Showing posts with label repentance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repentance. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Great Grace: True Repentance

33 And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. Acts 4:33 NKJV

We've been in an extended study of God's great Grace. As of late, we've been examining the implications of the complete and total forgiveness His great Grace procured for us in the Finished Work. We've seen how forgiven we are in Christ. We've addressed the issue of broken fellowship if we sin and the confession of sins for the believer.

 As we began digging deep into the truth of total forgiveness in Christ, past present and future, we also had to tackle this issue of what exactly happens when we sin. The New Covenant has an answer for this but so does religious tradition. We've been dealing with this traditional checklist and revealing the light of New Covenant truth over the concepts of men, here to review the checklist).

 Over the recent weeks, we've answered these concepts in light of Grace. Today, I want to deal with this issue of repentance. I then want to reveal the New Covenant "checklist" for when a believer sins.

 Now if you're a regular reader, you know I've addressed this topic of repentance before, here and here. Yet, it still bears going over this topic again. If you turn on Christian Television or radio you will constantly have this religious checklist about your sin taught in some fashion.   

Repentance: Cease and desist?

 This is one of the major definitions that is subtly added to this word repentance. Should we cease and desist from sin and wrong choices and destructive behavior? This is an obvious truth. Why would we want to pursue self-destructive behavior and choices which we know are unprofitable?

 That being said and understood, it doesn't justify altering the definition of repentance. You see, ministers and believers observe the poor choices of others. They want them to cease because of the end results are so unprofitable. In their zeal, some have created a definition of repentance to mean cease and desist from all negative activity. What is the problem with this?

 The problem is one, that is not the Biblical definition of repentance. Two, it often times strips away the security and assurance of the believer. How so?

 I've sat through many holiness styles of preaching years ago. In their zeal to curb sin, they would seem to suggest if you didn't repent you weren't really forgiven. Even if you went down to the altar and "confessed and repented" with tears streaming down your face and fists striking your chest and head hung low in shame you weren't really promised forgiveness for your sin. Have you actually ceased from this sin? If you have "purposefully" sinned or have repeated this action, then the teaching was you hadn't actually repented. 

 With this mindset, where is the assurance that God had forgiven you and isn't holding your sins against you? As a young believer, in my struggles with temptation, I often sensed that because I had repeatedly committed the same sin God was so sorely displeased and disappointed in me. I had let God down. Would He forgive me? The sense of forgiveness and total acceptance was never a sure thing especially since the holiness style preachers would send the subtle message that it was kinda iffy and folk was on an unsteady ground if they kept sinning the same sin. I've actually heard a holiness preacher declare if we persist in the same sin God has no obligation to forgive us.

 Repentance, does it mean to cease and desist? No, this hijacked definition by tradition is a weaponization of this word that creates a barrier between God and His people. It stirs within the minds of believers that they are unacceptable and unwelcome in God's sight. The truth is all sin is willful and purposeful. Sadly, we do at times get caught in a cycle, where we repeat the same sin. What we must understand is His Grace is greater than all our sins and failures. He has already forgiven us all our transgressions and failures. He knew we would commit the same sins repeatedly, and yet He still called us, chose us, redeemed us, cleansed us, made us righteous and acceptable without blame before His Father. 

Repentance: To Turn Around?

 This seems to be one of the most predominate definitions of repentance. When you're involved in sin, you need to cease and desist and turn and go the opposite way. Again, if you haven't turned in the other direction figuratively speaking then you haven't sincerely repented. If you haven't sincerely repented, then it's uncertain if God has forgiven you or not. 

 This "cease and desist" and turn the other way concept has similar consequences. It robs the believer of their full assurance of forgiveness and right standing. Now the scripture that tradition uses to establish these ideas of repentance is found in Acts.
 20 but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance Acts 26:20 NKJV
 This passage is actually full of good news. Leave it to tradition to misunderstand this beautiful passage. This passage gives us the true definition of repentance. It clearly distinguishes between repentance and the act of turning towards something better. See this passage more clearly in another translation.
20 I began telling people that they should change their hearts and lives and turn to God and do things to show they really had changed. I told this first to those in Damascus, then in Jerusalem, and in every part of Judea, and also to the other people. Acts 26:20 NCV

 Here we better see the definition of repentance. He is talking about the lost changing their minds and turning to God instead of their own works, efforts, and false religions to bring about salvation. So is repentance a total ceasing of wrong behavior? Is it to turn and go the opposite way? Is it even feeling sorrowful for our actions? 

