Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What about sin 2


 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 NLT

    We have been answering some of the critics of grace as of late. In my last few post I've been addressing the question what about sin? How does a person, who has received the message of the fullness of His grace, respond to sin? 

   First I've answered this issue from the point of view of Christian leadership and mentors and the atmosphere needed to properly deal with sin in our midsts. I felt it imperative that a proper atmosphere must be in place to properly address the sin issue. It is established that condemnation kills. Condemnation causes many to shrink back not come forward and receive the fullness of God's love. So an atmosphere free from condemnation is of necessity. 

   You know many in the Body of Christ have been wounded by leadership who have based their "governing" of the people on legalism, not love.  Too many have been wounded by this approach and now are left fallen by the wayside. Discarded by callous leaders who simply sum it up that they "walked away" from the faith. They have "quit" Jesus. They have "abandoned" the faith. These "casualties" of legalism vs acceptance grace tend to reinforce the claim traditional religion boast that men can lose their salvation after placing faith in Christ and His finished work. They point to them and declare "look these have walked away." 

   The reality is these haven't quit Jesus they have quit tradition. They have refused control. They have let go of legalism. Now let me give a word of encouragement to those on the wayside. God's grace is enough. Grace is the unearned, unmerited favor and love of Almighty God. In this love is complete restoration and healing from all wounds. Complete wholeness! Don't stay on the wayside. Don't allow the enemy to take advantage of your wounds and create a bitterness to the Family of God. Don't allow the enemy to rob you of receiving of God's gifts to the Body of Christ. 

  I would never align myself with a legalistic controlling church body. I get that. However, it doesn't mean I don't align myself with a good church body. I purposely stated a good church body. Notice I didn't state a perfect church body. No one church has it all "figured" out. Don't be a legalist about becoming legalistic! Don't judge every church. It is about healthy relationships. Find a good church based on relationships. Its foundation rooted on the Word of God and Jesus Christ. This will help bring wholeness to your life. Allow God to heal your fragmented past. Don't wallow in the past and say woe to me. Shake that past off through His grace. Be totally free!

  Now lets address one other part of a healthy atmosphere in dealing with sin. Before we actually deal with how to overcome sin in our own life we need to see a proper environment where we all can overcome and walk in the fullness of God. 

  As I have said in my last post in dealing with the sin question the Lord led me in setting the proper atmosphere leaders need to create.    So we have established condemnation will never accomplish anything but succeed in running people off. What we also need is an atmosphere of restoration.

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important. Galatians 6:1-3 NLT

 Other translations use the word restoration in this passage. I chose this translation because in reality we all desire to be on the right path. When one falls into or even dives into sin a graceful environment will bring full restoration. 

  This idea of "sitting" minister's down for a season sounds noble. In reality the practice over the years has become just a means to make some "pay" for their sin. No one can actually "pay" for their sin. Only the Blood was the price accepted for full payment.

  Am I saying a person in leadership or any fellow believer need not take some time apart to mature in an area they need victory in? It may very well be an option the Lord may lead someone into. Some may require taking some time apart so they can get refocused.  My point is that the motive should never be to just punish the offender. Then we who are "spiritual" have left the place of being ministers of reconciliation to "punishers". 

  Now what about sins that affects others directly? In other words what about those in our midsts who have actually victimized someone? Like the youth Minister who got involved sexually with one of the youth? Or the Church board member who embezzled the funds? We can put our heads in the sand and pretend this never happens but it happens far to often. 

  There may very well be natural consequence for these sins. It could include serving time in a Correctional Facility. What about these sins? Again no matter how wicked the sin, His grace and finished work has paid the full price. The truth is the natural consequences of sin will have to run its course. What our response should be is one of love and restoration. We don't gloss over the transgression and say it isn't sin. We don't water down the standard and say it isn't wrong. We acknowledge it is wrong. We agree with God's Word. The harming of any of the Sheep in our midst is not to be tolerated. What is our response then? 

   What we do is work with the person if they are willing and bring about restoration. How is that possible? By ensuring they are truly born again. Next get them to see who they already are on the inside and walk that out. It takes mentors and accountability in love to help them partake of the victory Christ already purchased!

