Showing posts with label tradition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tradition. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Is it God's will to Heal everyone, including You?


 for I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26b KJV

“But you—you serve your God and he’ll bless your food and your water. I’ll get rid of the sickness among you; there won’t be any miscarriages nor barren women in your land. I’ll make sure you live full and complete lives. Exodus 23:25 MSG 



God is a Good God, He is a Good Father. God is the author of life, He's not the author of death. God is the healer, He isn't the creator of sickness and disease. In God dwells no darkness or deeds of evil. He is our Good Father. This is the foundation for Grace, Faith, and trusting Him alone for eternal life. 

 This should be a sure foundation, but sadly it is not even an established truth in the minds of many religious leaders in the Body of Christ. Honestly, it's even considered controversial in some religious traditional circles of the Christian Faith. Some would even dare say it's a heretical point of view.

 I recently witnessed a panel discussion among some religious leaders. They were sounding alarms and red flags concerning  Charismatic ministries in the Church today. One of their greatest concerns was the notion that believers could dare to believe that their Faith in God would cause healing to manifest in the body of the sick and afflicted. 

 In essence, how could mere man have the gall to believe God would actually heal when we ask Him in Faith? Who are we, the created, to dare ask of our creator anything? Don't you know that we are mere worms in the dust, we have no right to ask anything. He is God, the Sovereign One. Just sit still, silent, and satisfied with whatever comes your way in this life. Yours is not to question, just be glad you exist at all. Be thankful He sovereignly chose to even allow you to be saved.

 This mindset is the obstacle that we as Christians must overcome in order to see God as Good. To know Him, as our Father. To trust that He has our good and well-being at heart. 

 These tradition-minded believers, much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, think they are "protecting" God and His Word from error. Therefore they view themselves as some form of watchmen. In reality, they are deceived into a subtle form of self-righteousness. 

 They see themselves as watchers on the wall holding back any contrary words to the traditional view they were taught. This deceptive, subtle self-righteousness makes them see themselves as virtuous. They also in their self-righteousness, are unwittingly saying they are more loving than God. 

 These religious leaders would never want their own children to suffer debilitating disease, lingering sickness, and suffering pain and anguish. Had they the power, they would never afflict their children with impoverished conditions, disease, and sickness. Yet, they believe God our Father willingly afflicts His own kids. In essence, they then are more caring, compassionate, and loving than God is.

 This is the twisted theology of religious tradition. They would do anything to help alleviate the suffering of their own children and loved ones, but they don't believe God would do that for His own children. The question then is it really God's will to heal, or is religious tradition right?

Healing is God's will, all the time, in every situation

 God in His infinite wisdom and Love has made a way for us to know His will concerning anything that pertains to life and godliness. Faith begins where the will of God is known. Look at John's promise of answered prayer. According to the standard of the Word, asking according to His will means God obligates Himself to reveal to us His will. 

 He has done just that. He has given us His Word and the life of Jesus to reveal His will to us. God has not left us in the dark concerning His perfect and best for us His children. 

 Faith, trust, and belief can only exist where the will of God is known. If there is any uncertainty or doubt concerning God's will to save you, to totally forgive you, to make you Righteous, to fill you with His Spirit and bestow His Gifts, to secure your salvation, to heal you and make you whole, to protect and deliver you, to increase and prosper you, Faith cannot exist. You will never be fully persuaded wherever there is an if involved in anything you're trusting God for. 

 God can be trusted. He is a Good Father. How can I say with such boldness that it is God's will for you to be healed?

...and He healed them all. Matthew 12:15b NKJV

 And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all. Luke 6:19 NKJV

 God was willing for all to be healed then and He's willing today. He hasn't changed. God wants you well.

 In upcoming studies, I want to give you five proofs of God's all-the-time willingness to heal you. Five is the number of Grace. God in His Grace has made a way for your healing. 

 We will also uncover the root reason many deny it's God's will to heal. If you have concerns or questions about God's will to heal you won't want to miss these studies. 

Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

What does it means to be Holy?

But you are not like that, for you have been chosen by God himself—you are priests of the King, you are holy and pure, you are God’s very own—all this so that you may show to others how God called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 TLB

 Have you ever had someone look at you with contempt or bewilderment, and tell you that you are different? At one time or another, all of us may have a similar experience. Maybe we just didn't fit in with a certain group, with co-workers, or perhaps someone we knew and over time we realized we were two different people with differing likes and interests. 

 As we continue in our study we are going to see being different can really be positive. Today, it seemed good to look at holiness and examine it in light of the Gospel of Grace. Some tend to think holiness and Grace are contrary to one another. That is an untruth.

 Grace gives us the power and desire to walk out our true identity in Christ. Grace is what actually made us holy. The challenge with holiness is that tradition and religion have defined holiness as some somber joyless life where keeping all the rules and even finding new ones to observe is what holiness looks like.

 The other challenge with holiness is that the Church still believes holiness is something we aren't and is something we must obtain. Some teach Righteousness is what He did but holiness is what we do. We can't walk out holiness in our life if we don't even know what it is.

 Hebrews reveals the Grace that already made us holy. Hebrews 10 details this Finished Work of Grace. Hebrews tells us those who believe are already made holy.

For by one offering He has forever perfected those who are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14 MEV

 We are perfected and sanctified already because of Jesus. We are in Him. 

let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse them from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:22 MEV

 We are already cleansed by the Blood. We are redeemed. We are His. We are set apart. This was done at the Cross. This was realized and received when we partook of His free gift of Grace by Faith.