 Repentance in the Scripture is from the Greek word Metanoia. Thayer's Greek dictionary defines it this way:
1) a change of mind, as it appears to one who repents, of a purpose he has formed or of something he has done

 Repent simply means to change one's mind. In the Old Covenant, we find places where God changed His mind. Was He turning around? Was He ceasing from sin? Was He being sorrowful of wickedness He had committed? No, He simply changed His mind.

 So in light of all these New Covenant truths what is the Grace checklist when we sin?
1. We sin a sin
2. We experience a sense of regret or guilt.
3. God already knows when we miss it, He isn't taken by surprise, He is not outraged, angry, or falling off His throne in disbelief. He isn't charging this sin against us because Jesus already paid the price in full. 
4. We, therefore, run to God, not from Him.
5. God with arms open wide is always there with love and forgiveness and total restoration.
6. We repent of our sin or wrong choice, meaning we change our minds about that behavior and simply agree with God, that this behavior is sinful, it isn't profitable. We acknowledge our sin, and then acknowledge it has been already forgiven in Christ.
7. The Spirit convicts us of our righteousness. He reminds of who we are and whose we are. He reminds us of our righteousness in Him and the fact we are new creations. This action or behavior isn't becoming of who we really are. 
8. The realization of our true identity and our right standing and total forgiveness propels us to continue unabated in our pursuit of His will, plan, and purpose for our lives and our loving relationship with our good Father.
9. If we, by our choices, somehow caused another to be missing or broken in some area, in love and humility and free from guilt and shame we do our best to make amends. 

 Now nowhere in the New Covenant is there a place for burdensome guilt, for shame, for condemnation to eat away at you because of your failures and addictions and sins. This is great Grace. It is undeserving, unmerited, impossible to earn or achieve, favor goodness and love. 

 To summarize, there never should be any burdensome guilt, shame or condemnation tolerated for the child of God, even when we sin or fall short. There is no extra punishment or payment rendered on our part when we falter. There is no broken fellowship with our Father. There is no confession to obtain a forgiveness the blood already purchased. There is no turnaround or else order given. Jesus paid it all in the Finished Work.

 As our good Father, when we fall short He is there for us. He teaches us, He instructs us, He corrects us because He loves us. Yes, His great Grace will even "step on our toes" when we fall. He reminds us, hey you're better than this. You were made for so much more. Jesus has so much better for you. His correction directs our steps. When He is correcting us, it is done in Fatherly love and compassion that is completely free from shame and condemnation. God is never rubbing our nose in our mess. 

He loves us even in the midst of our worst state. Though we may feel isolated and forsaken because of our sins, our Father has never left us, He is always there bringing truth, love, mercy, and restoration. God isn't looking upon us with crossed arms in disappointment, the truth is our sins aren't letting God down. God upholds us with His mighty right hand of righteousness. We are forever forgiven, saved and secure in our Father's hands, this is what produces triumphant, victorious, fruitful living in Christ. 
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Reclaiming Grace: Revolution or Rebellion?

17 For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMPC

We've been in a brief study of the inseparable relationship of Grace and Truth. We've seen that Truth must be defended. There exist those who would pollute the pure stream of Grace and truth with man-made traditions and error and false philosophies of men. Therefore we must not only defend the truth we as the rescued righteous ones in the eternal loving grip of Grace, must speak the truth in love.

 Of course, we can only speak the truth when we are hearing the truth. That is why we must also teach the truth. Those who are in the bondage of deception who go about deceiving have staked a claim against pure Grace. We reclaim Grace by teaching only the truth!

 Contrary to modern sentiment teaching the truth and only the truth isn't narrow-minded or unloving. It is in actuality being truth minded. It is being "closed minded" to error and false philosophies. We show our love when we protect the flock of God from error and wolves in sheep's clothing. Error tolerated in the midst of any ministry will cause its influence for good to weaken and wane and eventually be its downfall.

A Grace Revolution or Pseudo-grace Rebellion?

Moving like a tsunami there is currently a wave of the pure Grace of God sweeping the nation cleansing the believer's hearts and minds of tradition, tyrannical tenets of men rooted in performance, and condemnation and fear and insecurity. This is the true move of God. This is the Grace awakening or Revolution. It is a dynamic shift in our thinking and understanding and our approach to our Father God.

 Grace reveals that our good Father has an everlasting love for you. That God never grows weary of you. He never tires of hearing your voice or you calling out His name. He never demands perfection of you. He doesn't measure your worth based on your achievements. He doesn't meet out the favor of God by how well you perform.

 His love, affection, and kindness isn't something we can earn. There is nothing we can do that will make Him love us more. There is nothing we can do that will cause Him to love us less, or to look down upon us with disgust. Our times are in His hands. 

 He knew before He saved us how often we would fall, fail, reject His wisdom, or how regularly we would rebel. He saw, in the beginning, the times we would allow the flesh to dominate our thinking instead of walking out our new creation reality. Yet He still chose us, to be holy without blame before Him in love. There is no sin or failure that will catch Him off guard and make Him abandon us or trade us in for someone more faithful. This is Pure Grace! This is the true Grace Revolution. Now let's examine the false.

 In our last post, we mentioned the first type of hearer of Grace. The legalist. This is the one who rejects Grace in favor of Law and tradition. The second hearer of Grace is the foolish. These are they who hear Grace but abandon the truth and embrace error and pseudo-grace. Let's begin dismantling the errors of pseudo-grace.

 Is Grace a license to live in sin? Does Grace make light of sin?
Sadly, some folk who minister, Grace, have alluded that behavior no longer matters. If we are making light of sin because of Grace that is an error. The amazing and sometimes mind-boggling truth is how free we are in Christ. Grace will reveal our true motives.
 You're free now what are you going to do with that freedom? Pursue sin or pursue Christ which is more profitable? Espousing a view that sin is permissible because of Grace or that behavior doesn't matter is erroneous.    

Is Universalism the true gospel of Grace?
Universalism is the spoiled rotten fruit of dangerous deception. The enemy says don't worry how spoiled the fruit looks just eat it. The foolish hear and obey and partake of this deception. 
 Do all roads lead to God and eternal redemption? No! Jesus declared He was the only way. Not the best way but the only way.
Is faith necessary to receive redemption? Yes!
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. 1 John 5:1 NLT
22 But the Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:22 NLT
pseudo-grace proclaims the error of universal salvation apart from faith. We must reject this lie and error and teach the truth. We must defend the truth from the falsehoods and lies of the enemy.

Is Inclusion, Trinitarian Theology inclusionism deeper truths of Grace?
Where Universalism is the obviously spoiled fruit of the enemy, inclusion is the subtle, candy coated, deceptive error that captures many with its enticing words of men born from the very lips of the enemy. This is one of the major error of the foolish. This doctrine of pseudo-grace floods social media. In truth, this is merely reason and emotion exalted over the truth of the Word.
Are all humanity in Christ apart from personal faith? No!
13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13 NIV
Paul the Apostle of Grace stated there were even those who were in Christ before him. 
Are all the children of God apart from personal faith in Christ? Again, No!
26 For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26 NLT
Some are children of the devil because they reject Grace.
10 So it is not hard to figure out who are the children of God and who are the children of the diabolical one: those who lack right standing and those who don’t show love for one another do not belong to God. 1 John 3:10 Voice
Is all of humanity righteous and possess the Spirit of God apart from personal faith and simply by virtue of the Cross? Again the answer is no!
But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) Romans 8:9 NLT
 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Romans 10:4 NASB
Paul declared righteousness is by faith alone. Relinquish the lies of inclusionism. They are all rooted in serious error and are not pure Grace. They aren't just a different view point. They are deceptive erroneous philosophies birthed from our enemy satan. If you embrace them you are not embracing Grace and Truth you are cheating on Jesus and sleeping with your enemy. 
Is all humanity forgiven of all their sins?
This idea is an overreach of Grace. Pseudo-grace proclaims this idea of all humanity being forgiven of all their sins. Yes, Jesus paid the price for all sins. But forgiveness still needs to be received to be activated and see the benefits.
47 and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Luke 24:47 NASB
43 Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.” Acts 10:43 NASB
But what about 2 Corinthians 5? This passage states God was in Christ reconciling the World. Reconciliation is a two-way street, it isn't one sided. God paid the price for all to receive. Jesus took the full penalty of all sin. Now by the change of mind and the placing of heart trust in Christ alone anyone can receive the forgiveness of sins and perpetual right standing and eternal security. The good news is the invite is available to all and no one can earn it or deserve or merit it. 
What about Hell?
Hell is real and no one should want to go there! But pseudo-grace says Paul never spoke of Hell. Seems pseudo-grace misinforms once again. 
They will be punished in everlasting hell, forever separated from the Lord, never to see the glory of his power 2 Thessalonians 1:9 TLB
John the apostle of love spoke of Hell in revelation. The only answer for Hell is Grace. If one rejects Grace they are in essence saying, Lord, I see you paid for my sin but I don't need your provision. That person would be then trying to pay for their own sins by their own goodness and performance and not Grace. Once we trust in Christ alone we are eternally saved and forever secure. No born again child of God will be in Hell.
Is the Word of God infallible?
Pseudo-grace attacks the validity of the Scriptures because it denounces and dismisses their errors. It proves them to be false and from the enemy. There is a concentrated effort by some to delegitimize the Bible. Jesus quoted the Old Covenant to prove who He was. Paul declared the Scriptures to be God's Word
The Word of God is what revealed the Grace of God. It is what proves we are righteous by faith and not efforts and performance. It proves we are loved and highly favored and eternally secure. Don't allow pseudo-grace to rob you of the joy of Scripture.