  I am endeavoring to offer a loving view of how to eradicate sin in our midsts. I know we aren't perfect. Legalist with all their codes, and rules haven't brought about change. I believe when we know how much we are loved, and how much we have been forgiven, we will see Him for who He is and sin will lose all its appeal. I have done my best to paint a picture of the optimal atmosphere in how leaders and mentors should address sin. Now in my next few posts I want to deal with how do we address sin personally. 

  I appreciate you taking the time to read this blog. I pray it is a blessing an encouragement with your walk with the Lord. I appreciate your feedback.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ten proofs of God's goodness 5

8. According to James 3:10-12 Blessing and cursing and good and evil cannot come from the same source. 
Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.  Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh. James 3:10-12

1 John 1:5 reveals there is no darkness with God. 
This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.1 John 1:5

John 1:4 In Him is life! God cannot simultaneously have healing and sickness flowing from Him!
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:4 

This is another astounding proof of How good God is! Two opposite and counter productive "streams" cannot flow from the same source. God doesn't have a little healing to give but, also a little disease to teach you. 

 God is not blessing a believer's business and simultaneously "working" to bankrupt another. He is not the source of opposition. He is the One interested in your prosperity not in demise or failure.

If the Church could finally understand how much He love us we wouldn't have so many confused believers. So many running to God trying to be "better" sons and asking Daddy to remove the hindrance on their business or marriage or finances or health. 

You can hear some crying out, "God I will try and do better if you could just remove this opposition you have upon me". Many are trying to "do better" or do more to get God to bless and not "curse" them. It is so sad seeing God's Family accusing the Father as the source of evil or contrary circumstances.

 Listen to the glad news! God is for you not against you! He isn't causing bankruptcy or sending financial ruin to you.   He isn't obstructing you in anyway from receiving from Him. Whether it's healing, the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, financial blessings or family restoration He is not withholding anything! 

 God so loves you. He is the source of blessing and not cursing. He has in Him goodness not badness. You can trust Him totally! He has your best in His purpose and plan for your life!

 God bless you. Thanks for stopping by and discovering God's true nature and character. I pray this post strengthens you. Leave feedback I appreciate any comments. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ten proofs of God's goodness 4

6. According to Hebrews 13:8 Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
 For I am the Lord, I change not Malachi 3:6

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow James 1:17

God does not change! He is always the same. If He was good then He is still good today, and always will be! Jesus is the same amen!

 Why do so many believe that this Perfect Lord, who walked the Earth; healed, wrought miracles, brought forth provision for His people is now different? Has He had a change of heart when it comes to healing all who call upon Him? Because Jesus ascended to Heaven and is seated does this mean He no longer works miracles through His Church? If so when did He change? I never got that memo!

 One area many scholars and theologians get wrong is the motive Jesus had in bringing deliverance and healing to the masses. Some "teachers" make the assumption that Jesus worked miracles only to prove He was God in the flesh, the   Messiah.   So because Jesus' Healing power was to simply identify Him as the One now that He is in Heaven He no longer works miracles. I can see how they come to this conclusion. I believe it is lacking full truth though.

 The reality is this line of thinking negates the truth that the true heart motive of Jesus to heal and deliver and to provide is because He so loved them! His love and compassion is the full motive He brought help to so many! For God is love. No, it's not that He possess love but He is love! Beloved His compassion hasn't ceased. His love is still working miracles and bringing life and healing to all who call upon Him! 

 He changes not. This is another proof that He is good, forever good! 

7. In His Word He reveals He isn’t the One sending evil in our lives. 
  In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. Isaiah 54:14-15 

Evil may try and gather against us but, God says NOT by me! (note in Acts 10:38 oppression is connected with physical sickness. Jesus healed ALL from sickness and oppression. God says here oppression come NOT from Him. So God reveals He is not the One gathering sickness or disease against mankind. Sickness and disease therefore do not come from Him!) Evil doesn't come from His hands!

God has no evil to give His Church! Have you ever read Ephesians 5, the portion about the Christian family?
For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.
                                                   Ephesians 5:29
 Notices what the Word clearly states here. The Lord nourishes and cherishes His Church. Tradition and religion interpret this Scripture as the Lord punishes, and scourges, and places sickness and the curse on the Church, to grow the Church! Thank God this is not truth! 
 God is good. He has no evil or wrath or destruction to give you. He has love, goodness and mercy for you! God is gracious! 

God loves you, thanks so much for stopping by. Leave a comment if you like. If you disagree somewhat please leave feedback, blessings to you...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Grace has never said its cool to sin!

  The truth of God's amazing grace is sweeping lands. A true grace revolution has begun. We are No longer subject to fear based or performance based faith. Many are hearing this exciting message of God's great love for His Family and are being set free! It is truly a time of celebration!
  When I first heard about this message of God's grace it took some time to fully understand it. It took a little bit of study and more insight to allow it to take root within my heart. I had questions. I was skeptical to be honest. I had much doubt. Of course I attribute this to much tradition I had been subjected to over the years. I had a challenge overcoming some of these hurdles. Thank God I kept hearing the truth from a great man of God Pastor Joseph Prince. I learned how to apply these truths of grace to every area of my life. Through great Holy Ghost inspired teaching my heart finally accepted this radical grace message! The Word proved so true for me:

because there was a time when we, too, were foolish, rebellious, and deceived—we were slaves to sensual cravings and pleasures; and we spent our lives being spiteful, envious, hated by many, and hating one another. But then something happened: God our Savior and His overpowering love and kindness for humankind entered our world; He came to save us. It’s not that we earned it by doing good works or righteous deeds; He came because He is merciful. He brought us out of our old ways of living to a new beginning through the washing of regeneration; and He made us completely new through the Holy Spirit,  who was poured out in abundance through Jesus the Anointed, our Savior.  All of this happened so that through His grace we would be accepted into God’s covenant family and appointed to be His heirs, full of the hope that comes from knowing you have eternal life. This is a faithful statement of what we believe. Titus 3:3-8

 This revelation of His grace set me totally free. It sent me in pursuit of my Heavenly Father in such a fresh and exciting way! No longer was I looking at how much time I spent in the Word. I didn't need to check my watch when in prayer. Today I pray to my Father in loving fellowship and get up from prayer when I am done. The great truth is though I don't ever have to leave His presence. I am accepted in Him and He loves to be around me. Even in my most despicable moments! He still loves me! Of course in those times at my worst His still small voice reminds me in loving terms 

 "Hey, I've got better for you."
 Sure enough He always does! I rejoice in this truth of His eternal acceptance. Knowing just how much I'm forgiven has radically changed my heart. It is true what Jesus has said

Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same liveth little. Luke 7:47

 When we realize how much we are forgiven we love much not little! Having received this truth of grace my view of God has been altered for the better! Upon receiving the revelation from Heaven and seeing it in the Word my heart rejoiced! Knowing that all my past, present and future sins were laid on Jesus account no longer mine made my heart spin in thankfulness. I'm glad that my sins won't ever be charged to my account again because I have no way of paying for them! The only accepted currency is Christ blood.

 Knowing I am totally forgiven, completely loved and accepted by Him is freeing! I stand rejoicing knowing I am forever forgiven and sanctified through His blood! These truths have stirred me on the inside to love Him and pursue Him more. It is not out of legal obligation or fear that I seek Him more. Its born out of a changed heart of love!
 Now this truth of grace has never made me desire to go backwards! What is appealing about living the way we used to live? What is "hip" about living like the World system? I don't see the profit in returning to the licentious way of living! Being set free from Worldly lusts, like pornography, sleeping around, profanity laced speech, being unforgiving, resentful and strife ruled, I know the pain and shallow level of living these behaviors offer!
  Paul the chief grace teacher expounded on what grace produces in the life of the believer. You see grace is defined properly as the unmerited and unearned favor and love of God. That is the pure, true definition of grace. Now this grace produces an empowerment to overcome the old way we use to live. It starts with us believing right and maturing into what we have already become on the inside!
 Look at what Paul taught in Ephesians 4 and the first part of Chapter 5. Read it in full context.

