Showing posts with label Lordship Salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lordship Salvation. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reclaiming Grace: Radical Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ

17 For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMPC

 In the recent weeks, we've been engaged in a brief study of the vital relationship between Grace and truth. We've seen the significance of defending the truth from error and traditions of men. There is another area of truth we need to establish. We as believers who've been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus must live the truth. What exactly do I mean by living the truth? 

 Living the truth isn't a state of perfection. It's a state of mind, that we will remain faithful to the truth we know and understand. It's not altering behavior to please people or religious traditions. I'm not advocating we be rude to others or use our liberty and freedom as a stumbling block to others. I am only stating the importance of walking in the truth we know and understand.

 Peter and Paul's interaction in Galatians 2 is a perfect illustration of this. Peter was the first to see that God had invited all, Jew and gentile, to receive the free gift of Grace. He had the truth revealed. He knew and understood it. Yet under pressure to please men and to conform to religious traditions, he chose not to live out the truth he'd been revealed. He chose not to eat with the gentile believers.

 Paul understood what it meant to live the truth. He didn't allow tradition or the pressure to please people to determine how he should live. He chose to walk out the truth he'd been revealed. He rightly rebuked Peter for embracing tradition. This is a clear illustration of the vital relationship of Grace and Truth. Grace is the Gospel. The truth is God's Word. The two are inseparable. 

Three hearers of Grace:

 As we've been studying Grace and Truth I've shared what the Lord revealed to me about the message of Grace. That the message of Grace falls on three different types of hearers. The first is the legalist. The second is the foolish. The third hearer of the message of Grace is the receiver. This is the one who hears the truth of God's amazing over the top good news of Radical Grace with a good and honest heart.

 Three words could best sum up each of these hearers. Do. The legalist is all about the doing. It's the Martha vs Mary syndrome. Do more, do it a certain way. Don't, is the word best describing the foolish. Don't pray, that's works. Don't give, that would be an attempt to earn something. Don't read your Bible or attend a church that's performance. Don't be so close-minded, allow the philosophies of inclusion or universalism to be taught alongside the Gospel. Done. That word describes the receivers.

 Done. It is done. This concept alludes so many religious people. Jesus finished the Work on that Cross. Tradition says sure Jesus work is finished but yours has just begun. No surprise as to why so many have burned out on dead works religion. It is done. Jesus completed the Work, we rest in His Finished Work and live out of that reality. The Word of God is complete, we don't add enticing words of men's wisdom to the message or the Word.

The Clear Good News Gospel of Grace

Over the last few weeks, we've seen the need to reclaim Grace. Tradition and error have staked their claim against the clear message of Grace. To conclude this study I sense it best to reclaim the truth of His Grace by sharing just what the good news of Grace is and to bask in its spiritual refreshing.

Simply Saved
Having heard the good news we simply place our trust in Christ alone and we are saved for eternity. Religion says no, in order to be saved one must repent and commit to Christ's Lordship and determine to not engage in sin again. What rubbish.

 Am I saying that we should sin or not commit to Christ? Certainly not. What I am saying is to be born again all one must do is simply believe. Is there a place for repentance? Sure, but it's the true meaning of the word. When we hear the good news we change our minds about doing things our own way. We change our thinking about Jesus Christ. We realize our need for Him and simply trust in Him.

 This Lordship Salvation model is all too often practiced in most churches. This is the starting point of a performance-based relationship with God. God isn't our good Father and Jesus isn't our loving Savior and best friend. God is our taskmaster we must submit to. Under Grace we understand He committed to us, so we commit to Him by not trusting in works or performance or any Law keeping to maintain my salvation and relationship.

We are born again and redeemed unto a loving everlasting relationship. It is a relationship not rooted in rules or regulations. It is a relationship rooted in His Finished Work and never in our performance. Tradition makes it seem as if God gets so displeased with us because we don't live up to our end of the bargain. First the bargain wasn't made with us. God and Jesus cut the New Covenant between themselves. We are beneficiaries of this Covenant. It isn't based on us, or our goodness or faithfulness.

The concept that those in Christ have perfect acceptance can be mind boggling. This means when you have a need, or a burden weighing you down, or experiencing a trial or temptation or just have a broken heart that you don't go through some ritual to come to your Father. It means we always have His attention. We don't do anything but call upon His name. He is always with us and will never leave us. 

 He will never say to you, "Why can't you be like brother or sister so and so over there?" "They never foul up like you." "You're a failure." "Well, you have a long way to go before I'll be pleased with you." These are the words of performance rooted philosophies.  You are accepted in the Beloved and He rejoices over you with joy.
to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 NKJV

 How exciting and liberating the good news is that we are totally forgiven in Christ. The enemy, condemnation, and religion relish in reminding us of our failures and shortcomings and sins. When we know just how forgiven we are those words slide off of us like water off a duck's back.

 Christ and His Finished Work and redeeming shed blood purchased our total forgiveness. We are forgiven of all our sins Past and present and Future. That is good news!
14 who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins. Colossians 1:14 TLB

This is the scandal of Grace. God loves lost, fallen and rebellious humanity. While we were His enemies in our actions, thoughts, and words He sent His own Son to pay the full price for our sins and transgression. The Father so longed for a family He sowed His own Son to reap a Family. This is the greatest love story ever told. Hollywood hasn't got anything on the Gospel. 

 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 John 4:9-10 NKJV

 God so loves us He adopted us into His Family. By faith, we are the children of God. The good news is God will never be angry with you. God isn't mad at you, even when you fail. God is our good Father who loves us eternally.

Once in Grace always in Grace. We have an eternally secure salvation in Him. It strikes me as really odd that God would send us His Son and put on Him all the punishment and wrath for every sin and rebellion that will ever be committed, investing in complete redemption, only to have salvation rooted in the abilities of men to maintain it. Jesus bore that shame of the Cross for the joy set before Him. We were that joy. The joy of restored relationship with God by Grace through faith alone. 

 God wouldn't stake this restoration on the mere ability of mankind. People forget the Old Covenant was based upon the abilities of men. That could never work. So God cut the New Covenant between Himself. You can't get more eternally secure than God making a Covenant with Himself. This is the Gospel.

 The Gospel is the Grace of God. This is reclaiming Grace. We must defend this truth from the schemes of the enemy. We must speak the truth of this Gospel even in the midst of religion and tradition. We must teach the truth in it's purity. We must live out the truth of the Gospel. We are saved, redeemed, accepted, forgiven. We are loved with the everlasting love of our Father that will never be displeased with you. We are forever secure in our Father's hands. We should never tire of hearing this good news Grace Gospel 
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reclaiming Grace:Legalism-Jesus Plus Something

17 For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 AMPC

 In our last study, we saw that truth goes hand in hand with God's great Grace. There exist opposing forces who've staked a claim on Grace. We saw the vital need for defending the truth from this opposition. We saw the need to reclaim Grace. 
 Truth must not only be defended, but we must also speak the truth. Believers in Christ can only speak the truth in love when they are hearing the truth. Religion speaks tradition not truth. Sadly what many hear is a mixture of Grace and Law.
 In fact, during a time of worship, the Lord visited me and detailed three different types of hearers of the message of Grace. Today, I will share about the first type of hearer. He spoke to my heart and revealed the first hearer of Grace is the legalist.
 Legalism rejects the message of Grace. They've staked a claim against Grace. when they hear Grace and they either flat out reject it or tend to water it down. They label it Hyper-Grace and dismiss it as a form of "cheap Grace". What they have never grasped is that cheap Grace is when we water down God's perfect standards to a place where men can actually perform well enough on their own. 
Grace is also cheapened when we attempt to earn or deserve God's free favors by our goodness and performance instead of by resting in the Finished Work. What then is the best way to define legalism? It's Jesus plus something. It is Jesus plus you. What Grace leads us into through a living relationship legalism twists into obligations.
The legalist has a stake against Grace because Radical Grace sets men free from religious duties into a living, vital, and loving relationship with our good Father. They may claim they too want believers to enjoy a relationship with God but they stipulate one must, of course, keep all the regulations and meet the standard obligations. What's most important with legalists is the keeping of the rules.
For instance, look at the often controversial topic of marriage and divorce. Legalists have lifted some passages out of their settings and created a whole laundry list of rules concerning divorce. I know of whole denominations who will disqualify people from serving in ministry if they've been divorced. Divorce in many circles is the unwritten unpardonable sin. The rules about divorce are strictly enforced. 
 One of my own relatives was in an abusive marriage. She got a divorce from this person. I recall telling a fellow believer about the situation. He said,"doesn't she know if she divorced, she could never remarry?" So her being free from an abusive relationship isn't what's important. What's important is that she maintain the rules.  Sure she is expected to never find redemption in relationships and find a healthy marriage partner in her future. So what that she was a young woman when this occurred. She should have thought of the consequences before she divorced. Her happiness? What's that? That sounds like fleshly, Earthly sensual passion and we can't have that sin in our religious midsts.
 The point is the rules must be kept. That is all that is paramount. Women getting abused physically at home? Women and the children living in a prison of fear? That's not an issue. What's at stake is that they are obligated to the rules. I have actually heard Christians teach even if the woman was being beaten by a spouse that divorce is a sin. That she, the battered woman, must do all she can to reconcile the marriage. If all else fails and they divorce she can't remarry that would be a sin. 
When I was still under the bondage of religion and had not yet seen the truth of Grace I could never accept these rules and traditions of men. It seemed to cut so crosswise to the love and mercy of our Gracious good Father. Legalist will do and say nice things in public ministry but be sure obligation to keeping the rules is always right there in all they say and teach.
 As believers in Christ, we do need to speak the truth. What is the truth? Grace and truth, we must speak who we are, who's we are and what we have in Him because of Grace. We are forever forgiven. We are the righteousness of God in Christ. We are redeemed. We belong to God, we've been bought with a high price. We have eternal security, freedom and complete wholeness in Him.
 Under legalism, believers can't speak the truth because they are never taught it. They are taught tradition over truth. You're forgiven but only up to a point. You have eternal life in Christ, but it isn't eternal life if you sin away, Grace. You're righteous positionally but you need to perform all these deeds to really be righteous. Grace is an important part of getting saved but holiness and performance are what's really important in your daily walk.
 The biggest area that legalism stakes its claim against Grace is this issue of our sins being forgiven past and present and future and our eternal security in Christ. I've actually seen Christian ministers teach there is no 100% assurance of salvation. Forever forgiveness and once saved always saved ruffles the feathers of religion and sends them into a frenzy.
 We've just completed a short study concerning our eternal security in Him, (herehere and here.) These will answer the religious objection to eternal security, and the words of Jesus will silence legalism. As for future sins being forgiven, let the Word of God answer legalism.

So overflowing is his kindness toward us that he took away all our sins through the blood of his Son, by whom we are saved; Ephesians 1:7 TLB
32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ. Ephesians 4:32 TLB
14 who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins. Colossians 1:14 TLB
13 You were dead in sins, and your sinful desires were not yet cut away. Then he gave you a share in the very life of Christ, for he forgave all your sins, Colossians 2:13 TLB
These are just some of the passages that reveal in Christ we have received the forgiveness of all our sins. Not just some. It says all. How many is all?All would include your future sins. Think of it, all of our sins were in the future when Christ died for them.
 Having our future sins forgiven doesn't translate into a licentious lifestyle. In fact, Peter said when we put into remembrance just how forgiven we are we will not stumble. Under Grace, we are forgiven and free to pursue a loving and performance free relationship with our good Father. Set aside rules and regulations and traditions of man. 

 God has placed no obligations on us. He isn't saying if you do this enough you can fellowship with me. If you can behave for so many days I will be there for you. Brethren, this legalistic obligation knows no denominational barrier or whether your mainline protestant or Pentecostal/Charismatic. 

 When I was steeped in the Word of Faith movement, much of what was taught was religious duty and obligation. If you speak this way long enough if you read enough Scripture and if you give enough money and ensure you give it in the right way then God will bless you. Mind you now, if you've done all these things but mess up just once you've messed up your harvest of blessing. You must start all over again. 

 This is why we must reclaim Grace. We must relinquish legalism in all its forms. We must stay with Grace. God's Grace brought us into the Family of God. It His Grace alone and not our performance or obligations that keep us in the Family. Celebrate His Grace today, where would we be without it?
Image courtesy of cooldesign at

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What Gospel Are You Hearing? The Angry Gospel

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1:6-7 NKJV

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile Romans 1:16 NLT

 We've been engaged in a brief study as of late. We are asking the question, what gospel are you hearing? Up to now, we have seen the Gospel message was not meant to be hopeless or discouraging. It wasn't designed to be a politically affiliated movement. The Gospel is good news, plain and simple. 

