Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Good News vs fake news: He alone is Worthy?

15 Now let me remind you, brothers, of what the Gospel really is, for it has not changed—it is the same Good News I preached to you before. You welcomed it then and still do now, for your faith is squarely built upon this wonderful message; 1 Corinthians 15:1 TLB

13 making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do. Mark 7:13 NKJV

 Greetings in Jesus name. We've been in an extended study contrasting the Good News of Jesus with the fake news of religious tradition. As we've already established, people are not our enemy. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Sadly people are misled by error and tradition and philosophies of men, and they perpetuate those errors, but just as Grace is for us who've readily received it, it's also for those who oppose themselves.

 Often in times of praise and worship in our meetings, gatherings, and local churches, we may hear the phrase ring out by some well-meaning but misinformed worship leader or choir director, "Oh, Lord we're so unworthy!" Have you ever been in a gathering and heard this? Have you ever heard a Christian song lyric where they cry out "You alone are worthy?"

This concept that we are just unworthy little worms in the eyes of God is one major stronghold in so many minds. I especially see this in the Pentecostal/Charismatic circles. My heart goes out to those in Pentecostal/Charismatic ministries because so often their theology is founded on works and performance. As a result, many see themselves as unworthy, never fully measuring up.
 This is not an insult directed at Spirit-filled churches. I was raised in Pentecostal churches. I have good memories growing up in church. In fact, Pentecostal/Charismatic churches are the fastest growing churches in many parts of the World. This is why it's essential that the Good News Gospel of Jesus and not religion, is being preached by all churches and ministries Pentecostal or not.

 Sadly, many ministries and churches have no idea what the Gospel even is. To them, the gospel is the proclamation of how displeasing you are to God. How often God is disappointed in you. How you are constantly letting God down. Their gospel is one of proclaiming God's judgment and wrath. How He is sending destruction throughout this Earth because of sin. How even Christians when they get to Heaven will still answer for all their sins in this life.

 Is it any wonder that believers create concepts like we are so unworthy in God's sight? I want to give you the Good News that you have infinite value and worth. Remember God made you and He doesn't make junk! I want to uproot those negative thoughts in your mind and replace them with the truth of the Gospel.

He alone is Worthy?

 In our songs, in our prayers, and in our praises I've heard this phrase repeatedly. He alone is worthy. Many years ago, before I even understood Grace, or fully grasped the revelation of redemption and our perfect righteousness in Christ, the Lord spoke to my heart. 

 I remember where I was, standing in a church meeting during praise and worship. This phrase was being sung, "You alone are worthy." The Lord captured my attention and opened my eyes and spoke inwardly, don't you ever say again "You alone are worthy". I made you worthy by the blood. So God isn't the only one worthy.  Now I understood that if we are saying, God, you alone are worthy of our adoration, our praise, our thanksgiving, our devotion and our worship, well then, of course, that's true. But just saying generically   He alone is worthy is an insult to the Blood.

Worthy because of the price paid

 We are not worthy because of our goodness. We aren't worthy because of how well we perform. We aren't made worthy because we get it right. We don't always get it right but thank God Jesus did, and our trust is in Him and not in ourselves. 

 You know how you can tell the value of something? By its rarity? By its demand? Any free market economist will tell you what someone is willing to pay for an item shows its value. Think of it. Almighty God, the Most High, the Creator of Heaven and Earth gave His only Son for you. That is the highest price ever. The sinless, perfect Son, was given to redeem, rescue, even ransom us back from sin, death and the power of darkness. 

 Never see yourself as lowly, or unworthy. Father paid a high price for you. He sees your value. He sees your worth. He gave His very best for you. He doesn't invest in or sponsor a flop. 

Worthy because of His love

 Think of it, we are the object of God's highest affection. As much as He loves Jesus He loves you. Wow, to be the object of His unconditional love. Being loved by the King reveals just how valuable we are. We are not mere worms, we are the apple of His eye. 

Worthy because of our adoption in the Family

 God our Father, welcomed us into the Family of God when we simply received a free gift, we trusted in Him alone to redeem us. We are not mere paupers groveling before the King. We aren't subjects and servants. We are sons. We are the children of the Most High. We aren't sitting under the King's table awaiting scraps. We now freely pull up a chair next to our Father and freely feast at His table. 

 Hear the words of Jesus:
But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. Revelation 3:4 NASB 

 With the words of Jesus, with the knowledge of the Finished Work, His cleansing Blood, His great love and our sonship how will you see yourself? In spite of all this, religious tradition still perpetuates the lie that we are groveling worms in the dust in the sight of our God. That we are one failure away from being banished from the Kingdom. What do you say? 
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net