This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Ephesians 4:17

 Notice if you read the whole chapter and first portion of Chapter 5 in context you see what Paul is saying. The Word in context is showing us in full maturity in Christ we don't desire to walk like as we used to. If you have received the message of grace within your heart you will sense the desire to mature into what you have been made inside! I like how Paul addressed the mind of the unsaved. He is referencing the wrong believing many hold to. If you believe right you will live right!
 In context what is Paul addressing as maturity? Walking in love. Walking in integrity with our fellow man. It's not holding people's wrongs against them, walking in forgiveness. It is not walking in carnal Worldly lusts.
 Paul "balanced" his own revelation of grace and Christian liberty with truth. He never balanced grace with mixture of Law. Note what Paul expressly stated in Galatians

As for you, my friends, you were called to be free. But do not let this freedom become an excuse for letting your physical desires control you. Instead, let love make you serve one another. Galatians 5:13 GNT

 This is a true statement. This was not a law based Scripture. So grace is not saying conforming to the World system is OK and good. Grace is not redefining what is clearly unprofitable behavior or plain sin! We become foolish when we take what the Lord is saying and add our own view or ideology. 

So to be clear grace is NOT teaching now that you are forgiven forever go ahead pursue your every crazy, unrestrained, lustful desire until you feel satisfied. What it is saying is, God has removed all the barriers and hurdles and weights of sins, habits and fear and performance obligations so you can freely pursue Him! You are now able to pursue Him more freely! Lets relinquish foolish thinking and any desire to return to our old ways! Lets get to know our Father through Jesus more and more. Lets really live the abundant life He died to give us! 
Thanks and blessings for stopping by and reading this post. Leave a comment if it blessed you or if you disagree. I appreciate your feedback.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Celebrate! It's the glad news!

Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144:15

And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;
That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again. Philippians 1:25-26

The gospel of grace in Jesus isn't the sad news. It isn't saying, "We can't have fun anymore". To many religious meetings have turned church gatherings into "services". Nothing wrong with serving out of a heart of love. (We should never serve though from a place of obligation and compulsion and guilt. We especially need never serve out of fear!) Still though why do we have "services"? The name sounds like pure drudgery! Why not have party times? Why not joy and celebration times that  revolve around the Word and finished work of Jesus? 
 As for fun, what is more fun than following the leading of the Spirit into the full life? It is more fun to abide in Him. Abiding in Him gives Him a more open access to our hearing so we won't tread down wrong paths! It is a lot more fun not having to deal with natural consequences for poor decisions made. Following His path and plans and purpose always leads to more exciting and joyous times.
 Now I hear you. What about tangible fun? What about things like going boating on a river? Or spending time at the beach or enjoying a good action and adventure film? Or catching an exciting sporting event? Are these kind of things to "Worldly"? Are these kind of activities "forbidden"? Absolutely not! A man's conscience renewed by the grace of a loving Father should be any guide to whats profitable and what is something that will cost you in the long run, (i.e., like drinking and driving). Forget looking for some list of do's and don'ts. As your Father loves you and leads you He will ensure you have a full and exciting and fun life not a sad and depressing and boring life!

  It isn't the bad news..."you're not acceptable". It has been the same religious spirit that Jesus encountered that has plagued the Church since its inception. It brings the lie with it that you must be about doing more and more! It is never enough. You know the yoke legalism tries to trap you in. It creates a list of obligations. It gives the smallest hint that it is possible to achieve all that is required. Of course they only point to themselves as proof that these rules are obtainable goals. They omit revealing the bitterness and envying and control they harbor deep within! Never having accomplished all the requirements placed on you then gives them more opportunity to show how far you need to go before you are accepted or able to receive the blessings of God! 
 Reject the notion that you are always failing to measure up! Jesus death and resurrection was enough! You are accepted by Him. You are forgiven and completely loved! He is your all sufficiency! He the paid the full price to redeem you! We can rejoice know we have the good news. We know Jesus has made us accepted into the beloved and we no longer need man's approval! 
It's not the mad news..."God is mad and so disappointed in you!" How many sermons or articles have we heard or read that God is angry! Many quote an obscure passage in the Psalms where it states God is angry at the wicked everyday. Well, that verse in the King James has the words God is angry at the wicked everyday in italics. This means the phrase was not in original text. Other translations have Psalm 7:11 translated more accurately as God is a fair judge and indignant at injustice daily. This much more closely displays the character of God revealed to us by Jesus in the New Covenant! 
  God is not mad or angry. God is not even in a bad mood! Jesus paid the full price and satisfied the wrath of God's justice! He took the full punishment we all owed! This is how much we have been forgiven! Look at Jesus in Luke 9. He encountered men who actually rejected Him. He just moved along to another village. His disciples though wanted to rain fire and judgment down. Jesus rebuked them! God is filled with love and mercy! This is great news!