 So why do we still sin? Why do we still miss it? Why do we still have bad habits and make poor choices? These aren't deep questions that take much pondering, extended times of fasting, and isolation in prayer to search for an answer. 

 We blow it sometimes, we miss it, and we still deal with bad habits. Does this mean we aren't holy? Some would say yes. However, that contradicts what the Word proclaimed. We still make mistakes, but that isn't a reflection of our identity in Christ.

 Why do we miss it? One thing we must continually do is renew our minds. Right believing is the key to right living. We miss it when our mind isn't renewed in various areas of our life. We miss it when we forget our true identity. We miss it when we allow legitimate needs to become perverted, and/or try to get legitimate needs met apart from God and His Grace.

 The problem with religion is they consider the Christian life as an easy bake oven. That the proverbial cake should be done in an hour. As soon as one is saved they should cease all the stuff they are involved in. That's not God's way.

 Our Father paid a high price for us. He recreated and reformed and refashioned us from within. We are brand new in Him. We are made Righteous, we are forgiven and sanctified or set apart for Him when we believed. We are progressively maturing into who He already made us. The focus is on our own growth and no one else's. Relax and enjoy the ride.

 Now, what does this look like in daily life? How do you know you are maturing? Recall how I mentioned being different. This is the real holiness of God. What do I mean?

 Where religion only focuses on rule-keeping God sees our whole life as growth in holiness. I want to encourage you and show that you're more holy than you realize. Holiness means we aren't common, we are uncommon.

 Holiness practically realized is that we are uncommon people. We are different! Though we may still be overcoming in differing areas of our life, I want to show you how you are progressing. 

 When others are out golfing, or day sailing, or sleeping in, usually on Sundays you're found in the house of God fellowshipping with other saints, exalting God corporately. That's being different. When others are spending money on new gadgets, or the latest and greatest new thing, you're sending money to support missions. You're sending money to help feed and clothe orphans. You're funding ministries and Bible schools. That's being different!

 When the doctor's report is of a negative nature, your response is one of trusting in God and not one of fear, panic, and giving up. Whereas others are feeling hopeless, you know where your trust resides. You speak the Word of Faith where others are speaking fear and dread. That is different!

 Are you walking in holiness? Take a second look at your life. Examine it in light of Grace and the Finished Work. You're going to see how different you are in comparison to those without Christ. That is walking in holiness. 

 God is not looking for dutiful servants who mind all the rules. He's not looking for slaves, He's looking for sons and daughters. God's Love for us is overwhelming and unconditional. We speak of the first love, the amazing truth is that we are God's first love. He has a fire burning in His heart for you and me. His heart beats out of his chest when He thinks of you and me. He is Holy and He is Love. 

 In summation, be glad we are different. Being different is a good thing. It reveals our minds are being renewed and "updated" if you will. It serves to remind us we are the Righteous and the ones made holy because of the Blood, the Grace of God, and His Finished Work. Be different, because He is different! This is Good News! 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Judgment and Wrath: Is God presently sending disasters and plagues and destruction upon earth to punish mankind's sins?


For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 5:9 MEV

We live in a fallen and fractured creation. When Adam bowed the knee to the enemy's deception, committing high treason against God, he turned over creation to the knowledge of cursing and calamity. That is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or blessing and calamity. Man has chosen to operate out of this tree and the enemy is more than happy to accommodate him.

 Jesus is the tree of life. We in Christ should desire to operate from this tree, not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life brings fullness of joy, Righteousness, and peace. Feed on this tree and not on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life is resurrection power, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil only supplies fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, and condemnation. 

 When addressing this issue of judgment and wrath and the Goodness and Love of God it is essential to understand what tree you're feeding on. The tree of life offers hope and a solution, the Lord Jesus Christ. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil only reveals problems and gives one the knowledge of the good and the bad. It only sees the wickedness and evil of man and how far they have fallen. It causes one to go on "crusades" to "right wrongs and injustices."    

 The truth is the only hope for true justice is found in receiving eternal life in Christ Jesus. To partake of the tree of life, to partake of Jesus and the Love and life and hope only He can supply. Christian leaders, ministers, and believers feeding primarily on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil can only see the evil conditions upon the earth. They see the sin and wickedness of man. They see the rampant immorality and the hearts sold out to satan and fleshly pleasures. 

 As a result, they look for "good." That is the opposite of evil. That is judgment and wrath upon the perpetrators of darkness, depravity, deviance, and degradation. They rejoice at the destruction of wickedness. 

 Now understand, that evil is still evil and God doesn't delight in wickedness. He is against sin. He is against depravity and immorality. Not because He is a joyless grump who doesn't like people having "fun". Sin and wickedness aren't fun. He is against these things because He knows the heavy toll they take and the heavy burden they bring. Sin is not really fun because it corrupts, robs, it steals, and it keeps people in depressing darkness. 

 Our Father hates sin so much that He actually did something about it. He sent His Son to die as the substitutionary sacrifice for sin and the sins of all mankind. God has dealt with the sin problem once and for all. Jesus became the Lamb of God. He bore all the judgment, the penalty, the punishment, and wrath in His body on that tree. The amazingly Good News is that the Work is Finished and God has fully accepted this work once and for all time.

 With this foundation laid, let's ask the question, is God presently, sending wrathful judgment upon earth to punish the rebellious, the wicked, the depraved, the disobedient? Is God sending disasters to punish man's sins? Is God executing harsh judgment on mankind? The answer is clear in the Word;

  And their sins and their Lawless deeds I will no longer remember. Now where there is forgiveness of these things, an offering for sin is no longer required. Hebrews 10:17-18 NASB

 The clear and uncompromised answer is no, God is not sending disasters on mankind to punish them. If God sends any plague or pestilence on earth to punish sins then that means God is not pleased with the sacrifice of Christ. For God to send tsunamis, tragedy and turbulent times on man as a result of their present sins then that is a statement that Jesus' work was incomplete, insufficient and inadequate in paying the complete price for all mankind's sin and wrongdoing. 

 We know from the Word, the victorious and triumphant resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His present moving among the Body of Christ in signs wonders and manifestations that Jesus is Lord. That He has won. That He perfectly procured our salvation and paid the price in full.

 Look, in a fallen and fractured creation, sadly catastrophes, cataclysm and calamity occur. Famine, floods, and fire can ravage lands and destroy homes and businesses. Don't become despaired or depressed at this realization. Jesus has not forgotten us. He can intervene, He can help restore, and He comforts in loss. Now He didn't ordain or cause the destruction but He can turn it for our good.

 In summation, God is a Good Father. He is satisfied with Jesus' once for all sacrifice. He is not sending doom and despair on man for their sins. He is also not speaking forth from the mouth of self proclaimed prophets that He is sending disasters because of sins in a particular country. 

 God is pleased with Jesus and He is pleased with you His Church. God is also reconciled the world through Christ. In other words, He isn't mad at them. He wants them to know the price has been paid and wants them to freely receive new life, a new nature, and eternity with Him. Let's share the Good News with a lost and dying world. 

Image by from Pixabay 

Monday, July 4, 2022

The Great Misunderstanding

10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting a yoke on the necks of the disciples, such as neither our forefathers nor we [ourselves] were able to endure? 11 But we believe that we are saved through the grace (the undeserved favor and mercy) of the Lord Jesus, just as they [are]. Acts 15:10-11 AMPC  

 The Gospel has been revealed more and more to this generation than ever before. It has become more apparent and more evident that this Gospel is truly about the Lord Jesus Christ. A true move of God has filled all the earth.

 Believers from all quarters of the Body of Christ are receiving this move of God. Believers from traditional, mainline denominational backgrounds to believers from Pentecostal, and Charismatic Word of Faith camps are all embracing this powerful move of God. This move is the restoration of the truth of what the Gospel is. The Gospel is the Grace of God proclaimed and manifested in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

 Grace has turned the world upside down again. People are seeing it's about Jesus, not our pledges, promises, or performance. It's not about our promises to do better, to behave better, to do more for Him. It's not about our pledges of loyalties, or how well we perform in our daily lives. It's about Grace. It's about what Jesus has done, fully accomplished, and how the Father has received and accepted this Finished Work once for all time.

 Grace has overturned the proverbial tables of tradition and man-made works and idols of man. Believers are seeing things that have been taught for generations through the lens of Grace. Ministers and believers alike are seeing things from a new perspective, a Grace perspective. In this process, let's not throw away truth but examine truth with Grace, and let's not get into strife with other believers who may not see it the way we do.

 I am not speaking of end-time teachings, for there is no set end-time teaching that is hand stamped as the Grace view. Even among the differing views of end times, I see Grace being shared with those who disagree and all coming to common ground. Jesus is coming again we can all rejoice with that. 

 I am speaking of the truths of the Gospel that many are now seeing being opened up. The eternal security of the believer, the truth that it is Jesus who started the work and Jesus alone who will complete it. The other is concerning this issue of our giving. The subject of the tithe.

 A Word of Faith minister with a major platform has come forth with the Gospel light of Grace concerning our giving. This minister from the Atlanta, GA area, whom this site links to, has made headlines concerning the teaching of tithing. I believe along with this minister that tithing and giving have been a source of great misunderstanding in the Body of Christ.

 This Grace resource site has written extensively on the subject of tithing wherein all the Scriptures concerning tithing and the objections for and against it are expounded on in depth. You can see them and study them for yourself, New Covenant tithing, redeemed, under Grace, tithing for today, giving or tithing, Tithe to be blessed, all these will help you go deeper in the Word concerning our giving.

 I affirm and agree with this Pastor that tithing is not a command for the New Covenant believer in Christ. I agree with what Paul declared in 2 Corinthians 9. 

 each one, according as he doth purpose in heart, not out of sorrow or out of necessity, for a cheerful giver doth God love, 2 Corinthians 9:7 YLT

 The word necessity is crucial in discussing this topic. Look at the Greek definition here;

ἀνάγκη (anankē)

Strong: G318

GK: G340

necessity, Mt. 18:7; constraint, compulsion, 2 Cor. 9:7; obligation of duty, moral or spiritual necessity, 

See that the definition of the word is constraint or compulsion. That's addressing the manipulative gimmick tactics employed sadly by some ministries in order to get one to give. For purpose of this study, we want to focus on the latter definition. 

 Obligation and spiritual necessity are the antithesis of Grace. A gift is not obligatory. Those are two counter concepts. Some warn against preaching against the tithe, why? 

 If tithing is under Grace, that is ten percent of all you earn, then that means you are under obligation to bring this amount of financial resource to a ministry. If tithing is under Grace then that means something is required of you. That means your giving is of necessity. 

 You can't do enough mental gymnastics to make 2 Corinthians 9 equate tithing as grace giving. Secondly, before we continue let's make a really vital point. Those who preach Grace and claim tithing is still required, don't fully define what it means to tithe. 

 To tithe means you bring ten percent of your increase. That means you are required to tithe on gross, not net income. Some would argue no that's tithing under Law. Abraham tithed before Law. True, but he only did that one time. He didn't tithe from his income either, he tithed from the spoils of war. He didn't keep anything for himself. How is this a model for us to give then? He didn't give anything from his own income. Read it again in Genesis 14

 Some would say what about Jacob? That's great you mentioned him. His giving meets Paul's words. Jacob on his own, without compulsion or necessity, chose to offer God a tenth of what He gave him. 

 Back to the word necessity. If as it's taught that tithing causes a financial blessing, then in order to be blessed it would therefore be necessary to give ten percent. Hence, that would be the definition of spiritual necessity. So in essence the Cross forgives, makes new, and heals our bodies, but our ten percent, not Christ Finished Work, is the source of our blessing materially.

 What about the widows, and single mothers in the inner cities in America? What about the destitute and downtrodden in third-world nations? They literally do not have enough income to give away ten percent. What? Is God beholding them with arms folded in stern disappointment speaking over them, stop being poor, give me ten percent and I'll help you? 

 How is this the Gospel of Grace?! Fear of bucking tradition, fear of disagreeing with a leader, and ignorance of what the Bible actually says is why people fight this revelation. 

  I love and highly honor the Grace pastors who have brought forth Gospel truths that have changed my life. I love them and again honor them, however, they're not my Savior, Jesus is. It's ok to disagree with the particular light they have on a topic. 

 Is tithing the source of blessing? I say no it is not. Jesus and the Finished Work is our source. Abraham gave a tenth not to get blessed, he was already blessed. We don't give to get blessed. We give because we are already blessed. We give in response to how we've been blessed already.

 There is no condemnation or judgment for not giving ten percent. God only asks we give in response to His Love and Goodness poured out upon us. Give cheerfully, not out of some spiritual necessity. Give not in fear, or concern that you won't be blessed if you don't. 

Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7 

 In summation, let's be clear and faithful to actual Scripture. Tithing isn't a command for believers, isn't an expected practice today, isn't an expression of Grace giving. Tithing is an Old Covenant requirement. Christ is our source of blessing, not our donations. God's not mad at you! Give knowing that.   

Image courtesy of jannoon028 at

Monday, June 20, 2022

Grace vs Law: the Woman caught in adultery

 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 MEV

 We've been in a series contrasting Grace and Law. We've been seeing how the Gospels have hidden gems found in the parables, miracles, and even the temptation of Christ, confirming how the Law is finished and fulfilled and Grace has come. The Gospels confirm Jesus is the person of Grace.

 Jesus is the King of Kings! He is the Lord of all! Jesus is the Savior, He paid the price for all mankind. What a Savior! He's strong to deliver! He is worthy of every crown for the way He saved us and for the way He Loves us so unconditionally! This Grace is what's worthy of all praise and adoration and accolades. Grace leaves no place for our works, our achievements, our performance, our doing, our disciplines taking center stage, or seeking recognition. 

 We exalt Jesus and His Grace. We look at what He's done and stand amazed and in awe of what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ. When Grace becomes more real than anything we can do we will lift Jesus higher and begin to truly see just how great He is. 

 When we look at the woman caught in adultery we see Grace overshadowing Law. John's Gospel records this powerful event. The woman was caught committing sin, sexual sin. She couldn't deny it. She was guilty as accused. Shame and indecency and ruined reputation were glaring bright in her mind and emotions. 

 She was brought out into public for all to see. She, by Law, was facing possible death by stoning. These accusers had stones in their hands. The stones were representative of the Law, which is the ministry of death and condemnation. The Law was poised to execute severe judgment. But Jesus, who is God in the flesh, the very one who wrote the Law, came to fulfill and reveal a new and living way.

 The Ministry of Righteousness exceeds the ministry of death and condemnation. Where the Law had some ready to stone her, Jesus revealed the true weight of the Law and its true purpose and intent. We see Jesus writing on the ground. Much debate is made as to what He wrote.

 I believe it's simple what Jesus was writing. Jesus is God manifest among us. His writing represents the writing of the commandments on stone by the finger of God Himself. In essence, He's telling the religious, don't quote Law to me, I AM He that wrote it. 

 Jesus then makes the masterful statement He who is without sin cast the first stone. He gave these accusers the full weight of the Law. They saw their own weakness and flaws and their need for mercy and not judgment. One by one they left dropping those stones. 

 Jesus then comes to her and asks where are her accusers? Is there anyone left to condemn you? She responded no one, Lord. Jesus then gives her the full weight of His Grace; 

When Jesus had stood up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are your accusers? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”  John 8:10-11 MEV

Jesus and His Grace give the gift of no condemnation. This is the ministry that exceeds in glory. This is the ministry of Righteousness. The ministry where Jesus is the central figure of our trust, our hope, and all our worship and adoration. 

 The ministry of death and condemnation is the ministry of Law. What's of interest to note is the fact that Paul tells us this ministry of law, though it is condemning and brings death, still has glory. This is something we must understand.

 Churches and ministries that preach mixture may have powerful meetings. They may have wonderful charitable outreaches. They may win the lost and even spread the message of salvation through Christ around the globe. Yet they are ministering death and condemnation and don't even grasp that they are.

 I have seen some spectacular miracles and signs and wonders that would leave you in awe and amazement at our loving Savior's power and might. I have seen God heal bodies that were beyond help medically. I have seen recreative miracles where people have gotten out of wheelchairs and are now walking. These were in ministries that preached mixture strongly.

 Why is this? God is not giving His approval of mixture. It's just that there was a glory to the ministry of condemnation. Knowing what Jesus has done for us in the Finished Work, how much more glory should we be expecting and seeing under the ministry of Righteousness?

 The ministry of Righteousness exceeds in glory. God meets people right where they are. He shows up in the very midst of their sin and problems bringing Grace and restoration. Religious ones who cling to Law only know to grab stones when addressing anyone's failures.

 Going through a divorce? Tradition only knows to grab stones and forbid you to ever marry again. They are stoning you figuratively, killing your chance of ever finding a peaceful Godly marriage.

 Struggling with addiction? The stone throwers will "kill" any chance of finding forgiveness and acceptance as the stigma of addiction will always be present with them. God can't keep forgiving you and other such lies being spoken over you.

 A minister that has failed? The stones come strong and swift. You'll never be allowed to minister again. God could never use you again. 

 The Law becomes stones in the hands of the religious poised to accuse and condemn at a moment's notice. Grace has hands that stoop down to pick up the downtrodden, not stone them. Grace brings with it the gift of no condemnation which empowers us to go and sin no more.

 When Jesus arose victoriously, the stone was rolled away. The stone made way for the new and living way. The Law being fulfilled gave way to the true glorious ministry of life and Righteousness. 

 For one to find lasting peace, wholeness and fulfillment look only to the Cross of Christ. Behold His glorious Resurrection. Set your affections and heart desires only upon Him and see how He is your all and all. There is nothing He won't do for you. There is nothing His Grace can't overcome and bring forth victory. There is nothing you've done or could do that would stop God from working on your behalf. If He died for you while you were His enemy how much more will He do for you now that you're His child? 

 In summation, Grace is greater. Grace outshines Law. Throw away the stones and be a channel of healing and forgiveness and restoration. Our hope is built upon His Righteousness not our own.

Image by Angi Yowell from Pixabay 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Grace versus Law

 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 MEV

 Grace is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not a theological topic. It is not simply another Bible subject that we study like many others but has no actual application in our lives. It is not a new fad or trend. 

 In many quarters of the Body of Christ, especially those in Spirit-filled circles, often spiritual topics become trendy or faddish for a season. For instance, spiritual warfare was a flashy trend in the early to mid-1990s. Don't misunderstand, there is a spiritual truth concerning spiritual warfare, but during this phase, it was emphasized in such a way that it was turned into a fad or trend, and Christians after a time lost interest.

 Grace is not a fad or a trend. Although I will be the first to admit around 2010 to nearly 2018 Grace seemed to be a trend and fad in many church circles. In truth part of this was religious tradition's response to God actually bringing the truth of Grace back to the forefront of Christianity. Many Christian circles got excited about Grace. However, now that the trend is waning can we say we still keep Grace at the forefront?

 Understand, Grace is not waning. Grace is the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus is the person of Grace manifested here on earth. Grace is our life in the Spirit, without Grace we will default back to works. Don't allow Grace to be a mere trend or fad. 

 With this understanding, it seemed good to begin a new series of studies concerning Grace and Law. God has opened my eyes to even more illustrations of His Grace versus the Old Covenant Law. God has revealed in His Word that when Jesus came the Law was becoming obsolete and ready to be fulfilled once for all time.

 The challenge of fully embracing Grace is the default setting of man to return to toil and labor in order to gain God's approval. We see it all around us. We see some believers as more special, or more accepted than others. When a fellow Christian is sick, many seem to conclude because of the person's works they "deserve" to be healed. We are flowing in a mixture of Grace and Law when we embrace such thinking.

 Grace is the way of the New Covenant. The entire New Covenant is rooted in Grace. This New Covenant is cut between the Father and the Son. Those who receive it by simple Faith believing are the beneficiaries. This New Covenant then is based on Jesus' performance and works never, not at any time, is it based on our own. It's Grace from beginning to end. Those proclaiming God's provisions under the New are conditional, are blinded by tradition and are still preaching Old Covenant Law.

 Some may say, that's absurd, that the covenant is between the Father and the Son. Let the Word reveal an illustration for you. In 2 Samuel we see the perfect illustration of this.  David had made a covenant between himself and Jonathon. David, wanting to honor that covenant sought out those of the house of Saul. He found out about Mephibosheth and brought him to his abode. He provided freely all things for him and put him at the king's table to feast. What covenant did Mephibosheth personally make with David? 

 He made none. Mephibosheth simply was the beneficiary of a covenant cut between David and Jonathon. That is a perfect illustration of Grace and this New Covenant. 

 Yet through religious traditions, many still think we have a part to play. Under performance-based faith, if we were Mephibosheth we'd say "gotta get busy earning my place at the king's table." If we made a mess, we'd say "I can't sit at the King's table." We would disqualify ourselves.

 In the 1980s musical Annie, a film adapted from the comic strip, we see the title character upon arriving at the mansion of Mr. Warbucks, where she has been offered a week of luxury, immediately grab a scrub brush and bucket. She tries to work and is promptly stopped. She is reminded she is there as a guest. She is there, not based on her merit but on Mr. Warbuck's. She responds by asking how will she earn her time there?

