Sunday, February 5, 2023

Grace Reveals: A Redemption that is Eternal

“Now, brothers, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all who are sanctified. Acts 20:32 MEV

 Grace, the magnificent and majestic Grace of God has appeared to all mankind offering hope, help, and wholeness. His Grace reveals so much about our Father in Heaven and His plans and purpose for our lives. On the other hand, religious tradition unveils to a lost world, a god who is a tyrant, who gets easily angered, is quick to condemn, and eagerly awaits to pour out wrath and judgment on people and nations whenever they sin too much. 

 Grace reveals our true Father God. Grace reveals to us a Father who loves us always and forever. Grace reveals a Savior greater than all our sins. Grace reveals a Righteousness that is a gift to be received and not something achieved by any works or performance. Grace reveals a Father who is always pleased with His children. Five is the number of Grace, and therefore Grace reveals one more aspect of God, His perfect redemptive work, and our identity in Him.

 Grace reveals to us a Redemption that is eternal, unconditional, unending,  irrevocable, and unchanging. Redemption is not based on our doing but on His doing. We didn't pay the wages due to buy us back from sin, satan, and spiritual death. Jesus alone paid the complete price for our Redemption through His substitutionary sacrificial suffering, death, burial, and triumphant resurrection. 

 If it was Jesus alone who paid for our Redemption, how can any believer reason we have the ability to undo this perfect purchased Redemption? How can we "unpay" the price? Traditional religious understanding reasons that we can in fact "unpay" for what has been forever purchased by our sinful thoughts, words, and repeated actions. That we have the power by our free will to "unpurchase" our redemption. 

 If we could "unpay" for Redemption by our actions and free will, then how is this Redemption eternal in nature and duration? 

 Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. Hebrews 9:12 NKJV

 In another translation it reads;

With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. Hebrews 9:12 NLT

 Take note of the language used to describe our Redemption. Eternal, secure, and forever. We can't change or alter the meaning of these words to affirm some man-made tradition or reasoning. What does eternal mean? Without end, never to cease, everlasting. Secure means successfully obtained, without fear or anxiety of loss, fixed or attached. Forever means lasting or permanent.   

 With these words, we can see the Father gave us full assurance of our Redemption. Think of this analogy. If a father paid the full price for say a vehicle or a computer and gave it to his son, could the son go back to the store and demand that the item be unpaid for? No, the item has already been purchased. It can't be "unpurchased."

 Religious-minded ones will be quick to claim yes but you could return the item to the store claiming you no longer want it. This analogy is perfect because many stores now have all sales are final policies. No returns or refunds are allowed. 

 God has a zero return policy on His perfectly purchased Redemption. Jesus purchased this Redemption and His purchase was for eternity. Our Redemption wasn't paid for with corruptible silver and gold but the precious blood of Jesus

 Corruptible speaks of something that will fail or fade or fall away. Gold and silver speaks of man's efforts and abilities. God declared our Redemption was purchased by Jesus' Blood.

 Seeing such great proofs from Scripture, I am baffled and bewildered as to why so many reject eternal security. I am truly baffled how Word of Faith Charismatic Christians also reject once saved always saved salvation. As much as they understand what Christ went through to purchase Redemption, and what He actually procured for us, I can't understand why they see healing and prosperity as ours forever but salvation is only secured by our behavior or free will choice.

 One reason that I know of is that one of the leading pioneers of Faith teaching once claimed to have seen a vision where it was revealed a Christian was lost eternally. As much as I love this minister and honor his life and legacy of Faith I cannot accept a vision or dream or word that contradicts Scripture. The Word is the source of truth not visions or dreams.

23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, 24 because

“All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, And its flower falls away,

 25. But the word of the Lord endures forever.”

Now this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you. 1 Peter 1:23-25 NKJV

Our Redemption as well as our New Creation identity is incorruptible. If the vision was true, then that would mean we were born again of corruptible seed, and our Redemption is in fact corruptible. This passage clearly rejects this and proves beyond doubt that Redemption is eternal and incorruptible. There is nothing we can do to change or alter it. We can't be "unpurchased." 

 In summation, Grace has revealed five things to us; a Father who loves us eternally and unconditionally, a Savior that is greater than all our sins, Righteousness as a Gift that is apart from works and a Father who is pleased with His children. Grace has lastly revealed a Redemption that is eternal and incorruptible. 

 When you first trusted in Christ alone, you received this perfect Redemption. This Redemption is eternal and forever. You never need fear loss of Redemption or salvation. No place in the New Covenant records a man losing this Redemption, because this Redemption is incorruptible and everlasting. Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay