God has always sought a Family. So He sent His only Son to take man's place. His Son took the judgment, wrath, and punishment all sin incurs in His own body. No God wasn't punishing Jesus. Sin and all that it produces was being punished in the body of our Savior.
Jesus bore it all. Once He took it all, He cried out "It is Finished! Jesus then died for all humanity's sins. With the price paid in full, He triumphantly arose, defeating sin, satan, and death itself.
Finally, the Father could have His Family. Law couldn't create a family. Mankind couldn't keep the standards, we failed too often. Covenant couldn't produce it. Again, the Old Covenant was kept on God's part, but mankind failed once and again and couldn't keep Covenant.
God decided then to cut Covenant with Himself. The New Covenant is cut between the Father and the Son. Jesus kept the Covenant. Jesus paid for all mankind's sins. God the Father introduced Grace into this lost world and fallen and fractured creation through His Son Jesus.
Discover Grace
Now that all the work is finished, God has sent forth a heralding cry to all the earth. Calling whosoever will come and freely receive. The Covenant is kept by Jesus. Sin is no longer a barrier. All one must do is simply accept this free gift. Discover the Grace of God, Jesus has done the work.
God's Grace is manifest in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the exact image of His Father in Heaven. Jesus is the will of God in action. Jesus is the power to save and make whole. Jesus is the Grace of God.
Grace expressed in the person of Jesus and demonstrated in the Finished work is God stooping down to meet us where we are. Grace is God's unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor. When received fully, Grace divinely influences our hearts and produces empowerment.
Grace is unmerited favor. That is Grace is not merited favor. It is not entitled favor. It is not liable favor. Grace is undeserved favor. It is not warranted favor. It is not due favor. Grace is unearned favor. It is not a favor that one is duly worthy of or suited to. This means it's not something bestowed because of our actions and level of good performance.
Now God is inviting us to discover His Grace. Notice I stated His Grace. We don't want anything but what God offers. We can accept no substitutes. There are two forms of "grace" that we need to not discover but actively avoid.
The first is foolish or pseudo-grace. This is a man-centered concept of grace that excuses any and all negative choices. This "grace" promotes erroneous ideas and concepts.
This "grace" makes claims that all humanity is already saved and righteous apart from Faith, they just don't know it yet. This "grace" says all creation is God's children apart from Faith. This "grace" says no one was ever separated from God by sin. This "grace" denies the sin nature passed on from Adam to all humanity. This "grace" denies the inerrancy of Scripture, God's Word, and declares there is no place called Hell. That eternal separation in Hell is a false concept.
When one simply stays with actual authentic Grace and simply reads the Word of God in context, this pseudo, foolish "grace" is easily debunked. Just as wrong is the man-made works and performance rooted "religious grace". We need to not get caught up in works.
Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, man cannot do away with their own denominational rules and traditional regulations. They agree we are saved by Grace but we must also keep the rules to be acceptable to the Father. True you couldn't save yourself but afterward you're expected to perform perfectly.
Religious grace is like the lifeguard coming to the aid of the drowning victim. Upon grabbing hold of the one drowning they then expect them to start swimming now. What's wrong you have the lifeguard there why can't you swim now? This is religion, you have Jesus now keep the Law. Religious grace is easily spotted, just listen to their words.
"Righteousness is what He did, holiness is what we do."
"We're saved by grace but sanctified by the Law."
"Grace needs balance and boundaries."
Another way religious grace is spotted is in how they define Grace. I've heard preachers discount and downright deny Grace is the unmerited favor of God. They try to define Grace as an ability gift, as divine enablement. What are they really doing?
Grace is the antithesis of foolishness and religious works and a performance-based faith. Man driven by works sees God as the taskmaster. Man wants to earn what only Jesus' work could provide and procure.
Grace is unearned. The New Covenant is not about a transactional faith. It is not wages for services rendered or for work performed. We aren't receiving from God a return for our efforts or work completed. Religion is about doing, but Grace reveals it's already done.
In summation, let's discover God's real Grace. Let's look to Jesus alone. Let's relinquish works and performance. Let's leave pseudo, foolish grace and embrace the truth. God is a loving and Good Father. His Grace is expressed through Jesus. Let's discover more and more of Jesus.
Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay