Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Discover Grace: No More Sacrifices Needed

God saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. He gave us this grace in King Jesus before all time and ages, 10 but has now made it visible through the appearing of our saviour King Jesus, who abolished death and, through the gospel, shone a bright light on life and immortality. 2 Timothy 1:9-10 NTE 

 God is such a Good Father. The more we see the Father and look at the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,  we discover Grace more and more. Grace isn't just a message of hope and healing and happiness. Grace is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 Grace reveals a Savior greater than our sins. Grace reveals forgiveness that is eternal and isn't obtained through apologies or our words, but rather only through the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace reveals how forgiven we are.

 Grace is what our focus should be. Our focus shouldn't be on our flaws and faults and failures. The only way to overcome failure and walk in victory over sins and habits is to realize and understand and comprehend the depth of His Love, His Grace, and how cleansed and forgiven we are through the Blood of Jesus, His death on the Cross and Him bearing all the judgment for our sins forever.

 When we mention sin, apparently in the thinking of believers and ministers it appears to be some majestic mountain that not even God can climb or remove. To many, sins can halt, hinder and hold back our Father's Love for us. That the moment we sin we are dead to God and alive to satan and destined to eternity in hell. 

 Why is this? We can see how the New Covenant speaks of sin. Look at Romans 6 and Ephesians 4 and 5. Sin is not something we celebrate. We don't make light of its effects on our lives and on those around us. We can see where there is a loss of heavenly rewards for perpetuating sinful lifestyles. We can see that sin can put us in bondage to bad habits and such. 

 Yet nowhere did it state a loss of God's Love, mercy, favor, or Grace in and on our lives. One quick point. Much of what people focus on when it comes to "sinning" is the "R-rated" stuff. Sex outside marriage, pornography, adultery, cussing, R-rated movies, and TV shows, and secular music. 

 What I see little of is the way we treat others. The bitterness we hold inwardly toward others. The way we behave in traffic, the way we work at our jobs. Such as coming in late and leaving early, which can be stealing time from the company. My point is, if sins hinder all of God's Goodness in our life, what about the "little things?"

 Grace, the Gospel isn't saying sin all you like it's cool. Grace isn't winking, saying boys will be boys it's not that serious. Grace isn't saying let's pursue sin because there are no lasting consequences. 

 That said, we must not also go to the other side of the road and believe and teach that sin is greater than His Grace and Love. That sin is some great barrier between the believer and Christ. That sin makes God turn away from us. 

 Often we as believers as soon as we sin feel a need or urge to make up for our sins. Why is this? Because we are not fully persuaded and deeply convinced that all our sins are completely forgiven and the price totally paid in full. 

   And after everything is forgiven, there is no more need for a sacrifice to pay for sins. Hebrews 10:18 ERV

 This is a powerful clause of the New Covenant. Everything is already paid for. Therefore since it is paid in full what else is there to pay? What is it you can offer as payment?

 This powerful, awe-inspiring, majestic merciful loving sacrifice of Jesus' shed Blood is enough. Jesus is enough. His Blood is enough. God has accepted this final once for all payment.

 There is nothing we can do to make up for our sins. There is no price we can pay to cover our failures or mistakes. There is no sacrifice we can make that will pay for our sinful habits or deeds. We must fully accept and receive this absolutely free gift of God's Grace.

 As the Body of Christ, we need to fully honor and embrace the perfect sacrifice of Jesus as being enough. We as believers need to cease from our own works trying to make up for our failures and freely accept Jesus' payment for our faults and failures. Jesus is more than enough.

  Honor the Finished Work. Exalt the mighty name of Jesus. Give thanks for His final sacrifice. Be thankful His shed Blood is enough. Uplift the once for all payment for all the sins we have committed or will commit. Stand in awe of this lavish gift of forever forgiveness and complete cleansing from all sins. It's all because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

 In summation, discover His Grace more and more. Discover this Loving Father and amazing Savior. See the work of Jesus as final and finished. See all the sins of all of us cleansed and forgiven forever. Discover Grace, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Image by bohed from Pixabay