Reclaiming Grace

Up to now, we've seen two types of hearers of Grace. Legalism and foolishness. We who know the truth must reclaim Grace and garrison around the truth. The truth is never discerned and established by emotions or reason or what feels good. We must stay with Grace and Truth.

 The Grace that revealed He will never leave us, and will never be angry with us. Grace and Truth keep us anchored when tradition tries to pull us back to efforts based relationship. It keeps us secure and free from error when deception speaks in our direction. In our next study, we will look at the final hearer of Grace. We will look further into pure Grace and see just how amazing Grace is.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace dismiss obedience and living holy?

`18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We have been in a series of study concerning His over the top, too good to be true but true, Radical Grace. Recently we began to dismantle the myths often associated with Radical Grace. True Grace isn't advocating pursuing sin, fashioning a lazy, purposeless way of living or disregarding God's Word. 

 Over the last couple of posts, we have been addressing the misnomer that there is no more correction or instruction under Grace. Certainly, God is grieved when we miss it or act contrary to our true righteous nature. Scripture makes it blatantly clear that God our Father will correct us if we stray off the righteous path. The key principle for understanding Grace is the how He corrects.

 Whenever a minister threatens loss of sonship or salvation in order to alter behavior, know this isn't Godly correction. We have established from Scripture that God corrects us by reminding us who we already are. God's correction leaves us hopeful and restored not dejected and distraught. This leads us to answer yet another myth.

What about obedience and holiness?

 We are often accused of dismissing the need for obedience and living holy. Radical Grace has received much criticism and accusations. This is one of the major accusations hurled upon those who ascribe to God's Radical Grace. Are we, in fact, dismissing the need for obedience and upright living? 

Get the Root right and the Fruit will be right.

 The point of contention stems from a wrong perception of God and salvation. Our detractors have the proverbial cart before the horse. The underlying perception is we must love God, obey God, live right before Him and then He will save you, or bless you or love you. 
  Many hold to a concept of God that He waits for us to do this or that and then He will respond. The problem with this mindset is, it is rooted in Old Covenant principles. God under the Old commanded the Israelites to do this or that and then He would respond with blessings, deliverance or protection. The Old Covenant was a covenant cut between God and man. The weak link in this covenant was mankind. 

 Under the New, God cut a covenant with Jesus and we are the benefactors of this New Covenant. This is why our conduct has no bearing on our receiving or not receiving His love and mercy and blessing. Now as I have already established if we step out of our identity and make poor choices we are susceptible to the consequences of those decisions. But, receiving mercy and love and blessing comes because we are sons and not because we are perfect.

 Think of this. If we are only blessed because we were good enough then what type of relationship do we have with God? It is not father and son, but rather employee and employer. I don't pray and beg to receive a paycheck after forty hours of work. I earned that pay, it belongs to me. Look at the dynamic of a relating to God as an employer and not Father. 