 Today, I ask the question again what Gospel message are you hearing? 

the Angry gospel

 Far too many believers have been listening to this message. I have heard messages like this for many years in the past. This isn't an indictment against passionate preaching or a speaker whose volume happens to be louder than what some are used to. We as believers are maturing into who Christ already made us. We aren't to discern things based upon fickle emotions. We are, however, to know and understand and evaluate what we are hearing by the standard of the Word of God. 

 What is the definition of the Gospel again? It is the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. The proclamation of the Grace of God manifest and pledged in Christ. The angry gospel comes in various expressions. Let's examine them in light of the true Gospel.

The angry gospel is accusative in nature

  The angry message is that God is perpetually angry and fed up with the sins, the actions, and the failures of the World as well as the Church. He is like a ticking time bomb who at any moment will explode on all who cross Him. It is often accusative in expression.

 When a believer has a mishap or some other negative event transpire, those under this type of teaching are quick to hurl accusations; "The fact this occurred proves you must have some hidden sin in your life. Now if you repent, maybe God will help you out of this mess." 
 You will hear from the pulpits of angry gospel peddlers that revival tarries because the Church isn't faithful. You'll often hear how other denominations or groups are missing it, but their group is on the right track. You'll see whole conventions or meetings designed to reveal just how erroneous other Christian groups are because they don't embrace their views about the Holy Spirit or Calvinism. 

Quick to assign judgment 

 If there is a hurricane or tsunami or some other natural disaster the angry gospel is quick to assign the event as some judgment from God for that geographic region's sins. Is America experiencing a poor economy? It couldn't be because politicians are mismanaging the resources. No, it is because we have legalized something sinful. God is angry and punishing the evil doers. 

The Finished Work is of little importance

 In angry gospel circles, they are quick to acknowledge God's Son died and rose again. Sure He took all the punishment for sins. He bore all the judgment. Yet, in their messages, it seems it is of little consequence. God is still unsatisfied. He still punishes folk for their transgressions. He is still sending judgment to the nations for their wickedness. 

 As for evangelism, this message turns away sinners. It doesn't attract them. It preaches Hellfire and anger and a wrath consumed God. The message is God sees you as despicable and deplorable. It leaves some with the impression God wasted His Son's death on them. 

 The Gospel of Grace doesn't proclaim bad news. We are proclaiming the Grace that is Jesus Christ. We are proclaiming the glad tidings of new life and freedom from performance and works. Look at the book of Acts, when they ministered to the lost what message did they preach? Was it God is angry with you gentiles for your wicked deeds? Better turn or burn? See an example here

 What did Philip teach? 
35 So beginning with this same Scripture, Philip told him the Good News about Jesus. Acts 8:35 NLT
 Philip preached Jesus. That is the Gospel. The man readily received the good news. Philip preached Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life. The message of Jesus is a welcoming message. It is glad tidings, not sad tidings. Take note Philip didn't deny the existence of Hell. He didn't deny the reality that the Ethiopian man was lost. He simply preached the truth in love. There is no bad news in the good news.

The sad gospel

 Speaking of the angry gospel message leads us to mention another deviation of the true message. The sad gospel is what many hear  when they first come to Christ. What is the sad gospel?

 The sad gospel is all about what you must do to get God's love and favor. It is what you must give up before God will let you in His Family. It is all about what you do for Him. The Lordship salvation error is a perfect example of the sad gospel. 

 Before God will save your soul, you better straighten out your life first. You best quit that cussing and smoking. You best get a haircut and wear a suit tie so you can be welcomed to church. 

 The sad gospel declares what all you have to give up and what activities you need to cease participation in. Do you like golf on Saturdays? Too bad, you need to spend that time studying or going to the market to witness to people. Turn off the TV and spend more time praying. 

 The Gospel is good news. It is glad tidings. It is not an angry message that God is going to get you whenever you miss it. It isn't doom and gloom predictions. It isn't some sad story. It isn't a message that God tolerates our presence. It isn't about all we must do, what we must give up, and what we need to be engaged in to be found acceptable. 

 The Grace Gospel reveals God rejoices over us with joy. It reveals He has faith in the Finished Work of His Son. It reveals it isn't about us decreasing, it's a revelation of Christ in us. It is all of Him in all of us, because of the New Birth. 
 The good news is us revealing to this lost World that God is not mad at them. That God has turned on the lights. He has put out the welcome mat and left the door unlocked. We are the bearer of glad news that God has reconciled the World in Christ and desires they RSVP the invitation to new life, wholeness, and perpetual right standing with the Father. What a thrilling and exhilarating, adventure the Christian life is to be the faithful stewards of this exciting good news! 
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Another Mistaken Idea: If He isn't Lord of All, He isn't Lord at all!

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen Romans 16:24 NKJV

 Some time ago I began a periodic study of some of the mistaken ideas that have infiltrated the Church. Removing wrong thoughts, or ideas brings freedom to our relationship with God. Today, I feel impressed to address a concept in the Body of Christ, that many cling to.
If He isn't the Lord of All, He isn't Lord at all?
 This is a really loaded statement if you will. This phrase is a popular saying among many church groups. Some Christian writers and speakers in the past have had much success by constantly labeling the Church of Jesus Christ as lackluster, uninspiring, and subpar in its scope. For some unknown reason, it seems appealing to some Christians to hear how much the Church is failing and is a great disappointment to God. 

Why is this phrase a mistaken idea? Because it seeks to determine one's salvation and acceptability with God based solely upon one's performance and merits. Ideas such as this uproot the secure position of the believer and rip away the blessed assurance they have in Christ. With ideas such as this, our right standing before God is now based upon our obedience and not Christ's obedience. 
The "C.O.P.S." are coming!

  The performance and Old Covenant-minded ministers and believers, seek to turn the fruits of salvation into the roots of our salvation. They look to find how well one's Consecration or Commitment, Obedience or Observance to the "rules" " performance, and Submission or Subjection to the Lord is to determine if one is "really" saved. Just like the Pharisees of Old, they seek outward evidence only to determine one's value in Christ. 

 These "Pharisaical" style ministers love to point out perceived flaws failures and shortcomings. These have told the divorcee' that they are displeasing to God. That you have failed your marriage so you're a failure to God. These are the ones who label other believers as not measuring up. These ministries preach a works-based gospel that never produces security or assurance in Christ. 

Front-loading the gospel message with requirements other than responding in simple faith is adding to the Grace Gospel. I've heard a mega church pastor actually tell his church that if there is even one area where you're still in charge you will go to hell when you die. If this is so then salvation is dependent upon my continual submission and obedience. What if you fall short one day? See how this idea removes assurance and security in Him? 

 These concepts never produce the true fruit-bearing believers that these ministers hope for. It produces a shallow, surface appearance of having it all together, but inside people are hurting and struggling. People then simply mask their behavior and intents of their hearts. The people still sin and fall short, they just find ways to conceal their actions. This is why there is no freedom from bad habits and addictions in works and performance-based ministries. 
The truth is Jesus IS Lord.

 This concept is erroneous because Jesus is Lord, regardless if you allow Him to be Lord or not. The Word is clear, see it here. Jesus is the Lord of all and because of this, He is the only one who is the Savior. Is our salvation then rooted in our level of consecration, observance, performance, and submission? Absolutely not. These are the fruits of the New Creation, not the roots.

If we could ever merit what Christ paid for then Jesus alone isn't our Savior. Our behavior has become our savior. Whatever we see Jesus paying for in the Finished Work proves only the Cross could appropriate it for us. Thus, no amount of goodness, charitable deeds, or even abstinence from wrong or immorality, could procure it. It is by Grace alone, through faith alone we receive it. 

Our eternal salvation was only made possible by the Finished Work. His blood has what has cleansed us and given us perfect right standing before God. One's level of commitment or submission to  

His Lordship isn't what saved us and isn't what maintains that salvation. His Grace and our faith in His once-for-all-time sacrifice on that Cross are what saved us. After we are saved, the fruit of the New Creation is progressively maturing into who we already are in Him, including submission to His Lordship, which is His leading and guidance and direction for our individual lives.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What must I do to be Saved?

17 As He was leaving on His journey, a man ran up and knelt before Him and asked Him, “Good Teacher [You who are essentially good and morally perfect], what shall I do to inherit eternal life [that is, eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]?” Mark 10:17 AMP
30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30 NKJV
 What must I do to be saved? This is a question that is often asked by many when they first hear the good news of God's free gift of eternal life. The answer to this seemingly simple question has caused much division and strife in the Body of Christ. 
 The reason for the strife and division is simply because religious minded believers refuse to allow the Scriptures alone to answer this question. Whenever we seek to add to or embellish the Scriptures to fit our own narrative or personal agenda we will always have division and disunity. The Word of God is the supreme authority for doctrine and truth. Just let the Scriptures be the final authority and the areas of disputes will fade away. 

