Showing posts with label Identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Identity. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Another Mistaken idea: Generational curses

keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:7 NKJV

Are you struggling with sin? Are you not walking in victory in some area of your life? Are you experiencing setbacks and discouragement over and over? Are you suffering through a tragic loss? Then you may have a generational curse that needs to be broken. 

 What exactly is a generational curse? I am not really 100% sure myself but apparently if your great grandparents sinned, then you are also suffering for their deeds. Also apparently receiving the free gift of Grace, trusting in Christ alone, is not enough to be free.

 Although I am being a little tongue in cheek, this idea of curses is a serious one that has held many Christians in bondage. Is the reason they are experiencing hard times because of a generational curse? Sadly, some teach this and some believe it. 

 Some Christian ministries are teaching the concept of generational curses. Teaching things like, the reason you haven't received healing is because of a generational curse. Unanswered prayer? That's a generational curse. Preachers are peddling this notion of generational curses to sell books and are profiting off the misery of the saints. It's not right and it's not edifying the Body of Christ.

 Several years ago, my family experienced a tragic loss, my child was lost in the womb. When I went to church, a sincere and well-meaning but highly misinformed woman came to me and said perhaps the baby was lost because there was a generational curse involved. Not the most encouraging thing to hear, but I responded with Grace and walked away. This is the fruit of this teaching.

 Let me be clear, the concept of generational curses is a mistaken idea that has no basis in the New Covenant. Our text reveals what people call a generational curse. Yet they fail to keep it in context and to who the audience addressed was. 

 This concept was introduced during the exodus from Egypt to the promised land. This was to be the punishment for the sin of idolatry. This of course was before Christ came and paid the price for mankind. What is most interesting is the proponents of this mistaken idea also exclude God's clear words to the nation of Israel by the Prophet Ezekial

 God already ceased from the generational cursing business before the cross. He clearly says God holds the person accountable for their sins, not their children. God is a personal God, not a distant deity. He is not unjust.

 The real issue with the notion of "generational curses" is that it diminishes the work of Christ on the Cross. This concept says Jesus' Finished Work is insufficient. That Christ's shed blood is weak and not powerful enough to cleanse us from all sin and its effects. That Jesus' redemptive work at Calvary was unable to completely redeem us from any and all curses. That the New Creation is an incomplete work and we need something additional to be completely free.

 Some would say, ok maybe for Christians but come on, sinners, those without Christ surely have curses in their life. Have you not read where John says Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world? Even the lost are not punished with curses. Of course, the lost experience consequences for sins and don't have peace in their life until they receive Jesus' free gift but these aren't curses from God.

 The reason Christians can accept notions like "generational curses" is because they are uninformed and misinformed about the cross. They really don't understand what transpired on that tree. At the cross, Christ exchanged our old sinful nature with His perfect nature, we are partakers of His divine nature. Christ exchanged our unrighteousness for His perfect Righteousness. Christ perfectly redeemed us from the curse. He became something He never was, so we could become something we've never been. 

 He cleansed us, healed us, redeemed us, forgave us, and made it possible for whosoever will to become a child of God. The reality of the New Creation destroys the concept of generational curses. In Christ, all things are made new and all of the old is passed. Not just a part but all.

 In summation, reject any teaching or doctrine that tries to diminish the work of Jesus. That teaches there are additional steps you must take after accepting Jesus in order to find freedom and victory. The Cross was enough!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Theology of sickness and disease: Paul's thorn, are sickness and disease God's method of instruction for the believer?


how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

Dear Friend, I pray that in every way you may prosper and be in good health,  just as your soul is prospering. 3 John 2 Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament 

God is a Good Father, He's a good Daddy. He is so loving and compassionate. He is merciful and His kindness exceeds all expectations and surpasses all of our understanding. He is so gracious especially when we don't deserve it. 

 This is an area we must never compromise in. We must stand firm and stand strong in this truth. God is a Good God all the time. If He is Good all the time, then we must also understand that He isn't the author of any evil or affliction.

 Mankind through personal experience, through the motivation of control, because of unbelief and a stagnant faith, form, and fashion traditions. These traditions of men seek to explain their situation, circumstance, or experience. They also seek ways to interpret their apparent lack of power to change the situation, by placing all the blame on God's shoulders. Things like He wasn't willing, the age of miracles has passed, God never promised any victory this side of Heaven.
 These traditions are utilized often when one experiences sickness and disease. The theology of sickness and disease declares God is glorified when Christians are sick. It declares that God punishes or disciplines believers with sickness. It declares that God sends sickness to show His power. It declares God also sends sickness to teach us or instruct us.

 These are the traditions of men. My Bible tells me God is Love. The Word also tells me Love doesn't take pleasure in evil. God's Word also reveals Jesus' attitude about sickness and disease. He saw it as a curse, as something evil. God is Love, and love delights not in evil, and sickness is evil, therefore we must conclude rightly that God has nothing whatsoever to do with sickness and disease. 

 The only relation God has with sickness and disease is healing those who are afflicted. God removes sickness any opportunity He gets. Jesus bore mankind's sickness and disease on that tree. He became a curse to redeem us from the curse. 

 Speaking of these traditions, this concept that God instructs us with sickness cuts cross-grain of what we know of Jesus. Yet why do some accept this as truth? Many have a misunderstood view of Paul and the thorn in his flesh. You can see this entire account Paul recounts here

 From this passage in 2 Corinthians, many traditions have come forth. To see a detailed study of this entire account in Paul's life that lists all the traditions associated with Paul's thorn and provides answers to each of them that will bring clarity and a further understanding look here. One of the traditions I will briefly address is the idea that Paul was made sick to teach him.

 Religious tradition declares this thorn in the flesh is sickness. They will say Galatians prove this. He told them to look at such a large letter he wrote them. They take that as literally as possible. That Paul was so blind that He wrote in giant block letters. That is an absurd interpretation. Nowhere does Paul state he was blind or had to be carried around because of poor vision.

 Look at what Paul states again. Let the Word interpret itself.
...a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me...2 Corinthians 12:7a

 Paul tells us what the thorn is right here. Yet so often, many omit what Paul states and only focus on the phrase a thorn in the flesh. They don't recognize this as a Biblical idiom. We've all used idioms at some point. It's raining cats and dogs, we literally know cats and dogs are not falling from the sky.

 We've also used idioms to explain an uncomfortable or stressful experience in dealing with a person or situation. Ever heard someone say, "that guy is a real pain in the neck"? Does that mean the one speaking has a literal pain in his neck region because of this person? Of course not. 

 God's Word also uses idioms. If we follow the Scripture you can see these types of idioms/expressions used. Here are just a few examples, here. Another place here. One more here. Proving again, this phrase is merely an idiom used to describe a situation facing Paul. 

 Again let the Word interpret itself. Paul said what this thorn was. He called it the messenger of satan. This was a demonic influence sent to disrupt Paul. This word buffet means to strike with a fist. This was not a sickness or a disease afflicting Paul. This was demonic opposition to the ministering and preaching of the Gospel of Grace. 

 Look at Paul's life, the Jewish leaders and believers would stir up opposition because Paul was teaching the multitudes Righteousness by Faith and not by works of the Law. They were resisting Grace. They were pushing self-righteousness by works. God wanted the Church to take their place as the Righteous sons of God, not keep them in bondage to the Old Covenant ministry of death.

 In light of this understanding, we can conclude that God isn't using sickness to teach us anything. Now, can we learn something while we are attacked with sickness or disease? Of course, but the sickness or disease in and of themselves are not the instruction method God has ordained.

 God is a Good God. He is a Good Daddy. God is not the author of any sickness or disease. He is not sending sickness, symptoms, plagues, or pandemics to test us, to teach us, or to train us. He has given us His Spirit within and the Word of God written to us to train and instruct us, not tragedy, trial, or tormenting illnesses.

But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own authority. But He will speak whatever He hears, and He will tell you things that are to come. John 16:13 MEV

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV
It's spelled out clearly for us by Jesus Himself and Paul. We have the Spirit to lead and guide us into truth. We have the Word of God given to us to instruct us, to equip us, to train us, and correct us. conspicuously absent in the list Paul annotates of what actually trains us, instructs us, and perfects or matures us is sickness and disease.
 In summation, we have clear passages that reveal how God instructs us. Sickness and disease are not the instruction tools of our God. Sickness and disease must be resisted. We must stand against it. Use every means supernatural and natural to see people free from it. As the Church, we represent God to this lost world. Let's show them the compassion of our God, and reveal His heart is to mend, to heal, and to make whole, always. God is a Good Father.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The theology of sickness and disease: How Good is God?

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 MEV

Dear Friend, I pray that in every way you may prosper and be in good health,  just as your soul is prospering. 3 John 2 Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament 

God is Good. God is Good all the time and in all circumstances and all situations. I will never compromise on this vital truth. This important truth is the very foundation of our Faith. 

 How could we dare place our trust in someone when we are unaware of their character? Who would follow someone not knowing anything about them? We know God because He has made Himself known. He has made Himself known by His Word and by the Word made flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Jesus is the revealed will of God. Jesus is perfect theology. What is the best theology? How about Jesus? He demonstrated the perfect Love of our Good Father. He revealed God to a lost world. 

 Now, we have the religious tradition of men clouding this clear view of God. We have traditional ideas conjured up by men making once clear waters murky. Experience and man's ideas replace what Jesus came to reveal about our Father.

 Men have exalted their experience over God's Word. They endeavor to bring God down to the level of their experience instead of trusting God to change their experience to line up with God's Word. As a result, we now have what I like to call a theology of sickness and disease. A theology that attempts to assign all suffering in this life as the will, the plan, and the purpose of God.

 This then in turn makes us ask the direct question, just how good is this God we proclaim? How good is God really? How do we then define goodness?

 The man-made theology of sovereignty and suffering makes God not truly good but assigns God as the One who chooses to afflict, to beset, to burden, to vex, to torment any and all He wills. They excuse these actions as a mysterious plan or purpose on God's part. That suffering with afflictions is somehow good. Let's really examine this closer.

 We live in a fallen fractured creation. Mankind has perpetrated great evil on one another. Yet because religion claims God is in control, does that mean God is behind it all? Is God the author of pain and tragedy?

 Many years ago in the town of Union South Carolina in the United States, a mother of two young boys strapped her kids into their car seats and plunged the car into a lake. At her trial, they recounted the time it would take for those precious children to actually drown. So I ask, in the seconds and minutes it took for these two innocent children to suffer and die was God in Heaven pleased with this incident? 

 As these two children were slowly being submerged in a watery grave, was God in Heaven declaring, this is good and right? Was He declaring I am in control of all things and this works for my glory? Was He saying this is my mysterious will at work?

 Those in tradition would cry foul, saying come now that was a sinful act of course God opposed this. Now we come to the mental gymnastics we must navigate. God is ordaining and controlling all things, but not sin? So He isn't in control of all things? Just somethings? Religion would say, no He is in control of all things but...

 See how confusing religious tradition is? Let's adopt a Jesus theology. What did Jesus do when He was on Earth? How did He express God our Father?

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 NKJV

 Jesus went about doing good. He didn't go around afflicting, or tormenting anyone. He didn't place an illness or disease on a single human. He never sent plagues or disasters on any nation or peoples.

 In the mouth of two or three witnesses will something be established, the Scripture tells us. We have zero witnesses of Jesus afflicting anyone. We really have no witness of God making people sick. Religion would point to the Old to prove otherwise. The issue is they aren't rightly dividing the Word. When we see affliction under the Old, that is the curse of the Law in action. Under Grace, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law. God is not guilty! God isn't making anyone sick or afflicted, God is Good! 

  For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village. Luke 9:56 MEV

We must reject the traditions of men who wish to assign the suffering of humanity as the handiwork of God. Some call disasters and accidents the acts of God. If we want to see the acts of God then look at the Book of Acts. Look at the Gospels. We will see the true acts of God. Lives transformed for Good. Multitudes healed and provided for. Lost souls receiving salvation, and believers being touched by the power of the Spirit.

 Is God really Good? Unequivocally the answer is yes! God is not the author of any evil or suffering or sickness or disease. Any religious leader saying God allows or wills or has a plan or purpose for sickness or disease has been deceived by the enemy and blinded by the traditions of men. Jesus went about doing good and healing all. That's who Jesus is. He is our healer and our Good Father.
 In summation, know we can fully trust God. God is a Good Father who wills our best. He wants us well. He doesn't ever plan or purpose tragedy, suffering, or torment for our life. God is Love and light. There is no darkness with Him at all. He is Good. 

Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Receiving Righteousness: Walking by sight? What are you looking at?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

Receiving of the Gift of Righteousness. We've been in an extended study of God's great Gift of Righteousness. We are examining the vital importance of not just knowing once you believe you are the Righteous, but also of actually receiving of this Gift of Righteousness in all areas of your life. 

 Righteousness received coupled with God's abundant Grace causes us to reign as kings in this life. When we receive of the Gift of Righteousness relationships are empowered to prosper and succeed. Healing and wholeness become more and more real to us and it frees us to receive apart from our works and performance.

 Today, I want to continue examining this great Gift of Righteousness and the benefits of actively receiving of it. We know who the Righteous are. Those who have trusted in Christ alone, receiving His new life and forever forgiveness. Let's look again at what Righteousness means.

 Righteousness is God's gift of no condemnation. Righteousness is that gift whereby we can stand before God without any sense of condemnation, guilt, shame, insecurity, or inferiority. Righteousness is that gift where we who believed are in perpetual right standing with God. Righteousness is that gift that grants us perfect acceptance and approval with our Heavenly Father. Righteousness is that blessing David spoke of, the person who God no longer imputes sin or uncleanness. This is the Gift of Righteousness.

 In our last two studies, we focused on the truth that when we need healing or any answer from God we need not look at ourselves. That is focusing on how many good deeds we have done. How much we prayed or gave or volunteered. No, we don't look to our goodness to receive from God but rather we focus on His Goodness alone and freely receive.

 That is amazingly good news to the weary ones who have tried to earn the blessing and Goodness of God. This frees us from trying to deserve anything from God's hands. All that the Finished Work procured and paid for is only received by Grace through Faith, not any works on our part. That said, what about the times when we sin and walk out of love?

 Some ministers may even agree that we can't "do" anything to deserve the blessing and Goodness and favor of God. However, even fewer would dare suggest that our sins would not hinder us from receiving answered prayers or blessings. Most ministries and churches agree and affirm that sins will hinder your prayer life. They will cite passages like this.

Your wickedness has deprived you of these wonderful blessings. Your sin has robbed you of all these good things. Jeremiah 5:25 NLT

So the question I simply want to ask is when it comes to answered prayer or receiving anything from God what are you looking at? Are you looking at your sins and shortcomings? Are you looking at your foul-ups? Or are you beholding Him? Are you seeing who He has made you now? Focusing on your failure or His forgiveness?

 Remember this vital truth, the wages of sin is not unanswered prayer or God withholding from you. The wages of sin is death. It was just one sin that plunged mankind into the fall and brought the curse upon this Earth. That one sin caused God to send His only Son for us all. 

 When we use Old Covenant formats for prayer requests and trying to receive anything from God we are walking by sight and not Faith. We are Righteous by Faith, not our doing. We can't undo what only Christ could do. 

We can have bold Faith even when we fail

 As Paul was accused of saying do evil that good may come, I am of course not saying let's sin even more knowing God will still answer our prayers. Sin has consequences in this life. Sin can also hurt others besides the one committing the act. Think how shattered and emotionally wounded the man or woman whose spouse committed adultery is. We aren't encouraging sin, but are magnifying this great Gift of God's Righteousness.

 Here is the too good to be true but true Good News of the Gospel. The wages of sin is death. God's gift is eternal life through Jesus. Christ paid the price for all sin. Jesus is the once for all sacrifice for sins. Jesus has forgiven our sins, past present, and future. All of our sins, even the ones we have yet to commit are already forgiven. 

14 who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins Colossians 1:14 TLB

13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. Colossians 2:13 NLT

1 John 2:12 is just as clear. As the literal Greek renders, we are forgiven of all our sins on account of His name. If God's Word says we are forgiven of all our sins, and Jesus shed blood was the price paid for our forgiveness, then we are forgiven of all of our sins forever.

 Here is another truth to look at concerning sin.

then He adds, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Hebrews 10:17 NKJV

 Not only are we forgiven of all our sins, but here, the writer of Hebrews (who I believe was Paul), referencing the Finished Work of the Cross declares that God will never remember our sins again. He will never remember our sins? What about when we sin continually? He said I will remember your sins no more. What about if I sin the same sin repeatedly? He said I will remember your sins no more.

 God said He will remember our sins no more. He didn't add an addendum or a clause that states I won't remember your sins except for the times in which you pray. If He has declared that our sins will not be remembered by Him, then how can our sins hinder our receiving from God? The Father answers prayer, blesses us, bestows favor upon us because He is Good not because we are. We can freely receive because we have been made the Righteousness of God in Christ. 

 Now we can't ignore all these passages just because they remove the harsh taskmaster image of God that so many believers have when it comes to their sin. We are seeing a pattern here in the New Covenant. He has forgiven us of all our sins. He has declared He will remember our sins no more. I think God is trying to tell us something.

 Let me add one more passage to finalize what we should be focusing on when we pray or have a need that must be supplied. Look at the amazing Good News Paul proclaimed in Romans 4. This is the happiness of those who are declared Righteous without working for it. This is the benefit of receiving of this Gift of Righteousness.

just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven And whose sins are covered;  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin. Romans 4:6-8 NKJV

 Here is the complete New Covenant view of Righteousness and our sins. God has forgiven us of all our sins, past and present and future. God because of the Cross declared He will remember our sins and iniquities no more. The Holy Spirit through Paul reveals a powerful benefit of Righteousness. That God is no longer imputing our sins to us. God has already imputed our sins on the body of Jesus on that cursed tree. God is not requiring us to also pay for our sins when Jesus paid the final price. 

What is the conclusion then? God has forgiven us forever. He has declared He will no longer remember our sins. This great Gift of Righteousness includes the too good to be true, but true great benefit of God no longer imputing our sins to our account. 

With this understanding how can anyone now declare that our sins can hinder us from receiving anything from God? Again God said He would no longer remember our sins. He didn't say I will only recall them when you pray and ask me for a blessing and you will receive that blessing in correlation to how much sin is active in your life at that moment. Thanks be to God, we are Righteous, forgiven, our sins never to be recalled and never to be imputed to our accounts again. 

 So what are you looking at in prayer? Your sins and shortcomings? Your mistakes? Your foul-ups and failures? Or are you walking by Faith and seeing your Righteousness alone? 

 In summation, when you believe you are the Righteousness of God in Christ. Your sins are forever forgiven. Your sins will never be remembered by God. Because of the Finished Work, your sins will never again be inventoryied and counted to your account. With this over-the-top goodness, you can have absolute boldness in prayer. You can come to God without shame or guilt and stand in Faith believing for whatever God has promised and provided in the Word and the Finished Work. Dare to take your place as a Righteous, accepted child of the King.  

.Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Receiving Righteousness: what about our failures?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

We have begun a new series studying Righteousness. We have seen what Righteousness is, right standing with God. We have seen who the Righteous are, those who have trusted in Christ alone. Now we are examining the importance of actually receiving of the gift of Righteousness.

 We have seen the great importance and benefit of receiving of the gift of Righteousness. For instance, receiving a brand new car is great, but profits you little if you never actually drive it. So it is with Righteousness. 

 We have seen how Righteousness received positively affects our relationships. We will continue looking at the various aspects of the Christian life that are more successful when we receive of this great gift. Today, though it seemed good to pause and address a question that many have concerning Grace and Righteousness. 

 Maybe this is new to you, this concept of Grace and Righteousness. Maybe you have heard of Righteousness but only in a religious traditional setting. Or maybe you heard of Grace but it wasn't taught well and left you with more questions than answers.

 We are the Righteousness of God in Christ. We have received the gift of perfect and complete right standing with God. We have received the gift that enables us to come before God always welcomed, always approved, and always accepted. We have received the gift that allows us to stand before God without any sense of guilt, shame, condemnation, insecurity, or inferiority. 

 Righteousness and all it encompasses is a gift. It is not a work we achieved. It is not a result of measuring up based on our good deeds outweighing our bad. It is not acquired by our performance or behavior or conduct. There are no levels of Righteousness. Either you're Righteous or you're not. Righteousness is a gift we receive not anything achieved.

 Knowing who you are, Righteous, how it is received, it is a gift and can't ever be earned, will completely answer the big question. Am I still Righteous even when I sin or fail? What about sin? What about when we fail? 

 Let me state this loud and clear. Your sin, your failures, your unrighteous deeds cannot ever undo your Righteousness in Christ. Your behavior, your conduct, your actions never made you Righteous, therefore, your behavior, conduct, or actions can never make you unrighteous.

 This is the plain truth of the Gospel. We could never achieve right standing with God by any action or work on our part. Why then do we think after we have received Righteousness we can somehow undo it now by our actions or behavior? 

 Answered plainly. Are we still Righteous when we sin or fail? The answer is yes. Righteousness is a gift. God isn't in the business of giving gifts and then taking them back. Righteousness is an irrevocable gift. 

For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:28 MEV

 Some may claim I am promoting a "license to sin." I get somewhat tired of that phrase. What even is a license to sin? All sin has consequences. Now I am not speaking of God punishing us or the do good and get good or do bad and get bad Law mentality. 

 All sin has some form of consequence. For something to be a license it would mean there is no harm, no-fault, no consequence to that action. A commercial driver's license or a pilot's license means one has demonstrated the necessary skills and know how to operate those vehicles or aircraft without any adverse reaction. 

 All sin has consequences, so to claim anyone can preach in such a way giving someone else the "license" to sin is absurd. Sin is birthed from unrenewed desire, often coupled with the temptation of the enemy. In some instances, sin is birthed by believing the lie that there is something better outside of Christ.

 Sin's consequences can be greatly measured or only seen and experienced by the offender. The one stealing may find themselves in a jail cell. The adulterer potentially loses their family through divorce, but certainly loses respect and trust in those around them. Still, most consequences seen from sin are the lack of confidence before God, and corrupting thoughts it produces.

Because there are always consequences for sin, the concept of a license to sin then is absurd. When speaking of sin, most Christians really are only speaking of certain kinds of sin. Only certain kinds of behavior.

 Holiness is basically defined then by one who isn't committing adultery, having sex outside of marriage, watching pornography, isn't drinking alcohol, isn't using tobacco, doesn't watch R-rated movies, and never listens to secular music, and doesn't use profanity. These are basically the biggies. These are the real obvious sins.

 Truth is, I have seen believers who meet these criteria. Yet they are unkind to others. They are impatient in public. They are envious of others. They gossip. They hold grudges. These are sinful deeds as well, just the ones not preached about much.

 When we look at God's definition of sin and not man's we all realize we need a Savior. We all realize we need someone who could mediate between us and God. We realize we don't always have it all together. 

 It's humbling, and that's where Grace comes in. We acknowledge we can't overcome in our own strength or willpower. We need a perfect gift that keeps us in right standing even when we fail. That gift has been given, it is the gift of Righteousness. 
 In the great exchange, we received this great gift. Because of the triumphant work of the Cross, no believer needs to bear their sins and guilt and shame. Think of it, if all the guilt of our sins was on Christ it has no place on us. He was condemn in our place, therefore we never need feel condemned. He took our shame, therefore shame is has no place on us or in our thinking. Christ took all the punishment for our sins, so therefore we need never fear reprisal or retribution coming to us for our sins.

 In summation, we are the Righteousness of God in Christ. It is who we are right now. Jesus won a complete victory. He arose triumphant defeating death, hell, the grave and the enemy. We who believe are forever forgiven, forever saved, and forever Righteous. Righteousness is an irrevocable gift. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Monday, April 26, 2021

Receiving Righteousness-relationships

For he hath made him be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

 We've begun an extensive study examining Righteousness. We've seen what Righteousness is, perfect right standing with God. We've seen who the Righteous are, those who believe. Now we are exploring the importance of receiving of this gift of Righteousness. 
Paul informs us of the importance of receiving of the gift, not just possessing the gift. The Holy Spirit through Paul reveals to us that we can rule and reign victorious in this life when we receive of the gift of Righteousness. Speaking for myself, I know for certain I do want to reign victoriously in this life, how about you?

 Paul gives us insight on how. By receiving His abundant Grace and receiving of the gift of Righteousness. Righteousness will cause every aspect of our Christian life to flourish and prosper. 

 Today, it seems good to look at our relationships in light of Grace and Righteousness. Allow me to put a qualifier on my upcoming words. I am only speaking of those who've put their trust in Christ. Life outside of Christ is never victorious. 

 I want to focus primarily on Christian marriages, but these same principles can apply to our friendships and parents and their children. So let's ask, how do we receive of the gift of Righteousness in our relationships?

 Remember, Righteousness is that gift by which we have perfect right standing with God. We stand completely accepted and approved of the Father. We can stand in the presence of God Almighty without any sense of unworthiness, shame, guilt, condemnation, insecurity, or inferiority. 

Because we are accepted and approved, and shame-free we can interact with our friends and children, and spouses the same way. When you know you're approved, you can look upon your spouse with peace and joy knowing they are also accepted and approved.

 Too often though we tend to look upon ourselves as unworthy and unaccepted and find it difficult to receive the love of others, especially our spouses. Lowered self-image causes us to resist and even reject the love of our spouse in certain instances. 

 We must understand that we are forever accepted and approved of God. We must receive of the gift of Righteousness. We are made worthy and therefore we can readily, freely receive love from our spouse. 

 Still many times we receive Grace and right standing for our personal failings and shortcomings, but we still live by the Law and Old Covenant mindsets when it comes to marriage and family. We will cheer and shout amen because our sins are forgiven. But we still govern our relationships by a different system than Righteousness.

 What am I saying? Too often believers live with a reactionary theology, for instance, unconditional eternal security cannot be true, why? They see a believer living in some blatant sin and their reaction is, see there is no possible way they are still saved. Healing can't be God's will, why? They prayed for someone and a short time later the person died of the disease, so the reaction is to conclude God doesn't want to heal all. 

 Sometimes in relationships, believers choose the reactionary road instead of the Grace road. They base their actions and words on the actions of the other person. Because they did or said this, I will say or do this. This is reactionary theology at work. This is the Law at work.

 When looking at marriage troubles, the majority of preachers and counselors, and believers see only causes and effects. They diagnose troubles by causes and effects. In fact, they even teach and believe if you want a healthy marriage, cause, and effect are the best way to achieve it. 

 Does this sound familiar? Doesn't it sound more like, do good get good and do bad get bad? It does, and sisters and brothers that is Law 101! This is being Law led and possessing Old Covenant thinking patterns. 

 The Old Covenant is if you do this or that then God will respond. Under the New, Jesus already moved and we respond to what has already been accomplished and receive what is already ours. Successful relationships are based on Grace, not Law.

  Receiving of the gift of Righteousness in relationships means you see your spouse as the Righteous, accepted, and approved child of God. You choose to treat them the way your Father treats you. Your actions and words are not a reaction to what they do but rather what Jesus did.

 The cause-and-effect view of marriage also releases people from their own personal choices. An adulterous spouse merely claims because the other person did this or that or didn't do something enough I had to commit adultery. Under Grace, we are solely responsible for our choices.

 Receiving of the gift of Righteousness in marriage means we see ourselves as accepted and approved and we also see our spouse the same. Instead of berating them for their flaws, we affirm their approval with God. Instead of old covenant thinking like I will be intimate with you if you lose enough weight if you finally buy me that item if you allow my mother-in-law to move in etc, we see them as Righteous and treat them accordingly.

 In summation, receive your Righteousness. See your spouse as Righteous. Think, when you mess up does God keep bringing it up year after year? Then don't do that to your spouse. Did God forgive you and make you worthy? Then forgive your spouse when they fail and see them as worthy of your love. Does God make you earn or deserve intimacy, favor, goodness? No Jesus paid the price, so don't try to make your spouse try to earn and deserve intimacy, and kindness, and favor from you. Live the Grace life fully, not just in church but in your marriage and family. 

Image by Juliane Koch from Pixabay 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Receiving of the Gift of Righteousness

For he hath made him be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

 We've begun a study of Righteousness. What Righteousness means and how we receive it. We've seen that those who believe are the Righteousness of God in Christ.
 What is Righteousness? Righteousness is perfect right standing with God Almighty. It's the gift to be able to stand in the presence of God without any sense of shame, guilt, insecurity, condemnation or inferiority. It's the gift of complete acceptance and approval with God our Father. 

Some Righteousness facts

 We cannot earn Righteousness. There are no charitable deeds we could do enough of to obtain Righteousness. We can't practice enough spiritual disciplines to gain Righteousness. We can't abstain from sin enough to achieve Righteousness. Righteousness is a gift. It is a gift we receive not a work we acheive. 

 We cannot grow in Righteousness. We can't become more Righteous. Either you are completely Righteous or you're not. We may grow in our understanding of Righteousness and how it affects each and every aspect of the Christian life but we can't grow in Righteousness. We do grow from Faith to Faith and glory to glory but never from Righteousness to Righteousness.

 As we have seen that we who have believed are Righteous and this is our irrevocable position in Christ, now is the time we grow in our understanding of this amazing gift Jesus paid so highly for us to receive. The more we see how powerful and complete this gift is we will see more and more victory in our lives. Paul reveals this to us in Romans.

 For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17 NASB

 What a powerful promise the Holy Ghost made through the Apostle Paul. We will reign in this life because we receive His Grace and of the gift of Righteousness. The Greek word here to reign is βασιλεύω. It means to possess regal authority. That is kingly rule and reign. It connotes the idea of one who predominates and prevails. 

 This reigning in life means we predominate and prevail against the lies and schemes of the enemy. That we aren't held back by religious tradition. That we dare take our place as the accepted and approved sons and daughters of the King of Kings. This Righteousness means we exercise kingly authority in all areas of our Christian life. It goes without saying that this isn't about domineering and running over people. The Kingdom of God is about Love not ego and being conceited. 
  It is glorious good news that this Righteosness means we rule and reign in this life. However, in order to do this we must first receive of this gift of Righteousness. Paul declared only those who receive of this gift of Righteousness reign in life. What am I saying?

 For instance, an extravagently wealthy person could write you a check for $100 million, but guess what? If you never deposit that check and actually use the funds, it is a useless piece of paper. It's like a child being excited that they got a bicycle for Christmas, but we know if they never ride it, it they will never gain any benefit from the gift.

 We who believed have been given the greatest gifts of all. We have Eternal life. That is the God kind of life. It's not just life never ending, those who die without Christ will live forever just not in Heaven, it's a quality of life that comes from God.

 We've received the precious Holy Spirit. God Himself lives within us. When we believed He came to abide within. He baptized us into the Body of Christ the moment we received Jesus. When we desire, ask in Faith believing, we receive the fullness of the Spirit as Jesus fully immerses us into the Spirit and we walk in the supernatural power of God with the ability to pray in a beautiful heavenly love language. 

 We have received the Grace of God. The unearned, undeserved and unmerited favor of Almighty God. Grace produces empowerment when fully received. It's full assurance we are forever His and nothing will change that, not even ourselves.

 We have received the perfect gift of Righteousness. Again, this great gift gives us the ability to stand before God without any sense of guilt or shame or condemnation. Yet if we don't fully receive of this gift, we won't walk in all God has for us. We must receive of this gift.

 We must not merely receive this gift of Righteousness but actually open it, partake of it and walk in it. We see believers who battle with guilt and shame. We see believers who listen to traditional religious nonsense that tells them that God is angry with them and this world and that they are so unworthy. That is not reigning and ruling in this life. 

 In summation, it's time we fully receive this amazing gift of Righteousness. It's time to receive of the gift of Righteousness so we can reign as kings in this life. Over the next few studies, we will open and unpack this gift of Righteousness and see how we can receive of it in all aspects of our walk with God. 

Image by digital designer from Pixabay 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Got Righteousness: Who you are in Him

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

We have begun a new series studying the Righteousness of God. Yes, it's true when we do a study on this site it tends to go long but there is a simple reason. My heart's desire above all else is that all would see clearly without obstruction the absolute goodness of God. That all would know and experience the amazing Love of Almighty God, and that all would know He isn't mad at anyone and that He isn't a harsh taskmaster, but a Good Father.

 In our last study, we saw that we who believe are Righteous. So today it seems good to go further in revealing our identity in Christ. Instead of asking who you are, I want to reveal who YOU are in Christ. 

 Many people go through life struggling not really knowing who they are. They look for their identity in career, in education, in achievements and some sadly seek for their identity in the bottom of a bottle or in something they are smoking or injecting into their veins. Some go through relationship after relationship hoping to find fulfillment and identity in another person.

Nothing is wrong with you

Who we are, what are our gifts, talents, and personality, our peace is only found in Christ. Through tradition, a fallen world, and the achievement syndrome, we tend to not always have a good opinion of ourselves. What's really the root cause of this sense of not measuring up is sin consciousness. 
 Sin consciousness is a never waning awareness of our shortcomings, flaws, and failures. This is why we look at Christ as one who is so perfect and holy (and He absolutely is) and ourselves as lowly worms in the dust who never get it right. We see ourselves and our imperfections and begin to use those outward actions as our source of identity. 

