For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMP
Whenever God restores truth to the Church oftentimes it is met with critical skepticism. Certainly, it is not wrong to confirm what is brought forth to ensure it aligns with God's Word. This is seeking to confirm the truth, not resist the truth. That said, when truth is being restored sometimes objections are raised.
Sometimes these objections come about because it cuts cross-grain to how things have been done for so long. Sometimes these objections come about because religious leaders feel like they are losing the control they have over their congregants. Sometimes these objections come about because of misunderstandings and minds rooted in the tradition of men.
In light of this, this is why it is good in a spirit of love to answer such objections. Recently I came across a concise list of objections concerning the Radical Grace of God. It seemed good to me that with such a concise list of objections, a detailed response was warranted.
So far in addressing this list of objections I have addressed in detail this issue of 1 John 1:9 and confessions of sins to be forgiven. Today, I want to address this objection that the Gospel of Grace only focuses on Paul's Epistles. That Grace teaching disregards the Gospels and the Old Testament and ignores the other Epistles.
This may seem like nothing concerning to some believers, but to our mainline, denominational brethren it is a serious issue. It seems as if we are saying only Paul is inspired by God and everything else is false. Is it Paul's Gospel or is it THE Gospel?
The answer to this objection is very simple. Look at what Paul himself said about the Gospel he preaches. Paul said it was Jesus Himself who taught him the Gospel. Jesus taught Paul. Paul's teachings are Jesus' teachings.
The true issue is that believers are not rightly dividing the Word. When we present the Gospel are we to teach the Old Testament? When we minister the Word do we need to present all the teachings of Jesus as what is required of New Covenant believers?
If so what portions are active for believers today? Not eating our steaks medium rare or wearing clothing with mix fabrics? Are we to present ourselves to the priest when we are cleansed?
I am not being critical or "snarky." The issue is these objections are raised by angry believers who have simply taken the Bible and never rightly divided it and therefore don't even understand it all and presume it all pertains to all people forever. They can't distinguish between Jesus' preaching of the Old Covenant requirements and Jesus' teaching of the coming New Covenant.
Those who object to Grace preaching claim we have dismissed Jesus' teachings. They argue that we are to follow all of what Jesus taught. What do we do then with this word from Jesus?
24 But He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:24 MEV
For those who object to Grace teaching, and claim we should follow Jesus' words to the letter where does this statement leave us? If we are not literal Jews then we are lost without God and still in our sins. Jesus was only sent to Israel, His own words. Unless of course we are to rightly divide Jesus' words and apply what is New Covenant to our lives and leave the rest in the Covenant they pertained to.
When we rightly divide the Word, we get a clear picture of God's great love and all the time Goodness. Though we see wrath and judgment under the Old, we still see a Father longing for the day of Redemption. We see a Father who said He delights in mercy and not judgment. We see a Savior, God incarnate who revealed the full weight of the Law, revealing the need for a Savior. We see a Savior who said it is Finished ending the Old and ushering in a New Covenant based on His Grace, not our works.
Jesus' words are not disregarded just rightly divided under Grace. The Old Covenant is not thrown out. It is clearly seen as fulfilled and now obsolete. The other Epistles are not ignored. Peter and James did not disagree with Paul. In Acts 15, James and Peter agreed with Paul that the Old Covenant and Law are fulfilled and no longer in effect.
Look at Peter's own words;
10 Now then, why are you testing God by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to endure? 11 But we believe that we are saved through the [precious, undeserved] grace of the Lord Jesus [which makes us free of the guilt of sin and grants us eternal life], in just the same way as they are.” Acts 15:10-11 AMP
This objection is simply a result of tradition-ruled men not rightly dividing the Word. This objection is a result of those who still desire to mix Law and Grace. This objection is a result of those who simply want to blend the Old Covenant with the New Covenant.
The Gospel of Grace is the Gospel Paul preached. This Gospel is the Gospel that Jesus taught Paul directly. Jesus purchased the free gift of Righteousness apart from man's work, performance, and behavior. He purposefully entrusted Paul with the task of proclaiming this Good News to all. The Lord also thought it best to have Paul pen 2/3rds of the New Covenant.
In summation, there is not too much Paul preaching. Paul's message is the Gospel. Jesus taught it to him. Jesus called and appointed him to proclaim it. When we rightly divide the Word we see Paul and Jesus and the other writers of the New are in harmony, not disagreement.
Image by Benjamin Nelan from Pixabay
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