It's the glad news! Its God revealing to us all "the price is paid in full!"
" God's not mad or angry at you!"
 "God's not holding your sins to your account!" 
 "Be reconciled!"
We all need to rejoice He is not holding our past, present or future sins to our accounts! We have no way to pay for them! The only currency accepted is the Master's Blood. We can never earn this currency by our works or our performance! It is only by receiving His free gift! 
  The glad news is accepting His free gift of righteousness and letting the Spirit lead you into the fullness of life. Fullness of joy in His presence. Glad news is realizing that we are forever forgiven and forever sanctified! Celebrate grace! Celebrate Jesus!

Friday, February 7, 2014

quick pick up for you #2

#BrotherlyLove in Him! Let's lay down the weapons of tradition we wield against each other and pick up the mighty weapons of a Bible knowledge and knowing who we are in Him and who He is and wield them together against satan that defeated devil. #GodisalwayGOOD

Quick pick up for you!

There is nothing wrong with God's Word. There is nothing wrong with God. Now Because of the blood, there is nothing wrong with you!!!
Hebrews 7:25
Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost (completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity) those who come to God through Him, since He is always living to make petition to God and intercede with Him and intervene for them.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

God is always good. All the time!

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 1 John 4:10-11

They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness,
And shall sing of Your righteousness. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion,
Slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all,
And His tender mercies are over all His works. Psalms 145:7-9

   The Lord is good. He is always good. Welcome to All The Time God is good blog post. I trust these post will bring spiritual enrichment to your soul and refreshing to your spirit. My desire and leading of the Spirit is to proclaim His mercy, His grace, His finished work and His all the time goodness in every facet of human existence! I pray as you read any future post they bring blessing and encouragement to you. If any post is of particular blessing I pray you pass it on. Feel free to quote freely from any post. Blessings to you. 

  God is always good. I wish to proclaim this to the ends of the Earth. For too long the idea man has had of God is not that of a good Father but rather an angry taskmaster. He has employees not sons. He sees these employees as always failing and unfaithful. He can't trust them so He must place burdensome rules and performance requirements in order to achieve any type of blessing. If you aren't experiencing any blessings in your life it could only mean the "Boss" is dissatisfied with your performance! Does this mentality make you want to draw close to God or to remove yourself from His presence? Does this view of God make you want to flee in terror from Him? 
  I submit that this philosophy is one major reason churches and ministries aren't flourishing today. Many an unbeliever was beaten down and pushed down by circumstances and environments for majority of their lives. They don't need to trade one system of oppressive, performance based approval and defeat for another. Thank the Lord the truth is Jesus offers much more for us. He doesn't bring a yoke of tyranny or oppression. Jesus brings love! Jesus and His great love for us is what brings about real change and produces a deeper relationship with Him. We need to heal our image of our Father God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

   Jesus on Earth was the will of God in action. He demonstrated who God really is. Jesus drew men unto Him with His great love. Jesus never brought disease or bankruptcy to people. My heart's desire is that you study the Word for yourself. See how God's Word reveals Jesus to you. How He is full of compassion and slow to anger. You can come to God and find His love for you will never change no matter what! Be confident in this and watch your walk with Him become more and more fruitful!

                                                                                           He is good that is why He blesses you!