 It is not a relationship of Him leading and us following but rather us striving and achieving. This is why under Law and performance there is so much competition among believers and ministries. Local churches won't support a traveling evangelist because he may take some members out of some of their regular services and they wouldn't be able to give. I know of one minister who went to New York years ago. Some of the local pastors protested and boycotted him. This is because they felt threatened and were in competition with each other. I thought the Church was about reaching the World? This is not the gospel, this is performance and legalism at its "finest".
 Does Radical Grace then dismiss obedience? Certainly not. The truth is we understand that obedience and holiness are the Fruit not the Root of our relationship with Father God.  

 through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, Romans 1:5 ESV
 Grace produces obedience and upright living. Grace understands and rests in the Finished Work. Jesus was already obedient on our behalf. We have a secure and eternal loving relationship with God because of it. We received the free gift purchased by that Finished Work and through it, we now have a new heart and the mind of Christ. 

 Paul references obedience in other portions of Scripture;
26 but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith Romans 16:26 NKJV

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report? Romans 10:16 NKJV

 Interestingly how Paul mentions obedience to the gospel and to the faith. In John's epistles, he lists the commands under the New Covenant. They are to believe and to walk in love. Paul, by the Spirit, is conveying the same message essentially. Obeying the gospel and faith also means to add nothing to our salvation.

 Our salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. When we add to it with stipulations like doing this more or abstaining from that, we are adding to our salvation. Salvation is simply placing our trust and all hope in Jesus alone and what He did on our behalf. Is obedience then defined as following the tenants and dictates of a denomination or a minister? 

 Certainly not, obedience is complying with and following the leading of the Lord. In essence, obedience is really just simple trust in a loving Father. Oh if I had known this years ago! In my mind, based upon the teachings I had sat under, I saw God as the harsh taskmaster and obedience as a servant and master relationship. God wasn't a loving Father. He was a stern and austere master who always kept score when I blew it or didn't perform just perfect enough.  

 God is a good, good Father. This image of God and this concept of obedience needs to be eradicated out of the minds of His Children. Obedience or rather, simply trusting in His love will produce the right fruit. Certainly, there are rewards for following His leading and living from our new creation. We aren't earning or achieving anything, we are following His leading and guidance to a place of abundance and rest that is available to all His kids. There is no preferential treatment, therefore there is no need for competition. 

 Trusting in Him brings about great rewards. It leads us away from temptations and out of the realm of poor choices. It leads us to a place of rest and peace. Does Radical Grace discount obedience? No, we properly define it and strip away the wrong concept so many have clung onto in the past. Grace brings freedom and a more fruitful relating to God. We have the right root (the Finished Work) and thus the right fruit is produced. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Understanding Grace: Does Radical Grace teach that God isn't grieved by our sins?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 We've been in a series of study concerning God's Radical Grace. This too good to be true, but true good news. We have seen how we are forgiven, loved and free from all shame and fear because of what Jesus has purchased for us in the Finished Work. 

 Currently, we have been dispelling the myths often associated with Radical Grace. Radical Grace isn't a message that promotes laziness or advocates living in sin. In our last study, we allayed the myth that Radical Grace promotes the idea that there is no longer any correction. 

 With that foundation laid, I felt impressed to build upon the truths of how God corrects and in doing so, dispel yet another myth that our detractors accuse us of. Does Radical Grace convey the idea that God is no longer grieved by our sin? When a truth is presented people will always draw conclusions from it. We want to ensure we draw the right conclusions.