 Isn't this the picture of Christians? We have been given the provision of eternal life. The God kind of life. The life that is never ending and finds its fulfillment in Him. He is our Righteousness, we are no longer in rags of self-righteousness but clothed in robes of Righteousness. We are now accepted and approved based on Christ, not ourselves. What is our response? Grab the proverbial scrub brush and bucket and go to work earning this robe. 

 Think of this great Grace. What could you do to earn a place in God's Kingdom? You were an enemy of God, to begin with. What condition could be placed on you then? You weren't in any place to meet expectations or demands. What could you offer to God that would allow you to gain acceptance and approval? This is why Grace IS the Gospel. Jesus is our acceptance and approval. Jesus is the Grace of God manifest.

 In summation, Grace is the New Covenant. Works, performance, and conditional provision are all Old Covenant. Let's begin to reprogram our thinking and train ourselves to default to Grace and not to performance. Let's honor Jesus' once for all sacrifice and this New Covenant of Grace and Righteousness. 

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Jesus: Grace and Truth or Religion and Tradition?

Dear friend,  I pray that in every way you may prosper and be in good health,  just as your soul is prospering. 3 John 2 MOUNCE

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

 As always, proclaiming the Goodness of God is at the heart of all these teachings. In studying Luke's Gospel concerning healing and God's role in it, it seemed good to conclude by focusing on the truth that Jesus alone is our qualification to receive anything from God. However, it seemed better by the Lord to revisit this passage one more time.

Through this focus on the 13th chapter of Luke's Gospel, we've seen some powerful truths expounded on. We've seen that religious tradition sees healing as some work, that it must be earned. We've seen that healing is a New Covenant right of the believer because of Jesus' Finished Work of Redemption. We've seen who the author of sickness and disease is, the enemy, satan, never God. We have seen that Jesus is our qualification to receive healing, not our behavior or anything we do.

 In concluding this study of the healing of the woman in the Synagogue, the Lord highlighted the words the religious leader spoke here;

But the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath; and he said to the crowd, “There are six days on which men ought to work; therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the Sabbath day.”  Luke 13:14 NKJV

 Take note, look closely at the words here. See the reaction of this leader. A woman with a crippling infirmity, a painful condition that had her hunched over for eighteen years was instantly healed and made whole. Was the leader's words something like this?

 "Oh God of Israel, in your hand is to make great and give strength unto all. In your hand comes blessings and wholeness. We thank Thee O' God for in your hand is healing. We thank Thee for removing this crippling condition in our midst!"

 No, they weren't. No praises to the Most High for such a miracle was offered. Instead, we see that this leader answered this healing not with thankfulness and praise but with indignation! He was highly displeased, angry and vexed. 

 Traditional religion cared more for their tradition than this woman's healing and wholeness. Religion cares not how much suffering they allow only that their rules, regulations, and statutes are seen and observed. Religion and tradition are always in opposition to God's Love, Goodness, and Grace.

  making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.” Mark 7:13 NKJV

 There is no difference today. We still see pain and suffering, sickness and disease, and poverty and lack in this fallen world. God raises up men and women of God who reveal God's heart for Goodness and blessings and wholeness and religion raises up angrily. They call anyone who dares teach that God willingly heals, makes whole, and blesses today a heretic and false teacher. 

 Religion and tradition teach the age of miracles has ceased. They say healing and miracles were only for the beginning of the Church. Once we have the Bible we no longer need healing and miracles. What does God say?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NKJV  

 Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and always for all time. Jesus has never changed. Jesus healed the sick, made the lame walk, made the blind see, made the deaf hear, and brought deliverance to any captive. Here's the Good News, Jesus is still doing this today! Jesus isn't looking for you to earn or deserve wholeness, He only asks for you to simply believe. Disregard religion and tradition, it's already yours in Christ.

 Religion and tradition teach that God is the author or allower of sickness and disease and disaster and death. That He willingly afflicts for some mysterious purpose. Jesus' life and ministry disprove this unquestionably. Jesus is God manifest in flesh. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the enemy. Jesus is God's perfect will in action. God is for us not against us. He is a Good God always and at all times!

 Religion and tradition have no answer for tragedy, turmoil, and trauma. They insist God is sovereign, and controlling all things therefore He must have allowed or ordained the tragic event. 

 This world is a fallen and fractured creation. There is also an outlaw defeated devil running loose. Mankind has free will and the right to choose good or evil. This is why we see such suffering on this planet. This has never been God's best nor has it ever been His perfect will. 

 The Word gives us hope in this world;

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 NKJV

 This is such good news in a fallen and fractured creation. Even though affliction exists God is there bringing deliverance and restoration. We can trust God in this fallen world.

 Religion and tradition only have faith in the many afflictions of the righteous. They see it all around them. They only speak death, disease, and defeat with their mouths. They have no Faith in His deliverance. They actually fight the notion that the Lord delivers us out of these afflictions. 

 In order to overcome these traditions, we must stay grounded in the Word of God, the Word of Christ our Lord. We must feed on the Word and see Jesus and His Goodness from Genesis to Revelation. We rightly divide the Word by the Old and New Covenant and see Jesus as our anchor and guide to walk in all truth and to grow up and mature in Him.

 We must also not give attention to these religious traditions of men. This doesn't mean we separate from other believers. This doesn't mean we judge and accuse others. This doesn't mean we count other believers as our enemy.

Grace vs Nihilism 

 In not giving attention to the traditions of men, we must not come to a place where we embrace a diluted form of nihilism. What am I referring to? Let's look at the Merriam-Webster definition of nihilism;

a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless

a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths

summed up-the belief that traditional morals, ideas, beliefs, etc., have no worth or value

 In the circles that have embraced Grace as the Gospel there exist individuals, ministers, and laypeople alike, who because of feeding on erroneous sources have concluded all they ever heard is of no value. Going to church is of no value. Giving is of no value. Being a part of a fellowship is of no value. Listening to the Word preached or personal Bible study is of no value. Finally, living morally is of no value.

 Let's be clear embracing Grace, receiving the truth of His all the time Goodness, rejecting religious tradition, is not an embrace of a diluted nihilistic world view. Embracing Grace doesn't mean all that was ever taught us has no value. Just filter out any performance-rooted mindsets and rejoice in all the truths of the Word.

 In summation, let God be true and every man a liar. God's a Good Father and wants our best. The world is a fallen creation. There are bad things as a result. That doesn't mean God created it or ordained it. Let's stay in the center, and relinquish any lies of the world, the enemy, religious tradition, and the flesh. Stay with Grace and truth and not with religion.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Must we qualify for God to bless us or to receive healing?


Dear friend,  I pray that in every way you may prosper and be in good health,  just as your soul is prospering. 3 John 2 MOUNCE

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

Healing is a subject with much controversy and many questions. In detailing the redemptive work of healing in Jesus' ministry Luke's Gospel reveals much concerning God's will and heart concerning healing. Jesus makes known His heart toward the afflicted and properly identifies who is responsible for the affliction.

 In Luke's Gospel the 13th chapter we see the kindness and compassion of our Father at work through Jesus. Amongst the crowd in the Synagogue, Jesus finds the one afflicted and brings His healing Grace and removes the crippling infirmity. Just like this woman here, God sees you. He sees you in your circumstance and situation and He is there ministering life, healing, and wholeness to you, simply because He loves you. 

 This passage reveals much about God's will concerning wholeness. It reveals that religious tradition sees healing as a work. Something that must be earned. It reveals Jesus declaring the woman ought to be made whole. He saw healing as a Covenant right. It also revealed Jesus identifying the one responsible for affliction and torment as satan and not God. In concluding this look at Luke 13 look once again at Jesus' words to the religious leaders; 

So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound—think of it—for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?”  Luke 13:16 NKJV

 Jesus declared this woman ought to be healed? Why? Because she was a daughter of Abraham. Of course, there are Covenant rights at work but looking closer Jesus is also speaking of her identity. 

 By revealing her identity, Jesus also revealed her qualifications to receive. The Abrahamic Covenant is a shadow of the New Covenant. The New Covenant is a Covenant cut between Jesus and the Father. Those who simply believe become the benefactors of a beautiful Covenant that reveals just how much God our Daddy loves us. 

 Building on the concept that traditional religion espouses that healing is a work, it is even more clear that they view all of the goodness of God as received by only those who qualify. Sadly many ministries, even those who believe in God's willingness to heal or bring blessings, have also embraced this concept. So much so their teachings have become mere instructions on how to qualify and not on how to receive.

 What are the qualifications to receive healing or blessings from God? To qualify to receive one must be completely sinless, without fault or errors, perfect in all their dealings in business, and with family. One must be faithful in all things, in essence, 100% perfection, 100% of the time. Who then qualifies? Only Jesus!

 This is why this New Covenant is based solely on the work and faithfulness of Jesus. Because Jesus is the only one that qualifies, He is the only one, who based on His work and performance, could ask with complete confidence and boldly receive. Therefore, we who believe in Him should base our receiving on His performance alone.

 Traditional-minded ministers and believers, and those still convinced that they play some part in their receiving of blessings, look to, and lean on Old Covenant qualifiers to receive from God; 

 “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today...Deuteronomy 28:1a NKJV

 and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes...Exodus 15:26a NKJV

I have heard whole messages based upon the beginning qualifiers of these passages. Note the qualifications. If you do, if you observe, if you heed. These are all based upon your obedience, your performance, your behavior.

 Can you imagine a gospel message that began this way? You will be saved eternally only if you diligently obey. You will be eternally saved only if you do what is right in God's sight. Who then would be saved?

 The Old Covenant was a covenant made between God and man. Its fault was found in man's inability to keep it. That was the whole point of it, to reveal man's need for a Savior. To show us we can't ever earn or achieve His blessings or His healing. 

 Yet in light of His Grace, His Finished Work of Redemption, and the Father's great Love, ministers still insist we play a part in receiving the blessings and Goodness of God. They stand by these Old Covenant qualifiers and put them on New Covenant children of God. 

 They claim we need to do more to receive. We need to do it exactly right and it must be done long enough to achieve healing, wholeness, and blessings. It's no longer about Jesus alone, but our added works, performance, faithfulness, and behavior. 

 Think of it. How much do we need to do to qualify to receive His Goodness, His Love, His blessings, His benefits, and the Healing He procured for us? Is it spending enough time in personal Bible study? Is it spending hours a day in prayer? Is it abstaining from all sinful habits and deeds? Just how much is enough? How will we know when we've done enough to qualify? 

 The fact we pray in Jesus' name eliminates all these erroneous concepts about trying to qualify to receive. When we ask in Jesus' name we are coming to the Father and basing our receiving on Jesus' Goodness, faithfulness, and performance alone not our own. We come to God based solely on Jesus' track record never ours.

