Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Healing Grace: The God of Miracles

 For it’s by God’s grace that you have been saved. You receive it through faith. It was not our plan or our effort. It is God’s gift, pure and simple. You didn’t earn it, not one of us did, so don’t go around bragging that you must have done something amazingEphesians 2:8-9 Voice

 In the recent weeks, we've been studying the healing Grace of Almighty God. In this study, we are endeavoring to reveal how His Grace manifests His healing in all areas of our lives. So far we've seen that God is a good God. That He is not the author of our pain, and that He is with us through adversity and He is faithful to the end.

 Today, I would like to once again reveal the goodness of our Father. Our good Father is a God of miracles. He is the Almighty and powerful Lord of Lords and King of Kings. There is nothing too hard for our Father. There is no situation or circumstance or adversity that the enemy, or this World system or even our own choices may bring about, that God hasn't made a way of escape or deliverance, or provided the strength to endure and overcome it. 

 Regardless of what religious tradition states God is still in the miracle business. A large portion of the Body of Christ ascribes to a view that teaches that when Jesus ascended and the twelve Apostles ministered and finalized the canon of Scripture, God ordered the Spirit to cease from utilizing His Gifts for the Church. God basically gave gifts to the Church but in His "wisdom", revokes them and their use today. Again, many believe this view strongly.

 I don't see it from the Word that God is giving gifts and then revoking them. I don't see a good Father who gives good gifts to men turn and then later rescinds them. 
Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8AMP

Because I am the Eternal One, I never change...Malachi 3:6a Voice

    It is clear from the Word that God is not one who changes. He gave us His gifts and He won't take them away. He worked miracles when He walked the shores of Galilee and He is still working miracles today. His love is still intervening in the lives of humanity. 

    Many will concede that there are things that have occurred in the lives of Christians that defy natural explanation. People have recovered from incurable diseases, have seen a miraculous provision in otherwise bankrupt situations. Others have seen favor in circumstances where this seems an impossibility. Even with all this some still stubbornly reject God's supernatural gifts today. 
    I urge you to relinquish traditions of men and receive all the fullness of His goodness and love and power. That said what about those of us who've believed in His miracles and have yet to receive or if we were believing for something and it didn't turn out the way we expected? What is the solution to disappointment? 

    We've all been in a place where it seemed God has forgotten us. I can tell you it is not easy going through situations like this. I also don't want you to believe I am saying something I have never experienced. Years ago my wife and I had to endure the loss of a pregnancy. She had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. This was a devasting blow to our hearts and minds.

    What did I do in this situation? Did I get angry or bitter? I could have. Yet my response was more like a reflex of what I had planted within my heart. I had seen that God is a good Father from His Word. I had seen that when I was born again, He guaranteed me that I would be saved forever. If He had done all this how could I blame Him or not place my trust in Him even in the hard times?

    I truly believe He is a good God. I firmly believe what the Scriptures teach that God is for me and not against me. I know we live in a fallen and fractured creation and that God was with me and not working against me. This produced strength to endure and gave me the confidence to hope in Him and His promises regardless If I ever see anything.
    God is a good Father that is always for us and is not working against us. His Word is true and trustworthy not because we experience it or see it. It is true because He has declared it and a good Father never lies. We, therefore, can look to Him and His Finished Work and look past our experiences and find rest, and strength and healing.

   Think of it. If He was faithful and loving enough to forever forgive us, make us completely righteous and acceptable to God, and purchased for us an eternally secure salvation how could we not trust Him in every other area of our lives? He is the God of miracles. He has the answers that we need for whatever we are facing. Nothing is too hard or impossible for our Father in Heaven.