving. No matter how often we hear about the Cross, some still come away believing there is a part they must play in redemption and eternal salvation. The Cross reveals the Grace of God.

 The Cross of Christ stands as the ultimate revelation of God’s grace. It declares that no human effort could pay the price. It was the only work that could bring right standing with God and redeem us from the curse of the Law. 

 Yet, with the witness of the Cross, we still have ministries and churches proclaiming that it is the work of the Cross, plus our own works. Apparently, the Cross alone is insufficient to bring about healing, deliverance, receiving provision, and answered prayer. Their teaching is if we want to receive, we must live completely upright and engage in much spiritual discipline. This undermines the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice, supplementing Christ's work with our own.

  I have actually heard ministers teach that our behavior is the measure God used to bless us. That if our act isn't just right, God won't heal us. If healing, blessings, provision, and answered prayer are contingent upon the believer's behavior then what is the purpose of the Cross?

 The Old Covenant functioned in this way. The children of Israel did offer sacrifice for their sins annually, but they had to obey the Law to be blessed and healed. They had their work to do and Moses told them if they weren't following the Law then they wouldn't be healed and blessed. 

 The Cross of Jesus reveals the new and living way to receive from God. The Old Covenant was following Moses, sacrificial offerings, and our behavior as the means to receive from God. The New Covenant is Jesus plus nothing. 

I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain Galatians 2:21 NKJV

 Do we really believe it's Jesus plus nothing? When I pray for healing, in whose name am I asking to receive healing? Jesus' name or my own?

 Most would say well, Jesus, of course. Yet, when religious mixture of Law and Grace lists rules and precepts we must do so we can receive, we are not actually asking in Jesus' name any longer. We may be verbally saying in Jesus' name, but in reality, we are actually asking in our own name. 

 We are, in essence, saying to the Father, see God, I have done this and that and kept these rules here, now can I be healed? When we do this, we are unwittingly demanding the Father to base our answers to prayer, receiving healing and provision on our personal achievements, work, performance, and behavior. This is perhaps why some fail to receive.

 We want to reign in life not live defeated and not receiving from God. To reign in life means walking in Christ's victory for us—victory over sin, sickness, lack, and every form of bondage. It is living boldly, knowing we are deeply loved, fully forgiven, and richly provided for through Jesus. We can only reign when we receive the abundant Grace of God. 

So, let us stop striving and start receiving. Let us boldly lay hold of the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, knowing that Jesus has already accomplished everything for us. His victory is our victory; His life is our life. We don’t reign by earning or achieving—we reign by believing and receiving. 

 Grace invites us to step out of fear and failure into the fullness of God’s favor, provision, healing, and love. The Cross is proof that it’s never about what we do but about what Jesus has already done. Through Him, we reign—not as slaves burdened by the weight of performance, but as kings walking in the light of His finished work. Grace is the key to reigning in life—receive it, walk in it, and reign boldly today!

Image by Helena Chyprina from Pixabay

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