 That's not the Gospel way. That's not God's way. your identity doesn't come from what you do. It doesn't come from how much you sin. It doesn't come from any charitable deeds done either. Your identity is only found in Christ alone. So there is nothing wrong with you. 

 The Cross was a success. The Finished Work worked. Jesus' work of redemption was a triumph. Christ not only gives us eternal life and forgiveness of all our sins, but this perfect work also includes the great exchange. He took our old sin nature, our dead spirit, and recreated our spirit and gave us His very life. We are Righteous, New Creations with the very life and nature of God our Father within. 

 You may say no way. Did you know what I did last week? Did you know I was drunk last weekend? Did you know I slept with someone a month ago? Did you know I masturbated to porn last night? Did you know I lied to my boss last Friday just to go home early? Did you know I lost my temper and cursed someone? I used "F-bombs" in abundance when I did. How can you say there is nothing wrong with me?

 Our sins and shortcomings no matter how dark, dirty, and downright despicable cannot revoke or remove the permanent work of the Cross from our hearts. Christ bore all our sins, even the worst and most wicked, paying the full payment for the cleansing, removal, and total forgiveness of them all. In the Finished Work, He exchanged our old and imperfect with His New and perfect. We have been made the very Righteousness of God in Christ. He gave us His Righteousness. That's who we are now!

 Truthfully, we've all blown it. We have all been guilty of walking out of love. All guilty of sexual immorality in some form or fashion (Christ declared even looking at someone with lust was adultery). All guilty of being selfish and self-focused. Here's the truth, feeling bad, experiencing shame, being guilt-ridden over our sins will never cause us to stop these habits and actions. The Law is merely a mirror to reveal our failures. It will never empower or enable us to overcome our failures.

 Living from our true identity is where we will find true peace and victory. Sin's appeal begins to wane when we know who we and whose we are apart from our performance. When we try to use discipline or avoidance to stop sin we are merely using willpower and that's the flesh and the flesh will burn out and give up. 

 Become Righteousness conscious not sin conscious. Become accepted and approve conscious not failure and shrink back conscious. Become Right standing conscious not imperfection and failure to measure up conscious. 

 In summation, who are you? You are the Righteousness of God in Christ. You have the very life and nature of God within. You are a New Creation in Him, the old is gone behold the New is here now. You are accepted and approved perpetually with the Father. You are complete in Him. 

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Got Righteousness?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV

I'd like to ask you a question if I may. Are you Righteous? Do you have a Righteous heart? If you've never put your trust in Christ the answer would be no. The good news is you can be Righteous, simply put your trust in Him. 

 If you are a Christian what is your response? Would you respond with one of these statements or a variation of it?
 "Well, I hope so."
 "I am trying to be."
"With the way I behave sometimes I am not so sure."
"I'm working on it."

 If so I have some Good Gospel news for you. You can know if you're Righteous. You can have absolute certainty of your standing before the Father. You can have full assurance knowing how God truly sees you. 

 First, we must know and understand what Righteousness actually is. Righteousness means to be in right standing with God. Righteousness is that state where we stand perfectly accepted and approved by Father God apart from our performance or behavior. Righteousness means we stand complete in Christ. Righteousness means we have the right and privilege to boldly stand in God Almighty's presence without any sense of shame, fear, guilt, condemnation, or inferiority. 

 Righteousness is not a work we achieve. Righteousness is not attained by continued abstinence from wrongdoing. Righteousness is not acquired by deeds done no matter how good they may be. Righteousness is not gained by following certain religious rituals such as observing the feast days or "honoring" the Sabbath day. Again Righteousness is a gift we receive not a work we achieve.

 In some circles, women won't wear makeup, cut their hair, and only wear long dresses. I am not criticizing them, but I am asking why do they do these things? To attain and maintain a place of right standing before God by their appearance. 

 If Righteousness could be achieved by our work or merit why then would Christ waste His time suffering and dying on that tree becoming a curse for you and me? If right standing with God is a work we could attain to then Christ's death was in vain. That is if we could help in any way form or fashion in achieving right standing with God, then the Cross was useless and ineffective.

I do not nullify the grace of God. For if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ died in vain. Galatians 2:21 MEV

 Righteousness is not a work achieved. It is not a position that we strive enough for to finally obtain. Righteousness is not a mistake-free life. Righteousness is not a place in God that is lost and gained based upon our goodness or faithfulness. Righteousness is a permanent gift we receive when we first trust in Christ alone. Righteousness is an irrevocable gift that is rooted in Christ's work and performance and goodness never our own. 

 In summation, let's ask again, are you Righteous? If you have trusted in Christ alone you are Righteous. You are accepted and approved of God Almighty. You have received Christ's very own Righteousness and therefore are just as Righteous as Jesus. You are the Righteousness of God in Christ. 

Image by rsand24 from Pixabay