 Two answers to the same question

 The Word of God gives two different answers to this question. The Old Covenant answer is recorded in Mark 10. The New Covenant answer is recorded in Acts 16. It would behoove us to rightly divide the Word of God to get the Scriptural answer to this vital question.

 The rich young ruler asked this question of Jesus. Here is Jesus response;
19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother. 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mark 10:19-21 NLT
 This is a lengthy answer the Lord Jesus gives. Jesus very literally answers the man's question. What must I do to be saved? Do? Do this and keep that and maintain a perfect track record! That was basically Jesus' answer. 
 Paul the Apostle of Grace was asked the same question in the New Covenant. Here is his response;
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” Acts 16:31 NLT
 Paul and Silas gave a concise and to the point answer. What was the difference between Paul and Jesus? The difference was because Paul was speaking after the Cross, the Finished Work. Paul was preaching the gospel. 
 The controversy is because people aren't rightly dividing the Word between the Old and New Covenant. Jesus, when He answered the young man, wasn't preaching the gospel! He was merely showing the impossibility in man's ability to keep God's Law. He was revealing to all the necessity of a Savior. 
 Paul and Silas, on the other hand, were ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. Paul was revealing the plan of salvation purchased for all who will simply receive it. Paul's answer to the question is this. Simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus plus something equals nothing

 When religious minded believers are asked then what must we do to be saved, they point to Jesus' response to the rich young ruler. This is where this heresy of Lordship Salvation finds its roots. In order to be saved, they say, you must first make a lifetime commitment to do more and perform better. They insist the lost one must instantly commit to Christ's Lordship by ceasing from all sin and wrongdoing. In other words, the lost must clean up their act before Christ will save them.  Instead of simply receiving a free gift by faith, salvation becomes a works-based relationship.

 The problem is "performance driven" religion is putting a burden on the lost they can't possibly uphold. How can one who has yet to receive the free gift of Grace make any commitment to the Lord? This is the error of performance and works mentalities. They mistakenly define spiritual maturity, the level of obedience, and commitment as the roots of salvation, not the fruit of new life in Christ. 

 Truly, Jesus plus something always equals nothing. Jesus plus something equals nothing but condemnation. Jesus plus something equals nothing but hierarchy among men. Jesus plus something leaves a wake of broken hearts and worn out believers with their security and assurance in Christ weakened and debilitated. 

Jesus plus nothing equals everything

 Those who are preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ always point to Paul when asked what must we do to be saved. Simply believe in Jesus. That is all one needs to do. The simple act of believing in Christ means we place our confident trust in Jesus alone. We no longer trust in our intellect, or goodness, or our charitable deeds or works. We no longer look at the flaws that seemingly disqualify us. We simply place all of our hope, trust and confidence in Jesus alone to save us.

 Jesus plus nothing is what will produce fruit that is lasting and is not burdensome. Should we as believers in Christ be fruit bearers? Absolutely, we have the very life and nature of God within. We are brand new creations, always loved, and accepted with our Father in Heaven. We have the gift of irrevocable righteousness. 

 It is Jesus plus nothing that completes us. Jesus is always the answer to the equation. When we begin to acknowledge all we have and who we are because of Jesus alone, then maturity and fruit will be flourishing in our lives. We don't need performance driven ministers putting burdens and pressure upon us to try and force growth and productivity. Jesus and His great Grace within produces lasting fruit effortlessly. 

 The Gospel is an invite to receive a free gift. It is an invite to leave the life of burdensome efforts and find rest. The gospel invites us to simply rest in all Jesus did. Resting in Him alone, apart from human effort is all that is needed to produce real fruit. Lay aside works and efforts and performance. Trust in Him. What must we do to be saved? Put all our hope and confident trust in Him alone. Now rest knowing you are perfectly and fiercely loved by Him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Eternal Life Assurance

13 I am writing all of this to you who have entrusted your lives to the Son of God—so you will realize eternal life already is yours. 1 John 5:13 Voice

 From the beginning stages of our walk with God,  and throughout the rest of our life in Him, the enemy continually attempts to erode our confidence in God. Full assurance of our eternal life in Christ is a major arena the enemy targets. If he can get us to doubt our salvation or believe it isn't eternally secure then he can cause us to weaken our trust in God concerning other areas of life. 

 The enemy works overtime with the aid of religious tradition and a wrong image of God to foster doubts and stir contrary reasoning within our minds and hearts. This is why we contend for the faith. We contend for the gospel of Christ. Look at the grace gospel Paul preached.
For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. 1 Thessalonians 1:5 NKJV
 The gospel is the good news of the Finished Work. Take note of the "order" listed here if you will. Paul proclaimed the gospel message. By the power of the Spirit flowing through him, the gospel message was confirmed with signs following. Paul concluded the gospel message, by ministering the full assurance of the Finished Work.

 Religion withholds assurance. They want to see how well you produce fruit before they can say for certain you are genuinely saved. Religion fights the message of an assured eternally secure salvation. 

Probationary Christianity?

 Religion treats salvation as some probationary status for believers. Religion has portrayed a false image of God who takes on new family members on a trial basis. If they produce just enough fruit then they have earned the right to sit at the Father's table. There is nothing new here, this is simply the enemy working to deceive the Church into believing righteousness can be achieved by works and performance, not by grace through faith.

 The Word is clear in 1 John 5. We may know we possess eternal life. Why? Because we simply put our trust in Christ alone to save us. After having placed your complete trust in Christ, you have full assurance or confidence that Heaven is your home and you will never again taste spiritual death. Grace is the safety net or life preserver in the troubled times.

I heard a story about the construction of a famous bridge. When the workers were at such high heights they feared falling so they weren't focused on the construction but on their own safety. When  safety nets were added, their fears and concerns fell away. Workers were no longer intimidated or fearful of falling. They knew the safety net would catch them. The result of the safety net? Work productivity increased. 

 Religion believes by teaching you have confident assurance in Christ and should rest in His eternally secure salvation you're giving folk a license to sin. What they fail to understand is the power of grace and confident assurance. When the believer knows there is a "safety net", they will naturally be more fruitful. They don't have to fear being cast aside or displaced from the Family of God if they fail or falter or fall. 

 Religion perpetuates an image of an angry God who simply tolerates His Church. The Word of God said of old that He rejoices over us with joy. Religious tradition teaches He broods over us with wrath just waiting to strike when we miss it. When it comes to the issue of forgiveness of sins, religion alludes to a concept that God sometimes withholds forgiveness.

 The image painted on the canvas of the minds of many believers by traditional religion is that God may withhold His mercy and grace from you when you blow it once too often. I have actually heard a minister teach a congregation that if you keep sinning that same sin God doesn't have to forgive you. Of course, they cited some out of context Old Covenant passage. This image perpetuated by religion discourages believers and keeps them wrapped in the arms of insecurity and lack of assurance.

 Am I saying that one should be comfortable or find solace in their sin or mistreatment of others?Absolutely not. Sin hurts us and others. What I am saying though is there is freedom in Christ, by virtue of the Finished Work. I am saying lay down the false image of God religion has established. 

 Religion perpetuates an image of God as someone who doles out love and mercy when we are more deserving. God demands we forgive others regardless if they ask for it or apologize. Yet He withholds forgiveness if we don't "apologize" or confess our sin to Him. He demands we forgive someone regardless of how often they offend us. Yet He has reserved the right to withhold forgiveness if we sin the same sin too much. He demands that we don't keep a record of others faults. Yet He holds our sins over us unless we "repent".

 This is the image the enemy longs to plant in your heart and mind through religion. The truth of God is He has already forgiven us of all sins when we received that free gift of eternal life. We are forgiven of past and present and future sins. God isn't holding our sins against us. God doesn't hold us to a standard He wouldn't honor Himself. He is a merciful Father, no matter how much we miss it, grace abounds toward us, so we can walk free from all bondages to sin. When we rest in perfect love there is no more fear. 

 We have perfect assurance. We rest in perfect unchanging love.
18 We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; his perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what he might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what he might do to us and shows that we are not fully convinced that he really loves us. 1 John 4:18 TLB
 God only has our good in mind. Once you've received this free gift of eternal life, rejoice in confident assurance. You are saved, you are redeemed. You are irrevocably saved. Rejoice in the Father's lavish love for you.