 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God...Ephesians 4:30a NKJV
30 And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30 NLT
 The Scripture is quite clear. Yes God can be grieved by our actions and choices. The key to truly understand this concept though is to rightly divide the Word. It also comes when we rightly define what grieving Father God actually means.
 In Our last study, we saw from God's Word that our loving Father in Heaven does correct us when we stray or miss it. We saw the how He corrects. He reminds us of who we are in Him. He brings to our remembrance whose we are and our value and worth to Him. 
 Couple this understanding with the truth that He can be grieved by our actions and we see a clearer image of a good Father. Why is He grieved? He is grieved for a few reasons. 
 Firstly, He is grieved because sin is destructive. Sin hurts His kids. He loves us with an everlasting love. He doesn't want to see us hurt or damaged or jeopardizing our family, career or other relationships by foolish choices. 
 When temptation arises rest in who you are, and whose you are. Remind yourself you are the righteousness of God in Him. If you are loved and secure in Him then what would He not freely provide for you that is consistent with Godliness and love? 
 Married and feeling tempted by another person in your community or on the job? Then, begin to ask God to begin to send the rain of refreshing and passion upon your marriage. We are tempted when we believe God has forgotten us or we fail to recognize and understand He is a good, good Father who always loves us and has our best in mind. 
 Secondly, He is grieved by our poor choices and actions because we are stepping out of our identity. We are succumbing to the lies of the enemy and accepting a false identity. The enemy loves to present a false identity to us so we will accept it and walk in it.
 For example, Our Father declared we have peace and joy in Him. The enemy comes to our minds with lies that depression and despair and anxiety is part of who we are and to just accept it. We should reject these lies. When we rest in our new identity in Him we will walk in victory. 
 Lastly, He is grieved by our actions because this is a poor witness and example for others to see. Granted, we don't live to please people. We don't exist to make sure we have the approval of all around us. We are, however, created to be beacons or lights upon a hill for all to see. Our life can be a great witness to the lost that there is a good God in Heaven who desires a relationship with them.

 Grieved, but not disappointed

 With this truth presented I feel compelled to uproot an error often associated with any teachings along this line. When Ephesians stated God can be grieved by our actions it never said He was disappointed.
 It is important to distinguish this truth. When we miss it or foul up the enemy and religion seem to revel in this concept that God is now disappointed in you. The enemy comes with his accusations.
 "You call yourself a Christian. Look at this sin and mess up. God is so disappointed in you."
 Religious tradition also begins to point fingers with condemning and accusative words. They begin using words like,
"You let God down."
"You are such a disappointment to God."
"You sinned so much, there is no way God's plans or calling is that important to you. If it was you wouldn't have been sinning."
"You need to get right with God."
 With such accusations, we may feel we can't go on. Why even pursue a relationship with God? We will just let Him down again. We might as well just go back to our old life. 
 Well, I have some good news. God is not disappointed in us. The price Jesus paid in the Finished Work was more than enough for God. He is always pleased with us. When we miss it, He is always there rooting us on. He reminds us we are better than this sin or poor choice. Jesus never leaves us hopeless.

 As believers in Christ, we rest in the Finished Work and our new identity in Him. We are already "right with God", even when we miss it. He has made us the very righteousness of God in Christ. We are just as righteous as God is. Knowing and trusting in this right standing we can rejoice knowing He isn't ever disappointed in us. 


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Understanding Grace: Who judged you guilty?

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

 There is one thing we all have in common. All of us who have received new life in Christ have at one time or another felt the stinging accusation of the enemy. The Word of God even identifies satan as the Accuser of the Brethren. In reality all accusations against the righteous are rooted in the work of the enemy. In light of this I want to ask a question.

Where are your accusers?

 Where are your accusers? This is one of the most powerful questions the Lord Jesus Christ ever asked. I would like for you to actually grab your Bible or device where a Bible App is downloaded and follow along with me in this study today. I want to dig deep into John chapter 8 where Jesus deals with accusation against the righteous. 

but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd. John 8:2-3
 Notice what has just happened. Jesus is teaching the Word of truth and these religious leaders bring a woman caught in sin to Him. Take note the shame they are inflicting upon this woman. They are exposing her flaws and sin for all to see. Love covers wrong, it restores, it doesn't try to expose and shame people. I've always wondered why they never brought the man with her, it takes two to commit adultery. 
 Now this woman is not a prostitute. It never states this. She was brought into the Synagogue, therefore she was an Israelite. She was under the Old Covenant. Therefore she was righteous only in the sense of the sacrificial system in place at the time. Now her choices and actions weren't in any way righteous or upright, but she was nonetheless a daughter of Abraham. 

  “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. John 8:4-6
 What are these religious types actually doing here? They are bringing accusation against Jesus. By citing the Law and asking Jesus what is your view, they were bringing a two fold accusation. 

"Do you hate the Law, Jesus? Do you disagree with Moses?" 
"Are you advocating sinful living, Jesus?"

 These religious leaders, were staring at perfection in flesh. They were conversing with the Word made flesh. Yet, they couldn't see this. Their traditions blinded them to the truth and they felt compelled to accuse the Lord Jesus Christ of hating the Law and promoting sin. 

 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust. John 8:7-8 
 Jesus, perfection, the standard, reminded all of the accusers of their own faults and failures. Jesus was God in the flesh. He wrote the Law. He knew its purpose. He knew it was a perfect standard to reveal just how flawed we are in ourselves and why we need a Savior. 
 Take note what Jesus did here twice. He stooped. He stooped for this one being shamed. The one who didn't deserve it. In the original Hebrew one of the meanings of grace is to stoop. To bend in kindness for one who doesn't deserve it. 
 Jesus wanted to express grace, to show mercy. To reveal that restoration comes from His love and faithfulness. The religious tradition bound, demanded "justice". Give her what she "deserves" but not us. 

When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” 11 “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” John 8:9-11
 In light of this powerful passage of Scripture allow me to ask again, where are your accusers? Who judged you guilty? In the light of Christ's Finished Work, who can accuse you of unrighteousness?
 Who says you aren't forgiven? Traditional theology accuses us of not being forever forgiven. That our future sins are not forgiven. Traditional theology believes redemption goes something like this. You hear the gospel and you receive Jesus in your life. Your past sins up to the point of conversion are now remitted or "wiped away". From this point until you draw your last breath you must apologize and seek pardon for each and every mistake and misdeed and sin you commit.
 To accomplish this you repent and confess I did this wrong. I am wrong, and I am unworthy and unrighteous, please God forgive me and accept me back. Please don't remove my place in the Kingdom of God. After much groveling and tears and chest beating God will take you back once again, but you best quit committing this sin or His forgiveness will run out. 
 This is not the gospel. Repentance is not turning from sin to God. Repentance isn't saying I am sorry to God each time you blow it. Repentance is a change of mind. The good news is realizing only the blood remits or forgives all sin. 
 Those who have received His grace and understand the New Covenant are today dealing with the very same accusations the religious hurled at Jesus. We are accused of hating the Law and/or promoting sin. 
18 Now where there is forgiveness of these things, there is no longer any offering for sin. Hebrews 10:18
 We are preaching the gospel. We are proclaiming the simple truth that when we receive the Lord there is no more sacrifice or offering for sins. No confession or apology is going to forgive you. Only the Blood of Jesus forgives. This is the answer to our accusers. We are forgiven forever. 
 Does grace promote sin? Do we hate the Law? No, we just understand the purpose of the Law and we bring mercy and restoration not condemnation when addressing people's failures. Better be careful preaching this way some may say. People will get the wrong idea.
 Using this same logic, should we not teach Christ bore all our sickness and disease in the Finished Work? Will telling folk Jesus paid for all of their healing make them pursue ways to get sick or contract a disease? This is absurd.
 Grace brings growth and produces fruit. Grace doesn't promote licentiousness. One who desires to pursue his earthly unbridled passion says this. Grace doesn't teach all are saved and the place of eternal separation doesn't exist for those who reject the free gift of grace. The Universalist proclaims this. 
 Rest knowing you are righteous in Him. You are forever forgiven. No accusation the enemy may bring can remove you from the Father's hand. Even if you are engaging in sin, be it sexual sin, drunkenness, or any fault know you are still the righteousness of God. Certainly, these are unprofitable and poor choices but it doesn't change who you are. Identify with your righteous new nature and be free from these habits. Who can dare judge the righteous guilty before God?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What is true repentance?

God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. May God give you more and more grace and peace. 1 peter 1:2
 We have been in a short study I've entitled "C.C.R. Looking at the truth of condemnation, conviction and repentance." We have seen how condemnation comes to drive us away from God. Even if we in fact missed it in some manner condemnation will never bring change or work restoration. 
 We saw in the last post that the Holy Spirit only convicts the World of sin and believers of their right standing before God. This conviction reminds us of who are already in Him.  This recognizing and identifying with who we already are is what brings change. 
 Today I would like to conclude with looking at Biblical repentance. What actually is repentance? In order to come to an understanding of the truth I will give the dictionary definition of repent and the Biblical definition of repent. 
In the dictionary (here) we see the definition of repent is defined in this manner: to feel or show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you did and that you want to do what is right
Another interesting definition is the adjective form of this word. It means creeping or prostrate.  It is derived partially from the word reptile, (hence, crawling, creeping and being prostrate). Coupling these two definitions together is what has shaped much of what the idea of repentance has been proclaimed to the Church. 
 This definition gives further explanation as to my earlier points that the goal of religion is simply to ensure you feel guilty or bad or sorrowful. If you don't feel sorrow then you haven't repented. This is the concept attached to the word repentance. 
 Thus when the preacher is crying out repent! Repent! To the masses it seems many are compelled to feel sorrow and guilt and shame. The idea presented is you must turn from your sin and feel sorrow or guilt and then God will forgive you, you rotten sinner! 
 Am I for folk feeling happy or content in behavior that hurts others? Of course not. Actions rooted in prejudice, greed, lust, or addictions aren't something to be celebrated. We all can agree we want to end these type of activities, especially when they are committed by Christians. The disagreement is how do we get there. 
 As I have stated before, guilt and sorrow and remorse alone will never produce change. Even this idea of telling folk to turn away from sin is actually putting the proverbial cart before the horse. Many in religious tradition place undue condemnation and fear on believers because they define repentance as turning from sin and never doing it again. If you repeat that sin then you haven't truly repented and God hasn't forgiven you. Religious tradition keeps God's people insecure and unconfident before God. Lets now look at the Bible definition of repentance.
19 Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. 20 Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah. Acts 3:19-20
The Word here is commanding the masses to repent. Notice the order. It says repent of sin and then turn to God. So the act of turning is not the Biblical definition of repent. The word used for repent in the Scripture is the Greek word metanoÄ“sate. It is from the root word metanoeóYou can see a full Greek definition here. 
 This word simply means to change one's mind. There you have it. This is the Biblical definition of repent or repentance. Why is changing the mind so important in the life of man? Everything begins with our thinking. Look at James 1. The Holy Spirit through James reveals that all our sins begins in the mind. 
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. James 1:14-15 
 James reveals sin begins with a desire inwardly. These desires are born in our thoughts. When we change our thinking these desires are not given power to conceive. For example, the temptation to commit sexual sin begins with a thought. Yet, if you change your thinking about the desire or temptation presented then that thought will not overpower you. In other words the thought comes get involved in this. The thought may sound enticing. If you change your mind and think differently, no this is not profitable. This is wrong, this isn't who I am. Then the negative thought has no more power. This isn't mind over matter. This is the Word of God ruled mind over wrong thinking.  This is victorious thinking.
 Did you know the enemy knows this truth? Look at a powerfully revealing passage.
But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4
 Look at the work of the enemy. Take note he isn't blinding the actions of the lost. The enemy is blinding the minds of the lost. The enemy is after our thoughts and thinking. When the light of the good news of Jesus removes that blindness through the power of prayer and the Spirit, true repentance occurs. 
 This is the progression of true Biblical repentance. An unbeliever has the light shined to realize their need of a Savior. They change their minds about God and who He is. They open their hearts because they have changed their thinking about Him. After this inward change occurs then we outwardly see the turn from the things of the World system and darkness. 
 For the believer what does repentance look like? When I am engaging in behavior that isn't loving and self centered based the Lord corrects me with love and the truth from the Word. Then my thinking changes concerning this behavior. Oh, this is wrong, this is unprofitable. This behavior is unloving and out of character to who I have been made in Him. You see the inward change? This is what produces the change in behavior. I don't have to experience sorrow upon sorrow for every action. 
 This is what a repentant lifestyle is. When you realize you're in worry and anxiety, you quickly change your thinking. Oh, I am not trusting you God. I change my mind about this situation. I trust you to take care of it. See how simple it is? No guilt and shame weighing me down. If my deeds are hurting someone I will experience Godly sorrow that I didn't represent the Loving Father best in a particular situation. In those times it's ok to say to someone I apologize. I was wrong. In this life of grace and faith there is no shame or condemnation. 
 I trust this series has blessed you. We can live victorious in our life and thoughts. God is so in love with us. You aren't a disappointment to Him. Blessing and mercy follow you this week. 