 We need to abide in the New Covenant and stop trying to live under the illusion of dual covenants. God didn't institute the New, ratified by Jesus' blood, only to require us to still observe the statutes, regulations, and requirements of the Old. Jesus has triumphantly given us a new and living way in relating to our Father and how we receive from Him. 

 Jesus has made the Old obsolete and it, therefore, has passed away. Behold the New has come. We must stop resurrecting it so we can keep giving believers qualifiers to receive. 

In summation, let's cease from placing believers under the Law and Old Covenant every time they come to God in prayer to receive from Him. Jesus is our qualification to receive all God has for us. Jesus alone is why we can receive healing and wholeness and blessing. Let's put our Faith and complete trust in Jesus' Faith and Finished Work and receive all God has procured for us based upon Jesus' faithfulness and performance and not our own. 

Monday, January 10, 2022

Healing Grace: Divine Healing, a gift we receive or work we earn and achieve?

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,  not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV

 God is a Good Father. The Scriptures testify to this. The life of Christ Jesus confirms this. His great Grace reveals this. 

 One of the most beautiful and loving aspects of His Goodness is His willingness to heal sickness, disease, and infirmities. He so longs to bring healing and wholeness that He doesn't just will it, He actually purchased our healing in the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. Healing is in the Finished Work of Christ. 

 Many believers and ministers would readily agree. God's will is healing. Where there exists a division is how this healing is received. 

 As we revisit a familiar passage concerning divine healing I want to point out something the Lord revealed to me about Healing, Jesus, and you. Let's look again at the 13th chapter of Luke's Gospel.

10 Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. 11 And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. 12 But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” 13 And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. Luke 13:10-13 NKJV

 Such Goodness and Grace. Jesus saw the woman afflicted and brought healing. This is God's perfect will in operation. God was glorified not because she was sick but because she was healed and whole and now free from her infirmity.

 Unlike the modern preachers who teach and proclaim God only desires our holiness and not happiness, Jesus demonstrated God's will was otherwise. Notice the woman with the infirmity didn't reason this was God's best for her. Notice she didn't reason God is sovereign and He must have wanted her afflicted for instruction's sake. Note she didn't reason that her best life isn't now but when she's in Heaven. No to all of man's traditions, she saw the mercy, Love, and Goodness of God in present power and demonstration and freely received, and you can too.

 Now the religious leaders here weren't angry about God's healing power. They weren't in denial of God's willingness to heal. They weren't preaching like the modern ministers who believe suffering and despair are all we can expect in this life. No none of these things upset them. What did?

 14 But the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation, because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath; and he said to the crowd, “There are six days on which men ought to work; therefore come and be healed on them, and not on the Sabbath day.”15 The Lord then answered him and said, “Hypocrite! Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall, and lead it away to water it? 16 So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound—think of it—for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?” Luke 13:14-16 NKJV 

 Jesus' healing on the Sabbath really upset these leaders. Why? It cut cross-grain to their understanding of the Law. They believed God could heal, but apparently, there are certain stipulations. Then these leaders said something that the Lord really highlighted to me that I had not considered much.

 These leaders respond to Jesus' healing with an admonition to heal only on non-Sabbath days. Why? Look at what they said again. There are six days when men should work, come on those days, and find healing. Never mind they couldn't tap into God's healing power for 18 years and bring help, but look closer at their words.

 They speak of six days and work. What is the significance of this? Six is the number of man. Work means to toil. The Holy Spirit was so perfect in including this discourse for it shows how some religious men see healing. 

 This is what the Spirit highlighted to me. You see it isn't enough to just believe God is Good and healing is made available. It's vital to know and understand how we receive this healing.

 These leaders relegated healing to workdays only. This means they saw healing as some form of work. If we really define work we can see how the religious tradition of man has disqualified so many from receiving healing. 

 To work means to labor to attain something. If we are laboring to attain something then that which we are working for is not a gift. We don't attain a gift, we freely receive a gift. Religion sees healing as a work to attain, Jesus sees healing as a gift, and a gift can't be attained but only received. Healing is a gift we receive not a work achieved. 

 Think of it, work is about a wage earned not a gift received. If you are basing receiving healing upon anything but what Jesus did then you are attempting to earn what is only freely received. If you're laboring, or working, or performing then you aren't freely receiving.

 Jesus became a curse for us when He hung on that tree. He bore the curse of sickness and disease. Because He became a curse we are redeemed from the curse. That's the only way we are redeemed from sickness. Not by our performance, not by our works, not by our doing, it's only by freely receiving this gift of perfect redemption will we experience healing.

 Preachers today will agree God heals willingly. Yet they still see healing as a work achieved. They will say if you're unfaithful, unloving, unforgiving, acting unrighteous then you can't be healed. They see redemption as a reward for good behavior. They see redemption as a work attained. This is simply the religious traditions of men. You can receive because Jesus was made a curse and because He bore your sickness and disease. He doesn't require your goodness or perfect performance, He just asks you to believe.

 In summation, healing is a work of Grace and redemption and has nothing to do with man's goodness or faithfulness. Healing is not a work that needs to be labored for to be attained. Healing is a gift to be received. Jesus became a curse to redeem us from the curse. We experience this redemption not by our works but by His work alone. He is worthy of all our praise and adoration. Thanks be to God for His Goodness and Grace.  


Image by Monika Grafik from Pixabay