Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Putting a Demand on God's Provisions

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 
John 15:7 NASB
19 But my God shall supply your every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 MEV

  Over the year 2019, we've studied much on the goodness of God, His role in human hardships and tragedies and the varied traditions surrounding suffering. We've just concluded a series of study of walking in Grace and living by the God kind of Faith. For the majority of this year, we've been much focused on who God is, and what He has done for us and how to receive it in our lives. 

 Today, I sense the strong leading to share a truth about Faith and Grace and walking in triumphant victory. Often among those who proclaim the Radical Grace of God, I see a common theme. Don't hunger for the things of God, you're already full. Don't ask for God to show up He is always with you. Don't ask God to move, He's already moved. 

 When I hear those sentiments proclaimed, the first thing I do is look at the life of those making those statements. All too often, I don't see them walking in victory. I don't see them flowing in God's healing power. I don't see signs and wonders among their midst. Should we ask for more? Should we hunger? Should we ask God to move? Is that the answer? Where is the disconnect?

 To answer, no we don't need to necessarily ask God to move in our midst. It is true that He has moved in the Finished Work. He completed the work. He has given us His Spirit. He has made available all of Heaven's resources. So again where is the disconnect?

 A few years ago, the Lord gave me an answer about hungering. We don't hunger for the things of God because we lack. We simply hunger for what He hungers for. What the Lord showed me was though the Spirit is among His people it is up to us if we want a passive presence or an active presence. 

 Passivity is the disconnect. Saying don't hunger for more, don't beg God to move is a partial truth, but this coupled with a passive spiritual desire will always breed the same result. No power or victory present or received. The truth in its fullness is yes we don't ask or beg or plead or strive for what He has already provided. We must though know what has been provided. Desire what God desires, to see His people healed, whole, and walking in victory. 

Put a Demand on the Provision

 What is the provision made? He has purchased our complete redemption. He redeemed us from the curse of the Law. He procured our eternal redemption. He bought us back from the power of the enemy. 

 Redemption perfectly purchased and procured for us has a provision for every area of our life. He has obtained our eternal salvation. His shed blood has procured the forgiveness of all our sins, past present and future. This redemption has delivered us from the power of the enemy, translating us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son. This so great salvation has made us the Righteousness of God in Christ. This redemption has paid for the healing of our bodies, for by His stripes we were healed. This perfect redemption brings wholeness to all areas of our life, for this new life has a supply for all things that pertain to life and godliness.

 Understanding what we already have in Christ, why aren't more walking in it? This side of Heaven we won't know each and every reason why some fail to receive all God has provided. However, studying His Word we can see there are reasons given why some fail to receive. That said, none of these reasons bring shame or condemnation or minister fear to anyone. These are not disqualifying conditions either. The enemy and religious tradition deal in shame and regret but Grace says otherwise.
 One major reason some fail to receive is that they are not making a demand on what is already theirs in Christ. Allow me to give you two examples in the ministry of Jesus here on Earth;

27 When she had heard of Jesus, she came in the crowd behind Him and touched His garment. 28 For she said, “If I may touch His garments, I shall be healed.” 29 And immediately her hemorrhage dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. Mark 5:27-29 MEV

 This is the woman with the issue of blood, you can read the entire account here. You see here that Jesus didn't single her out and minister to her. No, she heard of Him and His healing power. She saw the provision and reached out and received. She put a demand on the provision and received it fully in her life. 

 You may be thinking ok I am seeing something here but you keep using the word demand. Isn't that ordering God around? Isn't that being demanding of God? No. We aren't demanding anything of God, we are just putting a demand on the supply He provided. 

 To illustrate further, use your natural bank account. When you make a purchase, you use a bank card or write a check. What are you doing? You're putting a demand on the supply of funds in your account at that moment to purchase a product or service. So it is with God. We are putting a demand on the supply He purchased for us.

 Let's look at a situation where there was no demand made and see the results. Jesus was teaching and the Pharisees were there and the power of the Lord was present to heal, see the account here. Take note that no one was healed as Jesus taught. Yet the power or provision was readily available. It wasn't until those men tore a hole in the roof and lowered the man down and put a demand on the power of God did they receive. 

 In summation, we want all God has provided and procured for us. The truth is though it won't just fall on us like ripe fruit off a tree. If it was automatic without any demand made then all humanity would be saved. We know that's not true. People who want to be saved put a demand on the provision of salvation and receive. It is the same for all of God's provision. This isn't "achieve to receive" or "strive to arrive",  this is about actually opening the gifts He has already given. So don't sit idle, don't stand passively, reach out and receive all He has provided. 
image courtesy of arztsamui/courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


Unknown said...

This is good!

John W Reed said...

Glad this amazing truth of receiving what’s ours blessed you